Can You Be a Sperm Donor If You’re Dead?

Edit The Oklahoman 01 May 2016
Earlier this year, an FDA panel recommended approval for “three-parent babies,” a not-quite-accurate term for a technique that replaces diseased mitochondrial DNA in the mother’s egg with DNA from a healthy donor to avoid passing genetic conditions on to the embryo (As the BBC reported last year, the ......

Good health is fundamental right: Court

Edit Deccan Herald 01 May 2016
The court's observations came while pulling up the United India Insurance Company Ltd, a Public Sector Unit (PSU), for rejecting the mediclaim of a person for heart ailment on the ground of genetic disease exclusion clause ... "Such clauses are arbitrary, discriminatory and unfair as they discriminate persons suffering from genetic disorders/ diseases from state assistance," Additional District Judge Kamini Lau said....

Can Brain-Imaging Show Some People Are ‘Born Murderers’?

Edit Inquisitr 01 May 2016
Brain imaging studies have shown a link between genetics and violent behavior, suggesting that some people are born murderers (with some very important caveats) ... Doctors studied the woman’s family looking for genetic abnormalities, which ultimately led to the MAOA defect ... Kent Kiehl studies the brains of murderers and other violent criminals, and he’s found how genetic problems could partially explain the criminal behavior....

Fuchs on the Future

Edit The Scientist 01 May 2016
Elaine Fuchs pioneered the field of ......

A Scrambled Mess

Edit The Scientist 01 May 2016
Aneuploidy is thus the leading genetic cause of infertility, and those embryos that are not miscarried can result in children with developmental disorders, such as Down syndrome (trisomy 21), Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18), and Turner syndrome (monosomy X) ... But despite the ubiquity of egg aneuploidy, the cellular and genetic reasons for the phenomenon are poorly understood....

Natural Born Serial Killers

Edit Inquisitr 01 May 2016
Waldroup was facing the death penalty, but when the lab came back with the results of his blood test showing that he MAOA – the genetic variant on his X chromosome that coded the enzyme monoamine oxidase-A – jurors ruled out the death penalty and sentenced him to a hefty jail sentence ... Genetics has already been implicated in alcoholism and anxiety, and violence may be added to that list....

Feeling Around in the Dark

Edit The Scientist 01 May 2016
Comparing Dark-fly to control flies might reveal morphological—and with newer technologies, genetic—adaptations to this unusual environment ... To get at the genetic factors underlying these differences, the researchers sequenced Dark-fly’s genome, identifying 220,000 single-nucleotide polymorphisms, or SNPs (PLOS ONE, 7....

Timothy Lu: Niche Perfect

Edit The Scientist 01 May 2016
This stew of experience has made him into something of a Renaissance bioengineer—a researcher with computational skills, genetics know-how, and clinical knowledge to guide his pursuits ... Since then, his lab has swelled to about 26 members working on a variety of synthetic biology problems—from basic unknowns, such as how genetic networks control cell functions, to applied concerns, such as bacterial infections....

If you look a little older than your age, your DNA may be to blame

Edit The Miami Herald 01 May 2016
People who carried a specific gene looked two years older on average than those who did not carry this gene, according to a study published last week in Current Biology ... Genetics and lifestyle factors, such as sun exposure and smoking, have long been known to affect how old a person looks. The new study aimed to examine the role of genetics in aging. The researchers studied nearly 2,700 older Dutch adults ... ....

Picturing Inheritance, 1916

Edit The Scientist 01 May 2016
In an era of whole-genome sequencing, epigenetic profiling, and precision gene editing, it’s easy to take for granted the basics of genetic inheritance ...  ... His results, published in two articles in the inaugural issue of Genetics in 1916 (1.1-52 and 107-63), also confirmed that in Drosophila, sex is determined by the number of X chromosomes; one X chromosome makes a male and two make a female....

Susceptible Post-Millennials Reacting To Adjuvant Exposure, Researchers Suspect

Edit Inquisitr 01 May 2016
Interestingly, another article, this one published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, reported that in order to study food allergies, specific genetically susceptible wild-mice were actually given egg white protein (ovalbumin) allergies by administering the protein at the same time as the adjuvant alum....

Aneuploid Responses

Edit The Scientist 01 May 2016
EDITOR'S CHOICE IN GENETICS & GENOMICS. The paper. A.P. Gasch et al., “Further support for aneuploidy tolerance in wild yeast and effects of dosage compensation on gene copy-number evolution,” eLife, 5.e14409, 2016. Chromosomal commotion. Like many organisms, lab yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is intolerant of aneuploidy ... But wild yeast, Gasch’s team recently found, may not be so sensitive ... Distribution dilemma ... ....

​NTU sets the PaCE for professional readiness​ (Nanyang Technological University)

Edit Public Technologies 01 May 2016
(Source ... Students access and study course material online before meeting classmates and their professors in face-to-face discussions and brainstorming sessions. Spanning 13 weeks each, the courses are for key growth sectors such as Biomedical Instrumentation, Data Analytics, Digital Electronics, Nanomaterials fundamentals and applications, as well as advanced Molecular Genetics, Sustainability, and Enterprise and Innovation ... Tel ... Email....