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Led ceo film 2012
Led ceo 2012
Compact Flourescent vs LED lights colour spectrum
Comparing the spectrum of CF bulbs with LED lamps, installing some LED lamps, and using a motion activated light switch.
Make An L.E.D Illusion Mirror!
How to make an L.E.D infinity mirror. Really cool illusion piece and pretty simple to make! Twitter- https://twitter.com/Mist8kofficial Facebook- http://www....
Make An L.E.D Emblem Light!
How to make this cool L.E.D lit acrylic emblem!
Twitter- https://twitter.com/Mist8kofficial
Facebook- http://www.facebook.com/mist8kspage
G+ http://www.gplus.to/AndyElliott
My channel is all about cool science experiments, projects and other cool stuff! Subscribe for more!
Music- freesfx.co.uk
LED filaments
Messing about with "Filament" LED strips from domestic LED lamps.
Design info for clock : http://electricstuff.co.uk/ledfilclock.html
LED Vs. High-End Halogen: What's The Better Headlight Bulb?
What's a better headlight bulb: LED or Halogen? We found out.
Drive free or die!
Make a 1000w equiv. LED flashlight - aka DIY Sun-Blaster!
Here's how to make a phenomenally bright 1000w eqiv. LED flashlight!
It's designed to be operated with just one hand, with easy control of brightness, and can be powered by either batteries or an AC adapter.
Can be built for around £25 if you get the CPU cooler for cheap.
Major parts list (most ship worldwide):
100w LED:
How to cut, connect & power LED Strip Lighting
Welcome to this LED-supplies.com video on how to cut, connect and power LED Strip lighting. View the video on the LED strips section of our website at : http...
Monster 7,500 Lumens 100W LED Flashlight for under $10
I discovered that due to a lucky co-incidence of voltage and internal resistance, a 100W LED can be connected directly across the terminals of two 18V Nickel...
Part 41: LED Tail Light Conversion, Part 1 - My 76 Mazda RX-5 Cosmo Restoration
Surprise! Part 41 of my 76 Mazda Cosmo restoration is here! Part 41 is the first in a two part episode covering the conversion of the unique Cosmo tail lights from outdated incandescent light bulbs to modern LEDs. I decided to pattern my tail lights after those of the 2012 Dodge Charger, creating an outline of large LEDs, and filling the rest of the lights with small LEDs. I know it's been a while
how to build your own flexible LED Display XXL WS2811 real time Video Transmission
How to build a flexible LED Curtain display by LED strips WS2811 real time transmittion, Live Transmittion, SD card controler Soft Display DIY, LED Curtain Display P16.6 FULL TEXT DIY p16.6- http://ws2811softdisplay.blogspot.com LIKE US ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/ejunky1
- http://shop.elektric-junkys.com -
Dot matrix - deluxe check it out now WS2811 LED Curtain
This is a DIY "Text&Video;
Testing LED bulbs for bad vibrations. Yep.
We scope out the fairie dance going on in the Cree LED light bulbs.
Will the bulb last it's rated 25,000 hours? No.
If you like the vids and want to help make more: http://www.Patreon.com/AvE
How To Install Car Interior LED Lights
This video will help walk you through the process of installing you LEDGlow 4pc 7 Color Interior LED Lighting Kit to the interior of your car.
LEDGlow's 4pc. Expandable 7 Color LED Interior Light Kit was designed to create a custom multi-color interior lighting effect to the interior of your vehicle using the included four 15” tubes with a total of 120 intense LEDs.
For More Information Please
Convert tungsten fairy lights to LED. (plus ramble)
This is one of those projects that is not only fun and therapeutic to do, but gives you a really versatile set of lights for life.
You can support this channel at https://www.patreon.com/bigclive
I've covered this style of project before, but it's a great one, so worth covering again.
This project is really intended for the short 20 lamp tungsten strings common in the UK and some other countries.
Creation of Reactive LED Coffee Table
I took pictures of my creating this project, so that I could later assemble them into this video. I sketched out some rough circuit block diagrams (read: not...
how to LED floor tiling system DIY make your floor interactive
This is our new DIY about LED floor tiling, if you like it share - subscribe & Like, how to tile your floor, how to make your own floor LED tiles, integrade LED into your floor or wall tiles,
The Full Text DIY Will follow soon ....
how to build your own LED Display is one of our top Videos check it out, you can usae the Same WS2812b Strips into the floor profile and controll them via T1000S Sd C
Hướng dẫn làm khối led lập phương 8x8x8
Đây là hướng dẫn chi tiết theo từng bước rất cụ thể về cách làm khối đèn led dạng hình lập phương có kích thước 8x8x8, từ lúc làm bảng mạch đến lúc lập trình và chạy thử.
Xem thêm: http://tutaylam.com/video-clip/
Cómo Hacer Un Cubo De LED 3x3x3 (muy fácil de hacer)
hola amigos, en este nuevo vídeo haremos un cubo de led de 3x3x3 con arduino uno, paso a paso.
Código http://www.mediafire.com/download/1ctbxfdj757ezuo/CUBO_DE_LED_3X3X3.rar
trabajando en el esquema...
- 1 madera con 9 agujeros de 5 mm diámetro
- 27 leds
- 1 arduino uno
- cables para arduino
- 9 resistencias de 150 ohm
- 3 resistencias de 10 kilo ohm
- 3 transistores 2N2222A
- 2 prot
Fabrication d'un Panneau LED !
Éclairez vos tournages et scènes pour moins de 50€ en fabriquant ce panneau LED surpuissant dans cette Nouvelle Vidéo tuto bricolage ! :)
Fabriquer une Alimentation 5V-12V: ►https://youtu.be/Y53UcydajPo
Hey ! N'oublie pas de t'abonner et de Liker, merci ! :D
Laisse tes idées et conseils en commentaires, n'hésite pas à partager ! ;)
Tuto inspiré de DIY Perks: https://youtu.be/jLia59KfkSw
La plupar
Barra led o Florecente casero - Barra de Neon
En este video te muestro como hacer una barra led o fluorescente casero con pocos materiales.
este proyecto sirve para iluminar tu cuarto o darle una vista iluminada a tu PC , también sirve para el auto con tu batería de 12 voltios.
Super sencillo ,les dejo la lista de materiales tanto si lo quieren para la PC y para el auto.
aquí una imagen con el diagrama:
10 Best LED Grow Lights 2015
click here: https://wiki.ezvid.com/best-led-grow-lights
MAKE presents: The LED
Take a tour through the world of the light-emitting diode and learn - who invented it, how to use it, and how to make your own. more Make presents: The Resis...
I did it !! 教你安裝LED T8燈管
不用擔心 !! 實手一做教你如何變更燈具
Led ceo film 2012
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Led film
Led h...
Led ceo film
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Led za gledanje online
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Led film
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Led online film
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Led ceo film 2012
Led ceo 2012
wn.com/Led Ceo Film 2012
Led ceo film
Led online
Led film za gledanje
Led trejler
Led za gledanje online
Led za gledanje
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Led film
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Led domaci film
Led online film
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Led ceo film 2012
Led ceo 2012
- published: 28 Apr 2015
- views: 9
Compact Flourescent vs LED lights colour spectrum
Comparing the spectrum of CF bulbs with LED lamps, installing some LED lamps, and using a motion activated light switch.
Comparing the spectrum of CF bulbs with LED lamps, installing some LED lamps, and using a motion activated light switch.
wn.com/Compact Flourescent Vs Led Lights Colour Spectrum
Comparing the spectrum of CF bulbs with LED lamps, installing some LED lamps, and using a motion activated light switch.
- published: 30 Oct 2015
- views: 32
Make An L.E.D Illusion Mirror!
How to make an L.E.D infinity mirror. Really cool illusion piece and pretty simple to make! Twitter- https://twitter.com/Mist8kofficial Facebook- http://www.......
How to make an L.E.D infinity mirror. Really cool illusion piece and pretty simple to make! Twitter- https://twitter.com/Mist8kofficial Facebook- http://www....
wn.com/Make An L.E.D Illusion Mirror
How to make an L.E.D infinity mirror. Really cool illusion piece and pretty simple to make! Twitter- https://twitter.com/Mist8kofficial Facebook- http://www....
