Ponérologie politique - Conférence de LLP 2015
Voici une vidéo très intéressante qui tente d'expliquer pourquoi le monde va si mal, pourquoi autant de crimes de grande ampleur se perpétuent sans qu'aucune sanction sérieuse ne vienne mettre fin au désordre ambiant, bien au contraire, puisque les criminels et autres pathocrates ne font que légitimer et renforcer leur pouvoir chaque jour qui passe. Les décorations et autres légions d'honneur sont
llp salim laibi vidéo de présentation du livre Le Mythomane la face cachée d’Alain Soral
Terrorisme pour les nuls, désinformation et "modernisation" de l'Islam (LLP-Salim Laibi)
Descriptif de la Chaîne de Salim Laibi :
La nouvelle affaire très étrange de terrorisme islamiste de Sid Ahmed Ghlam nous pousse à l'analyser dans son contexte médiaticopolitique puisqu'elle tombe à point nommé en plein vote de la loi sur le renseignement de Manu la Tremblotte qui restreint les libertés de tous, mais également pendant cette période très curieuse que Félix Marquardt a choisie pour
Mike Diamondz - La Onda (LLP Remix)
In order to avoid copyright infringement, please, do not upload this song on your channel. Thank you.
Video ReEdit by VJ Adrriano Perez
download : https://soundcloud.com/dj-llp/mike-diamondz-la-onda-llp-remixextended
LLP on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/djllpofficial
VJ Adrianno Perez on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/VjAdrrianoPerezOficial?fref=ts
Orchestration: F.Charm, Zenn, Flo
Maghreb Humiliated III hd (LLP : Le Libre Penseur)
Dans la série déboulonnage d'idoles...
Conférence de LLP Salim Laïbi à Roubaix - 1 sur 2
Hevito feat. Gipsy Casual & Ralflo - Negra Linda (LLP Remix VJ Adrriano Perez Video ReEdit)
Hevito feat. Gipsy Casual & Ralflo - Negra Linda by Cat Music & Sprint Music
Subscribe to CatMusic: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=catmusicoffice
Music: Hevito, Alin Radu
Lyrics: Hevito
Orchestration: Alin Radu
Mix & Master: Bunicu Magic
Management si Booking: marius.china@sprintmedia.ro | +40723315180
Licensing: marian.soci@catmusic.ro
Cat Music is the main player in the
LLP au sujet de Jacques Attali
LLP - Fire (Original Mix)
Conférence Nimes La Faillite du Monde Moderne - LLP 1 décembvre 2012
LLP à quand une Dieudoscopie ?
LLP à quand une Dieudoscopie ?
Soral & LLP: Les secrets de l'histoire de l'humanité (Dieu, religions, Satan, franc-maçons sionisme)
RMC La désinformation médiatique assumée LLP Le Libre Penseur
LLP, c'est pas très élégant, courageux de craché sur Soral comme tu fait !
Mon compte Twitter : https://twitter.com/Ahmedeboboch
LLP, c'est pas très élégant, courageux de craché sur Soral comme tu fait !
Noni - Yo Te Veo (LLP Remix) / Official Video
Extended Version here: https://soundcloud.com/dj-llp/noni-yo-te-veo-llp-remixextended
For the newest releases, don't forget to Subscribe!
Noni - Yo Te Veo (Official Remix by LLP)
© & ℗ Sindrum Media 2015
Booking/Press: Ailenei Razvan ; +40 723 622 086 / manageme
Médiocrité paradoxale d'Onfray ! Salim Laibi (LLP)
Comment peut-on être athée viscéral et militant tout en étant sioniste et pour le droit du peuple juif à une terre ! Rappelons que cette terre est une promesse biblique ! Rappelons que la Bible est la parole de Dieu ! Je peux très bien comprendre un juif qui veut retourner à Jérusalem mais en aucun cas un athée qui soit allié au messianisme millénariste juif ! Ceci n'a aucun sens à moins que quelq
Tommy Boy & LLP - Reina (Official Lyric Video)
Download the single from iTunes:
© & (P) ROTON 2014
Roton Music TV is the channel where hitmakers gather!
With more than 20 years of experience in the music industry, Roton earned its position in the top of the most important labels in Romania.
Starting with 2011, Roton is the Warner Music Licensee for Romania.
The artists we represent a
Salim Laibi LLP Le Libre Penseur: "L'islam n'existe pas !"
Salim Laibi LLP Le Libre Penseur: "L'islam n'existe pas !" Vous vous interessez au spectacle de la dissidence ? Venez débattre avec nous de tous les sujets, ...
LLP feat Miss Sunshine - Sensation
LLP feat Miss Sunshine - Sensation
Find us on the web:
Licensing: contact@mediapromusic.ro
(C) & (P) MediaPro Music Entertainment 2011
All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws
In order to avoid copyrigh
Qui est Jacques ATTALI par LLP
Sorcellerie des élites par LLP
Ponérologie politique - Conférence de LLP 2015
Voici une vidéo très intéressante qui tente d'expliquer pourquoi le monde va si mal, pourquoi autant de crimes de grande ampleur se perpétuent sans qu'aucune sa...
Voici une vidéo très intéressante qui tente d'expliquer pourquoi le monde va si mal, pourquoi autant de crimes de grande ampleur se perpétuent sans qu'aucune sanction sérieuse ne vienne mettre fin au désordre ambiant, bien au contraire, puisque les criminels et autres pathocrates ne font que légitimer et renforcer leur pouvoir chaque jour qui passe. Les décorations et autres légions d'honneur sont décernées aux plus grands pédocriminels de l'histoire humaine (Jimmy Savile) ; ceci doit avoir une explication. La répétition des ratages ne peut s'expliquer que par l'incompétence des autorités. D'autant que ces mêmes autorités n'essuieront jamais de sanctions pour manque de résultats. Lorsque les banksters de la Wachovia se feront cueillir la main dans le sac de cocaïne de Guzman el Chapo, une simple amende de quelques millions de dollars suffira à leur éviter la prison à vie.
Cette vidéo présente une suite impressionnante de situations semblables à celle de la Wachovia, ce qui confirme la gestion politique des sociétés modernes par une pathocratie criminelle.
wn.com/Ponérologie Politique Conférence De Llp 2015
Voici une vidéo très intéressante qui tente d'expliquer pourquoi le monde va si mal, pourquoi autant de crimes de grande ampleur se perpétuent sans qu'aucune sanction sérieuse ne vienne mettre fin au désordre ambiant, bien au contraire, puisque les criminels et autres pathocrates ne font que légitimer et renforcer leur pouvoir chaque jour qui passe. Les décorations et autres légions d'honneur sont décernées aux plus grands pédocriminels de l'histoire humaine (Jimmy Savile) ; ceci doit avoir une explication. La répétition des ratages ne peut s'expliquer que par l'incompétence des autorités. D'autant que ces mêmes autorités n'essuieront jamais de sanctions pour manque de résultats. Lorsque les banksters de la Wachovia se feront cueillir la main dans le sac de cocaïne de Guzman el Chapo, une simple amende de quelques millions de dollars suffira à leur éviter la prison à vie.
