Luwian Cinta - Noor Elfathony - Nirwana Stage Patrol Dangdut Kolaborasi
Luwian Cinta - Noor Elfathony - Nirwana Stage Patrol Dangdut Kolaborasi
Luwian Cinta - Noor Elfathony - Nirwana Stage Patrol Dangdut Kolaborasi
Tembang Pantura Terbaru 2015 Noor Elfathony
Nirwana Stage Patrol Dangdut Kolaborasi Noor Elfathony Group Patrol Indramayu Telp. 085222210459 - 13 Mei 2015 - Sukawera Blok Sukamaju Desa Mekarjaya Kecamatan Compreng - Subang | Dokumentasi Kel. Ibu Dayinah - Abah Ano | Khitanan : Moch. Rifky Aditya B | Rasulan : Putri Dinanti
Luwian Cinta - Noor Elfathony - Nirwana Stage Patrol Dangdut (22-07-2015)
Luwian Cinta - Noor Elfathony - Nirwana Stage Patrol Dangdut (22-07-2015)
Luwian Cinta - Noor Elfathony - Nirwana Stage Patrol Dangdut (22-07-2015)
Dangdut Pantura Nirwana Stage Patrol Dangdut Kolaborasi Noor Elfathony Group (HP. 085222210459) Live 22 Juli 2015 Compreng - Subang | Dokumentasi Kel. Joyo (alm) - Suparti | Resepsi Pernikahan : Iin Anggraeni (Indah) & Anton Rosadi (Cidahu Subang)
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/promediaproduction
Youtube Channel : http://www.youtube.com/promedialive
Patrol Dangdut Tarling Kolaborasi NOOR ELFATHONY. Perumahan Patrol Pratama (BTN), Jln.Lapang Bola Patrol, Indramayu. Contact Show : 085 2222 10459
Kurdish Yazdanism (Mithras): Ezîdî,Yarsan, Alewî (Luwian)
Kurdish Yazdanism (Mithras): Ezîdî,Yarsan, Alewî (Luwian)
Kurdish Yazdanism (Mithras): Ezîdî,Yarsan, Alewî (Luwian)
The children of the Sun and Fire: The Kurds The Kurdish Yazdanism (Mithras): Ezîdî,Yarêsan, Alewî. Yazdânism is Mithraism of Zoroastrian (derived from Kurdis...
Nirwana Stage - Luwian Cinta - Noor Elfathony (New Release 2013)
Nirwana Stage - Luwian Cinta - Noor Elfathony (New Release 2013)
Nirwana Stage - Luwian Cinta - Noor Elfathony (New Release 2013)
New Release..!!! Noor Elfathony NIRWANA STAGE | Contact Person : 085.2222.10459 / 0877.6050.7078 | Perum Patrol Pratama (BTN) Blok A No. 27 Jl. Lap. Bola Pat...
Dersimli Ezdai Alawî (Zerdüşt) Kürtler
Dersimli Ezdai Alawî (Zerdüşt) Kürtler
Dersimli Ezdai Alawî (Zerdüşt) Kürtler
Bu görüşlerden kayda değer iki tanesini açıklayalım. Birincisine göre bu ismin kökeni Ezda'ya dayanır. Buna göre Ezda, Kürtçede 'ez' (ben) ve 'da' (Yarattı, ...
Kurdish History- Kurdish Luwian-Hittites (Median/Medes) language
Kurdish History- Kurdish Luwian-Hittites (Median/Medes) language
Kurdish History- Kurdish Luwian-Hittites (Median/Medes) language
The Hattî´s/Hattians "Incoming - have come (Gods)" That must very good to know, the Kurds have self-nature religion is the sun and fire culture...and here we...
Luwian Cinta - Noor Elfathony - Bhatara All Round Music
Luwian Cinta - Noor Elfathony - Bhatara All Round Music
Luwian Cinta - Noor Elfathony - Bhatara All Round Music
Tembang Pantura & Cirebonan Bhatara All Round Music - 19 Oktober 2014 - Dokumentasi Keluarga Bapak H. Lili M (Kuwu Salam Darma / Komisaris PT. Maler Group)-Ibu Hj. Nani S
Dalam acara Syukuran Rasulan : Hanafiah Mulia & Nandhila Mulia
Minggu, 19 Oktober 2014 - Blok Karang Anyar Desa Salam Darma Kecamatan Anjatan - Indrmayu
ProMedia Channel :
Luwian Meaning
Luwian Meaning
Luwian Meaning
Video shows what Luwian means. A member of an ancient Anatolian people related to the Hittites.. Luwian Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. How to say Luwian. Powered by MaryTTS, Wiktionary
Luruh Luwian Oyok Pangestu Organ Tarling Dermayonan Cirebonan
Luruh Luwian Oyok Pangestu Organ Tarling Dermayonan Cirebonan
Luruh Luwian Oyok Pangestu Organ Tarling Dermayonan Cirebonan
Full Album Tarling Cirebonan 2015,
Full Album Tarling Cirebonan Terbaru,
Full Album Tarling Aas Rolani,
Full Album Tarling Dian Anic,
Full Album Tarling Diana Sastra,
Full Album Tarling Dewi Kirana,
Full Album Tarling Nunung Alvi,
Full Album Tarling Sri Avista,
Full Album Tarling Shelly Rossi,
Full Album Tarling Dadang Anesa,
Full Album Tarling Nok Neng Sagita,
Full Album Tarling Noor Elfathony,
Full Album Tarling Ity Ashella
Luwian duit.. hanya hiburan semata.heheee
Luwian duit.. hanya hiburan semata.heheee
Luwian duit.. hanya hiburan semata.heheee
video uploaded from my mobile phone.
The Luwians: A Lost Civilization Comes Back to Life
The Luwians: A Lost Civilization Comes Back to Life
The Luwians: A Lost Civilization Comes Back to Life
At the initiative of Nobel laureate Prof. Manfred Eigen, for more than 50 years outstanding scientists from around the world get together to exchange ideas during a winter seminar in the Swiss mountain village of Klosters.
