La rosa de Guadalupe Amor freak
La rosa de Guadalupe Amor freak
La rosa de Guadalupe Amor freak
Ivonne y Franklin se unen al ser ambos rechazados por sus compañeros de escuela
LA DESESPERACION DE FOXY !! - Video Reaccion | Fernanfloo
LA DESESPERACION DE FOXY !! - Video Reaccion | Fernanfloo
LA DESESPERACION DE FOXY !! - Video Reaccion | Fernanfloo
Vídeo original → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2IqiOWbDsE
Canal de creador del vídeo → https://www.youtube.com/user/PieMations
Vídeo doblado al español → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyioFm719zg
Canal de doblador → https://www.youtube.com/user/EscardiFandubs
Mis redes sociales:
Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/FERNANFL00
Twitter → https://twitter.com/Fernanfloo
Instagram → https://instagram.com/fernan_floo
Mi Tienda → http://fernanfloo.spreadshirt.com
App para que no te pierdas ningún vídeo → http://goo.gl/Vc3a8Y
Hola gente de youtube!!. En esta ocasión regreso con las vídeo reacciones, esta vez con una parodia animada de la famo
Naughty Boy - La La La ft. Sam Smith
Naughty Boy - La La La ft. Sam Smith
Naughty Boy - La La La ft. Sam Smith
From Naughty Boy's debut album "Hotel Cabana"
AVAILABLE NOW - Download: http://po.st/HCiTunes
Watch the Hotel Cabana trailer at http://www.hotel-cabana.com
Follow Naughty Boy
Video Directed by Ian Pons Jewell
Music video by Naughty Boy Performing La La La. © 2013
Naughty Boy Recordings Ltd, under exclusive licence to Virgin Records Ltd.
La rosa de Guadalupe La mejor de las sonrisas
La rosa de Guadalupe La mejor de las sonrisas
La rosa de Guadalupe La mejor de las sonrisas
Natalie es diagnosticada con cáncer abdominal. Tobías, su novio, sin darse por vencido, entrará como voluntario al hospital donde se encuentra Natalie, para hacerse pasar por un payasito que llevará sonrisas a los niños enfermos.
Mad Max - 16°: La Fine si Avvicina.
Mad Max - 16°: La Fine si Avvicina.
Mad Max - 16°: La Fine si Avvicina.
Ragazzi sono su Instagram: https://instagram.com/cicciogamer_89
Key di Gioco ad un Ottimo Prezzo : http://www.instant-gaming.com/igr/CiccioGamer89/
Ecco la mia pagina ufficiale su Facebook :
Indirizzo Casella Postale :
poste italiane
Casella Postale 15073 Roma Laurentino ( RM )
cap : 00134 roma ( o eventualmente usate lo : 00143 roma )
Ce soir à la TV : LES BEAUX GOSSES - Bande Annonce
Ce soir à la TV : LES BEAUX GOSSES - Bande Annonce
Ce soir à la TV : LES BEAUX GOSSES - Bande Annonce
L'un des meilleurs films jamais réalisé sur l'adolescence et la puberté. UN DÉLICE ! Ce soir à 22h10 sur France 4
★ Rejoins-nous sur Facebook ► http://facebook.com/Filmsactu
★Les Films les plus MARRANTS ici ► http://bit.ly/Films-LoL
Un film réalisé par Riad Sattouf
Avec Vincent Lacoste, Anthony Sonigo, Alice Tremolières, Julie Scheibling , Robin Duverger, Noémie Lvovsky, Irène Jacob , Emmanuelle Devos...
Genre : Comédie Dramatique, Romantique
© 2009 - Pathé Films
Abonnez-vous dès maintenant pour ne pas rater la bande annonce HD du moment ainsi que le trailer officiel, extrai
La GRAN SORPRESA!! Alpha VS SUBS ¿? - Black Ops 2 AlphaSniper97
La GRAN SORPRESA!! Alpha VS SUBS ¿? - Black Ops 2 AlphaSniper97
La GRAN SORPRESA!! Alpha VS SUBS ¿? - Black Ops 2 AlphaSniper97
COD ADVANCED WARFARE pc BARATO: http://www.instant-gaming.com/igr/AlphaSniper97/
➨ El RETO MÁS HUMILLANTE de Call Of Duty!! ಥ_ಥ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKnW6yK9F5g
➨ Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 - NUEVO ESPECIALISTA, NUEVO MAPA y MEGA INFO!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=724zdQvtq7g
➨ Utiliza el Código "ALPHA" para un MEGA DESCUENTO en KontrolFREEK: http://bit.ly/1IvJpqo
➨ Utiliza el Código "ALPHA" para un MEGA DESCUENTO en CCS http://competitivecontroller.com/
➨ Twitter oficial del canal: https://twitter.com/Alphasniper97
Hola a todos,
Shakira - La La La (Brazil 2014) ft. Carlinhos Brown
Shakira - La La La (Brazil 2014) ft. Carlinhos Brown
Shakira - La La La (Brazil 2014) ft. Carlinhos Brown
La La La is featured on Shakira's new self-titled album. Shakira & Activia partner to support World Food Programme and its School Meals initiative, Find out more on activia.com - wfp.org/shakira -shakira.com.
“La La La” is featured on the new album Shakira, out now / El nuevo álbum ya disponible en iTunes http://smarturl.it/ShakiraiTunes?IQid=yt / CD http://smarturl.it/ShakiraAlbumCD?Iqid=yt
Also, featured on One Love, One Rhythm: The Official 2014 FIFA World Cup™ Album. Available Now: http://smarturl.it/FWCalbum?Iqid=Shak
Music video by Shakira performing La La La. (C) 2014 Ace Entertainment S.ar.l.
GoodBye LA, You Broke Me.
GoodBye LA, You Broke Me.
GoodBye LA, You Broke Me.
Writing this sitting in the company of my mom and dad and already feel so much love flowing through me. I can't pin point when this downward spiral began. I'd like to say when I came back from Turkey but I'm not quite sure. I didn't make a big deal out of it because this happens to me every now and then. Being bipolar, I have some high HIGHS, that can last a long time. But I also face low LOWS. I usually sit through it and it shakes off within a week MAX. This time something was different. I was starting each day in LA at 4PM because I loved to be asleep. Reality was too scary and I did not want to face my thoughts. My thoughts were becoming
LE DOIGT DE LA HONTE ! - YouTube (le Vendredi des Vrais!)
LE DOIGT DE LA HONTE ! - YouTube (le Vendredi des Vrais!)
LE DOIGT DE LA HONTE ! - YouTube (le Vendredi des Vrais!)
Le doigt de la honte est là pour le Vendredi des Vrais (Youtube)! On regarde des photos prises au bon moments. :)
Abonne-toi & DEVIENS un VRAI ICI ► http://bit.ly/DeviensUnVrai
● Twitter : https://twitter.com/HugoPOSAY/
● Facebook : https://facebook.com/HugoPOSAYPageOfficielle/
● Snapchat : HugoPOSAYSnap
● Instagram : https://instagram.com/hugop0say/
Clique ici & regarde + de Vendredi des Vrais! ►
Aujourd'hui c'est le Vendredi des Vrais, et le "doigt de la honte" on avait lancé un #DoigtDeLaHonte (video humour) où vous m'envoyez des photos drôles et photos prises au bon mo
Mirá todos nuestros informes acá!
Seguinos e Facebook:
Seguinos en Twitter:
¡Suscribite al canal y no te pierdas ninguno de los informes!
Nuevos hallazgos en la decodificación del Manuscrito Voynich
Nuevos hallazgos en la decodificación del Manuscrito Voynich
Nuevos hallazgos en la decodificación del Manuscrito Voynich
Vicente Fuentes narra los últimos avances en la descodificación del increíble manuscrito voynich en base a un convenio europeo en donde diferentes lingüistas se han puesto de acuerdo en las primeras reglas ortográficas de este lenguaje. Escucharemos unas palabras en este idioma y estudiaremos las diferentes versiones sobre su autoría y contenido. Esperamos que el programa sea de su interés.
Ricky Martin - La Mordidita (Official Video) ft. Yotuel
Ricky Martin - La Mordidita (Official Video) ft. Yotuel
Ricky Martin - La Mordidita (Official Video) ft. Yotuel
"La Mordidita" FT. Yotuel (Official Video)
Listen to "A Quien Quiera Escuchar" now on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/RickyAQQE
Google Play: http://smarturl.it/RickyAQQEGP
Amazon: http://smarturl.it/RickyAQQEAM
Spotify: http://smarturl.it/RickyMartinSpotify
Official music video by Ricky Martin performing "La Mordidita." (C) 2015 Sony Music Entertainment US Latin LLC.
Choreographed by Lobadys Pérez Barrera
Also Visit
Follow Ricky Martin:
VERSION ANDROID: http://bit.ly/1JQ5nIc
VERSION iOS: http://apple.co/1KGvBA5
FACEBOOK : http://www.facebook.com/LeWoopGang
TWITTER : http://www.twitter.com/LeWoopGang
YAH Productions 2014
Réalisation : Hugo Dessioux
Cadreur : Haroun Saifi
Monteur : Haroun Saifi
Prise son : Vincent Dasilva
Mixage audio : Antoine Caracci
Auteurs : Le Woop
Musiques : Geronimo Beats
Productrice : Alexandra Monaury
Chargée de production: Camille Ruby
"La Notice" une idée originale d’Yvick Letexier.
Avec :
- Miste
Registro con Elgato HD 60: http://e.lga.to/anima
Sabri: https://www.youtube.com/user/lasabrigamer
Stepny: https://www.youtube.com/user/MoD3rNSt3pNy
Surreal: https://www.youtube.com/user/SurreaIPower
Vegas: https://www.youtube.com/user/XxMrVegas
Nome: Sascha Burci oppure Poste Italiane
Indirizzo: Casella Postale 34
Città: Lavagna (GE) Cap: 16033
Seguimi anche qua:
Pagina FB: http://goo.gl/eVpiKO Profilo FB: http://goo.gl/iGSTpq
Instagram: http://goo.gl/d5IkIO Twitter: https://goo.gl/0DVSqG
Ask: http://goo.gl/g8PgvQ Tsu: http://goo.gl/lnYJ4U
Periscope: Sascha Burci
2° Canale: http://goo.gl/5nuZJH Goo
Berioska Leyva canta "Atrápalos ya" | Audiciones a ciegas | La Voz Perú 2015
Berioska Leyva canta "Atrápalos ya" | Audiciones a ciegas | La Voz Perú 2015
Berioska Leyva canta "Atrápalos ya" | Audiciones a ciegas | La Voz Perú 2015
NOMBRE canta CANCIÓN de AUTOR | Audiciones a ciegas | La Voz Perú 2015 | Temporada 3
LG Wine Smart: la recensione di HDblog
LG Wine Smart: la recensione di HDblog
LG Wine Smart: la recensione di HDblog
RECENSIONE: http://lg.hdblog.it/2015/10/11/LG-Wine-Smart-la-recensione-di-HDBlogit/
La Belle Mixtape | Summer Memories | Henri Pfr
La Belle Mixtape | Summer Memories | Henri Pfr
La Belle Mixtape | Summer Memories | Henri Pfr
La Belle Musique - Taste Your Paradise.
⍟ twitter: http://twitter.com/euqisumellebal
⍟ facebook: http://fb.me/labellemusiqueofficial
⍟ tumblr: http://tumblr.com/blog/labelleatmosphere
⍟ soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/labellemusiqueofficial
Decided to start this year with our first mixtape called "Summer Memories" by Henri Peiffer.
One hour of summer vibes!
Photo by Christian Benetel
Free Download
La travesía de "Don Juan"
La travesía de "Don Juan"
La travesía de "Don Juan"
Muchas gracias por ser los mejores del mundo conmigo :'D
Kiu' capbros ayúdenme a sacar más sonrisas :D
Twitter: https://twitter.com/werevertumorro
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/werevertumorro
SUSCRIBETE http://bit.ly/werever
INSTAGRAM http://bit.ly/w2minst
Retrouvez ma dernière vidéo !