Cette vidéo présente une suite impressionnante de situations semblables à celle de la Wachovia, ce qui confirme la gestion politique des sociétés modernes par une pathocratie criminelle.
- published: 11 Jun 2015
- views: 3201
Terrorisme pour les nuls, désinformation et "modernisation" de l'Islam (LLP-Salim Laibi)
Descriptif de la Chaîne de Salim Laibi :
La nouvelle affaire très étrange de terrorisme islamiste de Sid Ahmed Ghlam nous pousse à l'analyser dans son contexte...
Descriptif de la Chaîne de Salim Laibi :
La nouvelle affaire très étrange de terrorisme islamiste de Sid Ahmed Ghlam nous pousse à l'analyser dans son contexte médiaticopolitique puisqu'elle tombe à point nommé en plein vote de la loi sur le renseignement de Manu la Tremblotte qui restreint les libertés de tous, mais également pendant cette période très curieuse que Félix Marquardt a choisie pour nous lancer son mouvement d'aggiornamento de l'islam avec une équipe de bras cassés assez remarquable. Cette vidéo est là justement pour rappeler aux naïfs et autres ignorants, la réalité de ces supercheries en cascades.
Vidéo de la chaîne Salim Laibi (Le Libre Penseur) :
Le Libre Penseur :
wn.com/Terrorisme Pour Les Nuls, Désinformation Et Modernisation De L'Islam (Llp Salim Laibi)
Descriptif de la Chaîne de Salim Laibi :
La nouvelle affaire très étrange de terrorisme islamiste de Sid Ahmed Ghlam nous pousse à l'analyser dans son contexte médiaticopolitique puisqu'elle tombe à point nommé en plein vote de la loi sur le renseignement de Manu la Tremblotte qui restreint les libertés de tous, mais également pendant cette période très curieuse que Félix Marquardt a choisie pour nous lancer son mouvement d'aggiornamento de l'islam avec une équipe de bras cassés assez remarquable. Cette vidéo est là justement pour rappeler aux naïfs et autres ignorants, la réalité de ces supercheries en cascades.
Vidéo de la chaîne Salim Laibi (Le Libre Penseur) :
Le Libre Penseur :
- published: 05 May 2015
- views: 108
Mike Diamondz - La Onda (LLP Remix)
In order to avoid copyright infringement, please, do not upload this song on your channel. Thank you.
Video ReEdit by VJ Adrriano Perez
download : https://sou...
In order to avoid copyright infringement, please, do not upload this song on your channel. Thank you.
Video ReEdit by VJ Adrriano Perez
download : https://soundcloud.com/dj-llp/mike-diamondz-la-onda-llp-remixextended
LLP on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/djllpofficial
VJ Adrianno Perez on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/VjAdrrianoPerezOficial?fref=ts
Orchestration: F.Charm, Zenn, Florin Nedelcu
Music: Mike Diamondz, F.Charm
Lyrics: Mike Diamondz, Caitlyn
Remix by LLP
LLP is one of the most well-known and appreciated DJ/Producers in Romania. His experience, combined with the quality music and his personal productions used in events make him a complete artist, making his performances memorable.
In 2009 he realeased his first single “I Miss You”, which became a hit and got licensed all over Europe in countries like : Spain, France, Germany, Austria, Poland, Italy, etc. The song became one of the most played on the radio stations throughout Europe.
(C) &(P) LLP RECORDS 2015
All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws
In order to avoid copyright infringement, please, do not upload this song on your channel.
Nu faceti Re-Upload pe alte canale de Youtube, pentru ca vor fi raportate !
wn.com/Mike Diamondz La Onda (Llp Remix)
In order to avoid copyright infringement, please, do not upload this song on your channel. Thank you.
Video ReEdit by VJ Adrriano Perez
download : https://soundcloud.com/dj-llp/mike-diamondz-la-onda-llp-remixextended
LLP on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/djllpofficial
VJ Adrianno Perez on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/VjAdrrianoPerezOficial?fref=ts
Orchestration: F.Charm, Zenn, Florin Nedelcu
Music: Mike Diamondz, F.Charm
Lyrics: Mike Diamondz, Caitlyn
Remix by LLP
LLP is one of the most well-known and appreciated DJ/Producers in Romania. His experience, combined with the quality music and his personal productions used in events make him a complete artist, making his performances memorable.
In 2009 he realeased his first single “I Miss You”, which became a hit and got licensed all over Europe in countries like : Spain, France, Germany, Austria, Poland, Italy, etc. The song became one of the most played on the radio stations throughout Europe.
(C) &(P) LLP RECORDS 2015
All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws
In order to avoid copyright infringement, please, do not upload this song on your channel.
Nu faceti Re-Upload pe alte canale de Youtube, pentru ca vor fi raportate !
- published: 23 Sep 2015
- views: 642
Maghreb Humiliated III hd (LLP : Le Libre Penseur)
Dans la série déboulonnage d'idoles...
Dans la série déboulonnage d'idoles...
wn.com/Maghreb Humiliated Iii Hd (Llp Le Libre Penseur)
Dans la série déboulonnage d'idoles...
- published: 25 Apr 2014
- views: 3435
Hevito feat. Gipsy Casual & Ralflo - Negra Linda (LLP Remix VJ Adrriano Perez Video ReEdit)
Hevito feat. Gipsy Casual & Ralflo - Negra Linda by Cat Music & Sprint Music
Subscribe to CatMusic: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=catmusic...
Hevito feat. Gipsy Casual & Ralflo - Negra Linda by Cat Music & Sprint Music
Subscribe to CatMusic: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=catmusicoffice
Music: Hevito, Alin Radu
Lyrics: Hevito
Orchestration: Alin Radu
Mix & Master: Bunicu Magic
Management si Booking: marius.china@sprintmedia.ro | +40723315180
Licensing: marian.soci@catmusic.ro
Cat Music is the main player in the Romanian music industry, representing some of the most influential and successful artists from Romania, for the past 20 years. Cat Music's portfolio includes phenomenal bands and artists, who wrote and keep on writing the music history in Romania. Some of this brands are: Alex Mica, Smiley, Elena Gheorghe, Mandinga, What's UP, Faydee, Edward Maya, Delia, Andreea Banica, Shift, Dj Project, Dj Sava, David Deejay, Dony, O-Zone, 3 Sud Est, Voltaj, Ruby, Laurentiu Duta, Cabron, CRBL, Tara, Sunrise INC, JORGE, Pavel Stratan, Cleopatra Stratan, ROA (Rise of Artificial), Nick Kamarera, Mossano, Narcotic Sound, Ela Rose, Giulia, Hi-Q, Liviu Hodor, Directia 5, Anna Lesko, Andre, BUG Mafia, La Familia, N&D;, Class, Ro-Mania, Valahia.