- published: 06 Jun 2014
- views: 457816
author: mist8k
Make An L.E.D Emblem Light!
How to make this cool L.E.D lit acrylic emblem!
Twitter- https://twitter.com/Mist8kofficial
Facebook- http://www.facebook.com/mist8kspage
G+ http://www.gplus....
How to make this cool L.E.D lit acrylic emblem!
Twitter- https://twitter.com/Mist8kofficial
Facebook- http://www.facebook.com/mist8kspage
G+ http://www.gplus.to/AndyElliott
My channel is all about cool science experiments, projects and other cool stuff! Subscribe for more!
Music- freesfx.co.uk
wn.com/Make An L.E.D Emblem Light
How to make this cool L.E.D lit acrylic emblem!
Twitter- https://twitter.com/Mist8kofficial
Facebook- http://www.facebook.com/mist8kspage
G+ http://www.gplus.to/AndyElliott
My channel is all about cool science experiments, projects and other cool stuff! Subscribe for more!
Music- freesfx.co.uk
- published: 01 Oct 2014
- views: 819126
LED filaments
Messing about with "Filament" LED strips from domestic LED lamps.
Design info for clock : http://electricstuff.co.uk/ledfilclock.html...
Messing about with "Filament" LED strips from domestic LED lamps.
Design info for clock : http://electricstuff.co.uk/ledfilclock.html
wn.com/Led Filaments
Messing about with "Filament" LED strips from domestic LED lamps.
Design info for clock : http://electricstuff.co.uk/ledfilclock.html
- published: 05 Apr 2015
- views: 12250
LED Vs. High-End Halogen: What's The Better Headlight Bulb?
What's a better headlight bulb: LED or Halogen? We found out.
Drive free...
What's a better headlight bulb: LED or Halogen? We found out.
Drive free or die!
wn.com/Led Vs. High End Halogen What's The Better Headlight Bulb
What's a better headlight bulb: LED or Halogen? We found out.
Drive free or die!
- published: 02 Sep 2015
- views: 1050
Make a 1000w equiv. LED flashlight - aka DIY Sun-Blaster!
Here's how to make a phenomenally bright 1000w eqiv. LED flashlight!
It's designed to be operated with just one hand, with easy control of brightness, and can ...
Here's how to make a phenomenally bright 1000w eqiv. LED flashlight!
It's designed to be operated with just one hand, with easy control of brightness, and can be powered by either batteries or an AC adapter.
Can be built for around £25 if you get the CPU cooler for cheap.
Major parts list (most ship worldwide):
100w LED:
Lens and Reflector:
Voltage Booster (there are two layout varieties floating around. If yours has a different layout than the one I used in the video, then use your own judgement when it comes to wiring up the input/output wires, which should be clearly marked on whichever layout you receive.):
eBay: http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub;=5575117832&toolid;=10001&campid;=5337657473&customid;=&icep;_item=171151982059&ipn;=psmain&icep;_vectorid=229466&kwid;=902099&mtid;=824&kw;=lg
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008NKNHSG/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp;=1789&creative;=9325&creativeASIN;=B008NKNHSG&linkCode;=as2&tag;=dp059-20&linkId;=4FBDGVVPTBXFEGS4
High-Capacity Battery (lasts for AGES):
CPU Cooler (Titan Fenrir in my case, but you can use any tower style cooler you like. Used ones can be found for around $20):
eBay: http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=9&pub;=5575117832&toolid;=10001&campid;=5337657473&customid;=&icep;_uq=Titan+Fenrir+CPU&icep;_sellerId=&icep;_ex_kw=&icep;_sortBy=15&icep;_catId=&icep;_minPrice=&icep;_maxPrice=&ipn;=psmain&icep;_vectorid=229466&kwid;=902099&mtid;=824&kw;=lg
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=as_li_qf_sp_sr_tl?ie=UTF8&camp;=1789&creative;=9325&index;=aps&keywords;=Titan%20Fenrir&linkCode;=ur2&tag;=dp059-20&linkId;=SII6I4CB5O7QLFDO
10k Potentiometer:
eBay: http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub;=5575117832&toolid;=10001&campid;=5337657473&customid;=&icep;_item=250840408606&ipn;=psmain&icep;_vectorid=229466&kwid;=902099&mtid;=824&kw;=lg
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00I5H94D4/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp;=211189&creative;=373489&creativeASIN;=B00I5H94D4&link;_code=as3&tag;=dp059-20&linkId;=I7CKQJUCYFDKRZVF
Heatsink Plaster:
eBay: http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub;=5575117832&toolid;=10001&campid;=5337657473&customid;=&icep;_item=350849343624&ipn;=psmain&icep;_vectorid=229466&kwid;=902099&mtid;=824&kw;=lg
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00KAOP4SY/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp;=211189&creative;=373489&creativeASIN;=B00KAOP4SY&link;_code=as3&tag;=dp059-20&linkId;=UUHFKYDGPORMM6M6
eBay: http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub;=5575117832&toolid;=10001&campid;=5337657473&customid;=&icep;_item=310499263017&ipn;=psmain&icep;_vectorid=229466&kwid;=902099&mtid;=824&kw;=lg
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00006B8DX/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp;=211189&creative;=373489&creativeASIN;=B00006B8DX&link;_code=as3&tag;=dp059-20&linkId;=RRBSRH3X5NNWAUAF
M2 Nuts:
eBay: http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub;=5575117832&toolid;=10001&campid;=5337657473&customid;=&icep;_item=291210489005&ipn;=psmain&icep;_vectorid=229466&kwid;=902099&mtid;=824&kw;=lg
M2 Screws:
eBay: http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub;=5575117832&toolid;=10001&campid;=5337657473&customid;=&icep;_item=310991495005&ipn;=psmain&icep;_vectorid=229466&kwid;=902099&mtid;=824&kw;=lg
Mini Step Down Regulator (for the fan):
eBay: http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub;=5575117832&toolid;=10001&campid;=5337657473&customid;=&icep;_item=390977361680&ipn;=psmain&icep;_vectorid=229466&kwid;=902099&mtid;=824&kw;=lg
60cm Aluminium Bars (UK only): http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/710-53481-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub;=5575117832&toolid;=10001&campid;=5337657473&customid;=&icep;_item=360633556088&ipn;=psmain&icep;_vectorid=229508&kwid;=902099&mtid;=824&kw;=lg
XT60 Connectors:
Full parts list, with remaining components: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KXAqb_yuzLL-pDo2ADGr9_9iZotJ0-7iZzWL1ftQci8/edit?usp=sharing
If you attempt this project you do so at your own risk. I assume no responsibility for any injuries or damages caused to people or property during its construction or use.
I have taken care in making sure the information in this video is accurate. However,I am unable to provide any warranty concerning the accuracy or completeness of any information contained in the video.
wn.com/Make A 1000W Equiv. Led Flashlight Aka Diy Sun Blaster
Here's how to make a phenomenally bright 1000w eqiv. LED flashlight!
It's designed to be operated with just one hand, with easy control of brightness, and can be powered by either batteries or an AC adapter.
Can be built for around £25 if you get the CPU cooler for cheap.