Mon Blog : http://www.mrkuro.com
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/thibaultmiami
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/mrkurocom
INSTAGRAM : http://instagram.com/thibaultmiami
GOOGLE+ : http://google.com/+mrkurocom
SNAPCHAT: thibaultkurog
Merci à vous tous !
N'oubliez de vous abonner pour découvrir mes prochaines vidéos :)
PGJEM confirma captura de la "Degolladora de Chimalhuacán" | Noticias del Estado de México
PGJEM confirma captura de la "Degolladora de Chimalhuacán" | Noticias del Estado de México
PGJEM confirma captura de la "Degolladora de Chimalhuacán" | Noticias del Estado de México
La PGJE confirmó la detención de Nayeli García Montaño, de 20 años, ubicada como la "Degolladora de Chimalhuacán".
LA VICTORIA! - Futbol Troll con Lanita - [LuzuGames]
LA VICTORIA! - Futbol Troll con Lanita - [LuzuGames]
LA VICTORIA! - Futbol Troll con Lanita - [LuzuGames]
Espero que os guste mucho el video :D
Jueguitos: http://www.g2a.com/r/luzugames
La rosa de Guadalupe Amor freak
Ivonne y Franklin se unen al ser ambos rechazados por sus compañeros de escuela
wn.com/La Rosa De Guadalupe Amor Freak
Ivonne y Franklin se unen al ser ambos rechazados por sus compañeros de escuela
- published: 29 Sep 2015
- views: 963
LA DESESPERACION DE FOXY !! - Video Reaccion | Fernanfloo
Vídeo original → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2IqiOWbDsE
Canal de creador del vídeo → https://www.youtube.com/user/PieMations
Vídeo doblado al español → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyioFm719zg
Canal de doblador → https://www.youtube.com/user/EscardiFandubs
Mis redes sociales:
Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/FERNANFL00
Twitter → https://twitter.com/Fernanfloo
Instagram → https://instagram.com/fernan_floo
Mi Tienda → http://fernanfloo.spreadshirt.com
App para que no te pierdas ningún vídeo → http://goo.gl/Vc3a8Y
Hola gente de youtube!!. En esta ocasión regreso con las vídeo reacciones, esta vez con una parodia animada de la famosa saga de videojuegos "Five Nights at Freddy's". Acompáñame en esta animación llena de locura y diversión =D
Canción final → "Unity" hecha por TheFatRat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8X9_MgEdCg
wn.com/La Desesperacion De Foxy Video Reaccion | Fernanfloo
Vídeo original → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2IqiOWbDsE
Canal de creador del vídeo → https://www.youtube.com/user/PieMations
Vídeo doblado al español → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyioFm719zg
Canal de doblador → https://www.youtube.com/user/EscardiFandubs
Mis redes sociales:
Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/FERNANFL00
Twitter → https://twitter.com/Fernanfloo
Instagram → https://instagram.com/fernan_floo
Mi Tienda → http://fernanfloo.spreadshirt.com
App para que no te pierdas ningún vídeo → http://goo.gl/Vc3a8Y
Hola gente de youtube!!. En esta ocasión regreso con las vídeo reacciones, esta vez con una parodia animada de la famosa saga de videojuegos "Five Nights at Freddy's". Acompáñame en esta animación llena de locura y diversión =D
Canción final → "Unity" hecha por TheFatRat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8X9_MgEdCg
- published: 10 Oct 2015
- views: 483320
Naughty Boy - La La La ft. Sam Smith
From Naughty Boy's debut album "Hotel Cabana"
AVAILABLE NOW - Download: http://po.st/HCiTunes
Watch the Hotel Cabana trailer at http://www.hotel-cabana.com
Follow Naughty Boy
Video Directed by Ian Pons Jewell
Music video by Naughty Boy Performing La La La. © 2013
Naughty Boy Recordings Ltd, under exclusive licence to Virgin Records Ltd.
wn.com/Naughty Boy La La La Ft. Sam Smith
From Naughty Boy's debut album "Hotel Cabana"
AVAILABLE NOW - Download: http://po.st/HCiTunes
Watch the Hotel Cabana trailer at http://www.hotel-cabana.com
Follow Naughty Boy
Video Directed by Ian Pons Jewell
Music video by Naughty Boy Performing La La La. © 2013
Naughty Boy Recordings Ltd, under exclusive licence to Virgin Records Ltd.
- published: 18 Apr 2013
- views: 522511874
La rosa de Guadalupe La mejor de las sonrisas
Natalie es diagnosticada con cáncer abdominal. Tobías, su novio, sin darse por vencido, entrará como voluntario al hospital donde se encuentra Natalie, para hacerse pasar por un payasito que llevará sonrisas a los niños enfermos.
wn.com/La Rosa De Guadalupe La Mejor De Las Sonrisas
Natalie es diagnosticada con cáncer abdominal. Tobías, su novio, sin darse por vencido, entrará como voluntario al hospital donde se encuentra Natalie, para hacerse pasar por un payasito que llevará sonrisas a los niños enfermos.
- published: 08 Oct 2015
- views: 16007
Mad Max - 16°: La Fine si Avvicina.
Ragazzi sono su Instagram: https://instagram.com/cicciogamer_89
Key di Gioco ad un Ottimo Prezzo : http://www.instant-gaming.com/igr/CiccioGamer89/
Ecco la mia pagina ufficiale su Facebook :
Indirizzo Casella Postale :
poste italiane
Casella Postale 15073 Roma Laurentino ( RM )
cap : 00134 roma ( o eventualmente usate lo : 00143 roma )
wn.com/Mad Max 16° La Fine Si Avvicina.
Ragazzi sono su Instagram: https://instagram.com/cicciogamer_89
Key di Gioco ad un Ottimo Prezzo : http://www.instant-gaming.com/igr/CiccioGamer89/
Ecco la mia pagina ufficiale su Facebook :
Indirizzo Casella Postale :
poste italiane
Casella Postale 15073 Roma Laurentino ( RM )
cap : 00134 roma ( o eventualmente usate lo : 00143 roma )
- published: 11 Oct 2015
- views: 33983
Ce soir à la TV : LES BEAUX GOSSES - Bande Annonce
L'un des meilleurs films jamais réalisé sur l'adolescence et la puberté. UN DÉLICE ! Ce soir à 22h10 sur France 4
★ Rejoins-nous sur Facebook ► http://facebook.com/Filmsactu
★Les Films les plus MARRANTS ici ► http://bit.ly/Films-LoL
Un film réalisé par Riad Sattouf
Avec Vincent Lacoste, Anthony Sonigo, Alice Tremolières, Julie Scheibling , Robin Duverger, Noémie Lvovsky, Irène Jacob , Emmanuelle Devos...
Genre : Comédie Dramatique, Romantique
© 2009 - Pathé Films
Abonnez-vous dès maintenant pour ne pas rater la bande annonce HD du moment ainsi que le trailer officiel, extrait vidéo ou scène des films français et internationaux à l'affiche.
wn.com/Ce Soir À La Tv Les Beaux Gosses Bande Annonce
L'un des meilleurs films jamais réalisé sur l'adolescence et la puberté. UN DÉLICE ! Ce soir à 22h10 sur France 4
★ Rejoins-nous sur Facebook ► http://facebook.com/Filmsactu
★Les Films les plus MARRANTS ici ► http://bit.ly/Films-LoL
Un film réalisé par Riad Sattouf
Avec Vincent Lacoste, Anthony Sonigo, Alice Tremolières, Julie Scheibling , Robin Duverger, Noémie Lvovsky, Irène Jacob , Emmanuelle Devos...
Genre : Comédie Dramatique, Romantique
© 2009 - Pathé Films
Abonnez-vous dès maintenant pour ne pas rater la bande annonce HD du moment ainsi que le trailer officiel, extrait vidéo ou scène des films français et internationaux à l'affiche.
- published: 11 Oct 2015
- views: 1967
La GRAN SORPRESA!! Alpha VS SUBS ¿? - Black Ops 2 AlphaSniper97
COD ADVANCED WARFARE pc BARATO: http://www.instant-gaming.com/igr/AlphaSniper97/
➨ El RETO MÁS HUMILLANTE de Call Of Duty!! ಥ_ಥ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKnW6yK9F5g
➨ Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 - NUEVO ESPECIALISTA, NUEVO MAPA y MEGA INFO!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=724zdQvtq7g
➨ Utiliza el Código "ALPHA" para un MEGA DESCUENTO en KontrolFREEK: http://bit.ly/1IvJpqo
➨ Utiliza el Código "ALPHA" para un MEGA DESCUENTO en CCS http://competitivecontroller.com/
➨ Twitter oficial del canal: https://twitter.com/Alphasniper97
Hola a todos, bienvenidos a otro vídeo más de AlphaSniper97, hoy os traigo un NUEVO DOBLE LIVE 2.0 en esta ocasión en Black Ops 2! ;)
Espero que os guste.
Gracias compañero Byre por la ayuda con la mini! :D https://www.youtube.com/user/iByreHD
Canciones utilizadas en este vídeo: DJoe - Today is the day
Vanze ft. Brenton Mattheus - Outline
Cuenta para Fans en Twitter: https://twitter.com/FansALPHA97
App del canal: http://myapp.wips.com/alphasniper97-extension
wn.com/La Gran Sorpresa Alpha Vs Subs ¿ Black Ops 2 Alphasniper97
COD ADVANCED WARFARE pc BARATO: http://www.instant-gaming.com/igr/AlphaSniper97/
➨ El RETO MÁS HUMILLANTE de Call Of Duty!! ಥ_ಥ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKnW6yK9F5g
➨ Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 - NUEVO ESPECIALISTA, NUEVO MAPA y MEGA INFO!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=724zdQvtq7g
➨ Utiliza el Código "ALPHA" para un MEGA DESCUENTO en KontrolFREEK: http://bit.ly/1IvJpqo
➨ Utiliza el Código "ALPHA" para un MEGA DESCUENTO en CCS http://competitivecontroller.com/
➨ Twitter oficial del canal: https://twitter.com/Alphasniper97
Hola a todos, bienvenidos a otro vídeo más de AlphaSniper97, hoy os traigo un NUEVO DOBLE LIVE 2.0 en esta ocasión en Black Ops 2! ;)
Espero que os guste.
Gracias compañero Byre por la ayuda con la mini! :D https://www.youtube.com/user/iByreHD
Canciones utilizadas en este vídeo: DJoe - Today is the day
Vanze ft. Brenton Mattheus - Outline
Cuenta para Fans en Twitter: https://twitter.com/FansALPHA97
App del canal: http://myapp.wips.com/alphasniper97-extension
- published: 11 Oct 2015
- views: 96457
Shakira - La La La (Brazil 2014) ft. Carlinhos Brown
La La La is featured on Shakira's new self-titled album. Shakira & Activia partner to support World Food Programme and its School Meals initiative, Find out more on activia.com - wfp.org/shakira -shakira.com.
“La La La” is featured on the new album Shakira, out now / El nuevo álbum ya disponible en iTunes http://smarturl.it/ShakiraiTunes?IQid=yt / CD http://smarturl.it/ShakiraAlbumCD?Iqid=yt
Also, featured on One Love, One Rhythm: The Official 2014 FIFA World Cup™ Album. Available Now: http://smarturl.it/FWCalbum?Iqid=Shak
Music video by Shakira performing La La La. (C) 2014 Ace Entertainment S.ar.l.
wn.com/Shakira La La La (Brazil 2014) Ft. Carlinhos Brown
La La La is featured on Shakira's new self-titled album. Shakira & Activia partner to support World Food Programme and its School Meals initiative, Find out more on activia.com - wfp.org/shakira -shakira.com.
