Russian Art - 4 Architecture: Late Muscovite Period
Fourth video about the Russian Art serie. Any doubt? Send me a message.
Land of the Art blog: http://landoftheart.blogspot.com.es/
Land of the Art in facebook: https://www.facebook.com/landoftheart
Russian culture is an hybrid generated from habits of many civilizations that shaped this great multicultural state, and it is the result of its development for several centuries, being deeply rooted
Колокольный звон в храме Свт. Николая в Хамовниках. Church of St. Nicholas in Khamovniki.
First records of a presumably wooden church on this site are dated 1625. The main five-domed church was built in 1679-1682; bell tower and refectory were completed around 1694. Present day church sources claim that the bell tower in Khamovniki is one of the highest tent-style bell towers in Moscow region.[1] In 1757 the builders added a side annex dedicated to Saint Dmitry of Rostov.
The church i
Church Of The Assumption - Suzdal - The Portrait - Film Location Scouting Adventures
THE PORTRAIT - film location scouting for the upcoming movie based on a short work of fiction by Nikolai Gogol. The beautiful iconostas in the Church of the Assumption (On The Princely Courtyard) in the ancient Russian town of Suzdal. Built in the XVII century in the eastern part of the Suzdal Kremlin, the church is an example of the Naryshkin Baroque (Moscow Baroque) style.
Moscow : Sparrow Hills part 1 of 2
Sparrow Hills were called from 19351999: Lenin Hills. They are situated on the right bank of the Moskva River and one of highest points in Moscow with an altitude up to 220 m above the river level. The Embassy of the 'People's Republic' of China in Russia, the largest foreign diplomatic compound in the world, is situated not too far from Spar
Moscow : Sparrow Hills part 2 of 2.
twitter : @ceepackaging
Sparrow Hills were called from 19351999: Lenin Hills. They are situated on the right bank of the Moskva River and one of highest points in Moscow.
The observation platform, which gives a good panoramic view of t
Cathedral of SS.Peter and Paul send email info@kosmostrip.net
The Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul of Kazan is undoubtedly the most valuable architectural monument and the one of the spiritual symbols of Kazan. It stands on a rising ground and attracts one’s attention with its magnificent majesty and peculiar decoration. The composition of the temple and its bell-tower performs so-called Russian or «naryshkin» baroque, which was widely spread over Russia at t
(VNU) Bản tin tổng hợp tháng 12/2014
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PETER & PAUL FORTRESS St. Petersburg, Russia
The Peter and Paul Fortress is the historic centre of the tsar's city of St. Petersburg and is located on Hare Island, within the mouth of the Neva River. Its slender, gilded bell tower is 122 high and is one of the city's most dominant landmarks. The cathedral was built between 1712 and 1733 and contains both Dutch and Early Baroque building styles. Since Peter The Great, the building was used
Driving on SPB Tour Bus to The Peter and Paul Fortress in Saint Petersburg, Russia
The fortress contains several notable buildings clustered around the Peter and Paul Cathedral (1712--1733), which has a 122.5 m (402 ft) bell-tower (the tallest in the city centre) and a gilded angel-topped cupola.
The cathedral is the burial place of all Russian tsars from Peter I to Alexander III, with the exception of Peter II and Ivan VI. The remains of Nicholas II and his family and entourag
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The original video can be found here: http://www.hfmdd.de
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Das Konzert war auf einem Flügel der Carl Rönisch Pianofortemanufaktur, gegr. 1845 in Dresden, gespielt (http://www.roenisch-pianos.de).
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Leonid Egorov • LEFC News 14.11.14 • Junge Meister der Klassik
Leonid Egorov Fan Club News • 14. November 2014.
In der Konzertreihe „Junge Meister der Klassik" im Pianosalon im Coselpalais Dresden spielte am 14. November 2014 Leonid Egorov.
Das Konzert war auf einem Flügel der Carl Rönisch Pianofortemanufaktur, gegr. 1845 in Dresden, gespielt (http://www.roenisch-pianos.de).
Der Moskauer Pianist Leonid Egorov zelebriert
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Sonntag, 30. Juni 2013, Wasserburg Seebach: Lucas und Vincent Slubik geben ihr erstes, eigenständige Klavierkonzert. Als Gesangssolisten haben sich die beiden jungen Musiker Paula Köthe und Holger Zindler eingeladen.
Fotos: Holger Zindler
Andreas Slubik
Thomas Peter
Filmmaterial: Holger Zindler
Thomas Peter
Musik: Lucas Slubik
Vincent Slubik
Valletta International Piano Festival 2013
2 -10 February 2013 FESTIVAL PROGRAM:
"PIANO & NATURE" Concert by Yuri Didenko ( RUSSIA)
2 February 2013 at 8pm at the St.Paul's Pro-Cathedral, Valletta;
"WINTER PIANO" MCI Concert with Valletta International Piano Festival participants
3 February 2013 at 7pm at the Le Meridian Hotel, St.Julianse;
"LUNCHTIME PIANO FANTASY" by Valletta International Piano Festival participants
5 Febru
Russian Art - 4 Architecture: Late Muscovite Period
Fourth video about the Russian Art serie. Any doubt? Send me a message.
Land of the Art blog: http://landoftheart.blogspot.com.es/
Land of the Art in facebook:...
Fourth video about the Russian Art serie. Any doubt? Send me a message.
Land of the Art blog: http://landoftheart.blogspot.com.es/
Land of the Art in facebook: https://www.facebook.com/landoftheart
Russian culture is an hybrid generated from habits of many civilizations that shaped this great multicultural state, and it is the result of its development for several centuries, being deeply rooted in the culture of the first eastern slavs.
The Late Muscovite Period goes from 1630 to 1712. After the Period of Troubles, the church and state were in bankrupt, and they couldn't pay more constructions.
The rich merchants of Yaroslavl financed many cathedrals in XVII century, with many bulbous domes and tended roof.
Elijah the Prophet, Yaroslavl: the first churches were asymmetric, like this. It follows the tradition of Middle Muscovite Period. The interior has frescoes of byzantine influence. They were commissioned by Ulita Makarova in 1680, and were painted by a team of 15 people leaded by Guriy Nikitin and Sila Savin. They represent scenes of the life of Elijah and also normal life scenes.
St. John Chrysostom, Korovniki: it follows the aesthetic of the previous one but greater. The bulbous domes are very big compared with the own building.
St. John the Baptist, Yaroslavl: it is the best of all these churches, and the most beautiful. It has fifteen domes. The belltower was built later, in mid-1690. The interior has more than five hundred frescoes about christian saints, St. John the Baptist and biblical themes. They were painted by Dmitri Pleyanov and Fiodor Ignatiev in 1694-1695.
The churches of Moscow of XVII century are very well decorated, but they are more little.
Ascension of Uglich: I'm not even sure if the image I put is of this church to be honest...
Hodegetria, Vyazma: one of the most beautiful buildings. It has three tended roofs, similar to candles. It is called so by Virgin Theotokos Hodegetria, the Virgin that guides saying that the Child is the path to salvation.
Nativity, Putinki: many tended roofs, following the aesthetic of the one of Vyazma.
The Patriarch Nikon said that tended roof constructions were not byzantine-typical, and so he declared them anti-canonical. The tended roofs were forbidden.
Voskresensky Monastery: this is the residence of Nikon. It is also called New Jerusalem Monastery or Resurrection cathedral. Byzantine forms are recuperated.
When the tended roofs were forbidden, the muscovite architects used bracket arches, called kokoshniki.
Kazan cathedral, Moscow: do not confuse with the one in St. Petersburg. It is in the Red Square. It is a reconstruction, because Stalin destroyed it in 1936.
Holy Trinity, Nikitniki
St. Nicholas, Khamovniki
Trinity, Ostankino
Great Cross, Kitai-gorod: this one was destroyed by Stalin and was lost.
Russian architecture became purely decorative, influenced by ukrainian and polish baroque. The first russian baroque churches were little chapels built in zones of family Naryshkin, near Moscow, so the name of Naryshkin baroque is frequently used in this style. Some of these churches are similar to towers, with cubic or ortogonal floors.
Protection of the Theotokos, Fili: composition similar to a stair, with belltower.
Ascension, Pokrovka: it seems more like a jewelry work than a building.
The Stroganov patronized many baroque buildings.
Nativity, Nizhny
At beginning XVIII century it is interesting to name the wooden churches in the north of Russia.
Intercession, Vytegra: it has 24 domes.
