Dokdo versus Takeshima
South Korea and Japan may appear to be natural allies, but a traumatic history places them at loggerheads. The FT's Simon Mundy visits the rocky outcrops in ...
Arirang Special M60-Liancourt Rocks
The production staffs visit France and Japan to find out the origin of the two names "Liancourt" and "Dakesima" attached to Dokdo. The fact that there are numerous names for Dokdo suggests that the world does not look at Dokdo as a land belonging entirely to Korea. This documentary starts from that conflict and sends us a message that we should act to protect Dokdo in our daily life. Th
Do the Liancourt Rocks/Dokdo/Takeshima belong to Korea or Japan?
In this video, I explore a couple of unanswered questions regarding the dispute of ownership over the Liancourt Rocks, also known as Dokdo in Korea and Takes...
Dokdo Dispute : Legalities
University of Connecticut Professor Alexis Dudden responds to a question on the dispute in terms of international law, in a discussion moderated by The Korea...
竹島 獨島 Dokdo Takeshima Liancourt Rocks and the Stones
More 竹島 獨島 video at http://www.dokdo-takeshima.com/video Learn the facts of the Dokdo Takeshima Island dispute. A parting view of Dokdo Island from the back ...
독도-아리랑 Dokdo belongs to Korean territory (Liancourt Rocks)
Like, Subscribe and Share!!! This video is about how Dokdo island belong to Korea. Please share and tell people around you that the island is not called Take...
Dokdo(Liancourt Rocks) 독도UCC
독도는 우리땅~
Google, Dokdo is NOT Liancourt rocks!!
Google, Dokdo is NOT Liancourt rocks!!
The Liancourt Rocks (Dokdo 독도 Takeshima 竹島 たけしま) by Kangyi Zhang
Copyright © 2015 http://www.kangyizhang.com/
Subscribe here:
"The Liancourt Rocks" was written for a conducting friend, Young Hae Kim, as part of her doctoral degree requirements. The Liancourt Rocks (Dokdo 독도 or Takeshima たけしま) are a group of islets claimed by both Japan and South Korea. The strained ties caus
竹島 獨島 독도 Dokdo (Takeshima) Island, Liancourt Rocks - Video Clips
More 竹島 獨島 video at http://www.dokdo-takeshima.com/video Learn the facts of the Dokdo Takeshima Island dispute. These images were taken by dokdo-takeshima.co...
韓國軍控獨島Liancourt Rocks 共軍延續不抗日傳統任由釣魚島淪陷
利揚庫爾岩(法语:Rochers de Liancourt),韩称獨島、日稱竹島,位於日本海的2個島嶼和礁岩群。韓國主張位於東海(地理上等同於日本稱的「日本海」),屬於慶尚北道鬱陵郡,日本主張位於日本海,屬於島根縣隱岐郡隱岐之島町。 該島西北偏西89公里達韓國鬱陵島Dodong(韩语도동,可译为道洞)里,東南16...
Liancourt Rocks
made with ezvid, free download at http://ezvid.com
Liancourt Rocks
The Liancourt Rocks, also known as Dokdo or Tokto in Korean, and Takeshima in Japanese, are a group of small islets in the Sea of Japan. While South Korea controls the islets, its sovereignty over them is contested by Japan. South Korea classifies the islets as Dokdo-ri, Ulleung-eup, Ulleung County, North Gyeongsang Province. Japan classifies them as part of Okinoshima, Oki District, Shimane Prefe
Family guy (ver.dokdo,takesima,Liancourt Rocks)
Japan does not apologize for their wrongdoing and still seeks to steel territory. 過去のことを全く反省せずに、他の国の領土を絶えずに奪い取ろうとする日本。과거사를 반성하지 않고 남의 나라 땅을 끊임없이 탐하는 일본.
아름다운 섬, 독도 (Beautiful Island, Dokdo) 獨島 竹島 (not Takeshima, Liancourt Rocks)
독도는 우리나라의 동해바다에 있는 아름다운 섬입니다. 먼 옛날부터 지금까지 그래왔으며 앞으로도 그럴 것입니다. 독도가 한국의 영토인 이유 1. 독도, 서기 512년부터 한국영토 독도는 서기 512년(신라 지증왕 13년)에 우산국(于山國)이 신라에 병합될 때부터 한국의 고유영토가 되...
Liancourt Rocks dispute
獨島主權爭議. 독도 분쟁. Liancourt Rocks Dispute
片段來自1997年韓國電影「勝者為王之阿三」 Scene from Korean Film "No. 3" (1997)
竹島 獨島 Once Around Dokdo - Takeshima Island (Liancourt Rocks)
More 竹島 獨島 video at http://www.dokdo-takeshima.com/video Learn the facts of the Dokdo Takeshima Island dispute. This video was shot by dokdo-takeshima.com st...
Stop Japan's imperialism : Dokdo(Liancourt Rocks), Diaoyudao
黄子华对前来领最佳亚洲电影奖的原岛大地说了一句震惊全场的话:"回去之后别忘了告诉日本人,钓鱼岛是中国的! 日本人がいかに野蛮人かわかる Dokdo : S.Korea Territory Diaoyudao : China Territory I think that the opinion of Japanes...
Dokdo/Liancourt Rocks
Korea should testify your justce at ICJ. Use intelligence, Not use force power for peace.
London Olympics: South Korea Political Flag
当該試合後に取り急ぎアップしたもので、ネット記事の写真を貼り合わせただけの動画です。たくさんのコメントから、五輪当時の状況が読み取れるので、動画は消さずにこのまま残しておきます。 ______ Liancourt Rocks: The Liancourt Rocks, also known as Takesh...
Japan, South Korea and MacArthur
In the Sea of Japan sit a group of small islets (very small island or large rock) called the Liancourt Rocks. Known in Japan as Takeshima, and in South Korea as Dokdo. Both nations claim the islands, South Korea occupies them.
The issue of ownership of these islands recently has caused a negative ripple in relations between the two allies. South Korean President Lee Myung-bak visited the isl
Sign Dokdo Petition on DokdoFoundation com
Sign Dokdo Petition on DokdoFoundation com, Dokdo Foundation.com, Google changed the name of Dokdo, an inherent territory of Korea to Liancourt Rocks on Google Maps in October of 2012. We need your help and support to ask Google to restore the correct name back to this island.