“La La La” is featured on the new album Shakira, out now / El nuevo álbum ya disponible en iTunes http://smarturl.it/ShakiraiTunes?IQid=yt / CD http://smarturl.it/ShakiraAlbumCD?Iqid=yt
Also, featured on One Love, One Rhythm: The Official 2014 FIFA World Cup™ Album. Available Now: http://smarturl.it/FWCalbum?Iqid=Shak
Music video by Shakira performing La La La. (C) 2014 Ace Entertainment S.ar.l.
- published: 22 May 2014
- views: 577534006
GoodBye LA, You Broke Me.
Writing this sitting in the company of my mom and dad and already feel so much love flowing through me. I can't pin point when this downward spiral began. I'd like to say when I came back from Turkey but I'm not quite sure. I didn't make a big deal out of it because this happens to me every now and then. Being bipolar, I have some high HIGHS, that can last a long time. But I also face low LOWS. I usually sit through it and it shakes off within a week MAX. This time something was different. I was starting each day in LA at 4PM because I loved to be asleep. Reality was too scary and I did not want to face my thoughts. My thoughts were becoming more and more cryptic and dark and I knew I had to do something. I was more alone than ever and was thinking of a way to escape. I thought about the crazy options first and then chose what I should have done from the beginning which is calling my mom and being open with her and telling her I needed her. I needed my family. I needed to feel loved again. LA is great. My career is great. My life has it all. But without my family I am nothing. And I need to fill the hole in me that has been there from the start. Mannnn. I remember making this same video and typing this same thing in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and now. This isn't new and this is going to happen again and again and again until I find the missing piece I've been searching for forever. There's so much more I want to say but I feel like I've said it all before. Many times so I'd rather not. I guess thank you for putting up with me. I hope to go back to LA, happier. Much happier and more content with my life. I won't leave New Jersey until I'm ready. Hope you understand. I love you.
wn.com/Goodbye La, You Broke Me.
Writing this sitting in the company of my mom and dad and already feel so much love flowing through me. I can't pin point when this downward spiral began. I'd like to say when I came back from Turkey but I'm not quite sure. I didn't make a big deal out of it because this happens to me every now and then. Being bipolar, I have some high HIGHS, that can last a long time. But I also face low LOWS. I usually sit through it and it shakes off within a week MAX. This time something was different. I was starting each day in LA at 4PM because I loved to be asleep. Reality was too scary and I did not want to face my thoughts. My thoughts were becoming more and more cryptic and dark and I knew I had to do something. I was more alone than ever and was thinking of a way to escape. I thought about the crazy options first and then chose what I should have done from the beginning which is calling my mom and being open with her and telling her I needed her. I needed my family. I needed to feel loved again. LA is great. My career is great. My life has it all. But without my family I am nothing. And I need to fill the hole in me that has been there from the start. Mannnn. I remember making this same video and typing this same thing in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and now. This isn't new and this is going to happen again and again and again until I find the missing piece I've been searching for forever. There's so much more I want to say but I feel like I've said it all before. Many times so I'd rather not. I guess thank you for putting up with me. I hope to go back to LA, happier. Much happier and more content with my life. I won't leave New Jersey until I'm ready. Hope you understand. I love you.
- published: 10 Oct 2015
- views: 135510
LE DOIGT DE LA HONTE ! - YouTube (le Vendredi des Vrais!)
Le doigt de la honte est là pour le Vendredi des Vrais (Youtube)! On regarde des photos prises au bon moments. :)
Abonne-toi & DEVIENS un VRAI ICI ► http://bit.ly/DeviensUnVrai
● Twitter : https://twitter.com/HugoPOSAY/
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● Snapchat : HugoPOSAYSnap
● Instagram : https://instagram.com/hugop0say/
Clique ici & regarde + de Vendredi des Vrais! ►
Aujourd'hui c'est le Vendredi des Vrais, et le "doigt de la honte" on avait lancé un #DoigtDeLaHonte (video humour) où vous m'envoyez des photos drôles et photos prises au bon moment! Alors aujourd'hui on les regarde en vidéo drole à mourir de rire. :) J'espère que cette nouvelle vidéo de hugoposay vous plaira!
➜ ➜ Le site VideoCity Paris : http://www.videocityparis.com
Pour y acheter vos billets c'est ici : http://videocity.onetec.fr
➜ ABONNE-TOI: https://bit.ly/1MkH2eG
►Ma chaîne YOUTUBE : http://www.youtube.com/HugoPOSAY
Si tu veux devenir un vrai & ne pas louper mes prochaines vidéos: abonne-toi! https://bit.ly/1MkH2eG
Bonne vidéo :)
Merci !
- Hugo / HugoPOSAY
wn.com/Le Doigt De La Honte Youtube (Le Vendredi Des Vrais )
Le doigt de la honte est là pour le Vendredi des Vrais (Youtube)! On regarde des photos prises au bon moments. :)
Abonne-toi & DEVIENS un VRAI ICI ► http://bit.ly/DeviensUnVrai
● Twitter : https://twitter.com/HugoPOSAY/
● Facebook : https://facebook.com/HugoPOSAYPageOfficielle/
● Snapchat : HugoPOSAYSnap
● Instagram : https://instagram.com/hugop0say/
Clique ici & regarde + de Vendredi des Vrais! ►
Aujourd'hui c'est le Vendredi des Vrais, et le "doigt de la honte" on avait lancé un #DoigtDeLaHonte (video humour) où vous m'envoyez des photos drôles et photos prises au bon moment! Alors aujourd'hui on les regarde en vidéo drole à mourir de rire. :) J'espère que cette nouvelle vidéo de hugoposay vous plaira!
➜ ➜ Le site VideoCity Paris : http://www.videocityparis.com
Pour y acheter vos billets c'est ici : http://videocity.onetec.fr
➜ ABONNE-TOI: https://bit.ly/1MkH2eG
►Ma chaîne YOUTUBE : http://www.youtube.com/HugoPOSAY
Si tu veux devenir un vrai & ne pas louper mes prochaines vidéos: abonne-toi! https://bit.ly/1MkH2eG
Bonne vidéo :)
Merci !
- Hugo / HugoPOSAY
- published: 10 Oct 2015
- views: 248233
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wn.com/¿Capusotto Parodia A La Realidad O La Realidad A Capusotto 11 10 15
Mirá todos nuestros informes acá!
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- published: 12 Oct 2015
- views: 136
Nuevos hallazgos en la decodificación del Manuscrito Voynich
Vicente Fuentes narra los últimos avances en la descodificación del increíble manuscrito voynich en base a un convenio europeo en donde diferentes lingüistas se han puesto de acuerdo en las primeras reglas ortográficas de este lenguaje. Escucharemos unas palabras en este idioma y estudiaremos las diferentes versiones sobre su autoría y contenido. Esperamos que el programa sea de su interés.
wn.com/Nuevos Hallazgos En La Decodificación Del Manuscrito Voynich
Vicente Fuentes narra los últimos avances en la descodificación del increíble manuscrito voynich en base a un convenio europeo en donde diferentes lingüistas se han puesto de acuerdo en las primeras reglas ortográficas de este lenguaje. Escucharemos unas palabras en este idioma y estudiaremos las diferentes versiones sobre su autoría y contenido. Esperamos que el programa sea de su interés.
- published: 11 Oct 2015
- views: 8550
Ricky Martin - La Mordidita (Official Video) ft. Yotuel
"La Mordidita" FT. Yotuel (Official Video)
Listen to "A Quien Quiera Escuchar" now on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/RickyAQQE
Google Play: http://smarturl.it/RickyAQQEGP
Amazon: http://smarturl.it/RickyAQQEAM
Spotify: http://smarturl.it/RickyMartinSpotify
Official music video by Ricky Martin performing "La Mordidita." (C) 2015 Sony Music Entertainment US Latin LLC.
Choreographed by Lobadys Pérez Barrera
Also Visit
Follow Ricky Martin:
wn.com/Ricky Martin La Mordidita (Official Video) Ft. Yotuel
"La Mordidita" FT. Yotuel (Official Video)
Listen to "A Quien Quiera Escuchar" now on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/RickyAQQE
Google Play: http://smarturl.it/RickyAQQEGP
Amazon: http://smarturl.it/RickyAQQEAM
Spotify: http://smarturl.it/RickyMartinSpotify
Official music video by Ricky Martin performing "La Mordidita." (C) 2015 Sony Music Entertainment US Latin LLC.
Choreographed by Lobadys Pérez Barrera
Also Visit
Follow Ricky Martin:
- published: 12 Jun 2015
- views: 5168033
VERSION ANDROID: http://bit.ly/1JQ5nIc
VERSION iOS: http://apple.co/1KGvBA5
FACEBOOK : http://www.facebook.com/LeWoopGang
TWITTER : http://www.twitter.com/LeWoopGang
YAH Productions 2014
Réalisation : Hugo Dessioux
Cadreur : Haroun Saifi
Monteur : Haroun Saifi
Prise son : Vincent Dasilva
Mixage audio : Antoine Caracci
Auteurs : Le Woop
Musiques : Geronimo Beats
Productrice : Alexandra Monaury
Chargée de production: Camille Ruby
"La Notice" une idée originale d’Yvick Letexier.
Avec :
- Mister V
- Hugo Tout Seul
- Youssoupha Diaby
- Mike Kenli
- Jérémie Dethelot
- Hakim Jemili
- Malcolm ToTheWorld
wn.com/La Notice Vendre Des Baskets
VERSION ANDROID: http://bit.ly/1JQ5nIc
VERSION iOS: http://apple.co/1KGvBA5
FACEBOOK : http://www.facebook.com/LeWoopGang
TWITTER : http://www.twitter.com/LeWoopGang
YAH Productions 2014
Réalisation : Hugo Dessioux
Cadreur : Haroun Saifi
Monteur : Haroun Saifi
Prise son : Vincent Dasilva
Mixage audio : Antoine Caracci
Auteurs : Le Woop
Musiques : Geronimo Beats
Productrice : Alexandra Monaury
Chargée de production: Camille Ruby
"La Notice" une idée originale d’Yvick Letexier.
