- published: 23 Sep 2009
- views: 49644
Jordi Savall i Bernadet (Catalan: [ˈʒɔrði səˈβaʎ i βərnəˈðɛt]; born August 1, 1941) is a Spanish conductor, viol player, and composer. He has been one of the major figures in the field of Western early music since the 1970s, largely responsible for reviving the use of viol family instruments (notably the viola da gamba) in contemporary performance and recording. His characteristic repertoire features medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music, although he has occasionally ventured into the Classical and even the Romantic periods.
His musical training started at age six in the school choir of his native town (1947–55). After graduating from the Barcelona Conservatory of Music (where he studied from 1959 to 1965) he specialized in early music, collaborating with Ars Musicae de Barcelona under Enric Gispert, studying with August Wenzinger at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis in Basel, Switzerland (1968–70) and eventually succeeding Wenzinger in 1974 as professor of viola da gamba at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis.
La Capella Reial de Catalunya is a group of soloist singers with the aim of making the repertoire of Catalan historical music and, by extension, that of Spanish and other music widely known throughout the world. The group was formed in Barcelona in 1987 by its conductor Jordi Savall. La Capella Reial de Catalunya often performs with Le Concert des Nations, a period instrument group also founded and conducted by Savall.
The Cancionero de Upsala [sic] is the title commonly given to a volume of mostly anonymous Spanish music printed in Venice in 1556 and actually titled Villancicos de diuersos Autores, a dos, y a tres, y a quatro, y ya a cinco bozes...Venetiis, Apud Hieronymum Scotum, MDLVI. It survives in a unique copy at the Uppsala University Library and was edited in 1909 by Rafael Mitjana; the subsequent literature has mostly adopted his spelling "Upsala" ("Upsala" being the historic Swedish spelling of "Uppsala" until the major spelling reform of 1906). A facsimile was published by Alamire (Peer, Belgium 1984).
It is famous chiefly for the following carols or villancicos de Navidad:
The Cancionero de Palacio (Madrid, Biblioteca Real, MS II–1335), or Cancionero Musical de Palacio (CMP), also known as Cancionero de Barbieri, is a Spanish manuscript of Renaissance music. The works in it were compiled during a time span of around 40 years, from the mid-1470s until the beginning of the 16th century, approximately coinciding with the reign of the Catholic Monarchs.
The first ten folios are not numbered; the remaining folios are numbered from 1 to 304. Based on the index of works included in the beginning of the manuscript, it originally had 548 works. Many folios have been lost, reducing the number of works currently in the manuscript to 458.
The manuscript was written by 9 different people and in all received 11 successive additions:
Pere Johan or Pere Joan (born c. 1400) was a Catalan Gothic sculptor.
He was the son of sculptor Jordi de Déu, a former slave and disciple of sculptor Jaume Cascalls. His first solo works are known from the late 1410s, such as a keystone in the nave of the Cathedral of Barcelona representing the Eternal Father in Glory surrounded by Angels (1418), the eastern façade of the Palau de la Generalitat de Catalunya and several gargoyles in the Gothic façade of the Casa della Ciutat in Barcelona.
His main works are the retablo for the Cathedral of Tarragona (1426) and panels for the high altar in the Cathedral of Zaragoza (1434), both commissioned by archbishop of Tarragona Dalmau de Mur. He also executed the frontal of the sepulchre of Hugo de Urriés, in the Cathedral of Huesca.
In 1450, at the request of King Alfonso V of Aragon, Pere Johan went to Naples to work on the decoration of the Castel Nuovo, collaborating in the triumphal arch of the entrance with Guillem Sagrera from Majorca. This is his last known work.