Cat Music Online:
wn.com/Hevito Feat. Gipsy Casual Ralflo Negra Linda (Llp Remix Vj Adrriano Perez Video Reedit)
Hevito feat. Gipsy Casual & Ralflo - Negra Linda by Cat Music & Sprint Music
Subscribe to CatMusic: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=catmusicoffice
Music: Hevito, Alin Radu
Lyrics: Hevito
Orchestration: Alin Radu
Mix & Master: Bunicu Magic
Management si Booking: marius.china@sprintmedia.ro | +40723315180
Licensing: marian.soci@catmusic.ro
Cat Music is the main player in the Romanian music industry, representing some of the most influential and successful artists from Romania, for the past 20 years. Cat Music's portfolio includes phenomenal bands and artists, who wrote and keep on writing the music history in Romania. Some of this brands are: Alex Mica, Smiley, Elena Gheorghe, Mandinga, What's UP, Faydee, Edward Maya, Delia, Andreea Banica, Shift, Dj Project, Dj Sava, David Deejay, Dony, O-Zone, 3 Sud Est, Voltaj, Ruby, Laurentiu Duta, Cabron, CRBL, Tara, Sunrise INC, JORGE, Pavel Stratan, Cleopatra Stratan, ROA (Rise of Artificial), Nick Kamarera, Mossano, Narcotic Sound, Ela Rose, Giulia, Hi-Q, Liviu Hodor, Directia 5, Anna Lesko, Andre, BUG Mafia, La Familia, N&D;, Class, Ro-Mania, Valahia.
Cat Music Online:
- published: 06 Aug 2015
- views: 7736
LLP - Fire (Original Mix)
wn.com/Llp Fire (Original Mix)
- published: 27 May 2015
- views: 9
Conférence Nimes La Faillite du Monde Moderne - LLP 1 décembvre 2012
wn.com/Conférence Nimes La Faillite Du Monde Moderne Llp 1 Décembvre 2012
- published: 14 Jan 2013
- views: 50291
LLP à quand une Dieudoscopie ?
LLP à quand une Dieudoscopie ?...
LLP à quand une Dieudoscopie ?
wn.com/Llp À Quand Une Dieudoscopie
LLP à quand une Dieudoscopie ?
- published: 27 Nov 2014
- views: 31666
LLP, c'est pas très élégant, courageux de craché sur Soral comme tu fait !
Mon compte Twitter : https://twitter.com/Ahmedeboboch
LLP, c'est pas très élégant, courageux de craché sur Soral comme tu fait !...
Mon compte Twitter : https://twitter.com/Ahmedeboboch
LLP, c'est pas très élégant, courageux de craché sur Soral comme tu fait !
wn.com/Llp, C'Est Pas Très Élégant, Courageux De Craché Sur Soral Comme Tu Fait
Mon compte Twitter : https://twitter.com/Ahmedeboboch
LLP, c'est pas très élégant, courageux de craché sur Soral comme tu fait !
- published: 26 Dec 2014
- views: 186
wn.com/Salim Laibi (Llp) Vs Skyrock La Radio Sataniste
- published: 10 Jan 2014
- views: 21158
Noni - Yo Te Veo (LLP Remix) / Official Video
Extended Version here: https://soundcloud.com/dj-llp/noni-yo-te-veo-llp-remixextended
For the newest releases, don't forget to Subscribe!
Noni - Yo Te Veo (Of...
Extended Version here: https://soundcloud.com/dj-llp/noni-yo-te-veo-llp-remixextended
For the newest releases, don't forget to Subscribe!
Noni - Yo Te Veo (Official Remix by LLP)
© & ℗ Sindrum Media 2015
Booking/Press: Ailenei Razvan ; +40 723 622 086 / management@sindrummedia.com
Previous Sindrum Media Releases:
Noni - No te puedo olvidar
Noni - No te puedo olvidar (Dance Remake)
Noni feat Shatyr - Easy to love
Danni Ionesco - Andreea, Andreea
Noni - Amare
QUB - I like my tunes
Noni - Agapi Mou
wn.com/Noni Yo Te Veo (Llp Remix) Official Video
Extended Version here: https://soundcloud.com/dj-llp/noni-yo-te-veo-llp-remixextended
For the newest releases, don't forget to Subscribe!
Noni - Yo Te Veo (Official Remix by LLP)
© & ℗ Sindrum Media 2015
Booking/Press: Ailenei Razvan ; +40 723 622 086 / management@sindrummedia.com
Previous Sindrum Media Releases:
Noni - No te puedo olvidar
Noni - No te puedo olvidar (Dance Remake)
Noni feat Shatyr - Easy to love
Danni Ionesco - Andreea, Andreea
Noni - Amare
QUB - I like my tunes
Noni - Agapi Mou
- published: 28 Jul 2015
- views: 315
Médiocrité paradoxale d'Onfray ! Salim Laibi (LLP)
Comment peut-on être athée viscéral et militant tout en étant sioniste et pour le droit du peuple juif à une terre ! Rappelons que cette terre est une promesse ...
Comment peut-on être athée viscéral et militant tout en étant sioniste et pour le droit du peuple juif à une terre ! Rappelons que cette terre est une promesse biblique ! Rappelons que la Bible est la parole de Dieu ! Je peux très bien comprendre un juif qui veut retourner à Jérusalem mais en aucun cas un athée qui soit allié au messianisme millénariste juif ! Ceci n'a aucun sens à moins que quelque chose d'autre soit derrière toute cette fatuité intellectuelle moderne.
Analyse du Dr Salim Laibi LLP (Le Libre Penseur)
wn.com/Médiocrité Paradoxale D'Onfray Salim Laibi (Llp)
Comment peut-on être athée viscéral et militant tout en étant sioniste et pour le droit du peuple juif à une terre ! Rappelons que cette terre est une promesse biblique ! Rappelons que la Bible est la parole de Dieu ! Je peux très bien comprendre un juif qui veut retourner à Jérusalem mais en aucun cas un athée qui soit allié au messianisme millénariste juif ! Ceci n'a aucun sens à moins que quelque chose d'autre soit derrière toute cette fatuité intellectuelle moderne.
Analyse du Dr Salim Laibi LLP (Le Libre Penseur)
- published: 19 Apr 2014
- views: 5222
Tommy Boy & LLP - Reina (Official Lyric Video)
Download the single from iTunes:
© & (P) ROTON 2014
Roton Music TV is the channel where hitmakers g...
Download the single from iTunes:
© & (P) ROTON 2014
Roton Music TV is the channel where hitmakers gather!
