Sarah Berry

Sarah Berry

Sarah Berry is a Life & Style reporter.

What stress is really doing to your body and what you can do about it

Sarah Berry Stress is an inescapable part of life. An inescapable part that can be incredibly helpful or incredibly destructive.

Is this the optimal exercise for staying slim?

Step it up and walk it off.

Sarah Berry Finally, it's fitness instead of fast food that we want to consume.

The accomplished art of the snub

Talk to the hand: Women often excel in the art of snubbing

Sarah Berry Itchy Zoe Monkey. This was the name my junior school bestie and nemesis would chant at me with her "gang" when we fought.

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The unhealthy truth about almond milk

Almond milk: as healthy for us and the environment as it seems?

Sarah Berry Almond milk is in fashion, but that doesn't mean it is good for you, or for the environment. 

Top relationship deal breakers for daters

People tend to know what they don't want in a partner more than what do.

Sarah Berry I was 15 when I discovered my first deal breaker.

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Why our salt is packed with plastic

Sarah Berry Despite the unquantified risk from microplastics in salt, salt is essential for life and sea salt tends to have trace minerals.

The puzzling prevalence of 'back burner' relationships

Social media means access.

Sarah Berry Social media has made back burner relationships more accessible.

Why lettuce is making you fat

Innocent lettuce? Think again.

Sarah Berry Feeling virtuous about ordering salad? What about the fries that go with it?

This one word can make or break your relationship, research says

One word can make all the difference.

Sarah Berry Recognising and basking in the brilliance of our beloved is a beautiful thing.

The surprising cure for social anxiety

Nervous? Tackle it head on!

Sarah Berry Squarely facing one's fears is the best way way to deal with discomfort in an unfamiliar social setting.

Why Bondi gives me hope about humanity

Human humans on the beach: an imperfect reality.

Sarah Berry It's not what you think.

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Relationship reviews: why couples should check in for a check up

Getting in touch: Annual performance reviews can help reset the compass of a relationship.

Sarah Berry After the flush of passion fades, love becomes a choice.

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The toxic triangle: is standing any better than sitting?

Sitting at a desk might be no worse for one's health than standing.

Sarah Berry Relinquishing your office chair does little to improve your health, new research suggests. Intense physical activity is needed to make a difference.

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True Grit: when to give up

Sarah Berry My sister-in-law once called me a pit bull. It was apparently meant as a compliment. Pit bulls, she explained, are tenacious and have perseverance.

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Top five fitness faux pas

Weights work wonders for weight loss.

Sarah Berry  We could be inadvertently undermining our efforts with these common fitness faux pas.

Your morning coffee may be giving you more than you bargained for

Coffee: a hidden problem?

Sarah Berry Could your morning coffee be giving you more than a caffeine hit?

The paradox of health and healing

Caroline Myss: People want to be healthy, but are reluctant to do what is needed to bring that about.

Sarah Berry Excuses we feed ourselves hold us back from being healthy and happy, leading "medical intuitive" says.

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Post sex sadness is a thing, but it's different for men and women

Sarah Berry She had been married for 20 years but after sex she would would go and spend time by herself so her husband didn't see her crying.

Eat Pray Love author Elizabeth Gilbert encourages the audacity to dream

Dream big magic: If you are alive, you are creative.

Sarah Berry Some of the most brilliant, talented people I know are creatively constipated.

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Science finds why your perfect 'type' could be the result of life experiences

When researchers asked 35,000 participants to rate the beauty of different faces, the results were surprising.

Sarah Berry New research indicates beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.