Alqama ibn Qays al-Nakha'i (d. AH 62 (681/682)) was a well-known scholar from among the taba'een and pupil of Abd-Allah ibn Mas'ud, who called him the most erudite of his disciples. He also related traditions from Ali ibn Abi Talib, Sa`d ibn Abi Waqqas [Sa`d ibn Malik] and `Uthman.
Alqama is the founder of the School of Kufa in Islamic religious sciences. He followed in the footsteps of Ibn Mas‘ud in praying and conduct, in practising Islam as a whole. Amr ibn Sharahil al-Shabi, who was among the scholars who narrated ahadith from Alqama, frequently suggested to those near him: ‘Come and let us go to the one who resembles Ibn Mas‘ud the most in conduct and attitudes.’
Imam Abu Hanifa, who is generally accepted as one of the greatest of Muslim jurists, admired Alqama so much that he used to comment: ‘Alqama is probably more profound in (knowledge) of hadith and fiqh than some Companions.’