With more than 20 years of experience in the music industry, Roton earned its position in the top of the most important labels in Romania.
Starting with 2011, Roton is the Warner Music Licensee for Romania.
The artists we represent are one of the most successful in Romania and also were a huge breakthrough in the international market, topping radio and sales around the world.
Roton is home of artists such as Inna, Fly Project, Akcent, Alexandra Stan, Antonia, Corina, Anda Adam, Amna, Connect-R, Maxim, Sandra N, Radio Killer, Andreea Balan and many more.
We post new amazing videos and hits at least twice a week. Some of our playlists are updated weekly. We update "FreshlyBaked" playlist every Wednesday while "SuperWeekend" is updated every Friday.
Our music is available here so, tune in and enjoy it!
wn.com/Tommy Boy Llp Reina (Official Lyric Video)
Download the single from iTunes:
© & (P) ROTON 2014
Roton Music TV is the channel where hitmakers gather!
With more than 20 years of experience in the music industry, Roton earned its position in the top of the most important labels in Romania.
Starting with 2011, Roton is the Warner Music Licensee for Romania.
The artists we represent are one of the most successful in Romania and also were a huge breakthrough in the international market, topping radio and sales around the world.
Roton is home of artists such as Inna, Fly Project, Akcent, Alexandra Stan, Antonia, Corina, Anda Adam, Amna, Connect-R, Maxim, Sandra N, Radio Killer, Andreea Balan and many more.
We post new amazing videos and hits at least twice a week. Some of our playlists are updated weekly. We update "FreshlyBaked" playlist every Wednesday while "SuperWeekend" is updated every Friday.
Our music is available here so, tune in and enjoy it!
- published: 16 Apr 2014
- views: 210009
Salim Laibi LLP Le Libre Penseur: "L'islam n'existe pas !"
Salim Laibi LLP Le Libre Penseur: "L'islam n'existe pas !" Vous vous interessez au spectacle de la dissidence ? Venez débattre avec nous de tous les sujets, ......
Salim Laibi LLP Le Libre Penseur: "L'islam n'existe pas !" Vous vous interessez au spectacle de la dissidence ? Venez débattre avec nous de tous les sujets, ...
wn.com/Salim Laibi Llp Le Libre Penseur L'Islam N'Existe Pas
Salim Laibi LLP Le Libre Penseur: "L'islam n'existe pas !" Vous vous interessez au spectacle de la dissidence ? Venez débattre avec nous de tous les sujets, ...
LLP feat Miss Sunshine - Sensation
LLP feat Miss Sunshine - Sensation
Find us on the web:
LLP feat Miss Sunshine - Sensation
Find us on the web:
Licensing: contact@mediapromusic.ro
(C) & (P) MediaPro Music Entertainment 2011
All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws
In order to avoid copyright infringement, please, do not upload this song on your channel
wn.com/Llp Feat Miss Sunshine Sensation
LLP feat Miss Sunshine - Sensation
Find us on the web:
Licensing: contact@mediapromusic.ro
(C) & (P) MediaPro Music Entertainment 2011
All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws
In order to avoid copyright infringement, please, do not upload this song on your channel
- published: 20 Apr 2011
- views: 603490
James Fawcett - Gordons LLP
Following a round table discussion event, James Fawcett discusses growth, potential and the challenges facing growing business in the Yorkshire region.
Ryan Dostie - Welch LLP Consultant Profile Video
Get up close and personal with Welch LLP Partner Ryan Dostie in this profile video.
Ask An Advisor at Manning Elliott LLP, Episode 4
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Ask An Advisor at Manning Elliott LLP, Episode 5
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Content from the Rainy Day Rumble livestream: (10-20-15)
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Meet This Firm: Marcum LLP
Interviews with the best accounting employers across in the United States for high performing accounting professionals and CPAs.
Marcum LLP is one of the largest independent public accounting and advisory services firms in the United States. Headquartered in New York City, we offer the resources of 1,300 professionals, including more than 160 partners, in 23 full-service offices in major business
Arnstein & Lehr LLP 1st Annual Celebration of Diversity
Arnstein & Lehr’s Committee on Diversity & Inclusion hosted its first-ever Diversity Mixer at the Erie Café in Chicago. The evening reception provided an opportunity for people interested in diversity in the legal profession to network and socialize. Law school diversity directors, diversity organization and bar association members, chamber of commerce representatives, and corporate diversity offi
Bradshaw and Robinson LLP Attys At Law
When youre in need of topnotch general legal services, turn
to Bradshaw and Robinson LLP, Attorneys At Law. We take on a
variety of cases that involve traffic, real estate and
business law. Our team also handles wills and estates, and
eminent domain. Get the representation you need and schedule
an appointment
Corbett Anderson Corbett Vellinga and Irvin LLP
Corbett Anderson Corbett Vellinga and Irvin LLP
San Francisco CPA Firm and Accounting Firm: Safe Harbor LLP
Meet Safe Harbor LLP, a top-rated San Francisco CPA and accounting firm. (More info at http://safeharborcpa.com/). Watch this introductory video to learn more about us, including our international tax services, audited financials and our unique ability to act as your outsourced CFO (Chief Financial Officer). We work with many San Francisco Bay Area startups and small businesses, to help with their
Melat Pressman and Higbie, LLP
Welcome to the law office of Melat, Pressman and Higbie.
Located in Colorado Springs, we are dedicated to providing
quality representation to our clients. We handle a variety
of cases including personal injury, wrongful death,
insurance coverage disputes and much more. Contact us to
learn more about our services.
James Fawcett - Gordons LLP
Following a round table discussion event, James Fawcett discusses growth, potential and the challenges facing growing business in the Yorkshire region....
Following a round table discussion event, James Fawcett discusses growth, potential and the challenges facing growing business in the Yorkshire region.
wn.com/James Fawcett Gordons Llp
Following a round table discussion event, James Fawcett discusses growth, potential and the challenges facing growing business in the Yorkshire region.
- published: 22 Oct 2015
- views: 6
Ryan Dostie - Welch LLP Consultant Profile Video
Get up close and personal with Welch LLP Partner Ryan Dostie in this profile video....
Get up close and personal with Welch LLP Partner Ryan Dostie in this profile video.
wn.com/Ryan Dostie Welch Llp Consultant Profile Video
Get up close and personal with Welch LLP Partner Ryan Dostie in this profile video.
