- published: 25 Jul 2016
- views: 134
Victory (from Latin victoria) is a term, originally applied to warfare, given to success achieved in personal combat, after military operations in general or, by extension, in any competition. Success in a military campaign is considered a strategic victory, while the success in a military engagement is a tactical victory.
In terms of human emotion, victory is accompanied with strong feelings of elation, and in human behaviour is often accompanied with movements and poses paralleling threat display preceding the combat, associated with the excess endorphin built up preceding and during combat. Victory dances and victory cries similarly parallel war dances and war cries performed before the outbreak of physical violence. Examples of victory behaviour reported in Roman antiquity, where the term originates, are the victory songs of the Batavi mercenaries serving under Gaius Julius Civilis after the victory over Quintus Petillius Cerialis in the Batavian rebellion of 69 AD (according to Tacitus), and also the "abominable song" to Wodan, sung by the Lombards at their victory celebration in 579. The sacrificial animal was a goat, around whose head the Langobard danced in a circle while singing their victory hymn (see also Oslac). In the Roman Republic, victories were celebrated by triumph ceremonies and monuments such as victory columns (e.g. Trajan's Column). A trophy is a token of victory taken from the defeated party, such as the enemy's weapons (spolia), or body parts (as in the case of head hunters).
Sega Games Co., Ltd. (株式会社セガゲームス, Kabushiki gaisha Sega gēmusu), originally short for Service Games and officially styled as SEGA, is a Japanese multinational video game developer and publisher headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, with multiple offices around the world. Sega developed and manufactured numerous home video game consoles from 1983 to 2001, but the financial losses incurred from their Dreamcast console caused the company to restructure itself in 2001, and focus on providing software as a third-party developer from then on. Nonetheless, Sega remains the world's most prolific arcade producer, with over 500 games in over 70 franchises on more than 20 different arcade system boards since 1981.
Sega, along with their sub-studios, are known for their multi-million selling game franchises including Sonic the Hedgehog, Virtua Fighter, Phantasy Star, Yakuza, and Total War, amongst others. Sega's head offices are located in Ōta, Tokyo, Japan. Sega's North American division, Sega of America, is headquartered in Irvine, California, having moved there from San Francisco in 2015. Sega's European division, Sega Europe, is headquartered in the Brentford area of London, England.
International mostly means something (a company, language, or organization) involving more than a single country. The term international as a word means involvement of, interaction between or encompassing more than one nation, or generally beyond national boundaries. For example, international law, which is applied by more than one country and usually everywhere on Earth, and international language which is a language spoken by residents of more than one country.
The term international was coined by the utilitarian philosopher Jeremy Bentham in his Introduction to Principles of Morals and Legislation, which was printed for publication in 1780 and published in 1789. Bentham wrote: "The word international, it must be acknowledged, is a new one; though, it is hoped, sufficiently analogous and intelligible. It is calculated to express, in a more significant way, the branch of law which goes commonly under the name of the law of nations. The word was adopted in French in 1801.Thomas Erskine Holland noted in his article on Bentham in the 11th edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica that "Many of Bentham's phrases, such as 'international,' 'utilitarian,' 'codification,' are valuable additions to our language; but the majority of them, especially those of Greek derivation, have taken no root in it."
A goal is a desired result that a person or a system envisions, plans and commits to achieve: a personal or organizational desired end-point in some sort of assumed development. Many people endeavor to reach goals within a finite time by setting deadlines.
It is roughly similar to purpose or aim, the anticipated result which guides reaction, or an end, which is an object, either a physical object or an abstract object, that has intrinsic value.
Goal setting may involve establishing specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bounded (SMART) objectives, but not all researchers agree that these SMART criteria are necessary.
Research on goal setting by Edwin A. Locke and his colleagues suggests that goal setting can serve as an effective tool for making progress when it ensures that group members have a clear awareness of what each person must do to achieve a shared objective. On a personal level, the process of setting goals allows individuals to specify and then work toward their own objectives (such as financial or career-based goals). Goal-setting comprises a major component of personal development and management.
Data (/ˈdeɪtə/ DAY-tə, /ˈdætə/ DA-tə, or /ˈdɑːtə/ DAH-tə) is a set of values of qualitative or quantitative variables; restated, pieces of data are individual pieces of information. Data is measured, collected and reported, and analyzed, whereupon it can be visualized using graphs or images. Data as a general concept refers to the fact that some existing information or knowledge is represented or coded in some form suitable for better usage or processing.
