Sex Workers in Saarland
In 2002, Germany implemented some of the most liberal prostitution laws in Europe, with the goal of improving the legal and social status of women. But since Germany isn't surrounded by a protective border fence—and given restrictive laws in neighboring countries—the laws have essentially turned Germany into a paradise for johns from Denmark, Luxembourg, and France. The regulations have also led t
Stefan Abendschön - 50 Joor Saarland
50 Jahre Saarland
Harald Schmidt - Expedition ins Saarland
Harald, Helmut und Peter auf ihrer Expedition ins Saarland.
Mit einer der lustigsten Einspieler der Harald Schmidt Show überhaupt! :D
Copyright liegt bei "Brainpool".
Saarbrücken, Saarland - Germany 4K Travel Channel
Saarbrücken, Saarland – Germany
please read more: http://blog.myvideomedia.com/saarbruecken-city/
Saarbrücken, the capital of the German state Saarland, was originally not on our itinerary! We had planned a four weeks trip to Spain by train, but the strike of the train drivers union GDL forced us to arrive a day early in order to catch our Intercity to Paris.
Saarbrücken stand eigentlich nicht
„Kulturlandschaften‟ Saarland – Nordend Film/3sat
Autor und Schriftsteller Wladimir Kaminer macht sich für 3sat auf einen Road-Trip durch deutsche Kulturlandschaften. Abseits der Metropolen und der gängigen Klischees geht er der Frage nach, wie in der Provinz Kunst entsteht und wie aus Kultur Heimat wird. Auch jenseits der großen Metropolen gibt es in Deutschland eine reiche Kulturszene. So manch berühmter Künstler hat einst in der Provinz begonn
Saarland - spectacular culinary delights and walking tours
Join in on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with #germany25reunified and http://www.germany.travel/en/germany-reunified/25-perspectives/25-perspectives.html
Spectacular scenery, excursions to France, hilly countryside and broad valleys are just some of what the Saarland has to offer,
The Saarland Cycle Route offers spectacular views over the natural wonder that is the Saar Bow. Restaurants in the
Saarland - Schulfilm Geographie
Das Saarland liegt im Südwesten Deutschlands. Im Norden und Osten grenzt es an das Bundesland Rheinland-Pfalz. Im Westen und Süden bilden die Landesgrenzen des Saarlands gleichzeitig die Grenze der Bundesrepublik zu Luxemburg und Frankreich. Das Saarland hat eine Fläche von 2.500 Quadratkilometern und ist das kle
Imagefilm Saarland
Dass Großes im Kleinen entsteht, ist nun auch filmreif bewiesen:
Begleitet von Musik des saarländischen Komponisten Frank Nimsgern erzählt der Film, wie es das Saarland meistert, „Großes im Kleinen“ entstehen zu lassen. Dies wird anhand individueller Erfolgsgeschichten von saarländischen Welt-Unternehmen, Start-Ups, Wissenschaftlern, Sportlern bis hin zu saarländischen Kunst-Highlights und einer
heute-show - SAAR WARS
Oliver Welke und Ulrich von Heesen fragen sich: Hä? Was war denn noch mal ein Saarland?
Studying at Saarland University
Sometimes you have to spread your wings to achieve your goals. Hanna Rouppo from Belarus, Federico Lassere from Argentina and Nikolina Koleva from Bulgaria have all chosen to study at Saarland University in Saarbrücken, a German city situated close to both France and Luxembourg. Saarland University provides students with an outstanding teaching and research environment.
Mein Saarland
Ein Film von Julia Velten (Regie und Reporterin)
Auszeichnung beim Kurzfilmwettbewerb 2015 "Mein Saarland".
Begründung: Witzige und gelungene Geschichte rund um eine Reportage zum Thema "Mein Saarland". Julia Velten gelingt ein Spannungsbogen von heute in die Vergangenheit, gut und mit Humor erzählt, darstellerisch gekonnt.
Saarland Therme Image Video
Krawallbrüder - Saarland
In unser`m schönen Vaterland
dem Saarland leben wir
fortan seit unserer Geburt
mit literweise Bier (Export!)
Wir tun hier nur was uns gefällt
saufen Ur-Pils aus dem Fass
und handeln schon seit jeher nur
nach der Parole Spass
Was immer auch geschehen mag
wir werden niemals von dir gehen
Wir werden bis in alle Ewigkeit
zu unser`m Saarland stehn
zu unser`m Saarland stehn
Neues aus dem Saarland | Pierre M. Krause
Die Kritik, es würden zu wenig Saarlandthemen im Programm von ARD und ZDF stattfinden, kann Pierre nicht auf sich sitzen lassen. Ab sofort bei SWR3latenight: Neues aus dem Saarland.
Bei uns im Saarland - Lyonerworschd & Dibbelabbes -
Lyonerworschd & Dibbelabbes, ein weiterer Geniestreich vom saarländischen Mundartbarden Michael Hässig, der wieder einmal mit liebenswert spitzer Zunge seine Heimat und die dortigen Einheimischen beschreibt.
GFLTV 2015 - Playoffs - Viertelfinale : New Yorker Lions - Saarland Hurricanes
GFLTV 2015 - Die Playoffs - Viertelfinale
New Yorker Lions - Saarland Hurricanes
Highlights - Touchdowns - Interviews
Klaus Bouillon, Innenminister im Saarland zur Flüchtlingssituation.
Klaus Bouillon, Innenminister im Saarland
Anthem of Saarland (Germany)
Saarland is one of the 16 states of Germany. The anthem is called "Saarlandlied".
Ich rühm' dich, du freundliches Land an der Saar,
von friedlichen Grenzen umgeben.
Nie wieder bedrohe dich Krieg und Gefahr,
in dir möcht' ich immerzu leben.
Und gibst du uns Arbeit, so hat's keine Not,
wir werden die Mühen nicht scheuen,
und Feste auch feiern zum täglichen Brot,
denn du, unser Lan
DRM::Saarland-Pfalz Rallye 2015|Action and mistakes|
With the Saarland-Pfalz Rally 2015 starts the royal class of the German rally sport.
The difficult stages in the Saarland, install drivers and materials to their limits.The result: a lot of action, mistakes and accidents.
And now, here is your turn.
Enjoy it !!!
Unnütze Unterführung im Saarland - Hammer der Woche | ZDF
Stolze 3,6 Millionen Euro hat die Unterführung am Stadtrand von Saarbrücken gekostet - und steht seit sieben Jahren nutzlos herum. Denn die Straße, die darunter durchführen soll, existiert nicht.
Länderspiegel in der Mediathek:
Realer Irrsinn: Meeresfischzucht im Saarland | extra 3 | NDR
600 Kilometer entfernt vom Meer wurde im saarländischen Völklingen eine Zuchtanlage für Meeresfische inklusive Kaviarproduktion gebaut. Nun geht der kommunale Betreiber mit dieser Idee baden.
Autorin: Cathrine Lejeune
Saarland-Pfalz Rallye 2015 (Crashes, Jumps & Show)
DRM & Rallye Masters | Lauf 1 Saarland-Pfalz Rallye 2015 St.Wendel
6. - 7. März 2015
1. Kreim, 2. Färber, 3. Hunziger
WP 1/3/6/10/12
ADAC Saarland-Pfalz Rallye 2015 by OesRecords
Sex Workers in Saarland
In 2002, Germany implemented some of the most liberal prostitution laws in Europe, with the goal of improving the legal and social status of women. But since Ge...
In 2002, Germany implemented some of the most liberal prostitution laws in Europe, with the goal of improving the legal and social status of women. But since Germany isn't surrounded by a protective border fence—and given restrictive laws in neighboring countries—the laws have essentially turned Germany into a paradise for johns from Denmark, Luxembourg, and France. The regulations have also led to increases in forced prostitution, pimping, and human trafficking.
VICE Germany spoke to sex workers, brothel owners, police officers, and government officials to see how this well-meaning legislation has lead to the exact opposite of what it aimed to achieve.
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wn.com/Sex Workers In Saarland
In 2002, Germany implemented some of the most liberal prostitution laws in Europe, with the goal of improving the legal and social status of women. But since Germany isn't surrounded by a protective border fence—and given restrictive laws in neighboring countries—the laws have essentially turned Germany into a paradise for johns from Denmark, Luxembourg, and France. The regulations have also led to increases in forced prostitution, pimping, and human trafficking.
VICE Germany spoke to sex workers, brothel owners, police officers, and government officials to see how this well-meaning legislation has lead to the exact opposite of what it aimed to achieve.
Click here to subscribe to VICE: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE
Check out our full video catalog: http://bit.ly/VICE-Videos
Videos, daily editorial and more: http://vice.com
More videos from the VICE network: https://www.fb.com/vicevideos
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Check out our Pinterest: https://pinterest.com/vicemag
- published: 15 Jul 2015
- views: 730174
Harald Schmidt - Expedition ins Saarland
Harald, Helmut und Peter auf ihrer Expedition ins Saarland.