Avec :
- Mister V
- Hugo Tout Seul
- Youssoupha Diaby
- Mike Kenli
- Jérémie Dethelot
- Hakim Jemili
- Malcolm ToTheWorld
- published: 09 Oct 2015
- views: 579828
Registro con Elgato HD 60: http://e.lga.to/anima
Sabri: https://www.youtube.com/user/lasabrigamer
Stepny: https://www.youtube.com/user/MoD3rNSt3pNy
Surreal: https://www.youtube.com/user/SurreaIPower
Vegas: https://www.youtube.com/user/XxMrVegas
Nome: Sascha Burci oppure Poste Italiane
Indirizzo: Casella Postale 34
Città: Lavagna (GE) Cap: 16033
Seguimi anche qua:
Pagina FB: http://goo.gl/eVpiKO Profilo FB: http://goo.gl/iGSTpq
Instagram: http://goo.gl/d5IkIO Twitter: https://goo.gl/0DVSqG
Ask: http://goo.gl/g8PgvQ Tsu: http://goo.gl/lnYJ4U
Periscope: Sascha Burci
2° Canale: http://goo.gl/5nuZJH Google +: http://goo.gl/2ajiXq
Giochi gratis:
Nostale: http://bit.ly/1L2sqRq SMITE: http://bit.ly/18bi960
Travian: http://bit.ly/1AIoH5H Warframe: http://bit.ly/1yrNOvn
Pirates: http://bit.ly/1yqqsre Star Conflict: http://bit.ly/1qpQTZK
GG Empire: http://bit.ly/17AviFR Rail Nation: http://bit.ly/1y4PgUR
War Thunder: http://bit.ly/1FLznpU Tera: http://bit.ly/1DPOr0V
Forge Empires: http://bit.ly/1IErBdC Metin 2: http://bit.ly/1ybxD2J
Stormfall: http://bit.ly/1D9VK6I Soldiers Inc.: http://bit.ly/18eANds
Sparta: http://bit.ly/1Eex9eM WOT: http://bit.ly/1DU8vzX
Shards of War: http://bit.ly/1swmtDV Elsword: http://bit.ly/1wy3LMT
Drakensang: http://bit.ly/1MeqTHv Infinite: http://bit.ly/1DfQqZy
wn.com/Riskia Il Gusto Challenge La Sabri Mi Limona
Registro con Elgato HD 60: http://e.lga.to/anima
Sabri: https://www.youtube.com/user/lasabrigamer
Stepny: https://www.youtube.com/user/MoD3rNSt3pNy
Surreal: https://www.youtube.com/user/SurreaIPower
Vegas: https://www.youtube.com/user/XxMrVegas
Nome: Sascha Burci oppure Poste Italiane
Indirizzo: Casella Postale 34
Città: Lavagna (GE) Cap: 16033
Seguimi anche qua:
Pagina FB: http://goo.gl/eVpiKO Profilo FB: http://goo.gl/iGSTpq
Instagram: http://goo.gl/d5IkIO Twitter: https://goo.gl/0DVSqG
Ask: http://goo.gl/g8PgvQ Tsu: http://goo.gl/lnYJ4U
Periscope: Sascha Burci
2° Canale: http://goo.gl/5nuZJH Google +: http://goo.gl/2ajiXq
Giochi gratis:
Nostale: http://bit.ly/1L2sqRq SMITE: http://bit.ly/18bi960
Travian: http://bit.ly/1AIoH5H Warframe: http://bit.ly/1yrNOvn
Pirates: http://bit.ly/1yqqsre Star Conflict: http://bit.ly/1qpQTZK
GG Empire: http://bit.ly/17AviFR Rail Nation: http://bit.ly/1y4PgUR
War Thunder: http://bit.ly/1FLznpU Tera: http://bit.ly/1DPOr0V
Forge Empires: http://bit.ly/1IErBdC Metin 2: http://bit.ly/1ybxD2J
Stormfall: http://bit.ly/1D9VK6I Soldiers Inc.: http://bit.ly/18eANds
Sparta: http://bit.ly/1Eex9eM WOT: http://bit.ly/1DU8vzX
Shards of War: http://bit.ly/1swmtDV Elsword: http://bit.ly/1wy3LMT
Drakensang: http://bit.ly/1MeqTHv Infinite: http://bit.ly/1DfQqZy
- published: 11 Oct 2015
- views: 193114
LG Wine Smart: la recensione di HDblog
RECENSIONE: http://lg.hdblog.it/2015/10/11/LG-Wine-Smart-la-recensione-di-HDBlogit/
wn.com/Lg Wine Smart La Recensione Di Hdblog
RECENSIONE: http://lg.hdblog.it/2015/10/11/LG-Wine-Smart-la-recensione-di-HDBlogit/
- published: 11 Oct 2015
- views: 12909
La Belle Mixtape | Summer Memories | Henri Pfr
La Belle Musique - Taste Your Paradise.
⍟ twitter: http://twitter.com/euqisumellebal
⍟ facebook: http://fb.me/labellemusiqueofficial
⍟ tumblr: http://tumblr.com/blog/labelleatmosphere
⍟ soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/labellemusiqueofficial
Decided to start this year with our first mixtape called "Summer Memories" by Henri Peiffer.
One hour of summer vibes!
Photo by Christian Benetel
Free Download
Playlist available on Soundcloud also:
00:00 Laura Veirs - July Flame (GAMPER & DADONI Remix)
05:30 Milky Chance - Stolen dance (DIMMI Club Edit)
10:00 Faul Ft. Wad Ad - Changes (Original Mix)
14:07 Benjamin Francis Leftwich - Atlas Hands (Thomas Jack Remix)
18:25 David K & The Oh Hello's - Like the Dawn
22:23 FlicFlac - Triangle
25:50 John Legend - All Of Me (De Hofnar Bootleg)
31:11 De Hofnar, Felix Jaehn - Valvé (Original Mix)
35:27 Tez Cadey - Coastal Cat
39:26 Seinabo Sey - Younger (Kygo Remix)
44:11 Colin Hay - Down Under (David B Edit)
48:40 Julia Stone - This Love (Egokind Edit)
53:31 De Hofnar - De Nacht
57:15 Henri Pfr & Stone Van Brooken - Tarida (Preview Mix)
© If any producer or label has an issue with any of the uploads please contact (labellemusique.inbox@gmail.com) and we will delete it immediately,also including artists of the images used. .
wn.com/La Belle Mixtape | Summer Memories | Henri Pfr
La Belle Musique - Taste Your Paradise.
⍟ twitter: http://twitter.com/euqisumellebal
⍟ facebook: http://fb.me/labellemusiqueofficial
⍟ tumblr: http://tumblr.com/blog/labelleatmosphere
⍟ soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/labellemusiqueofficial
Decided to start this year with our first mixtape called "Summer Memories" by Henri Peiffer.
One hour of summer vibes!
Photo by Christian Benetel
Free Download
Playlist available on Soundcloud also:
00:00 Laura Veirs - July Flame (GAMPER & DADONI Remix)
05:30 Milky Chance - Stolen dance (DIMMI Club Edit)
10:00 Faul Ft. Wad Ad - Changes (Original Mix)
14:07 Benjamin Francis Leftwich - Atlas Hands (Thomas Jack Remix)
18:25 David K & The Oh Hello's - Like the Dawn
22:23 FlicFlac - Triangle
25:50 John Legend - All Of Me (De Hofnar Bootleg)
31:11 De Hofnar, Felix Jaehn - Valvé (Original Mix)
35:27 Tez Cadey - Coastal Cat
39:26 Seinabo Sey - Younger (Kygo Remix)
44:11 Colin Hay - Down Under (David B Edit)
48:40 Julia Stone - This Love (Egokind Edit)
53:31 De Hofnar - De Nacht
57:15 Henri Pfr & Stone Van Brooken - Tarida (Preview Mix)
© If any producer or label has an issue with any of the uploads please contact (labellemusique.inbox@gmail.com) and we will delete it immediately,also including artists of the images used. .
- published: 02 Jan 2014
- views: 16687653
La travesía de "Don Juan"
Muchas gracias por ser los mejores del mundo conmigo :'D
Kiu' capbros ayúdenme a sacar más sonrisas :D
wn.com/La Travesía De Don Juan
Muchas gracias por ser los mejores del mundo conmigo :'D
Kiu' capbros ayúdenme a sacar más sonrisas :D
- published: 10 Oct 2015
- views: 44945
Twitter: https://twitter.com/werevertumorro
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/werevertumorro
SUSCRIBETE http://bit.ly/werever
INSTAGRAM http://bit.ly/w2minst
wn.com/¡La Tecnologia Desgraciada
Twitter: https://twitter.com/werevertumorro
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/werevertumorro
SUSCRIBETE http://bit.ly/werever
INSTAGRAM http://bit.ly/w2minst
- published: 09 Oct 2015
- views: 418545
Retrouvez ma dernière vidéo !
Mon Blog : http://www.mrkuro.com
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/thibaultmiami
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/mrkurocom
INSTAGRAM : http://instagram.com/thibaultmiami
GOOGLE+ : http://google.com/+mrkurocom
SNAPCHAT: thibaultkurog
Merci à vous tous !
N'oubliez de vous abonner pour découvrir mes prochaines vidéos :)
wn.com/Les Mecs À La Salle De Musculation Mrkuro
Retrouvez ma dernière vidéo !
Mon Blog : http://www.mrkuro.com
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/thibaultmiami
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/mrkurocom
INSTAGRAM : http://instagram.com/thibaultmiami
GOOGLE+ : http://google.com/+mrkurocom
SNAPCHAT: thibaultkurog
Merci à vous tous !
N'oubliez de vous abonner pour découvrir mes prochaines vidéos :)
- published: 10 Oct 2015
- views: 83216
LA VICTORIA! - Futbol Troll con Lanita - [LuzuGames]
Espero que os guste mucho el video :D
Jueguitos: http://www.g2a.com/r/luzugames
wn.com/La Victoria Futbol Troll Con Lanita Luzugames
Espero que os guste mucho el video :D
Jueguitos: http://www.g2a.com/r/luzugames
- published: 10 Oct 2015
- views: 130379
Los Angeles Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Los Angeles Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Los Angeles Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Welcome to Los Angeles, the “Capital of the Creative World.”
Los Angeles tours begin and end with the unique culture of the city and county. You will never experience another locale so devoted to the creation of art across all of its mediums. Visit the Getty Museum to see the sprawling collection of John Paul Getty. Take in the restored grandeur of Union Station – featured in numerous films – and then head for the world’s most famous zip code, 90210. Your trip to Beverly Hills will naturally include a stop at Rodeo Drive, where you can shop till you drop.
Los Angeles si
20 Best Things to Do in Los Angeles ♥ Top Attractions LA Travel Guide
20 Best Things to Do in Los Angeles ♥ Top Attractions LA Travel Guide
20 Best Things to Do in Los Angeles ♥ Top Attractions LA Travel Guide
20 Things to Do in Los Angeles http://grrrltraveler.com/countries/north-america/los-angeles/20-things-to-do-in-los-angeles/
Los Angeles. Entertainment capital of the world. Ready for it?
Here's a travel guide of the 20 Best things to do in Los Angeles and top attractions in LA:
1. Hollywood Blvd
2. El Capitan
3. Kodak Building
4. Walk of Fame/ Star Walk
5. Mann's Chinese Theater
6. Rock of Fame
7. Hollywood Forever Cemetery (Watch video: 4 Weirdly Cool Museums in L.A.| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfyQKODiJX4)
8. Runyon Canyon
9. Hike the Hollywood Sign
10. Canter's Deli
11. La Brea Tarpits
12. Los Angeles County Museum of Art
8. Fr
Insider Guide - Los Angeles
Insider Guide - Los Angeles
Insider Guide - Los Angeles
In this debut episode, we take you on a tour through the streets of LA. From Malibu to the food trucks of Venice Beach, we let some of LA's famous residents show you their favourite spots.
Talk to us today about booking your own LA adventure! http://www.italk.travel/home
Los Angeles Travel Video Guide
Los Angeles Travel Video Guide
Los Angeles Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Los Angeles in the United States of America.
Los Angeles is synonymous with Hollywood, and Beverly Hills is its famous suburb with neat parks and blossoming flower beds. There's also the Walk of Fame, Mann's Chinese Theatre and Rodeo Drive, the most exclusive shopping mile in the world.
Everything in Hollywood is different, including a cemetery of the famous. Even in the funeral hall, with its larger-than-life religious figures, it is as though it is all part of a fantastic film set.
Universal Studios is the largest and most active film and television studio in the world as well as a popular family day out, be
Los Angeles, California Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Los Angeles, California Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Los Angeles, California Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Nicknamed the City of Angels, Los Angeles is a leading world centaer of business, international trade, entertainment, culture, media, fashion, science, sports, technology, and education.
The most important places to visit in Los Angeles are: Los Angeles Downtown (although Los Angeles attractions are spread over a large area, the city is architecturally diverse Downtown is a thriving urban center), Venice Beach (experience the colorful lifestyle of the West Coast on the Venice Beach, Boardwalk. Here, you will find a festive atmosphere, eclectic entertainers and funky shops), Santa Monica Pier (by the scene at Santa M
Los Angeles, California Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Los Angeles, California Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Los Angeles, California Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
http://bookinghunter.com Nicknamed the City of Angels, Los Angeles is a leading world centaer of business, international trade, entertainment, culture, media...
Los Angeles City Guide - Lonely Planet travel videos
Los Angeles City Guide - Lonely Planet travel videos
Los Angeles City Guide - Lonely Planet travel videos
Learn more about LA: http://www.lonelyplanet.com/usa/los-angeles
Los Angeles Travel Guide -- "Go or No?" Review
Los Angeles Travel Guide -- "Go or No?" Review
Los Angeles Travel Guide -- "Go or No?" Review
Learn where to explore, eat, stay and shop in L.A., with Andrea Feczko & Rachel Rudwall!
