- published: 29 Jun 2006
- views: 3523069
Christopher Warren (born May 16, 1968 on Long Island, New York) is an American musician who has performed in numerous bands. He is currently the singer in Bro-Kin. He is best known for being the lead singer in The DX Band (sometimes referred to as The Chris Warren Band), a group who performed the entrance theme of professional wrestling stable D-Generation X called "Break It Down".
Warren is known to many as the voice behind the DX entrance music, and after this Jim Johnston (head of WWE music) became so impressed with Warren, that he offered him further vocal work. Over the course of the next four years, Warren recorded several songs for the WWF(E). In 1998, Warren made his television debut at WrestleMania XIV, performing a screeching version of "America The Beautiful" and The Star-Spangled Banner, for which he was booed heavily, as the fans and national media in attendance considered the performance disrespectful and of poor quality. Warren and the band also performed the DX ring entrance music later the same night as DX came to the ring, and again five months later at the 1998 SummerSlam. Later that year Warren recorded the vocals for Triple H's theme "My Time". This song was featured on the platinum album WWF The Music, Vol. 4. He also recorded the Superstars theme from 1997. His last appearance was a cameo on the Run-D.M.C. "The Kings" music video, directed by David Sahadi. Warren, along with Bro-Kin, recorded an unreleased song for WWE's Tough Enough II which never made it onto the show.
演唱:關淑怡 (Shirley Kwan Suk Yee) 作曲:Taku Izumi/Keisuke Yamakawa 填詞:陳淑兒 迷霧夜雨中 不經意再步過 重踏那往昔 足印可以麼 人在冷風中 哭過也恨過 只想這是一場夢 夢醒掠過 沒法記清楚當初跟你共奏那心歌 輕哼出那調兒 但缺你附唱和 緣盡已早知 痴想已滅破 只見你默默躺著熟睡拋下我 Ah~~~ 人在愛戀中 不懂錯是錯 原是沒結果 偏要點愛火 情是至瘋麾 不可當玩意 可惜這誤會竟成了絕望的大錯 記起那一天街中的你在痛哭悲歌 只傷心我未曾像你愛那麼多 原諒我好嗎 請你再望我 今天以後岸邊呆坐剩低是我 今天以後岸邊呆坐剩低是我
被愛是幸福 你太美 愛你要先學會心碎 我害怕沒有你日子失去光輝 專心的愛一個人對不對 愛情的崎嶇讓人覺得好累 你愛過誰 為誰流過淚 為他說過但從未實現的諾言 有沒有後悔 想不想說抱歉 如果有機會願不願重來一回 被愛是幸福 愛人是痛苦 我連在你面前想哭都不會 被愛是幸福 愛人是痛苦 我已經選擇愛你這條路 你愛過誰 為誰流過淚 為他說過但從未實現的諾言 有沒有後悔 想不想說抱歉 如果有機會願不願重來一回 被愛是幸福 愛人是痛苦 我連在你面前想哭都不會 被愛是幸福 愛人是痛苦 我已經選擇愛你這條路 被愛是幸福 愛人是痛苦 我連在你面前想哭都沒有淚 被愛是幸福 愛人是痛苦 我已經選擇愛你只付出
