[Heroes in our history] Saeed bin Al Musayyab - سعيد بن المسيب by Ameen Aziz
Imam Ameen
Aziz is a well-known scholar, dynamic speaker, and an excellent organizer, as a graduate of
Islamic University of Madinah Munawarah, he is a qualified Mufti, and an expert in Tafsir, Hadith, and Fiqh. Sh. Aziz is the founder of Alfalah institute, and played the major role in the establishment of MCECC and
Badr Center. Sh. Aziz has been very active member of the interfaith dialog, As well as the spiritual counselor for Muslim families and youths. He leads the Alhuda
Hajj group and the Quran Day program. You may visit his websites at www.imamaziz.com, www.islamictalk.org, www.alhudahajj.com, www.muftiaziz.com.