Mit einer der lustigsten Einspieler der Harald Schmidt Show überhaupt! :D
Copyright liegt bei "Bra...
Harald, Helmut und Peter auf ihrer Expedition ins Saarland.
Mit einer der lustigsten Einspieler der Harald Schmidt Show überhaupt! :D
Copyright liegt bei "Brainpool".
wn.com/Harald Schmidt Expedition Ins Saarland
Harald, Helmut und Peter auf ihrer Expedition ins Saarland.
Mit einer der lustigsten Einspieler der Harald Schmidt Show überhaupt! :D
Copyright liegt bei "Brainpool".
- published: 14 May 2014
- views: 37945
Saarbrücken, Saarland - Germany 4K Travel Channel
Saarbrücken, Saarland – Germany
please read more: http://blog.myvideomedia.com/saarbruecken-city/
Saarbrücken, the capital of the German state Saarland, was o...
Saarbrücken, Saarland – Germany
please read more: http://blog.myvideomedia.com/saarbruecken-city/
Saarbrücken, the capital of the German state Saarland, was originally not on our itinerary! We had planned a four weeks trip to Spain by train, but the strike of the train drivers union GDL forced us to arrive a day early in order to catch our Intercity to Paris.
Saarbrücken stand eigentlich nicht auf unserem Reiseplan! Vier Wochen Spanien waren geplant, aber durch den Streik der Lokführer Gewerkschaft GDL waren wir gezwungen einen Tag früher anzureisen um unseren Intercity nach Paris zu erreichen.
wn.com/Saarbrücken, Saarland Germany 4K Travel Channel
Saarbrücken, Saarland – Germany
please read more: http://blog.myvideomedia.com/saarbruecken-city/
Saarbrücken, the capital of the German state Saarland, was originally not on our itinerary! We had planned a four weeks trip to Spain by train, but the strike of the train drivers union GDL forced us to arrive a day early in order to catch our Intercity to Paris.
Saarbrücken stand eigentlich nicht auf unserem Reiseplan! Vier Wochen Spanien waren geplant, aber durch den Streik der Lokführer Gewerkschaft GDL waren wir gezwungen einen Tag früher anzureisen um unseren Intercity nach Paris zu erreichen.
- published: 23 May 2015
- views: 7254
„Kulturlandschaften‟ Saarland – Nordend Film/3sat
Autor und Schriftsteller Wladimir Kaminer macht sich für 3sat auf einen Road-Trip durch deutsche Kulturlandschaften. Abseits der Metropolen und der gängigen Kli...
Autor und Schriftsteller Wladimir Kaminer macht sich für 3sat auf einen Road-Trip durch deutsche Kulturlandschaften. Abseits der Metropolen und der gängigen Klischees geht er der Frage nach, wie in der Provinz Kunst entsteht und wie aus Kultur Heimat wird. Auch jenseits der großen Metropolen gibt es in Deutschland eine reiche Kulturszene. So manch berühmter Künstler hat einst in der Provinz begonnen und nicht selten haben internationale Stars der Kunstszene genau dort ihre schöpferische Heimat gefunden. Wladimir Kaminer begibt sich auf die Suche.
Für den 3sat-5-Teiler ließ ALEKS & SHANTU u. a. die Golden Gate Bridge in Wuppertal erscheinen, in der Eifel einen Vulkan ausbrechen und trackte beitragsunterstützende Infos in Seen, auf Wiesen und Gebäude. Die Sendereihe war ein enormer Erfolg und wurde von der Hamburger Produktionsfirma Nordend Film produziert.
Teil 1: Schwarzwald
Teil 2: Wuppertal
Teil 3: Saarland
Teil 4: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Teil 5: Eifel
wn.com/„Kulturlandschaften‟ Saarland – Nordend Film 3Sat
Autor und Schriftsteller Wladimir Kaminer macht sich für 3sat auf einen Road-Trip durch deutsche Kulturlandschaften. Abseits der Metropolen und der gängigen Klischees geht er der Frage nach, wie in der Provinz Kunst entsteht und wie aus Kultur Heimat wird. Auch jenseits der großen Metropolen gibt es in Deutschland eine reiche Kulturszene. So manch berühmter Künstler hat einst in der Provinz begonnen und nicht selten haben internationale Stars der Kunstszene genau dort ihre schöpferische Heimat gefunden. Wladimir Kaminer begibt sich auf die Suche.
Für den 3sat-5-Teiler ließ ALEKS & SHANTU u. a. die Golden Gate Bridge in Wuppertal erscheinen, in der Eifel einen Vulkan ausbrechen und trackte beitragsunterstützende Infos in Seen, auf Wiesen und Gebäude. Die Sendereihe war ein enormer Erfolg und wurde von der Hamburger Produktionsfirma Nordend Film produziert.
Teil 1: Schwarzwald
Teil 2: Wuppertal
Teil 3: Saarland
Teil 4: Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Teil 5: Eifel
- published: 23 Sep 2015
- views: 491
Saarland - spectacular culinary delights and walking tours
Join in on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with #germany25reunified and http://www.germany.travel/en/germany-reunified/25-perspectives/25-perspectives.html
Join in on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with #germany25reunified and http://www.germany.travel/en/germany-reunified/25-perspectives/25-perspectives.html
Spectacular scenery, excursions to France, hilly countryside and broad valleys are just some of what the Saarland has to offer,
The Saarland Cycle Route offers spectacular views over the natural wonder that is the Saar Bow. Restaurants in the Saarland always focus on quality – whether it’s simple home cooking or Michelin-starred dining.
The varied selection of culinary walking tours (the Tafeltours) provide a heavenly combination of excellent food and drink and breathtaking views.
Many thanks to http://www.kickthegrind.tv/ and http://www.storytravelers.com
The GNTB is required to comply with the procurement rules for public sector organisations when awarding contracts. These include, in particular, very strict limits on the placement of products and themes, and on covert advertising in the video/film to be created.
To enable the GNTB to comply with its statutory requirements, the contract partner undertakes to provide the GNTB with a list of all products and themes that can be identified in the video. The GNTB may demand that the relevant sequences be cut or edited to make them legally compliant.
The contract partner gives an assurance that such placements are inadvertent and that he or she has not received any money or other consideration for their inclusion.
wn.com/Saarland Spectacular Culinary Delights And Walking Tours
Join in on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with #germany25reunified and http://www.germany.travel/en/germany-reunified/25-perspectives/25-perspectives.html
Spectacular scenery, excursions to France, hilly countryside and broad valleys are just some of what the Saarland has to offer,
The Saarland Cycle Route offers spectacular views over the natural wonder that is the Saar Bow. Restaurants in the Saarland always focus on quality – whether it’s simple home cooking or Michelin-starred dining.
The varied selection of culinary walking tours (the Tafeltours) provide a heavenly combination of excellent food and drink and breathtaking views.
Many thanks to http://www.kickthegrind.tv/ and http://www.storytravelers.com
The GNTB is required to comply with the procurement rules for public sector organisations when awarding contracts. These include, in particular, very strict limits on the placement of products and themes, and on covert advertising in the video/film to be created.
To enable the GNTB to comply with its statutory requirements, the contract partner undertakes to provide the GNTB with a list of all products and themes that can be identified in the video. The GNTB may demand that the relevant sequences be cut or edited to make them legally compliant.
The contract partner gives an assurance that such placements are inadvertent and that he or she has not received any money or other consideration for their inclusion.
- published: 12 Feb 2015
- views: 113084
Saarland - Schulfilm Geographie
Das Saarland liegt im Südwesten Deutschlands. Im Norden und Osten grenzt e...
Das Saarland liegt im Südwesten Deutschlands. Im Norden und Osten grenzt es an das Bundesland Rheinland-Pfalz. Im Westen und Süden bilden die Landesgrenzen des Saarlands gleichzeitig die Grenze der Bundesrepublik zu Luxemburg und Frankreich. Das Saarland hat eine Fläche von 2.500 Quadratkilometern und ist das kleinste Flächenland der BRD. Im Saarland leben 1 Million Menschen -- das sind rund 1,3 Prozent der Gesamtbevölkerung Deutschlands. Die Hauptstadt des Saarlands ist Saarbrücken.
wn.com/Saarland Schulfilm Geographie
Das Saarland liegt im Südwesten Deutschlands. Im Norden und Osten grenzt es an das Bundesland Rheinland-Pfalz. Im Westen und Süden bilden die Landesgrenzen des Saarlands gleichzeitig die Grenze der Bundesrepublik zu Luxemburg und Frankreich. Das Saarland hat eine Fläche von 2.500 Quadratkilometern und ist das kleinste Flächenland der BRD. Im Saarland leben 1 Million Menschen -- das sind rund 1,3 Prozent der Gesamtbevölkerung Deutschlands. Die Hauptstadt des Saarlands ist Saarbrücken.
