Military of Bulgaria
Military Brass Band Of Bulgaria Live in Modena - Italy
Military Brass Band Of Bulgaria Live in Modena - Italy https://www.facebook.com/pages/Military-Brass-Band-Stara-Zagora/265144383511378?ref=tn_tnmn.
кан Тервел khan Tervel of Bulgaria
Кан Тервел е вторият (след Аспарух) български владетел.
Управялва България в периода 700-721 гг.След като начело на 15 000 българска армия помага на византийския василевс Юстиниан II Ринотмет да си възвърне имперския трон,Тервел бива удостоен с титлата "кесар".Това означава,че Тервел става втори по значимост,след ромейския василевс, владетел в тогавашния европейски свят! Заедно с титлата получава
Ukraine Crisis: US, Bulgaria to Hold Balkans Military Drills
NATO members Bulgaria and the US will hold a series of joint military drills in the course of the next three and a half months, following recent naval drills in the Black Sea and the shipment of over 100 US armored vehicles to Latvia.
About 350 US army officers, as well as US tanks, helicopters and armored personnel carriers will arrive in the Balkan country for the bilateral drills, the Bulgaria
The Liberators of Bulgaria
The Liberators of Bulgaria (Documentary) This is a story of forgotten heroes - of Emperors, war correspondents and ordinary people. The film takes us back to...
King Boris (1929)
Item title reads - King Boris after appointing himself dictator of Bulgaria, holds impressive military parade. Sofia. L/S as soldiers march, M/S of Boris III...
US, Bulgaria to hold Balkans military drills amid Ukraine crisis
NATO members Bulgaria and the US will hold a series of joint military drills in the course of the next three and a half months, following recent naval drills in the Black Sea and the shipment of over 100 US armored vehicles to Latvia.
About 350 US army officers, as well as US tanks, helicopters and armored personnel carriers will arrive in the Balkan country for the bilateral drills, the Bulgaria
Presidents from Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia at joint military exercises
1. Mock "Terrorist ship" being followed by helicopter and speed boats
2. River patrol ship
3. Helicopters flying over boat
4. Soldiers boarding ship from helicopter
5. Smoke on the boat
6. Wounded soldier being evacuated to helicopter
7. Speed boats leaving ship
8. Police boat hosing down fire on ''terrorist ship''
9. Special forces being lifted off ship by helicopter
10. Serbian flag in
Bulgarian Armed Forces vs Greek Armed Forces - Comparison
Bulgarian Armed Forces vs Greek Armed Forces - Comparison
Bulgaria & U.S. Military Training (Live Fire)
Raw footage from Strike Back 14. Video by Lance Cpl. Boston Berg
BULGARIA Bulgarian-US join military exercise skydivers
All videos are copyrighted: http://impactpressgroup.org Bulgarian army soldier skydives from a plane during "Black Sea Rotational Force 13" Bulgarian-US join...
Bulgaria: See joint US-Bulgarian military drills
A joint military exercise was held between the United States and Bulgaria at the training site of Novo Selo near the town of Sliven in southeastern Bulgaria, Tuesday. Named 'Platinum Lion 15-2,' the drills form part of a series of Bulgarian-American joint military training exercises scheduled for 2015.
Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg and General Erich von Ludendorff in World War I HD Stock Footage
Link to order this clip: http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675025511_Military-officers-pose_Spiked-helmets_officers-also-carry-swords_wear-spikeless-hats H...
NEW!!! Bulgarian Armed Forces 2012 [HD]
Video featuring the Bulgarian armed forces - Navy, Ground and Air forces 2nd Infantry Tundzhanska brigade 5th Mechanized brigade 61st Stryamska Mechanized br...
Bulgaria, Romania, US begin military exercises in Black Sea
http://www.youtube.com/user/videosptv The US and its NATO allies have begun military exercises in the Black Sea, amid the ongoing tensions on the Crimean pen...
Bulgarian Armed Forces vs Serbian Armed Forces - Comparison
Bulgarian Armed Forces vs Serbian Armed Forces
A compare of the Bulgarian and Serbian army.
You are not allowed to reupload this video without my permission.
Subscribe to my channel for more compares!
Raw: U.S.-Bulgaria joint military exercise
The U.S.-Bulgaria joint military exercise "Kabile 2015" was held at the U.S. military base Novo Selo in the Balkan country on Thursday.
Among the demonstrations were a landing of commandos and a medical evacuation by Cougar helicopters and the firing with live projectiles by a Mi-17 helicopter, two Su-25 ground-support aircrafts and dozens of T-72 tanks and M1A2s.
The Sixth Bulgarian battali
Video: NATO air forces hold joint military drills in Bulgaria
NATO member states' air forces took part in drills in Bulgaria to improve interoperability between their different units. Taking part Thursday were F-16s fro...
Bulgaria-US Military Drills: NATO steps up presence in Eastern Europe to counter Russian threat
Over the weekend Bulgaria held military drills jointly with the US; the first in a series of exercises to be conducted over the next three and a half months according to the Bulgarian defence ministry.
This comes following exercises earlier this week in which NATO's Black Sea members Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey joined four other NATO states - the United States, Canada, Germany and Italy - in a mu
Military Brass Band Bulgaria
Life in Berlin 2009 http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Military-Brass-Band-Stara-Zagora/265144383511378.
bTV Present: NSS ( National Service of Security ) Bulgaria
http://www.nso.bg NSS specializes military structure of the Bulgarian Army, it is directly subordinate to the President of the Republic of Bulgaria. Office i...
The Roman Military Base of Abritus - Bulgaria
http://davidsbeenhere.com David's Been Here is touring all the top sites and best day trips near Ruse, Bulgaria. In this short video, David brings us just ou...
Bulgaria: "Power is growing and frightening American aggressors" - Siderov
VideoID: 20140913-041
M/S Volen Siderov, Chairman of the nationalist party 'Ataka'
M/S Man holding Ataka leaflet
M/S Men wearing Soviet Union tee shirts
W/S People with Bulgarian and Russian flags
M/S Russian flag
SOT Volen Siderov, Chairman of the nationalist party 'Ataka' (in Bulgarian): "We all know that the hope for Bulgaria is Russian support and power. This power is increasing every moment.
Military Brass Band Of Bulgaria Live in Modena - Italy
Military Brass Band Of Bulgaria Live in Modena - Italy https://www.facebook.com/pages/Military-Brass-Band-Stara-Zagora/265144383511378?ref=tn_tnmn....
Military Brass Band Of Bulgaria Live in Modena - Italy https://www.facebook.com/pages/Military-Brass-Band-Stara-Zagora/265144383511378?ref=tn_tnmn.
wn.com/Military Brass Band Of Bulgaria Live In Modena Italy
Military Brass Band Of Bulgaria Live in Modena - Italy https://www.facebook.com/pages/Military-Brass-Band-Stara-Zagora/265144383511378?ref=tn_tnmn.
кан Тервел khan Tervel of Bulgaria
Кан Тервел е вторият (след Аспарух) български владетел.
Управялва България в периода 700-721 гг.След като начело на 15 000 българска армия помага на византийски...
Кан Тервел е вторият (след Аспарух) български владетел.
Управялва България в периода 700-721 гг.След като начело на 15 000 българска армия помага на византийския василевс Юстиниан II Ринотмет да си възвърне имперския трон,Тервел бива удостоен с титлата "кесар".Това означава,че Тервел става втори по значимост,след ромейския василевс, владетел в тогавашния европейски свят! Заедно с титлата получава и областта Загоре,благодарение на която България придобива важни стратегически територии на Юг от Стара Планина. По времето на Тервел на световната геополитическа карта се откроява могъществения Арабски Халифат. За броени години всяващите ужас и паника войски на халиф Сюлейман завладяват Иберийския полуостров и стигат чак до Франция. През 717 година емир Маслама,брата на халиф Сюлейман,предприема военна агресия срещу Византия и с зашеметяващата за средновековните стандарти войска, наброяваща 200 000 фанатични мюсюлмани, подпомогнати по море от 5000 кораба, акостира пред стените на Константинопол! Императора на Византия Лъв III Исавър разбира,че без военна намеса от страна на българите, с Ромейската империя е свършено. Тервел също е наясно каква огромна заплаха идва от Изток и без колебание идва на помощ на доскорошните врагове на България. В името на Християнството, в името на Европейската цивилизация,един до друг,рамо до рамо,като съюзници, ромеи и българи побеждават в грандиозната война на кръста срещу полумесеца! За този чутовен подвиг, спасил Християнската цивилизация от унищожаване, Тервел е канонизиран за светец от Римокатолическата и Православната църкви и бива почитан като общоевропейски герой в продължение на няколко столетия след победата му над арабите.
Khan Tervel is the second bulgarian ruler in the history of the country after the founder of Bulgaria on Danube khan Asparukh.
The timeframes of Tervel's reign is the earliest years of 8th century AC. Tervel with his 15 000 army in the year of 705 helps to the Byzantine Emperor Justinian the Second to restore his power. For this great service of Tervel Justinian gave him lands of Zagore, southern from Old Mountain. In the time of Tervel Arabian Caliphate is becoming world powerful and dominant force.The Caliphate conquest the Iberian Peninsula for shortest time. In 717 Arabian army consisting of unbelievable for that early medieval period of time 200 000 foot soldiers and about 5 000 ships attacked the Queen of the cities-the Byzantium capital Tsar City. The only salvation for the whole Christianity and Europe is bulgarians and romans to be united against such big evil and threat as countless fanatic muslim army. It seems no one can stop the Arabians and the fall of Europe is just a matter of time.It is concerning everybody from every corner of the medieval world but except Bulgaria of Tervel! Medieval Bulgarian military forces won great victory over Caliphate and together with Byzantium fleet totally crushed all Arabian plans concerning Europe to be conquest and destroyed. This Bulgarian-Byzantium victory was one of the greatest event in the history of Christianity which helps to this religion to survive.
wn.com/Кан Тервел Khan Tervel Of Bulgaria
Кан Тервел е вторият (след Аспарух) български владетел.
Управялва България в периода 700-721 гг.След като начело на 15 000 българска армия помага на византийския василевс Юстиниан II Ринотмет да си възвърне имперския трон,Тервел бива удостоен с титлата "кесар".Това означава,че Тервел става втори по значимост,след ромейския василевс, владетел в тогавашния европейски свят! Заедно с титлата получава и областта Загоре,благодарение на която България придобива важни стратегически територии на Юг от Стара Планина. По времето на Тервел на световната геополитическа карта се откроява могъществения Арабски Халифат. За броени години всяващите ужас и паника войски на халиф Сюлейман завладяват Иберийския полуостров и стигат чак до Франция. През 717 година емир Маслама,брата на халиф Сюлейман,предприема военна агресия срещу Византия и с зашеметяващата за средновековните стандарти войска, наброяваща 200 000 фанатични мюсюлмани, подпомогнати по море от 5000 кораба, акостира пред стените на Константинопол! Императора на Византия Лъв III Исавър разбира,че без военна намеса от страна на българите, с Ромейската империя е свършено. Тервел също е наясно каква огромна заплаха идва от Изток и без колебание идва на помощ на доскорошните врагове на България. В името на Християнството, в името на Европейската цивилизация,един до друг,рамо до рамо,като съюзници, ромеи и българи побеждават в грандиозната война на кръста срещу полумесеца! За този чутовен подвиг, спасил Християнската цивилизация от унищожаване, Тервел е канонизиран за светец от Римокатолическата и Православната църкви и бива почитан като общоевропейски герой в продължение на няколко столетия след победата му над арабите.
Khan Tervel is the second bulgarian ruler in the history of the country after the founder of Bulgaria on Danube khan Asparukh.
The timeframes of Tervel's reign is the earliest years of 8th century AC. Tervel with his 15 000 army in the year of 705 helps to the Byzantine Emperor Justinian the Second to restore his power. For this great service of Tervel Justinian gave him lands of Zagore, southern from Old Mountain. In the time of Tervel Arabian Caliphate is becoming world powerful and dominant force.The Caliphate conquest the Iberian Peninsula for shortest time. In 717 Arabian army consisting of unbelievable for that early medieval period of time 200 000 foot soldiers and about 5 000 ships attacked the Queen of the cities-the Byzantium capital Tsar City. The only salvation for the whole Christianity and Europe is bulgarians and romans to be united against such big evil and threat as countless fanatic muslim army. It seems no one can stop the Arabians and the fall of Europe is just a matter of time.It is concerning everybody from every corner of the medieval world but except Bulgaria of Tervel! Medieval Bulgarian military forces won great victory over Caliphate and together with Byzantium fleet totally crushed all Arabian plans concerning Europe to be conquest and destroyed. This Bulgarian-Byzantium victory was one of the greatest event in the history of Christianity which helps to this religion to survive.
- published: 15 Mar 2015
- views: 3
Ukraine Crisis: US, Bulgaria to Hold Balkans Military Drills
NATO members Bulgaria and the US will hold a series of joint military drills in the course of the next three and a half months, following recent naval drills in...
NATO members Bulgaria and the US will hold a series of joint military drills in the course of the next three and a half months, following recent naval drills in the Black Sea and the shipment of over 100 US armored vehicles to Latvia.
About 350 US army officers, as well as US tanks, helicopters and armored personnel carriers will arrive in the Balkan country for the bilateral drills, the Bulgarian Defense Ministry said Friday, Reuters reported.
The drills are to begin Sunday and will be conducted at the Novo Selo training range in southeastern Bulgaria, with about $30 million spent by the US for the modernization of Bulgaria’s military infrastructure, according to Defense Minister Nikolay Nenchev.
wn.com/Ukraine Crisis Us, Bulgaria To Hold Balkans Military Drills
NATO members Bulgaria and the US will hold a series of joint military drills in the course of the next three and a half months, following recent naval drills in the Black Sea and the shipment of over 100 US armored vehicles to Latvia.
About 350 US army officers, as well as US tanks, helicopters and armored personnel carriers will arrive in the Balkan country for the bilateral drills, the Bulgarian Defense Ministry said Friday, Reuters reported.
The drills are to begin Sunday and will be conducted at the Novo Selo training range in southeastern Bulgaria, with about $30 million spent by the US for the modernization of Bulgaria’s military infrastructure, according to Defense Minister Nikolay Nenchev.
- published: 15 Mar 2015
- views: 1322
The Liberators of Bulgaria
The Liberators of Bulgaria (Documentary) This is a story of forgotten heroes - of Emperors, war correspondents and ordinary people. The film takes us back to......
The Liberators of Bulgaria (Documentary) This is a story of forgotten heroes - of Emperors, war correspondents and ordinary people. The film takes us back to...
wn.com/The Liberators Of Bulgaria
The Liberators of Bulgaria (Documentary) This is a story of forgotten heroes - of Emperors, war correspondents and ordinary people. The film takes us back to...
- published: 26 Jan 2013
- views: 4531
author: petkov2009
King Boris (1929)
Item title reads - King Boris after appointing himself dictator of Bulgaria, holds impressive military parade. Sofia. L/S as soldiers march, M/S of Boris III......
Item title reads - King Boris after appointing himself dictator of Bulgaria, holds impressive military parade. Sofia. L/S as soldiers march, M/S of Boris III...
wn.com/King Boris (1929)
Item title reads - King Boris after appointing himself dictator of Bulgaria, holds impressive military parade. Sofia. L/S as soldiers march, M/S of Boris III...
US, Bulgaria to hold Balkans military drills amid Ukraine crisis
NATO members Bulgaria and the US will hold a series of joint military drills in the course of the next three and a half months, following recent naval drills in...
NATO members Bulgaria and the US will hold a series of joint military drills in the course of the next three and a half months, following recent naval drills in the Black Sea and the shipment of over 100 US armored vehicles to Latvia.
About 350 US army officers, as well as US tanks, helicopters and armored personnel carriers will arrive in the Balkan country for the bilateral drills, the Bulgarian Defense Ministry said Friday, Reuters reported.
The drills are to begin Sunday and will be conducted at the Novo Selo training range in southeastern Bulgaria, with about $30 million spent by the US for the modernization of Bulgaria’s military infrastructure, according to Defense Minister Nikolay Nenchev.
“The Bulgarian Army will use the drills to test its ability to react in crisis situations,” a Defense Ministry official said. “Of course, we cannot underestimate what is happening in Ukraine.”
The Bulgarian Armed Forces are also set to participate in a couple of annual drills to be held in Ukraine in July – the Rapid Trident and Saber Guardian military exercises, the ministry said.
In March, Bulgaria, which joined NATO in 2004, also participated in naval drills in the Black Sea alongside Romania, Turkey, the US, Canada, Germany and Italy. Anti-air and anti-submarine exercises of six vessels were headed by a US admiral.
wn.com/Us, Bulgaria To Hold Balkans Military Drills Amid Ukraine Crisis
NATO members Bulgaria and the US will hold a series of joint military drills in the course of the next three and a half months, following recent naval drills in the Black Sea and the shipment of over 100 US armored vehicles to Latvia.
About 350 US army officers, as well as US tanks, helicopters and armored personnel carriers will arrive in the Balkan country for the bilateral drills, the Bulgarian Defense Ministry said Friday, Reuters reported.
The drills are to begin Sunday and will be conducted at the Novo Selo training range in southeastern Bulgaria, with about $30 million spent by the US for the modernization of Bulgaria’s military infrastructure, according to Defense Minister Nikolay Nenchev.
“The Bulgarian Army will use the drills to test its ability to react in crisis situations,” a Defense Ministry official said. “Of course, we cannot underestimate what is happening in Ukraine.”
The Bulgarian Armed Forces are also set to participate in a couple of annual drills to be held in Ukraine in July – the Rapid Trident and Saber Guardian military exercises, the ministry said.
In March, Bulgaria, which joined NATO in 2004, also participated in naval drills in the Black Sea alongside Romania, Turkey, the US, Canada, Germany and Italy. Anti-air and anti-submarine exercises of six vessels were headed by a US admiral.
- published: 17 Mar 2015
- views: 6
Presidents from Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia at joint military exercises
1. Mock "Terrorist ship" being followed by helicopter and speed boats
2. River patrol ship
3. Helicopters flying over boat
4. Soldiers boarding ship from hel...
1. Mock "Terrorist ship" being followed by helicopter and speed boats
2. River patrol ship
3. Helicopters flying over boat
4. Soldiers boarding ship from helicopter
5. Smoke on the boat
6. Wounded soldier being evacuated to helicopter
7. Speed boats leaving ship
8. Police boat hosing down fire on ''terrorist ship''
9. Special forces being lifted off ship by helicopter
10. Serbian flag in the air
11. Various of American officers looking at Hummer vehicle
12. Serbian president Boris Tadic, Romanian president Trajan Basesku and Bulgarian president Gherogi Prvanov walking in front of guard of honour
Special forces from Eastern Europe and the Balkans held a joint exercise on the Danube Delta on Thursday.
Elite forces from Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania simulated attacking a ship with "terrorists" carrying chemical weapons.
They attacked from the sea and air, and in matter of minutes the "terrorists" were killed or captured, with the special forces taking command of the ship.