Kizhi Pogost: the legend says that the carpenter Nestor only used one axe, that when the building was done, he threw it into the lake Onega while he said "there wasn't and won't be other church like this". The most important building of this complex is the Transfiguration church, with 22 domes. Near it is the Intercession church, with 9 domes. The amazing thing of these constructions is that they were built without any nail.
As an add...
Palace of Aleksei Mikhailovich: the artistic reconstruction of interiors was based in historical sources and authentic prototypes.
Take a look at this link for more russian wooden churches: http://www.amusingplanet.com/2013/08/10-spectacular-wooden-churches-of-russia.html
Music: Pólyushko-Pole by Irfan Kaya [Полюшко-Поле]
Photos taken in Google images.
No copyright infringement intended.
wn.com/Russian Art 4 Architecture Late Muscovite Period
Fourth video about the Russian Art serie. Any doubt? Send me a message.
Land of the Art blog: http://landoftheart.blogspot.com.es/
Land of the Art in facebook: https://www.facebook.com/landoftheart
Russian culture is an hybrid generated from habits of many civilizations that shaped this great multicultural state, and it is the result of its development for several centuries, being deeply rooted in the culture of the first eastern slavs.
The Late Muscovite Period goes from 1630 to 1712. After the Period of Troubles, the church and state were in bankrupt, and they couldn't pay more constructions.
The rich merchants of Yaroslavl financed many cathedrals in XVII century, with many bulbous domes and tended roof.
Elijah the Prophet, Yaroslavl: the first churches were asymmetric, like this. It follows the tradition of Middle Muscovite Period. The interior has frescoes of byzantine influence. They were commissioned by Ulita Makarova in 1680, and were painted by a team of 15 people leaded by Guriy Nikitin and Sila Savin. They represent scenes of the life of Elijah and also normal life scenes.
St. John Chrysostom, Korovniki: it follows the aesthetic of the previous one but greater. The bulbous domes are very big compared with the own building.
St. John the Baptist, Yaroslavl: it is the best of all these churches, and the most beautiful. It has fifteen domes. The belltower was built later, in mid-1690. The interior has more than five hundred frescoes about christian saints, St. John the Baptist and biblical themes. They were painted by Dmitri Pleyanov and Fiodor Ignatiev in 1694-1695.
The churches of Moscow of XVII century are very well decorated, but they are more little.
Ascension of Uglich: I'm not even sure if the image I put is of this church to be honest...
Hodegetria, Vyazma: one of the most beautiful buildings. It has three tended roofs, similar to candles. It is called so by Virgin Theotokos Hodegetria, the Virgin that guides saying that the Child is the path to salvation.
Nativity, Putinki: many tended roofs, following the aesthetic of the one of Vyazma.
The Patriarch Nikon said that tended roof constructions were not byzantine-typical, and so he declared them anti-canonical. The tended roofs were forbidden.
Voskresensky Monastery: this is the residence of Nikon. It is also called New Jerusalem Monastery or Resurrection cathedral. Byzantine forms are recuperated.
When the tended roofs were forbidden, the muscovite architects used bracket arches, called kokoshniki.
Kazan cathedral, Moscow: do not confuse with the one in St. Petersburg. It is in the Red Square. It is a reconstruction, because Stalin destroyed it in 1936.
Holy Trinity, Nikitniki
St. Nicholas, Khamovniki
Trinity, Ostankino
Great Cross, Kitai-gorod: this one was destroyed by Stalin and was lost.
Russian architecture became purely decorative, influenced by ukrainian and polish baroque. The first russian baroque churches were little chapels built in zones of family Naryshkin, near Moscow, so the name of Naryshkin baroque is frequently used in this style. Some of these churches are similar to towers, with cubic or ortogonal floors.
Protection of the Theotokos, Fili: composition similar to a stair, with belltower.
Ascension, Pokrovka: it seems more like a jewelry work than a building.
The Stroganov patronized many baroque buildings.
Nativity, Nizhny
At beginning XVIII century it is interesting to name the wooden churches in the north of Russia.
Intercession, Vytegra: it has 24 domes.
Kizhi Pogost: the legend says that the carpenter Nestor only used one axe, that when the building was done, he threw it into the lake Onega while he said "there wasn't and won't be other church like this". The most important building of this complex is the Transfiguration church, with 22 domes. Near it is the Intercession church, with 9 domes. The amazing thing of these constructions is that they were built without any nail.
As an add...
Palace of Aleksei Mikhailovich: the artistic reconstruction of interiors was based in historical sources and authentic prototypes.
Take a look at this link for more russian wooden churches: http://www.amusingplanet.com/2013/08/10-spectacular-wooden-churches-of-russia.html
Music: Pólyushko-Pole by Irfan Kaya [Полюшко-Поле]
Photos taken in Google images.
No copyright infringement intended.
- published: 09 Feb 2016
- views: 1
Колокольный звон в храме Свт. Николая в Хамовниках. Church of St. Nicholas in Khamovniki.
First records of a presumably wooden church on this site are dated 1625. The main five-domed church was built in 1679-1682; bell tower and refectory were comple...
First records of a presumably wooden church on this site are dated 1625. The main five-domed church was built in 1679-1682; bell tower and refectory were completed around 1694. Present day church sources claim that the bell tower in Khamovniki is one of the highest tent-style bell towers in Moscow region.[1] In 1757 the builders added a side annex dedicated to Saint Dmitry of Rostov.
The church is an example of late Muscovite Baroque that preceded short-lived Naryshkin Baroque of 1690s. It belongs to a numerous class of bonfire temples (Russian: огненные храмы) -- church buildings without three internal load-bearing columns, crowned with layers of small circular kokoshnik-type gables. Each gable is a symbol of a heavenly fire (biblical thrones - angels or seraphs); a tightly packed group of gables is an architectural metaphore for the Throne of God. Small decorative columns "supporting" the lower level gables are an indicator of a Western influence in a typically vernacular building.
The church was severely damaged by the fire of 1812 and reopened only in 1849. Shortly before that, in 1848, the church acquired its principal relic - a copy of Defender of the sinners icon of Theotokos from Odrin convent, donated by Dmitry Doncheskul; the icon was permanently placed in the former Saint Dmitry annex. It also possesses 17th century icons of Saint Alexis and Hodegetria of Smolensk. In 2002 the church donated its icon of Archangel Michael to the reopened church of Archangel Michael in Devichye Pole.[2]
The church operates continuously singe 1849. It was never closed in the Soviet period although it lost its main bell (restored in 1992). It was restored externally twice, in 1949 and 1972. Father Pavel Lepekhin served here one of the longest continuous tenures in the 20th century Orthodoxy -- from 1915 to 1960. Metropolitan Pitirim Nechaev (1926--2003), who was offered the tenure in Khamovniki in 1972, declined the offer: according to Pitirim, the congregation always filled the church beyond its capacity, making service exremely difficult physically even for young priests.[3]
Leo Tolstoy lived in the church parish, two blocks to the north on the street now bearing his name.
wn.com/Колокольный Звон В Храме Свт. Николая В Хамовниках. Church Of St. Nicholas In Khamovniki.
First records of a presumably wooden church on this site are dated 1625. The main five-domed church was built in 1679-1682; bell tower and refectory were completed around 1694. Present day church sources claim that the bell tower in Khamovniki is one of the highest tent-style bell towers in Moscow region.[1] In 1757 the builders added a side annex dedicated to Saint Dmitry of Rostov.
The church is an example of late Muscovite Baroque that preceded short-lived Naryshkin Baroque of 1690s. It belongs to a numerous class of bonfire temples (Russian: огненные храмы) -- church buildings without three internal load-bearing columns, crowned with layers of small circular kokoshnik-type gables. Each gable is a symbol of a heavenly fire (biblical thrones - angels or seraphs); a tightly packed group of gables is an architectural metaphore for the Throne of God. Small decorative columns "supporting" the lower level gables are an indicator of a Western influence in a typically vernacular building.
The church was severely damaged by the fire of 1812 and reopened only in 1849. Shortly before that, in 1848, the church acquired its principal relic - a copy of Defender of the sinners icon of Theotokos from Odrin convent, donated by Dmitry Doncheskul; the icon was permanently placed in the former Saint Dmitry annex. It also possesses 17th century icons of Saint Alexis and Hodegetria of Smolensk. In 2002 the church donated its icon of Archangel Michael to the reopened church of Archangel Michael in Devichye Pole.[2]
The church operates continuously singe 1849. It was never closed in the Soviet period although it lost its main bell (restored in 1992). It was restored externally twice, in 1949 and 1972. Father Pavel Lepekhin served here one of the longest continuous tenures in the 20th century Orthodoxy -- from 1915 to 1960. Metropolitan Pitirim Nechaev (1926--2003), who was offered the tenure in Khamovniki in 1972, declined the offer: according to Pitirim, the congregation always filled the church beyond its capacity, making service exremely difficult physically even for young priests.[3]
Leo Tolstoy lived in the church parish, two blocks to the north on the street now bearing his name.