Dokdo disappeared from Google Maps!
Google Maps does not have the authority to change the name!
To reclaim the name Dokd
Dokdo versus Takeshima
South Korea and Japan may appear to be natural allies, but a traumatic history places them at loggerheads. The FT's Simon Mundy visits the rocky outcrops in ......
South Korea and Japan may appear to be natural allies, but a traumatic history places them at loggerheads. The FT's Simon Mundy visits the rocky outcrops in ...
wn.com/Dokdo Versus Takeshima
South Korea and Japan may appear to be natural allies, but a traumatic history places them at loggerheads. The FT's Simon Mundy visits the rocky outcrops in ...
Arirang Special M60-Liancourt Rocks
The production staffs visit France and Japan to find out the origin of the two names "Liancourt" and "Dakesima" attached to Dokdo. The fact that ther...
The production staffs visit France and Japan to find out the origin of the two names "Liancourt" and "Dakesima" attached to Dokdo. The fact that there are numerous names for Dokdo suggests that the world does not look at Dokdo as a land belonging entirely to Korea. This documentary starts from that conflict and sends us a message that we should act to protect Dokdo in our daily life. There are many ways to do this: we can publicize Dokdo on SNS or correct the name of Dokdo on mobile maps and the Internet. Hip hop group Monsterz sings for Dokdo, "I AM DOKDO."
제작진은 독도에 꼬리표처럼 붙은 두 개의 이름인 ′리앙쿠르(Liancourt)′와 ′다케시마′의 기원을 찾아 프랑스와 일본을 방문한다. 독도를 지칭하는 이름이 여러 개로 갈린다는 사실은 세계가 독도를 온전한 한국의 땅이 아닌 분쟁지역으로 인식한다는 뜻이다. ”아이앰독도“는 이러한 문제의식에서 출발하여, 우리 국민들이 일상생활 속에서 실천할 수 있는 독도지키기 활동을 해야 한다는 메시지를 전달한다. SNS를 통해 ”독도“를 알리고, 모바일지도나 인터넷 상에서 독도의 이름이 제대로 표기되도록 하는 등 평범한 사람들이 독도를 위해 할 수 있는 일은 많다. 또한 힙합그룹 몬스터즈의 콜라보레이션으로 독도 노래 ‘아이 앰 독도’를 제작했다.
wn.com/Arirang Special M60 Liancourt Rocks 리앙쿠르
The production staffs visit France and Japan to find out the origin of the two names "Liancourt" and "Dakesima" attached to Dokdo. The fact that there are numerous names for Dokdo suggests that the world does not look at Dokdo as a land belonging entirely to Korea. This documentary starts from that conflict and sends us a message that we should act to protect Dokdo in our daily life. There are many ways to do this: we can publicize Dokdo on SNS or correct the name of Dokdo on mobile maps and the Internet. Hip hop group Monsterz sings for Dokdo, "I AM DOKDO."
제작진은 독도에 꼬리표처럼 붙은 두 개의 이름인 ′리앙쿠르(Liancourt)′와 ′다케시마′의 기원을 찾아 프랑스와 일본을 방문한다. 독도를 지칭하는 이름이 여러 개로 갈린다는 사실은 세계가 독도를 온전한 한국의 땅이 아닌 분쟁지역으로 인식한다는 뜻이다. ”아이앰독도“는 이러한 문제의식에서 출발하여, 우리 국민들이 일상생활 속에서 실천할 수 있는 독도지키기 활동을 해야 한다는 메시지를 전달한다. SNS를 통해 ”독도“를 알리고, 모바일지도나 인터넷 상에서 독도의 이름이 제대로 표기되도록 하는 등 평범한 사람들이 독도를 위해 할 수 있는 일은 많다. 또한 힙합그룹 몬스터즈의 콜라보레이션으로 독도 노래 ‘아이 앰 독도’를 제작했다.
- published: 24 Oct 2014
- views: 9
Do the Liancourt Rocks/Dokdo/Takeshima belong to Korea or Japan?
In this video, I explore a couple of unanswered questions regarding the dispute of ownership over the Liancourt Rocks, also known as Dokdo in Korea and Takes......
In this video, I explore a couple of unanswered questions regarding the dispute of ownership over the Liancourt Rocks, also known as Dokdo in Korea and Takes...
wn.com/Do The Liancourt Rocks Dokdo Takeshima Belong To Korea Or Japan
In this video, I explore a couple of unanswered questions regarding the dispute of ownership over the Liancourt Rocks, also known as Dokdo in Korea and Takes...
Dokdo Dispute : Legalities
University of Connecticut Professor Alexis Dudden responds to a question on the dispute in terms of international law, in a discussion moderated by The Korea......
University of Connecticut Professor Alexis Dudden responds to a question on the dispute in terms of international law, in a discussion moderated by The Korea...
wn.com/Dokdo Dispute Legalities
University of Connecticut Professor Alexis Dudden responds to a question on the dispute in terms of international law, in a discussion moderated by The Korea...
- published: 25 Mar 2013
- views: 695
author: Dokdolians
竹島 獨島 Dokdo Takeshima Liancourt Rocks and the Stones
More 竹島 獨島 video at http://www.dokdo-takeshima.com/video Learn the facts of the Dokdo Takeshima Island dispute. A parting view of Dokdo Island from the back ......
More 竹島 獨島 video at http://www.dokdo-takeshima.com/video Learn the facts of the Dokdo Takeshima Island dispute. A parting view of Dokdo Island from the back ...
wn.com/竹島 獨島 Dokdo Takeshima Liancourt Rocks And The Stones
More 竹島 獨島 video at http://www.dokdo-takeshima.com/video Learn the facts of the Dokdo Takeshima Island dispute. A parting view of Dokdo Island from the back ...
독도-아리랑 Dokdo belongs to Korean territory (Liancourt Rocks)
Like, Subscribe and Share!!! This video is about how Dokdo island belong to Korea. Please share and tell people around you that the island is not called Take......
Like, Subscribe and Share!!! This video is about how Dokdo island belong to Korea. Please share and tell people around you that the island is not called Take...
wn.com/독도 아리랑 Dokdo Belongs To Korean Territory (Liancourt Rocks)
Like, Subscribe and Share!!! This video is about how Dokdo island belong to Korea. Please share and tell people around you that the island is not called Take...