The exercise was a part of a previous agreement on anti-terrorist activities in the western Balkans.
The exercise was monitored by presidents, Boris Tadic of Serbia, Trajan Basesku of Romania and Gherogi Prvanov of Bulgaria, as well as military observers from the US, China, and France.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/0387ed4aeff314be9b1c38587e7cb7b6
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/Presidents From Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia At Joint Military Exercises
1. Mock "Terrorist ship" being followed by helicopter and speed boats
2. River patrol ship
3. Helicopters flying over boat
4. Soldiers boarding ship from helicopter
5. Smoke on the boat
6. Wounded soldier being evacuated to helicopter
7. Speed boats leaving ship
8. Police boat hosing down fire on ''terrorist ship''
9. Special forces being lifted off ship by helicopter
10. Serbian flag in the air
11. Various of American officers looking at Hummer vehicle
12. Serbian president Boris Tadic, Romanian president Trajan Basesku and Bulgarian president Gherogi Prvanov walking in front of guard of honour
Special forces from Eastern Europe and the Balkans held a joint exercise on the Danube Delta on Thursday.
Elite forces from Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania simulated attacking a ship with "terrorists" carrying chemical weapons.
They attacked from the sea and air, and in matter of minutes the "terrorists" were killed or captured, with the special forces taking command of the ship.
The exercise was a part of a previous agreement on anti-terrorist activities in the western Balkans.
The exercise was monitored by presidents, Boris Tadic of Serbia, Trajan Basesku of Romania and Gherogi Prvanov of Bulgaria, as well as military observers from the US, China, and France.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/0387ed4aeff314be9b1c38587e7cb7b6
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 6
Bulgarian Armed Forces vs Greek Armed Forces - Comparison
Bulgarian Armed Forces vs Greek Armed Forces - Comparison...
Bulgarian Armed Forces vs Greek Armed Forces - Comparison
wn.com/Bulgarian Armed Forces Vs Greek Armed Forces Comparison
Bulgarian Armed Forces vs Greek Armed Forces - Comparison
- published: 09 Jun 2015
- views: 495
Bulgaria & U.S. Military Training (Live Fire)
Raw footage from Strike Back 14. Video by Lance Cpl. Boston Berg...
Raw footage from Strike Back 14. Video by Lance Cpl. Boston Berg
wn.com/Bulgaria U.S. Military Training (Live Fire)
Raw footage from Strike Back 14. Video by Lance Cpl. Boston Berg
- published: 20 Jan 2015
- views: 55
BULGARIA Bulgarian-US join military exercise skydivers
All videos are copyrighted: http://impactpressgroup.org Bulgarian army soldier skydives from a plane during "Black Sea Rotational Force 13" Bulgarian-US join......
All videos are copyrighted: http://impactpressgroup.org Bulgarian army soldier skydives from a plane during "Black Sea Rotational Force 13" Bulgarian-US join...
wn.com/Bulgaria Bulgarian US Join Military Exercise Skydivers
All videos are copyrighted: http://impactpressgroup.org Bulgarian army soldier skydives from a plane during "Black Sea Rotational Force 13" Bulgarian-US join...
Bulgaria: See joint US-Bulgarian military drills
A joint military exercise was held between the United States and Bulgaria at the training site of Novo Selo near the town of Sliven in southeastern Bulgaria, Tu...
A joint military exercise was held between the United States and Bulgaria at the training site of Novo Selo near the town of Sliven in southeastern Bulgaria, Tuesday. Named 'Platinum Lion 15-2,' the drills form part of a series of Bulgarian-American joint military training exercises scheduled for 2015.
To use this footage please contact the Ruptly Client Desk: cd@ruptly.tv
Video ID: 20150414-067
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wn.com/Bulgaria See Joint US Bulgarian Military Drills
A joint military exercise was held between the United States and Bulgaria at the training site of Novo Selo near the town of Sliven in southeastern Bulgaria, Tuesday. Named 'Platinum Lion 15-2,' the drills form part of a series of Bulgarian-American joint military training exercises scheduled for 2015.
To use this footage please contact the Ruptly Client Desk: cd@ruptly.tv
Video ID: 20150414-067
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Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
- published: 14 Apr 2015
- views: 138
Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg and General Erich von Ludendorff in World War I HD Stock Footage
Link to order this clip: http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675025511_Military-officers-pose_Spiked-helmets_officers-also-carry-swords_wear-spikeless-hats H......
Link to order this clip: http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675025511_Military-officers-pose_Spiked-helmets_officers-also-carry-swords_wear-spikeless-hats H...
wn.com/Field Marshal Paul Von Hindenburg And General Erich Von Ludendorff In World War I Hd Stock Footage
Link to order this clip: http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675025511_Military-officers-pose_Spiked-helmets_officers-also-carry-swords_wear-spikeless-hats H...
NEW!!! Bulgarian Armed Forces 2012 [HD]
Video featuring the Bulgarian armed forces - Navy, Ground and Air forces 2nd Infantry Tundzhanska brigade 5th Mechanized brigade 61st Stryamska Mechanized br......
Video featuring the Bulgarian armed forces - Navy, Ground and Air forces 2nd Infantry Tundzhanska brigade 5th Mechanized brigade 61st Stryamska Mechanized br...
wn.com/New Bulgarian Armed Forces 2012 Hd
Video featuring the Bulgarian armed forces - Navy, Ground and Air forces 2nd Infantry Tundzhanska brigade 5th Mechanized brigade 61st Stryamska Mechanized br...
Bulgaria, Romania, US begin military exercises in Black Sea
http://www.youtube.com/user/videosptv The US and its NATO allies have begun military exercises in the Black Sea, amid the ongoing tensions on the Crimean pen......
http://www.youtube.com/user/videosptv The US and its NATO allies have begun military exercises in the Black Sea, amid the ongoing tensions on the Crimean pen...
wn.com/Bulgaria, Romania, US Begin Military Exercises In Black Sea
http://www.youtube.com/user/videosptv The US and its NATO allies have begun military exercises in the Black Sea, amid the ongoing tensions on the Crimean pen...
Bulgarian Armed Forces vs Serbian Armed Forces - Comparison
Bulgarian Armed Forces vs Serbian Armed Forces
A compare of the Bulgarian and Serbian army.
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Bulgarian Armed Forces vs Serbian Armed Forces
A compare of the Bulgarian and Serbian army.
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wn.com/Bulgarian Armed Forces Vs Serbian Armed Forces Comparison
Bulgarian Armed Forces vs Serbian Armed Forces
A compare of the Bulgarian and Serbian army.
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- published: 16 Apr 2015
- views: 132
Raw: U.S.-Bulgaria joint military exercise
The U.S.-Bulgaria joint military exercise "Kabile 2015" was held at the U.S. military base Novo Selo in the Balkan country on Thursday.
Among the demonstrati...
The U.S.-Bulgaria joint military exercise "Kabile 2015" was held at the U.S. military base Novo Selo in the Balkan country on Thursday.
Among the demonstrations were a landing of commandos and a medical evacuation by Cougar helicopters and the firing with live projectiles by a Mi-17 helicopter, two Su-25 ground-support aircrafts and dozens of T-72 tanks and M1A2s.
The Sixth Bulgarian battalion battle group was certified to participate in all kinds of NATO missions worldwide during the final stage of the drill.
Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev attended the drill, which involved 810 Bulgarians and 50 U.S. troops with three armored personnel carriers.
wn.com/Raw U.S. Bulgaria Joint Military Exercise
The U.S.-Bulgaria joint military exercise "Kabile 2015" was held at the U.S. military base Novo Selo in the Balkan country on Thursday.
Among the demonstrations were a landing of commandos and a medical evacuation by Cougar helicopters and the firing with live projectiles by a Mi-17 helicopter, two Su-25 ground-support aircrafts and dozens of T-72 tanks and M1A2s.
The Sixth Bulgarian battalion battle group was certified to participate in all kinds of NATO missions worldwide during the final stage of the drill.
Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev attended the drill, which involved 810 Bulgarians and 50 U.S. troops with three armored personnel carriers.
- published: 26 Jun 2015
- views: 54
Video: NATO air forces hold joint military drills in Bulgaria
NATO member states' air forces took part in drills in Bulgaria to improve interoperability between their different units. Taking part Thursday were F-16s fro......
NATO member states' air forces took part in drills in Bulgaria to improve interoperability between their different units. Taking part Thursday were F-16s fro...
wn.com/Video Nato Air Forces Hold Joint Military Drills In Bulgaria
NATO member states' air forces took part in drills in Bulgaria to improve interoperability between their different units. Taking part Thursday were F-16s fro...
- published: 30 May 2014
- views: 8863
author: RT
Bulgaria-US Military Drills: NATO steps up presence in Eastern Europe to counter Russian threat
Over the weekend Bulgaria held military drills jointly with the US; the first in a series of exercises to be conducted over the next three and a half months acc...
Over the weekend Bulgaria held military drills jointly with the US; the first in a series of exercises to be conducted over the next three and a half months according to the Bulgarian defence ministry.
This comes following exercises earlier this week in which NATO's Black Sea members Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey joined four other NATO states - the United States, Canada, Germany and Italy - in a multi-national naval drill in the Black Sea.
Check out our website: http://uatoday.tv
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wn.com/Bulgaria US Military Drills Nato Steps Up Presence In Eastern Europe To Counter Russian Threat
Over the weekend Bulgaria held military drills jointly with the US; the first in a series of exercises to be conducted over the next three and a half months according to the Bulgarian defence ministry.
This comes following exercises earlier this week in which NATO's Black Sea members Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey joined four other NATO states - the United States, Canada, Germany and Italy - in a multi-national naval drill in the Black Sea.
Check out our website: http://uatoday.tv
Facebook: https://facebook.com/uatodaytv
Twitter: https://twitter.com/uatodaytv
- published: 15 Mar 2015
- views: 35
Military Brass Band Bulgaria
Life in Berlin 2009 http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Military-Brass-Band-Stara-Zagora/265144383511378....
Life in Berlin 2009 http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Military-Brass-Band-Stara-Zagora/265144383511378.
wn.com/Military Brass Band Bulgaria
Life in Berlin 2009 http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Military-Brass-Band-Stara-Zagora/265144383511378.
bTV Present: NSS ( National Service of Security ) Bulgaria
http://www.nso.bg NSS specializes military structure of the Bulgarian Army, it is directly subordinate to the President of the Republic of Bulgaria. Office i......
http://www.nso.bg NSS specializes military structure of the Bulgarian Army, it is directly subordinate to the President of the Republic of Bulgaria. Office i...
wn.com/Btv Present Nss ( National Service Of Security ) Bulgaria
http://www.nso.bg NSS specializes military structure of the Bulgarian Army, it is directly subordinate to the President of the Republic of Bulgaria. Office i...
- published: 22 Oct 2012
- views: 447
author: bghdvideos
The Roman Military Base of Abritus - Bulgaria
http://davidsbeenhere.com David's Been Here is touring all the top sites and best day trips near Ruse, Bulgaria. In this short video, David brings us just ou......
http://davidsbeenhere.com David's Been Here is touring all the top sites and best day trips near Ruse, Bulgaria. In this short video, David brings us just ou...
wn.com/The Roman Military Base Of Abritus Bulgaria
http://davidsbeenhere.com David's Been Here is touring all the top sites and best day trips near Ruse, Bulgaria. In this short video, David brings us just ou...
Bulgaria: "Power is growing and frightening American aggressors" - Siderov
VideoID: 20140913-041
M/S Volen Siderov, Chairman of the nationalist party 'Ataka'
M/S Man holding Ataka leaflet
M/S Men wearing Soviet Union tee shirts
W/S Pe...
VideoID: 20140913-041
M/S Volen Siderov, Chairman of the nationalist party 'Ataka'
M/S Man holding Ataka leaflet
M/S Men wearing Soviet Union tee shirts
W/S People with Bulgarian and Russian flags
M/S Russian flag
SOT Volen Siderov, Chairman of the nationalist party 'Ataka' (in Bulgarian): "We all know that the hope for Bulgaria is Russian support and power. This power is increasing every moment. This power is growing and frightening the American aggressors, who want to own the world. All of these who had tried to stand against Russia would meet a wall. Everyone who had tried to defeat Russia finished with a broken spine - for example Napoleon and Hitler. Mister Obama has to take a moral, to learn the history and to stop all the provocations on the Ukraine land against Mighty Russia."
W/S Woman with Russian flag
W/S Bulgarian and Russian flags
M/S Woman holding Russian flag
M/S Siderov signing autographs
M/S Bulgarian, Russian and Soviet Union flags
W/S Stall selling Soivet Union and KGB tee shirts
W/S Supporters gathered by a lake
C/U Ataka on front page of newspaper
M/S Siderov signing autographs
Thousands of Ataka supporters from all over Bulgaria gathered at Koprinka dam near Kazanlak on Saturday to take part in the national convention organised by the National Movement 'Rusofili' (friends of Russia) and 'Ataka'.
This year, the procession was focused on the 'detrimental policies' affecting Russia. The common statement claimed by all the people there supported Russia, defining the country as the only condition for Europe to be strong. Their goal is to remove the sanctions impacting Russia. They also protested for Obama to stop supporting the military actions in Ukraine and to stop using Bulgarian military bases.
The nationalist party 'Ataka' accepted the invitation for the meeting because of its policy to establish stable connections with the north of the country. It was organised as a subscription against the American use of Bulgarian military bases with the slogan 'I'm against the American use of military bases in Bulgaria'.
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wn.com/Bulgaria Power Is Growing And Frightening American Aggressors Siderov
VideoID: 20140913-041
M/S Volen Siderov, Chairman of the nationalist party 'Ataka'
M/S Man holding Ataka leaflet
M/S Men wearing Soviet Union tee shirts
W/S People with Bulgarian and Russian flags
M/S Russian flag
SOT Volen Siderov, Chairman of the nationalist party 'Ataka' (in Bulgarian): "We all know that the hope for Bulgaria is Russian support and power. This power is increasing every moment. This power is growing and frightening the American aggressors, who want to own the world. All of these who had tried to stand against Russia would meet a wall. Everyone who had tried to defeat Russia finished with a broken spine - for example Napoleon and Hitler. Mister Obama has to take a moral, to learn the history and to stop all the provocations on the Ukraine land against Mighty Russia."
W/S Woman with Russian flag
W/S Bulgarian and Russian flags
M/S Woman holding Russian flag
M/S Siderov signing autographs
M/S Bulgarian, Russian and Soviet Union flags
W/S Stall selling Soivet Union and KGB tee shirts
W/S Supporters gathered by a lake
C/U Ataka on front page of newspaper
M/S Siderov signing autographs
Thousands of Ataka supporters from all over Bulgaria gathered at Koprinka dam near Kazanlak on Saturday to take part in the national convention organised by the National Movement 'Rusofili' (friends of Russia) and 'Ataka'.
This year, the procession was focused on the 'detrimental policies' affecting Russia. The common statement claimed by all the people there supported Russia, defining the country as the only condition for Europe to be strong. Their goal is to remove the sanctions impacting Russia. They also protested for Obama to stop supporting the military actions in Ukraine and to stop using Bulgarian military bases.
The nationalist party 'Ataka' accepted the invitation for the meeting because of its policy to establish stable connections with the north of the country. It was organised as a subscription against the American use of Bulgarian military bases with the slogan 'I'm against the American use of military bases in Bulgaria'.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ruptly
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Ruptly
LiveLeak: http://www.liveleak.com/c/Ruptly
Google Plus: http://google.com/+RuptlyTV
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/Ruptly
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/RuptlyTV
DailyMotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/ruptly
Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
- published: 13 Sep 2014
- views: 181
Bulgaria Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Bulgaria.
Bulgaria is located in the extreme south east of Europe, a country of natural splendour, fairy-tale like villages, ancient ruins, and monasteries with remarkable frescos as well as a culture that is between both Orient and Occident. Sofia, the ‘wise woman’ and, since 1879, capital of the new Bulgaria, a city whose roots date back to the fifth century B.C.
Bulgaria Travel Video Guide
Bulgaria Travel Video Guide.From wild, wooded mountain ranges speckled with remote villages and enchanting monasteries to vibrant modern cities and long sandy beaches hugging the Black Sea coast, Bulgaria rewards exploration.
Black Sea Beaches
It isn't hard to see why so many foreign -- and Bulgarian -- holidaymakers descend on the Black Sea coastline each summer. Bulgaria Travel Video GuideThe lo
Things to do in Sofia Bulgaria | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Sometimes when you travel somewhere you don't need to spend a lot of time in that particular city and/or country to form distinct memories and impressions. For us, our brief four day stay in Sofia, Bulgaria certainly fit the bill. From amazing local cuisine to street performances, we tried our best to see and do as much as we possibly could in short period of time. The following is a travel vid
Bulgaria travel video
http://www.hotelskerezervacije.eu Bulgaria tourist attractions.
Mountain Resort - Borovets Bulgaria Travel Guide,trip
Check also http://www.facebook.com/SimioniucAdrianIulianModel
Borovets is a cheap and popular resort situated in Sofia Province , Bulgaria at few KM from Sofia international airport , during the summer due the lack of tourists only in weekend you can find some lifts opened . taking the gondola You can visit the 7 lakes and reach highest peak Musala (2925m). Many restaurants are open and the price
Sunny Beach Bulgaria Travel Guide
Sunny Beach is the largest and most popular beach resort in Bulgaria. It is a Blue Flag winning resort, located in a picturesque and ecologically clean gulf on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, close to the town of Nesebar, the yacht port of St. Vlas resort and the international airport of Varna (30 km). Sunny Beach is situated along the widest beach strip. With its hundreds of bars and restaurants,
Travel Guide to Sofia, Bulgaria
http://bestflights.co.za/europe/bulgaria/sofia - Visit for more information on Sofia, Bulgaria. Sofia is the capital of Bulgaria and the biggest city in the ...
Bulgarian Riviera Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
The Bulgarian coast is nowadays awakening from its long sleep. On its two greatest holiday areas, the Golden Sand and the Sunny Coast, several hundred new, high quality hotels were built, their malls, restaurants and night clubs are of European quality, while its beaches were awarded by the European Union’s blue flag. Varna is called the most beautiful city of the Black Sea. Recently, more than hu
Historic Nessebar, Nessebar (Bulgaria) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Historic Nessebar in Nessebar, Bulgaria - part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The wonders of Nessebar, in Bulgaria, quickly become apparent to anyone walking through the historical district.
In fact, this city is also frequently known as the pearl of the Black Sea for its wonder and beauty.
There are many landmarks from the city's long
Sofia Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Sofia in Bulgaria.
