Duns Scotus
Duns Scotus
Duns Scotus
Ryan M. Reeves (PhD Cambridge) is Assistant Professor of Historical Theology at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Twitter: https://twitter.com/RyanMReeves Instagram: https://instagram.com/ryreeves4/
Duns Scotus
Duns Scotus
Duns Scotus
Dr. Joshua Blander on John Duns Scotus on Identity and Distinction - trinities 065
Dr. Joshua Blander on John Duns Scotus on Identity and Distinction - trinities 065
Dr. Joshua Blander on John Duns Scotus on Identity and Distinction - trinities 065
http://trinities.org/blog/archives/6778 John Duns Scotus (d. 1308), nicknamed by tradition "the Subtle Doctor," was one of the most important medieval Christian philosophers, and was notorious for the difficulty of his thought. In this episode, we hear a specialist in medieval philosophy give a conference presentation on Scotus's views on identity (sameness) and distinction (difference).
Nowadays most philosophers and logicians recognize qualitative sameness (aka similarity), which comes in degrees, and numerical sameness (aka numerical or absolute identity), which doesn't come in degrees, and which is a symmetrical, transitive, and reflexi
Fr. Johannes Schneider: The Christocentrism of Bl. John Duns Scotus
Fr. Johannes Schneider: The Christocentrism of Bl. John Duns Scotus
Fr. Johannes Schneider: The Christocentrism of Bl. John Duns Scotus
Ave Maria! In the second presentation at our International Centenary Symposium on the Mariology of Bl. John Duns Scotus held in Durham, England, Fr. Johannes...
The Cornerstone #5: Bl. John Duns Scotus & The Incarnation
The Cornerstone #5: Bl. John Duns Scotus & The Incarnation
The Cornerstone #5: Bl. John Duns Scotus & The Incarnation
Fr. Maximilian Dean - Bl. John Duns Scotus (1265-1308) was a Franciscan priest, theologian and professor at Oxford University and the University of Paris. He...
Duns Scotus trailer by TVCO
Duns Scotus trailer by TVCO
Duns Scotus trailer by TVCO
A History of Philosophy | 27 Duns Scotus and William of Ockham
A History of Philosophy | 27 Duns Scotus and William of Ockham
A History of Philosophy | 27 Duns Scotus and William of Ockham
A defesa da Imaculada Conceição - por Duns Scotus
A defesa da Imaculada Conceição - por Duns Scotus
A defesa da Imaculada Conceição - por Duns Scotus
Trechos do filme "Duns Scotus (2011)".
Film Beato Yohanes Duns Scotus ( Pembela Maria Dikandung Tanpa Noda ) sub indo 1/6
Film Beato Yohanes Duns Scotus ( Pembela Maria Dikandung Tanpa Noda ) sub indo 1/6
Film Beato Yohanes Duns Scotus ( Pembela Maria Dikandung Tanpa Noda ) sub indo 1/6
Credit to Owners.
Please do not copy or re-upload this material for commercial purpose.
Homily 2011-11-08 - Fr Mitch Pacwa SJ - Blessed John Duns Scotus
Homily 2011-11-08 - Fr Mitch Pacwa SJ - Blessed John Duns Scotus
Homily 2011-11-08 - Fr Mitch Pacwa SJ - Blessed John Duns Scotus
EWTN Global Catholic Television Network: Homily - Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ - Blessed John Duns Scotus.
Duns Scotus e Guilherme de Ockham
Duns Scotus e Guilherme de Ockham
Duns Scotus e Guilherme de Ockham
Trecho do filme "Duns Scotus" (2011).
The Golden Thread #7: Scotus on the Human and Divine Will
The Golden Thread #7: Scotus on the Human and Divine Will
The Golden Thread #7: Scotus on the Human and Divine Will
Ave Maria! Fr. Peter continues his discourse on the thought of Bl. John Duns Scotus. Scotus' thoughts on the freedom of the will aren't as shaky as some cont...
Catholic Theological Union Duns Scotus Lecture: Paul Moses
Catholic Theological Union Duns Scotus Lecture: Paul Moses
Catholic Theological Union Duns Scotus Lecture: Paul Moses
Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter, writer and author Paul Moses delivers CTU's 4th annual Duns Soctus lecture on The Saint and the Sultan. This lecture celebra...
Blessed John Duns Scotus
Blessed John Duns Scotus
Blessed John Duns Scotus
Blessed John Duns Scotus.
Film Beato Yohanes Duns Scotus ( Pembela Maria Dikandung Tanpa Noda ) sub indo 6/6 Tamat
Film Beato Yohanes Duns Scotus ( Pembela Maria Dikandung Tanpa Noda ) sub indo 6/6 Tamat
Film Beato Yohanes Duns Scotus ( Pembela Maria Dikandung Tanpa Noda ) sub indo 6/6 Tamat
Credit to Owners.
Please do not copy or re-upload this material for commercial purpose.
Homily 2012 11 08 Fr Anthony Mary MFVA Blessed John Duns Scotus
Homily 2012 11 08 Fr Anthony Mary MFVA Blessed John Duns Scotus
Homily 2012 11 08 Fr Anthony Mary MFVA Blessed John Duns Scotus
Franciscans produce a movie on the life of Duns Scotus
Franciscans produce a movie on the life of Duns Scotus
Franciscans produce a movie on the life of Duns Scotus
www.romereports.com Between the backstage and the movie set, you can find Scottish Blessed Duns Scotus. Scotus was a leading philosopher, theologian and prof...