- published: 07 Oct 2012
- views: 15233
Imagefilm Saarland
Dass Großes im Kleinen entsteht, ist nun auch filmreif bewiesen:
Begleitet von Musik des saarländischen Komponisten Frank Nimsgern erzählt der Film, wie es das...
Dass Großes im Kleinen entsteht, ist nun auch filmreif bewiesen:
Begleitet von Musik des saarländischen Komponisten Frank Nimsgern erzählt der Film, wie es das Saarland meistert, „Großes im Kleinen“ entstehen zu lassen. Dies wird anhand individueller Erfolgsgeschichten von saarländischen Welt-Unternehmen, Start-Ups, Wissenschaftlern, Sportlern bis hin zu saarländischen Kunst-Highlights und einer Vielzahl von Freizeitaktivitäten deutlich. Authentische Kurzportraits stehen Pate für Erfolgsgeschichten, die hier im Saarland möglich gemacht wurden.
Unternehmen, Kommunen, Organisationen und Privatpersonen können den Film in der unveränderten Fassung ohne Einschränkungen nutzen und z.B. auf Ihre Homepage stellen, bei Kundenbesuchen oder Messeauftritten einsetzen und somit für den Standort Saarland attraktiv werben. Bilder sagen bekanntlich mehr als 1000 Worte: Gerade auch bei Jobmessen und Bewerbungsgesprächen kann dieser Film einen sympathischen Zusatz leisten, um bei Bewerberinnen und Bewerbern das Interesse für den möglichen neuen Lebensmittelpunkt Saarland zu wecken.
Auf www.saarland.de/marketing-infopool.htm haben Sie die Möglichkeit, alles rund um das Saarland Marketing wie Logos, Plakate, die neue Saar-Schrift usw. herunterzuladen.
Besuchen Sie auch www.willkommen.saarland für umfassende Informationen zu den Themen Leben, Arbeit und Freizeit im Saarland.
wn.com/Imagefilm Saarland
Dass Großes im Kleinen entsteht, ist nun auch filmreif bewiesen:
Begleitet von Musik des saarländischen Komponisten Frank Nimsgern erzählt der Film, wie es das Saarland meistert, „Großes im Kleinen“ entstehen zu lassen. Dies wird anhand individueller Erfolgsgeschichten von saarländischen Welt-Unternehmen, Start-Ups, Wissenschaftlern, Sportlern bis hin zu saarländischen Kunst-Highlights und einer Vielzahl von Freizeitaktivitäten deutlich. Authentische Kurzportraits stehen Pate für Erfolgsgeschichten, die hier im Saarland möglich gemacht wurden.
Unternehmen, Kommunen, Organisationen und Privatpersonen können den Film in der unveränderten Fassung ohne Einschränkungen nutzen und z.B. auf Ihre Homepage stellen, bei Kundenbesuchen oder Messeauftritten einsetzen und somit für den Standort Saarland attraktiv werben. Bilder sagen bekanntlich mehr als 1000 Worte: Gerade auch bei Jobmessen und Bewerbungsgesprächen kann dieser Film einen sympathischen Zusatz leisten, um bei Bewerberinnen und Bewerbern das Interesse für den möglichen neuen Lebensmittelpunkt Saarland zu wecken.
Auf www.saarland.de/marketing-infopool.htm haben Sie die Möglichkeit, alles rund um das Saarland Marketing wie Logos, Plakate, die neue Saar-Schrift usw. herunterzuladen.
Besuchen Sie auch www.willkommen.saarland für umfassende Informationen zu den Themen Leben, Arbeit und Freizeit im Saarland.
- published: 24 Jul 2014
- views: 17565
heute-show - SAAR WARS
Oliver Welke und Ulrich von Heesen fragen sich: Hä? Was war denn noch mal ein Saarland?...
Oliver Welke und Ulrich von Heesen fragen sich: Hä? Was war denn noch mal ein Saarland?
wn.com/Heute Show Saar Wars
Oliver Welke und Ulrich von Heesen fragen sich: Hä? Was war denn noch mal ein Saarland?
- published: 23 Mar 2012
- views: 63047
Studying at Saarland University
Sometimes you have to spread your wings to achieve your goals. Hanna Rouppo from Belarus, Federico Lassere from Argentina and Nikolina Koleva from Bulgaria have...
Sometimes you have to spread your wings to achieve your goals. Hanna Rouppo from Belarus, Federico Lassere from Argentina and Nikolina Koleva from Bulgaria have all chosen to study at Saarland University in Saarbrücken, a German city situated close to both France and Luxembourg. Saarland University provides students with an outstanding teaching and research environment.
wn.com/Studying At Saarland University
Sometimes you have to spread your wings to achieve your goals. Hanna Rouppo from Belarus, Federico Lassere from Argentina and Nikolina Koleva from Bulgaria have all chosen to study at Saarland University in Saarbrücken, a German city situated close to both France and Luxembourg. Saarland University provides students with an outstanding teaching and research environment.
- published: 20 Mar 2013
- views: 5242
Mein Saarland
Ein Film von Julia Velten (Regie und Reporterin)
Auszeichnung beim Kurzfilmwettbewerb 2015 "Mein Saarland".
Begründung: Witzige und gelungene Geschichte rund um...
Ein Film von Julia Velten (Regie und Reporterin)
Auszeichnung beim Kurzfilmwettbewerb 2015 "Mein Saarland".
Begründung: Witzige und gelungene Geschichte rund um eine Reportage zum Thema "Mein Saarland". Julia Velten gelingt ein Spannungsbogen von heute in die Vergangenheit, gut und mit Humor erzählt, darstellerisch gekonnt.
wn.com/Mein Saarland
Ein Film von Julia Velten (Regie und Reporterin)
Auszeichnung beim Kurzfilmwettbewerb 2015 "Mein Saarland".
Begründung: Witzige und gelungene Geschichte rund um eine Reportage zum Thema "Mein Saarland". Julia Velten gelingt ein Spannungsbogen von heute in die Vergangenheit, gut und mit Humor erzählt, darstellerisch gekonnt.
- published: 07 Nov 2015
- views: 974
Krawallbrüder - Saarland
In unser`m schönen Vaterland
dem Saarland leben wir
fortan seit unserer Geburt
mit literweise Bier (Export!)
Wir tun hier nur was uns gefällt
In unser`m schönen Vaterland
dem Saarland leben wir
fortan seit unserer Geburt
mit literweise Bier (Export!)
Wir tun hier nur was uns gefällt
saufen Ur-Pils aus dem Fass
und handeln schon seit jeher nur
nach der Parole Spass
Was immer auch geschehen mag
wir werden niemals von dir gehen
Wir werden bis in alle Ewigkeit
zu unser`m Saarland stehn
zu unser`m Saarland stehn
Saarland - Oi! Oi! Oi!
Wir saufen uns die Hucke voll
Saarland (Skinheads) -Oi! Oi! Oi!
Wir tun was uns gefällt
Saarland (Saarland)- Oi! Oi! Oi!
Wir saufen uns die Hucke voll
Saarland (Skinheads) -Oi! Oi! Oi!
Wir tun was uns gefällt
Am Wochende aus dem Alltag raus
wird die Stimmung wieder groß
trifft man sich in `ner Kneipe
dann weiß jeder `s geht gleich wieder los
Sozialabbau schlecht stehts um den Schacht
sind viele Arbeitslose hier
Doch heut scheissen wir darauf
noch nen Deckel vollgemacht
ersauf den Frust in Bier
Was immer auch geschehen mag
wir werden niemals von dir gehen
Wir werden bis in alle Ewigkeit
zu unser`m Saarland stehn
zu unser`m Saarland stehn
Saarland - Oi! Oi! Oi!
Wir saufen uns die Hucke voll
Saarland (Skinheads) -Oi! Oi! Oi!
Wir tun was uns gefällt
Saarland (Saarland)- Oi! Oi! Oi!
Wir saufen uns die Hucke voll
Saarland (Skinheads) -Oi! Oi! Oi!
Wir tun was uns gefällt
Was immer auch geschehen mag
wir werden niemals von dir gehen
Wir werden bis in alle Ewigkeit
zu unser`m Saarland stehn
Saarland - Oi! Oi! Oi!
Wir saufen uns die Hucke voll
Saarland (Skinheads) -Oi! Oi! Oi!
Wir tun was uns gefällt
Saarland (Saarland)- Oi! Oi! Oi!
Wir saufen uns die Hucke voll
Saarland (Skinheads) -Oi! Oi! Oi!