- published: 02 Apr 2013
- views: 967
author: Minji Jeon
Google, Dokdo is NOT Liancourt rocks!!
Google, Dokdo is NOT Liancourt rocks!!...
Google, Dokdo is NOT Liancourt rocks!!
wn.com/Google, Dokdo Is Not Liancourt Rocks
Google, Dokdo is NOT Liancourt rocks!!
- published: 15 Oct 2015
- views: 13
The Liancourt Rocks (Dokdo 독도 Takeshima 竹島 たけしま) by Kangyi Zhang
Copyright © 2015 http://www.kangyizhang.com/
Subscribe here:
"The Liancour...
Copyright © 2015 http://www.kangyizhang.com/
Subscribe here:
"The Liancourt Rocks" was written for a conducting friend, Young Hae Kim, as part of her doctoral degree requirements. The Liancourt Rocks (Dokdo 독도 or Takeshima たけしま) are a group of islets claimed by both Japan and South Korea. The strained ties caused by wartime history has furthered fueled the dispute and elicited impassioned responses from citizens of both countries.
Two Korean and two Japanese melodies were used in the construction of the piece. Arirang (아리랑), Dokdo Song (독도는 우리땅), Song of the Seashore (浜辺の歌 Hamabe no Uta) and The Sea in Spring (春の海 Haru no Umi). Throughout the entire piece, the themes and melodic fragments are all derived from these four songs.
1. Tranquil waters
Contemporary techniques of various instruments are used to depict wind and bird sounds amidst a serene landscape.
2. Deadly currents and torrential rain
Due to the location and the small size of the islands, the Liancourt Rocks can present unpredictable and harsh weather. Themes and melodic fragments make abrupt entrances and intervallic tension is also employed.
3. Reconciliation (Calm after the Storm)
The Korean and Japanese themes are presented fully for the first time. Both melodies reconcile by forming a counterpoint.
While writing this piece, I was conscious of the seating arrangements of the players and hence the positions of sound production. The constantly changing interaction of the players is the focus of the piece. The french horn has a very special role as an observer and peacekeeper. Musicians 'compete' for dominance in front of the french horn.
I would like to thank Prof Ian Krouse for his guidance throughout the composition process.
Started 27th May 2014, finished 18th Aug 2014
Conductor – Young Hae Kim
Flute – Kangyi Zhang
Clarinet - Jiwoo Park
Oboe - Joey Galasso
French Horn – Sunghyan Lee
Violins - Helen Rowe and Stephen Spies
Viola - Edward Ryan
Cello - Jasmine Lau
wn.com/The Liancourt Rocks (Dokdo 독도 Takeshima 竹島 たけしま) By Kangyi Zhang
Copyright © 2015 http://www.kangyizhang.com/
Subscribe here:
"The Liancourt Rocks" was written for a conducting friend, Young Hae Kim, as part of her doctoral degree requirements. The Liancourt Rocks (Dokdo 독도 or Takeshima たけしま) are a group of islets claimed by both Japan and South Korea. The strained ties caused by wartime history has furthered fueled the dispute and elicited impassioned responses from citizens of both countries.
Two Korean and two Japanese melodies were used in the construction of the piece. Arirang (아리랑), Dokdo Song (독도는 우리땅), Song of the Seashore (浜辺の歌 Hamabe no Uta) and The Sea in Spring (春の海 Haru no Umi). Throughout the entire piece, the themes and melodic fragments are all derived from these four songs.
1. Tranquil waters
Contemporary techniques of various instruments are used to depict wind and bird sounds amidst a serene landscape.
2. Deadly currents and torrential rain
Due to the location and the small size of the islands, the Liancourt Rocks can present unpredictable and harsh weather. Themes and melodic fragments make abrupt entrances and intervallic tension is also employed.
3. Reconciliation (Calm after the Storm)
The Korean and Japanese themes are presented fully for the first time. Both melodies reconcile by forming a counterpoint.
While writing this piece, I was conscious of the seating arrangements of the players and hence the positions of sound production. The constantly changing interaction of the players is the focus of the piece. The french horn has a very special role as an observer and peacekeeper. Musicians 'compete' for dominance in front of the french horn.
I would like to thank Prof Ian Krouse for his guidance throughout the composition process.
Started 27th May 2014, finished 18th Aug 2014
Conductor – Young Hae Kim
Flute – Kangyi Zhang
Clarinet - Jiwoo Park
Oboe - Joey Galasso
French Horn – Sunghyan Lee
Violins - Helen Rowe and Stephen Spies
Viola - Edward Ryan
Cello - Jasmine Lau
- published: 15 Mar 2015
- views: 39
竹島 獨島 독도 Dokdo (Takeshima) Island, Liancourt Rocks - Video Clips
More 竹島 獨島 video at http://www.dokdo-takeshima.com/video Learn the facts of the Dokdo Takeshima Island dispute. These images were taken by dokdo-takeshima.co......
More 竹島 獨島 video at http://www.dokdo-takeshima.com/video Learn the facts of the Dokdo Takeshima Island dispute. These images were taken by dokdo-takeshima.co...
wn.com/竹島 獨島 독도 Dokdo (Takeshima) Island, Liancourt Rocks Video Clips
More 竹島 獨島 video at http://www.dokdo-takeshima.com/video Learn the facts of the Dokdo Takeshima Island dispute. These images were taken by dokdo-takeshima.co...
韓國軍控獨島Liancourt Rocks 共軍延續不抗日傳統任由釣魚島淪陷
利揚庫爾岩(法语:Rochers de Liancourt),韩称獨島、日稱竹島,位於日本海的2個島嶼和礁岩群。韓國主張位於東海(地理上等同於日本稱的「日本海」),屬於慶尚北道鬱陵郡,日本主張位於日本海,屬於島根縣隱岐郡隱岐之島町。 該島西北偏西89公里達韓國鬱陵島Dodong(韩语도동,可译为道洞)里,東南16......