Watch more @How2Travelers videos!
As the largest city in the U.S., Los Angeles is a lot more than just Hollywood. But with all the celeb-driven hype, is L.A. worth a visit?
- Hollywood: Walk of Fame, Chinese Theater, star home tours
- Celebrities
- Beaches: Santa Monica Pier, Venice Boardwalk, Venice Beach
- Outdoors, Running, Hiking
- Temescal Canyon, Runyon Canyon
- Getty Museum, Art
- Malibu Wines, Food Trucks, farmers markets, In-N-Out (secret menu!), Burgers, Father's Office, Dan Tan
Vacation in Los Angeles? Travel tips, activities and attractions in LA
Vacation in Los Angeles? Travel tips, activities and attractions in LA
Vacation in Los Angeles? Travel tips, activities and attractions in LA
A vacation in Los Angeles is a great idea, come and enjoy the food, culture, atmosphere, nightlife in the city of angels. Just keep in mind 5 tips to help yo...
Los Angeles ~ California ~ Discover Los Angeles ~ Travel Guide
Los Angeles ~ California ~ Discover Los Angeles ~ Travel Guide
Los Angeles ~ California ~ Discover Los Angeles ~ Travel Guide
Los Angeles is a huge city with several district articles containing sightseeing, restaurant, nightlife and accommodation listings.
This article is about the city of Los Angeles. For the Los Angeles metropolitan area see Los Angeles County.
For other places with the same name, see Los Angeles (disambiguation).
The city of Los Angeles [1] (also known simply as L.A., and nicknamed the "City of Angels") is the most populous city in California. Located on a broad basin in Southern California, the city is surrounded by vast mountain ranges, valleys, forests, beautiful beaches along the Pacific Ocean, and nearby desert.
The metropolitan area is the
Travel Guide: Los Angeles, California
Travel Guide: Los Angeles, California
Travel Guide: Los Angeles, California
Its nickname is "The City of Angels." Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as we learn more about Los Angeles, California.
Best Boardwalks: Things to Do in Venice Beach
Best Boardwalks: Things to Do in Venice Beach
Best Boardwalks: Things to Do in Venice Beach
Venice Beach has got it all. You'll see anything and everything here. Anything goes. If there's one beach that has that complete L.A. Hollywood vibe, Venice Beach is gonna be it.
1. People-watching & murals
You will see strange and weird characters, to guys working out on the beach, skate boarders, paddle ballers and really eclectic performers.
Are you a fan of art? See how many murals can you find along the boardwalk. The neighborhood is a huge mural museum.
2. California style workouts
Californians love their sun and outdoor activi
Los Angeles 10 things to see and do in LA
Los Angeles 10 things to see and do in LA
Los Angeles 10 things to see and do in LA
Wolrd travel guide channel, only best tour guides here. Thailand, Canada, USA, Mexico, Brasil, Spain. italy, France, Portugal, Netherlands, Belgium, Chine, A...
Los Angeles Top 10 Attractions - California Travel Guide
Los Angeles Top 10 Attractions - California Travel Guide
Los Angeles Top 10 Attractions - California Travel Guide
Take a tour of Los Angeles, California - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hi, this is your host Naomi. I would like to show you the top ten attractions of Los Angeles.
Number 10, Los Angeles Downtown. Although Los Angeles attractions are spread over a large area, the city is architecturally diverse Downtown is a thriving urban center.
Number 9, Venice Beach. Experience the colorful lifestyle of the West Coast on the Venice Beach, Boardwalk. Here, you will find a festive atmosphere, eclectic entertainers and funky shops.
Number 8, Santa Monica Pier. By the scene at Santa Monica Beach, is the famous Pier with
Los Angeles - City Video Guide
Los Angeles - City Video Guide
Los Angeles - City Video Guide
Los Angeles, Southern California, is known for its sunshine, entertainment industry and openness to newcomers.
In Downtown Los Angeles, Olvera Street is one of the oldest surviving areas in L.A., to experience the colors and tastes of Old Mexico. Just across the road is Union Station, which has appeared in almost 30 big-budget movies.
The main attractions in Los Angeles include Knott's Berry Park, the Aquarium of the Pacific and, of course, Disneyland. Rodeo Drive, in the heart of Beverly Hills, is the world's most expensive and exclusive shopping area.
Hollywood is the epicenter of the world's entertainment industry. Highlights are the Ho
Los Angeles Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation
Los Angeles Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation
Los Angeles Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation
World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube
Los Angeles, California, USA Travel Guide http://bit.ly/18CgG5A
Los Angeles Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation
From its laid back Pacific Ocean beaches, to Hollywood's red carpet glamour, to its dramatic mountain backdrop, Los Angeles is a seductive, sometimes maddening, but always fascinating city.
A massive cosmopolitan urban sprawl criss-crossed by frantic freeways, Los Angeles has something for everyone, if you know how to navigate its many charms.
It's the USA's second largest city after New York and has been called everything from La La Land to Tinseltown but is best known simply as LA
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Los Angeles USA Travel Guide
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Los Angeles USA Travel Guide
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Los Angeles USA Travel Guide
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Los Angeles, California - Expedia ✈
Los Angeles, California - Expedia ✈
Los Angeles, California - Expedia ✈
Los Angeles Vacation Travel Guide Expedia HD 2015
Los Angeles Vacation Travel Guide Expedia HD 2015
Los Angeles Vacation Travel Guide Expedia HD 2015
New York City Vacation Travel Guide Expedia HD 2015
Los Angeles Vacation Travel Guide
Los Angeles Vacation Travel Guide
Los Angeles Vacation Travel Guide
http://www.USCityTraveler.com - Who can resist a trip to Hollywood? Los Angeles has it all, the lights, the entertainment, the glamorous nights out on the to...
Travel Guide to Los Angeles, CA - USA
Travel Guide to Los Angeles, CA - USA
Travel Guide to Los Angeles, CA - USA
http://bestflights.co.za/north-america/usa/los-angeles - Visit for more information on Los Angeles, CA USA
Los Angeles (LA) is the capital city of the state California and is also known as the City of Angels. Located around the city are vast mountain ranges, deep valleys, forests, desert and the Pacific Ocean. The city is the center of the world's entertainment industry with the Hollywood district located within the city. Hollywood is famous for its movie industry and the annual Academy Awards. The city is also an important hub for culture, business, media and international trade.
What to see
• Hollywood
• Griffith Observatory
• Los Ang
Los Angeles Vacation Travel Guide | Sightseeing Hollywood
Los Angeles Vacation Travel Guide | Sightseeing Hollywood
Los Angeles Vacation Travel Guide | Sightseeing Hollywood
Walk of Fame, Rhodeo Drive, Hollywood Sign, Venice Beach, Beverly Hills.
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Travel Tips: Best Neighborhoods in Los Angeles
Travel Tips: Best Neighborhoods in Los Angeles
Travel Tips: Best Neighborhoods in Los Angeles
Los Angeles is a sprawling city. Focus on 5 of the best neighborhoods or streets in LA to catch the feeling of California chill. Subscribe here for videos ev...
Los Angeles Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Welcome to Los Angeles, the “Capital of the Creative World.”
Los Angeles tours begin and end with the unique culture of the city and county. You will never experience another locale so devoted to the creation of art across all of its mediums. Visit the Getty Museum to see the sprawling collection of John Paul Getty. Take in the restored grandeur of Union Station – featured in numerous films – and then head for the world’s most famous zip code, 90210. Your trip to Beverly Hills will naturally include a stop at Rodeo Drive, where you can shop till you drop.
Los Angeles sightseeing is not complete without a stop at the Hollywood Walk of Fame, where you can see the handprints of your favorite stars. Don’t forget to get a picture with the legendary Hollywood sign in the background, or take a trip to one of the many famous theme parks around the city.
Pack your bags and grab your camera, and use our Los Angeles travel guide to plan your next trip.
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wn.com/Los Angeles Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Welcome to Los Angeles, the “Capital of the Creative World.”
Los Angeles tours begin and end with the unique culture of the city and county. You will never experience another locale so devoted to the creation of art across all of its mediums. Visit the Getty Museum to see the sprawling collection of John Paul Getty. Take in the restored grandeur of Union Station – featured in numerous films – and then head for the world’s most famous zip code, 90210. Your trip to Beverly Hills will naturally include a stop at Rodeo Drive, where you can shop till you drop.
Los Angeles sightseeing is not complete without a stop at the Hollywood Walk of Fame, where you can see the handprints of your favorite stars. Don’t forget to get a picture with the legendary Hollywood sign in the background, or take a trip to one of the many famous theme parks around the city.
Pack your bags and grab your camera, and use our Los Angeles travel guide to plan your next trip.
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- published: 07 Mar 2013
- views: 602814
20 Best Things to Do in Los Angeles ♥ Top Attractions LA Travel Guide
20 Things to Do in Los Angeles http://grrrltraveler.com/countries/north-america/los-angeles/20-things-to-do-in-los-angeles/
Los Angeles. Entertainment capital of the world. Ready for it?
Here's a travel guide of the 20 Best things to do in Los Angeles and top attractions in LA:
1. Hollywood Blvd
2. El Capitan
3. Kodak Building
4. Walk of Fame/ Star Walk
5. Mann's Chinese Theater
6. Rock of Fame
7. Hollywood Forever Cemetery (Watch video: 4 Weirdly Cool Museums in L.A.| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfyQKODiJX4)
8. Runyon Canyon
9. Hike the Hollywood Sign
10. Canter's Deli
11. La Brea Tarpits
12. Los Angeles County Museum of Art
8. Free Museum Days
14. Free Live Tapings
15. Eating in L.A.
16. Griffith Observatory
17. The Comedy Store
18. Nightlife L.A.
19 Eating out L.A.
20. Venice Beach
For more information on Things to Know before you Go to Los Angeles: http://grrrltraveler.com/trip-planning/things-to-know-before-you-go-to-los-angeles/
Music: Discotek | creative commons at YouTube
GOOGLE + PAGE: https://plus.google.com/b/115684422978231046500/+Grrrltraveler
Travel Survival | Solo Travel | Live with GRRR!
things to do los angeles, top things to do los angeles, best things to do los angeles, top attractions travel guide los angeles, top attractions travel guide LA, top attractions LA, top attractions los angeles, travel guide los angeles, los angeles top attractions
wn.com/20 Best Things To Do In Los Angeles ♥ Top Attractions La Travel Guide
20 Things to Do in Los Angeles http://grrrltraveler.com/countries/north-america/los-angeles/20-things-to-do-in-los-angeles/
Los Angeles. Entertainment capital of the world. Ready for it?
Here's a travel guide of the 20 Best things to do in Los Angeles and top attractions in LA:
1. Hollywood Blvd
2. El Capitan
3. Kodak Building
4. Walk of Fame/ Star Walk
5. Mann's Chinese Theater
6. Rock of Fame
7. Hollywood Forever Cemetery (Watch video: 4 Weirdly Cool Museums in L.A.| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfyQKODiJX4)
8. Runyon Canyon
9. Hike the Hollywood Sign
10. Canter's Deli
11. La Brea Tarpits
12. Los Angeles County Museum of Art
8. Free Museum Days
14. Free Live Tapings
15. Eating in L.A.
16. Griffith Observatory
17. The Comedy Store
18. Nightlife L.A.
19 Eating out L.A.
20. Venice Beach
For more information on Things to Know before you Go to Los Angeles: http://grrrltraveler.com/trip-planning/things-to-know-before-you-go-to-los-angeles/
Music: Discotek | creative commons at YouTube
GOOGLE + PAGE: https://plus.google.com/b/115684422978231046500/+Grrrltraveler
Travel Survival | Solo Travel | Live with GRRR!
things to do los angeles, top things to do los angeles, best things to do los angeles, top attractions travel guide los angeles, top attractions travel guide LA, top attractions LA, top attractions los angeles, travel guide los angeles, los angeles top attractions
- published: 03 Sep 2014
- views: 25723
Insider Guide - Los Angeles
In this debut episode, we take you on a tour through the streets of LA. From Malibu to the food trucks of Venice Beach, we let some of LA's famous residents show you their favourite spots.
