Color Me Olsen
"Seconds Apart"
Gary Entin | Seth
Gary Entin - Full HD Seconds Apart
Seconds Apart - Prelude [Jonah | Seth || Edmund & Gary Entin]
Geography Club Trailer
Geography Club(2013) Trailer[HD]
Geography Club Full Trailer
Geography Club - Russel Middlebrook & Kevin Land
DeadSky Reviews: Seconds Apart
Seconds Apart horror movie review Afterdark films
Hanging With The Twins!
After Dark Originals Seconds Apart DVD Review
Color Me Olsen
"Seconds Apart"
Gary Entin | Seth
Gary Entin - Full HD Seconds Apart
Seconds Apart - Prelude [Jonah | Seth || Edmund & Gary Entin]
Geography Club Trailer
Geography Club(2013) Trailer[HD]
Geography Club Full Trailer
Geography Club - Russel Middlebrook & Kevin Land
DeadSky Reviews: Seconds Apart
Seconds Apart horror movie review Afterdark films
Hanging With The Twins!
After Dark Originals Seconds Apart DVD Review
Seconds Apart - Trailer (deutsch/german)
Multifandom - My medicine
The Seeker (Trailer) - Oct. 2008
"Devolved" Director John Cregan
Kevin M. Horton talks SEX!
Strong Crockett!
Probuzení tmy (2007) - trailer
Odpočívadlo smrti 2 [Horor] 2008 slovenský dabing
Entin youtube
Baker v. Carr After 50 Years: Appraising the Reapportionment Revolution - Panel III
#37 Night Temptation Radioshow DJ Indigo and DJ Romantic part 1,2 (02.04.14)
Government Speech: The Government's Ability to Compel and Restrict Speech - Panel I
Immigration Law Symposium Panel 1
Близнецы XD
seconds apart completa sub español
Seconds Apart muxed
"Where's Waldo" Trailer (Parody)
Geography Club(2013) Trailer
Seconds Apart Trailer - After Dark Originals
Steve Entin on the Tax Impacts of the Fiscal Cliff
Edmund Entin- FULL HD Seconds Apart
Geography Club Trailer (2013)
Geography Club
Jeff Entin & Bob Blum - Shallow End
Celebrities Shout Out to Actors Reporter
Council discusses buying old golf course
Firefighter Terry Nielsen remembered
Effingham County Warrant Arrests
Gary Entin (born 10 December 1979 in Miami, Florida) is an American Actor.
He is a 32 year old Actorwell known for his role as Paul Stanton in The Seeker: The Dark is Rising.
Gary is the twin brother of Edmund Entin.
His career was started and is kept up by being a 'friend' of Bryan Singer.
"You're all doomed! You're all doomed!"
A drowning
Evil Prevails
A small boy
Hell's got a plan to sell
For more then 20 years he's locked in horror
Until one faithful night, the onslaught begins
Mommy's brought to the boiling point
Nerves gone awry
They killed my baby
Now they're gonna die
Too much sex, too much thrills
Not enough attention, he was killed
They should have kept this place closed down
I'm gonna bring them down (tonight!)
Rain and thunder, the perfect background
For the knife welding mentally unsound
13...Only in my dreams
13...More real then it seems!
Mommy's dead, baby saw
Now it's time to roll the ball
Annihilate, decapitate
All the intruders into his world
With a knife or an axe
He will attack
One foot into his domain
You're never coming back
Breaking the silence
Across the lake filled with decay
Another summer camp
Jason paves his way
A sack to hide his face
A childhood of disgrace
Lead to his percission
Which will lead to your incision
13...Only in my dreams
13...Will make you scream!
A return, former victim
Forced to face, forced to task
He dons his hockey mask
And wavers a sharp machette blade
An Act of violence to match the pounding rain
Against the barn door where he loses his life
Or does he?