Raw data, i.e. unprocessed data, is a collection of numbers, characters; data processing commonly occurs by stages, and the "processed data" from one stage may be considered the "raw data" of the next. Field data is raw data that is collected in an uncontrolled in situ environment. Experimental data is data that is generated within the context of a scientific investigation by observation and recording.
The Latin word "data" is the plural of "datum", and still may be used as a plural noun in this sense. Nowadays, though, "data" is most commonly used in the singular, as a mass noun (like "information", "sand" or "rain").
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Out Run HD 60 FPS (Sega Saturn)
Templo dos Jogos (91&92ªGr)
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Este é um trecho do terceiro episódio do nosso programa Video Game Data Show (VGDS) que foi ao ar ainda em 2014, onde o nosso apresentador Edson Godoy do VGDB faz um pequeno review, ou como chamamos aqui para dar uma graça na parada, uma rapidinha :) do jogo SEGA Ages: Power Drift do SEGA Saturn. Para conferir o episódio na íntegra, clique aqui: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ap7H93GwwE Conheça o Vídeo Game Data Base, um verdadeiro museu virtual dos games, totalmente em português: www.vgdb.com.br
GAMEPLAY GRAVADO PELO UsoppBR! Confiram os links dele: Blog: http://nostallgiabrasil.blogspot.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/UsoppBR Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nostallgiabr Sensible Soccer Produzido por: Sensible Software Publicado por: Sony Imagesoft Lançamento: 1993 Mídia: 1 CD Lançado como Championship Soccer '94 nos Estados Unidos, a versão para Sega CD trouxe além de uma abertura inédita, pequenos vídeos de abertura antes da partida começar, dependendo de qual tipo de campo seja escolhido. No mais, o jogo não é a edição limitada e não há juiz em campo, tampouco o modo que simula a Copa do Mundo. No vídeo, você pode acompanhar as seguintes partidas: 00:28 02:52 Checoslováquia X Portugal 10:08 Real Madrid X Borussia Dortmund Sigam-nos nas Redes Sociais: Facebook: ht...
Fire Emblem has always been one of the most intriguing franchises in all of gaming. While many titles like it forgo giving their characters any depth, making them nameless soldiers on a battlefield, Fire Emblem has prided itself on making them lovable and endearing in the face of adversity. Throughout its numerous iterations in its twenty-year long history each has tried to innovate in their own right making every single title a new experience to play through. While the series continued to change hands from an uncompromising visionary to many different and varied mindsets, the core of the franchise was never lost, even to this day. A battle of ideals, wills, and mindsets, Fire Emblem was of a different sort then its contemporaries. Having brought the tactical rpg genre to light around the ...
Venham comigo em mais uma viagem nostálgica, para o ano de 1986, o ano de lançamento de Out Run, nos arcades Mas não vamos analisar a versão de arcades, mas sim a de Sega Saturn, que trás algumas novidades bem interessantes... Pegue o seguindo controle, sente aqui comigo e vamos relembrar esse clássico...^^
36ºvideo/episodio da 3ªTemporada que tenho gravado em VHS. Provável data em que deu este episódio: ??Janeiro 2000. O Templo dos Jogos foi um programa sobre videojogos que dava no canal Sic todas as semanas. Apresentado por Carla Pinto, João Abreu e David Bernardo. O Templo dava á Segunda f. á tarde, e repetiam o mesmo episódio na Sexta. Cada episodio tinha á volta de 25min e durante esse tempo eles falavam de varios jogos, mas em varias secçoes, como uma revista de videojogos. Tinham Criticas, Noticias, Reports, Dicas e o Top Games. Nota: A duração do Templo era aproximadamente entre os 25min e 27min. Alguns videos que vou partilhar aqui vão ter menos tempo, pois quando via e gravava para VHS cortava algumas coisas que na altura nao tinha interesse. Normalmente cortava: .o inici...
wesprzyj mnie na: http://patronite.pl/nrgeek 10 video games which were ahead of their times Niemal każda gra stara się wprowadzić coś innowacyjnego, jeden element, czasami całą mechanikę, chodzi o rzecz dzięki której gra będzie inna niż wszystkie. Czasami są gra tak innowacyjne że zmieniają całą branżę, choć nie zawsze są to gry doceniane. Oto 10 gier które wyprzedziły swoje czasy. Zapraszam! Głos brzmi może inaczej ale to dlatego że byłem chory podczas nagrania Napisy angielskie przygotował: Loc Podobało się? Daj łapiszona w górę, motywuje mnie to do dalszej pracy. Dzięki! Zapraszam także do subskrypcji kanału i oglądania moich innych filmów. Ponadto znajdziecie mnie na facebooku gdzie będzie trochę więcej nowych informacji, także śmiało możecie "lajkować" albo i nie :) Wybór należ...