Over the years 46 Nobel laureates have lectured at the Winterseminar.
This video shows the keynote by the President of Luwian Studies, Dr. Eberhard Zangger, at the 50th Winterseminar on 18 January 2015.
It was the 8th time that Dr. Zangger was invited to lecture at the Winterseminar.
How to Pronounce Luwian
How to Pronounce Luwian
How to Pronounce Luwian
This video shows you how to pronounce Luwian
Guido de Columnis - The Trojan War
Guido de Columnis - The Trojan War
Guido de Columnis - The Trojan War
The "Historia destructionis Troiae" (“The Story of Troy’s Demise”) written by Guido de Columnis in 1287.
Presented by Dr. Eberhard Zangger, President of the Board of Luwian Studies.
The Indo-Europeans of Lycia
The Indo-Europeans of Lycia
The Indo-Europeans of Lycia
Lycia was a geopolitical region in Anatolia on the southern coast of Turkey. Known to history since the records of ancient Egypt and the Hittite Empire in the Late Bronze Age, it was populated by speakers of the Luwian language group of the Anatolian branch of Indo-Aryan languages, related to Hittie language. It is likely the Trojans spoke Luwian too.
The people of Lycia were not regarded as barbarians by the Greeks. Herodotos noted: "They have customs that resemble no one else’s. They use their mother’s name instead of their father’s. If one Lycian asks another from whom he is descended, he gives the name of his mother. And if a citizen wo
Origin of Kurds & History of Struggle in Iraq (Documentary & Archive Clips)
Origin of Kurds & History of Struggle in Iraq (Documentary & Archive Clips)
Origin of Kurds & History of Struggle in Iraq (Documentary & Archive Clips)
Kurds are a group related to Europeans in Linguistics and DNA. During the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, Treaty of Sevres outlined the creation of a Kurdish Nation in present day Turkey, Syria, and Iraq. ( Due to Kemal Ataturk's military revival and formation of modern Turkey, Treaty of Lausanne supersedes Sevres and failed to mention Kurdistan. While today's Kurdish parties formed post-WWII, the Kurdish struggle for Independence began long before. Kurdistan Region has historically hosted wars between the Iranian Empires and Roman Empires, and the Ottoman Empire. During Ottoman Empire and Safavid Empire, The Kizilbash (occupying borders betw
The End of the Bronze Age
The End of the Bronze Age
The End of the Bronze Age
Around 1200 BC, the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean went into major cultural decline: The Late Bronze Age came to a sudden end.
Kingdoms that had wielded immense power completely disappeared. For several centuries after this, agriculture was people’s only means of subsistence. These were pivotal changes in history. Explaining them remains one of the big challenges in Mediterranean archaeology.
In this video, the foundation Luwian Studies presents a comprehensive and plausible scenario of what might have happened.
Bronz Çağı’nın Sonu
Bronz Çağı’nın Sonu
Bronz Çağı’nın Sonu
MÖ 1200 civarında Doğu Akdeniz ülkeleri kültürel açıdan büyük bir çöküş sürecine girdi: Geç Bronz Çağı aniden son buldu.
Müthiş bir güce sahip olmuş krallıklar tamamıyla ortadan kalktı.
Bundan sonra birkaç yüzyıl boyunca tarım, insanların tek geçim kaynağı haline geldi.
Bunlar tarihte önemli bir rol oynayan değişimlerdir.
Bu değişimleri açıklamak, Akdeniz arkeolojisinin karşı karşıya kaldığı en zorlu işlerden birini oluşturur.
Luwian Studies Vakfı bu videoda o dönemde neler olmuş olabileceği konusunda kapsamlı ve mantıklı bir senaryo sunmaktadır.
Lycia (Lycian: 𐊗𐊕𐊐𐊎𐊆𐊖 Trm̃mis; Greek: Λυκία, Turkish: Likya) was a geopolitical region in Anatolia in what are now the provinces of Antalya and Muğla on the southern coast of Turkey, and Burdur Province inland. Known to history since the records of ancient Egypt and the Hittite Empire in the Late Bronze Age, it was populated by speakers of the Luwian language group. Written records began to be inscribed in stone in the Lycian language (a later form of Luwian) after Lycia's involuntary incorporation into the Achaemenid Empire in the Iron Age. At that time (546 BC) the Luwian speakers were decimated, and Lycia received an influx of Persian spea
The Kurdish (Median/Medes) traditional clothing
The Kurdish (Median/Medes) traditional clothing
The Kurdish (Median/Medes) traditional clothing
The Culture of Kurdish People (Median/Medes Ancient Indo-European of the Kurds: - Kingdom of Commagene Nemrut Median/Medes empire -Gutians -Sarmatians Alans ...
Kurdish folk Music - Havîn "Ez Xerîbîm" - Gurgum/Germanîkîya
Kurdish folk Music - Havîn "Ez Xerîbîm" - Gurgum/Germanîkîya
Kurdish folk Music - Havîn "Ez Xerîbîm" - Gurgum/Germanîkîya
Klam û Stranen Kurdî Kurmanzhî / Kurden Kom Sor û Alowî (Luwian) Sherî: Gurgum, Germanicia, Germanikeia
"Ez xeribim xerîbê welat
Ewor dokat hîv ro hilot
Ciron ta go westo tema
Sibe webû cimo nehot
Tez xepondim tez xopondim
Tez ba col u ciyan qisondim
We dilî min na qawrê rasha
Kaz doynim bar kokucondim
Azê depêm la wedarê
La nov bagca ru bedarê
Ku tu dili xa nesinî
Azê bem suce qadirê
Kasiro noyem nowî ta
Az bîr nokim bin we dorê
Suc gî suce qaderê minê
Na suce le wî fukaray"
Muzîk û Gotin: Alî Ûstûnsês
Aynur dogan - Zere (Gunde Hember) - Leyla işxan "Way Malino"
Aynur dogan - Zere (Gunde Hember) - Leyla işxan "Way Malino"
Aynur dogan - Zere (Gunde Hember) - Leyla işxan "Way Malino"
Xalfeti (Urîma) da bir geleneksel eski bir Kürd evileri ve Fırata adanmış fıstık ağaçları..Bakurî Kurdistan, Ur u Ava (Urava) / Xalfetî (Xal u fetî, bi nave xwo kevn Urîma). Xalfetili Ezdai-Alowî/Luwian (Zerdüşt) Kurmanzh Kürdler.