- published: 22 Oct 2015
- views: 4
Ask An Advisor at Manning Elliott LLP, Episode 4
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BC Business Online http://www.bcbusiness.ca
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Watch more videos at http://www.bcbusiness.ca/videos
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wn.com/Ask An Advisor At Manning Elliott Llp, Episode 4
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- published: 22 Oct 2015
- views: 20
Ask An Advisor at Manning Elliott LLP, Episode 5
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BC Business Online http://www.bcbusiness.ca
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Watch more videos at http://www.bcbusiness.ca/videos
Get more local business insight at
BC Business Online http://www.bcbusiness.ca
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wn.com/Ask An Advisor At Manning Elliott Llp, Episode 5
Watch more videos at http://www.bcbusiness.ca/videos
Get more local business insight at
BC Business Online http://www.bcbusiness.ca
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- published: 22 Oct 2015
- views: 15
Livestream: Blacklight: Retribution - Rainy Day Rumble
Content from the Rainy Day Rumble livestream: (10-20-15)
Join the Last Level Forum: http://lastl...
Content from the Rainy Day Rumble livestream: (10-20-15)
Join the Last Level Forum: http://lastlevelpress.b1.jcink.com/index.php
Follow LLP on Twitch.tv: http://www.twitch.tv/lastlevelpress/
Like LLP on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LastLevelPress?skip_nax_wizard=true
Follow LLP on Twitter: https://twitter.com/LastLevelPress
Follow LLP on Tumblr: http://lastlevelpress.tumblr.com/
Support LLP via Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/LastLevelPress
NOTE: This video is completely unedited, exported directly from Twitch.tv to Youtube, and uploaded in its entirety as an alternative archive to Twitch's own temporary broadcast archival service.
wn.com/Livestream Blacklight Retribution Rainy Day Rumble
Content from the Rainy Day Rumble livestream: (10-20-15)
Join the Last Level Forum: http://lastlevelpress.b1.jcink.com/index.php
Follow LLP on Twitch.tv: http://www.twitch.tv/lastlevelpress/
Like LLP on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LastLevelPress?skip_nax_wizard=true
Follow LLP on Twitter: https://twitter.com/LastLevelPress
Follow LLP on Tumblr: http://lastlevelpress.tumblr.com/
Support LLP via Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/LastLevelPress
NOTE: This video is completely unedited, exported directly from Twitch.tv to Youtube, and uploaded in its entirety as an alternative archive to Twitch's own temporary broadcast archival service.
- published: 22 Oct 2015
- views: 98
EPC Solutions LLP IT
EPC Solutions IT Services....
EPC Solutions IT Services.
wn.com/Epc Solutions Llp It
EPC Solutions IT Services.
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 2
EPC Solutions LLP EM IN
EPC Solutions LLP's Energy Management Profile....
EPC Solutions LLP's Energy Management Profile.
wn.com/Epc Solutions Llp Em In
EPC Solutions LLP's Energy Management Profile.
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 3
EPC Solutions LLP IN
EPC Solutions LLP is a privately owned, internationally focused engineering enterprise with world-class capabilities spanning the entire client value chain. We ...
EPC Solutions LLP is a privately owned, internationally focused engineering enterprise with world-class capabilities spanning the entire client value chain. We operate an integrated business model comprising the full range of Engineering, Consultancy, Construction, Asset Management, Finances and Information Technology services delivering single-source solutions for some of the world's most prestigious public and private organizations.
Performance Excellence :: EPC Solutions is committed to the development of a culture based on Excellence Plus performance. The Group sets stretching targets in all its operations globally and by applying the four elements of Excellence Plus performance – Client Focus, Innovation, Responsible Behavior, People Development – it will achieve its vision to be the company of first choice for all stakeholders, able to challenge and change the poor practices synonymous with the construction industry, and compete alongside world-leading businesses.
Client Focus :: EPC Solutions approach is led by an unwavering focus on fully understanding the needs of clients and delivering on our promises, regardless of the scale or complexity of the challenge in hand. Working collaboratively with our clients, we develop bespoke teams and solutions from concept through every stage of the project to completion, ensuring the best expertise and resources are deployed to achieve the required time, cost, quality, safety and sustainability outcomes.
Innovation :: As a company we are passionate about harnessing innovation as a positive force for change. We instill this mindset culturally in every element of our operations and project delivery.
"Our vision and strategy for the business guide everything that we do and form a compelling and relevant ambition for our employees and stakeholders".
wn.com/Epc Solutions Llp In
EPC Solutions LLP is a privately owned, internationally focused engineering enterprise with world-class capabilities spanning the entire client value chain. We operate an integrated business model comprising the full range of Engineering, Consultancy, Construction, Asset Management, Finances and Information Technology services delivering single-source solutions for some of the world's most prestigious public and private organizations.
Performance Excellence :: EPC Solutions is committed to the development of a culture based on Excellence Plus performance. The Group sets stretching targets in all its operations globally and by applying the four elements of Excellence Plus performance – Client Focus, Innovation, Responsible Behavior, People Development – it will achieve its vision to be the company of first choice for all stakeholders, able to challenge and change the poor practices synonymous with the construction industry, and compete alongside world-leading businesses.
Client Focus :: EPC Solutions approach is led by an unwavering focus on fully understanding the needs of clients and delivering on our promises, regardless of the scale or complexity of the challenge in hand. Working collaboratively with our clients, we develop bespoke teams and solutions from concept through every stage of the project to completion, ensuring the best expertise and resources are deployed to achieve the required time, cost, quality, safety and sustainability outcomes.
Innovation :: As a company we are passionate about harnessing innovation as a positive force for change. We instill this mindset culturally in every element of our operations and project delivery.
"Our vision and strategy for the business guide everything that we do and form a compelling and relevant ambition for our employees and stakeholders".
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 3
Williams & Brown, L.L.P. - Making a Difference One Case at a Time
I really like practicing the kind of law that we practice. I like helping people who've been hurt, whose lives have been turned upside down as a result of an ac...
I really like practicing the kind of law that we practice. I like helping people who've been hurt, whose lives have been turned upside down as a result of an accident that was not their fault. I like representing individuals and families, as opposed to corporations and insurance companies.
When the case is resolved, we feel great knowing that we've made a difference in someone's life.
Call us for a free, confidential consultation at (888) 741-6200 or visit our website at http://www.trialfirm.com/dale-williams.html.
Williams & Brown, L.L.P. - Making a Difference One Case at a Time
wn.com/Williams Brown, L.L.P. Making A Difference One Case At A Time
I really like practicing the kind of law that we practice. I like helping people who've been hurt, whose lives have been turned upside down as a result of an accident that was not their fault. I like representing individuals and families, as opposed to corporations and insurance companies.
When the case is resolved, we feel great knowing that we've made a difference in someone's life.
Call us for a free, confidential consultation at (888) 741-6200 or visit our website at http://www.trialfirm.com/dale-williams.html.
Williams & Brown, L.L.P. - Making a Difference One Case at a Time
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 6
Williams & Brown, L.L.P. - Resolution for Clients Against Insurance Companies
Insurance companies know that we have, we can, and we will go to the courthouse if they're not reasonable with our clients. As a result, many of the cases that ...
Insurance companies know that we have, we can, and we will go to the courthouse if they're not reasonable with our clients. As a result, many of the cases that we've handled, we've been able to resolve fairly for our clients without having to file a lawsuit.