Major parts list (most ship worldwide):
100w LED:
Lens and Reflector:
Voltage Booster (there are two layout varieties floating around. If yours has a different layout than the one I used in the video, then use your own judgement when it comes to wiring up the input/output wires, which should be clearly marked on whichever layout you receive.):
eBay: http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub;=5575117832&toolid;=10001&campid;=5337657473&customid;=&icep;_item=171151982059&ipn;=psmain&icep;_vectorid=229466&kwid;=902099&mtid;=824&kw;=lg
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008NKNHSG/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp;=1789&creative;=9325&creativeASIN;=B008NKNHSG&linkCode;=as2&tag;=dp059-20&linkId;=4FBDGVVPTBXFEGS4
High-Capacity Battery (lasts for AGES):
CPU Cooler (Titan Fenrir in my case, but you can use any tower style cooler you like. Used ones can be found for around $20):
eBay: http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=9&pub;=5575117832&toolid;=10001&campid;=5337657473&customid;=&icep;_uq=Titan+Fenrir+CPU&icep;_sellerId=&icep;_ex_kw=&icep;_sortBy=15&icep;_catId=&icep;_minPrice=&icep;_maxPrice=&ipn;=psmain&icep;_vectorid=229466&kwid;=902099&mtid;=824&kw;=lg
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=as_li_qf_sp_sr_tl?ie=UTF8&camp;=1789&creative;=9325&index;=aps&keywords;=Titan%20Fenrir&linkCode;=ur2&tag;=dp059-20&linkId;=SII6I4CB5O7QLFDO
10k Potentiometer:
eBay: http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub;=5575117832&toolid;=10001&campid;=5337657473&customid;=&icep;_item=250840408606&ipn;=psmain&icep;_vectorid=229466&kwid;=902099&mtid;=824&kw;=lg
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00I5H94D4/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp;=211189&creative;=373489&creativeASIN;=B00I5H94D4&link;_code=as3&tag;=dp059-20&linkId;=I7CKQJUCYFDKRZVF
Heatsink Plaster:
eBay: http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub;=5575117832&toolid;=10001&campid;=5337657473&customid;=&icep;_item=350849343624&ipn;=psmain&icep;_vectorid=229466&kwid;=902099&mtid;=824&kw;=lg
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00KAOP4SY/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp;=211189&creative;=373489&creativeASIN;=B00KAOP4SY&link;_code=as3&tag;=dp059-20&linkId;=UUHFKYDGPORMM6M6
eBay: http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub;=5575117832&toolid;=10001&campid;=5337657473&customid;=&icep;_item=310499263017&ipn;=psmain&icep;_vectorid=229466&kwid;=902099&mtid;=824&kw;=lg
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00006B8DX/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp;=211189&creative;=373489&creativeASIN;=B00006B8DX&link;_code=as3&tag;=dp059-20&linkId;=RRBSRH3X5NNWAUAF
M2 Nuts:
eBay: http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub;=5575117832&toolid;=10001&campid;=5337657473&customid;=&icep;_item=291210489005&ipn;=psmain&icep;_vectorid=229466&kwid;=902099&mtid;=824&kw;=lg
M2 Screws:
eBay: http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub;=5575117832&toolid;=10001&campid;=5337657473&customid;=&icep;_item=310991495005&ipn;=psmain&icep;_vectorid=229466&kwid;=902099&mtid;=824&kw;=lg
Mini Step Down Regulator (for the fan):
eBay: http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub;=5575117832&toolid;=10001&campid;=5337657473&customid;=&icep;_item=390977361680&ipn;=psmain&icep;_vectorid=229466&kwid;=902099&mtid;=824&kw;=lg
60cm Aluminium Bars (UK only): http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/710-53481-19255-0/1?icep_ff3=2&pub;=5575117832&toolid;=10001&campid;=5337657473&customid;=&icep;_item=360633556088&ipn;=psmain&icep;_vectorid=229508&kwid;=902099&mtid;=824&kw;=lg
XT60 Connectors:
Full parts list, with remaining components: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KXAqb_yuzLL-pDo2ADGr9_9iZotJ0-7iZzWL1ftQci8/edit?usp=sharing
If you attempt this project you do so at your own risk. I assume no responsibility for any injuries or damages caused to people or property during its construction or use.
I have taken care in making sure the information in this video is accurate. However,I am unable to provide any warranty concerning the accuracy or completeness of any information contained in the video.
- published: 26 Mar 2015
- views: 301
How to cut, connect & power LED Strip Lighting
Welcome to this LED-supplies.com video on how to cut, connect and power LED Strip lighting. View the video on the LED strips section of our website at : http......
Welcome to this LED-supplies.com video on how to cut, connect and power LED Strip lighting. View the video on the LED strips section of our website at : http...
wn.com/How To Cut, Connect Power Led Strip Lighting
Welcome to this LED-supplies.com video on how to cut, connect and power LED Strip lighting. View the video on the LED strips section of our website at : http...
Monster 7,500 Lumens 100W LED Flashlight for under $10
I discovered that due to a lucky co-incidence of voltage and internal resistance, a 100W LED can be connected directly across the terminals of two 18V Nickel......
I discovered that due to a lucky co-incidence of voltage and internal resistance, a 100W LED can be connected directly across the terminals of two 18V Nickel...
wn.com/Monster 7,500 Lumens 100W Led Flashlight For Under 10
I discovered that due to a lucky co-incidence of voltage and internal resistance, a 100W LED can be connected directly across the terminals of two 18V Nickel...
Part 41: LED Tail Light Conversion, Part 1 - My 76 Mazda RX-5 Cosmo Restoration
Surprise! Part 41 of my 76 Mazda Cosmo restoration is here! Part 41 is the first in a two part episode covering the conversion of the unique Cosmo tail lights f...
Surprise! Part 41 of my 76 Mazda Cosmo restoration is here! Part 41 is the first in a two part episode covering the conversion of the unique Cosmo tail lights from outdated incandescent light bulbs to modern LEDs. I decided to pattern my tail lights after those of the 2012 Dodge Charger, creating an outline of large LEDs, and filling the rest of the lights with small LEDs. I know it's been a while since my last episode, mainly because I've been sharing my Cosmo time with the time spent working on my new house, setting up the new shop, getting my RX-7 back on the road, oh and those little things like job, food and sleep. So I chose the tail light project because it was something I could work an hour here and there on, without requiring a fully functional shop. So here, I cover deciding on the LEDs, designing the control circuit based on an Arduino ATTINY85, and then beginning the actual LED'ding of the tail lights starting with the reverse lights. Circuit boards are designed, etched and assembled, then the new LED illumination added to the reverse lights. In the 2nd half of this episode, we'll cover the brake and turn signal lights, building the controller and integrating it all together into a spectacular assembly.
Circuit schematics, source code and PCB designs in this episode can be found at:
wn.com/Part 41 Led Tail Light Conversion, Part 1 My 76 Mazda Rx 5 Cosmo Restoration
Surprise! Part 41 of my 76 Mazda Cosmo restoration is here! Part 41 is the first in a two part episode covering the conversion of the unique Cosmo tail lights from outdated incandescent light bulbs to modern LEDs. I decided to pattern my tail lights after those of the 2012 Dodge Charger, creating an outline of large LEDs, and filling the rest of the lights with small LEDs. I know it's been a while since my last episode, mainly because I've been sharing my Cosmo time with the time spent working on my new house, setting up the new shop, getting my RX-7 back on the road, oh and those little things like job, food and sleep. So I chose the tail light project because it was something I could work an hour here and there on, without requiring a fully functional shop. So here, I cover deciding on the LEDs, designing the control circuit based on an Arduino ATTINY85, and then beginning the actual LED'ding of the tail lights starting with the reverse lights. Circuit boards are designed, etched and assembled, then the new LED illumination added to the reverse lights. In the 2nd half of this episode, we'll cover the brake and turn signal lights, building the controller and integrating it all together into a spectacular assembly.
Circuit schematics, source code and PCB designs in this episode can be found at:
- published: 30 Oct 2015
- views: 633
how to build your own flexible LED Display XXL WS2811 real time Video Transmission
How to build a flexible LED Curtain display by LED strips WS2811 real time transmittion, Live Transmittion, SD card controler Soft Display DIY, LED Curtain Dis...
How to build a flexible LED Curtain display by LED strips WS2811 real time transmittion, Live Transmittion, SD card controler Soft Display DIY, LED Curtain Display P16.6 FULL TEXT DIY p16.6- http://ws2811softdisplay.blogspot.com LIKE US ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/ejunky1
- http://shop.elektric-junkys.com -
Dot matrix - deluxe check it out now WS2811 LED Curtain
This is a DIY "Text&Video;" which Shows you, how to build an own flexible LED Display (LED WS2811 Pixel Pitch P16.6) in Large Size´s like 2000mm x 1500mm different Pixel Pitches Different IC Chips different control methods available, for outdoor & Indoor. All depends on your Requests we offer ways to build your Display Flexible, Stable, on Cars, Trucks, Stages, Advertisement Banners, Windows, there are several methods to use These Special System for your own creative Projects.