Duns scotus - DVD
Duns scotus - DVD
Duns scotus - DVD
João Duns Scotus, nascido na Escócia, em 1266, desde cedo se tornou uma voz que iluminou a idade média. Dotado de inteligência brilhante, mestre de pensament...
Duns Scotus Trailer del Film
Duns Scotus Trailer del Film
Duns Scotus Trailer del Film
Trailer del film su Duns Scotus.
Glenfarclas 25 Jahre - John Duns Scotus No.18 1989/2014 (Whisky Verkostung Nr.35)
Glenfarclas 25 Jahre - John Duns Scotus No.18 1989/2014 (Whisky Verkostung Nr.35)
Glenfarclas 25 Jahre - John Duns Scotus No.18 1989/2014 (Whisky Verkostung Nr.35)
Glenfarclas No.18 aus der Sammleredition mit 46%.
Fassnummern: 5249, 5250, 5251, 5252, 12992, 13090
Kontakt : tomek.cwiklinski@web.de
Facultatea de Filosofie I. Duns Scotus
Facultatea de Filosofie I. Duns Scotus
Facultatea de Filosofie I. Duns Scotus
Facultatea de Filosofie I.Duns Scotus din cadrul Institutului Teologic Romano-Catolic Franciscan din Roman (Neamt).
Duns Scotus - Um Discurso lógico
Duns Scotus - Um Discurso lógico
Duns Scotus - Um Discurso lógico
Acesse nosso blog: http://teologiaefilosofiaemquestao.blogspot.com.br/
A Lógica no discurso de Deus em Duns Scotus.
Nov 8 - Homily: Blessed John Duns Scotus
Nov 8 - Homily: Blessed John Duns Scotus
Nov 8 - Homily: Blessed John Duns Scotus
Blessed John Duns Scotus, the perfecter of St Bonaventure, always turned to the Mother of God for the grace to be holy, and to explain and defend the doctrin...
Duns Scotus
Ryan M. Reeves (PhD Cambridge) is Assistant Professor of Historical Theology at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Twitter: https://twitter.com/RyanMReeves Instagram: https://instagram.com/ryreeves4/
wn.com/Duns Scotus
Ryan M. Reeves (PhD Cambridge) is Assistant Professor of Historical Theology at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Twitter: https://twitter.com/RyanMReeves Instagram: https://instagram.com/ryreeves4/
- published: 17 Jul 2015
- views: 119
Dr. Joshua Blander on John Duns Scotus on Identity and Distinction - trinities 065
http://trinities.org/blog/archives/6778 John Duns Scotus (d. 1308), nicknamed by tradition "the Subtle Doctor," was one of the most important medieval Christian philosophers, and was notorious for the difficulty of his thought. In this episode, we hear a specialist in medieval philosophy give a conference presentation on Scotus's views on identity (sameness) and distinction (difference).
Nowadays most philosophers and logicians recognize qualitative sameness (aka similarity), which comes in degrees, and numerical sameness (aka numerical or absolute identity), which doesn't come in degrees, and which is a symmetrical, transitive, and reflexive relation. This latter, numerical identity, is a relation which a thing can only bear to itself.
If these are all we have to work with, then we get apparent contradictions from trinitarian claims. For instance, consider this triad of claims:
The Father is God.
The Son is God.
The Father is not the same as the Son.
If the Father is numerically identical to God (1), and so is the Son (2), then it follows (because the relation is symmetrical and transitive), that the Father and Son are numerically identical. (So, 3 is false) The above three claims, so understood, are an inconsistent triad - if any two are true, the remaining claim is false. But arguably, the "Athanasian Creed" requires them all.
That is, interpreting the above triad in terms of numerical identity, there would be this valid argument:
f = g
s = g
g = s (from 2, symmetricality)
f= s (from 1 and 3, by transitivity)
But 4 is a disastrous conclusion. We know that a thing can't, at the same time and in the same way, differ from itself. But according to the New Testament, the Father and Son have differed. To put it differently, numerical sameness forces indiscernibility. If any A just is some B, then A and B can't differ in the smallest way. But the Father and Son do differ, and so they must be non-identical, which is to say, numerically distinct. What does it mean to say, then, that each of them "is God." Perhaps the statements simply mean that each is divine, that each has the divine attributes or a divine nature. Father and Son would then be not numerically identical, but rather similar - that is, like one another, in respect of being divine. But then we have two beings, each of which is divine; this would appear to be two gods. What now?
One response is to make additional distinctions, to argue that our concepts of numerical and qualitative sameness are not enough. This is the course pursued by John Duns Scotus. He holds that we must consider sameness and difference both in the mind, and as it were "on the side of things" in the world, and then he goes on to make further distinctions, which he thinks are relevant not only to theology, but also to more general metaphysics.
Our presenter is Dr. Joshua Blander, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at The King's College in New York City. His paper is called "Being the Same without Being the Same: Duns Scotus on Identity and Distinction."
Weekly podcast exploring views about the Trinity, and more generally about God and Jesus in Christian theology and philosophy. Debates, interviews, and historical and contemporary perspectives. Hosted by philosopher of religion / analytic theologian Dr. Dale Tuggy.
wn.com/Dr. Joshua Blander On John Duns Scotus On Identity And Distinction Trinities 065
http://trinities.org/blog/archives/6778 John Duns Scotus (d. 1308), nicknamed by tradition "the Subtle Doctor," was one of the most important medieval Christian philosophers, and was notorious for the difficulty of his thought. In this episode, we hear a specialist in medieval philosophy give a conference presentation on Scotus's views on identity (sameness) and distinction (difference).