- published: 07 Jul 2011
- views: 2426
Church Of The Assumption - Suzdal - The Portrait - Film Location Scouting Adventures
THE PORTRAIT - film location scouting for the upcoming movie based on a short work of fiction by Nikolai Gogol. The beautiful iconostas in the Church of the Ass...
THE PORTRAIT - film location scouting for the upcoming movie based on a short work of fiction by Nikolai Gogol. The beautiful iconostas in the Church of the Assumption (On The Princely Courtyard) in the ancient Russian town of Suzdal. Built in the XVII century in the eastern part of the Suzdal Kremlin, the church is an example of the Naryshkin Baroque (Moscow Baroque) style.
Visit THE PORTRAIT Website - http://www.theportraitmotionpicture.co
Follow THE PORTRAIT on Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/theportraitfilm
THE PORTRAIT - Short Synopsis -
In 19th century Imperial Saint Petersburg young, gifted fine artist Andrei Chartkov is on the path to perfecting his talent, until one day he is endowed with riches mystically appearing in his life by the force of a mysterious portrait. Yearning for fame and beguiled by the luster of gold, Andrei embarks on a whirlwind journey that changes the course of his entire existence.
Суздаль - Церковь Успения Пресвятой Богородицы / Успенская Церковь "На Княжьем Дворе". В поиске прекрасных мест для съёмок кинофильма Портрет, по мотивам повести Николая Васильевича Гоголя.
Visit the Website - http://www.theportraitmotionpicture.co
Follow on Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/theportraitfilm
wn.com/Church Of The Assumption Suzdal The Portrait Film Location Scouting Adventures
THE PORTRAIT - film location scouting for the upcoming movie based on a short work of fiction by Nikolai Gogol. The beautiful iconostas in the Church of the Assumption (On The Princely Courtyard) in the ancient Russian town of Suzdal. Built in the XVII century in the eastern part of the Suzdal Kremlin, the church is an example of the Naryshkin Baroque (Moscow Baroque) style.
Visit THE PORTRAIT Website - http://www.theportraitmotionpicture.co
Follow THE PORTRAIT on Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/theportraitfilm
THE PORTRAIT - Short Synopsis -
In 19th century Imperial Saint Petersburg young, gifted fine artist Andrei Chartkov is on the path to perfecting his talent, until one day he is endowed with riches mystically appearing in his life by the force of a mysterious portrait. Yearning for fame and beguiled by the luster of gold, Andrei embarks on a whirlwind journey that changes the course of his entire existence.
Суздаль - Церковь Успения Пресвятой Богородицы / Успенская Церковь "На Княжьем Дворе". В поиске прекрасных мест для съёмок кинофильма Портрет, по мотивам повести Николая Васильевича Гоголя.
Visit the Website - http://www.theportraitmotionpicture.co
Follow on Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/theportraitfilm
- published: 20 Jul 2014
- views: 64
Moscow : Sparrow Hills part 1 of 2
Sparrow Hills were called from 19351999: Lenin Hills. They are situated on the right bank of the Moskva ...
Sparrow Hills were called from 19351999: Lenin Hills. They are situated on the right bank of the Moskva River and one of highest points in Moscow with an altitude up to 220 m above the river level. The Embassy of the 'People's Republic' of China in Russia, the largest foreign diplomatic compound in the world, is situated not too far from Sparrow Hills.
The observation platform, which gives a good panoramic view of the city, is situated on a steep bank 85 m above the river. The Luzhniki Stadium (formerly, the Lenin Stadium), where the opening and closing ceremony for the 1980 Summer Olympics took place, is right below across the Moskva River. Next to it is the Novodevichy Convent, with its Naryshkin Baroque towers.
Not far from the observation platform is the famous Luzhniki Metro Bridge (known to Muscovites as Metromost). The two-level Metro-Bridge traverses the river to link Komsomolsky Prospekt with Vernadsky Prospekt. It serves two urban transport systems: motor vehicles and the Moscow Metro (subway). The glass-walled subway station Vorobyovy Gory (translates as Sparrows' Hills) is located at the lower level of the bridge.
The hills, immortalized by many Russian poets and writers, are thought to have been named after the village Vorobyovo which was acquired by Grand Duchess Sophia Vitovtovna (Vitovt's only daughter) from the priest Vorobey ("Sparrow") in 1451. Alexander I of Russia wished to build the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour there; his successor had construction works suspended and the cathedral was eventually erected in the proximity of the Kremlin. Nowadays the main landmarks of the hills are the Moscow State University (formerly the tallest building in Europe) and the Trinity Church (1811).
Воробьёвы го́ры (в 1935—1999 — Ленинские горы) — название местности на юго-западе Москвы, представляющей собой высокий правый берег Москвы-реки (крутой обрыв Теплостанской возвышенности, подмытой течением реки), покрытый лесопарком. Расположен напротив Лужников, считается одним из семи холмов Москвы. Протягиваются от устья реки Сетуни до Андреевского моста Малого кольца Московской железной дороги. На востоке граничит с Нескучным садом.
Склон, обращённый к реке, расчленён глубокими оврагами, встречаются выходы подземных вод (родники), наблюдаются оползневые процессы. Ландшафт Воробьевых гор формирует одноимённый парк, в составе которого сохранились три пруда, а также массив широколиственного леса.
Die Sperlingsberge bzw. von 1935 bis 1999 Leninberge. Hauptstadt Moskau eine an ihrem nordöstlichen Hang fast durchgehend bewaldete, bis zu etwa 70 Meter hohe natürliche Erhebung inmitten einer großen Parkanlage, die sich mehrere Kilometer lang am rechten Moskwa-Ufer entlang erstreckt. Das Gebiet der Sperlingsberge gehört zum Moskauer Verwaltungsbezirk West.
Die Sperlingsberge sind eine der schönsten Landschaften im Moskauer Stadtgebiet und stellen seit Jahrhunderten einen beliebten Naherholungsort der Moskauer dar. Von der oberen Aussichtsplattform, die eine der bekanntesten Besucherattraktionen Moskaus ist, und vielen weiteren Punkten in der Umgebung bieten sich Ausblicke über große Teile der Moskauer Innenstadt. Die Flusspromenade und der Wald an den Hängen eignen sich hervorragend zum Spazieren, im Winter lockt auch eine Skipiste mit Sessellift Wintersportfans hierher an.
Das bekannteste Bauwerk oben auf der Erhebung ist das Hauptgebäude der Lomonossow-Universität, das zusammen mit den anderen sechs Zuckerbäcker-Wolkenkratzern Moskaus ein architektonisches Denkmal der Stalin-Epoche darstellt. Markant ist außerdem die doppelstöckige Brücke über die Moskwa, in deren unterer, verglaster Ebene sich die Metrostation Worobjowy Gory befindet. Gleich gegenüber auf der anderen Flussseite liegt das Olympiastadion Luschniki.
wn.com/Moscow Sparrow Hills Part 1 Of 2
Sparrow Hills were called from 19351999: Lenin Hills. They are situated on the right bank of the Moskva River and one of highest points in Moscow with an altitude up to 220 m above the river level. The Embassy of the 'People's Republic' of China in Russia, the largest foreign diplomatic compound in the world, is situated not too far from Sparrow Hills.
The observation platform, which gives a good panoramic view of the city, is situated on a steep bank 85 m above the river. The Luzhniki Stadium (formerly, the Lenin Stadium), where the opening and closing ceremony for the 1980 Summer Olympics took place, is right below across the Moskva River. Next to it is the Novodevichy Convent, with its Naryshkin Baroque towers.
Not far from the observation platform is the famous Luzhniki Metro Bridge (known to Muscovites as Metromost). The two-level Metro-Bridge traverses the river to link Komsomolsky Prospekt with Vernadsky Prospekt. It serves two urban transport systems: motor vehicles and the Moscow Metro (subway). The glass-walled subway station Vorobyovy Gory (translates as Sparrows' Hills) is located at the lower level of the bridge.