Sofia, the ‘wise woman’, has since 1879 been the capital of the new Bulgaria and is a city whose roots date back to the fifth century B.C. Once Thracians settled in the city followed by Romans, Goths, Huns and Ottomans. In the fourteenth century the city was named after its patron saint, the Goddess Of Wisdom. Today’s Sofia originated at the end
Sozopol Bulgaria, Photos HD travel guide
Sozopol is located on a scenic bay along the southern Bulgarian coast, about 35 km south of Burgas. Sozopol is one of the oldest Bulgarian coastal towns. There are 2 beaches in the town of Sozopol: the Central beach and the Harmani beach, as well as a few excellent beaches and campgrounds close to Sozopol. The city is divided into the Old Town and the modern part of the town. The Old Town mainly o
Sofia, Bulgaria Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by Stupeflix.com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com ! The Neo-Renaissance National Assembly of Bulgaria edifice in central Sofia. Sofia has been a centre of...
Sofia Capital City of Bulgaria - Affordable City Travel Guide & Tips...
The Capital City of Bulgaria is Sofia. Filled with old history, monuments, and historic sites with beautiful sexy Bulgarian ladies throughout the city.
Discover the most popular and important sites to visit in Sofia and the history that has made this an ideal destination in the European union.
It's an affordable city since the Bulgarian economy affords more buying power for foreign travellers pass
Sofia, Bulgaria: As We Travel Europe - Country #18
http://www.aswetravel.com - Sofia, Bulgaria. Europe Train Challenge: Country #18 - Hosted by Sofia von Porat & Nathan Schacherer.
Bulgaria Countryside Travel Guide | RomaniaTourStore
Bulgaria Countryside - One day trip start from Bucharest, the capital of Romania, taking you to some of the most important historical sites of northern Bulgaria. Passing through the old town of Ruse, we reach Basarabov Rock Monastery, one the oldest Christian settlements in Eastern Europe. Our next stop is the old capital of the Bulgarian Empire, Veliko Tarnovo with its 13th
Travel guide - Nessebar Bulgaria seaside historical city
Check also my Facebook http://www.facebook.com/SimioniucAdrianIulianModel This video is about Nessebar Bulgaria , Here u can find a lot of Bizantin ruins and...
Visit Burgas in the Bulgarian Riviera | Travel Guide | Travel Tips | Tourism Bulgaria
World Tube https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Bulgaria Travel Guide http://bit.ly/11miBJu Shepherd Entertainment gives you the history of Burgas in the ...
Sunny Beach, Bulgaria - Thomas Cook Guide
Sunny Beach, Bulgaria - Thomas Cook Guide http://www.thomascook.com/lp/1x6-en6ukl/holidays-bulgaria/ Thomas Cook offers unbeatable holiday deals on a wide se...
Visit Golden Sand in the Bulgarian Riviera | Travel Guide | Travel Tips | Tourism Bulgaria
World Tube https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Bulgaria Travel Guide http://bit.ly/11miBJu Go on a journey with Shepherd entertainment and discover the s...
Visit Nesebar in the Bulgarian Riviera | Travel Guide | Travel Tips | Tourism Bulgaria
World Tube https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Bulgaria Travel Guide http://bit.ly/11miBJu Go on a journey with Shepherd entertainment and discover the s...
bulgaria travel guide
bulgaria travel guide
Hotel Victoria Palace ***** Sunny Beach, Bulgaria - Holiday Presentation - Travel Guide
Visit Aladzha Monastery in the Bulgarian Riviera | Travel Guide | Travel Tips | Tourism Bulgaria
World Tube https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Bulgaria Travel Guide http://bit.ly/11miBJu Shepherd Entertainment gives you the history of Aladzha Monast...
Bulgaria Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Bulgaria.
Bulgaria is located in the extreme south east of Europe, a country of natural splendour, fairy-tale like villages, anci...
Travel video about destination Bulgaria.
Bulgaria is located in the extreme south east of Europe, a country of natural splendour, fairy-tale like villages, ancient ruins, and monasteries with remarkable frescos as well as a culture that is between both Orient and Occident. Sofia, the ‘wise woman’ and, since 1879, capital of the new Bulgaria, a city whose roots date back to the fifth century B.C. Once Thracians settled, then followed Romans, Goths, Huns and Ottomans. At the end of the nineteenth century the city’s appearance changed from Oriental to European into a dynamic metropolis. Sofia’s historic city centre features the most splendid sacred building in the Balkan Peninsula, the Aleksandâr Nevski Cathedral, a work of art of the Russian Orthodox religion that can accommodate a congregation of more than five thousand. Vidin is dominated by the Baba Vida Fortress whose impressive towers and bastion date back to the thirteenth century. From the banks of the Danube the north western entrances to the mediaeval realm were strictly controlled and the fortress protected it from invasion by ship. Varna is the biggest city on the Black Sea coast and is one of Europe’s oldest cities. The golden, shining domes of the impressive cathedral in the city centre are one of its main landmarks. The caves of western Rhodopes are the main destination for many of the region’s visitors, such as the Jagodina Cave that is ten kilometres long and extends up to five levels within the limestone mountains. It is the longest and deepest of the Rhodopes and its tunnels and huge galleries feature traces of prehistoric inhabitants. Bulgaria – on the border of both Occident and Orient - a country full of history and natural beauty with authentic culture and overwhelming hospitality. A colourful mixture of fascinating tribes with a large variety of tradition and, according to legend, a part of paradise that God gifted to the Bulgarian people!
wn.com/Bulgaria Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Bulgaria.
Bulgaria is located in the extreme south east of Europe, a country of natural splendour, fairy-tale like villages, ancient ruins, and monasteries with remarkable frescos as well as a culture that is between both Orient and Occident. Sofia, the ‘wise woman’ and, since 1879, capital of the new Bulgaria, a city whose roots date back to the fifth century B.C. Once Thracians settled, then followed Romans, Goths, Huns and Ottomans. At the end of the nineteenth century the city’s appearance changed from Oriental to European into a dynamic metropolis. Sofia’s historic city centre features the most splendid sacred building in the Balkan Peninsula, the Aleksandâr Nevski Cathedral, a work of art of the Russian Orthodox religion that can accommodate a congregation of more than five thousand. Vidin is dominated by the Baba Vida Fortress whose impressive towers and bastion date back to the thirteenth century. From the banks of the Danube the north western entrances to the mediaeval realm were strictly controlled and the fortress protected it from invasion by ship. Varna is the biggest city on the Black Sea coast and is one of Europe’s oldest cities. The golden, shining domes of the impressive cathedral in the city centre are one of its main landmarks. The caves of western Rhodopes are the main destination for many of the region’s visitors, such as the Jagodina Cave that is ten kilometres long and extends up to five levels within the limestone mountains. It is the longest and deepest of the Rhodopes and its tunnels and huge galleries feature traces of prehistoric inhabitants. Bulgaria – on the border of both Occident and Orient - a country full of history and natural beauty with authentic culture and overwhelming hospitality. A colourful mixture of fascinating tribes with a large variety of tradition and, according to legend, a part of paradise that God gifted to the Bulgarian people!
- published: 20 Jun 2014
- views: 36033
Bulgaria Travel Video Guide
Bulgaria Travel Video Guide.From wild, wooded mountain ranges speckled with remote villages and enchanting monasteries to vibrant modern cities and long sandy b...
Bulgaria Travel Video Guide.From wild, wooded mountain ranges speckled with remote villages and enchanting monasteries to vibrant modern cities and long sandy beaches hugging the Black Sea coast, Bulgaria rewards exploration.
Black Sea Beaches
It isn't hard to see why so many foreign -- and Bulgarian -- holidaymakers descend on the Black Sea coastline each summer. Bulgaria Travel Video GuideThe long, professionally maintained sandy beaches at the big resorts are the equal of some of the most popular Mediterranean destinations, and, if you just want to relax, top up your tan or try out some water sports, there's nowhere better. Away from the parasols and jet skis you'll find smaller, more traditional seaside towns ideal for young families, as well as ancient settlements with cobbled lanes, quaint wooden houses and long, fascinating histories. Even the coast's two big cities, Varna and Burgas, have attractive beaches within minutes of their busy urban hearts.
best Bulgaria Travel Video Guide!
wn.com/Bulgaria Travel Video Guide
Bulgaria Travel Video Guide.From wild, wooded mountain ranges speckled with remote villages and enchanting monasteries to vibrant modern cities and long sandy beaches hugging the Black Sea coast, Bulgaria rewards exploration.
Black Sea Beaches
It isn't hard to see why so many foreign -- and Bulgarian -- holidaymakers descend on the Black Sea coastline each summer. Bulgaria Travel Video GuideThe long, professionally maintained sandy beaches at the big resorts are the equal of some of the most popular Mediterranean destinations, and, if you just want to relax, top up your tan or try out some water sports, there's nowhere better. Away from the parasols and jet skis you'll find smaller, more traditional seaside towns ideal for young families, as well as ancient settlements with cobbled lanes, quaint wooden houses and long, fascinating histories. Even the coast's two big cities, Varna and Burgas, have attractive beaches within minutes of their busy urban hearts.
best Bulgaria Travel Video Guide!
- published: 28 Apr 2014
- views: 1024
Things to do in Sofia Bulgaria | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Sometimes when you travel somewhere you don't need to spend a lot of time in that particular city and/or country to form distinct memories and impressions. For...
Sometimes when you travel somewhere you don't need to spend a lot of time in that particular city and/or country to form distinct memories and impressions. For us, our brief four day stay in Sofia, Bulgaria certainly fit the bill. From amazing local cuisine to street performances, we tried our best to see and do as much as we possibly could in short period of time. The following is a travel video we've put together highlighting the top attractions and things to do in Sofia, Bulgaria:
1) Our first day in Sofia we hit the ground taking in many street performances, getting caught up in a football mob / rally, visiting major landmarks and eating street food. These are our first impressions of Sofia.
2) Already impressed by Bulgarian street food, we decided to treat ourselves to a sit down meal to further sample Bulgarian cuisine. At Lubimoto we feasted on Chushki Burek (stuffed red peppers with feta cheese) and Bulgarian pork loin with potatoes, cheese and gravy. Both were delicious!
3) Wanting to indulge our taste buds further we visited the ever popular Made In Home restaurant where we sampled Rakia and goat cheese salad.
4) On our last day in Sofia we tried to cover parts of the city we didn't get to visit on previous days. Some of the highlights included checking out Alexander Nevsky Cathedral and witnessing more street performances. Those Bulgarian break dancers really do have all the moves!
This is part of our Travel in Bulgaria series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Bulgarian culture, Bulgarian arts, Bulgarian foods, Bulgarian religion and Bulgarian people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com , http://smilingfacestravelphotos.com , http://thatbackpacker.com & http://backpacking-travel-blog.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
wn.com/Things To Do In Sofia Bulgaria | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Sometimes when you travel somewhere you don't need to spend a lot of time in that particular city and/or country to form distinct memories and impressions. For us, our brief four day stay in Sofia, Bulgaria certainly fit the bill. From amazing local cuisine to street performances, we tried our best to see and do as much as we possibly could in short period of time. The following is a travel video we've put together highlighting the top attractions and things to do in Sofia, Bulgaria:
1) Our first day in Sofia we hit the ground taking in many street performances, getting caught up in a football mob / rally, visiting major landmarks and eating street food. These are our first impressions of Sofia.
2) Already impressed by Bulgarian street food, we decided to treat ourselves to a sit down meal to further sample Bulgarian cuisine. At Lubimoto we feasted on Chushki Burek (stuffed red peppers with feta cheese) and Bulgarian pork loin with potatoes, cheese and gravy. Both were delicious!
3) Wanting to indulge our taste buds further we visited the ever popular Made In Home restaurant where we sampled Rakia and goat cheese salad.
4) On our last day in Sofia we tried to cover parts of the city we didn't get to visit on previous days. Some of the highlights included checking out Alexander Nevsky Cathedral and witnessing more street performances. Those Bulgarian break dancers really do have all the moves!
This is part of our Travel in Bulgaria series. We're making a series of videos showcasing Bulgarian culture, Bulgarian arts, Bulgarian foods, Bulgarian religion and Bulgarian people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com , http://smilingfacestravelphotos.com , http://thatbackpacker.com & http://backpacking-travel-blog.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
- published: 28 Sep 2014
- views: 43
Bulgaria travel video
http://www.hotelskerezervacije.eu Bulgaria tourist attractions....
http://www.hotelskerezervacije.eu Bulgaria tourist attractions.
wn.com/Bulgaria Travel Video
http://www.hotelskerezervacije.eu Bulgaria tourist attractions.
Mountain Resort - Borovets Bulgaria Travel Guide,trip
Check also http://www.facebook.com/SimioniucAdrianIulianModel
Borovets is a cheap and popular resort situated in Sofia Province , Bulgaria at few KM from Sofia...
Check also http://www.facebook.com/SimioniucAdrianIulianModel
Borovets is a cheap and popular resort situated in Sofia Province , Bulgaria at few KM from Sofia international airport , during the summer due the lack of tourists only in weekend you can find some lifts opened . taking the gondola You can visit the 7 lakes and reach highest peak Musala (2925m). Many restaurants are open and the prices are very good ,
This video was presented by Simioniuc Adrian Iulian the music was produced by Intfix , http://youtu.be/yW1AEkE30Ec
wn.com/Mountain Resort Borovets Bulgaria Travel Guide,Trip
Check also http://www.facebook.com/SimioniucAdrianIulianModel
Borovets is a cheap and popular resort situated in Sofia Province , Bulgaria at few KM from Sofia international airport , during the summer due the lack of tourists only in weekend you can find some lifts opened . taking the gondola You can visit the 7 lakes and reach highest peak Musala (2925m). Many restaurants are open and the prices are very good ,
This video was presented by Simioniuc Adrian Iulian the music was produced by Intfix , http://youtu.be/yW1AEkE30Ec
- published: 23 Feb 2013
- views: 24752
Sunny Beach Bulgaria Travel Guide
Sunny Beach is the largest and most popular beach resort in Bulgaria. It is a Blue Flag winning resort, located in a picturesque and ecologically clean gulf on ...
Sunny Beach is the largest and most popular beach resort in Bulgaria. It is a Blue Flag winning resort, located in a picturesque and ecologically clean gulf on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, close to the town of Nesebar, the yacht port of St. Vlas resort and the international airport of Varna (30 km). Sunny Beach is situated along the widest beach strip. With its hundreds of bars and restaurants, multiple entertainment and shops and its developed infrastructure, the resort attracts thousands of tourists from around the world. The tourist season here lasts from May trough October.
wn.com/Sunny Beach Bulgaria Travel Guide
Sunny Beach is the largest and most popular beach resort in Bulgaria. It is a Blue Flag winning resort, located in a picturesque and ecologically clean gulf on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, close to the town of Nesebar, the yacht port of St. Vlas resort and the international airport of Varna (30 km). Sunny Beach is situated along the widest beach strip. With its hundreds of bars and restaurants, multiple entertainment and shops and its developed infrastructure, the resort attracts thousands of tourists from around the world. The tourist season here lasts from May trough October.
- published: 05 May 2015
- views: 37
Travel Guide to Sofia, Bulgaria
http://bestflights.co.za/europe/bulgaria/sofia - Visit for more information on Sofia, Bulgaria. Sofia is the capital of Bulgaria and the biggest city in the ......
http://bestflights.co.za/europe/bulgaria/sofia - Visit for more information on Sofia, Bulgaria. Sofia is the capital of Bulgaria and the biggest city in the ...
wn.com/Travel Guide To Sofia, Bulgaria
http://bestflights.co.za/europe/bulgaria/sofia - Visit for more information on Sofia, Bulgaria. Sofia is the capital of Bulgaria and the biggest city in the ...
Bulgarian Riviera Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
The Bulgarian coast is nowadays awakening from its long sleep. On its two greatest holiday areas, the Golden Sand and the Sunny Coast, several hundred new, high...
The Bulgarian coast is nowadays awakening from its long sleep. On its two greatest holiday areas, the Golden Sand and the Sunny Coast, several hundred new, high quality hotels were built, their malls, restaurants and night clubs are of European quality, while its beaches were awarded by the European Union’s blue flag. Varna is called the most beautiful city of the Black Sea. Recently, more than hundred of its historical buildings were renovated. The city is full of Museums and monuments, most important of all is the roman termas and the memorial park of the battle of Varna. The monument cities of Nesebar and Sozopol are giving us a unique sight with their half rock, half tree houses and byzantin temples. Balchik, Albena and Burgas are all protecting their memories of thrakian, greek, roman and byzantian times. The folksy restaurants are offering us the proper falvours of the Balkan peninsula. Along the roads old monasteries and ancient graves await those who are interested in history. The 378 long, sandy coast of the Black Sea is a paradise for yachting and watersports, where the beach life lasts from spring to autumn
wn.com/Bulgarian Riviera Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
The Bulgarian coast is nowadays awakening from its long sleep. On its two greatest holiday areas, the Golden Sand and the Sunny Coast, several hundred new, high quality hotels were built, their malls, restaurants and night clubs are of European quality, while its beaches were awarded by the European Union’s blue flag. Varna is called the most beautiful city of the Black Sea. Recently, more than hundred of its historical buildings were renovated. The city is full of Museums and monuments, most important of all is the roman termas and the memorial park of the battle of Varna. The monument cities of Nesebar and Sozopol are giving us a unique sight with their half rock, half tree houses and byzantin temples. Balchik, Albena and Burgas are all protecting their memories of thrakian, greek, roman and byzantian times. The folksy restaurants are offering us the proper falvours of the Balkan peninsula. Along the roads old monasteries and ancient graves await those who are interested in history. The 378 long, sandy coast of the Black Sea is a paradise for yachting and watersports, where the beach life lasts from spring to autumn
- published: 18 Mar 2015
- views: 11
Historic Nessebar, Nessebar (Bulgaria) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Historic Nessebar in Nessebar, Bulgaria - part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The wonders of Nessebar, ...
Take a tour of Historic Nessebar in Nessebar, Bulgaria - part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The wonders of Nessebar, in Bulgaria, quickly become apparent to anyone walking through the historical district.
In fact, this city is also frequently known as the pearl of the Black Sea for its wonder and beauty.
There are many landmarks from the city's long and rich history, such as the eleventh-century Church of John the Baptist.
Nessebar is over three thousand years old and has been ruled by the Thracians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Byzantines, and the Turks.
Each of these civilizations left some kind of mark here, whether it's a piece in a museum or a ruin in the city itself.
Rich in its past and in its beauty, Nessebar is a prime place to visit for anyone with an eye for history.
wn.com/Historic Nessebar, Nessebar (Bulgaria) Travel Guide
Take a tour of Historic Nessebar in Nessebar, Bulgaria - part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The wonders of Nessebar, in Bulgaria, quickly become apparent to anyone walking through the historical district.
In fact, this city is also frequently known as the pearl of the Black Sea for its wonder and beauty.
There are many landmarks from the city's long and rich history, such as the eleventh-century Church of John the Baptist.
Nessebar is over three thousand years old and has been ruled by the Thracians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Byzantines, and the Turks.
Each of these civilizations left some kind of mark here, whether it's a piece in a museum or a ruin in the city itself.
Rich in its past and in its beauty, Nessebar is a prime place to visit for anyone with an eye for history.
- published: 06 May 2011
- views: 4186
Sofia Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Sofia in Bulgaria.
Sofia, the ‘wise woman’, has since 1879 been the capital of the new Bulgaria and is a city whose roots date ba...