Nowadays most philosophers and logicians recognize qualitative sameness (aka similarity), which comes in degrees, and numerical sameness (aka numerical or absolute identity), which doesn't come in degrees, and which is a symmetrical, transitive, and reflexive relation. This latter, numerical identity, is a relation which a thing can only bear to itself.
If these are all we have to work with, then we get apparent contradictions from trinitarian claims. For instance, consider this triad of claims:
The Father is God.
The Son is God.
The Father is not the same as the Son.
If the Father is numerically identical to God (1), and so is the Son (2), then it follows (because the relation is symmetrical and transitive), that the Father and Son are numerically identical. (So, 3 is false) The above three claims, so understood, are an inconsistent triad - if any two are true, the remaining claim is false. But arguably, the "Athanasian Creed" requires them all.
That is, interpreting the above triad in terms of numerical identity, there would be this valid argument:
f = g
s = g
g = s (from 2, symmetricality)
f= s (from 1 and 3, by transitivity)
But 4 is a disastrous conclusion. We know that a thing can't, at the same time and in the same way, differ from itself. But according to the New Testament, the Father and Son have differed. To put it differently, numerical sameness forces indiscernibility. If any A just is some B, then A and B can't differ in the smallest way. But the Father and Son do differ, and so they must be non-identical, which is to say, numerically distinct. What does it mean to say, then, that each of them "is God." Perhaps the statements simply mean that each is divine, that each has the divine attributes or a divine nature. Father and Son would then be not numerically identical, but rather similar - that is, like one another, in respect of being divine. But then we have two beings, each of which is divine; this would appear to be two gods. What now?
One response is to make additional distinctions, to argue that our concepts of numerical and qualitative sameness are not enough. This is the course pursued by John Duns Scotus. He holds that we must consider sameness and difference both in the mind, and as it were "on the side of things" in the world, and then he goes on to make further distinctions, which he thinks are relevant not only to theology, but also to more general metaphysics.
Our presenter is Dr. Joshua Blander, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at The King's College in New York City. His paper is called "Being the Same without Being the Same: Duns Scotus on Identity and Distinction."
Weekly podcast exploring views about the Trinity, and more generally about God and Jesus in Christian theology and philosophy. Debates, interviews, and historical and contemporary perspectives. Hosted by philosopher of religion / analytic theologian Dr. Dale Tuggy.
- published: 08 Dec 2014
- views: 5
Fr. Johannes Schneider: The Christocentrism of Bl. John Duns Scotus
Ave Maria! In the second presentation at our International Centenary Symposium on the Mariology of Bl. John Duns Scotus held in Durham, England, Fr. Johannes...
wn.com/Fr. Johannes Schneider The Christocentrism Of Bl. John Duns Scotus
Ave Maria! In the second presentation at our International Centenary Symposium on the Mariology of Bl. John Duns Scotus held in Durham, England, Fr. Johannes...
The Cornerstone #5: Bl. John Duns Scotus & The Incarnation
Fr. Maximilian Dean - Bl. John Duns Scotus (1265-1308) was a Franciscan priest, theologian and professor at Oxford University and the University of Paris. He...
wn.com/The Cornerstone 5 Bl. John Duns Scotus The Incarnation
Fr. Maximilian Dean - Bl. John Duns Scotus (1265-1308) was a Franciscan priest, theologian and professor at Oxford University and the University of Paris. He...
Homily 2011-11-08 - Fr Mitch Pacwa SJ - Blessed John Duns Scotus
EWTN Global Catholic Television Network: Homily - Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ - Blessed John Duns Scotus.
wn.com/Homily 2011 11 08 Fr Mitch Pacwa Sj Blessed John Duns Scotus
EWTN Global Catholic Television Network: Homily - Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ - Blessed John Duns Scotus.
- published: 08 Nov 2011
- views: 1428
The Golden Thread #7: Scotus on the Human and Divine Will
Ave Maria! Fr. Peter continues his discourse on the thought of Bl. John Duns Scotus. Scotus' thoughts on the freedom of the will aren't as shaky as some cont...
wn.com/The Golden Thread 7 Scotus On The Human And Divine Will
Ave Maria! Fr. Peter continues his discourse on the thought of Bl. John Duns Scotus. Scotus' thoughts on the freedom of the will aren't as shaky as some cont...
Catholic Theological Union Duns Scotus Lecture: Paul Moses
Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter, writer and author Paul Moses delivers CTU's 4th annual Duns Soctus lecture on The Saint and the Sultan. This lecture celebra...
wn.com/Catholic Theological Union Duns Scotus Lecture Paul Moses
Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter, writer and author Paul Moses delivers CTU's 4th annual Duns Soctus lecture on The Saint and the Sultan. This lecture celebra...
- published: 11 Oct 2013
- views: 500
Franciscans produce a movie on the life of Duns Scotus
www.romereports.com Between the backstage and the movie set, you can find Scottish Blessed Duns Scotus. Scotus was a leading philosopher, theologian and prof...
wn.com/Franciscans Produce A Movie On The Life Of Duns Scotus
www.romereports.com Between the backstage and the movie set, you can find Scottish Blessed Duns Scotus. Scotus was a leading philosopher, theologian and prof...
Duns scotus - DVD
João Duns Scotus, nascido na Escócia, em 1266, desde cedo se tornou uma voz que iluminou a idade média. Dotado de inteligência brilhante, mestre de pensament...
wn.com/Duns Scotus Dvd
João Duns Scotus, nascido na Escócia, em 1266, desde cedo se tornou uma voz que iluminou a idade média. Dotado de inteligência brilhante, mestre de pensament...
Glenfarclas 25 Jahre - John Duns Scotus No.18 1989/2014 (Whisky Verkostung Nr.35)
Glenfarclas No.18 aus der Sammleredition mit 46%.