一首Danny在大马旅行时写下的创作 一首Danny在全马跑透透时拍摄的MV bEUtiful ONEderful 只想要你知道 其实我 爱你爱你 只想要你知道 其实我 想你想你 怎么你 不欢喜 难道你没有想过 手牵手 在一起 在刹那间 想得太美 其实我不敢去 拥有你 可惜见过你的美 一败涂地 怎么好 离开你 谁能够将我收起 可不可她是你 Baby 要陪你看世界 Baby 到处飞不必快 Baby 无论那个角落都美 Because its bEUtiful so bEUtiful Its so Onederful so Onederful Break it down Break it down Break it Break it down 两人一起 我们不断飞不断飞 bEUtiful so bEUtiful Its so Onederful so Onederful Break it down Break it down Break it Break it down 就算离开你 是否舍不得 我与你 U make me crazy 你是我 Forever Baby 你知道 U're my Lady Make me crazy My baby My Lady 就算这一刻 抱紧你 彼此总係觉得有嗰距离 但仲好过身边缺少你 在高山看落嚟 大海中看到你 你的吸引力谁人能与你比 Composer/Lyricist/Arrangement/Producer : DannyOne Mixing Studio/Mastering :Mo Sound OP : Sony Music Publishing Sdn.Bhd. MV导演:Black Cat @ popcorn pictures
收錄於衛蘭首張國語同名專輯《衛蘭》 🎧 立即聽: https://JaniceVidal.lnk.to/JaniceVidal 衛蘭/袁婭維 - 藍色Monday 曲:T-Ma / 潘鵬展 / GJ / 趙智升 詞:陳宏宇 編:T-Ma 監:舒文 T: 對, 女人啊就是愛香水 J: Yes,誰不愛自己被寵愛的感覺 T: 濃烈的熱咖啡 催人醒的滋味 在夜晚前切莫貪嘴 J: 忙壞了的白天 猶豫該怎麼選 Wine or Champagne TJ: Ooo~ 不設限 Ooo~ 越了線 T: 口紅點燃夜色 J: 讓世界蓬蓽生輝 TJ: Ooo~ 蘸一些 Oo~ 染上一片 T: 慵懶卻不冷卻 J: 那微醺的女人味 TJ: 有~~ T: 一點點騷動 隱隱作祟 TJ: 乖乖, J: 命令所有的不快樂 都解散 TJ: 吹了晚風會醉 音樂太美會醉 不需要什麼藉口 J: 我很喜歡 T: 這樣的浪費 TJ: 藍色Monday TJ: Ooo~ 轉一圈 紅色的高跟鞋 T: 越陌生的派對 J: 越玩得自在流連 TJ: Ooo~ 越熟悉 TJ: Oo~ 越該避嫌 T: 為曖昧留空位 J: 才能夠醖釀Romance TJ: 舞池裡面 風景無限 喔~~ 眼神交接 T: 誰對了誰的氣味 TJ: 最愛的歌 那麼熱烈 喔~~ 我最愛懂我的DJ T: 藍色 J: Monday TJ: Ooo~ 轉一圈 紅色的高跟鞋 T: 越陌生的派對 J: 越玩得自在流連 TJ: Ooo~ 越熟悉 TJ: Oo~ 越該避嫌 T: 為曖昧留空位 J: 才能夠醖釀Romance TJ: Ooo~ 不設限 Ooo~ 越了線 T: 口紅點燃夜色 J: 讓世界蓬蓽生輝 TJ: Ooo~ 蘸一些 Oo~ 染上一片 T: 慵懶卻不冷卻 TJ: 那微醺的女人味 Guitars by:...
【 一起走過的日子 】【 粵語 】【 1991年01月01日 】 演唱:劉德華 Andy Lau 作詞:小美 作曲:胡偉立 編曲:杜自持 演出:劉德華、吳倩蓮 專輯:錄音室 類型:華語、流行、音樂 公司:寶藝星唱片 備註:電影[至尊無上Ⅱ之"永霸天下"]主題曲 【 歌詞 】 如何面對 曾一起走過的日子 現在剩下我獨行 如何讓心聲一一講妳知 從來無人明白我 唯一妳給我好日子 有妳 有我 有情 有生 有死 有義 多少風波都願闖 只因彼此不死的目光 有妳 有我 有情 有天 有海 有地 不可猜測總有天意 才珍惜相處的日子 道別話亦未多講 只拋低這個傷心的漢子 沉沉睡了 誰分享今生的日子 活著但是沒靈魂 才明白生死之間的意思 情濃完全明白了 才甘心披上孤獨衣 有妳 有我 有情 有天 有海 有地 當天一起不自知 分開方知根本心極癡 有妳 有我 有情 有生 有死 有義 只想解釋當我不智 如今想傾訴講誰知 剩下絕望舊身影 今只得千億傷心的句子 沉沉睡了 誰分享今生的日子 活著但是沒靈魂 才明白生死之間的意思 情濃完全明白了 才甘心披上孤獨衣 有妳 有我 有情 有天 有海 有地 當天一起不自知 分開方知根本心極癡 有妳 有我 有情 有生 有死 有義 只想解釋當我不智 如今想傾訴講誰知 剩下絕望舊身影 今只得千億傷心的句子 剩下絕望舊身影 今只得千億傷心的句子 By 【 HENRY YAP 】____________ 專輯介紹: 《一起走過的日子》是香港歌手劉德華于1991年發行的粤语專輯。 本專輯是劉天王在1991年推出的一張專輯[1],也是他的成名專輯,收錄了11首膾炙人口的歌曲,想當年劉天王就是憑藉此張專輯而一炮而紅。主打歌"一起走過的日子"早已唱的街知巷聞了。那個MV也充滿悲劇色彩。這張專輯的每一首歌基本都是劉天王出演的電影、電視劇的主題曲或者插曲,...
