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Sex, disability and humour


Matty Silver

The desire for love and intimacy is natural for everyone.

The desire for love and intimacy is natural for everyone.

There are many myths and assumptions around sex and disability. People with physical or intellectual disabilities in today's society are often regarded as non-sexual adults since sex is very much associated with youth and physical attractiveness.

It's therefore easy for disabled people to be influenced by these myths and believe they don't have a right to sex. But that just isn't true. Sexuality is a key part of human nature and disabled people experience the same range of sexual thoughts, feelings and desires as anyone else.

People with disabilities should have the right to explore and express their gender and sexuality and should be allowed to have relationships based on consent and respect. However, to understand and enjoy sexuality, everyone needs adequate advice, information and support. It's not easy to believe you are attractive if you have a disability or consider yourself disfigured.

Cory Silverberg​ is a Canadian sex educator, public speaker and co-author of the book The Ultimate Guide to Sex and Disability, for people who live with disabilities, pain, illness, or chronic conditions. It's written by a medical doctor, a sex educator, and a disability activist, and provides readers with encouragement, support, and all the information they need to create a sex life that works for them.

The authors cover all aspects of sex and disability, including building a positive sexual self-image, positions to minimise stress and maximise pleasure, dealing with fatigue or pain during sex, finding partners and talking with partners about sex and disability, adapting sex toys, and more. In this video Silberberg explains that people with disabilities are most definitely sexual and can have a healthy sexuality.

British actor, journalist and TV presenter Mik Scarlet suffered a spinal collapse in his teens that left him unable to walk or get an erection. In this hilarious short film he explodes the top 10 myths he encounters about sex and living with a disability. Do disabled people want sex? Can they even have sex if they want it?

Spinal cord injuries and other impairments can leave people unable to experience an orgasm through genital stimulation. Scarlet explains in another film that people with these impairments can discover new sources of arousal and orgasm, by developing alternate erogenous zones, or as he says by thinking yourself to orgasm.

Last year in Britain the highly regarded disability charity Scope asked disabled comedian Alex Brooker to front a campaign titled End The Awkward to help raise awareness about why many feel uncomfortable dealing with a disabled person. The campaign included cinema and on-line advertisements highlighting situations where disability can have the potential to cause embarrassment.

Brooker was one of the co-presenters of Adam Hill's television show The Last Leg. Last month he took part in another campaign – the A to Z of Sex and Disability – a raunchy light-hearted look at the loves and lusts of disabled people, showing that they can have fulfilling sex lives and relationships. It contains frank information about sex and is meant for people over the age of 16. Scope hopes the campaign will help people feel comfortable talking to – or dating – a disabled person.

Another excellent online lifestyle publication from Britain is Disability Horizons, in which all content is sourced directly from readers, making it a publication about disabled people, for disabled people. It has a special relationships and sex page where resident agony aunt, Dr Tuppy Owens answers readers' questions on disability and sex in a straightforward and humorous way.

Dr Owens is a British sex therapist, educator and campaigner, who in the late 1960s established a sex education book publishing company. She has been an advocate for the sexual rights of the disabled for 35 years. In 1979, she founded Outsiders, a nationwide club providing socially and physically disabled people with support as well as safe friendship and dating opportunities at both social events and online.

Owen's latest book Supporting Disabled People with their Sexual Lives is aimed at giving carers and health professionals the information they need to broach the subject with their clients, as most are ill-equipped to do so. As a result many disabled people are left feeling frustrated and afraid their sexual needs are not recognised. Topics cover a range of difficulties disabled people experience, from physical limitations to problems such as lack of acceptance, knowledge and skills. The book is also about helping people gain sexual confidence and dating skills, enjoy a relationship and instil a sense of "fun and enjoyment" on the road to sexual discovery.

Unfortunately, no comparable organisations or publications exist in Australia – yet! Wouldn't it be great if a disabled celebrity could front a campaign like this?

Matty Silver is a relationship counsellor and sex therapist

HuffPost Australia

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