利揚庫爾岩(法语:Rochers de Liancourt),韩称獨島、日稱竹島,位於日本海的2個島嶼和礁岩群。韓國主張位於東海(地理上等同於日本稱的「日本海」),屬於慶尚北道鬱陵郡,日本主張位於日本海,屬於島根縣隱岐郡隱岐之島町。 該島西北偏西89公里達韓國鬱陵島Dodong(韩语도동,可译为道洞)里,東南16...
wn.com/韓國軍控獨島Liancourt Rocks 共軍延續不抗日傳統任由釣魚島淪陷
利揚庫爾岩(法语:Rochers de Liancourt),韩称獨島、日稱竹島,位於日本海的2個島嶼和礁岩群。韓國主張位於東海(地理上等同於日本稱的「日本海」),屬於慶尚北道鬱陵郡,日本主張位於日本海,屬於島根縣隱岐郡隱岐之島町。 該島西北偏西89公里達韓國鬱陵島Dodong(韩语도동,可译为道洞)里,東南16...
Liancourt Rocks
made with ezvid, free download at http://ezvid.com...
made with ezvid, free download at http://ezvid.com
wn.com/Liancourt Rocks
made with ezvid, free download at http://ezvid.com
- published: 21 May 2014
- views: 11
Liancourt Rocks
The Liancourt Rocks, also known as Dokdo or Tokto in Korean, and Takeshima in Japanese, are a group of small islets in the Sea of Japan. While South Korea contr...
The Liancourt Rocks, also known as Dokdo or Tokto in Korean, and Takeshima in Japanese, are a group of small islets in the Sea of Japan. While South Korea controls the islets, its sovereignty over them is contested by Japan. South Korea classifies the islets as Dokdo-ri, Ulleung-eup, Ulleung County, North Gyeongsang Province. Japan classifies them as part of Okinoshima, Oki District, Shimane Prefecture.
The Franco-English name of the islets derives from Le Liancourt, the name of a French whaling ship which came close to being wrecked on the rocks in 1849.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
wn.com/Liancourt Rocks
The Liancourt Rocks, also known as Dokdo or Tokto in Korean, and Takeshima in Japanese, are a group of small islets in the Sea of Japan. While South Korea controls the islets, its sovereignty over them is contested by Japan. South Korea classifies the islets as Dokdo-ri, Ulleung-eup, Ulleung County, North Gyeongsang Province. Japan classifies them as part of Okinoshima, Oki District, Shimane Prefecture.
The Franco-English name of the islets derives from Le Liancourt, the name of a French whaling ship which came close to being wrecked on the rocks in 1849.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
- published: 08 Oct 2015
- views: 0
Family guy (ver.dokdo,takesima,Liancourt Rocks)
Japan does not apologize for their wrongdoing and still seeks to steel territory. 過去のことを全く反省せずに、他の国の領土を絶えずに奪い取ろうとする日本。과거사를 반성하지 않고 남의 나라 땅을 끊임없이 탐하는 일본....
Japan does not apologize for their wrongdoing and still seeks to steel territory. 過去のことを全く反省せずに、他の国の領土を絶えずに奪い取ろうとする日本。과거사를 반성하지 않고 남의 나라 땅을 끊임없이 탐하는 일본.
wn.com/Family Guy (Ver.Dokdo,Takesima,Liancourt Rocks)
Japan does not apologize for their wrongdoing and still seeks to steel territory. 過去のことを全く反省せずに、他の国の領土を絶えずに奪い取ろうとする日本。과거사를 반성하지 않고 남의 나라 땅을 끊임없이 탐하는 일본.
- published: 09 Nov 2012
- views: 440
author: Haru Mori
아름다운 섬, 독도 (Beautiful Island, Dokdo) 獨島 竹島 (not Takeshima, Liancourt Rocks)
독도는 우리나라의 동해바다에 있는 아름다운 섬입니다. 먼 옛날부터 지금까지 그래왔으며 앞으로도 그럴 것입니다. 독도가 한국의 영토인 이유 1. 독도, 서기 512년부터 한국영토 독도는 서기 512년(신라 지증왕 13년)에 우산국(于山國)이 신라에 병합될 때부터 한국의 고유영토가 되......
독도는 우리나라의 동해바다에 있는 아름다운 섬입니다. 먼 옛날부터 지금까지 그래왔으며 앞으로도 그럴 것입니다. 독도가 한국의 영토인 이유 1. 독도, 서기 512년부터 한국영토 독도는 서기 512년(신라 지증왕 13년)에 우산국(于山國)이 신라에 병합될 때부터 한국의 고유영토가 되...
wn.com/아름다운 섬, 독도 (Beautiful Island, Dokdo) 獨島 竹島 (Not Takeshima, Liancourt Rocks)
독도는 우리나라의 동해바다에 있는 아름다운 섬입니다. 먼 옛날부터 지금까지 그래왔으며 앞으로도 그럴 것입니다. 독도가 한국의 영토인 이유 1. 독도, 서기 512년부터 한국영토 독도는 서기 512년(신라 지증왕 13년)에 우산국(于山國)이 신라에 병합될 때부터 한국의 고유영토가 되...
- published: 14 Aug 2012
- views: 3559
author: naverDami
獨島主權爭議. 독도 분쟁. Liancourt Rocks Dispute
片段來自1997年韓國電影「勝者為王之阿三」 Scene from Korean Film "No. 3" (1997)...
片段來自1997年韓國電影「勝者為王之阿三」 Scene from Korean Film "No. 3" (1997)
wn.com/獨島主權爭議. 독도 분쟁. Liancourt Rocks Dispute
片段來自1997年韓國電影「勝者為王之阿三」 Scene from Korean Film "No. 3" (1997)
竹島 獨島 Once Around Dokdo - Takeshima Island (Liancourt Rocks)
More 竹島 獨島 video at http://www.dokdo-takeshima.com/video Learn the facts of the Dokdo Takeshima Island dispute. This video was shot by dokdo-takeshima.com st......
More 竹島 獨島 video at http://www.dokdo-takeshima.com/video Learn the facts of the Dokdo Takeshima Island dispute. This video was shot by dokdo-takeshima.com st...
wn.com/竹島 獨島 Once Around Dokdo Takeshima Island (Liancourt Rocks)
More 竹島 獨島 video at http://www.dokdo-takeshima.com/video Learn the facts of the Dokdo Takeshima Island dispute. This video was shot by dokdo-takeshima.com st...