Fassnummern: 5249, 5250, 5251, 5252, 12992, 13090
Kontakt : tomek.cwiklinski@web.de
wn.com/Glenfarclas 25 Jahre John Duns Scotus No.18 1989 2014 (Whisky Verkostung Nr.35)
Glenfarclas No.18 aus der Sammleredition mit 46%.
Fassnummern: 5249, 5250, 5251, 5252, 12992, 13090
Kontakt : tomek.cwiklinski@web.de
- published: 07 Apr 2015
- views: 72
Facultatea de Filosofie I. Duns Scotus
Facultatea de Filosofie I.Duns Scotus din cadrul Institutului Teologic Romano-Catolic Franciscan din Roman (Neamt).
wn.com/Facultatea De Filosofie I. Duns Scotus
Facultatea de Filosofie I.Duns Scotus din cadrul Institutului Teologic Romano-Catolic Franciscan din Roman (Neamt).
Duns Scotus - Um Discurso lógico
Acesse nosso blog: http://teologiaefilosofiaemquestao.blogspot.com.br/
A Lógica no discurso de Deus em Duns Scotus.
wn.com/Duns Scotus Um Discurso Lógico
Acesse nosso blog: http://teologiaefilosofiaemquestao.blogspot.com.br/
A Lógica no discurso de Deus em Duns Scotus.
- published: 30 Aug 2015
- views: 17
Nov 8 - Homily: Blessed John Duns Scotus
Blessed John Duns Scotus, the perfecter of St Bonaventure, always turned to the Mother of God for the grace to be holy, and to explain and defend the doctrin...
wn.com/Nov 8 Homily Blessed John Duns Scotus
Blessed John Duns Scotus, the perfecter of St Bonaventure, always turned to the Mother of God for the grace to be holy, and to explain and defend the doctrin...
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Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera zahigo25@walla.com +972-54-6905522 tel סיור עם מורה הדרך ומדריך הטיולים צחי שקד 0546905522
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Dunns River Falls Jamaica - Dunns River Falls
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http://things-to-do-in-jamaica.com Dunn's River Falls is one of Jamaica's national treasures. Globally, it is as well known as reggae and equally stimulating...
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Dunn's River Falls is one of Jamaica's national treasures and most popular tourist attractions. The falls are one of the few places were the Arawak (Xayamaca...
wn.com/Dunns River Falls, Jamaica
Dunn's River Falls is one of Jamaica's national treasures and most popular tourist attractions. The falls are one of the few places were the Arawak (Xayamaca...
Museums in Glasgow - Scotland
World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Glasgow -Scotland Travel Guide, Tourism http://bit.ly/1ax8K87 Glasgow - Scotland Attractions, Museums Th...
wn.com/Museums In Glasgow Scotland
World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube Glasgow -Scotland Travel Guide, Tourism http://bit.ly/1ax8K87 Glasgow - Scotland Attractions, Museums Th...
Jabaru LIVE at the Mindil Beach Sunset Market in Darwin, Aug. 14, 2008
LIVE concert, shot with Canon HV30 in Darwin, Australia, and later edited with iMovie9. Jabaru features Rodger and Rene Bradshaw performing Australian and Wo...
wn.com/Jabaru Live At The Mindil Beach Sunset Market In Darwin, Aug. 14, 2008
LIVE concert, shot with Canon HV30 in Darwin, Australia, and later edited with iMovie9. Jabaru features Rodger and Rene Bradshaw performing Australian and Wo...
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Morocco Tours & Holidays / Travel To Morocco With Real Sahara Experience
http://www.realsaharaexperience.com Experience one of our best Tours around Morocco.Real Sahara Experience take you for the very best of Morocco. Our tour it...
wn.com/Morocco Tours Holidays Travel To Morocco With Real Sahara Experience
http://www.realsaharaexperience.com Experience one of our best Tours around Morocco.Real Sahara Experience take you for the very best of Morocco. Our tour it...
Wandering Wisconsin: Snowshoe Fun
Rob Duns explores why late season snowshoeing is great for beginners.
wn.com/Wandering Wisconsin Snowshoe Fun
Rob Duns explores why late season snowshoeing is great for beginners.
- published: 20 Mar 2012
- views: 25
Elvis Presley is alive in the Holy Land - The Elvis Inn Israel - Great coffee, a stunning experience
Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera zahigo25@walla.com +972-54-6905522 tel סיור עם מורה הדרך ומדריך הטיולים צחי שקד 0546905522
My name is Zahi Shaked
In 2000 I became a registered liscenced tourist guide.
My dedication in life is to pass on the ancient history of the Holy Land.
Following upon many years of travel around the world, which was highlighted by a very exciting emotional and soul-searching meeting with the Dalai Lama, I realized that I had a mission. To pass on the the history of the Holy Land, its religions, and in particular, the birth and development of Christianity.
In order to fulfill this "calling" in the best way possible, I studied in depth, visited, and personally experienced each and every important site of the ancient Christians. I studied for and received my first bachelors degree in the ancient history of the Holy Land, and am presently completing my studies for my second degree.(Masters)
Parralel to my studies, and in order to earn a living, I was employed for many years in advertising. What I learned there was how to attract the publics attention, generate and, increase interest, and assimilate information. All this I use as tools to describe, explain and deepen the interest in the sites that we visit. From my experience, I have learned that in this way, the Holy Land becomes more than just history, and that the large stones that we see scattered about in dissaray, join together one by one until they become - a Byzantine Church. This also happens when I lead a group of Pilgrims in the Steps of Jesus. We climb to the peak of Mount Precipice, "glide" over the land to the Sea of Galilee, land on the water and "see" the miracle which enfolds before us. This is a many faceted experience. Not only history which you will remember and cherish, but an experience which I hope will be inplanted in your hearts and minds, and will accompany you all the days of your life.
wn.com/Elvis Presley Is Alive In The Holy Land The Elvis Inn Israel Great Coffee, A Stunning Experience
Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera zahigo25@walla.com +972-54-6905522 tel סיור עם מורה הדרך ומדריך הטיולים צחי שקד 0546905522
My name is Zahi Shaked
In 2000 I became a registered liscenced tourist guide.