Wir tun was uns gefällt
wn.com/Krawallbrüder Saarland
In unser`m schönen Vaterland
dem Saarland leben wir
fortan seit unserer Geburt
mit literweise Bier (Export!)
Wir tun hier nur was uns gefällt
saufen Ur-Pils aus dem Fass
und handeln schon seit jeher nur
nach der Parole Spass
Was immer auch geschehen mag
wir werden niemals von dir gehen
Wir werden bis in alle Ewigkeit
zu unser`m Saarland stehn
zu unser`m Saarland stehn
Saarland - Oi! Oi! Oi!
Wir saufen uns die Hucke voll
Saarland (Skinheads) -Oi! Oi! Oi!
Wir tun was uns gefällt
Saarland (Saarland)- Oi! Oi! Oi!
Wir saufen uns die Hucke voll
Saarland (Skinheads) -Oi! Oi! Oi!
Wir tun was uns gefällt
Am Wochende aus dem Alltag raus
wird die Stimmung wieder groß
trifft man sich in `ner Kneipe
dann weiß jeder `s geht gleich wieder los
Sozialabbau schlecht stehts um den Schacht
sind viele Arbeitslose hier
Doch heut scheissen wir darauf
noch nen Deckel vollgemacht
ersauf den Frust in Bier
Was immer auch geschehen mag
wir werden niemals von dir gehen
Wir werden bis in alle Ewigkeit
zu unser`m Saarland stehn
zu unser`m Saarland stehn
Saarland - Oi! Oi! Oi!
Wir saufen uns die Hucke voll
Saarland (Skinheads) -Oi! Oi! Oi!
Wir tun was uns gefällt
Saarland (Saarland)- Oi! Oi! Oi!
Wir saufen uns die Hucke voll
Saarland (Skinheads) -Oi! Oi! Oi!
Wir tun was uns gefällt
Was immer auch geschehen mag
wir werden niemals von dir gehen
Wir werden bis in alle Ewigkeit
zu unser`m Saarland stehn
Saarland - Oi! Oi! Oi!
Wir saufen uns die Hucke voll
Saarland (Skinheads) -Oi! Oi! Oi!
Wir tun was uns gefällt
Saarland (Saarland)- Oi! Oi! Oi!
Wir saufen uns die Hucke voll
Saarland (Skinheads) -Oi! Oi! Oi!
Wir tun was uns gefällt
- published: 25 Feb 2009
- views: 186465
Neues aus dem Saarland | Pierre M. Krause
Die Kritik, es würden zu wenig Saarlandthemen im Programm von ARD und ZDF stattfinden, kann Pierre nicht auf sich sitzen lassen. Ab sofort bei SWR3latenight: Ne...
Die Kritik, es würden zu wenig Saarlandthemen im Programm von ARD und ZDF stattfinden, kann Pierre nicht auf sich sitzen lassen. Ab sofort bei SWR3latenight: Neues aus dem Saarland.
wn.com/Neues Aus Dem Saarland | Pierre M. Krause
Die Kritik, es würden zu wenig Saarlandthemen im Programm von ARD und ZDF stattfinden, kann Pierre nicht auf sich sitzen lassen. Ab sofort bei SWR3latenight: Neues aus dem Saarland.
- published: 29 Sep 2014
- views: 9543
Bei uns im Saarland - Lyonerworschd & Dibbelabbes -
Lyonerworschd & Dibbelabbes, ein weiterer Geniestreich vom saarländischen Mundartbarden Michael Hässig, der wieder einmal mit liebenswert spitzer Zunge seine He...
Lyonerworschd & Dibbelabbes, ein weiterer Geniestreich vom saarländischen Mundartbarden Michael Hässig, der wieder einmal mit liebenswert spitzer Zunge seine Heimat und die dortigen Einheimischen beschreibt.
wn.com/Bei Uns Im Saarland Lyonerworschd Dibbelabbes
Lyonerworschd & Dibbelabbes, ein weiterer Geniestreich vom saarländischen Mundartbarden Michael Hässig, der wieder einmal mit liebenswert spitzer Zunge seine Heimat und die dortigen Einheimischen beschreibt.
- published: 07 Feb 2010
- views: 148201
GFLTV 2015 - Playoffs - Viertelfinale : New Yorker Lions - Saarland Hurricanes
GFLTV 2015 - Die Playoffs - Viertelfinale
New Yorker Lions - Saarland Hurricanes
Highlights - Touchdowns - Interviews...
GFLTV 2015 - Die Playoffs - Viertelfinale
New Yorker Lions - Saarland Hurricanes
Highlights - Touchdowns - Interviews
wn.com/Gfltv 2015 Playoffs Viertelfinale New Yorker Lions Saarland Hurricanes
GFLTV 2015 - Die Playoffs - Viertelfinale
New Yorker Lions - Saarland Hurricanes
Highlights - Touchdowns - Interviews
- published: 23 Sep 2015
- views: 3829
Anthem of Saarland (Germany)
Saarland is one of the 16 states of Germany. The anthem is called "Saarlandlied".
Ich rühm' dich, du freundliches Land an der Saar,
von friedlichen...
Saarland is one of the 16 states of Germany. The anthem is called "Saarlandlied".
Ich rühm' dich, du freundliches Land an der Saar,
von friedlichen Grenzen umgeben.
Nie wieder bedrohe dich Krieg und Gefahr,
in dir möcht' ich immerzu leben.
Und gibst du uns Arbeit, so hat's keine Not,
wir werden die Mühen nicht scheuen,
und Feste auch feiern zum täglichen Brot,
denn du, unser Land, sollst uns freuen.
wn.com/Anthem Of Saarland (Germany)
Saarland is one of the 16 states of Germany. The anthem is called "Saarlandlied".
Ich rühm' dich, du freundliches Land an der Saar,
von friedlichen Grenzen umgeben.
Nie wieder bedrohe dich Krieg und Gefahr,
in dir möcht' ich immerzu leben.
Und gibst du uns Arbeit, so hat's keine Not,
wir werden die Mühen nicht scheuen,
und Feste auch feiern zum täglichen Brot,
denn du, unser Land, sollst uns freuen.
- published: 20 Mar 2010
- views: 38000
DRM::Saarland-Pfalz Rallye 2015|Action and mistakes|
With the Saarland-Pfalz Rally 2015 starts the royal class of the German rally sport.
The difficult stages in the Saarland, install drivers and materials to the...
With the Saarland-Pfalz Rally 2015 starts the royal class of the German rally sport.
The difficult stages in the Saarland, install drivers and materials to their limits.The result: a lot of action, mistakes and accidents.
And now, here is your turn.
Enjoy it !!!
wn.com/Drm Saarland Pfalz Rallye 2015|Action And Mistakes|
With the Saarland-Pfalz Rally 2015 starts the royal class of the German rally sport.
The difficult stages in the Saarland, install drivers and materials to their limits.The result: a lot of action, mistakes and accidents.
And now, here is your turn.
Enjoy it !!!
- published: 08 Mar 2015
- views: 5988
Unnütze Unterführung im Saarland - Hammer der Woche | ZDF
Stolze 3,6 Millionen Euro hat die Unterführung am Stadtrand von Saarbrücken gekostet - und steht seit sieben Jahren nutzlos herum. Denn die Straße, die darunter...
Stolze 3,6 Millionen Euro hat die Unterführung am Stadtrand von Saarbrücken gekostet - und steht seit sieben Jahren nutzlos herum. Denn die Straße, die darunter durchführen soll, existiert nicht.
Länderspiegel in der Mediathek:
wn.com/Unnütze Unterführung Im Saarland Hammer Der Woche | Zdf
Stolze 3,6 Millionen Euro hat die Unterführung am Stadtrand von Saarbrücken gekostet - und steht seit sieben Jahren nutzlos herum. Denn die Straße, die darunter durchführen soll, existiert nicht.
Länderspiegel in der Mediathek:
- published: 08 Aug 2015
- views: 6073
Realer Irrsinn: Meeresfischzucht im Saarland | extra 3 | NDR
600 Kilometer entfernt vom Meer wurde im saarländischen Völklingen eine Zuchtanlage für Meeresfische inklusive Kaviarproduktion gebaut. Nun geht der kommunale B...
600 Kilometer entfernt vom Meer wurde im saarländischen Völklingen eine Zuchtanlage für Meeresfische inklusive Kaviarproduktion gebaut. Nun geht der kommunale Betreiber mit dieser Idee baden.
Autorin: Cathrine Lejeune
wn.com/Realer Irrsinn Meeresfischzucht Im Saarland | Extra 3 | Ndr
600 Kilometer entfernt vom Meer wurde im saarländischen Völklingen eine Zuchtanlage für Meeresfische inklusive Kaviarproduktion gebaut. Nun geht der kommunale Betreiber mit dieser Idee baden.