Travel video about destination Sofia in Bulgaria.
Sofia, the ‘wise woman’, has since 1879 been the capital of the new Bulgaria and is a city whose roots date back to the fifth century B.C. Once Thracians settled in the city followed by Romans, Goths, Huns and Ottomans. In the fourteenth century the city was named after its patron saint, the Goddess Of Wisdom. Today’s Sofia originated at the end of the nineteenth century. At that time the city’s appearance changed from one of Oriental, to European, when Neo-classical buildings and tall civic houses replaced the low-built Ottoman constructions as well as Communist building megalomania! Sofia is a popular city and knows how to captivate its visitors. Its historic city centre features the most splendid sacred building in the Balkan Peninsula of the twentieth century, the Aleksandâr Nevski Cathedral, a huge structure that dominates the highest point of the city. At the entrance to the president’s palace, the changing of the guards ceremony is a popular attraction. Dressed in red-white parade uniforms with lace jackets and feathered hats that date back to the nineteenth century, the soldiers goose-step a pre-determined route. The transformation of Sofia into a lively, cosmopolitan capital has succeeded well with history and tradition still very much in evidence. Young, modern and exciting with all the flair of the mystical Balkans!
wn.com/Sofia Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Sofia in Bulgaria.
Sofia, the ‘wise woman’, has since 1879 been the capital of the new Bulgaria and is a city whose roots date back to the fifth century B.C. Once Thracians settled in the city followed by Romans, Goths, Huns and Ottomans. In the fourteenth century the city was named after its patron saint, the Goddess Of Wisdom. Today’s Sofia originated at the end of the nineteenth century. At that time the city’s appearance changed from one of Oriental, to European, when Neo-classical buildings and tall civic houses replaced the low-built Ottoman constructions as well as Communist building megalomania! Sofia is a popular city and knows how to captivate its visitors. Its historic city centre features the most splendid sacred building in the Balkan Peninsula of the twentieth century, the Aleksandâr Nevski Cathedral, a huge structure that dominates the highest point of the city. At the entrance to the president’s palace, the changing of the guards ceremony is a popular attraction. Dressed in red-white parade uniforms with lace jackets and feathered hats that date back to the nineteenth century, the soldiers goose-step a pre-determined route. The transformation of Sofia into a lively, cosmopolitan capital has succeeded well with history and tradition still very much in evidence. Young, modern and exciting with all the flair of the mystical Balkans!
- published: 18 Apr 2014
- views: 13909
Sozopol Bulgaria, Photos HD travel guide
Sozopol is located on a scenic bay along the southern Bulgarian coast, about 35 km south of Burgas. Sozopol is one of the oldest Bulgarian coastal towns. There ...
Sozopol is located on a scenic bay along the southern Bulgarian coast, about 35 km south of Burgas. Sozopol is one of the oldest Bulgarian coastal towns. There are 2 beaches in the town of Sozopol: the Central beach and the Harmani beach, as well as a few excellent beaches and campgrounds close to Sozopol. The city is divided into the Old Town and the modern part of the town. The Old Town mainly offers romantic old houses for accommodation, whereas the modern part of the town is full of hotels of different categories and prices. The resort is famous for its night life, campsites and beaches that offer diverse sports activities such as jet skiing, surfing, beach volleyball, etc.
wn.com/Sozopol Bulgaria, Photos Hd Travel Guide
Sozopol is located on a scenic bay along the southern Bulgarian coast, about 35 km south of Burgas. Sozopol is one of the oldest Bulgarian coastal towns. There are 2 beaches in the town of Sozopol: the Central beach and the Harmani beach, as well as a few excellent beaches and campgrounds close to Sozopol. The city is divided into the Old Town and the modern part of the town. The Old Town mainly offers romantic old houses for accommodation, whereas the modern part of the town is full of hotels of different categories and prices. The resort is famous for its night life, campsites and beaches that offer diverse sports activities such as jet skiing, surfing, beach volleyball, etc.
- published: 05 May 2015
- views: 35
Sofia, Bulgaria Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by Stupeflix.com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com ! The Neo-Renaissance National Assembly of Bulgaria edifice in central Sofia. Sofia has been a centre of......
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com ! The Neo-Renaissance National Assembly of Bulgaria edifice in central Sofia. Sofia has been a centre of...
wn.com/Sofia, Bulgaria Wikipedia Travel Guide Video. Created By Stupeflix.Com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com ! The Neo-Renaissance National Assembly of Bulgaria edifice in central Sofia. Sofia has been a centre of...
Sofia Capital City of Bulgaria - Affordable City Travel Guide & Tips...
The Capital City of Bulgaria is Sofia. Filled with old history, monuments, and historic sites with beautiful sexy Bulgarian ladies throughout the city.
The Capital City of Bulgaria is Sofia. Filled with old history, monuments, and historic sites with beautiful sexy Bulgarian ladies throughout the city.
Discover the most popular and important sites to visit in Sofia and the history that has made this an ideal destination in the European union.
It's an affordable city since the Bulgarian economy affords more buying power for foreign travellers passing through the city on vacation or business travels.
We explore this fascinating destination on a $20 a day food budget. Visiting all the main important spots and attractions with a simple map. This is a shortened preview taken from the full feature documentary that can be seen at www.The-Traveller.info.
Part of the Traveller $20/day documentary series of European city tours.
wn.com/Sofia Capital City Of Bulgaria Affordable City Travel Guide Tips...
The Capital City of Bulgaria is Sofia. Filled with old history, monuments, and historic sites with beautiful sexy Bulgarian ladies throughout the city.
Discover the most popular and important sites to visit in Sofia and the history that has made this an ideal destination in the European union.
It's an affordable city since the Bulgarian economy affords more buying power for foreign travellers passing through the city on vacation or business travels.
We explore this fascinating destination on a $20 a day food budget. Visiting all the main important spots and attractions with a simple map. This is a shortened preview taken from the full feature documentary that can be seen at www.The-Traveller.info.
Part of the Traveller $20/day documentary series of European city tours.
- published: 06 Mar 2015
- views: 3
Sofia, Bulgaria: As We Travel Europe - Country #18
http://www.aswetravel.com - Sofia, Bulgaria. Europe Train Challenge: Country #18 - Hosted by Sofia von Porat & Nathan Schacherer....
http://www.aswetravel.com - Sofia, Bulgaria. Europe Train Challenge: Country #18 - Hosted by Sofia von Porat & Nathan Schacherer.
wn.com/Sofia, Bulgaria As We Travel Europe Country 18
http://www.aswetravel.com - Sofia, Bulgaria. Europe Train Challenge: Country #18 - Hosted by Sofia von Porat & Nathan Schacherer.
- published: 08 Aug 2011
- views: 41857
author: AsWeTravel
Bulgaria Countryside Travel Guide | RomaniaTourStore
Bulgaria Countryside - One day trip start from Bucharest, the capital of Romania, taking you to some of the most important historical site...
Bulgaria Countryside - One day trip start from Bucharest, the capital of Romania, taking you to some of the most important historical sites of northern Bulgaria. Passing through the old town of Ruse, we reach Basarabov Rock Monastery, one the oldest Christian settlements in Eastern Europe. Our next stop is the old capital of the Bulgarian Empire, Veliko Tarnovo with its 13th century fortress, rebuilt in the 20th century. High on the hills of Veliko Tarnovo is the beautiful Village Arbanassi, where we will visit a traditional Bulgarian house and the spiritual religious place, The Church of Nativity.
wn.com/Bulgaria Countryside Travel Guide | Romaniatourstore
Bulgaria Countryside - One day trip start from Bucharest, the capital of Romania, taking you to some of the most important historical sites of northern Bulgaria. Passing through the old town of Ruse, we reach Basarabov Rock Monastery, one the oldest Christian settlements in Eastern Europe. Our next stop is the old capital of the Bulgarian Empire, Veliko Tarnovo with its 13th century fortress, rebuilt in the 20th century. High on the hills of Veliko Tarnovo is the beautiful Village Arbanassi, where we will visit a traditional Bulgarian house and the spiritual religious place, The Church of Nativity.
- published: 20 Mar 2015
- views: 2
Travel guide - Nessebar Bulgaria seaside historical city
Check also my Facebook http://www.facebook.com/SimioniucAdrianIulianModel This video is about Nessebar Bulgaria , Here u can find a lot of Bizantin ruins and......
Check also my Facebook http://www.facebook.com/SimioniucAdrianIulianModel This video is about Nessebar Bulgaria , Here u can find a lot of Bizantin ruins and...
wn.com/Travel Guide Nessebar Bulgaria Seaside Historical City
Check also my Facebook http://www.facebook.com/SimioniucAdrianIulianModel This video is about Nessebar Bulgaria , Here u can find a lot of Bizantin ruins and...
Visit Burgas in the Bulgarian Riviera | Travel Guide | Travel Tips | Tourism Bulgaria
World Tube https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Bulgaria Travel Guide http://bit.ly/11miBJu Shepherd Entertainment gives you the history of Burgas in the ......
World Tube https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Bulgaria Travel Guide http://bit.ly/11miBJu Shepherd Entertainment gives you the history of Burgas in the ...
wn.com/Visit Burgas In The Bulgarian Riviera | Travel Guide | Travel Tips | Tourism Bulgaria
World Tube https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Bulgaria Travel Guide http://bit.ly/11miBJu Shepherd Entertainment gives you the history of Burgas in the ...
Sunny Beach, Bulgaria - Thomas Cook Guide
Sunny Beach, Bulgaria - Thomas Cook Guide http://www.thomascook.com/lp/1x6-en6ukl/holidays-bulgaria/ Thomas Cook offers unbeatable holiday deals on a wide se......
Sunny Beach, Bulgaria - Thomas Cook Guide http://www.thomascook.com/lp/1x6-en6ukl/holidays-bulgaria/ Thomas Cook offers unbeatable holiday deals on a wide se...
wn.com/Sunny Beach, Bulgaria Thomas Cook Guide
Sunny Beach, Bulgaria - Thomas Cook Guide http://www.thomascook.com/lp/1x6-en6ukl/holidays-bulgaria/ Thomas Cook offers unbeatable holiday deals on a wide se...
Visit Golden Sand in the Bulgarian Riviera | Travel Guide | Travel Tips | Tourism Bulgaria
World Tube https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Bulgaria Travel Guide http://bit.ly/11miBJu Go on a journey with Shepherd entertainment and discover the s......
World Tube https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Bulgaria Travel Guide http://bit.ly/11miBJu Go on a journey with Shepherd entertainment and discover the s...
wn.com/Visit Golden Sand In The Bulgarian Riviera | Travel Guide | Travel Tips | Tourism Bulgaria
World Tube https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Bulgaria Travel Guide http://bit.ly/11miBJu Go on a journey with Shepherd entertainment and discover the s...
Visit Nesebar in the Bulgarian Riviera | Travel Guide | Travel Tips | Tourism Bulgaria
World Tube https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Bulgaria Travel Guide http://bit.ly/11miBJu Go on a journey with Shepherd entertainment and discover the s......
World Tube https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Bulgaria Travel Guide http://bit.ly/11miBJu Go on a journey with Shepherd entertainment and discover the s...
wn.com/Visit Nesebar In The Bulgarian Riviera | Travel Guide | Travel Tips | Tourism Bulgaria
World Tube https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Bulgaria Travel Guide http://bit.ly/11miBJu Go on a journey with Shepherd entertainment and discover the s...
bulgaria travel guide
bulgaria travel guide...
bulgaria travel guide
wn.com/Bulgaria Travel Guide
bulgaria travel guide
- published: 11 Sep 2008
- views: 1233
Visit Aladzha Monastery in the Bulgarian Riviera | Travel Guide | Travel Tips | Tourism Bulgaria
World Tube https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Bulgaria Travel Guide http://bit.ly/11miBJu Shepherd Entertainment gives you the history of Aladzha Monast......
World Tube https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Bulgaria Travel Guide http://bit.ly/11miBJu Shepherd Entertainment gives you the history of Aladzha Monast...
wn.com/Visit Aladzha Monastery In The Bulgarian Riviera | Travel Guide | Travel Tips | Tourism Bulgaria
World Tube https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Bulgaria Travel Guide http://bit.ly/11miBJu Shepherd Entertainment gives you the history of Aladzha Monast...
Bulgaria: NATO training camp conducts multinational military drills
The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) conducted multinational military drills at the Novo Selo Training area in central Bulgaria, Friday. The training excercises marked the final stages of the Platinum Lion 16-1 security cooperation which involves U.S. Marine Corps training alongside partner nations from the Black Sea, Balkan and Caucasus regions.
Video ID: 20151106-065
Video on Demand:
Marines Live Fire Ops • Novo Selo Training Area Bulgaria
U.S. Marines conduct live-fire training exercises at the Novo Selo Training Area in Bulgaria on January 7-8, 2015. The operations were held to increase military .
Marines Live Fire Ops • Novo Selo Training Area Bulgaria U.S. Marines conduct live-fire training exercises at the Novo Selo Training Area in Bulgaria on .
U.S. Marines conduct live-fire training exercises at the Novo Selo Training Area
Shabla Live Military Firings Bulgarian Air Force
This is a fan video for the 2015 Live Military Firings at Shabla, Bulgaria.
In the video you can see a soviet pride technology like MiG-29, SU-25, S-300, 9K33 "Osa" and 2K12 "Kub".
U.S. 173rd Paratroopers Conduct Live Fire Exercise in Bulgaria, Part 1
U.S. Army paratroopers assigned to 1st Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment, 173rd Airborne Brigade. conduct live fire exercises in Bulgaria
NATO 100% PowerON exercise (Night time | Swift Response 15 in Bulgaria)
A combined force of paratroopers from the Bulgarian 68th Special Forces Brigade, the Italian Army's Folgore Regiment and the U.S. Army's 173rd Airborne Brigade and 82nd Airborne Division conduct a parachute assault, sling-load and raid in Bulgaria, to start Exercise Swift Response 15. Swift Response is a large-scale airborne exercise involving 4500 troops from
Italian Paratroopers Link Up with U.S. Allies in Bulgaria | Military Name
A combined force of paratroopers from the Bulgarian 68th Special Forces Brigade, the Italian Army's Folgore Regiment and the U.S. Army's 173rd Airborne ... | Military Name
U.S. and Italian Paratroopers in Bulgaria | Military Name
A combined force of paratroopers from the Bulgarian 68th Special Forces Brigade, the Italian Army's Folgore Regiment and the U.S. Army's 173rd Airborne ... | Military Name
Bulgaria: Bulgarian army conducts 'Shabla 2015' drills with Slovakian forces
Bulgarian army vehicles and troops participated in the final stage of the 'Shabla 2015' military exercises at a Bulgarian Air Force base near Shabla, Thursday, alongside troops from Slovakia.
Video ID: 20150827-077
Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
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LiveLeak: http://www.liveleak.com/c/Ruptly
Bulgaria to stage military drills near Macedonian border amid worsening refugee crisis
Bulgaria will stage military drills near the Macedonian border as a “preventative” measure, the nation's defense ministry says. It comes as the country's neighbors face an influx of migrants trying to make their way to the EU's borderless Schengen zone.
"The situation in the neighboring states of Macedonia, Greece and Serbia is quite complicated and we have to react preventively," Defense Ministry
Operating an Anti-Aircraft Artillery at the Military Museum
This video shows a friend of mine operating (changing the angle of the turret) an Anti-Aircraft Artillery in the National Museum of Military History in Bulgaria.
Note: We were given permission to touch the objects on display.
For official purposes, this video were taken at The National Museum of Military History in Sofia, Bulgaria, and ARE NOT intended for commercial or malicious use. I am the
Bulgaria hosts air force exercise
1. Entrance to hotel with military personnel going in for opening of Cooperative Key 2003
2. Bulgarian and EU flag
3. Soldiers marching into room with flags of participating countries
4. Officials walk in
5. Pan of room
6. Various of military personnel
7. Row of flags
8. Country representatives stepping forward
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Buster Ellis, Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations, A
Bulgaria: US-Bulgarian joint para drills underway near Plovdiv
Around 120 paratroopers jumped from the skies above Krumovo airbase near Plovdiv, Thursday, as part of the joint Bulgarian-US military drills dubbed 'Thracian Summer 2015.'
Troops can be seen jumping from a Lockheed Martin C-130J Super Hercules aircraft before landing back on the airbase's grounds. Soldiers also participated in drills using the Eurocopter Cougar helicopter, including rushing an
Bulgaria: NATO conduct military drills in Black Sea
Bulgaria led NATO military drills, dubbed 'Breeze 2015, in the Black Sea off the coast of Varna, Friday, orchestrating some 30 ships and 1700 military personnel from various members of the military alliance.
Video ID: 20150710-087
Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
Contact: cd@ruptly.tv
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Ruptly
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ruptly
LiveLeak: http://www.liveleak.
Military exercise in Bulgaria
Bulgaria: Bulgarian President criticises Russia during joint military drills with the US
Novo Selo training area in Central Bulgaria hosted the final round of the latest Bulgarian-American military drills, on Thursday. Observing the manoeuvres was Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev, who took the opportunity to criticise media access to Russian military drills, asking journalists "have you ever seen a Russian drill?"
Video ID: 20150625-064
Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
Marines Train In Bulgaria • Live Fire
Armed Forces Channel HD
Military Videos
U S Marines Training Exercises in Bulgaria
Ukraine Crisis_ US, Bulgaria to Hold Balkans Military Drills.mp4
Breaking News - Ukraine Crisis: US, Bulgaria to Hold Balkans Military Drills
Book of Revelation 14:9-12
9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels
Bulgaria: NATO training camp conducts multinational military drills
The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) conducted multinational military drills at the Novo Selo Training area in central Bulgaria, Friday. The training e...
The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) conducted multinational military drills at the Novo Selo Training area in central Bulgaria, Friday. The training excercises marked the final stages of the Platinum Lion 16-1 security cooperation which involves U.S. Marine Corps training alongside partner nations from the Black Sea, Balkan and Caucasus regions.
Video ID: 20151106-065
Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
Contact: cd@ruptly.tv
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DailyMotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/ruptly
wn.com/Bulgaria Nato Training Camp Conducts Multinational Military Drills
The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) conducted multinational military drills at the Novo Selo Training area in central Bulgaria, Friday. The training excercises marked the final stages of the Platinum Lion 16-1 security cooperation which involves U.S. Marine Corps training alongside partner nations from the Black Sea, Balkan and Caucasus regions.
Video ID: 20151106-065
Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
Contact: cd@ruptly.tv
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Ruptly
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ruptly
LiveLeak: http://www.liveleak.com/c/Ruptly
Vine: https://vine.co/Ruptly
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/Ruptly
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/RuptlyTV
DailyMotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/ruptly
- published: 06 Nov 2015
- views: 303
Marines Live Fire Ops • Novo Selo Training Area Bulgaria
U.S. Marines conduct live-fire training exercises at the Novo Selo Training Area in Bulgaria on January 7-8, 2015. The operations were held to increase military...