Xalfetî - Ur u Ava Kürtleri, MÖ 855 yılında Asur kralı III. Salmanassar tarafından Xalfetî zapt edildiği zaman eski Kürdî Şitamrat adını taşıyordu. Daha sonra Zerdüşt Kürdler, bu şehre Kürtçede "Urima" (Bizim Ateş) adını verdilerdiler. Buraya Kürdler Kela Zerrîn yani "Altin Saray" adlarını kullanmışlardır. Çünkü Kale Komagelen Nemrudun (Medlerin) kalesiydi. 2. yüzyılda Bizanslıların eline geçince bu kez Romaion Koy
Ancient Troy, Turkey HD
Ancient Troy, Turkey HD
Ancient Troy, Turkey HD
Ancient Troy, Turkey Tours HD - Ancient Troy, Turkey HD Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube T...
Luwian Cinta - Noor Elfathony - Nirwana Stage Patrol Dangdut Kolaborasi
Tembang Pantura Terbaru 2015 Noor Elfathony
Nirwana Stage Patrol Dangdut Kolaborasi Noor Elfathony Group Patrol Indramayu Telp. 085222210459 - 13 Mei 2015 - Sukawera Blok Sukamaju Desa Mekarjaya Kecamatan Compreng - Subang | Dokumentasi Kel. Ibu Dayinah - Abah Ano | Khitanan : Moch. Rifky Aditya B | Rasulan : Putri Dinanti
wn.com/Luwian Cinta Noor Elfathony Nirwana Stage Patrol Dangdut Kolaborasi
Tembang Pantura Terbaru 2015 Noor Elfathony
Nirwana Stage Patrol Dangdut Kolaborasi Noor Elfathony Group Patrol Indramayu Telp. 085222210459 - 13 Mei 2015 - Sukawera Blok Sukamaju Desa Mekarjaya Kecamatan Compreng - Subang | Dokumentasi Kel. Ibu Dayinah - Abah Ano | Khitanan : Moch. Rifky Aditya B | Rasulan : Putri Dinanti
- published: 23 May 2015
- views: 28
Luwian Cinta - Noor Elfathony - Nirwana Stage Patrol Dangdut (22-07-2015)
Dangdut Pantura Nirwana Stage Patrol Dangdut Kolaborasi Noor Elfathony Group (HP. 085222210459) Live 22 Juli 2015 Compreng - Subang | Dokumentasi Kel. Joyo (alm) - Suparti | Resepsi Pernikahan : Iin Anggraeni (Indah) & Anton Rosadi (Cidahu Subang)
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/promediaproduction
Youtube Channel : http://www.youtube.com/promedialive
wn.com/Luwian Cinta Noor Elfathony Nirwana Stage Patrol Dangdut (22 07 2015)
Dangdut Pantura Nirwana Stage Patrol Dangdut Kolaborasi Noor Elfathony Group (HP. 085222210459) Live 22 Juli 2015 Compreng - Subang | Dokumentasi Kel. Joyo (alm) - Suparti | Resepsi Pernikahan : Iin Anggraeni (Indah) & Anton Rosadi (Cidahu Subang)
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/promediaproduction
Youtube Channel : http://www.youtube.com/promedialive
- published: 29 Jul 2015
- views: 18
Patrol Dangdut Tarling Kolaborasi NOOR ELFATHONY. Perumahan Patrol Pratama (BTN), Jln.Lapang Bola Patrol, Indramayu. Contact Show : 085 2222 10459
wn.com/Luwian Cinta '' Noor Elfathony Warna Pro ''
Patrol Dangdut Tarling Kolaborasi NOOR ELFATHONY. Perumahan Patrol Pratama (BTN), Jln.Lapang Bola Patrol, Indramayu. Contact Show : 085 2222 10459
- published: 01 Jul 2015
- views: 22
Kurdish Yazdanism (Mithras): Ezîdî,Yarsan, Alewî (Luwian)
The children of the Sun and Fire: The Kurds The Kurdish Yazdanism (Mithras): Ezîdî,Yarêsan, Alewî. Yazdânism is Mithraism of Zoroastrian (derived from Kurdis...
wn.com/Kurdish Yazdanism (Mithras) Ezîdî,Yarsan, Alewî (Luwian)
The children of the Sun and Fire: The Kurds The Kurdish Yazdanism (Mithras): Ezîdî,Yarêsan, Alewî. Yazdânism is Mithraism of Zoroastrian (derived from Kurdis...
Nirwana Stage - Luwian Cinta - Noor Elfathony (New Release 2013)
New Release..!!! Noor Elfathony NIRWANA STAGE | Contact Person : 085.2222.10459 / 0877.6050.7078 | Perum Patrol Pratama (BTN) Blok A No. 27 Jl. Lap. Bola Pat...
wn.com/Nirwana Stage Luwian Cinta Noor Elfathony (New Release 2013)
New Release..!!! Noor Elfathony NIRWANA STAGE | Contact Person : 085.2222.10459 / 0877.6050.7078 | Perum Patrol Pratama (BTN) Blok A No. 27 Jl. Lap. Bola Pat...