Stop Japan's imperialism : Dokdo(Liancourt Rocks), Diaoyudao
黄子华对前来领最佳亚洲电影奖的原岛大地说了一句震惊全场的话:"回去之后别忘了告诉日本人,钓鱼岛是中国的! 日本人がいかに野蛮人かわかる Dokdo : S.Korea Territory Diaoyudao : China Territory I think that the opinion of Japanes......
黄子华对前来领最佳亚洲电影奖的原岛大地说了一句震惊全场的话:"回去之后别忘了告诉日本人,钓鱼岛是中国的! 日本人がいかに野蛮人かわかる Dokdo : S.Korea Territory Diaoyudao : China Territory I think that the opinion of Japanes...
wn.com/Stop Japan's Imperialism Dokdo(Liancourt Rocks), Diaoyudao
黄子华对前来领最佳亚洲电影奖的原岛大地说了一句震惊全场的话:"回去之后别忘了告诉日本人,钓鱼岛是中国的! 日本人がいかに野蛮人かわかる Dokdo : S.Korea Territory Diaoyudao : China Territory I think that the opinion of Japanes...
- published: 29 Jul 2008
- views: 5551
author: iambaichi
Dokdo/Liancourt Rocks
Korea should testify your justce at ICJ. Use intelligence, Not use force power for peace....
Korea should testify your justce at ICJ. Use intelligence, Not use force power for peace.
wn.com/Dokdo Liancourt Rocks
Korea should testify your justce at ICJ. Use intelligence, Not use force power for peace.
London Olympics: South Korea Political Flag
当該試合後に取り急ぎアップしたもので、ネット記事の写真を貼り合わせただけの動画です。たくさんのコメントから、五輪当時の状況が読み取れるので、動画は消さずにこのまま残しておきます。 ______ Liancourt Rocks: The Liancourt Rocks, also known as Takesh......
当該試合後に取り急ぎアップしたもので、ネット記事の写真を貼り合わせただけの動画です。たくさんのコメントから、五輪当時の状況が読み取れるので、動画は消さずにこのまま残しておきます。 ______ Liancourt Rocks: The Liancourt Rocks, also known as Takesh...
wn.com/London Olympics South Korea Political Flag
当該試合後に取り急ぎアップしたもので、ネット記事の写真を貼り合わせただけの動画です。たくさんのコメントから、五輪当時の状況が読み取れるので、動画は消さずにこのまま残しておきます。 ______ Liancourt Rocks: The Liancourt Rocks, also known as Takesh...
Japan, South Korea and MacArthur
In the Sea of Japan sit a group of small islets (very small island or large rock) called the Liancourt Rocks. Known in Japan as Takeshima, and in South Korea a...
In the Sea of Japan sit a group of small islets (very small island or large rock) called the Liancourt Rocks. Known in Japan as Takeshima, and in South Korea as Dokdo. Both nations claim the islands, South Korea occupies them.
The issue of ownership of these islands recently has caused a negative ripple in relations between the two allies. South Korean President Lee Myung-bak visited the islands causing an protest from Japan. The Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda requested the two nations take the issue to an International Court for arbitration. President Lee refused. Prime Minister Noda sent a letter to President Lee, he refused to accepted and sent it back to Japan. Prime Minister Noda refused to accept the letter and now the letter is a letter without a nation.
Would the letter have been refused in South Korea if it originated in Pyongyang, North Korea (The Hermit Kingdom) or Beijing, China (The Middle Kingdom)?
Government authorities in Tokyo have been placing telephone calls to the South Korean embassy in Tokyo and they South Koreans are refusing to answer the telephone.
In 1960 USA ambassador to Japan Douglas MacArthur II (nephew to General Douglas MacArthur) sent a telegram to the U.S. State Department (see links below). In the telegram he states Takeshima belongs to Japan and the U.S. government should pressure South Korea to return the islands. The telegram was sent to the National Archives in Washington, DC. The National Archives is a repository assigned to preserve government documents. An archivist at the National Archives the telegram was authentic.
Douglas MacArthur’s telegram on PropagandaBuster’s blog:
Douglas MacArthur’s telegram appeared on this Japanese website:
In Incheon, South Korea in 1957 the citizens raised money to erect a large impressive statue to honor General Douglas MacArthur. This was in appreciation for MacArthur liberating the city from the commies in 1957. In 2005 around 4,000 idiots protest the statue and wanted it torn down.
Now a group in South Korea “Korea Confederation Unification Promotion Council,” plans to protest until September 8, calling for the removal of the statue.
General Douglas MacArthur’s statue in South Korea:
South Koreans recently have been placing plaques / memorials in the USA dedicated to the comfort women issue critical of Japan. The USA had nothing to do with this issue, yet they insist on littering the USA with these plaques / memorial. Thought: Instead of placing memorials concerning the comfort women issue in the USA, how about they place plaques / memorials to General Douglas MacArthur who kept South Korea free of communism. They would just have to inscribe two words: “Thank you.” If that is not acceptable, how about “doumo arigatou gozaimasu” (Japanese for “thank you”).
Link to Texas Daddy store:
Takeshima Dokdo Liancourt Rocks South Korea Japan General Douglas MacArthur Douglas MacArthur II MacArthur telegram Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda President Lee Myung-bak diplomatic protocol propagandabuster propaganda buster Texas Daddy Tony vlog
다케시마 독도 한국 일본 일반 더글러스 맥아더 더글러스 맥아더 II 맥아더 전보 국무 총리 노다 이명박 대통령 외교 프로토콜 선전 버스터 텍사스 아빠 토니
wn.com/Japan, South Korea And Macarthur
In the Sea of Japan sit a group of small islets (very small island or large rock) called the Liancourt Rocks. Known in Japan as Takeshima, and in South Korea as Dokdo. Both nations claim the islands, South Korea occupies them.
The issue of ownership of these islands recently has caused a negative ripple in relations between the two allies. South Korean President Lee Myung-bak visited the islands causing an protest from Japan. The Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda requested the two nations take the issue to an International Court for arbitration. President Lee refused. Prime Minister Noda sent a letter to President Lee, he refused to accepted and sent it back to Japan. Prime Minister Noda refused to accept the letter and now the letter is a letter without a nation.