My dedication in life is to pass on the ancient history of the Holy Land.
Following upon many years of travel around the world, which was highlighted by a very exciting emotional and soul-searching meeting with the Dalai Lama, I realized that I had a mission. To pass on the the history of the Holy Land, its religions, and in particular, the birth and development of Christianity.
In order to fulfill this "calling" in the best way possible, I studied in depth, visited, and personally experienced each and every important site of the ancient Christians. I studied for and received my first bachelors degree in the ancient history of the Holy Land, and am presently completing my studies for my second degree.(Masters)
Parralel to my studies, and in order to earn a living, I was employed for many years in advertising. What I learned there was how to attract the publics attention, generate and, increase interest, and assimilate information. All this I use as tools to describe, explain and deepen the interest in the sites that we visit. From my experience, I have learned that in this way, the Holy Land becomes more than just history, and that the large stones that we see scattered about in dissaray, join together one by one until they become - a Byzantine Church. This also happens when I lead a group of Pilgrims in the Steps of Jesus. We climb to the peak of Mount Precipice, "glide" over the land to the Sea of Galilee, land on the water and "see" the miracle which enfolds before us. This is a many faceted experience. Not only history which you will remember and cherish, but an experience which I hope will be inplanted in your hearts and minds, and will accompany you all the days of your life.
- published: 17 Jul 2015
- views: 7
Ireland’s Ancient East, See What Awaits You – Unravel Travel TV
Ireland’s Ancient East: For those who love to peel back the layers of time, Ireland's Ancient East is promoted as a wonderful opportunity to experience 5,000 years of European history in a compact area. Visitors can get off the beaten track to see, hear, touch and feel the imprints of the millennia of settlers in this land and discover Stone Age art, monasteries, castles and fortresses.
Ireland’s Ancient East is crafted along four distinct thematic pillars:
Ancient Ireland - There are many treasures in the south and east that are older than the pyramids, set in an ancient green landscape - passage tombs, dolmens and Stone Age observatories that are found throughout Ireland’s Ancient East. Visitors can wonder at the meanings behind the largest concentrations of carved Stone Age artwork and Celtic gold artefacts in Western Europe as well as hear from the locals themselves the stories that infuse this landscape of ancient warriors and Celtic druids. Key attractions: The prehistoric attractions of the Boyne Valley (Newgrange, Knowth, etc.); Brownshill Dolmen, Carlow.
Early Christian Ireland - Visitors to Ireland’s Ancient East will also be encouraged to step into the Golden Age of Saints and Scholars and visit the university and monastery sites where Ireland’s pioneering saints and monks wrote some of the world’s greatest illuminated manuscripts, before spreading their learning and spirituality throughout a Europe locked in the Dark Ages. Visitors can, for example, stand on the Hill of Slane where St Patrick built his bonfire, or travel west from the Boyne valley along the path of the Ancient Dividing Road, the Esker Riada, to find the site of Saint Ciaran's great monastery at Clonmacnoise. Key attractions: Clonmacnoise, Glendalough, Mellifont, Jerpoint Abbey, St.Canice’s Cathedral, Holycross Abbey.
Medieval Ireland - Visitors will also be encouraged to explore the pathways of Medieval Ireland and uncover a rich tapestry of tales from this turbulent time. From the Viking Triangle of Ireland's oldest city, Waterford, lush river valleys lead to the beautifully preserved Medieval City of Kilkenny and beyond. The fortresses and castles built to protect the land and its occupants are evident everywhere in the region. Key attractions: Ireland’s Medieval Mile, Kilkenny; Viking Triangle, Waterford, Hook Head Lighthouse; Trim Castle; Rock of Cashel.
Anglo-Ireland - In Anglo-Ireland visitors can discover the stories of a time of contrasts which shaped the lives of the now settled conquerors of Ireland and those they ruled over. Visitors will have a unique opportunity to experience what life was like in the 18th and 19th centuries. Lavish gardens, opulent houses and market towns are all there for them to explore including the great estates at Powerscourt, Mount Usher, Avondale, Castletown, Emo Court, Altamont and Lismore. The romantic ideals of these times inspired others to failed Rebellions, or to seek better fortune and escape from famine through emigration. At Dunbrody Famine Ship, in Wexford, for example, they can discover what leaving was really like for them. At Vinegar Hill and Wicklow Gaol visitors can see what became of those who stayed and fought for change here. Key attractions: Great Houses & Gardens, Dunbrody Famine Ship, Wicklow Gaol.
Discover Ireland http://www.discoverireland.ie
Unravel Travel TV http://www.unraveltraveltv.com
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Unravel Travel TV Website http://www.unraveltravel.eu
Unravel Travel TV Snapchat traveltv
wn.com/Ireland’S Ancient East, See What Awaits You – Unravel Travel Tv
Ireland’s Ancient East: For those who love to peel back the layers of time, Ireland's Ancient East is promoted as a wonderful opportunity to experience 5,000 years of European history in a compact area. Visitors can get off the beaten track to see, hear, touch and feel the imprints of the millennia of settlers in this land and discover Stone Age art, monasteries, castles and fortresses.