L'ORFEO de Claudio Monteverdi (2001-02)
Duo seraphim - Ten. Mario Cecchetti, Francesc Garrigosa, Pablo Pollitzer
AH, PELAYO QUE DESMAYO! - Pere Joan Almodar (S. XV/XVI)
Míos fueron, mi coraçón - [Francisco] Millán (fl. 1500)
7th Misteria Paschalia Festival - interview with Montserrat
Adoramus te (Cancionero de Montecassino - Anónimo S. XV) Score Animation
Si n'os huviera mirado (C. De Morales) Score Animation
Dizen a mí que los amores he (Anónimo) - "Cancionero de Uppsala" (S. XVI)
7. Festiwal Misteria Paschalia - La Ruta de Oriente
"Vi ricorda o boschi ombrosi... Ahí caso acerbo" (acte II) Furio Zanasi (Orfeo) Francesc Garrigosa (Pastor) Sara Mingardo ((Messagiera) Gerd Türk (Pastor) Carlos Mena (Pastor) Le Concert des Nations La Capella Reial de Catalunya Direcció musical: Jordi Savall Direcció d'escena: Gilbert Deflo Escenografia i vestuari: William Orlandi I·luminació: Albert Faura
Vespro della Beata Vergine - Monteverdi Registrato ad Erice (Tp) Chiesa di San Martino
Ah, Pelayo que desmayo! - Pere Joan Almodar (S. XV/XVI). ("CANCIONERO DE UPPSALA", S. XVI). Intérpretes: La Capella Reial de Catalunya - Director: Jordi Savall. - Lambert Climent/Francesc Garrigosa (Tenores). (http://www.alia-vox.com/) Jordi Savall on Spotify: https://play.spotify.com/artist/3faEZMpTmZFXpELU1EwWNL Jordi Savall on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JordiSavallOfficialPage Imágenes: Pintura Renacentista Italiana (Leonardo da Vinci). LETRA: — Ah, Pelayo que desmayo! — ¿De que, di? —D'una zagala que vi. — Ah, Pelayo, si la vieras, tanta es su hermosura, no bastara tu cordura, qu'en vella tú te perdieras; y penaras y murieras, —¿Tal es, di? —Mas linda que nunca vi. — Di por tu vida, garçon ¿Es hermosa esa doncella? — Pelayo, delante d'ella queda la nieve carbón. ¡Ay,...
Míos fueron, mi coraçón (CMP 185) - [Francisco] Millán (fl. 1500). (Villancico. "Cancionero de Palacio", S. XV/XVI). Intérpretes: Hespérion XX - Director: Jordi Savall. - Francesc Garrigosa (Tenor) - Lambert Climent (Tenor) - Jordi Ricart (Barítono) - Daniele Carnovich (Bajo) (http://www.alia-vox.com/) Jordi Savall on Spotify: https://play.spotify.com/artist/3faEZMpTmZFXpELU1EwWNL Jordi Savall on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JordiSavallOfficialPage Imágenes: Pintura Renacentista Italiana (Tiziano). LETRA: Míos fueron, mi coraçón, los vuestros ojos morenos. ¿Quién los hizo ser agenos? Dellos nunca se partía con gran plazer mi deseo; de mí partida la veo ya toda mi alegría, y todo'l bien que tenía, pues se hizieron agenos los mis ojos morenos. Y con esta tal pasión siento a...
31.03.2010 - St. Catherine's Church, Kraków. La Ruta de Oriente Montserrat Figueras -- soprano, Adriana Fernández - sopran, Pascal Bertin - counter-tenor, David Sagastume - counter-tenor, Lluís Vilamajó - tenor, Francesc Garrigosa -- tenor, Furio Zanasi - baritone, Daniele Carnovich - bass, Jordi Savall -- conductor. La Capella Reial de Catalunya, Hespèrion XXI. Guest appearance: Hiroyuki Koinuma - shinobue et nokan, Yukio Tanaka - chant et biwa, Ichiro Seki - shakuhachi, Masako Hirao - viola da gamba basse, Prabhu Edouard - tablas, Ken Zuckerman - dhotar et sarod. www.misteriapaschalia.com
- Carlos Mena (Contratenor) - Lambert Climent (Tenor) - Francesc Garrigosa (Tenor) - Daniele Carnovich (Bajo) Dir: Jordi Savall
Dir: Jordi Savall La Capella Reial de Catalunya - Lambert Climent, Tenor - Francesc Garrigosa, Tenor - Daniele Carnovich, Bajo
Dizen a mí que los amores he (Anónimo) - "Cancionero de Uppsala o del Duque de Calabria" (S. XVI). (Villancico). Intérpretes: La Capella Reial de Catalunya - Director: Jordi Savall. - Carlos Mena (Contratenor) - Lambert Climent (Tenor) - Francesc Garrigosa (Tenor) - Jordi Ricart (Barítono) - Daniele Carnovich (Bajo) - Andrew Lawrence-King (Arpa) (http://www.alia-vox.com/) Jordi Savall on Spotify: https://play.spotify.com/artist/3faEZMpTmZFXpELU1EwWNL Jordi Savall on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JordiSavallOfficialPage Imágenes: "La Gioconda", Museo del Prado (Taller de Leonardo: ¿Francesco Melzi o Andrea Salai?). LETRA: Dizen a mí que los amores he. ¡Con ellos me vea si tal pensé! Dizen a mí por la villa que traygo los amores en la cinta. Dizen a mí que los amores he. ¡Con...