IP20, IP54, IP55, IP65, IP66, IP67, IP69
LED curtain Display Soft LED Display 5V Power LED Power supply and our special Realtime Live transmittion controller, Realtime LED Controller, LED Realtime, LED Live Transmittion Controller
how to build your own flexible LED Display by LED Strips was our first DIY Video Project in the LED Programming Field People ask us to Show some more or Show Videos with WS2811 and a higher pixel Pitch and an www.elektric-junkys.com Real time Live Transmittion controller, that´s why we upload this Video now several other Projects are in construction also some Adressable LED Strips controlled by Arduino Board & Raspberry Pie will follow soon, thanks for all the Likes and Shares .....
LED Display, LED Curtain, LED Foldable Display curtain, Factory WS2811 & WS2812, WS2801 & WS 2802 is our major OEM manufactured product. How to build your own led display by LED Strips check our First Part, LED Strip Display, WS2811 Display, WS2801 LED, SD Card Controller T-1000S, 8000LED´s
LED Display curtain, flexible rollable LED Curtain, Arduino, Ada, bluefruit are you ready, Bluetooth BLE Arduino Mega, Megaboard, PCBA , LED Wifi controller, controll your Homelight with your phone, adressable LED Strips, Adressable LED Bars, LED Edit, LED Build your own Led Curtain High Resolution, LED Displays LED Display P2.5, P6, P16.6, LED Display P30, SMD LED Display, LED Board, Siplace, LED Assembling, Chip Shooting, LED chipshooter...
Bubble G-Funk Electro
by TeknoAXE http://teknoaxe.com/Link_Code_3.php?q=562
is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
If This Were an Actual Emergency
by TeknoAXE http://teknoaxe.com/Link_Code_3.php?q=83
is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Who I Want to Be Sans Vocals
by TeknoAXE http://teknoaxe.com/Link_Code_3.php?q=475
is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
And End Scene
by TeknoAXE http://teknoaxe.com/Link_Code_3.php?q=663
is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Gloriously Overcast
by TeknoAXE http://teknoaxe.com/Link_Code_3.php?q=505
is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Love on a Starship
by TeknoAXE http://teknoaxe.com/Link_Code_2.php?q=716
is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Eight Bit Robot Dance Extended
by TeknoAXE http://teknoaxe.com/Link_Code_3.php?q=318
is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Chilling on Space Colony 1
by TeknoAXE http://teknoaxe.com/Link_Code_2.php?q=172
is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
wn.com/How To Build Your Own Flexible Led Display Xxl Ws2811 Real Time Video Transmission
How to build a flexible LED Curtain display by LED strips WS2811 real time transmittion, Live Transmittion, SD card controler Soft Display DIY, LED Curtain Display P16.6 FULL TEXT DIY p16.6- http://ws2811softdisplay.blogspot.com LIKE US ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/ejunky1
- http://shop.elektric-junkys.com -
Dot matrix - deluxe check it out now WS2811 LED Curtain
This is a DIY "Text&Video;" which Shows you, how to build an own flexible LED Display (LED WS2811 Pixel Pitch P16.6) in Large Size´s like 2000mm x 1500mm different Pixel Pitches Different IC Chips different control methods available, for outdoor & Indoor. All depends on your Requests we offer ways to build your Display Flexible, Stable, on Cars, Trucks, Stages, Advertisement Banners, Windows, there are several methods to use These Special System for your own creative Projects.
IP20, IP54, IP55, IP65, IP66, IP67, IP69
LED curtain Display Soft LED Display 5V Power LED Power supply and our special Realtime Live transmittion controller, Realtime LED Controller, LED Realtime, LED Live Transmittion Controller
how to build your own flexible LED Display by LED Strips was our first DIY Video Project in the LED Programming Field People ask us to Show some more or Show Videos with WS2811 and a higher pixel Pitch and an www.elektric-junkys.com Real time Live Transmittion controller, that´s why we upload this Video now several other Projects are in construction also some Adressable LED Strips controlled by Arduino Board & Raspberry Pie will follow soon, thanks for all the Likes and Shares .....
LED Display, LED Curtain, LED Foldable Display curtain, Factory WS2811 & WS2812, WS2801 & WS 2802 is our major OEM manufactured product. How to build your own led display by LED Strips check our First Part, LED Strip Display, WS2811 Display, WS2801 LED, SD Card Controller T-1000S, 8000LED´s
LED Display curtain, flexible rollable LED Curtain, Arduino, Ada, bluefruit are you ready, Bluetooth BLE Arduino Mega, Megaboard, PCBA , LED Wifi controller, controll your Homelight with your phone, adressable LED Strips, Adressable LED Bars, LED Edit, LED Build your own Led Curtain High Resolution, LED Displays LED Display P2.5, P6, P16.6, LED Display P30, SMD LED Display, LED Board, Siplace, LED Assembling, Chip Shooting, LED chipshooter...
Bubble G-Funk Electro
by TeknoAXE http://teknoaxe.com/Link_Code_3.php?q=562
is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
If This Were an Actual Emergency
by TeknoAXE http://teknoaxe.com/Link_Code_3.php?q=83
is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Who I Want to Be Sans Vocals
by TeknoAXE http://teknoaxe.com/Link_Code_3.php?q=475
is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
And End Scene
by TeknoAXE http://teknoaxe.com/Link_Code_3.php?q=663
is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Gloriously Overcast
by TeknoAXE http://teknoaxe.com/Link_Code_3.php?q=505
is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Love on a Starship
by TeknoAXE http://teknoaxe.com/Link_Code_2.php?q=716
is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Eight Bit Robot Dance Extended
by TeknoAXE http://teknoaxe.com/Link_Code_3.php?q=318
is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Chilling on Space Colony 1
by TeknoAXE http://teknoaxe.com/Link_Code_2.php?q=172
is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
- published: 02 Jan 2015
- views: 760
Testing LED bulbs for bad vibrations. Yep.
We scope out the fairie dance going on in the Cree LED light bulbs.
Will the bulb last it's rated 25,000 hours? No.
If you like the vids and want to help make m...
We scope out the fairie dance going on in the Cree LED light bulbs.
Will the bulb last it's rated 25,000 hours? No.
If you like the vids and want to help make more: http://www.Patreon.com/AvE
wn.com/Testing Led Bulbs For Bad Vibrations. Yep.
We scope out the fairie dance going on in the Cree LED light bulbs.
Will the bulb last it's rated 25,000 hours? No.
If you like the vids and want to help make more: http://www.Patreon.com/AvE
- published: 27 Sep 2015
- views: 37595
How To Install Car Interior LED Lights
This video will help walk you through the process of installing you LEDGlow 4pc 7 Color Interior LED Lighting Kit to the interior of your car.
LEDGlow's 4pc. E...
This video will help walk you through the process of installing you LEDGlow 4pc 7 Color Interior LED Lighting Kit to the interior of your car.
LEDGlow's 4pc. Expandable 7 Color LED Interior Light Kit was designed to create a custom multi-color interior lighting effect to the interior of your vehicle using the included four 15” tubes with a total of 120 intense LEDs.
For More Information Please Visit: http://www.ledunderbody.com/7-Color-4pc-LEDGlow-LED-Interior-Lights-Lighting-Kit.aspx
wn.com/How To Install Car Interior Led Lights
This video will help walk you through the process of installing you LEDGlow 4pc 7 Color Interior LED Lighting Kit to the interior of your car.
LEDGlow's 4pc. Expandable 7 Color LED Interior Light Kit was designed to create a custom multi-color interior lighting effect to the interior of your vehicle using the included four 15” tubes with a total of 120 intense LEDs.
For More Information Please Visit: http://www.ledunderbody.com/7-Color-4pc-LEDGlow-LED-Interior-Lights-Lighting-Kit.aspx
- published: 12 Oct 2015
- views: 438
Convert tungsten fairy lights to LED. (plus ramble)
This is one of those projects that is not only fun and therapeutic to do, but gives you a really versatile set of lights for life.
You can support this channel ...
This is one of those projects that is not only fun and therapeutic to do, but gives you a really versatile set of lights for life.
You can support this channel at https://www.patreon.com/bigclive
I've covered this style of project before, but it's a great one, so worth covering again.
This project is really intended for the short 20 lamp tungsten strings common in the UK and some other countries. It can be upscaled slightly depending on your mains voltage with a change of resistor value and increasing 100/120Hz flicker with higher numbers of LEDs. 20 is the simplest though.