The hills, immortalized by many Russian poets and writers, are thought to have been named after the village Vorobyovo which was acquired by Grand Duchess Sophia Vitovtovna (Vitovt's only daughter) from the priest Vorobey ("Sparrow") in 1451. Alexander I of Russia wished to build the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour there; his successor had construction works suspended and the cathedral was eventually erected in the proximity of the Kremlin. Nowadays the main landmarks of the hills are the Moscow State University (formerly the tallest building in Europe) and the Trinity Church (1811).
Воробьёвы го́ры (в 1935—1999 — Ленинские горы) — название местности на юго-западе Москвы, представляющей собой высокий правый берег Москвы-реки (крутой обрыв Теплостанской возвышенности, подмытой течением реки), покрытый лесопарком. Расположен напротив Лужников, считается одним из семи холмов Москвы. Протягиваются от устья реки Сетуни до Андреевского моста Малого кольца Московской железной дороги. На востоке граничит с Нескучным садом.
Склон, обращённый к реке, расчленён глубокими оврагами, встречаются выходы подземных вод (родники), наблюдаются оползневые процессы. Ландшафт Воробьевых гор формирует одноимённый парк, в составе которого сохранились три пруда, а также массив широколиственного леса.
Die Sperlingsberge bzw. von 1935 bis 1999 Leninberge. Hauptstadt Moskau eine an ihrem nordöstlichen Hang fast durchgehend bewaldete, bis zu etwa 70 Meter hohe natürliche Erhebung inmitten einer großen Parkanlage, die sich mehrere Kilometer lang am rechten Moskwa-Ufer entlang erstreckt. Das Gebiet der Sperlingsberge gehört zum Moskauer Verwaltungsbezirk West.
Die Sperlingsberge sind eine der schönsten Landschaften im Moskauer Stadtgebiet und stellen seit Jahrhunderten einen beliebten Naherholungsort der Moskauer dar. Von der oberen Aussichtsplattform, die eine der bekanntesten Besucherattraktionen Moskaus ist, und vielen weiteren Punkten in der Umgebung bieten sich Ausblicke über große Teile der Moskauer Innenstadt. Die Flusspromenade und der Wald an den Hängen eignen sich hervorragend zum Spazieren, im Winter lockt auch eine Skipiste mit Sessellift Wintersportfans hierher an.
Das bekannteste Bauwerk oben auf der Erhebung ist das Hauptgebäude der Lomonossow-Universität, das zusammen mit den anderen sechs Zuckerbäcker-Wolkenkratzern Moskaus ein architektonisches Denkmal der Stalin-Epoche darstellt. Markant ist außerdem die doppelstöckige Brücke über die Moskwa, in deren unterer, verglaster Ebene sich die Metrostation Worobjowy Gory befindet. Gleich gegenüber auf der anderen Flussseite liegt das Olympiastadion Luschniki.
- published: 21 Nov 2009
- views: 545
Moscow : Sparrow Hills part 2 of 2.
twitter : @ceepackaging
twitter : @ceepackaging
Sparrow Hills were called from 19351999: Lenin Hills. They are situated on the right bank of the Moskva River and one of highest points in Moscow.
The observation platform, which gives a good panoramic view of the city, is situated on a steep bank 85 m above the river. The Luzhniki Stadium (formerly, the Lenin Stadium), where the opening and closing ceremony for the 1980 Summer Olympics took place, is right below across the Moskva River. Next to it is the Novodevichy Convent, with its Naryshkin Baroque towers.
Not far from the observation platform is the famous Luzhniki Metro Bridge (known to Muscovites as Metromost). The two-level Metro-Bridge traverses the river to link Komsomolsky Prospekt with Vernadsky Prospekt. It serves two urban transport systems: motor vehicles and the Moscow Metro (subway). The glass-walled subway station Vorobyovy Gory (translates as Sparrows' Hills) is located at the lower level of the bridge.
The hills, immortalized by many Russian poets and writers, are thought to have been named after the village Vorobyovo which was acquired by Grand Duchess Sophia Vitovtovna (Vitovt's only daughter) from the priest Vorobey ("Sparrow") in 1451. Alexander I of Russia wished to build the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour there; his successor had construction works suspended and the cathedral was eventually erected in the proximity of the Kremlin. Nowadays the main landmarks of the hills are the Moscow State University (formerly the tallest building in Europe) and the Trinity Church (1811).
Воробьёвы го́ры (в 1935—1999 — Ленинские горы) — название местности на юго-западе Москвы, представляющей собой высокий правый берег Москвы-реки (крутой обрыв Теплостанской возвышенности, подмытой течением реки), покрытый лесопарком. Расположен напротив Лужников, считается одним из семи холмов Москвы. Протягиваются от устья реки Сетуни до Андреевского моста Малого кольца Московской железной дороги. На востоке граничит с Нескучным садом.
Склон, обращённый к реке, расчленён глубокими оврагами, встречаются выходы подземных вод (родники), наблюдаются оползневые процессы. Ландшафт Воробьевых гор формирует одноимённый парк, в составе которого сохранились три пруда, а также массив широколиственного леса.
Die Sperlingsberge bzw. von 1935 bis 1999 Leninberge. Hauptstadt Moskau eine an ihrem nordöstlichen Hang fast durchgehend bewaldete, bis zu etwa 70 Meter hohe natürliche Erhebung inmitten einer großen Parkanlage, die sich mehrere Kilometer lang am rechten Moskwa-Ufer entlang erstreckt. Das Gebiet der Sperlingsberge gehört zum Moskauer Verwaltungsbezirk West.
Die Sperlingsberge sind eine der schönsten Landschaften im Moskauer Stadtgebiet und stellen seit Jahrhunderten einen beliebten Naherholungsort der Moskauer dar. Von der oberen Aussichtsplattform, die eine der bekanntesten Besucherattraktionen Moskaus ist, und vielen weiteren Punkten in der Umgebung bieten sich Ausblicke über große Teile der Moskauer Innenstadt. Die Flusspromenade und der Wald an den Hängen eignen sich hervorragend zum Spazieren, im Winter lockt auch eine Skipiste mit Sessellift Wintersportfans hierher an.
Das bekannteste Bauwerk oben auf der Erhebung ist das Hauptgebäude der Lomonossow-Universität, das zusammen mit den anderen sechs Zuckerbäcker-Wolkenkratzern Moskaus ein architektonisches Denkmal der Stalin-Epoche darstellt. Markant ist außerdem die doppelstöckige Brücke über die Moskwa, in deren unterer, verglaster Ebene sich die Metrostation Worobjowy Gory befindet. Gleich gegenüber auf der anderen Flussseite liegt das Olympiastadion Luschniki.
wn.com/Moscow Sparrow Hills Part 2 Of 2.
twitter : @ceepackaging
Sparrow Hills were called from 19351999: Lenin Hills. They are situated on the right bank of the Moskva River and one of highest points in Moscow.
The observation platform, which gives a good panoramic view of the city, is situated on a steep bank 85 m above the river. The Luzhniki Stadium (formerly, the Lenin Stadium), where the opening and closing ceremony for the 1980 Summer Olympics took place, is right below across the Moskva River. Next to it is the Novodevichy Convent, with its Naryshkin Baroque towers.
Not far from the observation platform is the famous Luzhniki Metro Bridge (known to Muscovites as Metromost). The two-level Metro-Bridge traverses the river to link Komsomolsky Prospekt with Vernadsky Prospekt. It serves two urban transport systems: motor vehicles and the Moscow Metro (subway). The glass-walled subway station Vorobyovy Gory (translates as Sparrows' Hills) is located at the lower level of the bridge.
The hills, immortalized by many Russian poets and writers, are thought to have been named after the village Vorobyovo which was acquired by Grand Duchess Sophia Vitovtovna (Vitovt's only daughter) from the priest Vorobey ("Sparrow") in 1451. Alexander I of Russia wished to build the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour there; his successor had construction works suspended and the cathedral was eventually erected in the proximity of the Kremlin. Nowadays the main landmarks of the hills are the Moscow State University (formerly the tallest building in Europe) and the Trinity Church (1811).
Воробьёвы го́ры (в 1935—1999 — Ленинские горы) — название местности на юго-западе Москвы, представляющей собой высокий правый берег Москвы-реки (крутой обрыв Теплостанской возвышенности, подмытой течением реки), покрытый лесопарком. Расположен напротив Лужников, считается одним из семи холмов Москвы. Протягиваются от устья реки Сетуни до Андреевского моста Малого кольца Московской железной дороги. На востоке граничит с Нескучным садом.
Склон, обращённый к реке, расчленён глубокими оврагами, встречаются выходы подземных вод (родники), наблюдаются оползневые процессы. Ландшафт Воробьевых гор формирует одноимённый парк, в составе которого сохранились три пруда, а также массив широколиственного леса.
