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War with Isis: Freed prisoner speaks of regular torture and US raid that saved him
The Independent | 2015-11-09
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Article By Guest Writer Sherif Awad Brazilian filmmakers Diana Boccara and Leo Longo are a...
Man shot after trying to rob undercover police officer in New York
Man shot after trying to rob undercover police officer in New York
A man tried to rob an undercover detective at gun point in New York - only to be shot by the...
In epic clash with George Will over ‘Killing Reagan,’ Fox News host Bill O’Reilly renounces journalism
In epic clash with George Will over ‘Killing Reagan,’ Fox News host Bill O’Reilly renounces journalism
The Friday night edition of “The O’Reilly Factor” featured something that...
Why won’t Politico slap a correction on its Carson story?
Why won’t Politico slap a correction on its Carson story?
A year ago, Politico Magazine published a spicy comment in a story about systemic troubles at the...
Politico stands by Carson story
Politico stands by Carson story
Besieged by critics across the news spectrum over its story today about Republican candidate Ben...
Dr. Ben Carson utterly blindsided by media scrutiny
Dr. Ben Carson utterly blindsided by media scrutiny
This week is showing some symmetry, starting with an array of weak Republican campaign requests of...
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