Dersimli Ezdai Alawî (Zerdüşt) Kürtler
Bu görüşlerden kayda değer iki tanesini açıklayalım. Birincisine göre bu ismin kökeni Ezda'ya dayanır. Buna göre Ezda, Kürtçede 'ez' (ben) ve 'da' (Yarattı, ...
wn.com/Dersimli Ezdai Alawî (Zerdüşt) Kürtler
Bu görüşlerden kayda değer iki tanesini açıklayalım. Birincisine göre bu ismin kökeni Ezda'ya dayanır. Buna göre Ezda, Kürtçede 'ez' (ben) ve 'da' (Yarattı, ...
Kurdish History- Kurdish Luwian-Hittites (Median/Medes) language
The Hattî´s/Hattians "Incoming - have come (Gods)" That must very good to know, the Kurds have self-nature religion is the sun and fire culture...and here we...
wn.com/Kurdish History Kurdish Luwian Hittites (Median Medes) Language
The Hattî´s/Hattians "Incoming - have come (Gods)" That must very good to know, the Kurds have self-nature religion is the sun and fire culture...and here we...
Luwian Cinta - Noor Elfathony - Bhatara All Round Music
Tembang Pantura & Cirebonan Bhatara All Round Music - 19 Oktober 2014 - Dokumentasi Keluarga Bapak H. Lili M (Kuwu Salam Darma / Komisaris PT. Maler Group)-Ibu Hj. Nani S
Dalam acara Syukuran Rasulan : Hanafiah Mulia & Nandhila Mulia
Minggu, 19 Oktober 2014 - Blok Karang Anyar Desa Salam Darma Kecamatan Anjatan - Indrmayu
ProMedia Channel :
wn.com/Luwian Cinta Noor Elfathony Bhatara All Round Music
Tembang Pantura & Cirebonan Bhatara All Round Music - 19 Oktober 2014 - Dokumentasi Keluarga Bapak H. Lili M (Kuwu Salam Darma / Komisaris PT. Maler Group)-Ibu Hj. Nani S
Dalam acara Syukuran Rasulan : Hanafiah Mulia & Nandhila Mulia
Minggu, 19 Oktober 2014 - Blok Karang Anyar Desa Salam Darma Kecamatan Anjatan - Indrmayu
ProMedia Channel :
- published: 02 Nov 2014
- views: 25
Luwian Meaning
Video shows what Luwian means. A member of an ancient Anatolian people related to the Hittites.. Luwian Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. How to say Luwian. Powered by MaryTTS, Wiktionary
wn.com/Luwian Meaning
Video shows what Luwian means. A member of an ancient Anatolian people related to the Hittites.. Luwian Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. How to say Luwian. Powered by MaryTTS, Wiktionary
- published: 01 May 2015
- views: 4
Luruh Luwian Oyok Pangestu Organ Tarling Dermayonan Cirebonan
Full Album Tarling Cirebonan 2015,
Full Album Tarling Cirebonan Terbaru,
Full Album Tarling Aas Rolani,
Full Album Tarling Dian Anic,
Full Album Tarling Diana Sastra,
Full Album Tarling Dewi Kirana,
Full Album Tarling Nunung Alvi,
Full Album Tarling Sri Avista,
Full Album Tarling Shelly Rossi,
Full Album Tarling Dadang Anesa,
Full Album Tarling Nok Neng Sagita,
Full Album Tarling Noor Elfathony,
Full Album Tarling Ity Ashella
wn.com/Luruh Luwian Oyok Pangestu Organ Tarling Dermayonan Cirebonan
Full Album Tarling Cirebonan 2015,
Full Album Tarling Cirebonan Terbaru,
Full Album Tarling Aas Rolani,
Full Album Tarling Dian Anic,
Full Album Tarling Diana Sastra,
Full Album Tarling Dewi Kirana,
Full Album Tarling Nunung Alvi,
Full Album Tarling Sri Avista,
Full Album Tarling Shelly Rossi,
Full Album Tarling Dadang Anesa,
Full Album Tarling Nok Neng Sagita,
Full Album Tarling Noor Elfathony,
Full Album Tarling Ity Ashella
- published: 06 Jan 2015
- views: 0
The Luwians: A Lost Civilization Comes Back to Life
At the initiative of Nobel laureate Prof. Manfred Eigen, for more than 50 years outstanding scientists from around the world get together to exchange ideas during a winter seminar in the Swiss mountain village of Klosters.
Over the years 46 Nobel laureates have lectured at the Winterseminar.
This video shows the keynote by the President of Luwian Studies, Dr. Eberhard Zangger, at the 50th Winterseminar on 18 January 2015.
It was the 8th time that Dr. Zangger was invited to lecture at the Winterseminar.
wn.com/The Luwians A Lost Civilization Comes Back To Life
At the initiative of Nobel laureate Prof. Manfred Eigen, for more than 50 years outstanding scientists from around the world get together to exchange ideas during a winter seminar in the Swiss mountain village of Klosters.
Over the years 46 Nobel laureates have lectured at the Winterseminar.
This video shows the keynote by the President of Luwian Studies, Dr. Eberhard Zangger, at the 50th Winterseminar on 18 January 2015.
It was the 8th time that Dr. Zangger was invited to lecture at the Winterseminar.
- published: 16 Oct 2015
- views: 2
How to Pronounce Luwian
This video shows you how to pronounce Luwian
wn.com/How To Pronounce Luwian
This video shows you how to pronounce Luwian
- published: 26 Feb 2015
- views: 7
Guido de Columnis - The Trojan War
The "Historia destructionis Troiae" (“The Story of Troy’s Demise”) written by Guido de Columnis in 1287.
Presented by Dr. Eberhard Zangger, President of the Board of Luwian Studies.
wn.com/Guido De Columnis The Trojan War
The "Historia destructionis Troiae" (“The Story of Troy’s Demise”) written by Guido de Columnis in 1287.
Presented by Dr. Eberhard Zangger, President of the Board of Luwian Studies.