The LEDs are deliberately run at very low current (around 3mA) for use as subtle background decoration. You can mix and match LEDs to your hearts content.
Keep in mind that the LEDs are still operating at mains voltage just like the tungsten lamps they replaced, and also note that while the power supply is super simple it is also at mains voltage and should be enclosed for safety.
The whole string of lights will draw half a watt in use and can be left running 24/7 with a negligible running cost of something like 50 pence/cents a year.
It's actually worth getting two sets just for the spare lamp holders in the other set. They can then be loaded up with LEDs of your choice for swapping in and out for fun.
wn.com/Convert Tungsten Fairy Lights To Led. (Plus Ramble)
This is one of those projects that is not only fun and therapeutic to do, but gives you a really versatile set of lights for life.
You can support this channel at https://www.patreon.com/bigclive
I've covered this style of project before, but it's a great one, so worth covering again.
This project is really intended for the short 20 lamp tungsten strings common in the UK and some other countries. It can be upscaled slightly depending on your mains voltage with a change of resistor value and increasing 100/120Hz flicker with higher numbers of LEDs. 20 is the simplest though.
The LEDs are deliberately run at very low current (around 3mA) for use as subtle background decoration. You can mix and match LEDs to your hearts content.
Keep in mind that the LEDs are still operating at mains voltage just like the tungsten lamps they replaced, and also note that while the power supply is super simple it is also at mains voltage and should be enclosed for safety.
The whole string of lights will draw half a watt in use and can be left running 24/7 with a negligible running cost of something like 50 pence/cents a year.
It's actually worth getting two sets just for the spare lamp holders in the other set. They can then be loaded up with LEDs of your choice for swapping in and out for fun.
- published: 31 Oct 2015
- views: 1160
Creation of Reactive LED Coffee Table
I took pictures of my creating this project, so that I could later assemble them into this video. I sketched out some rough circuit block diagrams (read: not......
I took pictures of my creating this project, so that I could later assemble them into this video. I sketched out some rough circuit block diagrams (read: not...
wn.com/Creation Of Reactive Led Coffee Table
I took pictures of my creating this project, so that I could later assemble them into this video. I sketched out some rough circuit block diagrams (read: not...
- published: 09 Mar 2014
- views: 8039
author: yohash84
how to LED floor tiling system DIY make your floor interactive
This is our new DIY about LED floor tiling, if you like it share - subscribe & Like, how to tile your floor, how to make your own floor LED tiles, integrade LED...
This is our new DIY about LED floor tiling, if you like it share - subscribe & Like, how to tile your floor, how to make your own floor LED tiles, integrade LED into your floor or wall tiles,
The Full Text DIY Will follow soon ....
how to build your own LED Display is one of our top Videos check it out, you can usae the Same WS2812b Strips into the floor profile and controll them via T1000S Sd Card controller or our elektric-junkys Live transmittion controler
dont miss our other incredible projects
Infinity Mirror how to .. DIY LED Illusion Mirror, how to make an "animated" 3D LED Infinity Mirror XXL how to build an Illusion mirror https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UQ3-BjeHq4
Build your own LED Display DIY 1m X 2m By Aluminium LED rigid Bars controlled "still" by SD card Controller /watch?v=QyDKCo7LeSc
checkout our Amazing LED DIY how to build your own LED Display by LED Strips Soften Video Curtain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-rdgB_19Fg
Рисунки 3D на асфальте, бесконечность Зеркало, LED Анимация Показать, Aluminium profiles for floor tiling, Aluminium fliesen profil, Fließenprofil, C Profile, C Fließen Profile, tile profile, Aluminium tile profile, Lpd 6803, LED Strips, WS2811, WS2812b, Ws2801,
Про LED-лампочку,Вращающийся RGB LED шар LED сделать это самостоятельно, Бесконечное зеркало столик с эффектом туннеля, , сделать свой собственный светодиодный дисплей, LED подсветка монитора своими руками
Itro & Tobu - Cloud 9 [NCS Release]
Tobu - Infectious [NCS Release]
Tobu - Sound of Goodbye [NCS Release]
wn.com/How To Led Floor Tiling System Diy Make Your Floor Interactive
This is our new DIY about LED floor tiling, if you like it share - subscribe & Like, how to tile your floor, how to make your own floor LED tiles, integrade LED into your floor or wall tiles,
The Full Text DIY Will follow soon ....
how to build your own LED Display is one of our top Videos check it out, you can usae the Same WS2812b Strips into the floor profile and controll them via T1000S Sd Card controller or our elektric-junkys Live transmittion controler
dont miss our other incredible projects
Infinity Mirror how to .. DIY LED Illusion Mirror, how to make an "animated" 3D LED Infinity Mirror XXL how to build an Illusion mirror https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UQ3-BjeHq4
Build your own LED Display DIY 1m X 2m By Aluminium LED rigid Bars controlled "still" by SD card Controller /watch?v=QyDKCo7LeSc
checkout our Amazing LED DIY how to build your own LED Display by LED Strips Soften Video Curtain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-rdgB_19Fg
Рисунки 3D на асфальте, бесконечность Зеркало, LED Анимация Показать, Aluminium profiles for floor tiling, Aluminium fliesen profil, Fließenprofil, C Profile, C Fließen Profile, tile profile, Aluminium tile profile, Lpd 6803, LED Strips, WS2811, WS2812b, Ws2801,
Про LED-лампочку,Вращающийся RGB LED шар LED сделать это самостоятельно, Бесконечное зеркало столик с эффектом туннеля, , сделать свой собственный светодиодный дисплей, LED подсветка монитора своими руками
Itro & Tobu - Cloud 9 [NCS Release]
Tobu - Infectious [NCS Release]
Tobu - Sound of Goodbye [NCS Release]
- published: 21 May 2015
- views: 221
Hướng dẫn làm khối led lập phương 8x8x8
Đây là hướng dẫn chi tiết theo từng bước rất cụ thể về cách làm khối đèn led dạng hình lập phương có kích thước 8x8x8, từ lúc làm bảng mạch đến lúc lập trình và...
Đây là hướng dẫn chi tiết theo từng bước rất cụ thể về cách làm khối đèn led dạng hình lập phương có kích thước 8x8x8, từ lúc làm bảng mạch đến lúc lập trình và chạy thử.
Xem thêm: http://tutaylam.com/video-clip/
wn.com/Hướng Dẫn Làm Khối Led Lập Phương 8X8X8
Đây là hướng dẫn chi tiết theo từng bước rất cụ thể về cách làm khối đèn led dạng hình lập phương có kích thước 8x8x8, từ lúc làm bảng mạch đến lúc lập trình và chạy thử.
Xem thêm: http://tutaylam.com/video-clip/
- published: 25 Apr 2015
- views: 159
Cómo Hacer Un Cubo De LED 3x3x3 (muy fácil de hacer)
hola amigos, en este nuevo vídeo haremos un cubo de led de 3x3x3 con arduino uno, paso a paso.
Código http://www.mediafire.com/download/1ctbxfdj757ezuo/CUBO_D...
hola amigos, en este nuevo vídeo haremos un cubo de led de 3x3x3 con arduino uno, paso a paso.
Código http://www.mediafire.com/download/1ctbxfdj757ezuo/CUBO_DE_LED_3X3X3.rar
trabajando en el esquema...
- 1 madera con 9 agujeros de 5 mm diámetro
- 27 leds
- 1 arduino uno
- cables para arduino
- 9 resistencias de 150 ohm
- 3 resistencias de 10 kilo ohm
- 3 transistores 2N2222A
- 2 protoboard
- plumón
- alicate
- estaño
- cautin
Más vídeos
Cómo hacer letras de led https://goo.gl/UekqEG
Encender un motor de forma táctil https://goo.gl/VsdDwe
Mini bobina tesla https://goo.gl/RAauG3
Cautin eléctrico casero https://goo.gl/pbu5pV
Mini amplificador de audio casero https://goo.gl/ZmffJW
Suscríbete al canal https://goo.gl/0bnKNC
wn.com/Cómo Hacer Un Cubo De Led 3X3X3 (Muy Fácil De Hacer)
hola amigos, en este nuevo vídeo haremos un cubo de led de 3x3x3 con arduino uno, paso a paso.