Autorin: Cathrine Lejeune
- published: 14 May 2015
- views: 25868
Saarland-Pfalz Rallye 2015 (Crashes, Jumps & Show)
DRM & Rallye Masters | Lauf 1 Saarland-Pfalz Rallye 2015 St.Wendel
6. - 7. März 2015
1. Kreim, 2. Färber, 3. Hunziger
WP 1/3/6/10/12
DRM & Rallye Masters | Lauf 1 Saarland-Pfalz Rallye 2015 St.Wendel
6. - 7. März 2015
1. Kreim, 2. Färber, 3. Hunziger
WP 1/3/6/10/12
wn.com/Saarland Pfalz Rallye 2015 (Crashes, Jumps Show)
DRM & Rallye Masters | Lauf 1 Saarland-Pfalz Rallye 2015 St.Wendel
6. - 7. März 2015
1. Kreim, 2. Färber, 3. Hunziger
WP 1/3/6/10/12
- published: 07 Mar 2015
- views: 12513
The Japanese Love Industry
Like VICE News? Subscribe to our news channel: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE-News
Check out more episodes of The VICE Guide to Travel here: http://bit.ly/1id8igT
Japan is a country that is dying—literally. Japan has more people over the age of 65 and the smallest number of people under the age of 15 in the world. It has the fastest negative population growth in the world, and that's because ha
Donkey Sex: The Most Bizarre Tradition
Watch more episodes of The VICE Guide to Sex here: http://bit.ly/1eco7na
Having sex with donkeys is a part of growing up for some of the local boys on the northern coast of Colombia. We went to investigate this obscure tradition and foolishly said, "we'll believe it when we see it."
Watch more VICE documentaries here: http://bit.ly/VICE-Presents
Subscribe for videos that are actually good: http
Saarburg Germany Tourism - Saarburg Tourismus Deutschland - Mosel - Moselle / Saar Valley
Europe Video Production travel videos: Saarburg Germany Tourism video - Saarburg Tourismus - Mosel - Moselle / Saar Valley - German Saarburg - Deutschland
Inside Germany's Sex Supermarkets
The Sex Business: How Germany became "Europe's Bordello", and the dark side to the country's booming sex industry.
Inside Java's Hidden Sex Festival: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLnzD42u7lU
Meet Italy's Most Famous Gigolo: http://youtu.be/bzRsMU0JFv0
Watch our report on the terrifying underbelly of Amsterdam's red light district: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ht8wxROENdE
Subscribe to Journe
Lambretta travel - Strasbourg, Saarland & Letzebuerg
2000 km in 15 days on a Lambretta (235 cc).
Temperature on most days between 30-35 °C.
Route: Upper middle rhine valley, Black forest, Vosges & Alsace, Saarland, Luxembourg, Ardennes in Belgium.
Wonder in Oslo City Norway | Travel Guide Oslo.
Wonder in Oslo City Norway | Travel Guide Oslo.
Founded around 1000 AD, and established as a "kaupstad" or trading place in 1048 by King Harald III, the city was elevated to a bishopric in 1070 and a capital under Haakon V around 1300. Personal unions with Denmark from 1397 to 1523 and again from 1536 to 1814 and with Sweden from 1814 to 1905 reduced its influence. After being destroyed by a fir
Backpacker Survival Guide: Nuremberg
Mike Corey from http://www.kickthegrind.tv/ was on tour in Nuremberg.
The video will provide all backpackers all information they would need
to know prior to arriving.
Topics include:
- The cheapest way to get downtown from the airport/train terminal
- A good area to find a hostel
- The best street for a night out
- Local foods to try
- Top 3 attractions in the city
- Best way to get around tow
Saarbrücken - Three Travel Tips | Discover Germany
Sascha Stroschke recommends the Nauwieser district, the culture club "Die Winzer", and an old grain silo that now hosts art exhibitions.
More Discover Germany: http://www.dw.com/en/program/discover-germany/s-7856-9798
Bremen Travel Video
Bremen Travel Video - Those of you who love peat bogs, walking on tidal flats, going to sea or blustery bike rides will especially enjoy visiting Bremen and the East Frisian coast. It's a place ideally suited to taking the pace off travel and to immersing yourself in flat, verdant countryside. If not for its focal point Bremen, it wouldn't even have a city of notable size to write home about.
Festungsfreunde Saarland
V 2.0
The Saar Loop, Germany HD 2014 HD
The Saar Loop, Germany 2014 HD 1080p
The Saar river is located both on north-east France and west Germany. The Saar Loop, is right next to Mettlach (a district in Saarland, Germany) and it is famous and photogenic. A nice place for hiking.
Four German tourists who were held captive for three weeks by Yemeni tribesmen have returned home to Frankfurt from San'a.
The tourists were released on Wednesday, and say they were treated well by their captors.
Two of them spoke to A-P-T-N from the German ambassador's residence in San'a, where all four hostages have taken refuge since their ordeal ended, before their departur
The Saar (From Nuremburg to Paris by car - part 4)
The Saar was once the poorest region of West Germany and had possibly the worst roads. I do not think that this is true any longer. The countryside is very nice - rolling hills.
Brest, Brittany - France 4K Travel Channel
Brest, Brittany – France
please read more: http://blog.myvideomedia.com
Brest lies in the outermost west of Brittany. It has been an important naval base,the base of the French Atlantic fleet and also an important trading port for centuries. Besides a number of industry companies there are also important trading companies, universities and research institutes.
Brest, im äußersten Westen der Bret
25 Jahre Landesmedienanstalt Saarland
Der Film zeigt die Entwicklung der Medienlandschaft und die damit verbundenen Aufgaben der Landesmedienanstalt Saarland seit ihrer Gründung 1984.
Bad Homburg -- Three Travel Tips | Discover Germany
Jasmina Esfahani is doing a degree in Oriental studies in the university town of Marburg. Paying a visit to her native Bad Homburg just outside Frankfurt, she recommends the famous local palace, the Kurpark and a trout farm.
Lake Walchen - Three Travel Tips | Discover Germany
Lisa Grünwald, from the Lake Walchen Water Rescue, recommends the Zwergern Peninsula, Flake Viking Village and the Chapel at Fahrenberg.
Read more on http://www.dw.de/dw/episode/0,,16057578,00.html
Klosterruine Wörschweiler / Saarland Nähe Homburg Mittelalter
Klosterrruine Wörschweiler im Saarland
Saarbrücken Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Saarbrücken Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Saarbrücken Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Saarbrücken Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Saarbrücken Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Yakuza, Organized Crime, and the Japanese Right Wing
"Uyoku dantai" are Japanese nationalist right-wing groups of which there are over 1,000 in Japan with about 100,000 members in total. Well known for their black propaganda vans, they are often seen driving around staging protests with their loudspeakers outside the Chinese, Korean, and Russian embassies demanding ownership of the Senkaku and Kuril Islands to name a few. We caught up with Masaya Ku
Saint Malo, Brittany - France 4K Travel Channel
Saint Malo, Bretagne – France
please read more: http://blog.myvideomedia.com
Saint Malo lies at the Emerald Coast at the Channel in the north of Brittany at the mouth of the river Rance. The river is divided by the largest tidal power plant in Europe, with a capacity of 240 MW. By 2011 it was the largest in the world. On the opposite riverbank is seaside resort of Dinard.
Saint Malo liegt an de
The Japanese Love Industry
Like VICE News? Subscribe to our news channel: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE-News
Check out more episodes of The VICE Guide to Travel here: http://bit.ly/1id...
Like VICE News? Subscribe to our news channel: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE-News
Check out more episodes of The VICE Guide to Travel here: http://bit.ly/1id8igT
Japan is a country that is dying—literally. Japan has more people over the age of 65 and the smallest number of people under the age of 15 in the world. It has the fastest negative population growth in the world, and that's because hardly anyone is having babies. In these difficult times, the Japanese are putting marriage and families on the back burner and seeking recreational love and affection as a form of cheap escape with no strings attached. We sent Ryan Duffy to investigate this phenomenon, which led him to Tokyo's cuddle cafes and Yakuza-sponsored prostitution rings.
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wn.com/The Japanese Love Industry
Like VICE News? Subscribe to our news channel: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE-News
Check out more episodes of The VICE Guide to Travel here: http://bit.ly/1id8igT
Japan is a country that is dying—literally. Japan has more people over the age of 65 and the smallest number of people under the age of 15 in the world. It has the fastest negative population growth in the world, and that's because hardly anyone is having babies. In these difficult times, the Japanese are putting marriage and families on the back burner and seeking recreational love and affection as a form of cheap escape with no strings attached. We sent Ryan Duffy to investigate this phenomenon, which led him to Tokyo's cuddle cafes and Yakuza-sponsored prostitution rings.