Die Sperlingsberge bzw. von 1935 bis 1999 Leninberge. Hauptstadt Moskau eine an ihrem nordöstlichen Hang fast durchgehend bewaldete, bis zu etwa 70 Meter hohe natürliche Erhebung inmitten einer großen Parkanlage, die sich mehrere Kilometer lang am rechten Moskwa-Ufer entlang erstreckt. Das Gebiet der Sperlingsberge gehört zum Moskauer Verwaltungsbezirk West.
Die Sperlingsberge sind eine der schönsten Landschaften im Moskauer Stadtgebiet und stellen seit Jahrhunderten einen beliebten Naherholungsort der Moskauer dar. Von der oberen Aussichtsplattform, die eine der bekanntesten Besucherattraktionen Moskaus ist, und vielen weiteren Punkten in der Umgebung bieten sich Ausblicke über große Teile der Moskauer Innenstadt. Die Flusspromenade und der Wald an den Hängen eignen sich hervorragend zum Spazieren, im Winter lockt auch eine Skipiste mit Sessellift Wintersportfans hierher an.
Das bekannteste Bauwerk oben auf der Erhebung ist das Hauptgebäude der Lomonossow-Universität, das zusammen mit den anderen sechs Zuckerbäcker-Wolkenkratzern Moskaus ein architektonisches Denkmal der Stalin-Epoche darstellt. Markant ist außerdem die doppelstöckige Brücke über die Moskwa, in deren unterer, verglaster Ebene sich die Metrostation Worobjowy Gory befindet. Gleich gegenüber auf der anderen Flussseite liegt das Olympiastadion Luschniki.
- published: 21 Nov 2009
- views: 522
Cathedral of SS.Peter and Paul send email info@kosmostrip.net
The Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul of Kazan is undoubtedly the most valuable architectural monument and the one of the spiritual symbols of Kazan. It stands on...
The Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul of Kazan is undoubtedly the most valuable architectural monument and the one of the spiritual symbols of Kazan. It stands on a rising ground and attracts one’s attention with its magnificent majesty and peculiar decoration. The composition of the temple and its bell-tower performs so-called Russian or «naryshkin» baroque, which was widely spread over Russia at the end of the 17th – the beginning of the 18th century. The similar com¬positions can be found in the land of Kazan: the Pyatnitskaya (in the name of Great Martyr Parasceva of Iconium) church is in Kazan, and the church of Potanikha is in Vysokogorsky district of Tatarstan. It is significant that both churches were built by sponsorship of the mer¬chant Mikhlyaev. The cathedral’ s decoration, and first of all the multi-tude of facade details as well as its bright coloration, well presented till now, makes it inimitable. Unfortunately, the names of builders who raised the cathedral are unknown. The majority of art experts point out that the cathedral’ s decora¬tions are similar to the ones of the Ukrainian type, which were built in the Ukraine at the first half of the 18th century. It is quite possible that the Ukrainians built the cathedral, but the cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul is not a mechanical imitation of any other style. Most details of its appearance look quite unique and reach far beyond the limitation of any style.
wn.com/Cathedral Of Ss.Peter And Paul Send Email Info Kosmostrip.Net
The Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul of Kazan is undoubtedly the most valuable architectural monument and the one of the spiritual symbols of Kazan. It stands on a rising ground and attracts one’s attention with its magnificent majesty and peculiar decoration. The composition of the temple and its bell-tower performs so-called Russian or «naryshkin» baroque, which was widely spread over Russia at the end of the 17th – the beginning of the 18th century. The similar com¬positions can be found in the land of Kazan: the Pyatnitskaya (in the name of Great Martyr Parasceva of Iconium) church is in Kazan, and the church of Potanikha is in Vysokogorsky district of Tatarstan. It is significant that both churches were built by sponsorship of the mer¬chant Mikhlyaev. The cathedral’ s decoration, and first of all the multi-tude of facade details as well as its bright coloration, well presented till now, makes it inimitable. Unfortunately, the names of builders who raised the cathedral are unknown. The majority of art experts point out that the cathedral’ s decora¬tions are similar to the ones of the Ukrainian type, which were built in the Ukraine at the first half of the 18th century. It is quite possible that the Ukrainians built the cathedral, but the cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul is not a mechanical imitation of any other style. Most details of its appearance look quite unique and reach far beyond the limitation of any style.
- published: 27 Oct 2014
- views: 5
(VNU) Bản tin tổng hợp tháng 12/2014
Bản tin Video tháng 12/2014 điểm qua các thông tin nổi bật: Đoàn Đại biểu cấp cao Quốc hội Liên bang Nga do Ông Sergey Yevgenyevich Naryshkin, Chủ tịch Đuma Quố...
Bản tin Video tháng 12/2014 điểm qua các thông tin nổi bật: Đoàn Đại biểu cấp cao Quốc hội Liên bang Nga do Ông Sergey Yevgenyevich Naryshkin, Chủ tịch Đuma Quốc gia Nga (Quốc hội Liên bang Nga) dẫn đầu thăm ĐHQGHN, Lễ trao thưởng thường niên Gương mặt trẻ tiêu biểu ĐHQGHN năm 2014, Hội nghị Tổng kết công tác Thanh tra và Pháp chế năm 2014 của ĐHQGHN,Triển khai 5 khóa đào tạo tăng cường năng lực cho cán bộ trẻ của ĐHQGHN, Hội nghị tổng kết công tác thi đua, khen thưởng ĐHQGHN năm 2014, Đảm bảo chất lượng chương trình đào tạo Sau đại học là chủ đề phiên họp thứ IV của Hội đồng Đảm bảo chất lượng ĐHQGHN, Các đồng chí lãnh đạo Đảng và Nhà nước dự Lễ động thổ xây dựng Trường ĐH Việt Nhật, Sinh viên nước ngoài của ĐHQGHN rộn ràng trong tiệc chào mừng năm mới 2015…
wn.com/(Vnu) Bản Tin Tổng Hợp Tháng 12 2014
Bản tin Video tháng 12/2014 điểm qua các thông tin nổi bật: Đoàn Đại biểu cấp cao Quốc hội Liên bang Nga do Ông Sergey Yevgenyevich Naryshkin, Chủ tịch Đuma Quốc gia Nga (Quốc hội Liên bang Nga) dẫn đầu thăm ĐHQGHN, Lễ trao thưởng thường niên Gương mặt trẻ tiêu biểu ĐHQGHN năm 2014, Hội nghị Tổng kết công tác Thanh tra và Pháp chế năm 2014 của ĐHQGHN,Triển khai 5 khóa đào tạo tăng cường năng lực cho cán bộ trẻ của ĐHQGHN, Hội nghị tổng kết công tác thi đua, khen thưởng ĐHQGHN năm 2014, Đảm bảo chất lượng chương trình đào tạo Sau đại học là chủ đề phiên họp thứ IV của Hội đồng Đảm bảo chất lượng ĐHQGHN, Các đồng chí lãnh đạo Đảng và Nhà nước dự Lễ động thổ xây dựng Trường ĐH Việt Nhật, Sinh viên nước ngoài của ĐHQGHN rộn ràng trong tiệc chào mừng năm mới 2015…
- published: 02 Jan 2015
- views: 195
PETER & PAUL FORTRESS St. Petersburg, Russia
The Peter and Paul Fortress is the historic centre of the tsar's city of St. Petersburg and is located on Hare Island, within the mouth of the Neva River. Its s...