PUES QUE NO PUEDO OLVIDARTE - Ginés de Morata (S. XVI). (Villancico. "Cancionero de Medinaceli" - S. XVI). Intérpretes: Hespérion XX - Director: Jordi Savall. - Lambert Climent (Tenor). - Francesc Garrigosa (Tenor). - Daniele Carnovich (Bajo). (http://www.alia-vox.com/) Jordi Savall on Spotify: https://play.spotify.com/artist/3faEZMpTmZFXpELU1EwWNL Jordi Savall on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JordiSavallOfficialPage Imágenes: Pinturas Renacentistas. LETRA: Pues que no puedo olvidarte, ¡Tómete el diablo, llévete el diablo, el diablo que haya en ti parte! Elvira, pese a malgrado, quiéreme, si quiera un día que, ¡boto a diez! vida mía, que bibo desesperado. Si en pago de mi cuydado en ti creçe el descuydarte, ¡Tómete el diablo, llévete el diablo, el diablo que haya en ti pa...
7. Festiwal Misteria Paschalia, 31.03.2010 - Kościół św. Katarzyny w Krakowie. Montserrat Figueras sopran, Adriana Fernández - sopran, Pascal Bertin - kontratenor, David Sagastume - kontratenor, Lluís Vilamajó - tenor, Francesc Garrigosa tenor, Furio Zanasi - baryton, Daniele Carnovich - bas, Jordi Savall dyrygent. La Capella Reial de Catalunya, Hespèrion XXI www.misteriapaschalia.com
Marc Antoine Charpentier: Messe Et Motets Pour La Vierge h400 h15 h83 h11A, Live 2007 Versailles. Jordi Savall Le Concert des Nations 0:01:30 Canticum in honorem Beate Virginis Mariae. 0:18:00 Stabat Mater pur des religieuses. 0:34:10 Litanies de la Vierge à 6 voix et 2 dessus de violes. 0:51:45 Missa assumpta est Maria
Jordi Savall (viola da gamba built by Barak Norman, Londen 1697, Italian viole body from 1500) & Xavier Díaz-Latorre (theorbo, baroque guitar) Recorded and broadcasted live by MAX Avondconcert Radio 4 In Het Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ, Amsterdam, 13 May 2015. Presentation Wouter Pleijsier 00:00:22 Diego Ortiz (1510-ca.1570) La Spagna 00:02:08 Anonymous Folias Antiguas 00:04:29 Anonymous Folia 'Rodrigo Martinez' 00:09:12 Gaspar Sanz (1640-1710) Járacas & 00:12:30 Canarios 00:15:39 Tobias Hume (1569-1645) Musicall Humors: A Souldiers March - Galliard - Good AgaineHarke, harke 00:24:09 Diego Ortiz Folia - Passamezzo antico - Passamezzo moderno - Ruggiero - Romanesca - Passamezzo moderno 00:33:09 From: Ryan's Collection Boston 1883: Regent's Rant, Lord Moira, Lord Moira's Hornpipe 00:41:51 Rob...
Achillea presented Jordi Savall Live in Beirut on Friday December 19 2014, along with the ensemble Hesperion XXI. The event was held at Sacré-Coeur Church Frères, Gemmayze, under the high patronage of the Spanish Embassy and with the collaboration of the Instituto Cervantes de Beirut. Artists: Maestro Jordi Savall Driss el Maloumi Dimitri Psonis Fahrettin Yarkın Hakan Güngör Moslem Rahal
Retrouvez toute la Nuit des Rois sur Culturebox http://francetv.in/nuitdesroislouisxiii Programme diffusé dans le cadre de la Nuit des Rois à Versailles avec Jordi Savall. « L’orchestre de Louis XIII » emmène le mélomane au règne de Louis XIII, à l'Opéra Royal, pour un recueil de pièces mettant à l'honneur son règne. Louis XIII a choisi le site et fait bâtir le premier château. Il était musicien, bon danseur et favorisa le développement de la musique royale. Avec Culturebox, accédez au meilleur de la culture partout et à tout moment ! http://culturebox.francetvinfo.fr/ LIVE : vivez les événements culturels comme si vous y étiez http://culturebox.francetvinfo.fr/live ACTU : prenez le pouls de l'actualité culturelle http://culturebox.francetvinfo.fr/ Suivez Culturebox sur les rése...
__ Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAVazGye4a3Ta_B0ZqlX2xgWOrFly66Dl __ • Dimitrie Cantemir: Le livre de la science de la musique • Musicians: Jordi Savall • Dimitri Psonis • Driss El Maloumi Pedro Estevan • Derya Türkan • Yurdal Tokcan Fahrettin Yarkin • Murat Salim • Tokaç Hakan Güngör Gaguik Mouradian • Haïg Sarikouyoumdjian • Nedyalko Nedyalkov Hespèrion XXI Conduced by Jordi Savall __
From the concert at Léonie Sonnings music price 2012, given to Jordi Savall. At the Trinitatis church in Copenhagen First they play the song in four different versions, then a recorded version of Montserrat Figueras, before the big finish. The emsemble includes:: Jordi Savall, lira da gamba, fidel, rebab and musical lead Lior Elmaleh, song, Nedyalko Nedyalkov, kaval, Haig Sarikouyoumdjian, duduk, Driss el Maloumi, oud, Hakan Gungor, qanun, Dimitri Psonis, santur, moresca, Pedro Estevan, percussion,
Diferencias sobre las folias Antonio Martin y Coll Jordi Savall, viola da gamba Rolf Lislevand, guitarra barroca Arianna Savall, arpa Pedro Estevan, percusión Adela Gonzalez-Campa, castañuelas Jordi Savall, Folías de España Grabado en el Festival de Lanvellec en el año 2002 http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folia http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jordi_Savall Jordi Savall, Folies d'Espagne Jordi Savall, La Folia Jordi Savall on Spotify: https://play.spotify.com/artist/3faEZMpTmZFXpELU1EwWNL Jordi Savall on Facebook: www.facebook.com/JordiSavall www.alia-vox.com
FOLÍAS DE ESPAÑA - Concierto de Jordi Savall. Intérpretes: - Jordi Savall (Viola de gamba) - Rolf Lislevand (Guitarra barroca, tiorba) - Arianna Savall (Arpa) - Pedro Estevan (Percusión) - Adela González-Campa (Percusión) (http://www.alia-vox.com/) Jordi Savall on Spotify: https://play.spotify.com/artist/3faEZMpTmZFXpELU1EwWNL Jordi Savall on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JordiSavallOfficialPage Grabado en la Iglesia de Plouaret, el 13 de octubre de 2002, dentro del Festival de Música Antigua de Lanvellec (Francia). (MEZZO TV) TEMAS: Danzas moriscas y músicas de la diáspora sefardí: - (0:15) "ALBA" (Castellón de la Plana, España). - (3:16) "A LA UNA YO NACI" (Sefardí, Sarajevo) - (5:36) "DANZA DE LAS ESPADAS" (Galicia, España), S. XIII. - ¿¿?? (7:43) "Moresca, Danza ritual" (A...
JORDI SAVALL MARE ADRIATICUM : Venise, les mondes sépharades et ottomans 01 Alba (Instrumental Invocation) 02 Menk Kadj Tohmi (Traditional, Armenia) 03 Danza del Viento (Sephardic, Venice) 04 Saltarello (Alphonse X el Sabio, CSM 77-119) 05 El Rey Nimrod (Sephardic, Sarajevo) 06 La Quarte Estampie Royal (Le Manuscrit du Roi, 12th century) 07 Lamento di Tristano (Trecento mss. Italy) 08 Makam 'Uzäl Sakil "Turna" (Mss. Kantemiroglu 324) 09 Rotundellus (Alfonso X el Sabio, CSM 105) 10 Alagyeaz & Khnki Tsar (Armenian tradition) 11 Danza ritual (Traditional Bosnia) 12 Der makām-ı Hüseynī Sakīl-i Ağa Rıżā (Mss. Kantemiroglu, 89) 13 Planctus "Pax in nomine Domini” (Improvisation) 14 Nastaran (Naghma, Afghanistan) 15 Ductia (Alfonson X el Sabio, CSM 248) 16 Saltarello (Trecento mss., Italy...
Dialogo tra musiche ottomane, arabo-andaluse, sefardite e armene del bacino mediterraneo Lior Elmaleh e Irini Derebei, canto Hesperion XXI Jordi Savall, rebec, lira d'arco & direzione Sabato 1 giugno 2013 - ore 21.00 Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista Venezia
LUCES Y SOMBRAS DEL SIGLO DE ORO en tiempos de Carlos V y Felipe II (1516 - 1598) - Concierto de Jordi Savall. Intérpretes: La Capella Reial de Catalunya - Hespérion XX - Director: Jordi Savall. (http://www.alia-vox.com/) Jordi Savall on Spotify: https://play.spotify.com/artist/3faEZMpTmZFXpELU1EwWNL Jordi Savall on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JordiSavallOfficialPage [La Capella Reial de Catalunya] - Montserrat Figueras, Maite Arruabarrena, Elisabetta Tiso (Sopranos) - Carlos Mena, Paolo Costa (Contratenores) - Lluís Vilamajó, Francesc Garrigosa (Tenores) - Daniele Carnovich (Bajo) [Hespérion XX] - Jordi Savall, Sergi Casademunt, Sophie Watillon (Violas de gamba) - Lorenz Dufschmid (Violón) - Jean-Pierre Canihac (Cornetto) - Béatrice Delpierre (Chirimía) - Daniel Lasalle (Sa...