Ireland’s Ancient East is crafted along four distinct thematic pillars:
Ancient Ireland - There are many treasures in the south and east that are older than the pyramids, set in an ancient green landscape - passage tombs, dolmens and Stone Age observatories that are found throughout Ireland’s Ancient East. Visitors can wonder at the meanings behind the largest concentrations of carved Stone Age artwork and Celtic gold artefacts in Western Europe as well as hear from the locals themselves the stories that infuse this landscape of ancient warriors and Celtic druids. Key attractions: The prehistoric attractions of the Boyne Valley (Newgrange, Knowth, etc.); Brownshill Dolmen, Carlow.
Early Christian Ireland - Visitors to Ireland’s Ancient East will also be encouraged to step into the Golden Age of Saints and Scholars and visit the university and monastery sites where Ireland’s pioneering saints and monks wrote some of the world’s greatest illuminated manuscripts, before spreading their learning and spirituality throughout a Europe locked in the Dark Ages. Visitors can, for example, stand on the Hill of Slane where St Patrick built his bonfire, or travel west from the Boyne valley along the path of the Ancient Dividing Road, the Esker Riada, to find the site of Saint Ciaran's great monastery at Clonmacnoise. Key attractions: Clonmacnoise, Glendalough, Mellifont, Jerpoint Abbey, St.Canice’s Cathedral, Holycross Abbey.
Medieval Ireland - Visitors will also be encouraged to explore the pathways of Medieval Ireland and uncover a rich tapestry of tales from this turbulent time. From the Viking Triangle of Ireland's oldest city, Waterford, lush river valleys lead to the beautifully preserved Medieval City of Kilkenny and beyond. The fortresses and castles built to protect the land and its occupants are evident everywhere in the region. Key attractions: Ireland’s Medieval Mile, Kilkenny; Viking Triangle, Waterford, Hook Head Lighthouse; Trim Castle; Rock of Cashel.
Anglo-Ireland - In Anglo-Ireland visitors can discover the stories of a time of contrasts which shaped the lives of the now settled conquerors of Ireland and those they ruled over. Visitors will have a unique opportunity to experience what life was like in the 18th and 19th centuries. Lavish gardens, opulent houses and market towns are all there for them to explore including the great estates at Powerscourt, Mount Usher, Avondale, Castletown, Emo Court, Altamont and Lismore. The romantic ideals of these times inspired others to failed Rebellions, or to seek better fortune and escape from famine through emigration. At Dunbrody Famine Ship, in Wexford, for example, they can discover what leaving was really like for them. At Vinegar Hill and Wicklow Gaol visitors can see what became of those who stayed and fought for change here. Key attractions: Great Houses & Gardens, Dunbrody Famine Ship, Wicklow Gaol.
Discover Ireland http://www.discoverireland.ie
Unravel Travel TV http://www.unraveltraveltv.com
Unravel Travel TV on You Tube http://www.youtube.com/Unra...
Unravel Travel TV Twitter http://www.twitter.com/Unra...
Unravel Travel TV Pinterest http://www.pinterest.com/un...
Unravel Travel TV Website http://www.unraveltravel.eu
Unravel Travel TV Snapchat traveltv
- published: 14 Apr 2015
- views: 30
Himalayas Terai Valley, Nepal by Asiatravel.com
Asiatravel.com offers over 500000 Hotels, Flights, Travel Packages, Tours & Attractions up to 75% discount. All with last minute availability & instant conf...
wn.com/Himalayas Terai Valley, Nepal By Asiatravel.Com
Asiatravel.com offers over 500000 Hotels, Flights, Travel Packages, Tours & Attractions up to 75% discount. All with last minute availability & instant conf...
a Train Departs Kilmarnock for Glasgow
Aberdeen, Aberdour, Aberfoyle, Arbroath, Arisaig, Arrochar, Athelstaneford, Aviemore, Ayr, Ballachulish, Bannockburn, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Biggar, Blantyre, B...
wn.com/A Train Departs Kilmarnock For Glasgow
Aberdeen, Aberdour, Aberfoyle, Arbroath, Arisaig, Arrochar, Athelstaneford, Aviemore, Ayr, Ballachulish, Bannockburn, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Biggar, Blantyre, B...
disabilities grants org
Visit to - http://disabilitiesgrants.org/ is your source to FIND and APPLY for disabled grant. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is proud to b...
wn.com/Disabilities Grants Org
Visit to - http://disabilitiesgrants.org/ is your source to FIND and APPLY for disabled grant. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is proud to b...
- published: 16 Oct 2011
- views: 22
Edinburgh train arrives at Glasgow Central
Aberdeen, Aberdour, Aberfoyle, Arbroath, Arisaig, Arrochar, Athelstaneford, Aviemore, Ayr, Ballachulish, Bannockburn, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Biggar, Blantyre, B...
wn.com/Edinburgh Train Arrives At Glasgow Central
Aberdeen, Aberdour, Aberfoyle, Arbroath, Arisaig, Arrochar, Athelstaneford, Aviemore, Ayr, Ballachulish, Bannockburn, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Biggar, Blantyre, B...
Traveller testimonial_Gemma from Scotland
What does Gemma from Scotland think about We Travel Co? Watch this video to find out!