The Peter and Paul Fortress is the historic centre of the tsar's city of St. Petersburg and is located on Hare Island, within the mouth of the Neva River. Its slender, gilded bell tower is 122 high and is one of the city's most dominant landmarks. The cathedral was built between 1712 and 1733 and contains both Dutch and Early Baroque building styles. Since Peter The Great, the building was used mainly as a place of burial for the tsars and the Tsarina Catharine the Great lies within a sarcophagus of white Carrara marble. Numerous wall paintings and captured flags from the wars against the Swedes and the Osmanic Empire still decorate the splendid interior of the cathedral. In front of the main guard house there is a controversial bronze sculpture by the Russian, Mikhail Shemyakin, that depicts Peter The Great with a strikingly small head. The Peter and Paul Fortress never saw battle and was later converted into a state prison. The participants of the December Revolt which took place in 1825, were also imprisoned within its walls and until the October Revolution in 1917, the fortress also served as a notorious prison for the enemies and critics of the tsars. During the Revolution, the canons of the fortress fired 40 shots at the Winter Palace that is located on the opposite bank of the Neva. Today, the thunder of canon is a daily event and punctually at noon, a shot is fired from the Naryshkin Bastion. With this simple ceremony, homage is paid to an age old tradition of Peter The Great, as it was in this way that he announced lunchtime for all the inhabitants of the city!
wn.com/Peter Paul Fortress St. Petersburg, Russia
The Peter and Paul Fortress is the historic centre of the tsar's city of St. Petersburg and is located on Hare Island, within the mouth of the Neva River. Its slender, gilded bell tower is 122 high and is one of the city's most dominant landmarks. The cathedral was built between 1712 and 1733 and contains both Dutch and Early Baroque building styles. Since Peter The Great, the building was used mainly as a place of burial for the tsars and the Tsarina Catharine the Great lies within a sarcophagus of white Carrara marble. Numerous wall paintings and captured flags from the wars against the Swedes and the Osmanic Empire still decorate the splendid interior of the cathedral. In front of the main guard house there is a controversial bronze sculpture by the Russian, Mikhail Shemyakin, that depicts Peter The Great with a strikingly small head. The Peter and Paul Fortress never saw battle and was later converted into a state prison. The participants of the December Revolt which took place in 1825, were also imprisoned within its walls and until the October Revolution in 1917, the fortress also served as a notorious prison for the enemies and critics of the tsars. During the Revolution, the canons of the fortress fired 40 shots at the Winter Palace that is located on the opposite bank of the Neva. Today, the thunder of canon is a daily event and punctually at noon, a shot is fired from the Naryshkin Bastion. With this simple ceremony, homage is paid to an age old tradition of Peter The Great, as it was in this way that he announced lunchtime for all the inhabitants of the city!
- published: 10 Aug 2009
- views: 1079
Driving on SPB Tour Bus to The Peter and Paul Fortress in Saint Petersburg, Russia
The fortress contains several notable buildings clustered around the Peter and Paul Cathedral (1712--1733), which has a 122.5 m (402 ft) bell-tower (the tallest...
The fortress contains several notable buildings clustered around the Peter and Paul Cathedral (1712--1733), which has a 122.5 m (402 ft) bell-tower (the tallest in the city centre) and a gilded angel-topped cupola.
The cathedral is the burial place of all Russian tsars from Peter I to Alexander III, with the exception of Peter II and Ivan VI. The remains of Nicholas II and his family and entourage were re-interred there, in the side St. Catherine's Chapel, on July 17, 1998, the 80th anniversary of their deaths. Toward the end of 2006, the remains of Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna were brought from Roskilde Cathedral outside Copenhagen and reinterred next to her husband, Alexander III.
The newer Grand Ducal Mausoleum (built in the Neo-Baroque style under Leon Benois's supervision in 1896-1908) is connected to the cathedral by a corridor. It was constructed in order to remove the remains of some of the non-reigning Romanovs from the cathedral, where there was scarcely any room for new burials. The mausoleum was expected to hold up to sixty tombs, but by the time of the Russian Revolution, there were thirteen. The latest burial was of Nicholas II's first cousin once removed, Grand Duke Vladimir Cyrilovich (1992). The remains of his parents, Grand Duke Cyril Vladimirovich and his wife Viktoria Fyodorovna, were transferred to the mausoleum from Coburg in 1995.
Other structures inside the fortress include the still functioning mint building [1] (constructed to Antonio Porta's designs under Emperor Paul), the Trubetskoy Bastion with its grim prison cells, and the city museum. According to a centuries-old tradition, a cannon is fired each noon from the Naryshkin Bastion. Annual celebrations of the city day (May 27) are normally centered on the island where the city was born.
The fortress walls overlook sandy beaches that have become among the most popular in St. Petersburg. In summer, the beach is often overcrowded, especially when a major sand festival takes place on the shore.
wn.com/Driving On Spb Tour Bus To The Peter And Paul Fortress In Saint Petersburg, Russia
The fortress contains several notable buildings clustered around the Peter and Paul Cathedral (1712--1733), which has a 122.5 m (402 ft) bell-tower (the tallest in the city centre) and a gilded angel-topped cupola.
The cathedral is the burial place of all Russian tsars from Peter I to Alexander III, with the exception of Peter II and Ivan VI. The remains of Nicholas II and his family and entourage were re-interred there, in the side St. Catherine's Chapel, on July 17, 1998, the 80th anniversary of their deaths. Toward the end of 2006, the remains of Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna were brought from Roskilde Cathedral outside Copenhagen and reinterred next to her husband, Alexander III.
The newer Grand Ducal Mausoleum (built in the Neo-Baroque style under Leon Benois's supervision in 1896-1908) is connected to the cathedral by a corridor. It was constructed in order to remove the remains of some of the non-reigning Romanovs from the cathedral, where there was scarcely any room for new burials. The mausoleum was expected to hold up to sixty tombs, but by the time of the Russian Revolution, there were thirteen. The latest burial was of Nicholas II's first cousin once removed, Grand Duke Vladimir Cyrilovich (1992). The remains of his parents, Grand Duke Cyril Vladimirovich and his wife Viktoria Fyodorovna, were transferred to the mausoleum from Coburg in 1995.
Other structures inside the fortress include the still functioning mint building [1] (constructed to Antonio Porta's designs under Emperor Paul), the Trubetskoy Bastion with its grim prison cells, and the city museum. According to a centuries-old tradition, a cannon is fired each noon from the Naryshkin Bastion. Annual celebrations of the city day (May 27) are normally centered on the island where the city was born.
The fortress walls overlook sandy beaches that have become among the most popular in St. Petersburg. In summer, the beach is often overcrowded, especially when a major sand festival takes place on the shore.
- published: 19 Jul 2014
- views: 111
Joshua Chandra plays Sára Žalčíková's Sonata
Joshua Chandra performs Sára Žalčíková's single-movement Sonata in the 5th Anton G. Rubinstein International Piano Competition—the event for which the work was ...
Joshua Chandra performs Sára Žalčíková's single-movement Sonata in the 5th Anton G. Rubinstein International Piano Competition—the event for which the work was commissioned—during the second day of the competition's semifinal round on September 30, 2012 in the Great Hall of the Hochschule für Musik Carl Maria von Weber in Dresden, Germany.
The original video can be found here: http://www.hfmdd.de/veranstaltungen/chronologie/videoausschnitte/rubinstein-klavierwettbewerb/
wn.com/Joshua Chandra Plays Sára Žalčíková's Sonata
Joshua Chandra performs Sára Žalčíková's single-movement Sonata in the 5th Anton G. Rubinstein International Piano Competition—the event for which the work was commissioned—during the second day of the competition's semifinal round on September 30, 2012 in the Great Hall of the Hochschule für Musik Carl Maria von Weber in Dresden, Germany.
The original video can be found here: http://www.hfmdd.de/veranstaltungen/chronologie/videoausschnitte/rubinstein-klavierwettbewerb/
- published: 20 Feb 2013
- views: 718
Fräulein Ludmilla Gespür für Klassiksternchen
Ihre Begeisterung für junge und unverbrauchte Talente nimmt die Dresdnerin Ludmilla Schmidt zum Anlass, eine neue Veranstaltungsreihe für diese "Klassiksternche...
Ihre Begeisterung für junge und unverbrauchte Talente nimmt die Dresdnerin Ludmilla Schmidt zum Anlass, eine neue Veranstaltungsreihe für diese "Klassiksternchen" ins Leben zu rufen. Welch besseren Platz hätte sie sich dafür aussuchen können, als die Bühne im Festsaal des Coselpalais. Von ihr aus lassen sich, inspiriert durch den Blick auf die abendlich angestrahlte Frauenkirche, nicht nur Violine und Klavier, sondern vielmehr die jungen Künstler selbst, zu musikalischen Höchstleistungen emporschwingen. Den Auftakt zu dieser neuen Konzertreihe gab Leyla Siebert (Violine).
wn.com/Fräulein Ludmilla Gespür Für Klassiksternchen
Ihre Begeisterung für junge und unverbrauchte Talente nimmt die Dresdnerin Ludmilla Schmidt zum Anlass, eine neue Veranstaltungsreihe für diese "Klassiksternchen" ins Leben zu rufen. Welch besseren Platz hätte sie sich dafür aussuchen können, als die Bühne im Festsaal des Coselpalais. Von ihr aus lassen sich, inspiriert durch den Blick auf die abendlich angestrahlte Frauenkirche, nicht nur Violine und Klavier, sondern vielmehr die jungen Künstler selbst, zu musikalischen Höchstleistungen emporschwingen. Den Auftakt zu dieser neuen Konzertreihe gab Leyla Siebert (Violine).