Worst. Heroes. Ever. See SUICIDE SQUAD in theaters August 5th. http://www.suicidesquad.com http://facebook.com/SuicideSquad http://instagram.com/SuicideSquadMovie http://twitter.com/SuicideSquadWB Pre-order “Suicide Squad: The Album” and receive instant downloads of twenty one pilots' "Heathens”, Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa & Imagine Dragons with Logic & Ty Dolla $ign ft. X Ambassadors' “Sucker For Pain”, and Skrillex & Rick Ross’ “Purple Lamborghini” Download: http://smarturl.it/SuicideSquad Stream: http://smarturl.it/StreamSuicideSquad “Suicide Squad: The Album” Available on 8/5
Hope You Liked This Video, Please do Press the thumbs up button and tell us in the comments section what other prank would you like us to do next! Please do Like and Follow us on- https://www.facebook.com/soeffincray https://www.instagram.com/soeffincray/ https://twitter.com/soeffincray Special Thanks to 454k Amazing People who Subscribed. So Effin Cray Prankster- Ankur Sharma Created By Vatsl Seth
34ºvideo/episodio da 3ªTemporada que tenho gravado em VHS. Provável data em que deu este episódio: ?? 1999. O Templo dos Jogos foi um programa sobre videojogos que dava no canal Sic todas as semanas. Apresentado por Carla Pinto, João Abreu e David Bernardo. O Templo dava á Segunda f. á tarde, e repetiam o mesmo episódio na Sexta. Cada episodio tinha á volta de 25min e durante esse tempo eles falavam de varios jogos, mas em varias secçoes, como uma revista de videojogos. Tinham Criticas, Noticias, Reports, Dicas e o Top Games. Nota: A duração do Templo era aproximadamente entre os 25min e 27min. Alguns videos que vou partilhar aqui vão ter menos tempo, pois quando via e gravava para VHS cortava algumas coisas que na altura nao tinha interesse. Normalmente cortava: .o inicio antes...
Este é um trecho do terceiro episódio do nosso programa Video Game Data Show (VGDS) que foi ao ar ainda em 2014, onde o nosso apresentador Edson Godoy do VGDB faz um pequeno review, ou como chamamos aqui para dar uma graça na parada, uma rapidinha :) do jogo SEGA Ages: Power Drift do SEGA Saturn. Para conferir o episódio na íntegra, clique aqui: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ap7H93GwwE Conheça o Vídeo Game Data Base, um verdadeiro museu virtual dos games, totalmente em português: www.vgdb.com.br
GAMEPLAY GRAVADO PELO UsoppBR! Confiram os links dele: Blog: http://nostallgiabrasil.blogspot.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/UsoppBR Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nostallgiabr Sensible Soccer Produzido por: Sensible Software Publicado por: Sony Imagesoft Lançamento: 1993 Mídia: 1 CD Lançado como Championship Soccer '94 nos Estados Unidos, a versão para Sega CD trouxe além de uma abertura inédita, pequenos vídeos de abertura antes da partida começar, dependendo de qual tipo de campo seja escolhido. No mais, o jogo não é a edição limitada e não há juiz em campo, tampouco o modo que simula a Copa do Mundo. No vídeo, você pode acompanhar as seguintes partidas: 00:28 02:52 Checoslováquia X Portugal 10:08 Real Madrid X Borussia Dortmund Sigam-nos nas Redes Sociais: Facebook: ht...
Fire Emblem has always been one of the most intriguing franchises in all of gaming. While many titles like it forgo giving their characters any depth, making them nameless soldiers on a battlefield, Fire Emblem has prided itself on making them lovable and endearing in the face of adversity. Throughout its numerous iterations in its twenty-year long history each has tried to innovate in their own right making every single title a new experience to play through. While the series continued to change hands from an uncompromising visionary to many different and varied mindsets, the core of the franchise was never lost, even to this day. A battle of ideals, wills, and mindsets, Fire Emblem was of a different sort then its contemporaries. Having brought the tactical rpg genre to light around the ...