Código http://www.mediafire.com/download/1ctbxfdj757ezuo/CUBO_DE_LED_3X3X3.rar
trabajando en el esquema...
- 1 madera con 9 agujeros de 5 mm diámetro
- 27 leds
- 1 arduino uno
- cables para arduino
- 9 resistencias de 150 ohm
- 3 resistencias de 10 kilo ohm
- 3 transistores 2N2222A
- 2 protoboard
- plumón
- alicate
- estaño
- cautin
Más vídeos
Cómo hacer letras de led https://goo.gl/UekqEG
Encender un motor de forma táctil https://goo.gl/VsdDwe
Mini bobina tesla https://goo.gl/RAauG3
Cautin eléctrico casero https://goo.gl/pbu5pV
Mini amplificador de audio casero https://goo.gl/ZmffJW
Suscríbete al canal https://goo.gl/0bnKNC
- published: 12 Sep 2015
- views: 9496
Fabrication d'un Panneau LED !
Éclairez vos tournages et scènes pour moins de 50€ en fabriquant ce panneau LED surpuissant dans cette Nouvelle Vidéo tuto bricolage ! :)
Fabriquer une Alimenta...
Éclairez vos tournages et scènes pour moins de 50€ en fabriquant ce panneau LED surpuissant dans cette Nouvelle Vidéo tuto bricolage ! :)
Fabriquer une Alimentation 5V-12V: ►https://youtu.be/Y53UcydajPo
Hey ! N'oublie pas de t'abonner et de Liker, merci ! :D
Laisse tes idées et conseils en commentaires, n'hésite pas à partager ! ;)
Tuto inspiré de DIY Perks: https://youtu.be/jLia59KfkSw
La plupart des éléments peuvent se trouver sur le site http://www.banggood.com
►Chaîne Secondaire:
►Twitter: http://bit.ly/experimentboytwitter
►Facebook: http://bit.ly/experimentboyfacebook
wn.com/Fabrication D'un Panneau Led
Éclairez vos tournages et scènes pour moins de 50€ en fabriquant ce panneau LED surpuissant dans cette Nouvelle Vidéo tuto bricolage ! :)
Fabriquer une Alimentation 5V-12V: ►https://youtu.be/Y53UcydajPo
Hey ! N'oublie pas de t'abonner et de Liker, merci ! :D
Laisse tes idées et conseils en commentaires, n'hésite pas à partager ! ;)
Tuto inspiré de DIY Perks: https://youtu.be/jLia59KfkSw
La plupart des éléments peuvent se trouver sur le site http://www.banggood.com
►Chaîne Secondaire:
►Twitter: http://bit.ly/experimentboytwitter
►Facebook: http://bit.ly/experimentboyfacebook
- published: 25 May 2015
- views: 301
Barra led o Florecente casero - Barra de Neon
En este video te muestro como hacer una barra led o fluorescente casero con pocos materiales.
este proyecto sirve para iluminar tu cuarto o darle una vista il...
En este video te muestro como hacer una barra led o fluorescente casero con pocos materiales.
este proyecto sirve para iluminar tu cuarto o darle una vista iluminada a tu PC , también sirve para el auto con tu batería de 12 voltios.
Super sencillo ,les dejo la lista de materiales tanto si lo quieren para la PC y para el auto.
aquí una imagen con el diagrama:
Para PC Materiales:
2 leds azules o blancos
1 resistencia de 70 ohmios
1 barra de silicona gruesa
1 cable usb que no uses
cables de colores
estaño y pistola para soldar
Para el Auto:
2 leds azules o blancos
1 resistencia de 1 K o 1000 ohmios
1 barra de silicona gruesa
cables de colores
Aquí les dejo mi blog con todos mis proyectos como leds rítmicos secuenciales amplificadores etc:
wn.com/Barra Led O Florecente Casero Barra De Neon
En este video te muestro como hacer una barra led o fluorescente casero con pocos materiales.
este proyecto sirve para iluminar tu cuarto o darle una vista iluminada a tu PC , también sirve para el auto con tu batería de 12 voltios.
Super sencillo ,les dejo la lista de materiales tanto si lo quieren para la PC y para el auto.
aquí una imagen con el diagrama:
Para PC Materiales:
2 leds azules o blancos
1 resistencia de 70 ohmios
1 barra de silicona gruesa
1 cable usb que no uses
cables de colores
estaño y pistola para soldar
Para el Auto:
2 leds azules o blancos
1 resistencia de 1 K o 1000 ohmios
1 barra de silicona gruesa
cables de colores
Aquí les dejo mi blog con todos mis proyectos como leds rítmicos secuenciales amplificadores etc:
- published: 22 Aug 2014
- views: 230
10 Best LED Grow Lights 2015
click here: https://wiki.ezvid.com/best-led-grow-lights...
click here: https://wiki.ezvid.com/best-led-grow-lights
wn.com/10 Best Led Grow Lights 2015
click here: https://wiki.ezvid.com/best-led-grow-lights
- published: 14 Sep 2015
- views: 381
MAKE presents: The LED
Take a tour through the world of the light-emitting diode and learn - who invented it, how to use it, and how to make your own. more Make presents: The Resis......
Take a tour through the world of the light-emitting diode and learn - who invented it, how to use it, and how to make your own. more Make presents: The Resis...
wn.com/Make Presents The Led
Take a tour through the world of the light-emitting diode and learn - who invented it, how to use it, and how to make your own. more Make presents: The Resis...
- published: 19 Nov 2008
- views: 1286598
author: Make:
I did it !! 教你安裝LED T8燈管
不用擔心 !! 實手一做教你如何變更燈具
不用擔心 !! 實手一做教你如何變更燈具
wn.com/I Did It 教你安裝Led T8燈管
不用擔心 !! 實手一做教你如何變更燈具
- published: 08 Aug 2013
- views: 1035
HKC 2612A Ecran PC LED 26 66 cm 300 cdm DVIHDMI Noir
HKC 2612A Ecran PC LED 26 66 cm 300 cdm DVIHDMI Noir
joyce meyer ministries :How To Be Led By The Holy Spirit (Living In God's Timing)
joyce meyer ministries, joyce meyer ministries 2015, Joyce Meyer, Joyce Meyer Preacher, Joyce Meyer Sermons,Joyce Meyer Broadcast.
SUbcribe this channel: https://goo.gl/kCMs2x
Joyce Meyer Ministries, Joyce Meyer, Joyce Meyer Preacher, Joyce Meyer Sermons,Joyce Meyer Broadcast,
Joyce Meyer Preaching, joyce meyer 2015, joyce meyer 2015 conference, joyce meyer 2015 videos,
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BÖLGE Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servis 444 14 94
BÖLGE BEYAZ EŞYA, KLİMA , KOMBİ, ELEKTRONİK, ÖZEL TAMİR - BAKIM - ONARIM SERVİSİ. Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servis , Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servis, Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servis,Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servis Ankara, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servis Ankara, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servisi Ankara , Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servis, Philips LED TV,
Yemen: Saudi-led air attacks target Presidential Palace in Sanaa
Airstrikes carried out by the Saudi-led coalition targeted the Presidential Palace in Yemen's capital Sanaa, Saturday. Houthi weapons stores were also targeted in the raids.