- published: 25 Apr 2013
- views: 383
Leonid Egorov • LEFC News 7.5.14 • Junge Meister der Klassik
Leonid Egorov Fan Club News • 07. Mai 2014.
In der Konzertreihe „Junge Meister der Klassik" im Pianosalon im Coselpalais Dresden sp...
Leonid Egorov Fan Club News • 07. Mai 2014.
In der Konzertreihe „Junge Meister der Klassik" im Pianosalon im Coselpalais Dresden spielte am 7. Mai 2014 Leonid Egorov.
Das Konzert war auf einem Flügel der Carl Rönisch Pianofortemanufaktur, gegr. 1845 in Dresden, gespielt (http://www.roenisch-pianos.de).
Der Moskauer Pianist Leonid Egorov zelebriert Klavierspiel, wie es spektakulärer kaum vorstellbar sein kann. Der Preisträger des weltweiten Wettbewerbs "Youtube Symphony Orchestra 2011″ kann trotz seiner Jugend schon als Wunder an Musikalität und Virtuosität angesehen werden. Viele Klassikbegeisterte konnten den jungen Künstler seither auch live in großen Konzertsälen der Welt erleben, wie u.a. im Sydney Opera House. Auf das äußerste faszinierend, bieten seine Improvisationen einen spannenden Hörgenuss im klassisch-romantischen Stil. Wer sich einen Eindruck verschaffen möchte, wie die großen Pianisten des 19. Jahrhunderts wohl konzertiert haben mögen, der muss Leonid Egorov erleben. Die Art wie er Themen und Harmonien aufgreift und zu weiteren Stücken des Programms präludiert und phantasiert, erfolgt immer in höchster Virtuosität. Ein unvergleichliches und atemberaubendes Erlebnis.
- Pressestimmen -
„Tradition und Moderne.
Der in seiner bisherigen Karriere mit zahlreichen internationalen Preisen ausgezeichnete Künstler beherrscht die Kunst, klassische Traditionen mit modernen Einflüssen zu verbinden. So folgte an diesem Abend nach purer Klassik, ja man kann sagen, die vollendete Romantik.
Gelang es Egorov Liszt´ »Liebestraum« und »La Campanella« mit seinen ungewöhnlichem Gestaltungswillen geradezu zu beleben. Egorov, der sich darauf versteht, mit dem »Klavier zu sprechen«, helfen dabei seine überragende manuelle Geschicklichkeit an der Tastatur und eine kultivierte Klangschönheit.
Leonid Egorovs technische Brillanz überzeugte das Publikum an diesem Abend. Einem Abend, der für die Freunde des improvisierten Klavierspiels ein wirklich wahrer Genuss war." (Sächsische Zeitung)
wn.com/Leonid Egorov • Lefc News 7.5.14 • Junge Meister Der Klassik
Leonid Egorov Fan Club News • 07. Mai 2014.
In der Konzertreihe „Junge Meister der Klassik" im Pianosalon im Coselpalais Dresden spielte am 7. Mai 2014 Leonid Egorov.
Das Konzert war auf einem Flügel der Carl Rönisch Pianofortemanufaktur, gegr. 1845 in Dresden, gespielt (http://www.roenisch-pianos.de).
Der Moskauer Pianist Leonid Egorov zelebriert Klavierspiel, wie es spektakulärer kaum vorstellbar sein kann. Der Preisträger des weltweiten Wettbewerbs "Youtube Symphony Orchestra 2011″ kann trotz seiner Jugend schon als Wunder an Musikalität und Virtuosität angesehen werden. Viele Klassikbegeisterte konnten den jungen Künstler seither auch live in großen Konzertsälen der Welt erleben, wie u.a. im Sydney Opera House. Auf das äußerste faszinierend, bieten seine Improvisationen einen spannenden Hörgenuss im klassisch-romantischen Stil. Wer sich einen Eindruck verschaffen möchte, wie die großen Pianisten des 19. Jahrhunderts wohl konzertiert haben mögen, der muss Leonid Egorov erleben. Die Art wie er Themen und Harmonien aufgreift und zu weiteren Stücken des Programms präludiert und phantasiert, erfolgt immer in höchster Virtuosität. Ein unvergleichliches und atemberaubendes Erlebnis.
- Pressestimmen -
„Tradition und Moderne.
Der in seiner bisherigen Karriere mit zahlreichen internationalen Preisen ausgezeichnete Künstler beherrscht die Kunst, klassische Traditionen mit modernen Einflüssen zu verbinden. So folgte an diesem Abend nach purer Klassik, ja man kann sagen, die vollendete Romantik.
Gelang es Egorov Liszt´ »Liebestraum« und »La Campanella« mit seinen ungewöhnlichem Gestaltungswillen geradezu zu beleben. Egorov, der sich darauf versteht, mit dem »Klavier zu sprechen«, helfen dabei seine überragende manuelle Geschicklichkeit an der Tastatur und eine kultivierte Klangschönheit.
Leonid Egorovs technische Brillanz überzeugte das Publikum an diesem Abend. Einem Abend, der für die Freunde des improvisierten Klavierspiels ein wirklich wahrer Genuss war." (Sächsische Zeitung)
- published: 30 May 2014
- views: 633
Leonid Egorov • LEFC News 14.11.14 • Junge Meister der Klassik
Leonid Egorov Fan Club News • 14. November 2014.
In der Konzertreihe „Junge Meister der Klassik" im Pianosalon im Coselpalais Dresd...
Leonid Egorov Fan Club News • 14. November 2014.
In der Konzertreihe „Junge Meister der Klassik" im Pianosalon im Coselpalais Dresden spielte am 14. November 2014 Leonid Egorov.
Das Konzert war auf einem Flügel der Carl Rönisch Pianofortemanufaktur, gegr. 1845 in Dresden, gespielt (http://www.roenisch-pianos.de).
Der Moskauer Pianist Leonid Egorov zelebriert Klavierspiel, wie es spektakulärer kaum vorstellbar sein kann. Der Preisträger des weltweiten Wettbewerbs "Youtube Symphony Orchestra 2011″ kann trotz seiner Jugend schon als Wunder an Musikalität und Virtuosität angesehen werden. Viele Klassikbegeisterte konnten den jungen Künstler seither auch live in großen Konzertsälen der Welt erleben, wie u.a. im Sydney Opera House. Auf das äußerste faszinierend, bieten seine Improvisationen einen spannenden Hörgenuss im klassisch-romantischen Stil. Wer sich einen Eindruck verschaffen möchte, wie die großen Pianisten des 19. Jahrhunderts wohl konzertiert haben mögen, der muss Leonid Egorov erleben. Die Art wie er Themen und Harmonien aufgreift und zu weiteren Stücken des Programms präludiert und phantasiert, erfolgt immer in höchster Virtuosität. Ein unvergleichliches und atemberaubendes Erlebnis.
- Pressestimmen -
„Tradition und Moderne.
Der in seiner bisherigen Karriere mit zahlreichen internationalen Preisen ausgezeichnete Künstler beherrscht die Kunst, klassische Traditionen mit modernen Einflüssen zu verbinden. So folgte an diesem Abend nach purer Klassik, ja man kann sagen, die vollendete Romantik.
Gelang es Egorov Liszt´ »Liebestraum« und »La Campanella« mit seinen ungewöhnlichem Gestaltungswillen geradezu zu beleben. Egorov, der sich darauf versteht, mit dem »Klavier zu sprechen«, helfen dabei seine überragende manuelle Geschicklichkeit an der Tastatur und eine kultivierte Klangschönheit.
Leonid Egorovs technische Brillanz überzeugte das Publikum an diesem Abend. Einem Abend, der für die Freunde des improvisierten Klavierspiels ein wirklich wahrer Genuss war." (Sächsische Zeitung)
wn.com/Leonid Egorov • Lefc News 14.11.14 • Junge Meister Der Klassik
Leonid Egorov Fan Club News • 14. November 2014.
In der Konzertreihe „Junge Meister der Klassik" im Pianosalon im Coselpalais Dresden spielte am 14. November 2014 Leonid Egorov.
Das Konzert war auf einem Flügel der Carl Rönisch Pianofortemanufaktur, gegr. 1845 in Dresden, gespielt (http://www.roenisch-pianos.de).