Watch more VICE Documentaries here: http://bit.ly/VICE-Documentaries
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- published: 22 Oct 2013
- views: 4482616
Donkey Sex: The Most Bizarre Tradition
Watch more episodes of The VICE Guide to Sex here: http://bit.ly/1eco7na
Having sex with donkeys is a part of growing up for some of the local boys on the nort...
Watch more episodes of The VICE Guide to Sex here: http://bit.ly/1eco7na
Having sex with donkeys is a part of growing up for some of the local boys on the northern coast of Colombia. We went to investigate this obscure tradition and foolishly said, "we'll believe it when we see it."
Watch more VICE documentaries here: http://bit.ly/VICE-Presents
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wn.com/Donkey Sex The Most Bizarre Tradition
Watch more episodes of The VICE Guide to Sex here: http://bit.ly/1eco7na
Having sex with donkeys is a part of growing up for some of the local boys on the northern coast of Colombia. We went to investigate this obscure tradition and foolishly said, "we'll believe it when we see it."
Watch more VICE documentaries here: http://bit.ly/VICE-Presents
Subscribe for videos that are actually good: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE
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Videos, daily editorial and more: http://vice.com
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Read our tumblr: http://vicemag.tumblr.com
- published: 12 Jun 2012
- views: 7729949
Saarburg Germany Tourism - Saarburg Tourismus Deutschland - Mosel - Moselle / Saar Valley
Europe Video Production travel videos: Saarburg Germany Tourism video - Saarburg Tourismus - Mosel - Moselle / Saar Valley - German Saarburg - Deutschland...
Europe Video Production travel videos: Saarburg Germany Tourism video - Saarburg Tourismus - Mosel - Moselle / Saar Valley - German Saarburg - Deutschland
wn.com/Saarburg Germany Tourism Saarburg Tourismus Deutschland Mosel Moselle Saar Valley
Europe Video Production travel videos: Saarburg Germany Tourism video - Saarburg Tourismus - Mosel - Moselle / Saar Valley - German Saarburg - Deutschland
- published: 08 Sep 2011
- views: 9017
Inside Germany's Sex Supermarkets
The Sex Business: How Germany became "Europe's Bordello", and the dark side to the country's booming sex industry.
Inside Java's Hidden Sex Festival: https://w...
The Sex Business: How Germany became "Europe's Bordello", and the dark side to the country's booming sex industry.
Inside Java's Hidden Sex Festival: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLnzD42u7lU
Meet Italy's Most Famous Gigolo: http://youtu.be/bzRsMU0JFv0
Watch our report on the terrifying underbelly of Amsterdam's red light district: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ht8wxROENdE
Subscribe to Journeyman for more: http://www.youtube.com/journeymanpictures
For downloads and more information visit: http://www.journeyman.tv/?lid=67628&bid;=2
It's known as the world's oldest profession, but with a number of 'megabrothels' due to open their doors across Germany, many are beginning to question the country's liberal attitude towards prostitution.
"What makes this place so interesting is that you can change", explains Peter, a satisfied customer of a luxury new 'sex supermarket ' on the outskirts of Stuttgart. "You can take at 5:00 a blonde one, and at 9:00 a black one - it doesn't get boring." And Peter is not alone. An estimated 1.5 million men visit prostitutes every day in Germany, whose permissive sex laws have earned it the title of 'Europe's Bordello'. "Prostitution has always been a social need", says Michael Beretin, marketing manager for the Paradise chain of new-age megabrothels. "We need to deal with it, and make it manageable." Legislation passed in 2002, motivated by a desire to improve conditions for sex workers by granting access to health insurance and social security, saw prostitution in Germany swell to a $21 billion-a-year industry. But concerns over trafficking are prompting some senior politicians to lobby for change. "Germany doesn't want to be the brothel of the world", declares Christian Democratic Union MP Sylvia Pantel. "We've become a great country for sex tourism and perversion." But what of the women in the windows? This report brings you the views of those at the heart of the matter.
SBS Dateline - Ref 6224
Journeyman Pictures is your independent source for the world's most powerful films, exploring the burning issues of today. We represent stories from the world's top producers, with brand new content coming in all the time. On our channel you'll find outstanding and controversial journalism covering any global subject you can imagine wanting to know about.
wn.com/Inside Germany's Sex Supermarkets
The Sex Business: How Germany became "Europe's Bordello", and the dark side to the country's booming sex industry.
Inside Java's Hidden Sex Festival: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLnzD42u7lU
Meet Italy's Most Famous Gigolo: http://youtu.be/bzRsMU0JFv0
Watch our report on the terrifying underbelly of Amsterdam's red light district: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ht8wxROENdE
Subscribe to Journeyman for more: http://www.youtube.com/journeymanpictures
For downloads and more information visit: http://www.journeyman.tv/?lid=67628&bid;=2
It's known as the world's oldest profession, but with a number of 'megabrothels' due to open their doors across Germany, many are beginning to question the country's liberal attitude towards prostitution.
"What makes this place so interesting is that you can change", explains Peter, a satisfied customer of a luxury new 'sex supermarket ' on the outskirts of Stuttgart. "You can take at 5:00 a blonde one, and at 9:00 a black one - it doesn't get boring." And Peter is not alone. An estimated 1.5 million men visit prostitutes every day in Germany, whose permissive sex laws have earned it the title of 'Europe's Bordello'. "Prostitution has always been a social need", says Michael Beretin, marketing manager for the Paradise chain of new-age megabrothels. "We need to deal with it, and make it manageable." Legislation passed in 2002, motivated by a desire to improve conditions for sex workers by granting access to health insurance and social security, saw prostitution in Germany swell to a $21 billion-a-year industry. But concerns over trafficking are prompting some senior politicians to lobby for change. "Germany doesn't want to be the brothel of the world", declares Christian Democratic Union MP Sylvia Pantel. "We've become a great country for sex tourism and perversion." But what of the women in the windows? This report brings you the views of those at the heart of the matter.
SBS Dateline - Ref 6224
Journeyman Pictures is your independent source for the world's most powerful films, exploring the burning issues of today. We represent stories from the world's top producers, with brand new content coming in all the time. On our channel you'll find outstanding and controversial journalism covering any global subject you can imagine wanting to know about.
- published: 08 Sep 2014
- views: 5178556
Lambretta travel - Strasbourg, Saarland & Letzebuerg
2000 km in 15 days on a Lambretta (235 cc).
Temperature on most days between 30-35 °C.
Route: Upper middle rhine valley, Black forest, Vosges & Alsace, Saarla...
2000 km in 15 days on a Lambretta (235 cc).
Temperature on most days between 30-35 °C.
Route: Upper middle rhine valley, Black forest, Vosges & Alsace, Saarland, Luxembourg, Ardennes in Belgium.
wn.com/Lambretta Travel Strasbourg, Saarland Letzebuerg
2000 km in 15 days on a Lambretta (235 cc).
Temperature on most days between 30-35 °C.
Route: Upper middle rhine valley, Black forest, Vosges & Alsace, Saarland, Luxembourg, Ardennes in Belgium.
- published: 22 Feb 2014
- views: 35
Wonder in Oslo City Norway | Travel Guide Oslo.
Wonder in Oslo City Norway | Travel Guide Oslo.
Founded around 1000 AD, and established as a "kaupstad" or trading place in 1048 by King Harald III, the city ...
Wonder in Oslo City Norway | Travel Guide Oslo.
Founded around 1000 AD, and established as a "kaupstad" or trading place in 1048 by King Harald III, the city was elevated to a bishopric in 1070 and a capital under Haakon V around 1300. Personal unions with Denmark from 1397 to 1523 and again from 1536 to 1814 and with Sweden from 1814 to 1905 reduced its influence. After being destroyed by a fire in 1624, the city was moved closer to Akershus Castle during the reign of King Christian IV and renamed Christiania in his honour. It was established as a municipality (formannskapsdistrikt) on 1 January 1838. Following a spelling reform, it was known as Kristiania from 1877 to 1925, when its original Norwegian name was restored.
Under Creative Commons
By From https://vimeo.com/timfromzim
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wn.com/Wonder In Oslo City Norway | Travel Guide Oslo.
Wonder in Oslo City Norway | Travel Guide Oslo.
Founded around 1000 AD, and established as a "kaupstad" or trading place in 1048 by King Harald III, the city was elevated to a bishopric in 1070 and a capital under Haakon V around 1300. Personal unions with Denmark from 1397 to 1523 and again from 1536 to 1814 and with Sweden from 1814 to 1905 reduced its influence. After being destroyed by a fire in 1624, the city was moved closer to Akershus Castle during the reign of King Christian IV and renamed Christiania in his honour. It was established as a municipality (formannskapsdistrikt) on 1 January 1838. Following a spelling reform, it was known as Kristiania from 1877 to 1925, when its original Norwegian name was restored.