Would the letter have been refused in South Korea if it originated in Pyongyang, North Korea (The Hermit Kingdom) or Beijing, China (The Middle Kingdom)?
Government authorities in Tokyo have been placing telephone calls to the South Korean embassy in Tokyo and they South Koreans are refusing to answer the telephone.
In 1960 USA ambassador to Japan Douglas MacArthur II (nephew to General Douglas MacArthur) sent a telegram to the U.S. State Department (see links below). In the telegram he states Takeshima belongs to Japan and the U.S. government should pressure South Korea to return the islands. The telegram was sent to the National Archives in Washington, DC. The National Archives is a repository assigned to preserve government documents. An archivist at the National Archives the telegram was authentic.
Douglas MacArthur’s telegram on PropagandaBuster’s blog:
Douglas MacArthur’s telegram appeared on this Japanese website:
In Incheon, South Korea in 1957 the citizens raised money to erect a large impressive statue to honor General Douglas MacArthur. This was in appreciation for MacArthur liberating the city from the commies in 1957. In 2005 around 4,000 idiots protest the statue and wanted it torn down.
Now a group in South Korea “Korea Confederation Unification Promotion Council,” plans to protest until September 8, calling for the removal of the statue.
General Douglas MacArthur’s statue in South Korea:
South Koreans recently have been placing plaques / memorials in the USA dedicated to the comfort women issue critical of Japan. The USA had nothing to do with this issue, yet they insist on littering the USA with these plaques / memorial. Thought: Instead of placing memorials concerning the comfort women issue in the USA, how about they place plaques / memorials to General Douglas MacArthur who kept South Korea free of communism. They would just have to inscribe two words: “Thank you.” If that is not acceptable, how about “doumo arigatou gozaimasu” (Japanese for “thank you”).
Link to Texas Daddy store:
Takeshima Dokdo Liancourt Rocks South Korea Japan General Douglas MacArthur Douglas MacArthur II MacArthur telegram Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda President Lee Myung-bak diplomatic protocol propagandabuster propaganda buster Texas Daddy Tony vlog
다케시마 독도 한국 일본 일반 더글러스 맥아더 더글러스 맥아더 II 맥아더 전보 국무 총리 노다 이명박 대통령 외교 프로토콜 선전 버스터 텍사스 아빠 토니
- published: 01 Dec 2014
- views: 65
Sign Dokdo Petition on DokdoFoundation com
Sign Dokdo Petition on DokdoFoundation com, Dokdo Foundation.com, Google changed the name of Dokdo, an inherent territory of Korea to Liancourt Rocks on Google ...
Sign Dokdo Petition on DokdoFoundation com, Dokdo Foundation.com, Google changed the name of Dokdo, an inherent territory of Korea to Liancourt Rocks on Google Maps in October of 2012. We need your help and support to ask Google to restore the correct name back to this island.
Dokdo disappeared from Google Maps!
Google Maps does not have the authority to change the name!
To reclaim the name Dokdo, we must work as ONE!
Join us as we petition Google to demand the change of name from Liancourt Rocks to Dokdo Island!
Failure to take action today will result in false history that our children may have to live with!
Sign the petition on www.DokdoFoundation.com
독도 서명 운동에 동참하십시요.
wn.com/Sign Dokdo Petition On Dokdofoundation Com
Sign Dokdo Petition on DokdoFoundation com, Dokdo Foundation.com, Google changed the name of Dokdo, an inherent territory of Korea to Liancourt Rocks on Google Maps in October of 2012. We need your help and support to ask Google to restore the correct name back to this island.
Dokdo disappeared from Google Maps!
Google Maps does not have the authority to change the name!
To reclaim the name Dokdo, we must work as ONE!
Join us as we petition Google to demand the change of name from Liancourt Rocks to Dokdo Island!
Failure to take action today will result in false history that our children may have to live with!
Sign the petition on www.DokdoFoundation.com
독도 서명 운동에 동참하십시요.
- published: 12 Apr 2015
- views: 7
Why Are Russia and Japan Still At War?
Why Does South Korea Hate Japan? http://testu.be/1Qrkk6l
Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml
After World War 2, Japan's territorial grabs left many unresolved issues for the Allies. So, why are Russia and Japan still at odds?
Learn More:
Kuril islands dispute between Russia and Japan
"As Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe holds talks
CIA World Factbook restores Dokdo Island back to map of Korea
미 CIA, 한국편 지도에 독
We begin with news that the Korea-controlled Dokdo Island has been restored to the CIA World Factbook′s map of Korea.
The change came after it was found that, following its latest update, the U.S. intelligence agency′s map did not refer to or show Dokdo when visitors clicked on Korea,... but showed it on the map of Japan,... which continues to make territorial claims to the Korean islets.
Snow in Gangwondo/강원도 춘천시의 눈
This province (Gangwondo, Chuncheon is the city ) , from what I know, is one of the coldest in South Korea, North Korea is even colder. This is snow that has...
Ulleungdo & Dokdo Experience 2014 (울릉도 독도 여행)
In late September, a group of English teachers working for the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education (S.M.O.E.) were invited to visit the islands of Ulleungdo and Dokdo. This experience was hosted by the Isabu Academy.
This was a unique experience for foreigners to learn about the history of Ulleungdo and Dokdo. Dokdo is a set of two islands in the middle of the East Sea, which have been part
RedLineCafè - Olgiate Comasco -
Production: Rapid Foto - Olgiate Comasco - rapidfotodigital.com Lele ci svela i segreti del suo lavoro e del suo bar. Riprese: Andrea Spinelli e Claudio Cape...
Derland Byfield email- derlandbyfield@yahoo.com.
Emergency Dentists Ca San Jose near San Jose Flea Market
Emergency Dentists near San Jose Flea Market, Dentist near San Jose Airport, San Jose Dental Emergency Treatment, San Jose Dental Emergency Service, 24/7 Den...
竹島 獨島 Dokdo Takeshima Island From Korea's Ulleungdo
More 竹島 獨島 video at http://www.dokdo-takeshima.com/video Learn the facts of the Dokdo Takeshima Island dispute. Our staff took this video en route to Korea's...