香港“四大天王”,成军至今,这个名号已经沿用了整整25年的光景,单单“四大天王”这四个字,也已经成了整个华人歌坛的无上荣誉。 90年代以降,冒出了诸多形形色色的四大天王。但香港四大天王的神话,迄今无人能够复制。 但身处娱乐圈,就会有人欢喜有人忧,伴随着四大天王登上神坛接受册封,号令歌坛制霸天下的同时,还会有人被扫出港台流行乐坛的主力阵营。 这个悲催的人,就是第五天王李克勤,一字之差,他没能跻身荣享顶级豪华资源的小团体。 李克勤的星途对比四大天王来说,简直就是最生动的反面教材。 落选四大天王之后,张刘黎郭在整个华语歌坛立下赫赫威名,李克勤的人气则断崖式降至冰点。 千年第五的李天王,在四大成军之初,张刘黎郭的威名笼罩之下,甚至连场像样的演唱会都开不起来。 被四大天王击败,倒在他们面前的歌手有很多,早期的吕方、黄凯芹、杜德伟、苏永康、许志安、张卫健,都是那个年代的天王之选。 他们在对阵四大天王的战役中,纷纷折戟沉沙,被压得喘不过气来。直到90年代下半叶,郑中基与谢霆锋的出现,这种严防死守的情况才出现改观。
懂爱的人 歌词 - Dǒng ài de rén gēcí 歌 手: 裘海正 - Gēshǒu: Qiúhǎizhèng 1. 明知爱已不可為 - Míngzhī ài yǐ bùkě wéi 深陷一回痛一回 - Shēn xiàn yī huí tòng yī huí 两人的世界 - Liǎng rén de shìjiè 我想的太美 - Wǒ xiǎng de tàiměi 女人的坚强都是因為 - Nǚrén de jiānqiáng dōu shì yīnwèi 男人太软弱 - Nánrén tài ruǎnruò 太轻忽感觉 - Tài qīnghū gǎnjué 如果你在乎 - Rúguǒ nǐ zàihū 我不会心灰 - Wǒ bù huì xīn huī 9999 滴眼泪 - 9999 Dī yǎnlèi 这是最后一次為你心力交瘁 - Zhè shì zuìhòu yīcì wèi nǐ xīnlìjiāocuì 打开心扉我头也不回 - Dǎkāi xīnfēi wǒ tóu yě bù huí 还有辽阔的世界 - Hái yǒu liáokuò de shìjiè 9999 滴眼泪 - 9999 Dī yǎnlèi 明天以后不再等你爱和慈悲 - Míngtiān yǐhòu bù zài děng nǐ ài hé cíbēi 痛彻心肺却无怨无悔 - Tòng chè xīnfèi què wú yuàn wú huǐ 只有懂爱的人才能够体会 - Zhǐyǒu dǒng ài de réncái nénggòu tǐhuì 2. 放下往事不再追 - Fàngxià wǎngshì bù zài zhuī 不去回味不迷醉 - Bù qù huíwèi bù mízuì 伤心不怨谁 - Shāngxīn bù y...
