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WASHINGTON (The Nil Admirari) - Earlier today, Democratic presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced she will dress up as a Walmart cashier for Halloween. Clinton declared her costume selection was meant to inform Americans she sat on Walmart's board of directors from 1986 to 1992, and was complicit in outsourcing American jobs to foreign sweatshops while she actively worked against labor unions.

Speaking during a morning adjournment to watch naked mud wrestling, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and US Secretary of State John Kerry agreed that Mr Putin’s fragrance of choice could be a major problem.

With only a mere year between now and the 2016 presidential election, two movies just out appear to be efforts at raising the sophistication level among voters: one at a rather high level; the other, not so much.


Dwarf Tossers Association Sagittarius Horoscope Of the Year 2014
Welly Boot Tossers Association Special Wellington Boot Award November 2013
Big Band Waap Waap Special Trombone Award For Predictions Involving Wind, March 2012

WASHINGTON, D.C.  (The Adobo Chronicles) The Republican National Committee (RNC) has pulled out of a planned Feb. 26 debate hosted by NBC News after widespread criticism of this week's CNBC debate from both the party and campaigns. In a stunning announcement made today, RNC chairman Reince Priebus said that the February 26 debate will be moved instead to the Disney…

WASHINGTON (The Nil Admirari) - Earlier today, all of the Republican presidential candidates announced they would be taking their blatant lies and distortions to "safer" conservative propaganda outlets following Wednesday's CNBC debate where they were all confronted on some of their lies. The Republican National Committee (RNC) also declared it was "breaking up" with NBC as a result of the last debate, even as NBC promised to "better accommodate" Republican lies in the future.

‘Originally our one child policy was accused of being anti human rights,’ said Derek Smythe. ‘But our prosperity rose, especially where pick and mix was concerned, as a result of decreased pilferage.’

When ‘free speech’ is for sale, big money drowns out the people. In today’s so-called “democratic” election process, Big Money doesn’t talk, it roars — usually drowning out the people’s voice. Bizarrely, the Supreme Court decreed in its 2010 Citizens United ruling that money is a form of “free speech.”

"So that's where I put my bug shaped hat." Jessie Krufts, Hat Collector

WASHINGTON, D.C. (The Adobo Chronicles ) - Following Wednesday's poorly-managed GOP presidential debate hosted by CNBC, Republican presidential candidate, now frontrunner, Ben Carson, demanded that the Republican National Committee (RNC) change the entire debate format starting with the November 10 debate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Carson told RNC that unless all his demands are met, he will…

Thousands of irate parents bombarded CNBC last night to complain about a live TV show which caused children to flee in terror.

After nearly seven years of using an increasingly outmoded stereo system in the chamber, the U.S. House of Representatives has finally got a new speaker.

Kim Jong Un's once-powerful dog Mr. Wiggles was shaved bald, thrown into a cage and eaten alive by the ravenous North Korean leader this week, a newspaper with ties to China's ruling Communist Party reported today.

DENVER, Colorado (The Adobo Chronicles) - The Republican National Committee (RNC), disappointed by last night's conduct of the GOP presidential debate on CNBC, announced that it has decided on a major change in the next televised debate. Reince Priebus, chair of the RNC, slammed CNBC immediately after the GOP debate hosted by the network ended Wednesday night. Priebus…

A day after announcing the lifting of the “one couple, one child" policy, Chinese officials are admitting that the move was premature and might cause a “perilous” spike in the birth rate.

WASHINGTON (The Nil Admirari) - Today, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI-01) officially lost the Republican contest to not be Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. Speaker Ryan garnered 236 votes to succeed John Boehner (R-OH-01), and declared his defeat to what he described as "one of the most shameful American legislative bodies in our history" prior to threatening all of America with what was to come.

Jesse Martin thought he landed the perfect job. 4-day work weeks, free breakfasts and lunches, company outings, and an filled with games and activities. He took the position of Marketing Ninja at a new Silicon Beach ad startup called Impaktly, but it wasn't exactly what he thought he signed up for.

BROOKLYN (The Barbed Wire) - A bathroom break turned into a tense situation today when seven female staffers for the Hillary Clinton campaign team locked themselves in a women's bathroom in the campaign's headquarters building. All seven survived the ordeal and counselors have been brought in to help the women process the event.

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