Under Creative Commons
By From https://vimeo.com/timfromzim
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- published: 12 May 2015
- views: 340
Backpacker Survival Guide: Nuremberg
Mike Corey from http://www.kickthegrind.tv/ was on tour in Nuremberg.
The video will provide all backpackers all information they would need
to know prior to a...
Mike Corey from http://www.kickthegrind.tv/ was on tour in Nuremberg.
The video will provide all backpackers all information they would need
to know prior to arriving.
Topics include:
- The cheapest way to get downtown from the airport/train terminal
- A good area to find a hostel
- The best street for a night out
- Local foods to try
- Top 3 attractions in the city
- Best way to get around town
We hope you will enjoy it! A big thanks to our partners: http://tourismus.nuernberg.de/
The GNTB is required to comply with the procurement rules for public sector organisations when awarding contracts. These include, in particular, very strict limits on the placement of products and themes, and on covert advertising in the video/film to be created.
To enable the GNTB to comply with its statutory requirements, the contract partner undertakes to provide the GNTB with a list of all products and themes that can be identified in the video. The GNTB may demand that the relevant sequences be cut or edited to make them legally compliant.
The contract partner gives an assurance that such placements are inadvertent and that he or she has not received any money or other consideration for their inclusion.
wn.com/Backpacker Survival Guide Nuremberg
Mike Corey from http://www.kickthegrind.tv/ was on tour in Nuremberg.
The video will provide all backpackers all information they would need
to know prior to arriving.
Topics include:
- The cheapest way to get downtown from the airport/train terminal
- A good area to find a hostel
- The best street for a night out
- Local foods to try
- Top 3 attractions in the city
- Best way to get around town
We hope you will enjoy it! A big thanks to our partners: http://tourismus.nuernberg.de/
The GNTB is required to comply with the procurement rules for public sector organisations when awarding contracts. These include, in particular, very strict limits on the placement of products and themes, and on covert advertising in the video/film to be created.
To enable the GNTB to comply with its statutory requirements, the contract partner undertakes to provide the GNTB with a list of all products and themes that can be identified in the video. The GNTB may demand that the relevant sequences be cut or edited to make them legally compliant.
The contract partner gives an assurance that such placements are inadvertent and that he or she has not received any money or other consideration for their inclusion.
- published: 13 Feb 2015
- views: 11397
Saarbrücken - Three Travel Tips | Discover Germany
Sascha Stroschke recommends the Nauwieser district, the culture club "Die Winzer", and an old grain silo that now hosts art exhibitions.
More Discover Germany...
Sascha Stroschke recommends the Nauwieser district, the culture club "Die Winzer", and an old grain silo that now hosts art exhibitions.
More Discover Germany: http://www.dw.com/en/program/discover-germany/s-7856-9798
wn.com/Saarbrücken Three Travel Tips | Discover Germany
Sascha Stroschke recommends the Nauwieser district, the culture club "Die Winzer", and an old grain silo that now hosts art exhibitions.
More Discover Germany: http://www.dw.com/en/program/discover-germany/s-7856-9798
- published: 26 Sep 2015
- views: 788
Bremen Travel Video
Bremen Travel Video - Those of you who love peat bogs, walking on tidal flats, going to sea or blustery bike rides will especially enjoy visiting Bremen and the...
Bremen Travel Video - Those of you who love peat bogs, walking on tidal flats, going to sea or blustery bike rides will especially enjoy visiting Bremen and the East Frisian coast. It's a place ideally suited to taking the pace off travel and to immersing yourself in flat, verdant countryside. If not for its focal point Bremen, it wouldn't even have a city of notable size to write home about.
But Bremen, an outward-looking, very friendly cultural and industrial capital of its own city state, is the clear urban highlight and also includes the port of Bremerhaven and the artists' colony of Worpswede. While rail connections in the eastern parts are excellent, you will find buses and boats necessary for exploring outlying regions of East Frisia and of course the islands.
Amazing Bremen Travel Video...
wn.com/Bremen Travel Video
Bremen Travel Video - Those of you who love peat bogs, walking on tidal flats, going to sea or blustery bike rides will especially enjoy visiting Bremen and the East Frisian coast. It's a place ideally suited to taking the pace off travel and to immersing yourself in flat, verdant countryside. If not for its focal point Bremen, it wouldn't even have a city of notable size to write home about.
But Bremen, an outward-looking, very friendly cultural and industrial capital of its own city state, is the clear urban highlight and also includes the port of Bremerhaven and the artists' colony of Worpswede. While rail connections in the eastern parts are excellent, you will find buses and boats necessary for exploring outlying regions of East Frisia and of course the islands.
Amazing Bremen Travel Video...
- published: 14 May 2014
- views: 7924
The Saar Loop, Germany HD 2014 HD
The Saar Loop, Germany 2014 HD 1080p
The Saar river is located both on north-east France and west Germany. The Saar Loop, is right next to Mettlach (a district...
The Saar Loop, Germany 2014 HD 1080p
The Saar river is located both on north-east France and west Germany. The Saar Loop, is right next to Mettlach (a district in Saarland, Germany) and it is famous and photogenic. A nice place for hiking.
wn.com/The Saar Loop, Germany Hd 2014 Hd
The Saar Loop, Germany 2014 HD 1080p
The Saar river is located both on north-east France and west Germany. The Saar Loop, is right next to Mettlach (a district in Saarland, Germany) and it is famous and photogenic. A nice place for hiking.
- published: 31 Aug 2014
- views: 479
Four German tourists who were held captive for three weeks by Yemeni tribesmen have returned home to Frankfurt from San'a.
The tourists were re...
Four German tourists who were held captive for three weeks by Yemeni tribesmen have returned home to Frankfurt from San'a.
The tourists were released on Wednesday, and say they were treated well by their captors.
Two of them spoke to A-P-T-N from the German ambassador's residence in San'a, where all four hostages have taken refuge since their ordeal ended, before their departure.
Yemen -- an Arab nation which has been in the world spotlight in recent days.
It all began when Islamic extremists kidnapped a group of 16 tourists, and the Yemeni army launched an operation to rescue them.
But four of the tourists died when a bloody gun battle erupted during the bungled rescue effort.
Kidnapping is a common trade in lawless Yemen, but most hostages are released unharmed.
Such was the case with four German hostages, released by their tribesmen captors on Wednesday.
They had been held since December 7th, when they were captured in Marib in Yemen's north.
Following their release, the Germans - three women and a man - were taken to Sana'a where they have been guests of German ambassador Helga von Strachwitz.
Two of the women come from Berlin, the other from Rhineland-Pfalz -- their travel guide comes from Saarland.
They have reportedly said they were well treated by their captors.
Two of the former hostages spoke to A-P-T-N briefly on Friday, but made no direct mention of their ordeal.
"We're very happy to be free, that all parties - the Yemeni government and the German government - were committed, engaged (to our cause) and also here, that the embassy took care of us and our relatives."
SUPER CAPTION: Male former hostage
"Delighted to return home..."
SUPER CAPTION: Female former hostage
The Germans are expected to fly to Frankfurt early on Saturday.
Despite recent events it seems Yemen's tourist trade is still booming.
In Sana'a, groups of foreign visitors clearly remain, soaking up the culture and atmosphere of the country.
However, the deaths of the past days have shocked Yemen, known for its hospitality, even by kidnappers.
In recent years, tribesmen seeking better roads or schools for their impoverished provinces have kidnapped scores of tourists but usually released them unharmed after treating them as guests.
Until Tuesday, no hostage had been killed.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/1dba64d8d563c38a4f7f58658632503a
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/Yemen Released German Hostages Return Home
Four German tourists who were held captive for three weeks by Yemeni tribesmen have returned home to Frankfurt from San'a.
The tourists were released on Wednesday, and say they were treated well by their captors.
Two of them spoke to A-P-T-N from the German ambassador's residence in San'a, where all four hostages have taken refuge since their ordeal ended, before their departure.
Yemen -- an Arab nation which has been in the world spotlight in recent days.
It all began when Islamic extremists kidnapped a group of 16 tourists, and the Yemeni army launched an operation to rescue them.
But four of the tourists died when a bloody gun battle erupted during the bungled rescue effort.
Kidnapping is a common trade in lawless Yemen, but most hostages are released unharmed.
Such was the case with four German hostages, released by their tribesmen captors on Wednesday.
They had been held since December 7th, when they were captured in Marib in Yemen's north.
Following their release, the Germans - three women and a man - were taken to Sana'a where they have been guests of German ambassador Helga von Strachwitz.
Two of the women come from Berlin, the other from Rhineland-Pfalz -- their travel guide comes from Saarland.
They have reportedly said they were well treated by their captors.