【落葉歸根 dj】胡慧儀 (McYy Remix) [附歌詞] → 歡迎訂閱及分享 ! 有新作品上傳時,立可收到通知。 →【 Fb 】https://www.facebook.com/Relax-Remix-... → 【 播放 清單 】 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSMGNlBIbmlhYeMVsdWpNpC9HKtreQmn4 【歌 詞】 喔..... 遠離家鄉不甚唏噓幻化成秋夜 而我卻像落葉歸根墜在你心間 幾分憂鬱幾分孤單都心甘情願 我的愛像落葉歸根 家唯獨在你身邊 舉頭望無盡灰雲那季節叫做寂寞 背包塞滿了家用路就這樣開始走 日不見太陽的暖夜不見月光的藍 不得不選擇寒冷的開始 留下只擁有遺憾 命運的安排遵守自然的邏輯 誰都無法揭謎底喔.. 遠離家鄉不甚唏噓幻化成秋夜 而我卻像落葉歸根墜在你心間 幾分憂鬱幾分孤單都心甘情願 我的愛像落葉歸根 家唯獨在你身邊 好一朵美麗的茉莉花 好一朵美麗的茉莉花 芬芳美麗滿枝芽 又香又白人人誇 遠離家鄉不甚唏噓幻化成秋夜 而我卻像落葉歸根墜在你心間 幾分憂鬱幾分孤單都心甘情願 我的愛像落葉歸根 家唯獨在你身邊 ※聲明 : 所有歌曲.影片屬各音樂公司及工作室所有,若有侵權請告知隨即刪除。
(2017-08-12 報導) Yes娛樂、掌握藝人第一手新聞報導、↖現在就訂閱 Youtube 頻道,24小時不間斷,即時新聞 最新新聞: https://www.youtube.com/fansyes/videos 官網: http://www.fansyes.com.tw/ FB: https://www.facebook.com/starsyes 客服信箱: service@fansyes.com 劉若英連兩天在台北小巨蛋開唱,先是分身劉若男帶來多首翻唱曲,還和頑童一起超MAN演出。
向強國道歉二次創作 《對不起,怕了你》 原曲:對不起,我愛你 黎明 改詞:妁小汀 多麼想道歉來迎合你 心中想說一生親中 黨真太美 齊來奉上對不起 *喜歡 iphone 是我完全負你 這小米構造精奇 但我亦忘記 我每日也抖大氣 靠在這Facebook等你 流涕感動 強國不死 祈求原諒中親你 蝗語我亂說驚動你 說外語好兒戲 獨立.佔中以後收皮 心中裡頭 殘字最好 親中最美 舔共的你* 我 要道歉感動你 會在這facebook親你 全靠中共 民革興起 成群紅衛兵找你 民憤 我又怕撻著你 我大國不能欺 掠奪國土 勢力收皮 心中裡頭 惟日與菲 烏煙瘴氣 破壞的你....
The late Chris Warren and the DX Band perform "Are You Ready" live for Triple H's entrance at SummerSlam 1998
I dont own this video/audio or claim it in any way. all rights go to its respective owner(s)
Audio only of the late Chris Warren and the DX Band performing "Break It Down" live for Shawn Michaels' entrance at WrestleMania 14 in Boston.
The late Chris Warren and the DX Band perform the "new wave alternative version" of "America the Beautiful" and the National Anthem in Boston of all places at WrestleMania XIV
Cover of "Break It Down" by Jim Johnston Featuring The Chris Warren Band. Gear Used: Ibanez RG7321 Ibanez SR405 Positive Grid JamUp Logic Pro 9 Superior Drummer 2.0 EZ Mix 2 iPhone 4S
Chris Warren plays live at the Transac Club in Toronto on March 24, 2007 to Adoring Throng
DX band Singler Chris Warren Dies at age 49 #WWE NEWS - DX BAND A WWE Wrestling Video Podcast with Attitude ! **Please read info below ** WWE ►Call the Show when Live 339-226-6610 ■Donate LIVE -https://www.twitchalerts.com/donate/spectrumgaming617 ►Http://www.JoeCroninShow.com ►Follow Joe on TWITTER @JOECRONISHOW ►http://www.twitter.com/JoeCroninShow ***If you would like to Donate & Support The Show Monthly ** Pleas visit My Patreon Page and Join the JCS Arm http://www.Patreon.com/JoeCroninShow ► HERE IS A LIST OF ALL LIVE DONATIONS ► $3.16 HELL YEAH $5.00 Shit Bum $6.66 KANE $6.90 Sexy Twirk $8 Magic eight Ball $9.00 game of thrones $9.11 Adam Rose Jail song $11 Spin the WHEEL $12 Penguin Scream $13.00 Shane McMahon ! $14 Roman Reigns FIST Song $16 OMG so Fn Horny $20 My na...