Just because you hire an attorney, does not mean that you are necessarily going to be embroiled and knocked down in a dragged out litigation. The first thing that we do is to try to find a friendly and fair resolution for our clients.
Call us for a free, confidential consultation at (888) 741-6200 or visit our website at http://www.trialfirm.com/case-results.html.
Williams & Brown, L.L.P. - Making a Difference One Case at a Time
wn.com/Williams Brown, L.L.P. Resolution For Clients Against Insurance Companies
Insurance companies know that we have, we can, and we will go to the courthouse if they're not reasonable with our clients. As a result, many of the cases that we've handled, we've been able to resolve fairly for our clients without having to file a lawsuit.
Just because you hire an attorney, does not mean that you are necessarily going to be embroiled and knocked down in a dragged out litigation. The first thing that we do is to try to find a friendly and fair resolution for our clients.
Call us for a free, confidential consultation at (888) 741-6200 or visit our website at http://www.trialfirm.com/case-results.html.
Williams & Brown, L.L.P. - Making a Difference One Case at a Time
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 3
Williams & Brown, L.L.P. Represents 4-Year-Old Boy Paralyzed by Defective Seatbelt
We represented a cute 4-year-old boy named Bishop. One rainy afternoon, Bishop is riding in the back seat of a new car and he's wearing his seat belt just like ...
We represented a cute 4-year-old boy named Bishop. One rainy afternoon, Bishop is riding in the back seat of a new car and he's wearing his seat belt just like he had been taught. There's a minor car accident and everyone walks away from the car accident except little Bishop. He's paralyzed from the waist down and will spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.
Bishop is paralyzed because of a poorly designed seatbelt system that is especially dangerous for children. Bishop's family allowed us to bring a suit against the car manufacturer. We obtained a settlement for Bishop that will take care of him financially for the rest of his life and the car manufacturer redesigned their seatbelt system in order to make sure this didn't happen to other children.
Call us for a free, confidential consultation at (888) 741-6200 or visit our website at http://www.trialfirm.com/product-liability/defective-seat-belt.html.
Williams & Brown, L.L.P. - Making a Difference One Case at a Time
wn.com/Williams Brown, L.L.P. Represents 4 Year Old Boy Paralyzed By Defective Seatbelt
We represented a cute 4-year-old boy named Bishop. One rainy afternoon, Bishop is riding in the back seat of a new car and he's wearing his seat belt just like he had been taught. There's a minor car accident and everyone walks away from the car accident except little Bishop. He's paralyzed from the waist down and will spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.
Bishop is paralyzed because of a poorly designed seatbelt system that is especially dangerous for children. Bishop's family allowed us to bring a suit against the car manufacturer. We obtained a settlement for Bishop that will take care of him financially for the rest of his life and the car manufacturer redesigned their seatbelt system in order to make sure this didn't happen to other children.
Call us for a free, confidential consultation at (888) 741-6200 or visit our website at http://www.trialfirm.com/product-liability/defective-seat-belt.html.
Williams & Brown, L.L.P. - Making a Difference One Case at a Time
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 3
Williams & Brown, L.L.P. - Our Impact on Public Safety
Over the years, we've been privileged to represent people in cases in which we were not only able to obtain fair compensation for them, but we've also had the o...
Over the years, we've been privileged to represent people in cases in which we were not only able to obtain fair compensation for them, but we've also had the opportunity to have an impact on public safety, by seeing that the companies in these cases change their policies and practices to ensure that these accidents don't happen to someone else.
And that's a great feeling.
Call us for a free, confidential consultation at (888) 741-6200 or visit our website at http://www.trialfirm.com/about-us.html.
Williams & Brown, L.L.P. - Making a Difference One Case at a Time
wn.com/Williams Brown, L.L.P. Our Impact On Public Safety
Over the years, we've been privileged to represent people in cases in which we were not only able to obtain fair compensation for them, but we've also had the opportunity to have an impact on public safety, by seeing that the companies in these cases change their policies and practices to ensure that these accidents don't happen to someone else.
And that's a great feeling.
Call us for a free, confidential consultation at (888) 741-6200 or visit our website at http://www.trialfirm.com/about-us.html.
Williams & Brown, L.L.P. - Making a Difference One Case at a Time
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 5
Williams & Brown, L.L.P. - Representing Fatal Car Accident Victims and Their Families
Sam and his wife Sharla, and their two children, were driving home. A drunk driver veered across the road and hit them. Sam was killed and his family severely i...
Sam and his wife Sharla, and their two children, were driving home. A drunk driver veered across the road and hit them. Sam was killed and his family severely injured. The drunk driver had just been sent home from her job because she was too drunk to work. Had the company followed its own rule, that it cannot let an employee who is intoxicated drive home, this wreck would not have happened. the company refused to accept any responsibility and forced Sam's family to take legal action. The jury held the company accountable for Sam's death.
Several newspapers ran stories about the case and the next day, the company made a new company policy that no employee suspected of drinking is ever allowed to drive home. All because Sam's family decided to stand up to this company, this community is a safer place.
Call us for a free, confidential consultation at (888) 741-6200 or by visiting our website at http://www.trialfirm.com.
Williams & Brown, L.L.P. - Making a Difference One Case at a Time
wn.com/Williams Brown, L.L.P. Representing Fatal Car Accident Victims And Their Families
Sam and his wife Sharla, and their two children, were driving home. A drunk driver veered across the road and hit them. Sam was killed and his family severely injured. The drunk driver had just been sent home from her job because she was too drunk to work. Had the company followed its own rule, that it cannot let an employee who is intoxicated drive home, this wreck would not have happened. the company refused to accept any responsibility and forced Sam's family to take legal action. The jury held the company accountable for Sam's death.
Several newspapers ran stories about the case and the next day, the company made a new company policy that no employee suspected of drinking is ever allowed to drive home. All because Sam's family decided to stand up to this company, this community is a safer place.
Call us for a free, confidential consultation at (888) 741-6200 or by visiting our website at http://www.trialfirm.com.
Williams & Brown, L.L.P. - Making a Difference One Case at a Time
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 0
Williams & Brown, L.L.P. Lawsuit Gets Dangerous Drug Removed from Market
Chris is the handsome high school quarterback who marries the beautiful cheerleader. They have a 7-year-old daughter and a son on the way. Chris takes only one ...
Chris is the handsome high school quarterback who marries the beautiful cheerleader. They have a 7-year-old daughter and a son on the way. Chris takes only one daily medication, an arthritis drug. The manufacturer of the drug knows that it causes five times the number of heart attacks as other similar drugs, but they hide this information from the FDA. One evening, this drug causes Chris to have a heart attack and it tragically kills him. Chris is only 36 years old.