- published: 13 Sep 2015
- views: 14
The Indo-Europeans of Lycia
Lycia was a geopolitical region in Anatolia on the southern coast of Turkey. Known to history since the records of ancient Egypt and the Hittite Empire in the Late Bronze Age, it was populated by speakers of the Luwian language group of the Anatolian branch of Indo-Aryan languages, related to Hittie language. It is likely the Trojans spoke Luwian too.
The people of Lycia were not regarded as barbarians by the Greeks. Herodotos noted: "They have customs that resemble no one else’s. They use their mother’s name instead of their father’s. If one Lycian asks another from whom he is descended, he gives the name of his mother. And if a citizen woman should cohabit with a slave, the children are considered of free birth; but if a citizen man, even the foremost of them, has a foreign wife or mistress, the children are without honour".
wn.com/The Indo Europeans Of Lycia
Lycia was a geopolitical region in Anatolia on the southern coast of Turkey. Known to history since the records of ancient Egypt and the Hittite Empire in the Late Bronze Age, it was populated by speakers of the Luwian language group of the Anatolian branch of Indo-Aryan languages, related to Hittie language. It is likely the Trojans spoke Luwian too.
The people of Lycia were not regarded as barbarians by the Greeks. Herodotos noted: "They have customs that resemble no one else’s. They use their mother’s name instead of their father’s. If one Lycian asks another from whom he is descended, he gives the name of his mother. And if a citizen woman should cohabit with a slave, the children are considered of free birth; but if a citizen man, even the foremost of them, has a foreign wife or mistress, the children are without honour".
- published: 19 Sep 2015
- views: 277
Origin of Kurds & History of Struggle in Iraq (Documentary & Archive Clips)
Kurds are a group related to Europeans in Linguistics and DNA. During the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, Treaty of Sevres outlined the creation of a Kurdish Nation in present day Turkey, Syria, and Iraq. ( Due to Kemal Ataturk's military revival and formation of modern Turkey, Treaty of Lausanne supersedes Sevres and failed to mention Kurdistan. While today's Kurdish parties formed post-WWII, the Kurdish struggle for Independence began long before. Kurdistan Region has historically hosted wars between the Iranian Empires and Roman Empires, and the Ottoman Empire. During Ottoman Empire and Safavid Empire, The Kizilbash (occupying borders between Iran and Turkey) and of probably Kurdish origin, identified with the Safavid Empire and rebelled against the Ottomans.
This video covers the identity and origin of the Kurdish people, and their struggle for independence in Iraq dating back to Mustafa Barzani and the Pahlavi Dynasty. Including during the Iran-Iraq war, and Chemical Weapons attack on Halabja.
"Discoveries from Kurdish Looms" by Robert D. Biggs, Mary & Leigh Block Gallery: "Ethnically the Kurds are an Iranian people
Iraq After the Muslim Conquest p.265: '...Kurdish presence in Iraq was merely an extension of their presence in Western Iran'
Iraq After the Muslim Conquest p.265: 'Iranian groups in foothills/mountains of Zagros were called Kurds at that time'
E. J. van Donzel: "Kurds are Iranian people who live mainly at the junction of Turkey, Iran Iraq, Syria & Transcaucasia".
John Limbert: "..The historic road from Baghdad to Hamadan and beyond divides the Kurds from their Iranian cousins, the Lurs"
Case of the Bronze Age by Carl C. Lamberg-Karlovsky:
Iranian people belong to the Proto-Indo-European (PIE) community which is ancestral to the Celtic, Italic (including Romance), Germanic, Baltic, Slavic, Indo-Iranian, Albanian, Armenian, Greek, and Tocharian languages.
There is an agreement that the PIE community split into 2 major groups. One headed west for Europe and became speakers of Indo-European (all the languages of modern Europe save for Basque, Hungarian, and Finnish) while others headed east for Eurasia to become Indo-Iranians.
The Indo-Iranians were a community that spoke a common language prior to their branching off into the Iranian and Indo-Aryan languages.
Iranian refers to various Iranian people such as Persian, Laki, Luri, Baluchi, and Dari speakers.
Indo-Aryan: Sanskrit, Hindi and its many related languages.
As noted in these academic sources:
1. http://fr.academic.ru/pictures/frwiki/73/IndoEuropeanTree.svg
wn.com/Origin Of Kurds History Of Struggle In Iraq (Documentary Archive Clips)
Kurds are a group related to Europeans in Linguistics and DNA. During the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, Treaty of Sevres outlined the creation of a Kurdish Nation in present day Turkey, Syria, and Iraq. ( Due to Kemal Ataturk's military revival and formation of modern Turkey, Treaty of Lausanne supersedes Sevres and failed to mention Kurdistan. While today's Kurdish parties formed post-WWII, the Kurdish struggle for Independence began long before. Kurdistan Region has historically hosted wars between the Iranian Empires and Roman Empires, and the Ottoman Empire. During Ottoman Empire and Safavid Empire, The Kizilbash (occupying borders between Iran and Turkey) and of probably Kurdish origin, identified with the Safavid Empire and rebelled against the Ottomans.
This video covers the identity and origin of the Kurdish people, and their struggle for independence in Iraq dating back to Mustafa Barzani and the Pahlavi Dynasty. Including during the Iran-Iraq war, and Chemical Weapons attack on Halabja.
"Discoveries from Kurdish Looms" by Robert D. Biggs, Mary & Leigh Block Gallery: "Ethnically the Kurds are an Iranian people
Iraq After the Muslim Conquest p.265: '...Kurdish presence in Iraq was merely an extension of their presence in Western Iran'
Iraq After the Muslim Conquest p.265: 'Iranian groups in foothills/mountains of Zagros were called Kurds at that time'
E. J. van Donzel: "Kurds are Iranian people who live mainly at the junction of Turkey, Iran Iraq, Syria & Transcaucasia".