I just recently heard the sad news of the passing of the DX band front man Chris Warren.I just wanted to share my little tribute i recorded for him and thank him for giving us one of THE greatest and most iconic wrestling themes.The attitude era was a HUGE part of my younger days and this theme will always bring so many great memories.R.I.P Chris x
A Fetchko file. Chris Warren performing live at an open mic in downtown Everett, Washington
Watch Warren Haynes join moe. as they perform "Opium" at Mountain Jam 2015. Check out more at http://mountainjam.com/. Credits: Chris Andersen - Producer and EIC John Denney - Director Michael Mapes - Video Engineer Jeff Notti - Crew Chief Troy Pohl - Audio Steve Marlowe - Jib Operator Raj Sirohi - Camera Operator Lee Capnaetti - Camera Operator Brian Occipintti - Camera Operator Ton Cheyne - Camera Operator Jared Hanna - Camera Operator Sol Romano - Image Content Editor
Chrono Trigger performed by Video Game Orchestra, featuring Chris Baum on violin. Recorded at Boston Symphony Hall on October 7th, 2012. VGO is a Boston-based "Rockestra" that performs their own arrangements of video game music with a rock band, full orchestra and choir creating the most epic and massive sound force. Produced by Shota Nakama Mixed by Alex & Warren (Epilogue Studio) Mastered by Falk Would like to know more about VGO? Check us out from the links below! Website: www.vgo-online.com Twitter: @theVGO Facebook: VGOOnline
Eddie Vedder singing Black at Firenze Rocks, 24-06-2017 Before he started the song, he mentioned Soundgarden and then ended the song with 'Come back' and tears.
Sign up here to get exclusive videos and content http://producelikeapro.com Warren visits Chris Chaney (Jane's Addiction) at his studio The Bass Mint. They discuss bass techniques, Chris' gear, setting up a home studio and all things music! Produce Like A Pro is a website which features great tips to help the beginning recordist make incredible sounding home recordings on a budget.
Sign up here to get exclusive videos and content http://producelikeapro.com Warren visits Christopher Thorn (producer and guitar player with Blind Melon) at his studio, Fireside Sound. They talk about his career as a musician and producer and take a look at all the great gear he has. Check out Christopher's credits on allmusic (http://www.allmusic.com/artist/christopher-thorn-mn0000116037), his studio's page (http://www.firesidesound.net) and his newest project Sonny Boy Thorn (http://www.sonnyboythorn.com). Produce Like A Pro is a website which features great tips to help the beginning recordist make incredible sounding home recordings on a budget.
http://www.premierguitar.com PG's Chris Kies is on location in Moline, IL, at the iWireless Arena where he catches up with Bush's guitarist Chris Traynor. In this Rig Rundown segment, Traynor talks to us about his favorite Gibson guitars, his newly-setup Fractal Audio Axe-FX II rig, and how watching Rig Rundowns has helped him. For more Rig Rundown videos or to watch one of Premier Guitar's 1700 other videos online, be sure to visit http://www.premierguitar.com/video
Free Tutorials & Multitracks: https://www.producelikeapro.com/recording-mixing-goodies Today I'm visiting my friend Dave Way in his home studio "Waystation Studio". Dave is an insanely talented, multi-Grammy winning producer and mixing engineer who has worked with the likes of Michael Jackson, Paul McCartney, Sheryl Crow, Boyz II Men, Pink, The Foofighters and many more. Dave decided to move from working out of major studios to producing and mixing from his home studio several years ago. In the process, he has gotten rid of a lot of his outboard gear including a beautiful SSL console and is leaning more and more towards mixing in the box. We discuss the analogue and digital recording and mixing process, what Dave considers to be the benefits of working digitally and if the "analogue soun...
