
FBU social media guidelines

We engage with our members via a number of social media sites: you can find us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Flickr. This page will give you a better idea on how to engage with us on social media and what you can expect. The Fire Brigades Union is the professional and democratic voice of […]

A senseless and dangerous agenda | Briefing

Since 2010 the Westminster government has cut its funding to the fire and rescue service, its main source of income, by nearly 30%. The other source of funding, local council tax, has mostly been frozen. You can download, via this page, a briefing the FBU have produced on the financial challenges facing the fire and rescue service and […]

Give us the tools and we will do the job…

Firefighters provide an all hazard emergency response. They joined the job to defend our communities and save lives. Firefighters want to engage in new processes that support these values. You can download, via this page, a briefing the FBU have published about the future of the fire and rescue service. Simply put – if you give […]

EDM 513 – Lobby your MP to support

You can download via this page a pro forma letter to lobby MPs to sign Early Day Motion (EDM) 513 – Fire Service Reductions in Services. Alternatively the text can be copied from below. Dear MP’s name, I am writing to express my grave concerns, ahead of the Comprehensive Spending Review, about further cuts to the fire […]

Trade Union Bill briefing

You can download via this page a briefing the FBU have provided members with about the governments Trade Union Bill which aims to restrict the democratic organisation of workers.

Comprehensive Spending Review pro forma letter to MPs

You can download the pro forma letter lobbying MPs ahead of the Comprehensive Spending Review via this page. Alternatively the text is pasted below. Dear MP’s name, I am writing to express my grave concerns, ahead of the Comprehensive Spending Review, about further cuts to the fire and rescue service. Since 2010 central government has […]

Fire Brigades Union submission to the Comprehensive Spending Review 2015

In the last parliament government cut 30% of its central funding to the fire and rescue service. As a result of that nearly 7,000 firefighters jobs went and more than 40 stations closed. Equipment and appliances were also cut. We have seen unprecedented cuts, and last year was the worst single year for firefighter job cuts in the […]