Der Moskauer Pianist Leonid Egorov zelebriert Klavierspiel, wie es spektakulärer kaum vorstellbar sein kann. Der Preisträger des weltweiten Wettbewerbs "Youtube Symphony Orchestra 2011″ kann trotz seiner Jugend schon als Wunder an Musikalität und Virtuosität angesehen werden. Viele Klassikbegeisterte konnten den jungen Künstler seither auch live in großen Konzertsälen der Welt erleben, wie u.a. im Sydney Opera House. Auf das äußerste faszinierend, bieten seine Improvisationen einen spannenden Hörgenuss im klassisch-romantischen Stil. Wer sich einen Eindruck verschaffen möchte, wie die großen Pianisten des 19. Jahrhunderts wohl konzertiert haben mögen, der muss Leonid Egorov erleben. Die Art wie er Themen und Harmonien aufgreift und zu weiteren Stücken des Programms präludiert und phantasiert, erfolgt immer in höchster Virtuosität. Ein unvergleichliches und atemberaubendes Erlebnis.
- Pressestimmen -
„Tradition und Moderne.
Der in seiner bisherigen Karriere mit zahlreichen internationalen Preisen ausgezeichnete Künstler beherrscht die Kunst, klassische Traditionen mit modernen Einflüssen zu verbinden. So folgte an diesem Abend nach purer Klassik, ja man kann sagen, die vollendete Romantik.
Gelang es Egorov Liszt´ »Liebestraum« und »La Campanella« mit seinen ungewöhnlichem Gestaltungswillen geradezu zu beleben. Egorov, der sich darauf versteht, mit dem »Klavier zu sprechen«, helfen dabei seine überragende manuelle Geschicklichkeit an der Tastatur und eine kultivierte Klangschönheit.
Leonid Egorovs technische Brillanz überzeugte das Publikum an diesem Abend. Einem Abend, der für die Freunde des improvisierten Klavierspiels ein wirklich wahrer Genuss war." (Sächsische Zeitung)
- published: 12 Dec 2014
- views: 425
Pianist Lars Arnold spielt Lennons Imagine
Der Dresdner Pianist Lars Arnold gab im Januar ein Konzert im Coselpalais Dresaden, spielte dort auch Lennons Imagine. Das Besondere am Tourneeprogramm „Inspira...
Der Dresdner Pianist Lars Arnold gab im Januar ein Konzert im Coselpalais Dresaden, spielte dort auch Lennons Imagine. Das Besondere am Tourneeprogramm „Inspiration Beatles" ist , so Lars Arnold, „eine neue Sicht auf die weltweit bekannten Titel der Fab Four, die ich auf meinem Instrument unplugged darbiete. Alle Songs interpretiere ich komplett neu."
wn.com/Pianist Lars Arnold Spielt Lennons Imagine
Der Dresdner Pianist Lars Arnold gab im Januar ein Konzert im Coselpalais Dresaden, spielte dort auch Lennons Imagine. Das Besondere am Tourneeprogramm „Inspiration Beatles" ist , so Lars Arnold, „eine neue Sicht auf die weltweit bekannten Titel der Fab Four, die ich auf meinem Instrument unplugged darbiete. Alle Songs interpretiere ich komplett neu."
- published: 01 Feb 2013
- views: 134
Lucas & Vincent Das erste Konzert
Sonntag, 30. Juni 2013, Wasserburg Seebach: Lucas und Vincent Slubik geben ihr erstes, eigenständige Klavierkonzert. Als Gesangssolisten haben sich die beiden j...
Sonntag, 30. Juni 2013, Wasserburg Seebach: Lucas und Vincent Slubik geben ihr erstes, eigenständige Klavierkonzert. Als Gesangssolisten haben sich die beiden jungen Musiker Paula Köthe und Holger Zindler eingeladen.
Fotos: Holger Zindler
Andreas Slubik
Thomas Peter
Filmmaterial: Holger Zindler
Thomas Peter
Musik: Lucas Slubik
Vincent Slubik
Komponisten: R.Schumann, J.S.Bach, E.Humperdinck, J.Hayden, P.Tschaikowski,
J.G.Witthauer, L.Mozart, C.Czerny, C.Gurlitt, D.Michaelis,
L.Cohan, G.Martin, M.Clementi, H.Carmichael
Gesang: Paula Köthe - Halleluja (L.Cohan)
Holger Zindler - Als ich fortging (D.Michaelis)
wn.com/Lucas Vincent Das Erste Konzert
Sonntag, 30. Juni 2013, Wasserburg Seebach: Lucas und Vincent Slubik geben ihr erstes, eigenständige Klavierkonzert. Als Gesangssolisten haben sich die beiden jungen Musiker Paula Köthe und Holger Zindler eingeladen.
Fotos: Holger Zindler
Andreas Slubik
Thomas Peter
Filmmaterial: Holger Zindler
Thomas Peter
Musik: Lucas Slubik
Vincent Slubik
Komponisten: R.Schumann, J.S.Bach, E.Humperdinck, J.Hayden, P.Tschaikowski,
J.G.Witthauer, L.Mozart, C.Czerny, C.Gurlitt, D.Michaelis,
L.Cohan, G.Martin, M.Clementi, H.Carmichael
Gesang: Paula Köthe - Halleluja (L.Cohan)
Holger Zindler - Als ich fortging (D.Michaelis)
- published: 21 Aug 2013
- views: 286
Valletta International Piano Festival 2013
2 -10 February 2013 FESTIVAL PROGRAM:
"PIANO & NATURE" Concert by Yuri Didenko ( RUSSIA)
2 February 2013 at 8pm at the St.Paul's Pro-Cathedral, Valletta...
2 -10 February 2013 FESTIVAL PROGRAM:
"PIANO & NATURE" Concert by Yuri Didenko ( RUSSIA)
2 February 2013 at 8pm at the St.Paul's Pro-Cathedral, Valletta;
"WINTER PIANO" MCI Concert with Valletta International Piano Festival participants
3 February 2013 at 7pm at the Le Meridian Hotel, St.Julianse;
"LUNCHTIME PIANO FANTASY" by Valletta International Piano Festival participants
5 February 2013 at 12.30pm at the St.Fransis Oratory, Republic street, Valletta
"ROMANTIC PIANO" Concert by Antonio Di Christofano (ITALY)
5 February 2013 at 8pm at the St.Paul's Pro-Cathedral, Valletta;
"LUNCHTIME PIANO" concert by Valletta International Piano Festival participants
6 February 2013 at 12.30pm the Grand Hotel Excelsior, Valletta
"RUSSIAN PIANO ART" Concert by Valletta International Piano Festival participants
7 February 2013 at 7pm Russian Cultural Centre
"HIS MAJESTY GRAND PIANO" Festival Grand Finale Concert
by Arkady Zenziper (GERMANY), Dr.Nikita Fitenko ( USA )
and the best festival participants
9 February 2013 at 8.30pm at the Grand Hotel Excelsior,Valletta.
Full festival program at: www.vallettapianofest.com
Facebook page : Valletta International Piano Festival
Producer: The European Centre for Culture & Arts (Malta)
wn.com/Valletta International Piano Festival 2013
2 -10 February 2013 FESTIVAL PROGRAM:
"PIANO & NATURE" Concert by Yuri Didenko ( RUSSIA)
2 February 2013 at 8pm at the St.Paul's Pro-Cathedral, Valletta;
"WINTER PIANO" MCI Concert with Valletta International Piano Festival participants
3 February 2013 at 7pm at the Le Meridian Hotel, St.Julianse;
"LUNCHTIME PIANO FANTASY" by Valletta International Piano Festival participants
5 February 2013 at 12.30pm at the St.Fransis Oratory, Republic street, Valletta
"ROMANTIC PIANO" Concert by Antonio Di Christofano (ITALY)
5 February 2013 at 8pm at the St.Paul's Pro-Cathedral, Valletta;
"LUNCHTIME PIANO" concert by Valletta International Piano Festival participants
6 February 2013 at 12.30pm the Grand Hotel Excelsior, Valletta
"RUSSIAN PIANO ART" Concert by Valletta International Piano Festival participants
7 February 2013 at 7pm Russian Cultural Centre
"HIS MAJESTY GRAND PIANO" Festival Grand Finale Concert
by Arkady Zenziper (GERMANY), Dr.Nikita Fitenko ( USA )
and the best festival participants
9 February 2013 at 8.30pm at the Grand Hotel Excelsior,Valletta.
Full festival program at: www.vallettapianofest.com
Facebook page : Valletta International Piano Festival
Producer: The European Centre for Culture & Arts (Malta)
- published: 08 Jan 2013
- views: 1027