Posted on August 5, 2015, by & filed under Latest News.

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This is a week of demolitions and resistance. Dozens of Palestinian, Israeli and international peace activists have converged on the Palestinian community of Susya in the southern West Bank, whose 40 “illegal” homes are slated for demolition immediately after the Eid (probably Tuesday). This is a part pf the campaign to destroy any territorial contiguity which would allow the emergence of a Palestinian state, the culmination of apartheid and the imprisoning of an entire people in tiny, impoverished enclaves, while Israel expands over the entire country from the Mediterranean to the Jordan Valley, and takes all the resources. 

And today (July 19th) ICAHD begins its annual two-week camp in the West Bank town of Anata, in which we will rebuilding two Palestinian homes as political acts of resistance — the 188th and 189th homes we have rebuilt . We will be joined as well by Palestinian, Israeli and international activists, and will keep you apprised of our progress on a daily basis.

The demolitions of Palestinian homes — more than 120,000 throughout the country since 1948 — represents the essence of displacement, ethnic cleansing, the denial of Palestinian national rights to self-determination and “judaization,” the official term Israel uses to describe its long-term policy of transforming Palestine into Israel.

We ask you all to stand in solidarity with us in Susya, Anata and throughout the country, including the Negev/Naqab and the Galilee inside Israel, where demolitions continue apace.