We obtained a substantial settlement that will take care of Chris's wife and children. But just as important, as a result of our lawsuit and others like it, this dangerous drug is removed from the market.
Call us for a free, confidential consultation at (888) 741-6200 or by visiting our website at http://www.trialfirm.com.
Williams & Brown, L.L.P. - Making a Difference One Case at a Time
wn.com/Williams Brown, L.L.P. Lawsuit Gets Dangerous Drug Removed From Market
Chris is the handsome high school quarterback who marries the beautiful cheerleader. They have a 7-year-old daughter and a son on the way. Chris takes only one daily medication, an arthritis drug. The manufacturer of the drug knows that it causes five times the number of heart attacks as other similar drugs, but they hide this information from the FDA. One evening, this drug causes Chris to have a heart attack and it tragically kills him. Chris is only 36 years old.
We obtained a substantial settlement that will take care of Chris's wife and children. But just as important, as a result of our lawsuit and others like it, this dangerous drug is removed from the market.
Call us for a free, confidential consultation at (888) 741-6200 or by visiting our website at http://www.trialfirm.com.
Williams & Brown, L.L.P. - Making a Difference One Case at a Time
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 2
Meet This Firm: Marcum LLP
Interviews with the best accounting employers across in the United States for high performing accounting professionals and CPAs.
Marcum LLP is one of the large...
Interviews with the best accounting employers across in the United States for high performing accounting professionals and CPAs.
Marcum LLP is one of the largest independent public accounting and advisory services firms in the United States. Headquartered in New York City, we offer the resources of 1,300 professionals, including more than 160 partners, in 23 full-service offices in major business markets throughout the U.S., Grand Cayman and China.
To see all open positions with Marcum LLP, please visit: https://app.accountingfly.com/p/marcumllp
wn.com/Meet This Firm Marcum Llp
Interviews with the best accounting employers across in the United States for high performing accounting professionals and CPAs.
Marcum LLP is one of the largest independent public accounting and advisory services firms in the United States. Headquartered in New York City, we offer the resources of 1,300 professionals, including more than 160 partners, in 23 full-service offices in major business markets throughout the U.S., Grand Cayman and China.
To see all open positions with Marcum LLP, please visit: https://app.accountingfly.com/p/marcumllp
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 9
Arnstein & Lehr LLP 1st Annual Celebration of Diversity
Arnstein & Lehr’s Committee on Diversity & Inclusion hosted its first-ever Diversity Mixer at the Erie Café in Chicago. The evening reception provided an opport...
Arnstein & Lehr’s Committee on Diversity & Inclusion hosted its first-ever Diversity Mixer at the Erie Café in Chicago. The evening reception provided an opportunity for people interested in diversity in the legal profession to network and socialize. Law school diversity directors, diversity organization and bar association members, chamber of commerce representatives, and corporate diversity officers were in attendance. | September 16, 2015
wn.com/Arnstein Lehr Llp 1St Annual Celebration Of Diversity
Arnstein & Lehr’s Committee on Diversity & Inclusion hosted its first-ever Diversity Mixer at the Erie Café in Chicago. The evening reception provided an opportunity for people interested in diversity in the legal profession to network and socialize. Law school diversity directors, diversity organization and bar association members, chamber of commerce representatives, and corporate diversity officers were in attendance. | September 16, 2015
- published: 20 Oct 2015
- views: 10
Bradshaw and Robinson LLP Attys At Law
When youre in need of topnotch general legal services, turn
to Bradsha...
When youre in need of topnotch general legal services, turn
to Bradshaw and Robinson LLP, Attorneys At Law. We take on a
variety of cases that involve traffic, real estate and
business law. Our team also handles wills and estates, and
eminent domain. Get the representation you need and schedule
an appointment with us soon!
wn.com/Bradshaw And Robinson Llp Attys At Law
When youre in need of topnotch general legal services, turn
to Bradshaw and Robinson LLP, Attorneys At Law. We take on a
variety of cases that involve traffic, real estate and
business law. Our team also handles wills and estates, and
eminent domain. Get the representation you need and schedule
an appointment with us soon!
- published: 20 Oct 2015
- views: 0
Corbett Anderson Corbett Vellinga and Irvin LLP
wn.com/Corbett Anderson Corbett Vellinga And Irvin Llp
- published: 20 Oct 2015
- views: 0
Corbett Anderson Corbett Vellinga and Irvin LLP
wn.com/Corbett Anderson Corbett Vellinga And Irvin Llp
- published: 20 Oct 2015
- views: 0
San Francisco CPA Firm and Accounting Firm: Safe Harbor LLP
Meet Safe Harbor LLP, a top-rated San Francisco CPA and accounting firm. (More info at http://safeharborcpa.com/). Watch this introductory video to learn more a...
Meet Safe Harbor LLP, a top-rated San Francisco CPA and accounting firm. (More info at http://safeharborcpa.com/). Watch this introductory video to learn more about us, including our international tax services, audited financials and our unique ability to act as your outsourced CFO (Chief Financial Officer). We work with many San Francisco Bay Area startups and small businesses, to help with their accounting, tax, and financial planning needs. Call us, today.
wn.com/San Francisco Cpa Firm And Accounting Firm Safe Harbor Llp
Meet Safe Harbor LLP, a top-rated San Francisco CPA and accounting firm. (More info at http://safeharborcpa.com/). Watch this introductory video to learn more about us, including our international tax services, audited financials and our unique ability to act as your outsourced CFO (Chief Financial Officer). We work with many San Francisco Bay Area startups and small businesses, to help with their accounting, tax, and financial planning needs. Call us, today.
- published: 20 Oct 2015
- views: 2
Melat Pressman and Higbie, LLP
Welcome to the law office of Melat, Pressman and Higbie.
Located in Colorado Spring...
Welcome to the law office of Melat, Pressman and Higbie.
Located in Colorado Springs, we are dedicated to providing
quality representation to our clients. We handle a variety
of cases including personal injury, wrongful death,
insurance coverage disputes and much more. Contact us to
learn more about our services.
wn.com/Melat Pressman And Higbie, Llp
Welcome to the law office of Melat, Pressman and Higbie.
Located in Colorado Springs, we are dedicated to providing
quality representation to our clients. We handle a variety
of cases including personal injury, wrongful death,
insurance coverage disputes and much more. Contact us to
learn more about our services.
- published: 20 Oct 2015
- views: 0
Vous en avez rêvez? Voici pour vous le débat tant attendu entre deux figures de la dissidence!
