

The CrimethInc. Ex-Workers' Collective (CWC) is a decentralized anarchist collective comprised of many cells that act independently in pursuit of a freer world.

Дата приєднання: травень 2008

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  1. Закріплений твіт

    From Democracy to Freedom: The difference between government and self-determination

  2. We are pleased to present versions of our anarchist outreach project, To Change Everything, in 11 more languages:

  3. Ex-Worker #50: The History & Future of Prison Strikes & Solidarity; Rojava; Timoney; Turkey

  4. A Fitting End: How we survived the career of John Timoney and what his death means to us

  5. We’d recommend Overcast for iOS () & AntennaPod for Android (). Both are free and delightful.

  6. The Ex-Worker now includes chapters and complete show notes w/ links in podcast players that support these features.

  7. Ex-Worker #49: Sept. 9th Prison Strike; IWOC interview; "Captive Nation" review; Brexit vote

  8. "Mr. le bourgeois said that he did not condone violence and that he advocated cooperation with the police" No kiddin

  9. A CWC agent discusses the anarchist critique of democracy on this week's Solecast podcast:

  10. This Freudian slip says it all: "This is a peaceful protest. Please keep violence at home."

  11. Please support the courageous people who were injured today while confronting a fascist rally in Sacramento:

  12. Half measures won't do, Britain; if you really want political & economic self-determination, you have to secede from all governments

  13. The Democracy of the Reaction—what the revolutions of 1848 tell us about the limits of 2011

  14. Democracy: The Patriotic Temptation—Uri Gordon on anarchy, democracy, & nationalism

  15. Rojava: Democracy and Commune—Paul Z. Simons on Democratic Confederalism

  16. Confronting the KKK & the police who defend them—the full report from Stone Mountain

  17. Congratulations to our friends from ! Download the print-and-play version to test-drive an insurrection:

  18. Born in Flames, Died in Plenums: the Bosnian experiment with direct democracy, 2014

  19. Retain the forms, but ditch the discourse? Reflections on direct democracy in Slovenia

  20. Please help our comrades at Fire to the Prisons print a free paper about the social struggles taking place today:

  21. Happy May Day! For the anarchist history of May Day, go back to the first episode of our podcast:

Схоже, завантаження займе трохи часу.

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