U.S. Marines conduct live-fire training exercises at the Novo Selo Training Area in Bulgaria on January 7-8, 2015. The operations were held to increase military .
Marines Live Fire Ops • Novo Selo Training Area Bulgaria U.S. Marines conduct live-fire training exercises at the Novo Selo Training Area in Bulgaria on .
U.S. Marines conduct live-fire training exercises at the Novo Selo Training Area in Bulgaria on January 7-8, 2015. The operations were held to increase military .
U.S. Marines conduct live-fire training exercises at the Novo Selo Training Area in Bulgaria on January 7-8, 2015. The operations were held to increase military .
wn.com/Marines Live Fire Ops • Novo Selo Training Area Bulgaria
U.S. Marines conduct live-fire training exercises at the Novo Selo Training Area in Bulgaria on January 7-8, 2015. The operations were held to increase military .
Marines Live Fire Ops • Novo Selo Training Area Bulgaria U.S. Marines conduct live-fire training exercises at the Novo Selo Training Area in Bulgaria on .
U.S. Marines conduct live-fire training exercises at the Novo Selo Training Area in Bulgaria on January 7-8, 2015. The operations were held to increase military .
U.S. Marines conduct live-fire training exercises at the Novo Selo Training Area in Bulgaria on January 7-8, 2015. The operations were held to increase military .
- published: 04 Oct 2015
- views: 1
Shabla Live Military Firings Bulgarian Air Force
This is a fan video for the 2015 Live Military Firings at Shabla, Bulgaria.
In the video you can see a soviet pride technology like MiG-29, SU-25, S-300, 9K33 ...
This is a fan video for the 2015 Live Military Firings at Shabla, Bulgaria.
In the video you can see a soviet pride technology like MiG-29, SU-25, S-300, 9K33 "Osa" and 2K12 "Kub".
wn.com/Shabla Live Military Firings Bulgarian Air Force
This is a fan video for the 2015 Live Military Firings at Shabla, Bulgaria.
In the video you can see a soviet pride technology like MiG-29, SU-25, S-300, 9K33 "Osa" and 2K12 "Kub".
- published: 20 Sep 2015
- views: 1
U.S. 173rd Paratroopers Conduct Live Fire Exercise in Bulgaria, Part 1
U.S. Army paratroopers assigned to 1st Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment, 173rd Airborne Brigade. conduct live fire exercises in Bulgaria...
U.S. Army paratroopers assigned to 1st Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment, 173rd Airborne Brigade. conduct live fire exercises in Bulgaria
wn.com/U.S. 173Rd Paratroopers Conduct Live Fire Exercise In Bulgaria, Part 1
U.S. Army paratroopers assigned to 1st Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment, 173rd Airborne Brigade. conduct live fire exercises in Bulgaria
- published: 03 Sep 2015
- views: 0
NATO 100% PowerON exercise (Night time | Swift Response 15 in Bulgaria)
A combined force of paratroopers from the Bulgarian 68th Special Forces Brigade, the Italian Army's Folgore Regiment and t...
A combined force of paratroopers from the Bulgarian 68th Special Forces Brigade, the Italian Army's Folgore Regiment and the U.S. Army's 173rd Airborne Brigade and 82nd Airborne Division conduct a parachute assault, sling-load and raid in Bulgaria, to start Exercise Swift Response 15. Swift Response is a large-scale airborne exercise involving 4500 troops from 11 NATO nations. Produced by Sgt. Summer Woode. Includes soundbites from Col.
Yavor Mateev, chief of Joint Facilities Department, Bulgarian Ministry of Defense, and Chief Warrant Officer 3 Bobby Sattazahn, tactical operations officer, 173rd Airborne Brigade, from Manheim, Pa.
***NOTICE: The purpose of this video is documentary and historical in nature - to serve as a historical and educational record, documenting the many aspects of the military and the lives of active duty Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines, as well as veterans from all branches of the United States Military and military forces across the world. Thank you for visiting 100% PowerON!
Check out NATO Exercises 2015 VIDEO PLAYLISTS for more! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeFguAR9VoFeBxmgwTBFDP60aWghAmi-s
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wn.com/Nato 100 Poweron Exercise (Night Time | Swift Response 15 In Bulgaria)
A combined force of paratroopers from the Bulgarian 68th Special Forces Brigade, the Italian Army's Folgore Regiment and the U.S. Army's 173rd Airborne Brigade and 82nd Airborne Division conduct a parachute assault, sling-load and raid in Bulgaria, to start Exercise Swift Response 15. Swift Response is a large-scale airborne exercise involving 4500 troops from 11 NATO nations. Produced by Sgt. Summer Woode. Includes soundbites from Col.
Yavor Mateev, chief of Joint Facilities Department, Bulgarian Ministry of Defense, and Chief Warrant Officer 3 Bobby Sattazahn, tactical operations officer, 173rd Airborne Brigade, from Manheim, Pa.
***NOTICE: The purpose of this video is documentary and historical in nature - to serve as a historical and educational record, documenting the many aspects of the military and the lives of active duty Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines, as well as veterans from all branches of the United States Military and military forces across the world. Thank you for visiting 100% PowerON!
Check out NATO Exercises 2015 VIDEO PLAYLISTS for more! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeFguAR9VoFeBxmgwTBFDP60aWghAmi-s
Please leave ♥ LIKE ♥ and Share this video. Click avatar to SUBSCRIBE 4 more updates.
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- published: 30 Aug 2015
- views: 32
Italian Paratroopers Link Up with U.S. Allies in Bulgaria | Military Name
A combined force of paratroopers from the Bulgarian 68th Special Forces Brigade, the Italian Army's Folgore Regiment and the U.S. Army's 173rd Airborne ... | Mi...
A combined force of paratroopers from the Bulgarian 68th Special Forces Brigade, the Italian Army's Folgore Regiment and the U.S. Army's 173rd Airborne ... | Military Name
wn.com/Italian Paratroopers Link Up With U.S. Allies In Bulgaria | Military Name
A combined force of paratroopers from the Bulgarian 68th Special Forces Brigade, the Italian Army's Folgore Regiment and the U.S. Army's 173rd Airborne ... | Military Name
- published: 29 Aug 2015
- views: 2
U.S. and Italian Paratroopers in Bulgaria | Military Name
A combined force of paratroopers from the Bulgarian 68th Special Forces Brigade, the Italian Army's Folgore Regiment and the U.S. Army's 173rd Airborne ... | Mi...
A combined force of paratroopers from the Bulgarian 68th Special Forces Brigade, the Italian Army's Folgore Regiment and the U.S. Army's 173rd Airborne ... | Military Name
wn.com/U.S. And Italian Paratroopers In Bulgaria | Military Name
A combined force of paratroopers from the Bulgarian 68th Special Forces Brigade, the Italian Army's Folgore Regiment and the U.S. Army's 173rd Airborne ... | Military Name
- published: 29 Aug 2015
- views: 0
Bulgaria: Bulgarian army conducts 'Shabla 2015' drills with Slovakian forces
Bulgarian army vehicles and troops participated in the final stage of the 'Shabla 2015' military exercises at a Bulgarian Air Force base near Shabla, Thursday, ...
Bulgarian army vehicles and troops participated in the final stage of the 'Shabla 2015' military exercises at a Bulgarian Air Force base near Shabla, Thursday, alongside troops from Slovakia.
Video ID: 20150827-077
Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
Contact: cd@ruptly.tv
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YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/RuptlyTV
DailyMotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/ruptly
wn.com/Bulgaria Bulgarian Army Conducts 'Shabla 2015' Drills With Slovakian Forces
Bulgarian army vehicles and troops participated in the final stage of the 'Shabla 2015' military exercises at a Bulgarian Air Force base near Shabla, Thursday, alongside troops from Slovakia.
Video ID: 20150827-077
Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
Contact: cd@ruptly.tv
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Ruptly
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YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/RuptlyTV
DailyMotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/ruptly
- published: 27 Aug 2015
- views: 223
Bulgaria to stage military drills near Macedonian border amid worsening refugee crisis
Bulgaria will stage military drills near the Macedonian border as a “preventative” measure, the nation's defense ministry says. It comes as the country's neighb...
Bulgaria will stage military drills near the Macedonian border as a “preventative” measure, the nation's defense ministry says. It comes as the country's neighbors face an influx of migrants trying to make their way to the EU's borderless Schengen zone.
"The situation in the neighboring states of Macedonia, Greece and Serbia is quite complicated and we have to react preventively," Defense Ministry chief of staff Valeria Kardashevska told Reuters.
She added that Bulgaria has “already sent 25 troops and the relevant equipment and we are ready to increase the number of troops if necessary,” and that the ministry is “in constant contact with the border police.”
Karashevska stressed that the drills are “preventative” in nature, and that the troops will be there to support border police if needed.
Meanwhile, the Interior Ministry said that border police helicopters have been conducting flights above the Bulgarian-Macedonian border and sections of the border with Greece.
It comes as Bulgaria’s neighbors – primarily Greece, Macedonia, Serbia and Hungary – face an influx of refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and other Middle Eastern states. The goal for many of the refugees is to reach Hungary, where they can the European Union's borderless Schengen zone.
Bulgaria has also been facing its own surge in refugees crossing from Turkey, with 25,000 people applying for asylum in the past two years, according to official data. In response, the country has strengthened its border police, installed cameras and motion censors, and is extending a security fence that will cover 160 km of its border with Turkey.
Source: http://www.rt.com/news/313376-bulgaria-military-migrant-crisis/
wn.com/Bulgaria To Stage Military Drills Near Macedonian Border Amid Worsening Refugee Crisis
Bulgaria will stage military drills near the Macedonian border as a “preventative” measure, the nation's defense ministry says. It comes as the country's neighbors face an influx of migrants trying to make their way to the EU's borderless Schengen zone.
"The situation in the neighboring states of Macedonia, Greece and Serbia is quite complicated and we have to react preventively," Defense Ministry chief of staff Valeria Kardashevska told Reuters.
She added that Bulgaria has “already sent 25 troops and the relevant equipment and we are ready to increase the number of troops if necessary,” and that the ministry is “in constant contact with the border police.”
Karashevska stressed that the drills are “preventative” in nature, and that the troops will be there to support border police if needed.
Meanwhile, the Interior Ministry said that border police helicopters have been conducting flights above the Bulgarian-Macedonian border and sections of the border with Greece.
It comes as Bulgaria’s neighbors – primarily Greece, Macedonia, Serbia and Hungary – face an influx of refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and other Middle Eastern states. The goal for many of the refugees is to reach Hungary, where they can the European Union's borderless Schengen zone.
Bulgaria has also been facing its own surge in refugees crossing from Turkey, with 25,000 people applying for asylum in the past two years, according to official data. In response, the country has strengthened its border police, installed cameras and motion censors, and is extending a security fence that will cover 160 km of its border with Turkey.
Source: http://www.rt.com/news/313376-bulgaria-military-migrant-crisis/
- published: 25 Aug 2015
- views: 22
Operating an Anti-Aircraft Artillery at the Military Museum
This video shows a friend of mine operating (changing the angle of the turret) an Anti-Aircraft Artillery in the National Museum of Military History in Bulgaria...
This video shows a friend of mine operating (changing the angle of the turret) an Anti-Aircraft Artillery in the National Museum of Military History in Bulgaria.
Note: We were given permission to touch the objects on display.
For official purposes, this video were taken at The National Museum of Military History in Sofia, Bulgaria, and ARE NOT intended for commercial or malicious use. I am the creator as well as the owner of this video.
wn.com/Operating An Anti Aircraft Artillery At The Military Museum
This video shows a friend of mine operating (changing the angle of the turret) an Anti-Aircraft Artillery in the National Museum of Military History in Bulgaria.
Note: We were given permission to touch the objects on display.
For official purposes, this video were taken at The National Museum of Military History in Sofia, Bulgaria, and ARE NOT intended for commercial or malicious use. I am the creator as well as the owner of this video.
- published: 23 Aug 2015
- views: 1
Bulgaria hosts air force exercise
1. Entrance to hotel with military personnel going in for opening of Cooperative Key 2003
2. Bulgarian and EU flag
3. Soldiers marching into room with flags o...
1. Entrance to hotel with military personnel going in for opening of Cooperative Key 2003
2. Bulgarian and EU flag
3. Soldiers marching into room with flags of participating countries
4. Officials walk in
5. Pan of room
6. Various of military personnel
7. Row of flags
8. Country representatives stepping forward
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Buster Ellis, Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations, Air South NATO:
"My desire is that at the end of Cooperative Key 2003 we can all say we had a wonderful time personally."
10. Photographer
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Buster Ellis, Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations, Air South NATO:
"The purpose of the exercise is to build teamwork, to work together, to bring several NATO countries and several future NATO countries as well as some partnership for peace countries together to learn each other's capability, for people literally to meet and get to know each other, and for us to practice what could easily be a real world scenario, a real world opportunity for us to do a military action or a military effort together."
12. Close up Cooperative Key badge
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Lieutenant Colonel Zanis Liepins, Latvian operation chief:
"For our personnel it's a most important thing, it's to working in cooperation with other countries and the experience which we can get from such exercises is very very helpful for our personnel."
14. Various shots of ceremony
15. SOUNDBITE (English) Colonel Nedelcho Minchev, DI Staff Coordinator of Cooperative Key 2003:
"(The) Main difference in my opinion is that for the first time NATO allows participants from the partner nations to take active part in the command and control structure of the exercise."
16. Pan of ceremony
An international air force exercise organised under the allied Partnership for Peace programme was officially got underway in Bulgaria on Tuesday.
An opening ceremony was held in the city of Plovdiv, 160 kilometres (100 miles) southeast of Sofia with representatives from the participating countries.
Cooperative Key 2003 will include NATO units from the US, Greece, Canada, Poland, Turkey, Hungary, France and the Netherlands.
Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia, which are to join NATO next year, were also represented.
Pilots from Russia, Azerbaijan, Macedonia, Moldova, Croatia, Sweden and Switzerland will also take part.
A total of 70 aircraft and more than 2,000 soldiers will be involved in the two-week exercise.
A three-day training phase starts on Wednesday, before action begins in earnest next week.
It will take place at the Krumovo and Graf Ignatievo air bases, close to Plovdiv, and at the army practice ground of Koren, some 300 kilometres (186 miles) southeast of Sofia.
The exercises will include civilian-oriented operations such as reacting to earthquakes and refugee crises.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/2f3f27eab7164fc4289f60707c784c82
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/Bulgaria Hosts Air Force Exercise
1. Entrance to hotel with military personnel going in for opening of Cooperative Key 2003
2. Bulgarian and EU flag
3. Soldiers marching into room with flags of participating countries
4. Officials walk in
5. Pan of room
6. Various of military personnel
7. Row of flags
8. Country representatives stepping forward
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Buster Ellis, Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations, Air South NATO:
"My desire is that at the end of Cooperative Key 2003 we can all say we had a wonderful time personally."
10. Photographer
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Buster Ellis, Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations, Air South NATO:
"The purpose of the exercise is to build teamwork, to work together, to bring several NATO countries and several future NATO countries as well as some partnership for peace countries together to learn each other's capability, for people literally to meet and get to know each other, and for us to practice what could easily be a real world scenario, a real world opportunity for us to do a military action or a military effort together."
12. Close up Cooperative Key badge
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Lieutenant Colonel Zanis Liepins, Latvian operation chief:
"For our personnel it's a most important thing, it's to working in cooperation with other countries and the experience which we can get from such exercises is very very helpful for our personnel."
14. Various shots of ceremony
15. SOUNDBITE (English) Colonel Nedelcho Minchev, DI Staff Coordinator of Cooperative Key 2003:
"(The) Main difference in my opinion is that for the first time NATO allows participants from the partner nations to take active part in the command and control structure of the exercise."
16. Pan of ceremony
An international air force exercise organised under the allied Partnership for Peace programme was officially got underway in Bulgaria on Tuesday.
An opening ceremony was held in the city of Plovdiv, 160 kilometres (100 miles) southeast of Sofia with representatives from the participating countries.
Cooperative Key 2003 will include NATO units from the US, Greece, Canada, Poland, Turkey, Hungary, France and the Netherlands.
Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia, which are to join NATO next year, were also represented.
Pilots from Russia, Azerbaijan, Macedonia, Moldova, Croatia, Sweden and Switzerland will also take part.
A total of 70 aircraft and more than 2,000 soldiers will be involved in the two-week exercise.
A three-day training phase starts on Wednesday, before action begins in earnest next week.
It will take place at the Krumovo and Graf Ignatievo air bases, close to Plovdiv, and at the army practice ground of Koren, some 300 kilometres (186 miles) southeast of Sofia.
The exercises will include civilian-oriented operations such as reacting to earthquakes and refugee crises.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/2f3f27eab7164fc4289f60707c784c82
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 0
Bulgaria: US-Bulgarian joint para drills underway near Plovdiv
Around 120 paratroopers jumped from the skies above Krumovo airbase near Plovdiv, Thursday, as part of the joint Bulgarian-US military drills dubbed 'Thracian S...
Around 120 paratroopers jumped from the skies above Krumovo airbase near Plovdiv, Thursday, as part of the joint Bulgarian-US military drills dubbed 'Thracian Summer 2015.'
Troops can be seen jumping from a Lockheed Martin C-130J Super Hercules aircraft before landing back on the airbase's grounds. Soldiers also participated in drills using the Eurocopter Cougar helicopter, including rushing an 'injured' serviceman on board and flying for periods with paratroopers holding on to a rope.
Video ID: 20150716-069
Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
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YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/RuptlyTV
DailyMotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/ruptly
wn.com/Bulgaria US Bulgarian Joint Para Drills Underway Near Plovdiv
Around 120 paratroopers jumped from the skies above Krumovo airbase near Plovdiv, Thursday, as part of the joint Bulgarian-US military drills dubbed 'Thracian Summer 2015.'
Troops can be seen jumping from a Lockheed Martin C-130J Super Hercules aircraft before landing back on the airbase's grounds. Soldiers also participated in drills using the Eurocopter Cougar helicopter, including rushing an 'injured' serviceman on board and flying for periods with paratroopers holding on to a rope.
Video ID: 20150716-069
Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
Contact: cd@ruptly.tv
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Ruptly
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ruptly
LiveLeak: http://www.liveleak.com/c/Ruptly
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YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/RuptlyTV
DailyMotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/ruptly
- published: 16 Jul 2015
- views: 136
Bulgaria: NATO conduct military drills in Black Sea
Bulgaria led NATO military drills, dubbed 'Breeze 2015, in the Black Sea off the coast of Varna, Friday, orchestrating some 30 ships and 1700 military personnel...
Bulgaria led NATO military drills, dubbed 'Breeze 2015, in the Black Sea off the coast of Varna, Friday, orchestrating some 30 ships and 1700 military personnel from various members of the military alliance.
Video ID: 20150710-087
Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
Contact: cd@ruptly.tv
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Ruptly
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LiveLeak: http://www.liveleak.com/c/Ruptly
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YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/RuptlyTV
DailyMotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/ruptly
wn.com/Bulgaria Nato Conduct Military Drills In Black Sea
Bulgaria led NATO military drills, dubbed 'Breeze 2015, in the Black Sea off the coast of Varna, Friday, orchestrating some 30 ships and 1700 military personnel from various members of the military alliance.