These interviews were conducted by Russ Zokaites at the 2011 Aspen Music Festival and School. Each of these gentlemen offer a unique view of classical music industry and speak about their contributions to the art form. Warren Deck, John Rojak, Stefan Sanders, and Chris Dudley have all experienced classical music in a very different way.
Article & photos: http://www.premierguitar.com/articles/25095-rig-rundown-dave-cobb Dave Cobb had a big year in 2015, having won Grammy awards for producing Chris Stapleton’s Traveller and Jason Isbell’s Something More Than Free. Cobb has moved his studio to the legendary RCA Studio A, which was opened by Chet Atkins in 1965, and has since produced projects for Miranda Lambert, Zac Brown, and a ton of other top-billing acts. Between sessions, Cobb took PG on a gear tour of his studio where we were treated to a bevy of vintage beauties. Cobb keeps a ton of vintage gear handy for anybody recording in his studio. His arsenal of guitars includes this 1952 goldtop Les Paul. At some point it was converted to a ’57 with a neck reset, stop tailpiece, and vintage PAF pickups. Originally, Cobb...
Gov't Mule - Forum, Leverkusen, Germany - November 7, 2017 00:00:00 Railroad Boy 00:05:55 Mule 00:12:58 Banks Of The Deep End 00:19:14 Game Face 00:25:35 Mountain Jam (The Allman Brothers Band cover) 00:31:03 Game Face 00:35:10 Pressure Under Fire 00:40:35 The Man I Want To Be 00:47:24 Kind Of Bird (The Allman Brothers Band cover) 01:02:08 Thorns Of Life 01:12:25 Revolution Come, Revolution Go 01:22:10 Freeway Jam (Jeff Beck cover) (with John Thomas) 01:32:35 Traveling Tune 01:38:45 Stone Cold Rage 01:45:00 Dark Was The Night, Cold Was The Ground (Blind Willie Johnson cover) Encore: 01:55:40 Broke Down On The Brazos Band: Warren Haynes – guitar, vocals Matt Abts – drums, percussion, vocals Danny Louis – keyboards, guitar, trumpet, vocals Jorgen Carlsson – bass http://mu...
The music industry has changed drastically. If you want to make money in music as an artist, producer, composer or songwriter, you have to adapt. Learn about the best ways to make money in music today! Sing up to get exclusive Tutorials, Drum Samples and more: https://www.producelikeapro.com/free-recording-mixing-bundle/ Follow Produce Like A Pro On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/producelikeapro/ The question I get asked more than any other question is: ‘How Do I Make Money in the Music Industry?’ Whether you are a Band or an Artist or working behind the scenes as a Producer, Engineer, Mixer or Songwriter, the music industry has changed dramatically over the last 15 years. Back in the 90s and early 2000s, the main way of generating income was selling records. And the best way to se...
Connect With Lunar Orbit Here: https://twitter.com/LunarOrbit_ https://www.facebook.com/LunarOrbitUpload/ http://officiallunarorbit.tumblr.com/ 1.) Sunrise in Beijing (ft. Elena Pinderhughes) 2.) Twin 3.) Perspectives 4.) West of the West 5.) Liberation over Gangsterism (ft. Elena Pinderhughes) 6.) The Corner (ft. Braxton Cook) 7.) Of a New Cool 8.) Runnin 7's 9.) Tantric 10.) The Last Chieftain (ft. Matthew Stevens) 11.) The Horizon Purchase This Album Here: https://christianscott.bandcamp.com/album/stretch-music Christian Scott aTunde Adjuah - Trumpet, Sirenette and Reverse Flugelhorn Elena Pinderhughes - Flute Braxton Cook - Alto, Straight Alto Corey King - Trombone Cliff Hines - Guitar Lawrence Fields – Piano, Fender Rhodes Kris Funn – Bass Corey Fonville ‒ Drums, SPD-SX pad...
