We are grateful for all donations that support our work. Donations can be made via: Paypal, below, by sending us a cheque, by making an online transfer or by making out a regular standing order (this can only be done using a UK bank).
Sending us a cheque / online transfer/ a regular standing order
A form with all appropriate details is available to download (this is a PDF document, 44KB). If sending your donation, please send it to:
London WC1N 3XX
Tel: 033 000 11033
Make online donation with Paypal here:
What your generosity can help us achieve:
- £100 can pay for a targeted mail out of ICAHD analysis to MPs and others in positions of influence
- £1,000 would enable us to give an UK MP a 5 day Briefing Tour to Israel/Palestine
- £15,000 would pay for the rebuilding of a demolished Palestinian home by a mixed group of volunteers from Israel, Palestine and abroad, building more bridges between communities as well as regaining security for a homeless Palestinian family and giving many Palestinians a sense of hope for the future
Thank you for your support.