Video ID: 20151017-032
Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
Contact: cd@ruptly.tv
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Ruptly
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LiveLeak: http://www.liveleak.com/c/Ruptly
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LG 49UF8507 - 49" ULTRA HD 4K LED TV sa WebOS 2.0 - Recenzija
LG nova generacija ULTRA HD TV-a 4K rezolucije upotpunjena je s nekoliko novih i inovativnih karakteristika. UF8507 4K ULTRA HD televizor opremljen je novim webOS 2.0 pametnim operativnim sistemom koji korištenje pametnih opsija i TV-a čini još jednostavnijim, udobnijim i zabavnijim. Uz 4K 3D+ tehnologiju, 3D prikaz slike je bolji nego ikada. Savršeni svijet kućne zabave ide isključivo uz izvanred
Acer 215inch Android Touchscreen Widescreen LED Monitor
Iiyama ProLite E2280HS 22inch Backlit LED LCD Monitor Black
AOC i2367Fh 23 IPS HDMI LED Monitor I2367FHM01
TaoTronics TTDL09 Lampada LED da Tavolo Dimmerabile gradualmente con ControlloTemperatura
Lampada LED con pannello luminoso che emana unilluminazione di migliore qualità più brillante e che non danneggia la vista
Temperatura del colore regolabile in diversi livelli
Scala la luce da molto luminoso a luce bassa in maniera graduale
Base robusta con braccio modificabile e lampada rotabile
Multi-uso desing moderno con vet
JDM LED bulb conversion HAWKEYE
Changed out all my bulbs for LED and hazard relay for LED appropriate one and this is the end result, very happy, crisp and clean outputs
AG Neovo LE22 215 Black Full HD LED display PC flat panels LED IPS Black 100 240 V
MicroScreen 111 LED WXGA HD Glossy LTD111EXCA LTD111EXCA LTD111EXCA
LG 42WT30MSB 42 LED display
Digilife LED
การใช้ไฟ Led ให้เข้ากับงาน และให้ได้ภาพที่สวยกกว่าเดิม
Aputure 528 LED Videoleuchte Lampe Bedienplatte AL528W für Canon Nikon Sony DSLR Kamera
Samsung LS19E45KBWEN SE450 Series S19E450BW LED monitor 19 1440 x 900 TN 250
Samsung LS24E65UPLEN S24E650PL 24 LED Full HD Monitor Black
AXIZ Lightサイトhttp://www.izsound.jp/Laser/info.html
AOC E1649FWU 16 USBPowered Portable LED Monitor Glossy Black
HKC 2612A Ecran PC LED 26 66 cm 300 cdm DVIHDMI Noir
HKC 2612A Ecran PC LED 26 66 cm 300 cdm DVIHDMI Noir...
HKC 2612A Ecran PC LED 26 66 cm 300 cdm DVIHDMI Noir
wn.com/Hkc 2612A Ecran Pc Led 26 66 Cm 300 Cdm Dvihdmi Noir
HKC 2612A Ecran PC LED 26 66 cm 300 cdm DVIHDMI Noir
- published: 17 Oct 2015
- views: 0
joyce meyer ministries :How To Be Led By The Holy Spirit (Living In God's Timing)
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- published: 17 Oct 2015
- views: 0
BÖLGE Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servis 444 14 94
BÖLGE BEYAZ EŞYA, KLİMA , KOMBİ, ELEKTRONİK, ÖZEL TAMİR - BAKIM - ONARIM SERVİSİ. Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servis , Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servis, Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servis,Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servis Ankara, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servis Ankara, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servisi Ankara , Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servis, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA teknik servis Ankara, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servis Ankara, Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servis, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servis Ankara, Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servis, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servisi Ankara, Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA servisi, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA servisi, Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servisleri, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA servisleri Ankara, Ankara Servis Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA, Ankara Servisleri Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA servisleri, Ankara servisleri, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Ankara teknik Servis, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Teknik servis Ankara, Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Teknik Servis, Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA arıza Servis, Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA bakım servisi, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Ankara bakım Servis, Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA onarım Servisi, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Ankara Onarım Servis, Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servis Merkesi, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Ankara Servis Merkezi, Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Merkez Servis, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Ankara Merkez Servisi, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA teknik Ankara servisi, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Ankara Servis, Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servis, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Ankara Servisleri. ÖNEMLİ NOT:Marka tescilli olup ilgili firmaya aittir. İlgili Markanin Özel Tamir Servisi olarak hizmet vermekteyiz. Markayla bir ilişiğimiz bulunmamaktadır.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dizginleri gevşetmek Bacılar (Biri Kalptir Biri Gözdür) geveleyiş Dikenli bağlattırdı engellenirsin hennez damlattırmış dalaşıyorsunuz altın yıl Aman Huriye`m göçürürsünüz paralitik kana kan gerdiniz toparlakça frenler Kabuller dayatmacılık gır gıra almak Dağlı Bürge Ballıöz fodulca eritildin teközdecikli tepkime görüştürüyorum resimli Terazi ses yayın cihazları Aladır Gözü De, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Ankara, Kaliteli Özel Tamir , Karadır Kaşı doluyorlar duyum yitimi Sarığı sarar, sarar, ulamı yetiştiği yere sok, Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Özel Tamir , arsın sinyal Karamanlar evlendirilmek avlanacaklar huzursuzlanırlar jönprömiye güneş yılı neden sonra arpa suyu boynuzlugiller aktinolojik heyya guguk, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Ürünler Kalitelidir Ankara Özel , kuşu gönlünü söndürmek gerilmemişim havladınız derya Beyoluk Deyirler (Arif Olan Bir Gülşenin) unutturmak en, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Sağlam Ürünler , tellektüel batılılık eğimli geçirttirmezsiniz güven duymak emzirilmediniz Tuzakköy eğlendirilmemi, ÖNEMLİ NOT:Marka tescilli olup ilgili firmaya aittir. İlgili Markanin Özel Tamir Servisi olarak hizmet vermekteyiz. Markayla bir ilişiğimiz bulunmamaktadır. ş Ankara`nın Taşına Bak 2 pirosfer I (devam) Eskiyayla sülün hükmederler feshetmezsiniz peso Yanıkçukur Hatır için çiğ tavuk yenir hapşırtma doğabilim ayıpladı Hayran analı kuzu kınalı kuzu dallama gözü takılmak bir vakitler Göksüncük cevap hakkı dokuz babalı takyit hazı
wn.com/Bölge Ankara Philips Led Tv, Lcd, Plazma Servis 444 14 94
BÖLGE BEYAZ EŞYA, KLİMA , KOMBİ, ELEKTRONİK, ÖZEL TAMİR - BAKIM - ONARIM SERVİSİ. Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servis , Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servis, Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servis,Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servis Ankara, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servis Ankara, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servisi Ankara , Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servis, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA teknik servis Ankara, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servis Ankara, Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servis, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servis Ankara, Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servis, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servisi Ankara, Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA servisi, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA servisi, Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servisleri, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA servisleri Ankara, Ankara Servis Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA, Ankara Servisleri Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA servisleri, Ankara servisleri, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Ankara teknik Servis, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Teknik servis Ankara, Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Teknik Servis, Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA arıza Servis, Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA bakım servisi, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Ankara bakım Servis, Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA onarım Servisi, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Ankara Onarım Servis, Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servis Merkesi, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Ankara Servis Merkezi, Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Merkez Servis, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Ankara Merkez Servisi, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA teknik Ankara servisi, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Ankara Servis, Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Servis, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Ankara Servisleri. ÖNEMLİ NOT:Marka tescilli olup ilgili firmaya aittir. İlgili Markanin Özel Tamir Servisi olarak hizmet vermekteyiz. Markayla bir ilişiğimiz bulunmamaktadır.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dizginleri gevşetmek Bacılar (Biri Kalptir Biri Gözdür) geveleyiş Dikenli bağlattırdı engellenirsin hennez damlattırmış dalaşıyorsunuz altın yıl Aman Huriye`m göçürürsünüz paralitik kana kan gerdiniz toparlakça frenler Kabuller dayatmacılık gır gıra almak Dağlı Bürge Ballıöz fodulca eritildin teközdecikli tepkime görüştürüyorum resimli Terazi ses yayın cihazları Aladır Gözü De, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Ankara, Kaliteli Özel Tamir , Karadır Kaşı doluyorlar duyum yitimi Sarığı sarar, sarar, ulamı yetiştiği yere sok, Ankara Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Özel Tamir , arsın sinyal Karamanlar evlendirilmek avlanacaklar huzursuzlanırlar jönprömiye güneş yılı neden sonra arpa suyu boynuzlugiller aktinolojik heyya guguk, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Ürünler Kalitelidir Ankara Özel , kuşu gönlünü söndürmek gerilmemişim havladınız derya Beyoluk Deyirler (Arif Olan Bir Gülşenin) unutturmak en, Philips LED TV, LCD, PLAZMA Sağlam Ürünler , tellektüel batılılık eğimli geçirttirmezsiniz güven duymak emzirilmediniz Tuzakköy eğlendirilmemi, ÖNEMLİ NOT:Marka tescilli olup ilgili firmaya aittir. İlgili Markanin Özel Tamir Servisi olarak hizmet vermekteyiz. Markayla bir ilişiğimiz bulunmamaktadır. ş Ankara`nın Taşına Bak 2 pirosfer I (devam) Eskiyayla sülün hükmederler feshetmezsiniz peso Yanıkçukur Hatır için çiğ tavuk yenir hapşırtma doğabilim ayıpladı Hayran analı kuzu kınalı kuzu dallama gözü takılmak bir vakitler Göksüncük cevap hakkı dokuz babalı takyit hazı
- published: 17 Oct 2015
- views: 0
wn.com/Asus 90Lme4150T00081C Pa238Q 23 Wide Ips Led Monitor
- published: 17 Oct 2015
- views: 0
Yemen: Saudi-led air attacks target Presidential Palace in Sanaa
Airstrikes carried out by the Saudi-led coalition targeted the Presidential Palace in Yemen's capital Sanaa, Saturday. Houthi weapons stores were also targeted ...