Two of the former hostages spoke to A-P-T-N briefly on Friday, but made no direct mention of their ordeal.
"We're very happy to be free, that all parties - the Yemeni government and the German government - were committed, engaged (to our cause) and also here, that the embassy took care of us and our relatives."
SUPER CAPTION: Male former hostage
"Delighted to return home..."
SUPER CAPTION: Female former hostage
The Germans are expected to fly to Frankfurt early on Saturday.
Despite recent events it seems Yemen's tourist trade is still booming.
In Sana'a, groups of foreign visitors clearly remain, soaking up the culture and atmosphere of the country.
However, the deaths of the past days have shocked Yemen, known for its hospitality, even by kidnappers.
In recent years, tribesmen seeking better roads or schools for their impoverished provinces have kidnapped scores of tourists but usually released them unharmed after treating them as guests.
Until Tuesday, no hostage had been killed.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/1dba64d8d563c38a4f7f58658632503a
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 11
The Saar (From Nuremburg to Paris by car - part 4)
The Saar was once the poorest region of West Germany and had possibly the worst ro...
The Saar was once the poorest region of West Germany and had possibly the worst roads. I do not think that this is true any longer. The countryside is very nice - rolling hills.
wn.com/The Saar (From Nuremburg To Paris By Car Part 4)
The Saar was once the poorest region of West Germany and had possibly the worst roads. I do not think that this is true any longer. The countryside is very nice - rolling hills.
- published: 11 Dec 2008
- views: 524
Brest, Brittany - France 4K Travel Channel
Brest, Brittany – France
please read more: http://blog.myvideomedia.com
Brest lies in the outermost west of Brittany. It has been an important naval base,the b...
Brest, Brittany – France
please read more: http://blog.myvideomedia.com
Brest lies in the outermost west of Brittany. It has been an important naval base,the base of the French Atlantic fleet and also an important trading port for centuries. Besides a number of industry companies there are also important trading companies, universities and research institutes.
Brest, im äußersten Westen der Bretagne, ist seit Jahrhunderten ein bedeutender Marinehafen und Stützpunkt der französischen Atlantikflotte, aber auch ein wichtiger Handelshafen. Neben einer Reihe von Industriefirmen gibt es hier auch wichtige Handelsfirmen eine Universität, Hochschulen und Forschungsinstitute.
wn.com/Brest, Brittany France 4K Travel Channel
Brest, Brittany – France
please read more: http://blog.myvideomedia.com
Brest lies in the outermost west of Brittany. It has been an important naval base,the base of the French Atlantic fleet and also an important trading port for centuries. Besides a number of industry companies there are also important trading companies, universities and research institutes.
Brest, im äußersten Westen der Bretagne, ist seit Jahrhunderten ein bedeutender Marinehafen und Stützpunkt der französischen Atlantikflotte, aber auch ein wichtiger Handelshafen. Neben einer Reihe von Industriefirmen gibt es hier auch wichtige Handelsfirmen eine Universität, Hochschulen und Forschungsinstitute.
- published: 08 Apr 2015
- views: 1737
25 Jahre Landesmedienanstalt Saarland
Der Film zeigt die Entwicklung der Medienlandschaft und die damit verbundenen Aufgaben der Landesmedienanstalt Saarland seit ihrer Gründung 1984....
Der Film zeigt die Entwicklung der Medienlandschaft und die damit verbundenen Aufgaben der Landesmedienanstalt Saarland seit ihrer Gründung 1984.
wn.com/25 Jahre Landesmedienanstalt Saarland
Der Film zeigt die Entwicklung der Medienlandschaft und die damit verbundenen Aufgaben der Landesmedienanstalt Saarland seit ihrer Gründung 1984.
- published: 18 Feb 2013
- views: 396
Bad Homburg -- Three Travel Tips | Discover Germany
Jasmina Esfahani is doing a degree in Oriental studies in the university town of Marburg. Paying a visit to her native Bad Homburg just outside Frankfurt, she r...
Jasmina Esfahani is doing a degree in Oriental studies in the university town of Marburg. Paying a visit to her native Bad Homburg just outside Frankfurt, she recommends the famous local palace, the Kurpark and a trout farm.
wn.com/Bad Homburg Three Travel Tips | Discover Germany
Jasmina Esfahani is doing a degree in Oriental studies in the university town of Marburg. Paying a visit to her native Bad Homburg just outside Frankfurt, she recommends the famous local palace, the Kurpark and a trout farm.
- published: 20 Apr 2012
- views: 6722
Lake Walchen - Three Travel Tips | Discover Germany
Lisa Grünwald, from the Lake Walchen Water Rescue, recommends the Zwergern Peninsula, Flake Viking Village and the Chapel at Fahrenberg.
Read more on http://www...
Lisa Grünwald, from the Lake Walchen Water Rescue, recommends the Zwergern Peninsula, Flake Viking Village and the Chapel at Fahrenberg.
Read more on http://www.dw.de/dw/episode/0,,16057578,00.html
wn.com/Lake Walchen Three Travel Tips | Discover Germany
Lisa Grünwald, from the Lake Walchen Water Rescue, recommends the Zwergern Peninsula, Flake Viking Village and the Chapel at Fahrenberg.
Read more on http://www.dw.de/dw/episode/0,,16057578,00.html
- published: 21 Jul 2012
- views: 1335
Saarbrücken Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Saarbrücken Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Saarbrücken Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Saarbrücken Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weathe...
Saarbrücken Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Saarbrücken Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Saarbrücken Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Saarbrücken Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
wn.com/Saarbrücken Travel Guide Tour, Map, History, Weather
Saarbrücken Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Saarbrücken Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Saarbrücken Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Saarbrücken Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
- published: 08 Aug 2014
- views: 126
Yakuza, Organized Crime, and the Japanese Right Wing
"Uyoku dantai" are Japanese nationalist right-wing groups of which there are over 1,000 in Japan with about 100,000 members in total. Well known for their black...
"Uyoku dantai" are Japanese nationalist right-wing groups of which there are over 1,000 in Japan with about 100,000 members in total. Well known for their black propaganda vans, they are often seen driving around staging protests with their loudspeakers outside the Chinese, Korean, and Russian embassies demanding ownership of the Senkaku and Kuril Islands to name a few. We caught up with Masaya Kudo, a Right-Wing activist and leader of his own group, "Nihon-no-Kai" as he explained his philosophies and concerns regarding the Right-Wing movement today and their ties to the Yakuza.
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wn.com/Yakuza, Organized Crime, And The Japanese Right Wing
"Uyoku dantai" are Japanese nationalist right-wing groups of which there are over 1,000 in Japan with about 100,000 members in total. Well known for their black propaganda vans, they are often seen driving around staging protests with their loudspeakers outside the Chinese, Korean, and Russian embassies demanding ownership of the Senkaku and Kuril Islands to name a few. We caught up with Masaya Kudo, a Right-Wing activist and leader of his own group, "Nihon-no-Kai" as he explained his philosophies and concerns regarding the Right-Wing movement today and their ties to the Yakuza.
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- published: 20 May 2015
- views: 1181438
Saint Malo, Brittany - France 4K Travel Channel
Saint Malo, Bretagne – France
please read more: http://blog.myvideomedia.com
Saint Malo lies at the Emerald Coast at the Channel in the north of Brittany at th...
Saint Malo, Bretagne – France
please read more: http://blog.myvideomedia.com
Saint Malo lies at the Emerald Coast at the Channel in the north of Brittany at the mouth of the river Rance. The river is divided by the largest tidal power plant in Europe, with a capacity of 240 MW. By 2011 it was the largest in the world. On the opposite riverbank is seaside resort of Dinard.
Saint Malo liegt an der Smaragd-Küste am Ärmelkanal im Norden der Bretagne an der Mündung des Flusses Rance. Der Fluss wird durchtrennt vom größten Gezeitenkraftwerk Europas mit 240 MW Leistung. Bis 2011 war es das größte weltweit. Auf der gegenüberliegenden Flussufer ist der Badeort Dinard.
wn.com/Saint Malo, Brittany France 4K Travel Channel
Saint Malo, Bretagne – France
please read more: http://blog.myvideomedia.com
Saint Malo lies at the Emerald Coast at the Channel in the north of Brittany at the mouth of the river Rance. The river is divided by the largest tidal power plant in Europe, with a capacity of 240 MW. By 2011 it was the largest in the world. On the opposite riverbank is seaside resort of Dinard.
Saint Malo liegt an der Smaragd-Küste am Ärmelkanal im Norden der Bretagne an der Mündung des Flusses Rance. Der Fluss wird durchtrennt vom größten Gezeitenkraftwerk Europas mit 240 MW Leistung. Bis 2011 war es das größte weltweit. Auf der gegenüberliegenden Flussufer ist der Badeort Dinard.
- published: 15 Feb 2015
- views: 9869