In the past 50 years of the recording industry, few people have had as large an impact as Bob Clearmountain and Chris Lord-Alge. These two studio veterans have worked with everyone from Madonna and Bryan Adams to The Replacements and Sheryl Crow, all the while perfecting the blend of analog equipment and the latest digital gear. On June 10, 2014, Clearmountain and Lord-Alge sat down with Mix Magazine editor Tom Kenny at Apogee Studios, and talked openly about their epic careers. From explaining their methods to speaking about the records they have worked on, the duo left no stone unturned, even taking questions from the audio. Here is the full video of Deconstructed: Chris Lord-Alge and Bob Clearmountain.
Sign up here to get exclusive videos and content http://producelikeapro.com Warren visits Chris Seefried at his studio New Gnome. They discuss studios, writing, and all things music as well as getting a rundown of Chris' gear, keyboards, and guitars! Produce Like A Pro is a website which features great tips to help the beginning recordist make incredible sounding home recordings on a budget.
Warren Haynes plays the Stephen Talkhouse Drew Holshouser foh
This week's guest on SOUNDING OFF is Produce Like A Pro's Warren Huart! Produce Like a Pro YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpyUGZeMUtOvt57UACw3H2g https://www.producelikeapro.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUY THE BEATO BOOK HERE → http://bit.ly/2uTQFlo **Advanced Harmonic Concepts for Composition and Improvisation Video Course** → http://bit.ly/2nl5Qky GET THE BEATO YOUTUBE TRANSCRIPTIONS VOL.1 HERE → http://bit.ly/2jfkyaB SUBSCRIBE HERE → http://bit.ly/2eEs9gX —————————————————————————————————————— My Links to Follow: YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/RickBeato Artist Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/rickbeatopro... Personal Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/rick.beato.1 Instagram ...
I just recently heard the sad news of the passing of the DX band front man Chris Warren.I just wanted to share my little tribute i recorded for him and thank him for giving us one of THE greatest and most iconic wrestling themes.The attitude era was a HUGE part of my younger days and this theme will always bring so many great memories.R.I.P Chris x
DX band Singler Chris Warren Dies at age 49 #WWE NEWS - DX BAND A WWE Wrestling Video Podcast with Attitude ! **Please read info below ** WWE ►Call the Show when Live 339-226-6610 ■Donate LIVE -https://www.twitchalerts.com/donate/spectrumgaming617 ►Http://www.JoeCroninShow.com ►Follow Joe on TWITTER @JOECRONISHOW ►http://www.twitter.com/JoeCroninShow ***If you would like to Donate & Support The Show Monthly ** Pleas visit My Patreon Page and Join the JCS Arm http://www.Patreon.com/JoeCroninShow ► HERE IS A LIST OF ALL LIVE DONATIONS ► $3.16 HELL YEAH $5.00 Shit Bum $6.66 KANE $6.90 Sexy Twirk $8 Magic eight Ball $9.00 game of thrones $9.11 Adam Rose Jail song $11 Spin the WHEEL $12 Penguin Scream $13.00 Shane McMahon ! $14 Roman Reigns FIST Song $16 OMG so Fn Horny $20 My na...
Jared Sagal of Rockerrazzi.com sits down with Midge Ure and Warren Cann of Ultravox during a recording break at Studio City Sound in Studio City, California where they have been recording their new CD with Grammy winner Tom Weir.
This week's guest on SOUNDING OFF is Produce Like A Pro's Warren Huart! Produce Like a Pro YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpyUGZeMUtOvt57UACw3H2g https://www.producelikeapro.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUY THE BEATO BOOK HERE → http://bit.ly/2uTQFlo **Advanced Harmonic Concepts for Composition and Improvisation Video Course** → http://bit.ly/2nl5Qky GET THE BEATO YOUTUBE TRANSCRIPTIONS VOL.1 HERE → http://bit.ly/2jfkyaB SUBSCRIBE HERE → http://bit.ly/2eEs9gX —————————————————————————————————————— My Links to Follow: YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/RickBeato Artist Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/rickbeatopro... Personal Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/rick.beato.1 Instagram ...