Video ID: 20150710-087
Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
Contact: cd@ruptly.tv
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Ruptly
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ruptly
LiveLeak: http://www.liveleak.com/c/Ruptly
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YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/RuptlyTV
DailyMotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/ruptly
- published: 10 Jul 2015
- views: 145
Bulgaria: Bulgarian President criticises Russia during joint military drills with the US
Novo Selo training area in Central Bulgaria hosted the final round of the latest Bulgarian-American military drills, on Thursday. Observing the manoeuvres was B...
Novo Selo training area in Central Bulgaria hosted the final round of the latest Bulgarian-American military drills, on Thursday. Observing the manoeuvres was Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev, who took the opportunity to criticise media access to Russian military drills, asking journalists "have you ever seen a Russian drill?"
Video ID: 20150625-064
Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
Contact: cd@ruptly.tv
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Ruptly
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YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/RuptlyTV
DailyMotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/ruptly
wn.com/Bulgaria Bulgarian President Criticises Russia During Joint Military Drills With The US
Novo Selo training area in Central Bulgaria hosted the final round of the latest Bulgarian-American military drills, on Thursday. Observing the manoeuvres was Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev, who took the opportunity to criticise media access to Russian military drills, asking journalists "have you ever seen a Russian drill?"
Video ID: 20150625-064
Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
Contact: cd@ruptly.tv
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Ruptly
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ruptly
LiveLeak: http://www.liveleak.com/c/Ruptly
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YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/RuptlyTV
DailyMotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/ruptly
- published: 25 Jun 2015
- views: 327
Marines Train In Bulgaria • Live Fire
Armed Forces Channel HD
Military Videos...
Armed Forces Channel HD
Military Videos
wn.com/Marines Train In Bulgaria • Live Fire
Armed Forces Channel HD
Military Videos
- published: 01 May 2015
- views: 1
Breaking News - Ukraine Crisis: US, Bulgaria to Hold Balkans Military Drills
Book of Revelation 14:9-12
9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in h...
Book of Revelation 14:9-12
9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
wn.com/Breaking News Ukraine Crisis Us, Bulgaria To Hold Balkans Military Drills
Book of Revelation 14:9-12
9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
- published: 16 Mar 2015
- views: 2
Makarov 9x18 ( Russian Military Model)
Shooting and showing a classic Makarov 9X18 pistol. This particular pistol was made in Russia (1976) and imported through Bulgaria.
The Viper's Nest (Milsim Airsoft Game in Bulgaria 13-14/09/14)
Milsim Airsoft game hosted by T.V.U. Bulgaria in an abandoned military AA base, near Bosnek, Bulgaria.
Map of the AO : (http://tvu-bulgaria.eu/pub/img/Op_Viper_Map_MGRS_AOCrop.jpg)
Site of the operation : (http://tvu-bulgaria.eu/game/viper/page/story/?lang=en)
Umarex HK416D : 420 fps @ 0.2g bb with 11.1v 1600mah 20c LiPo Firefox (0.28g Guarder)
WE M&P9; : 300 fps @ 0.2g bb with Ultrair Green gas (
Supreme Ruler 2020 - Bulgarian Republic - Part 1
Lets see what we can do with the small country of Bulgaria! In the first episode we see lots of action from a war mongering Serbia, but Serbian troops arent ...
Supreme Ruler 2020 - Bulgarian Republic - Part 3
Bulgaria takes its military into a weak Paris and Marseille, but can paris and marseille pull off a come back against a small Bulgarian military?
Supreme Ruler 2020 - Bulgarian Republic - Part 13
Bulgaria makes advances in North America and begins to build a military there. Meanwhile in Europe the Bulgarians fight a heavy war with Moscow.
Supreme Ruler 2020 - Bulgarian Republic - Part 17
Bulgaria goes to war with Iran and heavy fighting insues, Iran weighed down by a smaller military with less equipment and the Bulgarians by supply and fuel s...
Supreme Ruler 2020 - Bulgarian Republic - Part 18
Bulgaria and its military continue to devestate the Iranian capital, but the Iranians artillery refuses to back down. The Bulgarians decide to attack from a ...
US - Russia - Bulgaria Relations with Prof. Peter-Emil Mitev
Interview with prof. Peter-Emil Mitev. Military Television Channel Bulgaria. NATO - Pavel Donev.
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (Mission 10) - Part 11 (Bio Lab / Bulgarian Forest / Tank)
I wanted to test out the new 60fps aspect that YouTube has put into place, and what better genre to do that than an first person shooter?
Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare, developed by Sledgehammer Games (co-developers of Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® 3), harnesses the first three-year, all next-gen development cycle in franchise history. Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare envisions a powerful futur
Kiril Laskarov - Sofia (Bulgaria) LIVE
Central Military Club
2014 July Breaking News Ukraine Crisis Locals get angry with pro-Russia separatists
2014 July Breaking News Ukraine Crisis Locals get angry with pro-Russia separatists http://news.yahoo.com/locals-angry-pro-russia-separatists-114134341.html ...
HITLER was NOT a military incompetent
I decided to do an extemporaneous video just to have some more content here. This video is about Hitler making good military decisions against the wrong advi...
Държавата на духа 2001 документален филм / State of mind 2001 documentary
Aкадемик Дмитрий Лихачов е един от малкото руски учени, добри познавачи на средновековната българска история и култура, които не са подвластни на политиката....
The Tree of Life S01E01- English subtitles/ Дървото на Живота- Сезон 1 ,Епизод 1-Английски субтитри
The Tree of Life tells the story of the Valchevis, a wealthy Bulgarian family living in the modern city of Vidin, just after the Declaration of Independence of Bulgaria in 1908.
The parents in the saga are Asen and Petruna. Asen Velchev, the father, is now an elderly man but is still seen as the head of the family. He is a patriot deeply involved in the struggle for liberation, a citizen respecte
USA gives tit for tat against Russia in military drills 美俄軍演互不相讓 各顯快反部隊
Russia’s relations with the West have sunk to the lowest level since the end of Cold War, since Russia’s annexation of the Crimean peninsula in 2014 and Moscow's involvement in continuous armed conflict in eastern Ukraine, in which it is providing support for separatist rebels who are fighting Kyiv government forces.
Last month, Russia held war games that exacerbated even further its ties with N
Supreme Ruler 2020 - Bulgarian Republic - Part 21 - Battle of Damascus
Bulgarian forces have eliminated most of Saudi Arabias forward units and have turned there attention towards the Syrian front that continues to be a problem,...
Civilization 5 [Civ 5] Best Mods AI Only Battle - Part 6 [Brave New World]
Let's play/let's watch Civilization 5 [Civ 5] Brave New World AI Only Battle with the best Steam mods! [Gameplay]
AI ONLY WORLD ►https://youtu.be/beiN3vWN62E
Twitch ► http://www.twitch.tv/bastartgaming
Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/BAStartGaming
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/bastartgaming
*YouTube Description now have a length limit so I was only able to include Unique Abilities! Feel fre
Civilization 5 [Civ 5] Best Mods AI Only Battle - Part 9 [Brave New World]
Let's play/let's watch Civilization 5 [Civ 5] Brave New World AI Only Battle with the best Steam mods! [Gameplay]
AI ONLY WORLD ►https://youtu.be/beiN3vWN62E
Twitch ► http://www.twitch.tv/bastartgaming
Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/BAStartGaming
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/bastartgaming
*YouTube Description now have a length limit so I was only able to include Unique Abilities! Feel fre
We're live reviewing the chatter and the markets durring the 2015 Crash - WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT - BECOME A NEXT NEWS PATRON! Just 5 bucks a month is all we're asking:
CHINA | The Washington Times headline today: US NAVY ON ALERT - because of the largest ever joint naval exercise conducted by China and Russia. I’ve been covering the movement of the
nato 2006
Military Television Channel - Bulgaria. Host - Pavel Donev. Turkey Pavel Donev.
nato 2007
Military Television Channel - Bulgaria, Host: Pavel Donev Pavel Donev.
Vera Boneva - Permanent Exhibitions in Bulgarian Memorial Museums
ERMi 53. aastakonverents "Püsinäituse kureerimine ja kujundus" (16.-17.04.2012) The report analyses the current status of the permanent exhibitions created a...
Makarov 9x18 ( Russian Military Model)
Shooting and showing a classic Makarov 9X18 pistol. This particular pistol was made in Russia (1976) and imported through Bulgaria....
Shooting and showing a classic Makarov 9X18 pistol. This particular pistol was made in Russia (1976) and imported through Bulgaria.
wn.com/Makarov 9X18 ( Russian Military Model)
Shooting and showing a classic Makarov 9X18 pistol. This particular pistol was made in Russia (1976) and imported through Bulgaria.
- published: 23 Nov 2012
- views: 511138
author: hickok45
The Viper's Nest (Milsim Airsoft Game in Bulgaria 13-14/09/14)
Milsim Airsoft game hosted by T.V.U. Bulgaria in an abandoned military AA base, near Bosnek, Bulgaria.
Map of the AO : (http://tvu-bulgaria.eu/pub/img/Op_Viper_...
Milsim Airsoft game hosted by T.V.U. Bulgaria in an abandoned military AA base, near Bosnek, Bulgaria.
Map of the AO : (http://tvu-bulgaria.eu/pub/img/Op_Viper_Map_MGRS_AOCrop.jpg)
Site of the operation : (http://tvu-bulgaria.eu/game/viper/page/story/?lang=en)
Umarex HK416D : 420 fps @ 0.2g bb with 11.1v 1600mah 20c LiPo Firefox (0.28g Guarder)
WE M&P9; : 300 fps @ 0.2g bb with Ultrair Green gas (0.25g Guarder)
wn.com/The Viper's Nest (Milsim Airsoft Game In Bulgaria 13 14 09 14)
Milsim Airsoft game hosted by T.V.U. Bulgaria in an abandoned military AA base, near Bosnek, Bulgaria.
Map of the AO : (http://tvu-bulgaria.eu/pub/img/Op_Viper_Map_MGRS_AOCrop.jpg)
Site of the operation : (http://tvu-bulgaria.eu/game/viper/page/story/?lang=en)
Umarex HK416D : 420 fps @ 0.2g bb with 11.1v 1600mah 20c LiPo Firefox (0.28g Guarder)
WE M&P9; : 300 fps @ 0.2g bb with Ultrair Green gas (0.25g Guarder)
- published: 17 Sep 2014
- views: 243
Supreme Ruler 2020 - Bulgarian Republic - Part 1
Lets see what we can do with the small country of Bulgaria! In the first episode we see lots of action from a war mongering Serbia, but Serbian troops arent ......
Lets see what we can do with the small country of Bulgaria! In the first episode we see lots of action from a war mongering Serbia, but Serbian troops arent ...
wn.com/Supreme Ruler 2020 Bulgarian Republic Part 1
Lets see what we can do with the small country of Bulgaria! In the first episode we see lots of action from a war mongering Serbia, but Serbian troops arent ...
Supreme Ruler 2020 - Bulgarian Republic - Part 3
Bulgaria takes its military into a weak Paris and Marseille, but can paris and marseille pull off a come back against a small Bulgarian military?...
Bulgaria takes its military into a weak Paris and Marseille, but can paris and marseille pull off a come back against a small Bulgarian military?
wn.com/Supreme Ruler 2020 Bulgarian Republic Part 3
Bulgaria takes its military into a weak Paris and Marseille, but can paris and marseille pull off a come back against a small Bulgarian military?
Supreme Ruler 2020 - Bulgarian Republic - Part 13
Bulgaria makes advances in North America and begins to build a military there. Meanwhile in Europe the Bulgarians fight a heavy war with Moscow....
Bulgaria makes advances in North America and begins to build a military there. Meanwhile in Europe the Bulgarians fight a heavy war with Moscow.
wn.com/Supreme Ruler 2020 Bulgarian Republic Part 13
Bulgaria makes advances in North America and begins to build a military there. Meanwhile in Europe the Bulgarians fight a heavy war with Moscow.
- published: 21 Aug 2012
- views: 234
Supreme Ruler 2020 - Bulgarian Republic - Part 17
Bulgaria goes to war with Iran and heavy fighting insues, Iran weighed down by a smaller military with less equipment and the Bulgarians by supply and fuel s......
Bulgaria goes to war with Iran and heavy fighting insues, Iran weighed down by a smaller military with less equipment and the Bulgarians by supply and fuel s...
wn.com/Supreme Ruler 2020 Bulgarian Republic Part 17
Bulgaria goes to war with Iran and heavy fighting insues, Iran weighed down by a smaller military with less equipment and the Bulgarians by supply and fuel s...
Supreme Ruler 2020 - Bulgarian Republic - Part 18
Bulgaria and its military continue to devestate the Iranian capital, but the Iranians artillery refuses to back down. The Bulgarians decide to attack from a ......
Bulgaria and its military continue to devestate the Iranian capital, but the Iranians artillery refuses to back down. The Bulgarians decide to attack from a ...
wn.com/Supreme Ruler 2020 Bulgarian Republic Part 18
Bulgaria and its military continue to devestate the Iranian capital, but the Iranians artillery refuses to back down. The Bulgarians decide to attack from a ...
US - Russia - Bulgaria Relations with Prof. Peter-Emil Mitev
Interview with prof. Peter-Emil Mitev. Military Television Channel Bulgaria. NATO - Pavel Donev....
Interview with prof. Peter-Emil Mitev. Military Television Channel Bulgaria. NATO - Pavel Donev.
wn.com/US Russia Bulgaria Relations With Prof. Peter Emil Mitev
Interview with prof. Peter-Emil Mitev. Military Television Channel Bulgaria. NATO - Pavel Donev.
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (Mission 10) - Part 11 (Bio Lab / Bulgarian Forest / Tank)
I wanted to test out the new 60fps aspect that YouTube has put into place, and what better genre to do that than an first person shooter?
Call of Duty®: Advanc...
I wanted to test out the new 60fps aspect that YouTube has put into place, and what better genre to do that than an first person shooter?
Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare, developed by Sledgehammer Games (co-developers of Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® 3), harnesses the first three-year, all next-gen development cycle in franchise history. Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare envisions a powerful future, where both technology and tactics have evolved to usher in a new era of combat for the franchise. Delivering a stunning performance, Academy Award® winning actor Kevin
Spacey stars as Jonathan Irons - one of the most powerful men in the world - shaping this chilling vision of the future of war.
All digital purchases of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare include the bonus Digital Edition Personalization Pack with a custom weapon camo, reticle set and playercard.
Power Changes Everything.
An Advanced World:
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare takes place in a plausible future in which technological progress and today’s military practices have converged with powerful consequences.
In this carefully researched and crafted vision, Private Military Corporations (PMCs) have become the dominant armed forces for countless nations outsourcing their military needs, redrawing borders and rewriting the rules of war.
And Jonathan Irons, the founder and president of the world’s largest PMC - Atlas Corporation - is at the center of it all.
An Advanced Soldier:
Powerful exoskeletons evolve every aspect of a soldier’s battle readiness, enabling combatants to deploy with an advanced lethality and eliminating the need for specialization.
The introduction of this gameplay mechanic delivers enhanced player movement and verticality through boost jumps and grappling, covert cloaking abilities, and biomechanics that provide unparalleled strength, awareness, endurance, and speed.
With the advent of the exoskeleton and newly advanced armor and weaponry, every soldier commands tactical freedom in any terrain unlike ever before, fundamentally changing the way gamers play Call of Duty across all modes.
An Advanced Arsenal:
Harnessing the power of next-gen platforms, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare introduces a new hi-tech, advanced arsenal and ability set, arming players with all-new equipment, technology, perks, and vehicles like hoverbikes and highly specialized drones.
Players can also choose between standard ammunition and an all-new class of directed-energy weaponry that enables totally new gameplay dynamics.
And with exoskeletons delivering a massive force multiplier and unprecedented tactical freedom, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare evolves every firefight.
Follow me on the Twitter machine: https://twitter.com/OffensiveJake
Check out my channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/MnJsLetsPlays/featured
Developed by Sledgehammer Games
Published by Activision
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Gameplay
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Playthrough
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Walkthrough
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare 60fps
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare HD
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare 1080
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Review
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Ending
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Guide
wn.com/Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare (Mission 10) Part 11 (Bio Lab Bulgarian Forest Tank)
I wanted to test out the new 60fps aspect that YouTube has put into place, and what better genre to do that than an first person shooter?
Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare, developed by Sledgehammer Games (co-developers of Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® 3), harnesses the first three-year, all next-gen development cycle in franchise history. Call of Duty®: Advanced Warfare envisions a powerful future, where both technology and tactics have evolved to usher in a new era of combat for the franchise. Delivering a stunning performance, Academy Award® winning actor Kevin
Spacey stars as Jonathan Irons - one of the most powerful men in the world - shaping this chilling vision of the future of war.
All digital purchases of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare include the bonus Digital Edition Personalization Pack with a custom weapon camo, reticle set and playercard.
Power Changes Everything.
An Advanced World:
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare takes place in a plausible future in which technological progress and today’s military practices have converged with powerful consequences.
In this carefully researched and crafted vision, Private Military Corporations (PMCs) have become the dominant armed forces for countless nations outsourcing their military needs, redrawing borders and rewriting the rules of war.
And Jonathan Irons, the founder and president of the world’s largest PMC - Atlas Corporation - is at the center of it all.
An Advanced Soldier:
Powerful exoskeletons evolve every aspect of a soldier’s battle readiness, enabling combatants to deploy with an advanced lethality and eliminating the need for specialization.
The introduction of this gameplay mechanic delivers enhanced player movement and verticality through boost jumps and grappling, covert cloaking abilities, and biomechanics that provide unparalleled strength, awareness, endurance, and speed.
With the advent of the exoskeleton and newly advanced armor and weaponry, every soldier commands tactical freedom in any terrain unlike ever before, fundamentally changing the way gamers play Call of Duty across all modes.
An Advanced Arsenal:
Harnessing the power of next-gen platforms, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare introduces a new hi-tech, advanced arsenal and ability set, arming players with all-new equipment, technology, perks, and vehicles like hoverbikes and highly specialized drones.
Players can also choose between standard ammunition and an all-new class of directed-energy weaponry that enables totally new gameplay dynamics.
And with exoskeletons delivering a massive force multiplier and unprecedented tactical freedom, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare evolves every firefight.
Follow me on the Twitter machine: https://twitter.com/OffensiveJake
Check out my channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/MnJsLetsPlays/featured
Developed by Sledgehammer Games
Published by Activision
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Gameplay
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Playthrough
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Walkthrough
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare 60fps
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare HD
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare 1080
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Review
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Ending
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Guide
- published: 10 Nov 2014
- views: 70
2014 July Breaking News Ukraine Crisis Locals get angry with pro-Russia separatists
2014 July Breaking News Ukraine Crisis Locals get angry with pro-Russia separatists http://news.yahoo.com/locals-angry-pro-russia-separatists-114134341.html ......