John Limbert: "..The historic road from Baghdad to Hamadan and beyond divides the Kurds from their Iranian cousins, the Lurs"
Case of the Bronze Age by Carl C. Lamberg-Karlovsky:
Iranian people belong to the Proto-Indo-European (PIE) community which is ancestral to the Celtic, Italic (including Romance), Germanic, Baltic, Slavic, Indo-Iranian, Albanian, Armenian, Greek, and Tocharian languages.
There is an agreement that the PIE community split into 2 major groups. One headed west for Europe and became speakers of Indo-European (all the languages of modern Europe save for Basque, Hungarian, and Finnish) while others headed east for Eurasia to become Indo-Iranians.
The Indo-Iranians were a community that spoke a common language prior to their branching off into the Iranian and Indo-Aryan languages.
Iranian refers to various Iranian people such as Persian, Laki, Luri, Baluchi, and Dari speakers.
Indo-Aryan: Sanskrit, Hindi and its many related languages.
As noted in these academic sources:
1. http://fr.academic.ru/pictures/frwiki/73/IndoEuropeanTree.svg
- published: 11 Aug 2014
- views: 403
The End of the Bronze Age
Around 1200 BC, the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean went into major cultural decline: The Late Bronze Age came to a sudden end.
Kingdoms that had wielded immense power completely disappeared. For several centuries after this, agriculture was people’s only means of subsistence. These were pivotal changes in history. Explaining them remains one of the big challenges in Mediterranean archaeology.
In this video, the foundation Luwian Studies presents a comprehensive and plausible scenario of what might have happened.
wn.com/The End Of The Bronze Age
Around 1200 BC, the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean went into major cultural decline: The Late Bronze Age came to a sudden end.
Kingdoms that had wielded immense power completely disappeared. For several centuries after this, agriculture was people’s only means of subsistence. These were pivotal changes in history. Explaining them remains one of the big challenges in Mediterranean archaeology.
In this video, the foundation Luwian Studies presents a comprehensive and plausible scenario of what might have happened.
- published: 28 Sep 2015
- views: 3
Bronz Çağı’nın Sonu
MÖ 1200 civarında Doğu Akdeniz ülkeleri kültürel açıdan büyük bir çöküş sürecine girdi: Geç Bronz Çağı aniden son buldu.
Müthiş bir güce sahip olmuş krallıklar tamamıyla ortadan kalktı.
Bundan sonra birkaç yüzyıl boyunca tarım, insanların tek geçim kaynağı haline geldi.
Bunlar tarihte önemli bir rol oynayan değişimlerdir.
Bu değişimleri açıklamak, Akdeniz arkeolojisinin karşı karşıya kaldığı en zorlu işlerden birini oluşturur.
Luwian Studies Vakfı bu videoda o dönemde neler olmuş olabileceği konusunda kapsamlı ve mantıklı bir senaryo sunmaktadır.
wn.com/Bronz Çağı’Nın Sonu
MÖ 1200 civarında Doğu Akdeniz ülkeleri kültürel açıdan büyük bir çöküş sürecine girdi: Geç Bronz Çağı aniden son buldu.
Müthiş bir güce sahip olmuş krallıklar tamamıyla ortadan kalktı.
Bundan sonra birkaç yüzyıl boyunca tarım, insanların tek geçim kaynağı haline geldi.
Bunlar tarihte önemli bir rol oynayan değişimlerdir.
Bu değişimleri açıklamak, Akdeniz arkeolojisinin karşı karşıya kaldığı en zorlu işlerden birini oluşturur.
Luwian Studies Vakfı bu videoda o dönemde neler olmuş olabileceği konusunda kapsamlı ve mantıklı bir senaryo sunmaktadır.
- published: 28 Sep 2015
- views: 96
Lycia (Lycian: 𐊗𐊕𐊐𐊎𐊆𐊖 Trm̃mis; Greek: Λυκία, Turkish: Likya) was a geopolitical region in Anatolia in what are now the provinces of Antalya and Muğla on the southern coast of Turkey, and Burdur Province inland. Known to history since the records of ancient Egypt and the Hittite Empire in the Late Bronze Age, it was populated by speakers of the Luwian language group. Written records began to be inscribed in stone in the Lycian language (a later form of Luwian) after Lycia's involuntary incorporation into the Achaemenid Empire in the Iron Age. At that time (546 BC) the Luwian speakers were decimated, and Lycia received an influx of Persian speakers.
Lycia fought for the Persians in the Persian Wars, but on the defeat of the Achaemenid Empire by the Greeks, it became intermittently a free agent. After a brief membership in the Athenian Empire, it seceded and became independent (its treaty with Athens had omitted the usual non-secession clause), was under the Persians again, revolted again, was conquered by Mausolus of Caria, returned to the Persians, and went under Macedonian hegemony at the defeat of the Persians by Alexander the Great. Due to the influx of Greek speakers and the sparsity of the remaining Lycian speakers, Lycia was totally Hellenized under the Macedonians. The Lycian language disappeared from inscriptions and coinage.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
Lycia (Lycian: 𐊗𐊕𐊐𐊎𐊆𐊖 Trm̃mis; Greek: Λυκία, Turkish: Likya) was a geopolitical region in Anatolia in what are now the provinces of Antalya and Muğla on the southern coast of Turkey, and Burdur Province inland. Known to history since the records of ancient Egypt and the Hittite Empire in the Late Bronze Age, it was populated by speakers of the Luwian language group. Written records began to be inscribed in stone in the Lycian language (a later form of Luwian) after Lycia's involuntary incorporation into the Achaemenid Empire in the Iron Age. At that time (546 BC) the Luwian speakers were decimated, and Lycia received an influx of Persian speakers.