The Nexus Institute invited the speakers of the Nexus Symposium ‘School of Civilization’ to grant us a short interview. Jordi Savall: 'When, as a child, I suffered from typhus, I discovered the pleasure of reading and of listening to music. This saved my life.' Interview by Els Schröder Video produced by Dieper Beeld Special thanks to Ilja Hijink www.nexus-instituut.nl
Interview met Jordi Savall door Katherina Lindekens - over Masters of Contrapunctus - woe 6/8, Concertgebouw Brugge Gemaakt door Arne Kelders en Arne Naert (c)MAfestival
Station Ausone a pu rencontrer Jordi Savall pour une brève interview autour de sa résidence à l'Auditorium de Bordeaux et ses projets futurs. http://www.station-ausone.com/evenements/jordi-savall/
On 8 September, the UNESCO Office in Venice hosted a unique Master Class by Jordi Savall, UNESCO Artist for Peace. This public encounter with the artist was moderated by Olivier Lexa, Artistic Director of the Venetian Center for Baroque Music. This event was part of the public events organized from June to October 2011 in Venice by the Venetian Center for Baroque Music, with the participation of leading artists such as René Jacobs, Gabriel Garrido, Fabio Fondi, Andrea Marcon, Rinaldo Alessandrini. Unanimously recognized as one of the most important performers of ancient music at the present time, Jordi Savall is one of the most multi-faceted musical personalities of his generation: viol player, conductor, his concerts, pedagogical and research activities place him among the main archite...
Sinnlich und fachkundig zugleich: Jordi Savall ist Musiker, Musikwissenschaftler und Endecker Alter Musik in Personalunion. Am 21. und 22. Januar 2017 ist der Künstler für einen ihm gewidmeten Fokus in der Alten Oper zu Gast.
31.03.2010 - St. Catherine's Church in Kraków, La Ruta de Oriente. Montserrat Figueras -- soprano, Adriana Fernández - sopran, Pascal Bertin - counter-tenor, David Sagastume - counter-tenor, Lluís Vilamajó - tenor, Francesc Garrigosa -- tenor, Furio Zanasi - baritone, Daniele Carnovich - bass, Jordi Savall -- conductor. La Capella Reial de Catalunya, Hespèrion XXI. Guest appearance: Hiroyuki Koinuma - shinobue et nokan, Yukio Tanaka - chant et biwa, Ichiro Seki - shakuhachi, Masako Hirao - viola da gamba basse, Prabhu Edouard - tablas, Ken Zuckerman - dhotar et sarod. www.misteriapaschalia.com
Interview with Maestro Savall by Dr. Kalman Applbaum for the "2017 International Spanish Music Festival" organized by Casa de España en Minnesota. Maestro Savall will perform "Musica Nova: 1500 – 1700. The Venetian influences in the Musical Europa" on February 8, 2017 at the Ordway Concert Hall in St. Paul, MN. More information at www.ismfestival.org.
Skype interview with conductor Jordi Savall about the upcoming performance of "Bal-Kan" at Oslo International Church Music Festival, March 2017. Savall shares his thoughts on Balkan music, Japanese food and Elvis Presley. More information about the festival: www.oicmf.no www.kirkemusikkfestivalen.no facebook.com/kirkemusikkfestivalen
Conferencia de Jordi Savall del ciclo “Autobiografía Intelectual”. 29 de mayo de 2014 http://www.march.es http://www.march.es/conferencias/detalle.aspx?p5=100033&l;=1 http://www.march.es/videos/index.aspx?p0=4699 Los primeros recuerdos musicales de Jordi Savall se remontan a su infancia, al amor de su madre trasmitido en las canciones de cuna. Aprendió a cantar en el coro de la escuela, pero fue al escuchar el Réquiem de Mozart cuando decidió dedicarse a la música. Con los ahorros de su trabajo en una fábrica de tejidos compró su primer violonchelo, con el que se inició de manera autodidacta. Fue el descubrimiento de las partituras antiguas de M. Marais, F. Couperin, A. Forqueray, etc., lo que le hizo cambiar el violonchelo por la viola da gamba. Junto con su esposa Montserrat Figueras, f...