Interview with Dokdo Island Resident, Kim Seongdo
[Encyclopedia of Local Korean Culture] Interview with Dokdo Island Resident, Kim Seongdo An interview with Kim Seongdo, who moved their residence to Dokdo Is...
China to simplify permanent residency issuance for talents
Just thousands of foreigners hold permanent residency status in China - but that could soon change. The country is now making it easier for so-called "top ta...
Free Mac Computer Dentist San Jose CA
Free Mac Computer Dentist San Jose CA, Special Summer Saving San Jose Dentists California, Affordable Dentist San Jose California offer free braces consultat...
Moving to KOREA!!!
We are moving to South Korea soon and it's very exciting. Stay tuned for more information about how this happened and what we'll do there. Yay, dream come true!
Why Are Russia and Japan Still At War?
Why Does South Korea Hate Japan? http://testu.be/1Qrkk6l
Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml
After World War 2, Japan's territorial grabs left many unreso...
Why Does South Korea Hate Japan? http://testu.be/1Qrkk6l
Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml
After World War 2, Japan's territorial grabs left many unresolved issues for the Allies. So, why are Russia and Japan still at odds?
Learn More:
Kuril islands dispute between Russia and Japan
"As Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe holds talks in Russia with President Vladimir Putin, the BBC looks at the background to the long-standing territorial dispute between the two nations."
The 1951 San Francisco Peace Treaty With Japan And The Territorial Disputes in East Asia
"There are currently three territorial disputes over islands in East Asia in which Japan is a disputant: against Russia, over the Kurile Islands; against China and Taiwan, over the Senkaku Islands; and against Korea, over the Liancourt Rocks."
Kuris Islands: factfile
"Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's visit to the disputed Kuril Islands rubs salt in an old wound which has prevented a peace treaty being signed with Tokyo to formally end World War II hostilities."
Music Track Courtesy of APM Music: "Velvet Pause"
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Special thanks to Lissette Padilla for hosting TestTube!
Check Lissette out on Twitter:https://twitter.com/lizzette
wn.com/Why Are Russia And Japan Still At War
Why Does South Korea Hate Japan? http://testu.be/1Qrkk6l
Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml
After World War 2, Japan's territorial grabs left many unresolved issues for the Allies. So, why are Russia and Japan still at odds?
Learn More:
Kuril islands dispute between Russia and Japan
"As Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe holds talks in Russia with President Vladimir Putin, the BBC looks at the background to the long-standing territorial dispute between the two nations."
The 1951 San Francisco Peace Treaty With Japan And The Territorial Disputes in East Asia
"There are currently three territorial disputes over islands in East Asia in which Japan is a disputant: against Russia, over the Kurile Islands; against China and Taiwan, over the Senkaku Islands; and against Korea, over the Liancourt Rocks."
Kuris Islands: factfile
"Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's visit to the disputed Kuril Islands rubs salt in an old wound which has prevented a peace treaty being signed with Tokyo to formally end World War II hostilities."
Music Track Courtesy of APM Music: "Velvet Pause"
Subscribe to TestTube News!
TestTube News is committed to answering the smart, inquisitive questions we have about life, society, politics and anything else happening in the news. It's a place where curiosity rules and together we'll get a clearer understanding of this crazy world we live in.
Watch more TestTube: http://testtube.com/testtubenews
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Trace Dominguez on Twitter https://twitter.com/TraceDominguez
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Download the New TestTube iOS app! http://testu.be/1ndmmMq
Special thanks to Lissette Padilla for hosting TestTube!
Check Lissette out on Twitter:https://twitter.com/lizzette
- published: 12 Sep 2015
- views: 31506
CIA World Factbook restores Dokdo Island back to map of Korea
미 CIA, 한국편 지도에 독
We begin with news that the Korea-controlled Dokdo Island has been restored to the CIA World Factbook′s map of Korea.
The change came after it was found that, f...
We begin with news that the Korea-controlled Dokdo Island has been restored to the CIA World Factbook′s map of Korea.
The change came after it was found that, following its latest update, the U.S. intelligence agency′s map did not refer to or show Dokdo when visitors clicked on Korea,... but showed it on the map of Japan,... which continues to make territorial claims to the Korean islets.
The CIA told Korea′s foreign ministry that Dokdo... referred to as the Liancourt Rocks on the map... was not shown due to technical glitches as they were modifying the maps.
Up until this glitch, the CIA′s World Factbook had marked the Liancourt Rocks on maps of Korea and Japan.
The factbook uses ′Sea of Japan′ for the body of water between Korea and Japan.
Korea wants the U.S. to acknowledge that Koreans call it the ′East Sea′ and put both names on the map.
wn.com/Cia World Factbook Restores Dokdo Island Back To Map Of Korea 미 Cia, 한국편 지도에 독
We begin with news that the Korea-controlled Dokdo Island has been restored to the CIA World Factbook′s map of Korea.
The change came after it was found that, following its latest update, the U.S. intelligence agency′s map did not refer to or show Dokdo when visitors clicked on Korea,... but showed it on the map of Japan,... which continues to make territorial claims to the Korean islets.
The CIA told Korea′s foreign ministry that Dokdo... referred to as the Liancourt Rocks on the map... was not shown due to technical glitches as they were modifying the maps.
Up until this glitch, the CIA′s World Factbook had marked the Liancourt Rocks on maps of Korea and Japan.
The factbook uses ′Sea of Japan′ for the body of water between Korea and Japan.
Korea wants the U.S. to acknowledge that Koreans call it the ′East Sea′ and put both names on the map.
- published: 06 Jan 2015
- views: 76
Snow in Gangwondo/강원도 춘천시의 눈
This province (Gangwondo, Chuncheon is the city ) , from what I know, is one of the coldest in South Korea, North Korea is even colder. This is snow that has......
This province (Gangwondo, Chuncheon is the city ) , from what I know, is one of the coldest in South Korea, North Korea is even colder. This is snow that has...
wn.com/Snow In Gangwondo 강원도 춘천시의 눈
This province (Gangwondo, Chuncheon is the city ) , from what I know, is one of the coldest in South Korea, North Korea is even colder. This is snow that has...
Ulleungdo & Dokdo Experience 2014 (울릉도 독도 여행)
In late September, a group of English teachers working for the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education (S.M.O.E.) were invited to visit the islands of Ulleungdo ...
