Posted September 9, 2015, by & filed under Latest News .

Jeff Halper, ICAHD’s Director, reflects on the final day of ICAHD’s annual rebuilding camp for internationals: The ICAHD Rebuilding Camp is completed! Two weeks of building in 40 degree (104 F) heat, 20 international activists bolstered by their Palestinian and Israeli compatriots and a wonderful, professional Palestinian team of builders led by Salim and Riad,… Read more »

Posted August 5, 2015, by & filed under Latest News .

This is a week of demolitions and resistance. Dozens of Palestinian, Israeli and international peace activists have converged on the Palestinian community of Susya in the southern West Bank, whose 40 “illegal” homes are slated for demolition immediately after the Eid (probably Tuesday). This is a part pf the campaign to destroy any territorial contiguity… Read more »

Posted July 18, 2015, by & filed under Latest News, Personal Experiences, Resistance, Settlements .

  What is genuine non-violent resistance to oppression? Let me show you. Yesterday I visited a Palestinian friend, Atta Jabar, in the West Bank, near the Israeli settlement-city of Kiryat Arba – a farmer, most of whose lands have been confiscated and lie under buried under the Jewish homes. In the first picture you see… Read more »

Posted May 16, 2015, by & filed under Latest News .

  Well, we started last year’s January newsletter on an encouraging note. “Let’s begin with the good news,” I wrote, “2014 will likely mark the beginning of the end of the Israeli Occupation.” I wrote that in the wake of the likely – and finally definite – end of Kerry’s ill-fated attempt to broker yet… Read more »

Posted April 27, 2015, by & filed under Latest News .

Saturday 30th May 11.15am – 5.15pm ‘Judaizing Palestine’ Conference   We are very pleased to announce our programme for this years annual conference! Bringing you crucial and timely analysis following the recent elections, and such devastating news as the Al’Araqib Bedouin Village having been demolished for the 83rd time, we hope you will join us to hear more on the issue of ‘Judaizing… Read more »

Posted April 20, 2015, by & filed under Personal Experiences .

Haj Ibrahim Ahmad Abu El-Hawa is known to many as ‘the Peacemaker’ having spent 70 years of his life trying to embody a message of unity and neighbourliness among all people. ‘He is a walking symbol of hope, peace and generosity to those he meets’, one supporter commented. Upon meeting Ibrahim, who comes from a… Read more »

Posted , by & filed under House Demolitions, Personal Experiences .

A phenomenon that is absent from much of Western Europe is a fear of bulldozers. A logical absence it would seem. Yet the story is somewhat different for Palestinians living in Israel and the West Bank. I am being driven to meet a Palestinian family, Atta Jaber and his wife and four children, whose home… Read more »

Posted April 19, 2015, by & filed under Latest News .

Interview with Ruth Edmonds   How have you got to the point in life that you’re at now – conducting tours, representing people in Palestine as an advocate? Ruth Edmonds (RE): Jeff Halper will say that I used to turn up at the office all the time so they gave me something to do! I… Read more »

Posted March 20, 2015, by & filed under Analysis, Israeli Politics, Latest News .

By Jeff Halper Dramatic as they were for returning Netanyahu to power, the Israeli elections did not witness a major shift in political forces; in fact, the center-left (albeit Labor now pandering to the right by rebranding itself the “Zionist Camp”) did better than in the 2013 elections, while the right polled considerably less than… Read more »