Talk to us today about booking your own LA adventure! http://www.italk.travel/home
wn.com/Insider Guide Los Angeles
In this debut episode, we take you on a tour through the streets of LA. From Malibu to the food trucks of Venice Beach, we let some of LA's famous residents show you their favourite spots.
Talk to us today about booking your own LA adventure! http://www.italk.travel/home
- published: 06 May 2015
- views: 9
Los Angeles Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Los Angeles in the United States of America.
Los Angeles is synonymous with Hollywood, and Beverly Hills is its famous suburb with neat parks and blossoming flower beds. There's also the Walk of Fame, Mann's Chinese Theatre and Rodeo Drive, the most exclusive shopping mile in the world.
Everything in Hollywood is different, including a cemetery of the famous. Even in the funeral hall, with its larger-than-life religious figures, it is as though it is all part of a fantastic film set.
Universal Studios is the largest and most active film and television studio in the world as well as a popular family day out, being one of the most successful amusement parks in the U.S.A. and its many famous film sets are instantly recognizable.
Since its opening in 1955, Disneyland has become a worldwide phenomenon. The world's original and longest surviving theme park provides an enchanting mix of shows, attractions and well known cartoon characters and the journey through Toontown on its bumpy tramway is a stimulating experience for both young and old.
At weekends, those who want to see but, above all, be seen, make for Venice Beach. The sandy beach is relaxing and its many pavements are popular with joggers and roller skaters alike. Even by Los Angeles standards, the performers on Muscle Beach are quite outrageous and while some body-builders lift thousands of kilos, others shamelessly display their supreme egos by strutting like conceited peacocks!
Built in 1908, Santa Monica Pier is reminiscent of the hazy lazy seaside resorts of the 1920s. Extending into the water some 300 metres, the pier's amusement park is constantly bursting with life, with its big wheel, swings and richly- decorated carousel.
Once the most celebrated residential area of the rich and famous, today Sunset Boulevard is a busy main traffic artery. At night, when brash neon signs shine out their colorful animated messages, this famous boulevard still possesses a unique atmosphere.
Los Angeles is the enormous multicultural city on America's West Coast in which film stars, earthquakes and joie de vivre are essential to life itself!
wn.com/Los Angeles Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Los Angeles in the United States of America.
Los Angeles is synonymous with Hollywood, and Beverly Hills is its famous suburb with neat parks and blossoming flower beds. There's also the Walk of Fame, Mann's Chinese Theatre and Rodeo Drive, the most exclusive shopping mile in the world.
Everything in Hollywood is different, including a cemetery of the famous. Even in the funeral hall, with its larger-than-life religious figures, it is as though it is all part of a fantastic film set.
Universal Studios is the largest and most active film and television studio in the world as well as a popular family day out, being one of the most successful amusement parks in the U.S.A. and its many famous film sets are instantly recognizable.
Since its opening in 1955, Disneyland has become a worldwide phenomenon. The world's original and longest surviving theme park provides an enchanting mix of shows, attractions and well known cartoon characters and the journey through Toontown on its bumpy tramway is a stimulating experience for both young and old.
At weekends, those who want to see but, above all, be seen, make for Venice Beach. The sandy beach is relaxing and its many pavements are popular with joggers and roller skaters alike. Even by Los Angeles standards, the performers on Muscle Beach are quite outrageous and while some body-builders lift thousands of kilos, others shamelessly display their supreme egos by strutting like conceited peacocks!
Built in 1908, Santa Monica Pier is reminiscent of the hazy lazy seaside resorts of the 1920s. Extending into the water some 300 metres, the pier's amusement park is constantly bursting with life, with its big wheel, swings and richly- decorated carousel.
Once the most celebrated residential area of the rich and famous, today Sunset Boulevard is a busy main traffic artery. At night, when brash neon signs shine out their colorful animated messages, this famous boulevard still possesses a unique atmosphere.
Los Angeles is the enormous multicultural city on America's West Coast in which film stars, earthquakes and joie de vivre are essential to life itself!
- published: 12 Aug 2013
- views: 93464
Los Angeles, California Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Nicknamed the City of Angels, Los Angeles is a leading world centaer of business, international trade, entertainment, culture, media, fashion, science, sports, technology, and education.
The most important places to visit in Los Angeles are: Los Angeles Downtown (although Los Angeles attractions are spread over a large area, the city is architecturally diverse Downtown is a thriving urban center), Venice Beach (experience the colorful lifestyle of the West Coast on the Venice Beach, Boardwalk. Here, you will find a festive atmosphere, eclectic entertainers and funky shops), Santa Monica Pier (by the scene at Santa Monica Beach, is the famous Pier with a perennial carnival like setting. Draws locals, as well as visitors from around the world), Hollywood (everyone knows about Hollywood and you have got to visit the Hollywood sign, when in Los Angeles), Hollywood Walk of Fame (Hollywood celebrates it's contribution to entertainment through these celebrity stars), Griffith Observatory (located in Griffith Park on Mt. Hollywood, this great public observatory has state of the art facilities and excellent views of Los Angeles), Rodeo Drive (if you are a shopping buff, you will love Rodeo Drive. A glamorous shopping District, Rodeo Drive is full of upscale and fashionable shops), Beverly Hills (take a walk around, you might even spot a celebrity in this neighborhood).
If you want to save time and money, the most important Los Angeles travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
wn.com/Los Angeles, California Travel Guide Must See Attractions
Nicknamed the City of Angels, Los Angeles is a leading world centaer of business, international trade, entertainment, culture, media, fashion, science, sports, technology, and education.
The most important places to visit in Los Angeles are: Los Angeles Downtown (although Los Angeles attractions are spread over a large area, the city is architecturally diverse Downtown is a thriving urban center), Venice Beach (experience the colorful lifestyle of the West Coast on the Venice Beach, Boardwalk. Here, you will find a festive atmosphere, eclectic entertainers and funky shops), Santa Monica Pier (by the scene at Santa Monica Beach, is the famous Pier with a perennial carnival like setting. Draws locals, as well as visitors from around the world), Hollywood (everyone knows about Hollywood and you have got to visit the Hollywood sign, when in Los Angeles), Hollywood Walk of Fame (Hollywood celebrates it's contribution to entertainment through these celebrity stars), Griffith Observatory (located in Griffith Park on Mt. Hollywood, this great public observatory has state of the art facilities and excellent views of Los Angeles), Rodeo Drive (if you are a shopping buff, you will love Rodeo Drive. A glamorous shopping District, Rodeo Drive is full of upscale and fashionable shops), Beverly Hills (take a walk around, you might even spot a celebrity in this neighborhood).
If you want to save time and money, the most important Los Angeles travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
- published: 07 Mar 2014
- views: 62194
Los Angeles, California Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
http://bookinghunter.com Nicknamed the City of Angels, Los Angeles is a leading world centaer of business, international trade, entertainment, culture, media...
wn.com/Los Angeles, California Travel Guide Must See Attractions
http://bookinghunter.com Nicknamed the City of Angels, Los Angeles is a leading world centaer of business, international trade, entertainment, culture, media...
Los Angeles Travel Guide -- "Go or No?" Review
Learn where to explore, eat, stay and shop in L.A., with Andrea Feczko & Rachel Rudwall!
Watch more @How2Travelers videos!
As the largest city in the U.S., Los Angeles is a lot more than just Hollywood. But with all the celeb-driven hype, is L.A. worth a visit?
- Hollywood: Walk of Fame, Chinese Theater, star home tours
- Celebrities
- Beaches: Santa Monica Pier, Venice Boardwalk, Venice Beach
- Outdoors, Running, Hiking
- Temescal Canyon, Runyon Canyon
- Getty Museum, Art
- Malibu Wines, Food Trucks, farmers markets, In-N-Out (secret menu!), Burgers, Father's Office, Dan Tana's
- Hotels: Roosevelt, SLS, Standard, Casa del Mar, Hermosa Beach Beach House
- Shopping: Abbot Kinney, The Grove
- Sun & warm weather
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wn.com/Los Angeles Travel Guide Go Or No Review
Learn where to explore, eat, stay and shop in L.A., with Andrea Feczko & Rachel Rudwall!
Watch more @How2Travelers videos!
As the largest city in the U.S., Los Angeles is a lot more than just Hollywood. But with all the celeb-driven hype, is L.A. worth a visit?
- Hollywood: Walk of Fame, Chinese Theater, star home tours
- Celebrities
- Beaches: Santa Monica Pier, Venice Boardwalk, Venice Beach
- Outdoors, Running, Hiking
- Temescal Canyon, Runyon Canyon
- Getty Museum, Art
- Malibu Wines, Food Trucks, farmers markets, In-N-Out (secret menu!), Burgers, Father's Office, Dan Tana's
- Hotels: Roosevelt, SLS, Standard, Casa del Mar, Hermosa Beach Beach House
- Shopping: Abbot Kinney, The Grove
- Sun & warm weather
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- published: 27 Jan 2014
- views: 11624
Vacation in Los Angeles? Travel tips, activities and attractions in LA
A vacation in Los Angeles is a great idea, come and enjoy the food, culture, atmosphere, nightlife in the city of angels. Just keep in mind 5 tips to help yo...
wn.com/Vacation In Los Angeles Travel Tips, Activities And Attractions In La
A vacation in Los Angeles is a great idea, come and enjoy the food, culture, atmosphere, nightlife in the city of angels. Just keep in mind 5 tips to help yo...
Los Angeles ~ California ~ Discover Los Angeles ~ Travel Guide
Los Angeles is a huge city with several district articles containing sightseeing, restaurant, nightlife and accommodation listings.
This article is about the city of Los Angeles. For the Los Angeles metropolitan area see Los Angeles County.
For other places with the same name, see Los Angeles (disambiguation).
The city of Los Angeles [1] (also known simply as L.A., and nicknamed the "City of Angels") is the most populous city in California. Located on a broad basin in Southern California, the city is surrounded by vast mountain ranges, valleys, forests, beautiful beaches along the Pacific Ocean, and nearby desert.
The metropolitan area is the second-most populous in the United States and home to over 17 million people who hail from all parts of the globe. The metropolitan area is spread across Los Angeles County, Orange County, and parts of San Bernardino County, Riverside County, and Ventura County.
Los Angeles is an important center of culture, medicine, agriculture, business, finance, energy, aerospace, science, food processing, media, international trade, and tourism. International tourists regard Los Angeles as most famous for "Hollywood," but a long-running trend in favor of outsourcing of film and television production has critically undermined the sector to the point where entertainment and media employ only about 120,000 people in the entire metro area (and most of them work in Burbank or Culver City, not Hollywood). Many major motion picture deals and premieres still occur in Los Angeles, but the vast majority of those films are actually shot elsewhere. However, some post-production, editing, promotion, distribution, and archiving work still occurs in Los Angeles. In addition, L.A. remains a major center for production of television shows and television commercials, as well as music recordings.
Nowadays, the economy of Southern California is primarily driven by its other sectors: its huge oil refineries, its thousands of rather mundane factories and food processing facilities, and its busy seaports and airports, with the result that the U.S. Customs district covering the region is the busiest in the United States. Regardless, Los Angeles continues to attract millions of tourists each year drawn to its history as the place where motion pictures traditionally came from (and where the management of the six major film studios are still largely based, even though they don't make most films there any more).