In late September, a group of English teachers working for the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education (S.M.O.E.) were invited to visit the islands of Ulleungdo and Dokdo. This experience was hosted by the Isabu Academy.
This was a unique experience for foreigners to learn about the history of Ulleungdo and Dokdo. Dokdo is a set of two islands in the middle of the East Sea, which have been part of an on-going territorial dispute between Korea and Japan.
Through this journey, we learned about the history of the entire region and the reason why this on-going territorial dispute is such a big deal to Korea.
Watch this video and enjoy the journey that we experienced!
Please "LIKE" this video if you enjoyed what you watched! And leave some questions, comments or suggestions! =)
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wn.com/Ulleungdo Dokdo Experience 2014 (울릉도 독도 여행)
In late September, a group of English teachers working for the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education (S.M.O.E.) were invited to visit the islands of Ulleungdo and Dokdo. This experience was hosted by the Isabu Academy.
This was a unique experience for foreigners to learn about the history of Ulleungdo and Dokdo. Dokdo is a set of two islands in the middle of the East Sea, which have been part of an on-going territorial dispute between Korea and Japan.
Through this journey, we learned about the history of the entire region and the reason why this on-going territorial dispute is such a big deal to Korea.
Watch this video and enjoy the journey that we experienced!
Please "LIKE" this video if you enjoyed what you watched! And leave some questions, comments or suggestions! =)
Subscribe to my channel ► http://bit.ly/Subscribe_to_CoryMay
Follow me on Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/theadventuresofcory
Follow me on Instagram ► http://www.instagram.com/corymay81
Follow me on Twitter ► http://twitter.com/corymay81
Follow me on Google+ ► https://plus.google.com/+CoryMay81
- published: 17 Dec 2014
- views: 88
RedLineCafè - Olgiate Comasco -
Production: Rapid Foto - Olgiate Comasco - rapidfotodigital.com Lele ci svela i segreti del suo lavoro e del suo bar. Riprese: Andrea Spinelli e Claudio Cape......
Production: Rapid Foto - Olgiate Comasco - rapidfotodigital.com Lele ci svela i segreti del suo lavoro e del suo bar. Riprese: Andrea Spinelli e Claudio Cape...
wn.com/Redlinecafè Olgiate Comasco
Production: Rapid Foto - Olgiate Comasco - rapidfotodigital.com Lele ci svela i segreti del suo lavoro e del suo bar. Riprese: Andrea Spinelli e Claudio Cape...
Derland Byfield email- derlandbyfield@yahoo.com....
Derland Byfield email- derlandbyfield@yahoo.com.
Derland Byfield email- derlandbyfield@yahoo.com.
Emergency Dentists Ca San Jose near San Jose Flea Market
Emergency Dentists near San Jose Flea Market, Dentist near San Jose Airport, San Jose Dental Emergency Treatment, San Jose Dental Emergency Service, 24/7 Den......
Emergency Dentists near San Jose Flea Market, Dentist near San Jose Airport, San Jose Dental Emergency Treatment, San Jose Dental Emergency Service, 24/7 Den...
wn.com/Emergency Dentists Ca San Jose Near San Jose Flea Market
Emergency Dentists near San Jose Flea Market, Dentist near San Jose Airport, San Jose Dental Emergency Treatment, San Jose Dental Emergency Service, 24/7 Den...
竹島 獨島 Dokdo Takeshima Island From Korea's Ulleungdo
More 竹島 獨島 video at http://www.dokdo-takeshima.com/video Learn the facts of the Dokdo Takeshima Island dispute. Our staff took this video en route to Korea's......
More 竹島 獨島 video at http://www.dokdo-takeshima.com/video Learn the facts of the Dokdo Takeshima Island dispute. Our staff took this video en route to Korea's...
wn.com/竹島 獨島 Dokdo Takeshima Island From Korea's Ulleungdo
More 竹島 獨島 video at http://www.dokdo-takeshima.com/video Learn the facts of the Dokdo Takeshima Island dispute. Our staff took this video en route to Korea's...
Interview with Dokdo Island Resident, Kim Seongdo
[Encyclopedia of Local Korean Culture] Interview with Dokdo Island Resident, Kim Seongdo An interview with Kim Seongdo, who moved their residence to Dokdo Is......
[Encyclopedia of Local Korean Culture] Interview with Dokdo Island Resident, Kim Seongdo An interview with Kim Seongdo, who moved their residence to Dokdo Is...
wn.com/Interview With Dokdo Island Resident, Kim Seongdo
[Encyclopedia of Local Korean Culture] Interview with Dokdo Island Resident, Kim Seongdo An interview with Kim Seongdo, who moved their residence to Dokdo Is...
China to simplify permanent residency issuance for talents
Just thousands of foreigners hold permanent residency status in China - but that could soon change. The country is now making it easier for so-called "top ta......
Just thousands of foreigners hold permanent residency status in China - but that could soon change. The country is now making it easier for so-called "top ta...
wn.com/China To Simplify Permanent Residency Issuance For Talents
Just thousands of foreigners hold permanent residency status in China - but that could soon change. The country is now making it easier for so-called "top ta...
- published: 31 Mar 2014
- views: 149
author: CCTV News
Free Mac Computer Dentist San Jose CA
Free Mac Computer Dentist San Jose CA, Special Summer Saving San Jose Dentists California, Affordable Dentist San Jose California offer free braces consultat......
Free Mac Computer Dentist San Jose CA, Special Summer Saving San Jose Dentists California, Affordable Dentist San Jose California offer free braces consultat...
wn.com/Free Mac Computer Dentist San Jose Ca
Free Mac Computer Dentist San Jose CA, Special Summer Saving San Jose Dentists California, Affordable Dentist San Jose California offer free braces consultat...
Moving to KOREA!!!
We are moving to South Korea soon and it's very exciting. Stay tuned for more information about how this happened and what we'll do there. Yay, dream come true!...
We are moving to South Korea soon and it's very exciting. Stay tuned for more information about how this happened and what we'll do there. Yay, dream come true!
wn.com/Moving To Korea
We are moving to South Korea soon and it's very exciting. Stay tuned for more information about how this happened and what we'll do there. Yay, dream come true!
- published: 07 Jul 2015
- views: 57