'Emergency looming' over nursing home care, says Nursing Homes Ireland
Thursday 12 November 2015 23.51Nursing Homes Ireland has claimed that there is an emergency looming over the provision of nursing home care.
It says the Department of Health has previously said that 7,600 extra beds will be needed to meet requirements to 2021.
The organisation, which represents private homes, is holding its annual conference today.
NHI Chief Executive Tadhg Daly said that the recent €300m capital development plan to upgrade public nursing homes represented a substantial under investment.
He also said it would not increase bed capacity within public homes.
The NHI has also claimed that the State pays public nursing homes 58% more than what is paid to private homes.
Fees for private and voluntary nursing homes, under the Fair Deal Scheme, are negotiated by the National Treatment Purchase Fund, on behalf of the State.
Mr Daly said that the current pricing model is unsuitable and the "take it or leave it" attitude of the NTPF during the fee negotiation process is exasperating his members.