Furthermore, at least in the English-speaking world, it is still obligatory for most celebrities-to-be to live for several years in L.A. until they make it big in Hollywood. Most of them ultimately flee elsewhere after they get sick and tired of being chased by crazed fans, tourists, and paparazzi, and only after they've hooked up with the top talent agents in Hollywood (meaning that now the best scripts and songs come to them, rather than the other way around). Thus, L.A. is notorious for its celebrity-oriented culture, as exemplified by the "star maps" sold at tourist traps which feature known locations of celebrities' homes.
wn.com/Los Angeles ~ California ~ Discover Los Angeles ~ Travel Guide
Los Angeles is a huge city with several district articles containing sightseeing, restaurant, nightlife and accommodation listings.
This article is about the city of Los Angeles. For the Los Angeles metropolitan area see Los Angeles County.
For other places with the same name, see Los Angeles (disambiguation).
The city of Los Angeles [1] (also known simply as L.A., and nicknamed the "City of Angels") is the most populous city in California. Located on a broad basin in Southern California, the city is surrounded by vast mountain ranges, valleys, forests, beautiful beaches along the Pacific Ocean, and nearby desert.
The metropolitan area is the second-most populous in the United States and home to over 17 million people who hail from all parts of the globe. The metropolitan area is spread across Los Angeles County, Orange County, and parts of San Bernardino County, Riverside County, and Ventura County.
Los Angeles is an important center of culture, medicine, agriculture, business, finance, energy, aerospace, science, food processing, media, international trade, and tourism. International tourists regard Los Angeles as most famous for "Hollywood," but a long-running trend in favor of outsourcing of film and television production has critically undermined the sector to the point where entertainment and media employ only about 120,000 people in the entire metro area (and most of them work in Burbank or Culver City, not Hollywood). Many major motion picture deals and premieres still occur in Los Angeles, but the vast majority of those films are actually shot elsewhere. However, some post-production, editing, promotion, distribution, and archiving work still occurs in Los Angeles. In addition, L.A. remains a major center for production of television shows and television commercials, as well as music recordings.
Nowadays, the economy of Southern California is primarily driven by its other sectors: its huge oil refineries, its thousands of rather mundane factories and food processing facilities, and its busy seaports and airports, with the result that the U.S. Customs district covering the region is the busiest in the United States. Regardless, Los Angeles continues to attract millions of tourists each year drawn to its history as the place where motion pictures traditionally came from (and where the management of the six major film studios are still largely based, even though they don't make most films there any more).
Furthermore, at least in the English-speaking world, it is still obligatory for most celebrities-to-be to live for several years in L.A. until they make it big in Hollywood. Most of them ultimately flee elsewhere after they get sick and tired of being chased by crazed fans, tourists, and paparazzi, and only after they've hooked up with the top talent agents in Hollywood (meaning that now the best scripts and songs come to them, rather than the other way around). Thus, L.A. is notorious for its celebrity-oriented culture, as exemplified by the "star maps" sold at tourist traps which feature known locations of celebrities' homes.
- published: 01 Feb 2015
- views: 301
Travel Guide: Los Angeles, California
Its nickname is "The City of Angels." Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as we learn more about Los Angeles, California.
wn.com/Travel Guide Los Angeles, California
Its nickname is "The City of Angels." Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as we learn more about Los Angeles, California.
- published: 31 Aug 2012
- views: 98043
Best Boardwalks: Things to Do in Venice Beach
Venice Beach has got it all. You'll see anything and everything here. Anything goes. If there's one beach that has that complete L.A. Hollywood vibe, Venice Beach is gonna be it.
1. People-watching & murals
You will see strange and weird characters, to guys working out on the beach, skate boarders, paddle ballers and really eclectic performers.
Are you a fan of art? See how many murals can you find along the boardwalk. The neighborhood is a huge mural museum.
2. California style workouts
Californians love their sun and outdoor activities, so what makes Venice Beach one of the best boardwalks in the world are its free recreational facilities. Surprisingly, the beach boardwalk houses a skate park, basketball courts, paddle ball courts and bike paths; and of course, it's also got the beach!
3. Muscle Beach
For those who aren't shy about doing their workout in public, don't mind a little California tan, they go to Muscle Beach. Muscle Beach was originally founded in 1930 and was located near the Santa Monica Pier. It was known for bodybuilding and acrobatics. Although the original landmark has closed, the Muscle Beach Venice has picked up its tradition and contains an outdoor weight-lifting gym for folks to work out in. Many bodybuilding celebrities have graced its turf from Arnold Schwarzenegger, Larry Scott and Hulk Hogan.
4. Shopping
Venice Beach has got a lot of shopping from unique artwork and crafts sold by boardwalk artists or you can buy souvenirs and clothing from store vendors.
5. Getting around Venice Beach boardwalk
You can rent a bike, segway, tricycles, roller blades...
For more details, read my post: Reasons to Visit Venice Beach: http://grrrltraveler.com/countries/north-america/los-angeles/best-boardwalks-in-the-world-venice-beach/
Music: Arriba Mami by YouTube
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wn.com/Best Boardwalks Things To Do In Venice Beach
Venice Beach has got it all. You'll see anything and everything here. Anything goes. If there's one beach that has that complete L.A. Hollywood vibe, Venice Beach is gonna be it.
1. People-watching & murals
You will see strange and weird characters, to guys working out on the beach, skate boarders, paddle ballers and really eclectic performers.
Are you a fan of art? See how many murals can you find along the boardwalk. The neighborhood is a huge mural museum.
2. California style workouts
Californians love their sun and outdoor activities, so what makes Venice Beach one of the best boardwalks in the world are its free recreational facilities. Surprisingly, the beach boardwalk houses a skate park, basketball courts, paddle ball courts and bike paths; and of course, it's also got the beach!
3. Muscle Beach
For those who aren't shy about doing their workout in public, don't mind a little California tan, they go to Muscle Beach. Muscle Beach was originally founded in 1930 and was located near the Santa Monica Pier. It was known for bodybuilding and acrobatics. Although the original landmark has closed, the Muscle Beach Venice has picked up its tradition and contains an outdoor weight-lifting gym for folks to work out in. Many bodybuilding celebrities have graced its turf from Arnold Schwarzenegger, Larry Scott and Hulk Hogan.
4. Shopping
Venice Beach has got a lot of shopping from unique artwork and crafts sold by boardwalk artists or you can buy souvenirs and clothing from store vendors.
5. Getting around Venice Beach boardwalk
You can rent a bike, segway, tricycles, roller blades...
For more details, read my post: Reasons to Visit Venice Beach: http://grrrltraveler.com/countries/north-america/los-angeles/best-boardwalks-in-the-world-venice-beach/
Music: Arriba Mami by YouTube
Website: http://grrrltraveler.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/GRRRL.TRAVELER
Twitter: http://twitter.com/grrrltraveler
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/grrrltraveler
Instagram: http://instagram.com/grrrltraveler
Google + page: https://plus.google.com/b/115684422978231046500/+Grrrltraveler
- published: 06 Oct 2014
- views: 81
Los Angeles 10 things to see and do in LA
Wolrd travel guide channel, only best tour guides here. Thailand, Canada, USA, Mexico, Brasil, Spain. italy, France, Portugal, Netherlands, Belgium, Chine, A...
wn.com/Los Angeles 10 Things To See And Do In La
Wolrd travel guide channel, only best tour guides here. Thailand, Canada, USA, Mexico, Brasil, Spain. italy, France, Portugal, Netherlands, Belgium, Chine, A...
Los Angeles Top 10 Attractions - California Travel Guide
Take a tour of Los Angeles, California - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hi, this is your host Naomi. I would like to show you the top ten attractions of Los Angeles.
Number 10, Los Angeles Downtown. Although Los Angeles attractions are spread over a large area, the city is architecturally diverse Downtown is a thriving urban center.
Number 9, Venice Beach. Experience the colorful lifestyle of the West Coast on the Venice Beach, Boardwalk. Here, you will find a festive atmosphere, eclectic entertainers and funky shops.
Number 8, Santa Monica Pier. By the scene at Santa Monica Beach, is the famous Pier with a perennial carnival like setting. Draws locals, as well as visitors from around the world.
Number 7, Hollywood. Everyone knows about Hollywood and you have got to visit the Hollywood sign, when in Los Angeles.
Number 6, Hollywood Walk of Fame. Hollywood celebrates it's contribution to entertainment through these celebrity stars.
Number 5, Griffith Observatory. Located in Griffith Park on Mt. Hollywood, this great public observatory has state of the art facilities and excellent views of Los Angeles.
Number 4, Grauman's Chinese Theatre. built in nineteen twenty seven, this is among the famous theatres in the world.
Number 3, Rodeo Drive. If you are a shopping buff, you will love Rodeo Drive. A glamorous shopping District, Rodeo Drive is full of upscale and fashionable shops.
Number 2, Beverly Hills. Take a walk around, you might even spot a celebrity in this neighborhood.
And number 1, Malibu. The Los Angeles area has many scenic beaches, Malibu in particular is an excellent place for you to experience how locals enjoy the beach life in California.
Hope you enjoyed this video, see you next time.
wn.com/Los Angeles Top 10 Attractions California Travel Guide
Take a tour of Los Angeles, California - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hi, this is your host Naomi. I would like to show you the top ten attractions of Los Angeles.
Number 10, Los Angeles Downtown. Although Los Angeles attractions are spread over a large area, the city is architecturally diverse Downtown is a thriving urban center.
Number 9, Venice Beach. Experience the colorful lifestyle of the West Coast on the Venice Beach, Boardwalk. Here, you will find a festive atmosphere, eclectic entertainers and funky shops.
Number 8, Santa Monica Pier. By the scene at Santa Monica Beach, is the famous Pier with a perennial carnival like setting. Draws locals, as well as visitors from around the world.
Number 7, Hollywood. Everyone knows about Hollywood and you have got to visit the Hollywood sign, when in Los Angeles.
Number 6, Hollywood Walk of Fame. Hollywood celebrates it's contribution to entertainment through these celebrity stars.
Number 5, Griffith Observatory. Located in Griffith Park on Mt. Hollywood, this great public observatory has state of the art facilities and excellent views of Los Angeles.
Number 4, Grauman's Chinese Theatre. built in nineteen twenty seven, this is among the famous theatres in the world.
Number 3, Rodeo Drive. If you are a shopping buff, you will love Rodeo Drive. A glamorous shopping District, Rodeo Drive is full of upscale and fashionable shops.
Number 2, Beverly Hills. Take a walk around, you might even spot a celebrity in this neighborhood.
And number 1, Malibu. The Los Angeles area has many scenic beaches, Malibu in particular is an excellent place for you to experience how locals enjoy the beach life in California.
Hope you enjoyed this video, see you next time.
- published: 19 Aug 2010
- views: 340011
Los Angeles - City Video Guide
Los Angeles, Southern California, is known for its sunshine, entertainment industry and openness to newcomers.
In Downtown Los Angeles, Olvera Street is one of the oldest surviving areas in L.A., to experience the colors and tastes of Old Mexico. Just across the road is Union Station, which has appeared in almost 30 big-budget movies.
The main attractions in Los Angeles include Knott's Berry Park, the Aquarium of the Pacific and, of course, Disneyland. Rodeo Drive, in the heart of Beverly Hills, is the world's most expensive and exclusive shopping area.
Hollywood is the epicenter of the world's entertainment industry. Highlights are the Hollywood Walk of Fame and Grauman's Chinese Theater. Griffith Park is America's largest and wildest urban park. Perched high on the slopes of Mount Hollywood, you'll find the Griffith Observatory here.
West Hollywood is a haven for artists and designers. As evening falls, head to the iconic clubs of Sunset Strip, such as The Viper Room and Whiskey a Go Go.
Find out more travel tips & information on http://www.expedia.com.au/Los-Angeles.d178280.Destination-Travel-Guides
wn.com/Los Angeles City Video Guide
Los Angeles, Southern California, is known for its sunshine, entertainment industry and openness to newcomers.