Lycia fought for the Persians in the Persian Wars, but on the defeat of the Achaemenid Empire by the Greeks, it became intermittently a free agent. After a brief membership in the Athenian Empire, it seceded and became independent (its treaty with Athens had omitted the usual non-secession clause), was under the Persians again, revolted again, was conquered by Mausolus of Caria, returned to the Persians, and went under Macedonian hegemony at the defeat of the Persians by Alexander the Great. Due to the influx of Greek speakers and the sparsity of the remaining Lycian speakers, Lycia was totally Hellenized under the Macedonians. The Lycian language disappeared from inscriptions and coinage.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
- published: 30 Nov 2014
- views: 0
The Kurdish (Median/Medes) traditional clothing
The Culture of Kurdish People (Median/Medes Ancient Indo-European of the Kurds: - Kingdom of Commagene Nemrut Median/Medes empire -Gutians -Sarmatians Alans ...
wn.com/The Kurdish (Median Medes) Traditional Clothing
The Culture of Kurdish People (Median/Medes Ancient Indo-European of the Kurds: - Kingdom of Commagene Nemrut Median/Medes empire -Gutians -Sarmatians Alans ...
Kurdish folk Music - Havîn "Ez Xerîbîm" - Gurgum/Germanîkîya
Klam û Stranen Kurdî Kurmanzhî / Kurden Kom Sor û Alowî (Luwian) Sherî: Gurgum, Germanicia, Germanikeia
"Ez xeribim xerîbê welat
Ewor dokat hîv ro hilot
Ciron ta go westo tema
Sibe webû cimo nehot
Tez xepondim tez xopondim
Tez ba col u ciyan qisondim
We dilî min na qawrê rasha
Kaz doynim bar kokucondim
Azê depêm la wedarê
La nov bagca ru bedarê
Ku tu dili xa nesinî
Azê bem suce qadirê
Kasiro noyem nowî ta
Az bîr nokim bin we dorê
Suc gî suce qaderê minê
Na suce le wî fukaray"
Muzîk û Gotin: Alî Ûstûnsês
wn.com/Kurdish Folk Music Havîn Ez Xerîbîm Gurgum Germanîkîya
Klam û Stranen Kurdî Kurmanzhî / Kurden Kom Sor û Alowî (Luwian) Sherî: Gurgum, Germanicia, Germanikeia
"Ez xeribim xerîbê welat
Ewor dokat hîv ro hilot
Ciron ta go westo tema
Sibe webû cimo nehot
Tez xepondim tez xopondim
Tez ba col u ciyan qisondim
We dilî min na qawrê rasha
Kaz doynim bar kokucondim
Azê depêm la wedarê
La nov bagca ru bedarê
Ku tu dili xa nesinî
Azê bem suce qadirê
Kasiro noyem nowî ta
Az bîr nokim bin we dorê
Suc gî suce qaderê minê
Na suce le wî fukaray"
Muzîk û Gotin: Alî Ûstûnsês
- published: 30 May 2014
- views: 38
Aynur dogan - Zere (Gunde Hember) - Leyla işxan "Way Malino"
Xalfeti (Urîma) da bir geleneksel eski bir Kürd evileri ve Fırata adanmış fıstık ağaçları..Bakurî Kurdistan, Ur u Ava (Urava) / Xalfetî (Xal u fetî, bi nave xwo kevn Urîma). Xalfetili Ezdai-Alowî/Luwian (Zerdüşt) Kurmanzh Kürdler.
Xalfetî - Ur u Ava Kürtleri, MÖ 855 yılında Asur kralı III. Salmanassar tarafından Xalfetî zapt edildiği zaman eski Kürdî Şitamrat adını taşıyordu. Daha sonra Zerdüşt Kürdler, bu şehre Kürtçede "Urima" (Bizim Ateş) adını verdilerdiler. Buraya Kürdler Kela Zerrîn yani "Altin Saray" adlarını kullanmışlardır. Çünkü Kale Komagelen Nemrudun (Medlerin) kalesiydi. 2. yüzyılda Bizanslıların eline geçince bu kez Romaion Koyla adını almıştır. Buna göre yöre, MÖ.2000’lerde Kürd Hititlerin ve Asurluların hakimiyetine giren yöre MÖ.612’de Babillerin sınırları içerisinde kalmıştır. Daha sonra Arî Kürd birlesmesi Medler yöreye egemen olmuştur.
Roma’nın 395’te ikiye ayrılmasından sonra Doğu Roma (Bizans) sınırları içerisinde kalmış kürd şehri, Bizanslılar ile Sasaniler Kürdlerle arasında sık sık el değiştirmiştir. Bizanslılar döneminde kalan Kürd şehri Romaion Koyla adı ile anılmıştır. Kürd KomaGele kralı bir keresinde asurlulara başkaldırır. Asur kralı Komageleleri yener ve yenilen asi Kürd KomaGele kralı; tanrılardan korkusu olmayan tanrısız bir adam bu. sadece kötü planlar yapan bir hilekar, diyerek suçlar. Yunanlı tarihçi ve coğrafyacı strabo, m.s. 7-18 yılları arasında yazdığı coğrafya (geographika) adlı ünlü eserinde komagele den bahseder. Komagelenin küçük bir ülke olduğunu, samosata (samsat) adındaki, doğayla kaplanmış başkentte kraliyet ailesinin ikamet ettiğini, ama şimdi roma eyaleti olduğunu anlatmış. şehrin fazlasıyla bereketli topraklarla kaplı ve fırat nehrinin kenarında olduğunu yazmış. 1280 yılında Beysari komutasındaki Memluk ordusu tarafından kuşatılmış, sonuç alınamayınca şehirdeki Ezidileri köyleri beş gün süreyle yağmalandı. Yerlerden zorunlu göçe tabi tutulan Ezidi Kürtler, rusyayanin, ic anadoluya dağınık bölgesine yerleştirildiler. Ve geriye kalan Kürdler ise köylere zorla camii yaptirarak asimilasyona tabii tutuldular. Ve iste bu son olarak bu sehrin ismi Xalfetî yani "Xal û Fetî" adını efsaneden almistir. Oradaki Kürdlerin edebiyatında önemli bir yere sahip Xal û Fetî ve çevresi bir hayli zengindir. Efsaneler, temelinde inanç unsuru olan sözlü anlatım geleneğinin ürünüdürler. Efsanelerin konusu bir olay, tarihi ve dini bir şahsiyet veya belli bir yer olabilir. Xalfetî, efsaneler yönünden zengin bir ilçedir. Fakat, yörenin efsanelerini araştırıp, derleyen araştırmacı sayısı çok azdır. Efsaneye göre birbirini çok seven iki gencin "Xal" ve sevdiği kızın "Fetî" dir. Fakat birbirini seven bu iki genç, aileleri evlenmelerine izin vermez. Bunun üzerine Xal ile Fetî birlikte kaçarlar. Sehirden kaçıp bir mağaraya saklanırlar. Iki aile kaçtıklarını haber alıp saklandıkları mağrayı öğrenince adamlarıyla mağaraya gider ve mağaranın ağzını onları öldürmek maksadıyla kapattırır. Xal ile sevdiği kız Fetî ne çare ki birbirine kavuşamamışlardır. Xal ile sevip de kavuşamayan bir çiftin duygusal efsanesidir. Bu sehrin adı geçen Xalfetî efsaneden almıştır.