2014 July Breaking News Ukraine Crisis Locals get angry with pro-Russia separatists http://news.yahoo.com/locals-angry-pro-russia-separatists-114134341.html ...
wn.com/2014 July Breaking News Ukraine Crisis Locals Get Angry With Pro Russia Separatists
2014 July Breaking News Ukraine Crisis Locals get angry with pro-Russia separatists http://news.yahoo.com/locals-angry-pro-russia-separatists-114134341.html ...
HITLER was NOT a military incompetent
I decided to do an extemporaneous video just to have some more content here. This video is about Hitler making good military decisions against the wrong advi......
I decided to do an extemporaneous video just to have some more content here. This video is about Hitler making good military decisions against the wrong advi...
wn.com/Hitler Was Not A Military Incompetent
I decided to do an extemporaneous video just to have some more content here. This video is about Hitler making good military decisions against the wrong advi...
Държавата на духа 2001 документален филм / State of mind 2001 documentary
Aкадемик Дмитрий Лихачов е един от малкото руски учени, добри познавачи на средновековната българска история и култура, които не са подвластни на политиката.......
Aкадемик Дмитрий Лихачов е един от малкото руски учени, добри познавачи на средновековната българска история и култура, които не са подвластни на политиката....
wn.com/Държавата На Духа 2001 Документален Филм State Of Mind 2001 Documentary
Aкадемик Дмитрий Лихачов е един от малкото руски учени, добри познавачи на средновековната българска история и култура, които не са подвластни на политиката....
- published: 10 Sep 2013
- views: 1207
author: Boyan Imen
The Tree of Life S01E01- English subtitles/ Дървото на Живота- Сезон 1 ,Епизод 1-Английски субтитри
The Tree of Life tells the story of the Valchevis, a wealthy Bulgarian family living in the modern city of Vidin, just after the Declaration of Independence of ...
The Tree of Life tells the story of the Valchevis, a wealthy Bulgarian family living in the modern city of Vidin, just after the Declaration of Independence of Bulgaria in 1908.
The parents in the saga are Asen and Petruna. Asen Velchev, the father, is now an elderly man but is still seen as the head of the family. He is a patriot deeply involved in the struggle for liberation, a citizen respected by the whole society, a philanthropist and a successful businessman who puts the national ideal and the Homeland before all else. Petruna, his wife, devotes all her energies to looking after her family.
The worthy couple, profoundly marked by the country’s traditions, has five children: Jordan, Panto, Hristo, Bela and Ilya. Each is a world unto him or herself:
The eldest is Jordan (Hristo Shopov), an army officer involved in the movement for the liberation of Macedonia. Jordan is Asen's favorite son, the only brother who has inherited his father's idealism and patriotism.
Panto, unlike his elder brother, is a materialist absorbed in his own affairs, unscrupulously placing his personal interests above everything else, even his family.
Bela is the only daughter of the Velchevi. Married to a revolutionary officer, she is a strong woman, but despondent as her marriage has not been blessed with children.
Hristo is deeply influenced by Panto's roguish character and secretly nurtures socialist leanings.
The youngest son, Ilya, was born disabled and grew up saddened by his father’s lack of love and sympathy.
Although the first scene of the film depicts the bloody battle for the liberation of Macedonia, the action in The Tree of Life is mainly set in the city, shaped especially by key events in recent Bulgarian history.
As the story unfolds, we see how problems and family disputes arise, how Jordan’s romantic interest for a Turkish woman leads to a love forbidden by the current prejudices, and we witness military heroism, betrayal and complicated quarrels which pit brother against brother. It also reveals the key to understanding the events that mark each character in the saga and reveals how the family is slowly starting to break down.
The Tree of Life is a Bulgarian blockbuster which pulls out all the stops, down to the tiniest detail in costume production, characterization and sets, which include a lifelike recreation the city of Vidin. Just to get an idea, over 120 specific period costumes were created, antique furniture was imported from several European countries and some of the objects appearing in the film were even loaned from museums.
In short, The Tree of Life reminds us that Bulgaria is a country steeped in history, of which there are many powerful reasons to be proud.
Official Website: http://bulgarskatasaga.tv7.bg/
wn.com/The Tree Of Life S01E01 English Subtitles Дървото На Живота Сезон 1 ,Епизод 1 Английски Субтитри
The Tree of Life tells the story of the Valchevis, a wealthy Bulgarian family living in the modern city of Vidin, just after the Declaration of Independence of Bulgaria in 1908.
The parents in the saga are Asen and Petruna. Asen Velchev, the father, is now an elderly man but is still seen as the head of the family. He is a patriot deeply involved in the struggle for liberation, a citizen respected by the whole society, a philanthropist and a successful businessman who puts the national ideal and the Homeland before all else. Petruna, his wife, devotes all her energies to looking after her family.
The worthy couple, profoundly marked by the country’s traditions, has five children: Jordan, Panto, Hristo, Bela and Ilya. Each is a world unto him or herself:
The eldest is Jordan (Hristo Shopov), an army officer involved in the movement for the liberation of Macedonia. Jordan is Asen's favorite son, the only brother who has inherited his father's idealism and patriotism.
Panto, unlike his elder brother, is a materialist absorbed in his own affairs, unscrupulously placing his personal interests above everything else, even his family.
Bela is the only daughter of the Velchevi. Married to a revolutionary officer, she is a strong woman, but despondent as her marriage has not been blessed with children.
Hristo is deeply influenced by Panto's roguish character and secretly nurtures socialist leanings.
The youngest son, Ilya, was born disabled and grew up saddened by his father’s lack of love and sympathy.
Although the first scene of the film depicts the bloody battle for the liberation of Macedonia, the action in The Tree of Life is mainly set in the city, shaped especially by key events in recent Bulgarian history.
As the story unfolds, we see how problems and family disputes arise, how Jordan’s romantic interest for a Turkish woman leads to a love forbidden by the current prejudices, and we witness military heroism, betrayal and complicated quarrels which pit brother against brother. It also reveals the key to understanding the events that mark each character in the saga and reveals how the family is slowly starting to break down.
The Tree of Life is a Bulgarian blockbuster which pulls out all the stops, down to the tiniest detail in costume production, characterization and sets, which include a lifelike recreation the city of Vidin. Just to get an idea, over 120 specific period costumes were created, antique furniture was imported from several European countries and some of the objects appearing in the film were even loaned from museums.
In short, The Tree of Life reminds us that Bulgaria is a country steeped in history, of which there are many powerful reasons to be proud.
Official Website: http://bulgarskatasaga.tv7.bg/
- published: 23 Feb 2015
- views: 18
USA gives tit for tat against Russia in military drills 美俄軍演互不相讓 各顯快反部隊
Russia’s relations with the West have sunk to the lowest level since the end of Cold War, since Russia’s annexation of the Crimean peninsula in 2014 and Moscow'...
Russia’s relations with the West have sunk to the lowest level since the end of Cold War, since Russia’s annexation of the Crimean peninsula in 2014 and Moscow's involvement in continuous armed conflict in eastern Ukraine, in which it is providing support for separatist rebels who are fighting Kyiv government forces.
Last month, Russia held war games that exacerbated even further its ties with NATO, the European Union and the United States.
The drills, with tens of thousands of troops, took place in regions spanning the country, from the Arctic to the Far East to the volatile southern Caucasus, triggered eerie feelings in Russia’s neighboring countries, the Baltic states, once part of the Soviet Union, Poland, formerly within its orbit, and in Scandinavian countries.
NATOSource Director and Brent Scowcroft Center Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council Jorge Benitez said that Russian military activities along the Finnish border, the deployment of strategic weapons systems to Kaliningrad and Crimea, and positions across the Baltic Fleet, Black Sea Fleet, and in the western and southern military districts, mimicked a full-scale attack against Europe.
In short, Russian military exercises have taken on a threatening posture, Benitez said in an interview with VOA Serbian Service.
“These maneuvers are very dangerous. They are provocative; they are excessive both in the size and in their frequency. The West, the NATO members are creating maneuvers of a few hundred, and a few thousand troops for training exercises,” Benitez said.
Russia doubled its troops at its most recent maneuvers from initially 40,000 to 80,000. Last September, its military drills in the Far East, dubbed “Vostok-2014,” included 100,000 troops and were the largest since the Soviet era. In addition, up to 1,500 tanks, 120 aircraft, 5,000 pieces of weaponry, military and special hardware, and up to 70 ships took part in the exercises.
Russia is regularly exercising tens of thousands of troops that “do not seem to have defensive purposes,” said Benitez.
For last month’s military drills, Benitez argued that the areas involved and the forces included seem to have been deliberately chosen to send a warning to NATO.
“He [Putin] is probing NATO, not just militarily but also politically. He is trying to make the message of ‘I’m closer to your allies. I have a much larger military in this area and I can play a much quicker role in deciding on how I can deal with these things,’” Benitez said. NATO exercises are planned days, weeks and months, sometimes years, in advance, he noted, while Russia is conducting military exercises “on 24-hour notice.”
The deployment of ballistic missiles and bomber aircraft are provocative indicators of possible pre-emptive action against NATO and Eastern Europe, contends Benitez.
“It has to be made clear to Russia that any aggression against the Baltic allies would lead to a major war with the West. It has to remind and make very clear and transparent to Moscow and to Mr. Putin himself that any military aggression against any allies, specifically the Baltics, will be met by all of the Alliance working to defend them,” said Benitez
He warned that just as the U.S. does not seek a confrontation with Russia that would escalate into a nuclear exchange, Russia should also “keep in mind that it should not provoke a conflict with NATO that would lead to a nuclear conflagration.”
Poland and the three Baltic countries — Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania — are increasing military spending and have asked NATO allies, particularly the United States, to step up their presence.
NATO is already conducting air policing missions in its Baltic members bordering Russia. To counter Russian military drills in the Baltic and Black Sea regions, the alliance is strengthening defense capabilities on its eastern flank with a force of 5,000 troops and command centers in Bulgaria, Poland and Romania.
Norway, a NATO member, spent 1.4 percent of its GDP on the military under the premiership of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. As Moscow conducted massive drills in the Arctic area near Norway’s border in March 2015, the county held its own exercise, dubbed "Joint Viking" also in March.
Neither Finland nor Sweden are members of the alliance, but both have raised the possibility of joining NATO. Further, Sweden has deployed troops to the strategically located Gotland Island. It has expressed intent to boost its submarine fleet after its armed forces failed to find a suspected Russian mini-submarine in the Stockholm archipelago in October 2014
USA gives tit for tat against Russia in military drills 美俄軍演互不相讓 各顯快反部隊,for more information about china world news visit site at http://youtube.com/user/chinaworldnews as well as business website at http://penglaichina.com
wn.com/USA Gives Tit For Tat Against Russia In Military Drills 美俄軍演互不相讓 各顯快反部隊
Russia’s relations with the West have sunk to the lowest level since the end of Cold War, since Russia’s annexation of the Crimean peninsula in 2014 and Moscow's involvement in continuous armed conflict in eastern Ukraine, in which it is providing support for separatist rebels who are fighting Kyiv government forces.
Last month, Russia held war games that exacerbated even further its ties with NATO, the European Union and the United States.
The drills, with tens of thousands of troops, took place in regions spanning the country, from the Arctic to the Far East to the volatile southern Caucasus, triggered eerie feelings in Russia’s neighboring countries, the Baltic states, once part of the Soviet Union, Poland, formerly within its orbit, and in Scandinavian countries.
NATOSource Director and Brent Scowcroft Center Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council Jorge Benitez said that Russian military activities along the Finnish border, the deployment of strategic weapons systems to Kaliningrad and Crimea, and positions across the Baltic Fleet, Black Sea Fleet, and in the western and southern military districts, mimicked a full-scale attack against Europe.
In short, Russian military exercises have taken on a threatening posture, Benitez said in an interview with VOA Serbian Service.
“These maneuvers are very dangerous. They are provocative; they are excessive both in the size and in their frequency. The West, the NATO members are creating maneuvers of a few hundred, and a few thousand troops for training exercises,” Benitez said.
Russia doubled its troops at its most recent maneuvers from initially 40,000 to 80,000. Last September, its military drills in the Far East, dubbed “Vostok-2014,” included 100,000 troops and were the largest since the Soviet era. In addition, up to 1,500 tanks, 120 aircraft, 5,000 pieces of weaponry, military and special hardware, and up to 70 ships took part in the exercises.
Russia is regularly exercising tens of thousands of troops that “do not seem to have defensive purposes,” said Benitez.
For last month’s military drills, Benitez argued that the areas involved and the forces included seem to have been deliberately chosen to send a warning to NATO.
“He [Putin] is probing NATO, not just militarily but also politically. He is trying to make the message of ‘I’m closer to your allies. I have a much larger military in this area and I can play a much quicker role in deciding on how I can deal with these things,’” Benitez said. NATO exercises are planned days, weeks and months, sometimes years, in advance, he noted, while Russia is conducting military exercises “on 24-hour notice.”
The deployment of ballistic missiles and bomber aircraft are provocative indicators of possible pre-emptive action against NATO and Eastern Europe, contends Benitez.
“It has to be made clear to Russia that any aggression against the Baltic allies would lead to a major war with the West. It has to remind and make very clear and transparent to Moscow and to Mr. Putin himself that any military aggression against any allies, specifically the Baltics, will be met by all of the Alliance working to defend them,” said Benitez
He warned that just as the U.S. does not seek a confrontation with Russia that would escalate into a nuclear exchange, Russia should also “keep in mind that it should not provoke a conflict with NATO that would lead to a nuclear conflagration.”
Poland and the three Baltic countries — Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania — are increasing military spending and have asked NATO allies, particularly the United States, to step up their presence.
NATO is already conducting air policing missions in its Baltic members bordering Russia. To counter Russian military drills in the Baltic and Black Sea regions, the alliance is strengthening defense capabilities on its eastern flank with a force of 5,000 troops and command centers in Bulgaria, Poland and Romania.
Norway, a NATO member, spent 1.4 percent of its GDP on the military under the premiership of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. As Moscow conducted massive drills in the Arctic area near Norway’s border in March 2015, the county held its own exercise, dubbed "Joint Viking" also in March.
Neither Finland nor Sweden are members of the alliance, but both have raised the possibility of joining NATO. Further, Sweden has deployed troops to the strategically located Gotland Island. It has expressed intent to boost its submarine fleet after its armed forces failed to find a suspected Russian mini-submarine in the Stockholm archipelago in October 2014
USA gives tit for tat against Russia in military drills 美俄軍演互不相讓 各顯快反部隊,for more information about china world news visit site at http://youtube.com/user/chinaworldnews as well as business website at http://penglaichina.com
- published: 12 Apr 2015
- views: 4
Supreme Ruler 2020 - Bulgarian Republic - Part 21 - Battle of Damascus
Bulgarian forces have eliminated most of Saudi Arabias forward units and have turned there attention towards the Syrian front that continues to be a problem,......
Bulgarian forces have eliminated most of Saudi Arabias forward units and have turned there attention towards the Syrian front that continues to be a problem,...
wn.com/Supreme Ruler 2020 Bulgarian Republic Part 21 Battle Of Damascus
Bulgarian forces have eliminated most of Saudi Arabias forward units and have turned there attention towards the Syrian front that continues to be a problem,...
Civilization 5 [Civ 5] Best Mods AI Only Battle - Part 6 [Brave New World]
Let's play/let's watch Civilization 5 [Civ 5] Brave New World AI Only Battle with the best Steam mods! [Gameplay]
AI ONLY WORLD ►https://youtu.be/beiN3vWN62E
Let's play/let's watch Civilization 5 [Civ 5] Brave New World AI Only Battle with the best Steam mods! [Gameplay]
AI ONLY WORLD ►https://youtu.be/beiN3vWN62E
Twitch ► http://www.twitch.tv/bastartgaming
Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/BAStartGaming
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/bastartgaming
*YouTube Description now have a length limit so I was only able to include Unique Abilities! Feel free to explore their other traits provided through the links!*
Afghanistan: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=383309528
Outgoing Caravans provide Great Writer points in the Capital and if from a City adjacent to a Mountain, gain increased range and extra Gold. Units next to Mountains gain +25% Combat strength.
Australia: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=221344781
Settlers found puppeted cities that generate +1 Tourism. +1 Tourism for each outgoing Naval Trade Route. Cities that generate +2 Tourism or more expand Cultural Borders twice as fast.
Belgium: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=261160871
Civilization with whom you have a declaration of friendship gift military units when war is declared against you. May build plantations in neutral territory.
Bulgaria: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=270475439
Siege units ignore line of sight when attacking. Militaristic city-states gift units 30% faster when at war with a common foe.
Canada: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=231775803
Mounted Units can temporarily claim neutral land and generate +2 Happiness if garrisoned. Upon declaring friendship, Canada and their friend gain +1 Delegate to the World Congress.
Champa: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=276767088
Steal Gold from rival Civilizations you are at war with (bonus increases for every enemy City under Blockade) and from Cargo Ships in your territory whose owner does not have an active Trade Route to
Finland: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=84081773
Unimproved worked marsh tiles provide +1 Faith and forest tiles +1 Culture per turn. All melee, gun and armored units gain +15% combat strength fighting within empire's borders.
The Goths: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=81447812
Non-mounted land military units may use enemy roads before the Industrial Era. Capturing a foreign Capital triggers a Golden Age.
Hungary: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=156969067
When most of the empire shares the same religion as the capital, 33% of faith per turn contributes toward golden age.
The Inuit: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=301782501
Gain Food from Snow, Tundra and Ice tiles outside workable city limits. Fish adjacent to Snow, Tundra and Ice tiles will turn into a Luxury Seals Resource and provides a Production boost when improved.
Iceland: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=317913362
Cities founded with Skalds or on terrain types different than the Capital begin with a free Great Work of Writing slot. Earn Great Writer points from discovering Civilizations, or from winning Naval battles.
Mali: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=120687024
City Connections generate +1 Faith. Great Prophets may visit a friendly foreign Holy City to generate a one-time Gold bonus (this does not consume the Unit)
The Papal State: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=80377476
Tourism is increased by 50% with civilizations that share your religion. Spend faith on disciples which can be used to create unique great works. Begins with +1 faith instead of culture.
Philippines: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=238379965
Upon signing Open Borders, both Civilizations receive a Cargo Ship. Foreign Units within your borders provide Culture.
Prussia: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=83745797
Military buildings possess unique general specialists that yield experience and increase their generation. High-level melee and gun units earn golden age points from kills
Scotland: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=315651436
Earn golden age points whenever a great person is born. Each type of Engineer, Merchant, and Scientist specialist generates points toward great writers during a golden age.
The Sioux: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=280806564
Starting with your second City, settling near Plains Tiles will spawn a Bison Resource. Bison in Sioux territory may no longer be improved but instead provide a large base tile yield and periodically roam throughout the map.