In Downtown Los Angeles, Olvera Street is one of the oldest surviving areas in L.A., to experience the colors and tastes of Old Mexico. Just across the road is Union Station, which has appeared in almost 30 big-budget movies.
The main attractions in Los Angeles include Knott's Berry Park, the Aquarium of the Pacific and, of course, Disneyland. Rodeo Drive, in the heart of Beverly Hills, is the world's most expensive and exclusive shopping area.
Hollywood is the epicenter of the world's entertainment industry. Highlights are the Hollywood Walk of Fame and Grauman's Chinese Theater. Griffith Park is America's largest and wildest urban park. Perched high on the slopes of Mount Hollywood, you'll find the Griffith Observatory here.
West Hollywood is a haven for artists and designers. As evening falls, head to the iconic clubs of Sunset Strip, such as The Viper Room and Whiskey a Go Go.
Find out more travel tips & information on http://www.expedia.com.au/Los-Angeles.d178280.Destination-Travel-Guides
- published: 17 Apr 2013
- views: 11461
Los Angeles Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation
World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube
Los Angeles, California, USA Travel Guide http://bit.ly/18CgG5A
Los Angeles Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation
From its laid back Pacific Ocean beaches, to Hollywood's red carpet glamour, to its dramatic mountain backdrop, Los Angeles is a seductive, sometimes maddening, but always fascinating city.
A massive cosmopolitan urban sprawl criss-crossed by frantic freeways, Los Angeles has something for everyone, if you know how to navigate its many charms.
It's the USA's second largest city after New York and has been called everything from La La Land to Tinseltown but is best known simply as LA. Sprawling along the Pacific coast of southern California, its coastline stretches 122km (76 miles) from Malibu to Long Beach. Inland, the city fills a vast, flat and once arid basin ringed by the Santa Monica and San Gabriel mountains.
There is no real centre to LA -- it's a collection of small cities and suburbs that mesh seamlessly together. Hollywood offers major movie history with the Walk of Fame, the home of the Oscars, historic movie palaces and Paramount Studios. Its funky neighbour is the gay mecca of West Hollywood, which is right next door to ritzy Beverly Hills with its mansions and high-end shopping.
Downtown LA is principally the business district though it also houses major museums, theatres and live music venues plus ethnic attractions like Little Tokyo and historic Olvera Street which reflects the city's Hispanic roots.
Surburban Burbank offers Universal Studios with its colourful theme park and Warner Brothers, a working studio with tours where you may spot a star or two. To the north east, the small, historic and cultured city of Pasadena is a pleasant contrast to the brashness of Hollywood.
The laid back coastal cities of Santa Monica and Venice offer great shopping and dining, a chance to dip your toes in the Pacific Ocean or relax on wide sandy beaches. But LA's close promixity to the mountains mean that in winter, skiing is an option in this sun-kissed state.
Disneyland may be the city's major tourist pull, but LA is also home to world-renowned culture from the Museum of Contemporary Art to the LA Philharmonic to the LA Opera headed up by Placido Domingo, and the treasures of the Getty Museum.
LA is a fascinating contradiction where zen hippy health fanatics seeking to find themselves exist happily alongside some of the most glamorous and wealthy people in the world, seeking fame and fortune. Most visitors come to enjoy world-class shops and restaurants, lie on beaches bathed in almost constant sunshine and simply to people-watch in Beverly Hills or zany Venice Beach.
Like any major city, LA has its less rosy side with homelessness most apparent in parts of Hollywood, Downtown and Venice Beach. You may not want to be reminded of social problems when you're on vacation, but you're unlikely to feel threatened in any way.
If the USA is a melting pot, L.A is a scrumptious salad with some expected ingredients but many refreshing surprises. Keep an open mind and embrace all this City of Angels has to offer and you won't be disappointed.
Los Angeles Videos, Los Angeles, Los Angeles Tourism, Los Angeles Travel Guide, Los Angeles Vacation, Los Angeles tours, Los Angeles Attractions, Los Angeles Restaurants, Los Angeles Shopping, Los Angeles Transport, Los Angeles Museums, California, California Travel Guide, California Tourism, California Vacation, United States of America
wn.com/Los Angeles Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation
World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube
Los Angeles, California, USA Travel Guide http://bit.ly/18CgG5A
Los Angeles Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation
From its laid back Pacific Ocean beaches, to Hollywood's red carpet glamour, to its dramatic mountain backdrop, Los Angeles is a seductive, sometimes maddening, but always fascinating city.
A massive cosmopolitan urban sprawl criss-crossed by frantic freeways, Los Angeles has something for everyone, if you know how to navigate its many charms.
It's the USA's second largest city after New York and has been called everything from La La Land to Tinseltown but is best known simply as LA. Sprawling along the Pacific coast of southern California, its coastline stretches 122km (76 miles) from Malibu to Long Beach. Inland, the city fills a vast, flat and once arid basin ringed by the Santa Monica and San Gabriel mountains.
There is no real centre to LA -- it's a collection of small cities and suburbs that mesh seamlessly together. Hollywood offers major movie history with the Walk of Fame, the home of the Oscars, historic movie palaces and Paramount Studios. Its funky neighbour is the gay mecca of West Hollywood, which is right next door to ritzy Beverly Hills with its mansions and high-end shopping.
Downtown LA is principally the business district though it also houses major museums, theatres and live music venues plus ethnic attractions like Little Tokyo and historic Olvera Street which reflects the city's Hispanic roots.
Surburban Burbank offers Universal Studios with its colourful theme park and Warner Brothers, a working studio with tours where you may spot a star or two. To the north east, the small, historic and cultured city of Pasadena is a pleasant contrast to the brashness of Hollywood.
The laid back coastal cities of Santa Monica and Venice offer great shopping and dining, a chance to dip your toes in the Pacific Ocean or relax on wide sandy beaches. But LA's close promixity to the mountains mean that in winter, skiing is an option in this sun-kissed state.
Disneyland may be the city's major tourist pull, but LA is also home to world-renowned culture from the Museum of Contemporary Art to the LA Philharmonic to the LA Opera headed up by Placido Domingo, and the treasures of the Getty Museum.
LA is a fascinating contradiction where zen hippy health fanatics seeking to find themselves exist happily alongside some of the most glamorous and wealthy people in the world, seeking fame and fortune. Most visitors come to enjoy world-class shops and restaurants, lie on beaches bathed in almost constant sunshine and simply to people-watch in Beverly Hills or zany Venice Beach.
Like any major city, LA has its less rosy side with homelessness most apparent in parts of Hollywood, Downtown and Venice Beach. You may not want to be reminded of social problems when you're on vacation, but you're unlikely to feel threatened in any way.
If the USA is a melting pot, L.A is a scrumptious salad with some expected ingredients but many refreshing surprises. Keep an open mind and embrace all this City of Angels has to offer and you won't be disappointed.
Los Angeles Videos, Los Angeles, Los Angeles Tourism, Los Angeles Travel Guide, Los Angeles Vacation, Los Angeles tours, Los Angeles Attractions, Los Angeles Restaurants, Los Angeles Shopping, Los Angeles Transport, Los Angeles Museums, California, California Travel Guide, California Tourism, California Vacation, United States of America
- published: 21 Oct 2013
- views: 464
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | Los Angeles USA Travel Guide
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- published: 18 May 2015
- views: 0
Los Angeles Vacation Travel Guide
http://www.USCityTraveler.com - Who can resist a trip to Hollywood? Los Angeles has it all, the lights, the entertainment, the glamorous nights out on the to...
wn.com/Los Angeles Vacation Travel Guide
http://www.USCityTraveler.com - Who can resist a trip to Hollywood? Los Angeles has it all, the lights, the entertainment, the glamorous nights out on the to...
Travel Guide to Los Angeles, CA - USA
http://bestflights.co.za/north-america/usa/los-angeles - Visit for more information on Los Angeles, CA USA
Los Angeles (LA) is the capital city of the state California and is also known as the City of Angels. Located around the city are vast mountain ranges, deep valleys, forests, desert and the Pacific Ocean. The city is the center of the world's entertainment industry with the Hollywood district located within the city. Hollywood is famous for its movie industry and the annual Academy Awards. The city is also an important hub for culture, business, media and international trade.
What to see
• Hollywood
• Griffith Observatory
• Los Angeles Coliseum
• MacArthur Park
• Echo Park
• Grauman's Chinese Theatre
• Capitol Records Building
• Dolby Theatre
• Los Angeles Times Headquarters
• Fox Plaza
• Dodger Stadium
• Staples Centre
• Walt Disney Concert Hall
• Theme Building at LAX
• Union Station
• Getty Centre
• Los Angeles County Museum of Art
What to do
• Los Angeles Travel & Adventure Show
• Academy Awards Ceremony
• Laguna Beach A La Carte Food & Wine Festival
• LA Marathon
• San Dimas Festival of the Arts
• Cowboy Festival
• Renaissance Pleasure Faire
• Doo Dah Parade
• Honda US Open of Surfing
• Long Beach Jazz Festival
• Septemberfest
• LA Taste of Soul Festival
• The Nutcracker Ballet
wn.com/Travel Guide To Los Angeles, Ca USA
http://bestflights.co.za/north-america/usa/los-angeles - Visit for more information on Los Angeles, CA USA
Los Angeles (LA) is the capital city of the state California and is also known as the City of Angels. Located around the city are vast mountain ranges, deep valleys, forests, desert and the Pacific Ocean. The city is the center of the world's entertainment industry with the Hollywood district located within the city. Hollywood is famous for its movie industry and the annual Academy Awards. The city is also an important hub for culture, business, media and international trade.
What to see
• Hollywood
• Griffith Observatory
• Los Angeles Coliseum
• MacArthur Park
• Echo Park
• Grauman's Chinese Theatre
• Capitol Records Building
• Dolby Theatre
• Los Angeles Times Headquarters
• Fox Plaza
• Dodger Stadium
• Staples Centre
• Walt Disney Concert Hall
• Theme Building at LAX
• Union Station
• Getty Centre
• Los Angeles County Museum of Art
What to do
• Los Angeles Travel & Adventure Show
• Academy Awards Ceremony
• Laguna Beach A La Carte Food & Wine Festival
• LA Marathon
• San Dimas Festival of the Arts
• Cowboy Festival
• Renaissance Pleasure Faire
• Doo Dah Parade
• Honda US Open of Surfing
• Long Beach Jazz Festival
• Septemberfest
• LA Taste of Soul Festival
• The Nutcracker Ballet
- published: 07 May 2012
- views: 1091
Los Angeles Vacation Travel Guide | Sightseeing Hollywood
Walk of Fame, Rhodeo Drive, Hollywood Sign, Venice Beach, Beverly Hills.
► Abonnieren: http://goo.gl/ekuKic
► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dieitgirlagenten
► Ramon: http://www.ramonwagner.de
► Instagram: http://instagram.com/itgirlagenten
► Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/itgirlagenten
wn.com/Los Angeles Vacation Travel Guide | Sightseeing Hollywood
Walk of Fame, Rhodeo Drive, Hollywood Sign, Venice Beach, Beverly Hills.
► Abonnieren: http://goo.gl/ekuKic
► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dieitgirlagenten
► Ramon: http://www.ramonwagner.de
► Instagram: http://instagram.com/itgirlagenten
► Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/itgirlagenten
- published: 21 Mar 2015
- views: 302
Travel Tips: Best Neighborhoods in Los Angeles
Los Angeles is a sprawling city. Focus on 5 of the best neighborhoods or streets in LA to catch the feeling of California chill. Subscribe here for videos ev...
wn.com/Travel Tips Best Neighborhoods In Los Angeles
Los Angeles is a sprawling city. Focus on 5 of the best neighborhoods or streets in LA to catch the feeling of California chill. Subscribe here for videos ev...
- published: 22 Jan 2014
- views: 1122
Jeff Young