wn.com/Aynur Dogan Zere (Gunde Hember) Leyla Işxan Way Malino
Xalfeti (Urîma) da bir geleneksel eski bir Kürd evileri ve Fırata adanmış fıstık ağaçları..Bakurî Kurdistan, Ur u Ava (Urava) / Xalfetî (Xal u fetî, bi nave xwo kevn Urîma). Xalfetili Ezdai-Alowî/Luwian (Zerdüşt) Kurmanzh Kürdler.
Xalfetî - Ur u Ava Kürtleri, MÖ 855 yılında Asur kralı III. Salmanassar tarafından Xalfetî zapt edildiği zaman eski Kürdî Şitamrat adını taşıyordu. Daha sonra Zerdüşt Kürdler, bu şehre Kürtçede "Urima" (Bizim Ateş) adını verdilerdiler. Buraya Kürdler Kela Zerrîn yani "Altin Saray" adlarını kullanmışlardır. Çünkü Kale Komagelen Nemrudun (Medlerin) kalesiydi. 2. yüzyılda Bizanslıların eline geçince bu kez Romaion Koyla adını almıştır. Buna göre yöre, MÖ.2000’lerde Kürd Hititlerin ve Asurluların hakimiyetine giren yöre MÖ.612’de Babillerin sınırları içerisinde kalmıştır. Daha sonra Arî Kürd birlesmesi Medler yöreye egemen olmuştur.
Roma’nın 395’te ikiye ayrılmasından sonra Doğu Roma (Bizans) sınırları içerisinde kalmış kürd şehri, Bizanslılar ile Sasaniler Kürdlerle arasında sık sık el değiştirmiştir. Bizanslılar döneminde kalan Kürd şehri Romaion Koyla adı ile anılmıştır. Kürd KomaGele kralı bir keresinde asurlulara başkaldırır. Asur kralı Komageleleri yener ve yenilen asi Kürd KomaGele kralı; tanrılardan korkusu olmayan tanrısız bir adam bu. sadece kötü planlar yapan bir hilekar, diyerek suçlar. Yunanlı tarihçi ve coğrafyacı strabo, m.s. 7-18 yılları arasında yazdığı coğrafya (geographika) adlı ünlü eserinde komagele den bahseder. Komagelenin küçük bir ülke olduğunu, samosata (samsat) adındaki, doğayla kaplanmış başkentte kraliyet ailesinin ikamet ettiğini, ama şimdi roma eyaleti olduğunu anlatmış. şehrin fazlasıyla bereketli topraklarla kaplı ve fırat nehrinin kenarında olduğunu yazmış. 1280 yılında Beysari komutasındaki Memluk ordusu tarafından kuşatılmış, sonuç alınamayınca şehirdeki Ezidileri köyleri beş gün süreyle yağmalandı. Yerlerden zorunlu göçe tabi tutulan Ezidi Kürtler, rusyayanin, ic anadoluya dağınık bölgesine yerleştirildiler. Ve geriye kalan Kürdler ise köylere zorla camii yaptirarak asimilasyona tabii tutuldular. Ve iste bu son olarak bu sehrin ismi Xalfetî yani "Xal û Fetî" adını efsaneden almistir. Oradaki Kürdlerin edebiyatında önemli bir yere sahip Xal û Fetî ve çevresi bir hayli zengindir. Efsaneler, temelinde inanç unsuru olan sözlü anlatım geleneğinin ürünüdürler. Efsanelerin konusu bir olay, tarihi ve dini bir şahsiyet veya belli bir yer olabilir. Xalfetî, efsaneler yönünden zengin bir ilçedir. Fakat, yörenin efsanelerini araştırıp, derleyen araştırmacı sayısı çok azdır. Efsaneye göre birbirini çok seven iki gencin "Xal" ve sevdiği kızın "Fetî" dir. Fakat birbirini seven bu iki genç, aileleri evlenmelerine izin vermez. Bunun üzerine Xal ile Fetî birlikte kaçarlar. Sehirden kaçıp bir mağaraya saklanırlar. Iki aile kaçtıklarını haber alıp saklandıkları mağrayı öğrenince adamlarıyla mağaraya gider ve mağaranın ağzını onları öldürmek maksadıyla kapattırır. Xal ile sevdiği kız Fetî ne çare ki birbirine kavuşamamışlardır. Xal ile sevip de kavuşamayan bir çiftin duygusal efsanesidir. Bu sehrin adı geçen Xalfetî efsaneden almıştır.
- published: 19 Jul 2015
- views: 24
Ancient Troy, Turkey HD
Ancient Troy, Turkey Tours HD - Ancient Troy, Turkey HD Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube T...
wn.com/Ancient Troy, Turkey Hd
Ancient Troy, Turkey Tours HD - Ancient Troy, Turkey HD Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube T...