We Travel Co specialises in offering unique tour experiences in Australia. If you have any questions about Australia visit -
It's a huge country with lots of people who travel from far and wide to visit Australia. Why you may ask? We have lots to do and see like beautiful beaches, pristine nature, abundant wildlife, vast deserts,mountains , the world's largest reef which is the Great Barrier Reef. We promote Australia as a travel friendly destination because we love tourists here in Australia. From Backpacking to expensive tour packages Australia has it all. Australia is Broken up into Different states you have New South Wales, Queensland, Northern Territory, Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania, In Each state we have different cities which are Sydney, Perth, Darwin, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Hobart and Canberra. Some popular tourist destinations are Broome, coolangatta, Newcastle, Alice Springs, Byron Bay, Freemantle, Manly, Bondi, Uluru, Bellingen, Nimbin, Coffs Harbour, Port Macquarie, Port Stephens, Terrigal, Cronulla, Yamba, Wollongong, Jervis Bay, Broulee, Narooma, Merimbula, Gerringong, Surfers Paradise, Burleigh Heads,Great Barrier Reef, Red Centre, Great Ocean Road, Kakadu, The Kimberley, Kangaroo Island, Byron Bay, Tasmanian Wilderness, Australian Alps,Ningaloo, Flinders Ranges, Fraser Island, Freycinet, Noosa, Sunshine Coast, Gippsland. Blue Mountains,Namadgi National Park, Margaret River.
How it started -
Founded in 2011, by company director and adventurer Sam Hilton. We Travel was born from a love for travel, passion for storytelling and a dream to share it with the world. Taking a camera and a backpack he left Australia travelling through New Zealand, US, Mexico and Bali capturing his experience and sharing it with friends. The feed back was positive and the response overwhelming. It gave him the drive to continue creating and sharing despite a lack of funding and financial hardship. During 2012, Sam took to the road in his van across Australia. Joining him were a bunch of travellers from across the globe, he's mission was to take them on a search for adventure and provide them with a unique Australian experience.
The Goal -
To create a global community of travellers, a platform in which they share their experiences of travel and the places they go. We are embarking on branding a sub culture in which travellers all across the world can associate with. Through social media content, we engage our audience with a web based documentary series which captures the spirit and essence of travel. It takes the viewer on a journey off the beaten track and gives a unique insight into the life of a traveller. We would like to Inspire the next generation of young world travellers!
Get Involved -
Travellers are encouraged to participate in the videos, wether it be in front of the camera or behind. we are all about capturing, creating and sharing unique travel experiences that inspire for generations to come! Our product is personal, travellers can share the video's they participate in with their network of family and friends, We Travel Company is truly global.
Our Reach -
Our product has already managed to reach an extensive audience worldwide. These countries include Australia, United States, Germany, France,UK, Canada, Mexico, Indonesia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Spain, Colombia, Thailand, Italy, Vietnam, India , Argentina, Taiwan, Egypt and Mauritius!
Our Vision -
Our vision consists of doing exactly what we are doing now, just bigger and better! We would like to visit other countries in the same fashion. We Travel Company is currently seeking funding and sponsorship. If you are in line with our vision and like what we are doing then feel free to contact us and have a chat about how we can work together!
wn.com/Traveller Testimonial Gemma From Scotland
What does Gemma from Scotland think about We Travel Co? Watch this video to find out!
We Travel Co specialises in offering unique tour experiences in Australia. If you have any questions about Australia visit -
It's a huge country with lots of people who travel from far and wide to visit Australia. Why you may ask? We have lots to do and see like beautiful beaches, pristine nature, abundant wildlife, vast deserts,mountains , the world's largest reef which is the Great Barrier Reef. We promote Australia as a travel friendly destination because we love tourists here in Australia. From Backpacking to expensive tour packages Australia has it all. Australia is Broken up into Different states you have New South Wales, Queensland, Northern Territory, Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania, In Each state we have different cities which are Sydney, Perth, Darwin, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Hobart and Canberra. Some popular tourist destinations are Broome, coolangatta, Newcastle, Alice Springs, Byron Bay, Freemantle, Manly, Bondi, Uluru, Bellingen, Nimbin, Coffs Harbour, Port Macquarie, Port Stephens, Terrigal, Cronulla, Yamba, Wollongong, Jervis Bay, Broulee, Narooma, Merimbula, Gerringong, Surfers Paradise, Burleigh Heads,Great Barrier Reef, Red Centre, Great Ocean Road, Kakadu, The Kimberley, Kangaroo Island, Byron Bay, Tasmanian Wilderness, Australian Alps,Ningaloo, Flinders Ranges, Fraser Island, Freycinet, Noosa, Sunshine Coast, Gippsland. Blue Mountains,Namadgi National Park, Margaret River.
How it started -
Founded in 2011, by company director and adventurer Sam Hilton. We Travel was born from a love for travel, passion for storytelling and a dream to share it with the world. Taking a camera and a backpack he left Australia travelling through New Zealand, US, Mexico and Bali capturing his experience and sharing it with friends. The feed back was positive and the response overwhelming. It gave him the drive to continue creating and sharing despite a lack of funding and financial hardship. During 2012, Sam took to the road in his van across Australia. Joining him were a bunch of travellers from across the globe, he's mission was to take them on a search for adventure and provide them with a unique Australian experience.
The Goal -
To create a global community of travellers, a platform in which they share their experiences of travel and the places they go. We are embarking on branding a sub culture in which travellers all across the world can associate with. Through social media content, we engage our audience with a web based documentary series which captures the spirit and essence of travel. It takes the viewer on a journey off the beaten track and gives a unique insight into the life of a traveller. We would like to Inspire the next generation of young world travellers!
Get Involved -
Travellers are encouraged to participate in the videos, wether it be in front of the camera or behind. we are all about capturing, creating and sharing unique travel experiences that inspire for generations to come! Our product is personal, travellers can share the video's they participate in with their network of family and friends, We Travel Company is truly global.