Producer, mixer, and songwriter Warren Huart (Aerosmith, The Fray, Eve 6, Colbie Caillat) joins Dave and Herb on the 230th episode of Pensado's Place. Subscribe to Warren's YouTube channel! https://www.youtube.com/user/WarrenHuartRecording Subscribe to our channel! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=pensadosplace Get your copy of The Pensado Papers: http://bit.ly/ThePensadoPapers Please 'Like' and 'Follow'! http://twitter.com/pensadosplace http://facebook.com/pensadosplace
Dx Theme guitar cover. No headphones atm, so I can't seperate the guitar from the audio and edit a better quality version of the song into the video with it. I also don't like playing things 100% repetitively so I messed around with the song every now and then, hopefully I didn't wreck it too much. Oh well. No tabs since I improvised most of the song.
Warren Battiste takes a stroll through the back of the French Quarter with 504otos (Greg Rhoades) and NewOrleans.com (http://NewOrleans.com) after a morning set at Buffa's Lounge. In part one of Warren's interview, Warren, 86, discusses learning banjo from his father, a player at Preservation Hall. He talks about straying from Preservation Hall to instead play Bebop. Warren joined the service and was able to play guitar 24/7. Be sure to check out part 2!
Eddie Vedder Oscar 2018 Performance (In Memoriam Segment)
Victor Wooten is here with us today to Sound Off on being a musician, songwriter, author and educator. Links for Victor: http://www.victorwooten.com https://twitter.com/victorwooten?lang=en http://www.wootenwoods.com http://vixcamps.com Victor's Bio: Victor Lemonte Wooten (born September 11, 1964) is an American bass player, composer, author, producer, educator, and recipient of five Grammy Awards. Wooten has won the "Bass Player of the Year" award from Bass Player magazine three times and is the first person to win the award more than once. In 2011, he was named #10 in the "Top 10 Bassists of All Time" by Rolling Stone. In addition to a solo career and collaborations with various artists, Wooten has been the bassist for Béla Fleck and the Flecktones since the group's formation in ...
Warren DeMartini and Carlos Cavazo discuss Ratt's history, gear and show you how to play "Way Cool Jr." and "Eat Me Alive." For the rest of this interview and lesson check out guitarworld.com
J.J. and I sat down at Fox Force Five–his studio in the Hollywood Hills–to talk a bit about his career, his approach to recording, and of course, the studio itself! Read more here: http://bit.ly/2EpKdYp Fox Force Five was designed by Bret Thoeny in the mid ’90s–a highly regarded studio architect whose designs include Bob Clearmountain’s Mix This. Funnily enough, when the studio was initially put together, J.J. was somewhat new to the recording world. So, he hired Alan Hershberg as his head engineer to run the studio, who also became his mentor throughout the technical learning process. Over the years, J.J. has accumulated an extensive collection of vintage microphones, guitars, and outboard gear, which we thoroughly investigate during the tour. J.J. shared with us how he’s humorously b...
Sign up here to get exclusive videos and content http://producelikeapro.com Check out Val's blog here http://www.valgaray.com/blog Warren talks to Producer/Engineer Val Garay (Kim Carnes, The Motels, Mr. Big, Bonnie Raitt, Eric Burdon, Dolly Parton, Pablo Cruise, James Taylor, Queensrÿche, Neil Diamond) about his career, how he transitioned from being a musician to being a producer and his gear. Discography: http://www.allmusic.com/artist/val-garay-mn0000251829 Val's Mix Bus Compressor:- http://www.baeaudio.com/products/10dcf Val's Di Box:- http://www.baeaudio.com/products/vgdi Produce Like A Pro is a website which features great tips to help the beginning recordist make incredible sounding home recordings on a budget.