He's never gonna die
A time to cool, a time to reflect
In the hospital, he detects
A loophole in a unsqueeky hinge
He restarts his killing binge
Back home to the killing grounds
To the lake, to protect his bounds
More invaders they must be learned
To come to his home, you will be burned!
The key, a master of FX
Too young for the knowledge but still driven by sex
Tommy Jarvis in a rage to defend
Brings old Jason to his mortal end
A new beginning for the slayer who doused
Sharp illusions at a half way house
By law, the state does it's part
Now he watches Jason's bloodbath restart
Rubs his eyes, thinks he is in a dream
Until he hears the blood curdling screams
A pseudo-Psycho using Jason's old M-O
But this fake wasn't a very strong foe
Beset my nightmares and of the time he had to defend
Tommy plans of killing him again
Dig him up and burn him to ash
Doesn't realize this plan is too rash
His buddy pukes, he see the maggots and worms
Tommy starts the redemise in a thunder storm
But Mother Nature resurrects this beast
So he can continue his feast
Crystal Lake is now Forest Green
Pure ignorance to an utmost extreme
Slicing and dicing, this human quesenart
Grabs Forest Green and rips it apart
Lured back to his watery grave
He clips a few more in a pissed off rage
A noose a rock and the sheriffs daughter
Bring an end to this bloody slaughter!
13..... Adrenaline driven careen
13..... Makes me......SCREAM!!!!!!
All is quiet in the dead of night
Until a doctor caves to affixtions of revenge and spite
Invokes the demons of a girl's special powers
Who reinstates the Killing Hours
"There goes the Neighborhood!"
Preppy Bastards massacred in the woods
But she who laughs last gets to live and tell
How she returned the "legend" to Hell
Crystal Lake jumps with animal intensity
Jason's jolted to life with electricity
Class Trip to celebrate their demise
As a storm brews in the skies
Jason's wrath equals the swells of the sea
Cripples the cruise ship to it's knees
Pathetic victims flee to the city that doesn't sleep
Reflects a hungry wolf hunting wounded sheep!
13... Element of fear
13... End is drawing near
Beneath the streets of the rotting apple
Lies toxic waste, will he get trampled?
Midnight flooding rips the boy from his sins
Is this the ending or just the beginning?
FBI risking limb for limb
Suddenly the legend is killing again
No explanation of this regenerated thirst
As soon as it starts, he's ripped apart!
Coroner tagging left over remains
Gets a hunger that is inhumane
Ingest the heart of the destroyed villain
Leads to his own brand of Killing
Jason's soul traveling in a foreign shell
Stealing bodies, sends their owners to hell
Back in Crystal Lake the approach is secure
Last Vorhees relatives manipulized by a Ratings Whore!
An ancient dagger stealing life with a fiery glow
Sends Jason to his resting place with the demons below!
The last image of 5 razors and hockey mask
Another sequel? As if we had to ask!
Sit right down there sir
And tell to me a tale
I don't mean one with fancy diamonds
Or one about the Holy Grail
Speak of one
That will blow my mind
And fill me with indecission
How about one with a crazy doctor
Who loves to make incissions
Tell me a story
Please make it nice and gory
A blood bath, hands reaching from the crypt
A soul stealing spectral
Into the perils of hell you'll slip
I need to know
My fear will grow
With the words that flow out from your tongue
With every sentence the further into terror I am flung
This guy and I
A campside ghost lure
Neither know what lies in store
When the terror rains on us with force
Mother Nature has taken it's course
A locust storm
Gigantic Swarm
Crops are gone
Money Lost!
Do you know what this is gonna cost?
Out in the old west
Oh this heat I detest
I'm so hungry
No vultures, I like to eat the birdies the best
Now that the bugs have strayed
Went away into the sunset
When they find this man
They're gonna accuse me I bet!