Vietnam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=257018080
Defensive structures within a city increases the spawn rate of Great Writers, Artists and Musicians. Receive +5% Culture and +5% Food in each city for each Social Policy adopted in the Honor Tree.
wn.com/Civilization 5 Civ 5 Best Mods Ai Only Battle Part 6 Brave New World
Let's play/let's watch Civilization 5 [Civ 5] Brave New World AI Only Battle with the best Steam mods! [Gameplay]
AI ONLY WORLD ►https://youtu.be/beiN3vWN62E
Twitch ► http://www.twitch.tv/bastartgaming
Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/BAStartGaming
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/bastartgaming
*YouTube Description now have a length limit so I was only able to include Unique Abilities! Feel free to explore their other traits provided through the links!*
Afghanistan: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=383309528
Outgoing Caravans provide Great Writer points in the Capital and if from a City adjacent to a Mountain, gain increased range and extra Gold. Units next to Mountains gain +25% Combat strength.
Australia: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=221344781
Settlers found puppeted cities that generate +1 Tourism. +1 Tourism for each outgoing Naval Trade Route. Cities that generate +2 Tourism or more expand Cultural Borders twice as fast.
Belgium: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=261160871
Civilization with whom you have a declaration of friendship gift military units when war is declared against you. May build plantations in neutral territory.
Bulgaria: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=270475439
Siege units ignore line of sight when attacking. Militaristic city-states gift units 30% faster when at war with a common foe.
Canada: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=231775803
Mounted Units can temporarily claim neutral land and generate +2 Happiness if garrisoned. Upon declaring friendship, Canada and their friend gain +1 Delegate to the World Congress.
Champa: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=276767088
Steal Gold from rival Civilizations you are at war with (bonus increases for every enemy City under Blockade) and from Cargo Ships in your territory whose owner does not have an active Trade Route to
Finland: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=84081773
Unimproved worked marsh tiles provide +1 Faith and forest tiles +1 Culture per turn. All melee, gun and armored units gain +15% combat strength fighting within empire's borders.
The Goths: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=81447812
Non-mounted land military units may use enemy roads before the Industrial Era. Capturing a foreign Capital triggers a Golden Age.
Hungary: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=156969067
When most of the empire shares the same religion as the capital, 33% of faith per turn contributes toward golden age.
The Inuit: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=301782501
Gain Food from Snow, Tundra and Ice tiles outside workable city limits. Fish adjacent to Snow, Tundra and Ice tiles will turn into a Luxury Seals Resource and provides a Production boost when improved.
Iceland: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=317913362
Cities founded with Skalds or on terrain types different than the Capital begin with a free Great Work of Writing slot. Earn Great Writer points from discovering Civilizations, or from winning Naval battles.
Mali: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=120687024
City Connections generate +1 Faith. Great Prophets may visit a friendly foreign Holy City to generate a one-time Gold bonus (this does not consume the Unit)
The Papal State: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=80377476
Tourism is increased by 50% with civilizations that share your religion. Spend faith on disciples which can be used to create unique great works. Begins with +1 faith instead of culture.
Philippines: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=238379965
Upon signing Open Borders, both Civilizations receive a Cargo Ship. Foreign Units within your borders provide Culture.
Prussia: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=83745797
Military buildings possess unique general specialists that yield experience and increase their generation. High-level melee and gun units earn golden age points from kills
Scotland: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=315651436
Earn golden age points whenever a great person is born. Each type of Engineer, Merchant, and Scientist specialist generates points toward great writers during a golden age.
The Sioux: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=280806564
Starting with your second City, settling near Plains Tiles will spawn a Bison Resource. Bison in Sioux territory may no longer be improved but instead provide a large base tile yield and periodically roam throughout the map.
Vietnam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=257018080
Defensive structures within a city increases the spawn rate of Great Writers, Artists and Musicians. Receive +5% Culture and +5% Food in each city for each Social Policy adopted in the Honor Tree.
- published: 26 Jul 2015
- views: 2243
Civilization 5 [Civ 5] Best Mods AI Only Battle - Part 9 [Brave New World]
Let's play/let's watch Civilization 5 [Civ 5] Brave New World AI Only Battle with the best Steam mods! [Gameplay]
AI ONLY WORLD ►https://youtu.be/beiN3vWN62E
Let's play/let's watch Civilization 5 [Civ 5] Brave New World AI Only Battle with the best Steam mods! [Gameplay]
AI ONLY WORLD ►https://youtu.be/beiN3vWN62E
Twitch ► http://www.twitch.tv/bastartgaming
Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/BAStartGaming
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/bastartgaming
*YouTube Description now have a length limit so I was only able to include Unique Abilities! Feel free to explore their other traits provided through the links!*
Afghanistan: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=383309528
Outgoing Caravans provide Great Writer points in the Capital and if from a City adjacent to a Mountain, gain increased range and extra Gold. Units next to Mountains gain +25% Combat strength.
Australia: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=221344781
Settlers found puppeted cities that generate +1 Tourism. +1 Tourism for each outgoing Naval Trade Route. Cities that generate +2 Tourism or more expand Cultural Borders twice as fast.
Belgium: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=261160871
Civilization with whom you have a declaration of friendship gift military units when war is declared against you. May build plantations in neutral territory.
Bulgaria: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=270475439
Siege units ignore line of sight when attacking. Militaristic city-states gift units 30% faster when at war with a common foe.
Canada: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=231775803
Mounted Units can temporarily claim neutral land and generate +2 Happiness if garrisoned. Upon declaring friendship, Canada and their friend gain +1 Delegate to the World Congress.
Champa: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=276767088
Steal Gold from rival Civilizations you are at war with (bonus increases for every enemy City under Blockade) and from Cargo Ships in your territory whose owner does not have an active Trade Route to
Finland: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=84081773
Unimproved worked marsh tiles provide +1 Faith and forest tiles +1 Culture per turn. All melee, gun and armored units gain +15% combat strength fighting within empire's borders.
The Goths: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=81447812
Non-mounted land military units may use enemy roads before the Industrial Era. Capturing a foreign Capital triggers a Golden Age.
Hungary: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=156969067
When most of the empire shares the same religion as the capital, 33% of faith per turn contributes toward golden age.
The Inuit: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=301782501
Gain Food from Snow, Tundra and Ice tiles outside workable city limits. Fish adjacent to Snow, Tundra and Ice tiles will turn into a Luxury Seals Resource and provides a Production boost when improved.
Iceland: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=317913362
Cities founded with Skalds or on terrain types different than the Capital begin with a free Great Work of Writing slot. Earn Great Writer points from discovering Civilizations, or from winning Naval battles.
Mali: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=120687024
City Connections generate +1 Faith. Great Prophets may visit a friendly foreign Holy City to generate a one-time Gold bonus (this does not consume the Unit)
The Papal State: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=80377476
Tourism is increased by 50% with civilizations that share your religion. Spend faith on disciples which can be used to create unique great works. Begins with +1 faith instead of culture.
Philippines: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=238379965
Upon signing Open Borders, both Civilizations receive a Cargo Ship. Foreign Units within your borders provide Culture.
Prussia: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=83745797
Military buildings possess unique general specialists that yield experience and increase their generation. High-level melee and gun units earn golden age points from kills
Scotland: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=315651436
Earn golden age points whenever a great person is born. Each type of Engineer, Merchant, and Scientist specialist generates points toward great writers during a golden age.
The Sioux: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=280806564
Starting with your second City, settling near Plains Tiles will spawn a Bison Resource. Bison in Sioux territory may no longer be improved but instead provide a large base tile yield and periodically roam throughout the map.
Vietnam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=257018080
Defensive structures within a city increases the spawn rate of Great Writers, Artists and Musicians. Receive +5% Culture and +5% Food in each city for each Social Policy adopted in the Honor Tree.
wn.com/Civilization 5 Civ 5 Best Mods Ai Only Battle Part 9 Brave New World
Let's play/let's watch Civilization 5 [Civ 5] Brave New World AI Only Battle with the best Steam mods! [Gameplay]
AI ONLY WORLD ►https://youtu.be/beiN3vWN62E
Twitch ► http://www.twitch.tv/bastartgaming
Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/BAStartGaming
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/bastartgaming
*YouTube Description now have a length limit so I was only able to include Unique Abilities! Feel free to explore their other traits provided through the links!*
Afghanistan: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=383309528
Outgoing Caravans provide Great Writer points in the Capital and if from a City adjacent to a Mountain, gain increased range and extra Gold. Units next to Mountains gain +25% Combat strength.
Australia: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=221344781
Settlers found puppeted cities that generate +1 Tourism. +1 Tourism for each outgoing Naval Trade Route. Cities that generate +2 Tourism or more expand Cultural Borders twice as fast.
Belgium: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=261160871
Civilization with whom you have a declaration of friendship gift military units when war is declared against you. May build plantations in neutral territory.
Bulgaria: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=270475439
Siege units ignore line of sight when attacking. Militaristic city-states gift units 30% faster when at war with a common foe.
Canada: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=231775803
Mounted Units can temporarily claim neutral land and generate +2 Happiness if garrisoned. Upon declaring friendship, Canada and their friend gain +1 Delegate to the World Congress.
Champa: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=276767088
Steal Gold from rival Civilizations you are at war with (bonus increases for every enemy City under Blockade) and from Cargo Ships in your territory whose owner does not have an active Trade Route to
Finland: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=84081773
Unimproved worked marsh tiles provide +1 Faith and forest tiles +1 Culture per turn. All melee, gun and armored units gain +15% combat strength fighting within empire's borders.
The Goths: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=81447812
Non-mounted land military units may use enemy roads before the Industrial Era. Capturing a foreign Capital triggers a Golden Age.
Hungary: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=156969067
When most of the empire shares the same religion as the capital, 33% of faith per turn contributes toward golden age.
The Inuit: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=301782501
Gain Food from Snow, Tundra and Ice tiles outside workable city limits. Fish adjacent to Snow, Tundra and Ice tiles will turn into a Luxury Seals Resource and provides a Production boost when improved.
Iceland: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=317913362
Cities founded with Skalds or on terrain types different than the Capital begin with a free Great Work of Writing slot. Earn Great Writer points from discovering Civilizations, or from winning Naval battles.
Mali: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=120687024
City Connections generate +1 Faith. Great Prophets may visit a friendly foreign Holy City to generate a one-time Gold bonus (this does not consume the Unit)
The Papal State: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=80377476
Tourism is increased by 50% with civilizations that share your religion. Spend faith on disciples which can be used to create unique great works. Begins with +1 faith instead of culture.
Philippines: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=238379965
Upon signing Open Borders, both Civilizations receive a Cargo Ship. Foreign Units within your borders provide Culture.
Prussia: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=83745797
Military buildings possess unique general specialists that yield experience and increase their generation. High-level melee and gun units earn golden age points from kills
Scotland: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=315651436
Earn golden age points whenever a great person is born. Each type of Engineer, Merchant, and Scientist specialist generates points toward great writers during a golden age.
The Sioux: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=280806564
Starting with your second City, settling near Plains Tiles will spawn a Bison Resource. Bison in Sioux territory may no longer be improved but instead provide a large base tile yield and periodically roam throughout the map.
Vietnam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=257018080
Defensive structures within a city increases the spawn rate of Great Writers, Artists and Musicians. Receive +5% Culture and +5% Food in each city for each Social Policy adopted in the Honor Tree.
- published: 29 Jul 2015
- views: 352
We're live reviewing the chatter and the markets durring the 2015 Crash - WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT - BECOME A NEXT NEWS PATRON! Just 5 bucks a month is all we're as...
We're live reviewing the chatter and the markets durring the 2015 Crash - WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT - BECOME A NEXT NEWS PATRON! Just 5 bucks a month is all we're asking:
CHINA | The Washington Times headline today: US NAVY ON ALERT - because of the largest ever joint naval exercise conducted by China and Russia. I’ve been covering the movement of the world’s militaries for months now and it seems like every report leads with the same line… LARGEST EVER. Personally it concerns this reporter that every exercise is larger than the next. - It’s an international pissing match between world super powers.
In this report I'll look at what the Chinese media is saying about the Chinese Russian Exercise as well as the massive amount of US hardware being shipped to the black sea, what one Ukrainian National Guardsman has to say about US military presence there... that's not all I’m going to show you exclusive footage of from Operation Atlantic Resolve of US and Estonian forces.
(Footage credit CCTV - used under fair use laws)
Did you hear that list of hardware? The reason… to jointly cope with maritime security threats.
So what's going on on the other side of the planet? Footage credit DOD - (public domain)
480 Tons of United States military armored vehicles are being shipped to Novo Selo Training Area in Bulgaria. The Combined Arms Company will be taking possession as part of the Black Sea Rotational Force for NATO.
What are they shipping? M1A1 Abrams battle tanks, armored assault vehicles, artillery equipment, and logistics vehicles.
They’re shipping out of North Carolina by way of Germany so they can provide quote “enhanced capabilities during military exercises in the region.” Enhanced capabilities? These are war machines these are being sent to send a message!
So that's going on in Bulgaria - but check this out - Exercise Fearless Guardian is underway - training soldiers of the Ukrainian National Guard. They’re practicing hand signals and noise awareness.
One Ukrainian Soldier had this to say about American training: Footage credit DOD - public domain
Ukrainian soldiers being trained by the United States - the only reason - is the threat posed from Russia.
Folks our world leaders are not kidding around. There is a serious buildup occurring on a planetary scale. Every military drill is topping the next one. Every super power is flexing their muscles.
Let's jump over to Estonia - just a few days ago soldiers from Destined and Hound Company, from the 503rd Infantry were jumping out of helicopters alongside members of the Estonian Defense League.
(Footage credit DOD public domain)
Estonia shares a border with Russia folks - this is happening on Russia’s backdoor.
So should we care? Because Russia is responding in turn partnering with China in the largest naval display ever.
Its a ruthless cycle. Tit for tat. Folks the Cold War is alive and well and no one is even talking about it. While it is staring us all in the face.
So I’ll ask you - what is the answer? How do we fix the insanity of these world leaders? Is this just par for the course? Is it all just saber rattling? All bark and no bite?
Is war on the horizon?
Weigh in below in the comments - hit that share button - and - remember to become a patron of the channel and support our work through Patreon - all we’re asking is $5 bucks per month to keep this channel going. We can’t do this without you.
For the Next News Network - I’m Gary Franchi
Claim your limited edition patriot apparel here:
Learn the strategy to earn free gold:'
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Facebook: http://Facebook.com/NextNewsNet
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Sub to our youtube channel: http://NNN.is/the_new_media
Hashtag: #N3
wn.com/Live The Crash Of 2015
We're live reviewing the chatter and the markets durring the 2015 Crash - WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT - BECOME A NEXT NEWS PATRON! Just 5 bucks a month is all we're asking:
CHINA | The Washington Times headline today: US NAVY ON ALERT - because of the largest ever joint naval exercise conducted by China and Russia. I’ve been covering the movement of the world’s militaries for months now and it seems like every report leads with the same line… LARGEST EVER. Personally it concerns this reporter that every exercise is larger than the next. - It’s an international pissing match between world super powers.
In this report I'll look at what the Chinese media is saying about the Chinese Russian Exercise as well as the massive amount of US hardware being shipped to the black sea, what one Ukrainian National Guardsman has to say about US military presence there... that's not all I’m going to show you exclusive footage of from Operation Atlantic Resolve of US and Estonian forces.
(Footage credit CCTV - used under fair use laws)
Did you hear that list of hardware? The reason… to jointly cope with maritime security threats.
So what's going on on the other side of the planet? Footage credit DOD - (public domain)
480 Tons of United States military armored vehicles are being shipped to Novo Selo Training Area in Bulgaria. The Combined Arms Company will be taking possession as part of the Black Sea Rotational Force for NATO.
What are they shipping? M1A1 Abrams battle tanks, armored assault vehicles, artillery equipment, and logistics vehicles.
They’re shipping out of North Carolina by way of Germany so they can provide quote “enhanced capabilities during military exercises in the region.” Enhanced capabilities? These are war machines these are being sent to send a message!
So that's going on in Bulgaria - but check this out - Exercise Fearless Guardian is underway - training soldiers of the Ukrainian National Guard. They’re practicing hand signals and noise awareness.
One Ukrainian Soldier had this to say about American training: Footage credit DOD - public domain
Ukrainian soldiers being trained by the United States - the only reason - is the threat posed from Russia.
Folks our world leaders are not kidding around. There is a serious buildup occurring on a planetary scale. Every military drill is topping the next one. Every super power is flexing their muscles.
Let's jump over to Estonia - just a few days ago soldiers from Destined and Hound Company, from the 503rd Infantry were jumping out of helicopters alongside members of the Estonian Defense League.
(Footage credit DOD public domain)
Estonia shares a border with Russia folks - this is happening on Russia’s backdoor.
So should we care? Because Russia is responding in turn partnering with China in the largest naval display ever.
Its a ruthless cycle. Tit for tat. Folks the Cold War is alive and well and no one is even talking about it. While it is staring us all in the face.
So I’ll ask you - what is the answer? How do we fix the insanity of these world leaders? Is this just par for the course? Is it all just saber rattling? All bark and no bite?
Is war on the horizon?
Weigh in below in the comments - hit that share button - and - remember to become a patron of the channel and support our work through Patreon - all we’re asking is $5 bucks per month to keep this channel going. We can’t do this without you.
For the Next News Network - I’m Gary Franchi
Claim your limited edition patriot apparel here:
Learn the strategy to earn free gold:'
Support Next News!
Donate USD: http://nnn.is/donate-dollars
Donate BTC: http://nnn.is/donate-bitcoin
LIVE: http://NextNewsNetwork.com
Facebook: http://Facebook.com/NextNewsNet
Twitter: http://Twitter.com/NextNewsNet
Sub to our youtube channel: http://NNN.is/the_new_media
Hashtag: #N3
- published: 24 Aug 2015
- views: 184
nato 2006
Military Television Channel - Bulgaria. Host - Pavel Donev. Turkey Pavel Donev....
Military Television Channel - Bulgaria. Host - Pavel Donev. Turkey Pavel Donev.
wn.com/Nato 2006
Military Television Channel - Bulgaria. Host - Pavel Donev. Turkey Pavel Donev.
nato 2007
Military Television Channel - Bulgaria, Host: Pavel Donev Pavel Donev....
Military Television Channel - Bulgaria, Host: Pavel Donev Pavel Donev.
wn.com/Nato 2007
Military Television Channel - Bulgaria, Host: Pavel Donev Pavel Donev.
Vera Boneva - Permanent Exhibitions in Bulgarian Memorial Museums
ERMi 53. aastakonverents "Püsinäituse kureerimine ja kujundus" (16.-17.04.2012) The report analyses the current status of the permanent exhibitions created a......
ERMi 53. aastakonverents "Püsinäituse kureerimine ja kujundus" (16.-17.04.2012) The report analyses the current status of the permanent exhibitions created a...
wn.com/Vera Boneva Permanent Exhibitions In Bulgarian Memorial Museums
ERMi 53. aastakonverents "Püsinäituse kureerimine ja kujundus" (16.-17.04.2012) The report analyses the current status of the permanent exhibitions created a...