New! Jan 2014 LLP Acharnement contre Dieudonné, La Valse des Tyrans
Salim Laibi - LLP - Karim Achoui franc maçon ou pas
Karim Achoui Franc Maçon ou pas ? - Salim Laibi - LLP
LLP et Stan Maillaud - pédocriminalité 1 sur 2
PART 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZP46K0BnV0
En hommage à Stan maillaux le Zorro Blanc tjrs porté disparue chasseur de pédophiles et le LLP superbe rencontre entre deux Hommes!Propos Chocs
pour en savoir plus sur l'affaire Stan Maillaux et les soutenir je vs invite: http://www.lesamisdestanmaillaud.org/
1-CD rom de zandvort(Karl zero):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=
LLP TV Lobotomie La TV Tue
La télé tue!
La laïcité satanique, l'humanisme etc.. expliqué par Salim Laïbi
Soraloscopie #5 Bouquet Final par Salim Laibi #LLP
Soraloscopie #5 Bouquet Final
Romanian Dance Club Music 2013 (LLP Set Mix)
Salim Laïbi (LLP) : 2-2 : Conférence à Roubaix sur son livre "La faillite du monde moderne"
LLP sache que ton enfant est aux côtés de notre bien aimé Ibrahim (sws) !
LLP sache que ton enfant est aux côtés de notre bien aimé Ibrahim (sws) !
Vous en avez rêvez? Voici pour vous le débat tant attendu entre deux figures de la dissidence!...
Vous en avez rêvez? Voici pour vous le débat tant attendu entre deux figures de la dissidence!
wn.com/Soral Vs Llp
Vous en avez rêvez? Voici pour vous le débat tant attendu entre deux figures de la dissidence!
- published: 09 Mar 2015
- views: 2104
Salim Laibi - LLP - Karim Achoui franc maçon ou pas
Karim Achoui Franc Maçon ou pas ? - Salim Laibi - LLP...
Karim Achoui Franc Maçon ou pas ? - Salim Laibi - LLP
wn.com/Salim Laibi Llp Karim Achoui Franc Maçon Ou Pas
Karim Achoui Franc Maçon ou pas ? - Salim Laibi - LLP
- published: 11 Jan 2014
- views: 17049
LLP et Stan Maillaud - pédocriminalité 1 sur 2
PART 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZP46K0BnV0
En hommage à Stan maillaux le Zorro Blanc tjrs porté disparue chasseur de pédophiles et le LLP superbe rencon...
PART 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZP46K0BnV0
En hommage à Stan maillaux le Zorro Blanc tjrs porté disparue chasseur de pédophiles et le LLP superbe rencontre entre deux Hommes!Propos Chocs
pour en savoir plus sur l'affaire Stan Maillaux et les soutenir je vs invite: http://www.lesamisdestanmaillaud.org/
1-CD rom de zandvort(Karl zero):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-I85Z-Qb7Q
2-Affaire Vincent (Stan Maillaud):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXRrB8jdSm0&list;=PLYl0-NthZybsBIYNLERqM5T8wYGpCrtYK
3-Viol d'enfants la loi du silence (Elise Lucet):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lexsuFNqCpg
4-Snuff vidéos et satanisme(-16ans):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDx2rjf_aTQ&list;=PLYl0-NthZybvNEZ8r5SUwaopsTisqvm-J
5-Rencontre LLP/Stan Maillaud:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-kH9BZdplM&list;=PLYl0-NthZybvy7PZjdD1QzI6Rez9LMJBE
6-franc-maçonnerie disséqué:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1l_J0TmwwQk&list;=PLYl0-NthZybtiZcmrPl8OLHZyYc2Wqv1M
7- Les ballets écarlate écarlate de J-P mocky : http://nemesistv.info/video/WMMUN6AK7BN3/les-ballets-écarlates-jean-pierre-mocky#
8-Les auditions de Stan Maillaud (Sandrine Gachadoat):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CPg5CZFvmE&feature;=youtu.be
9- Les auditions de Stan Maillaud- Helène : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcNJBny8cd0&list;=PLYl0-NthZybsWa6nvLfyQiSwyly22M1G2
10-Stan Maillaud-Les réseaux de l'horreur : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hxqSs5kVd0&list;=PLYl0-NthZybsLzdytLf9GkrbiazuuuqpS
wn.com/Llp Et Stan Maillaud Pédocriminalité 1 Sur 2
PART 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZP46K0BnV0
En hommage à Stan maillaux le Zorro Blanc tjrs porté disparue chasseur de pédophiles et le LLP superbe rencontre entre deux Hommes!Propos Chocs
pour en savoir plus sur l'affaire Stan Maillaux et les soutenir je vs invite: http://www.lesamisdestanmaillaud.org/
1-CD rom de zandvort(Karl zero):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-I85Z-Qb7Q
2-Affaire Vincent (Stan Maillaud):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXRrB8jdSm0&list;=PLYl0-NthZybsBIYNLERqM5T8wYGpCrtYK
3-Viol d'enfants la loi du silence (Elise Lucet):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lexsuFNqCpg
4-Snuff vidéos et satanisme(-16ans):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDx2rjf_aTQ&list;=PLYl0-NthZybvNEZ8r5SUwaopsTisqvm-J
5-Rencontre LLP/Stan Maillaud:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-kH9BZdplM&list;=PLYl0-NthZybvy7PZjdD1QzI6Rez9LMJBE
6-franc-maçonnerie disséqué:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1l_J0TmwwQk&list;=PLYl0-NthZybtiZcmrPl8OLHZyYc2Wqv1M
7- Les ballets écarlate écarlate de J-P mocky : http://nemesistv.info/video/WMMUN6AK7BN3/les-ballets-écarlates-jean-pierre-mocky#
8-Les auditions de Stan Maillaud (Sandrine Gachadoat):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CPg5CZFvmE&feature;=youtu.be
9- Les auditions de Stan Maillaud- Helène : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcNJBny8cd0&list;=PLYl0-NthZybsWa6nvLfyQiSwyly22M1G2
10-Stan Maillaud-Les réseaux de l'horreur : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hxqSs5kVd0&list;=PLYl0-NthZybsLzdytLf9GkrbiazuuuqpS
- published: 19 Jan 2013
- views: 12825
La laïcité satanique, l'humanisme etc.. expliqué par Salim Laïbi...
La laïcité satanique, l'humanisme etc.. expliqué par Salim Laïbi
wn.com/Llp Salim Laïbi Ce Qu'Ils Ne Veulent Pas Qu'ON Sache
La laïcité satanique, l'humanisme etc.. expliqué par Salim Laïbi
- published: 13 Nov 2013
- views: 138
LLP sache que ton enfant est aux côtés de notre bien aimé Ibrahim (sws) !
LLP sache que ton enfant est aux côtés de notre bien aimé Ibrahim (sws) !...
LLP sache que ton enfant est aux côtés de notre bien aimé Ibrahim (sws) !
wn.com/Llp Sache Que Ton Enfant Est Aux Côtés De Notre Bien Aimé Ibrahim (Sws)
LLP sache que ton enfant est aux côtés de notre bien aimé Ibrahim (sws) !
- published: 28 May 2015
- views: 635