A heart attack
Vultures on his back
Makes it impossible to detect
Hole burned into the sky
Next to nothing into it you fly
Turn around found no narrow escape
Stuck inside burcratic red tape
Look towards the white light of desire
It's a trick in hell there's only fire
Pain and suffering is good for your well being
Turmoil and anguish is all you're seeing
Breathing arsenic and death sute into your lungs
That fat bitch has already sung
Your doom is a flaming corpse chard and scorched
You pissed them off and you got torched
Seems your opinion of life's rewards was off set
As you sit as Bealzabub's Pet
Bark you fucking dog
A g rated cartoon plays your twisted tune
A personal hell at the sanatarium
Blah Blah Blah you bite off your tongue
Hells bells have been rung
Another dose
Another pill
Another image, another 24 to kill
Another weak sister, another mind twister
Another overdosed, comatose, ego strungout star
Welcome my fools to the Dark Half
On my time you shall never laugh
Never be happy
Never show feelings
Who dares to rise before me, on your knees dog
Start kneeling!
Trechery and tricky, a theme, a scheme
A Master of illusion
Have you come to this conclussion?
You're gonna die, be born, die, be born
I don't even want to hear your cries!
Welcome my friend to your hell that never ends
The Dark Half you shall be sent
Into a bubbling cauldron
Save the children
Hell awaits, evil dominants
A submissive society which bows down
Wintertime's such a cold and bitter time
For some, but not for others
Christmas eve
Outside the snow's coming down
Children Happy, Santa's Coming
While the homeless scurry through town
Mothers and Fathers turn away
Grandparents just hope to see one more Christmas Day
Children, Kids, they just don't know
How Street People freeze to death
Crime in the streets
A bag lady's crying
Knife in her stomach
And she's dying
She'll be dead by tonight
Prostitutes down on Wingate and Sixth
Pimps come by, give 'em a fix twice a night
You say that you hate it
But you,
You don't do nothing about it
The streets are alive
They're hoping to survive the night
But, nobody lives in this life to long
Nobody thinks they belong
So honestly nobody cares
Since people are too wrapped up in themselves to notice
Street People
Sleeping in the city's trash
Street People
Having to beg for a little cash
Street People
Never having a place to go
Street People
Freeze to death
Tell you to go
Kildare...I swear
I never killed her
I swear I never...nevermind
Seconds like the wrinkles bringing age
Turn the lights off, calendars hide too many pages
I can not tell you
How the flesh upon your face
Burns into a characticure
Which enlightens no one and mocks your soul
Oil drawing hair, I'm so scared
Of old age dementia
Old age senility
Flowered serenity
Old timer
Annihilate the articulate
Kill him for his words
Faster bastards
I'm getting tired
Of false belief, obsolete impressioned structure
Please refer to the scriptures
Father me a bastard child
Make him uptight, turn him wild
A demon seed, fusion unleashed
Belly burning with a starving fire
Untouched by the seering flame
Belly churning with unholy terror
Inbreeding to blame
Kissing cousins, a hellish affair
Kissing cousins, never aware
Daddy's touch, detest, incest
Bet to love, thy family, thy wrong impression
Oh, what a nasty obsession!
Nine months, twelve days, and fourteen hours
The nurses and doctors and chaplin all cower
With fear, with fright, and all deny
A devil baby born with red eyes
No cord, no breath, nothing but death
A dead baby at the feat of a curse
Who lies in a pile of blood
Killed by the nurse
Bastard, witch, sorcoress, bitch
Die for me, a filthy whore
Breeding lust, wretching on the floor
A harum of death
A collection, my collection
My desire to contril
My obsession to own your soul
Strip you of you
A naked shell
It's just as well
It comes right from the start
And it will rip your world apart
Because you never understand what's going on
It comes right from the start
And it will shred your heart apart
If you don't believe what I conceive
It comes right from the start
It comes right from the start
Chrissy went downtown
Chrissy went downtown
Chrissy went downtown...Last night
Chrissy went downtown to follow her dreams
But all she ever got was caught in a scheme
Promised fame, fortune and glory
But all she ever got was the same old story
...She got robbed!