Our Reach -
Our product has already managed to reach an extensive audience worldwide. These countries include Australia, United States, Germany, France,UK, Canada, Mexico, Indonesia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Spain, Colombia, Thailand, Italy, Vietnam, India , Argentina, Taiwan, Egypt and Mauritius!
Our Vision -
Our vision consists of doing exactly what we are doing now, just bigger and better! We would like to visit other countries in the same fashion. We Travel Company is currently seeking funding and sponsorship. If you are in line with our vision and like what we are doing then feel free to contact us and have a chat about how we can work together!
- published: 13 Feb 2014
- views: 73
BORDERLANDS 2 | Terramorphous Made Easy!!! How to beat Tutorial
This is an old video. The class mods I have given away. Sorry to those that are watching it later on :D Today Ill be showing you the easiest way to beat Terr...
wn.com/Borderlands 2 | Terramorphous Made Easy How To Beat Tutorial
This is an old video. The class mods I have given away. Sorry to those that are watching it later on :D Today Ill be showing you the easiest way to beat Terr...
- published: 01 Oct 2012
- views: 1047400
Thanks for watching & please subscribe to my channel :) We purchased our travel stay through Groupon: http://gr.pn/1hBVtfp We stayed at Jewel Runaway Bay Res...
wn.com/Jamaica Dunn'S River Falls, Coconuts, Snorkeling
Thanks for watching & please subscribe to my channel :) We purchased our travel stay through Groupon: http://gr.pn/1hBVtfp We stayed at Jewel Runaway Bay Res...
- published: 03 Aug 2014
- views: 69
Rose xo
I'm treated like a Queen...
WorldMark South Pacific Club by Wyndham owners share their experience.
Visit Us: http://bit.ly/1PdApx9
WorldMark South Pacific Club by Wyndham is the leading Vacation Ownership club and timeshare provider in the South Pacific region. It is exclusively developed, managed and marketed by Wyndham Vacation Resorts Asia Pacific, and has delivered unforgettable holidays to more than 49,000 Owner families for more than 13 years.
✔ Over 49,000 Owner families
Wyndham's timeshare program is a flexible, convenient and affordable way to holiday more often. As a WorldMark South Pacific Club Owner, you will receive an annual allotment of Vacation Credits to book your resort stays. You will enjoy the ease of online booking, plus the assistance of a dedicated Travel Agency and Owner Services team for all your holiday planning needs.
✔ 26 resorts across Australia, New Zealand and Fiji
With a collection of 26 resorts across Australia, New Zealand and Fiji, Owners can choose from an array of destinations – all with quality accommodation. You can decide where, when, how often and how long you want to holiday each year according to the number of Credits you own. That means you can take several short breaks throughout the year or extended holidays.
Enjoy being an Owner, using your Vacation Ownership timeshare and the unlimited travel possibilities you have with WorldMark.
Contact Us: http://bit.ly/1I5S4l6
wn.com/I'm Treated Like A Queen...
WorldMark South Pacific Club by Wyndham owners share their experience.
Visit Us: http://bit.ly/1PdApx9
WorldMark South Pacific Club by Wyndham is the leading Vacation Ownership club and timeshare provider in the South Pacific region. It is exclusively developed, managed and marketed by Wyndham Vacation Resorts Asia Pacific, and has delivered unforgettable holidays to more than 49,000 Owner families for more than 13 years.
✔ Over 49,000 Owner families
Wyndham's timeshare program is a flexible, convenient and affordable way to holiday more often. As a WorldMark South Pacific Club Owner, you will receive an annual allotment of Vacation Credits to book your resort stays. You will enjoy the ease of online booking, plus the assistance of a dedicated Travel Agency and Owner Services team for all your holiday planning needs.
✔ 26 resorts across Australia, New Zealand and Fiji
With a collection of 26 resorts across Australia, New Zealand and Fiji, Owners can choose from an array of destinations – all with quality accommodation. You can decide where, when, how often and how long you want to holiday each year according to the number of Credits you own. That means you can take several short breaks throughout the year or extended holidays.
Enjoy being an Owner, using your Vacation Ownership timeshare and the unlimited travel possibilities you have with WorldMark.
Contact Us: http://bit.ly/1I5S4l6
- published: 14 Apr 2015
- views: 180
"BOB Marley tour (it speaks for its self!)" Mytime2cruise's photos around Ocho Rios, Jamaica
Preview of Mytime2cruise's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/mytime2cruise/1/1262714314/tpod.html This...
wn.com/Bob Marley Tour (It Speaks For Its Self ) Mytime2Cruise's Photos Around Ocho Rios, Jamaica
Preview of Mytime2cruise's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/mytime2cruise/1/1262714314/tpod.html This...
How to tune your dunun
Our step by step guide to keeping your dunun sounding their best!
wn.com/How To Tune Your Dunun
Our step by step guide to keeping your dunun sounding their best!
- published: 24 Feb 2014
- views: 40
Dunn's River Falls, Jamaica
Views of tourists climbing the falls. See more videos at www.billsvideos.weebly.com
wn.com/Dunn's River Falls, Jamaica
Views of tourists climbing the falls. See more videos at www.billsvideos.weebly.com
- published: 13 Apr 2008
- views: 348209
Dunn's River Falls, Ocho Rios Jamaica 2013
Dunn's River Falls, Ocho Rios Jamaica 2013 Music by: Dan-O @ www.danosongs.com.
wn.com/Dunn's River Falls, Ocho Rios Jamaica 2013
Dunn's River Falls, Ocho Rios Jamaica 2013 Music by: Dan-O @ www.danosongs.com.