Venham comigo em mais uma viagem nostálgica, para o ano de 1986, o ano de lançamento de Out Run, nos arcades Mas não vamos analisar a versão de arcades, mas sim a de Sega Saturn, que trás algumas novidades bem interessantes... Pegue o seguindo controle, sente aqui comigo e vamos relembrar esse clássico...^^
36ºvideo/episodio da 3ªTemporada que tenho gravado em VHS. Provável data em que deu este episódio: ??Janeiro 2000. O Templo dos Jogos foi um programa sobre videojogos que dava no canal Sic todas as semanas. Apresentado por Carla Pinto, João Abreu e David Bernardo. O Templo dava á Segunda f. á tarde, e repetiam o mesmo episódio na Sexta. Cada episodio tinha á volta de 25min e durante esse tempo eles falavam de varios jogos, mas em varias secçoes, como uma revista de videojogos. Tinham Criticas, Noticias, Reports, Dicas e o Top Games. Nota: A duração do Templo era aproximadamente entre os 25min e 27min. Alguns videos que vou partilhar aqui vão ter menos tempo, pois quando via e gravava para VHS cortava algumas coisas que na altura nao tinha interesse. Normalmente cortava: .o inici...
wesprzyj mnie na: http://patronite.pl/nrgeek 10 video games which were ahead of their times Niemal każda gra stara się wprowadzić coś innowacyjnego, jeden element, czasami całą mechanikę, chodzi o rzecz dzięki której gra będzie inna niż wszystkie. Czasami są gra tak innowacyjne że zmieniają całą branżę, choć nie zawsze są to gry doceniane. Oto 10 gier które wyprzedziły swoje czasy. Zapraszam! Głos brzmi może inaczej ale to dlatego że byłem chory podczas nagrania Napisy angielskie przygotował: Loc Podobało się? Daj łapiszona w górę, motywuje mnie to do dalszej pracy. Dzięki! Zapraszam także do subskrypcji kanału i oglądania moich innych filmów. Ponadto znajdziecie mnie na facebooku gdzie będzie trochę więcej nowych informacji, także śmiało możecie "lajkować" albo i nie :) Wybór należ...
Worst. Heroes. Ever. See SUICIDE SQUAD in theaters August 5th. http://www.suicidesquad.com http://facebook.com/SuicideSquad http://instagram.com/SuicideSquadMovie http://twitter.com/SuicideSquadWB Pre-order “Suicide Squad: The Album” and receive instant downloads of twenty one pilots' "Heathens”, Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa & Imagine Dragons with Logic & Ty Dolla $ign ft. X Ambassadors' “Sucker For Pain”, and Skrillex & Rick Ross’ “Purple Lamborghini” Download: http://smarturl.it/SuicideSquad Stream: http://smarturl.it/StreamSuicideSquad “Suicide Squad: The Album” Available on 8/5
Hope You Liked This Video, Please do Press the thumbs up button and tell us in the comments section what other prank would you like us to do next! Please do Like and Follow us on- https://www.facebook.com/soeffincray https://www.instagram.com/soeffincray/ https://twitter.com/soeffincray Special Thanks to 454k Amazing People who Subscribed. So Effin Cray Prankster- Ankur Sharma Created By Vatsl Seth
34ºvideo/episodio da 3ªTemporada que tenho gravado em VHS. Provável data em que deu este episódio: ?? 1999. O Templo dos Jogos foi um programa sobre videojogos que dava no canal Sic todas as semanas. Apresentado por Carla Pinto, João Abreu e David Bernardo. O Templo dava á Segunda f. á tarde, e repetiam o mesmo episódio na Sexta. Cada episodio tinha á volta de 25min e durante esse tempo eles falavam de varios jogos, mas em varias secçoes, como uma revista de videojogos. Tinham Criticas, Noticias, Reports, Dicas e o Top Games. Nota: A duração do Templo era aproximadamente entre os 25min e 27min. Alguns videos que vou partilhar aqui vão ter menos tempo, pois quando via e gravava para VHS cortava algumas coisas que na altura nao tinha interesse. Normalmente cortava: .o inicio antes...