Now she's laid low down on skid row
Her California dream does not seem
The way the brochure deplicted life's ease
She thought it'd be a breeze
First it starts..
Taken in
Zombie State
Drugs can't wait
Start whoring
And owe your life to Mac the Knife
In his silver Mercedes
Has both the meat and the gravy
He grabs your pay as you snort your life away
In a zombie walk, some sort of jumbled talk
You need another happy dart
Ran the red light
Cross the tracks
Into trouble and never coming back
Pay my nickle and dime
For a one way fare
Never coming back. I don't care, I don't care, I swear!
Dream a sacred dream
A nightmare sweat and scream
A futile desire, smack reality
Join the unsound for awhile
And dine on the pain of the grievers
Ans knock contempt from non-believers
And swear on the god you never believed
Ans send them to an early grave decieved
Because you never understood their course
So with your piece you'll show no remorse
And no repent for the innocent and spry
Took a wrong turn at Alburquerque, now die!
Ducks, and bugs, and sticks, and pricks
And Mighty Mouse is in my house
As a dog named Frenchy licks my tongue
And your TB tears out my lungs
The paranoid void I try to eschew
As my vomit becomes my stew
Convulsions on the floor at America's Store
It's where we all shop
And where my life seemed to stop
I've got virtual reality
With a kaleidoscope of trepidation
My body is freezing cold
Like an Alaskan vacation
The boogeyman of dread
He lives inside my head
He constantly tells me what to do
He says I should murder and maim you
As my love
As my life
As my fear
As my pain
As my friends
All run through my veins
Look at me
I reflect a failure
I'm to success what Kansas is to a sailor
I steal your money to make my illusion
Johnny was a runner
but he never ran far
Always told people about the stairs for his scars
Always sat alone, for Mom and Dad live in bars
But his sanity is safe, locked beyond the stars
Mommy was a asshole
Daddy was a prick
The two of them together was enough to make you sick
Johnny always thought it was his fauly
But he didn't get a choice
No, he did not get to pick...Them!
Stuck inside a suburbean nightmare
Trapped within a suburbean hell
With the creatures in the neighborhood
That stole your youth
And now that you've grown up
It's so hard to show the proof
With vices on your lips
And collars 'round your neck
And al the countless times
He put you on the deck
Deep in my suburbean nightmare
Drowning in my suburbean hell
With the creatures in the neighboor
That stole your mind
And now that you've grown up
Every thought is like a grind
Like a grain of salt
Over your shoulder
Into another's eyes
Carefully deplicting
Everyone loves a happy bafoon
And I could bring you down...
Nobody cares for the sad clown
Casted aside with a semi-automatic grin
Mr. Happy go-lucky starts in again
Are you my Friend?
Are you my bitter End?
Another gun shy shot through
Another reason to boldly hate you
Another stereo type typed out wrong
Another man gunned down, dead and gone
Are you happy?
I mean truly content
If you are, where'd your life went?
You used to have it all
Used to have feelings to yearn
Now it's hidden and hindered by Gin and cigerette burns
Blissful's been confiscated!
Prozac Genocide
All of you so called friends Lied
Truth's are all lies
The commons I Despise
They really didn't do it for me
A greased palm over here
get's you something over there
Doesn't honesty count for anything?
I can hear it ring
Libery for me, Can't you hear it ring?
God damn deaf!
One of the masses...YUCK!
Demeaning, demeaning
What's the meaning?
Why do Jackasses and Dumbos fight?
Something's not right
A political cival war, unrest!
I think some bastard father said it best
Go get a life!
'bout the bout
it's a common intervention
Unity and confussion
A twisted messed up invention
Mock the mocked who follwed the flock
Who never really picked up on what life's about!
He is wrong, who answers the answers
Question not me but all the questions
Gesture a finger, he laid one on me
Pressure the man, for his lies lay in our plans
To score one in the forum
A fucking peice of the pie
It's amazing the arrogence which comes with a suit and tie
A degree allows some degress
of free bullshit to spill
To never swallow pride for it's a mighty big pill
Paranoia strikes with the check in the mail
Liberty without the cash, watch the freedom set sail
Out of your life, you get no remorse
memory inside
Relay switch
Has short curcuited
Chemical imbalance
Rotted away, my brain, insane
In pain, no pain
No feeling
What's that? Oh it's just the ceiling
Who are you?
Who am I?
Am I just a skeleton in deguise?
Socailly demeaning
No one cares about me
I can't see myself...normal
But normal's like you
Me be like that?
No that you
Welcome to my happy aboad
Down that open road
Never knowing any monsters
Except the monsters running rampped deep down inside
I've got time to buy
I'm locked up
Marbles richochet off padded walls
Padded floors protect me when I fall
I can't stand up (too dizzy)
Can't hold on (arms in a straight jacket)
Can not talk, Mental confusion
I guess I'm losin' it!
Answer me!
Why doesn't anybody ever talk to me?
They just stick, pull, push, probe, look, take, inject, and wreak havoc
I'm tired of all my happy pills
Tired of my delusionary thrills
Tired of...Oh I'm so tired
That's when a man meets a woman
As Chemistry without the instructions
Two souls consumate inwardly
Masses will lay dead
In an Apocalpitic world
Afraid of true feelings,
Doomed to become extinct
Like the masses brought on before us
(Only stupidity shall be our demise)
Shall we try to search for an answer to the bounding questions
of our age
If only the Government expelled some more funds,
We could stop this rage
Instead they give to other countries
Just to impress
And use blantant cut backs for the Homeward catasphophies
They should address
The Military Spawns on a foreign lawn
While people in the city, sleep on the corner
Or drink down their liqour, while unzipping their fly
So another baby can be born, and will be destined to die
Dying of starvation, or a drop on the head
In the Land of the free, and the home of the dead
Another raining friday night
Little Wesley waits at home for his dad
Who is late because he lost another job
Michael greets his son at the broken door
gives his son a belt across the face....
Simply, because he's too damn drunk too love the boy
goes in, and rapes in wife
three bullets in the chamber
takes all there lives
In the richest of lands
Crime and Chaos trickle down from the meltng pot
Politicians couldn't care until their terms are almost up
Then with a wink and a false smile
You're special and important, with all the meaningful words you
When the world was formed
From a fiery mass
Bombastic explosion, big ball of gas
Just another planet
On a small scale
There was an attempt to create the perfect planet
But it got nailed
Got slapped in the face
When the bombs all blow
And mommies glow
And trees don't grow no more
When children cry
Get sick then die
Was the perfect weapon right for us?
Atomic age, set the stage for ACT 2
Open the hanger, Stealth will fly
What's the enemies to do?
DIE...Just DIE
Your skin is yellow, purple, blue, red
What the hell's the difference
When you lie victim to mother nature's bloodshed
And after the fire
Who will burn our flame?
All the hatred and anger
Will earth be the same?
Another life form takes charge
Another rage another order
"Y'all know the rules"
[Verse 1:]
California critical shit 12" inch
One strip so they eat up your whole compact disc
Los Angeles
Take they terrorists
Blond wave black fist incredible lyricist
In a never endin' quest to get rich
I hold a grip with time to breathe
More tricks up my sleeve than about forty thieves
With forty _ in a weed spot runnin' they tree
All money to me the 360 degree
Now we max and relax like cool breeze
But they all fucked up in the street
Avoidin' front page fame so I'm holdin' my heat
So low key that none of you niggas is knowin' me
In '98 I only see weed
Only we hopin' Allah see me
And only be left bless my family tree
Until 2000 but fuck school like '83
Off Hennessy for all enemy
Lovin' dollars like all you gangstas love Impalas
Never put a bitch before your momma
Stay tuned
For the love hella right to 12 jewels
Nigga you know the rules