Airstrikes carried out by the Saudi-led coalition targeted the Presidential Palace in Yemen's capital Sanaa, Saturday. Houthi weapons stores were also targeted in the raids.
Video ID: 20151017-032
Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
Contact: cd@ruptly.tv
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DailyMotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/ruptly
wn.com/Yemen Saudi Led Air Attacks Target Presidential Palace In Sanaa
Airstrikes carried out by the Saudi-led coalition targeted the Presidential Palace in Yemen's capital Sanaa, Saturday. Houthi weapons stores were also targeted in the raids.
Video ID: 20151017-032
Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv
Contact: cd@ruptly.tv
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Ruptly
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ruptly
LiveLeak: http://www.liveleak.com/c/Ruptly
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DailyMotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/ruptly
- published: 17 Oct 2015
- views: 114
LG 49UF8507 - 49" ULTRA HD 4K LED TV sa WebOS 2.0 - Recenzija
LG nova generacija ULTRA HD TV-a 4K rezolucije upotpunjena je s nekoliko novih i inovativnih karakteristika. UF8507 4K ULTRA HD televizor opremljen je novim web...
LG nova generacija ULTRA HD TV-a 4K rezolucije upotpunjena je s nekoliko novih i inovativnih karakteristika. UF8507 4K ULTRA HD televizor opremljen je novim webOS 2.0 pametnim operativnim sistemom koji korištenje pametnih opsija i TV-a čini još jednostavnijim, udobnijim i zabavnijim. Uz 4K 3D+ tehnologiju, 3D prikaz slike je bolji nego ikada. Savršeni svijet kućne zabave ide isključivo uz izvanredan zvuk, pa je UF8507 opremljen Harman/Kardon zvučnicima i Magic Remote daljinskim upravljačem osjetljivim na pokrete.
Glavne karakteristike: 49" (124cm), LED, UHD, Tru 4K Upsacaler, Triple XD Engine, IPS 4K, 4K rezolucija, DVB-T2/DVB-C/DVB-S2, Smart, webOS 2.0, 4K 3D+, Wi-Fi, 1x HDMI, CI ulaz, 2x HDMI 4K 60p, 2x USB 2.0, 1x USB 3.0, 2x RF ulaz, 1x SCART, 1x Komponentni ulaz (Y,Pb,Pr) + Audio, 1x, Digitalni Audio izlaz (optički), 1x LAN, 1x Izlaz za slušalice, 1x RS-232C, Ultra Surround, Harman/Kardon zvučnici, Magic Remote, Cinema Screen, Dimenzije: 1232 x 734 x 60 mm, Dimenzije s postoljem: 1232 x 776 x 242 mm
wn.com/Lg 49Uf8507 49 Ultra Hd 4K Led Tv Sa Webos 2.0 Recenzija
LG nova generacija ULTRA HD TV-a 4K rezolucije upotpunjena je s nekoliko novih i inovativnih karakteristika. UF8507 4K ULTRA HD televizor opremljen je novim webOS 2.0 pametnim operativnim sistemom koji korištenje pametnih opsija i TV-a čini još jednostavnijim, udobnijim i zabavnijim. Uz 4K 3D+ tehnologiju, 3D prikaz slike je bolji nego ikada. Savršeni svijet kućne zabave ide isključivo uz izvanredan zvuk, pa je UF8507 opremljen Harman/Kardon zvučnicima i Magic Remote daljinskim upravljačem osjetljivim na pokrete.
Glavne karakteristike: 49" (124cm), LED, UHD, Tru 4K Upsacaler, Triple XD Engine, IPS 4K, 4K rezolucija, DVB-T2/DVB-C/DVB-S2, Smart, webOS 2.0, 4K 3D+, Wi-Fi, 1x HDMI, CI ulaz, 2x HDMI 4K 60p, 2x USB 2.0, 1x USB 3.0, 2x RF ulaz, 1x SCART, 1x Komponentni ulaz (Y,Pb,Pr) + Audio, 1x, Digitalni Audio izlaz (optički), 1x LAN, 1x Izlaz za slušalice, 1x RS-232C, Ultra Surround, Harman/Kardon zvučnici, Magic Remote, Cinema Screen, Dimenzije: 1232 x 734 x 60 mm, Dimenzije s postoljem: 1232 x 776 x 242 mm
- published: 17 Oct 2015
- views: 19
Acer 215inch Android Touchscreen Widescreen LED Monitor
wn.com/Acer 215Inch Android Touchscreen Widescreen Led Monitor
- published: 17 Oct 2015
- views: 0
wn.com/Asus 90Lmc7101T21021C Vw199Tl 19 Wide Tn Led Monitor
- published: 17 Oct 2015
- views: 0
Iiyama ProLite E2280HS 22inch Backlit LED LCD Monitor Black
wn.com/Iiyama Prolite E2280Hs 22Inch Backlit Led Lcd Monitor Black
- published: 17 Oct 2015
- views: 0
AOC i2367Fh 23 IPS HDMI LED Monitor I2367FHM01
wn.com/Aoc I2367Fh 23 Ips Hdmi Led Monitor I2367Fhm01
- published: 17 Oct 2015
- views: 0
wn.com/Asus 90Lmb4101Q022A1C Ve228Tlb 215 Wide Tn Led Monitor
- published: 17 Oct 2015
- views: 0
TaoTronics TTDL09 Lampada LED da Tavolo Dimmerabile gradualmente con ControlloTemperatura
Lampada LED con pannello luminoso che emana unilluminazione di migliore qualità più brillante ...
Lampada LED con pannello luminoso che emana unilluminazione di migliore qualità più brillante e che non danneggia la vista
Temperatura del colore regolabile in diversi livelli
Scala la luce da molto luminoso a luce bassa in maniera graduale
Base robusta con braccio modificabile e lampada rotabile
Multi-uso desing moderno con vetro temperato che si adatta a qualsiasi ambiente tavolo ufficio casa studio
wn.com/Taotronics Ttdl09 Lampada Led Da Tavolo Dimmerabile Gradualmente Con Controllotemperatura
Lampada LED con pannello luminoso che emana unilluminazione di migliore qualità più brillante e che non danneggia la vista
Temperatura del colore regolabile in diversi livelli
Scala la luce da molto luminoso a luce bassa in maniera graduale
Base robusta con braccio modificabile e lampada rotabile
Multi-uso desing moderno con vetro temperato che si adatta a qualsiasi ambiente tavolo ufficio casa studio
- published: 17 Oct 2015
- views: 0
JDM LED bulb conversion HAWKEYE
Changed out all my bulbs for LED and hazard relay for LED appropriate one and this is the end result, very happy, crisp and clean outputs...
Changed out all my bulbs for LED and hazard relay for LED appropriate one and this is the end result, very happy, crisp and clean outputs
wn.com/Jdm Led Bulb Conversion Hawkeye
Changed out all my bulbs for LED and hazard relay for LED appropriate one and this is the end result, very happy, crisp and clean outputs
- published: 17 Oct 2015
- views: 0
MicroScreen 111 LED WXGA HD Glossy LTD111EXCA LTD111EXCA LTD111EXCA
wn.com/Microscreen 111 Led Wxga Hd Glossy Ltd111Exca Ltd111Exca Ltd111Exca
- published: 17 Oct 2015
- views: 0
LG 42WT30MSB 42 LED display
wn.com/Lg 42Wt30Msb 42 Led Display
- published: 17 Oct 2015
- views: 0
Digilife LED
การใช้ไฟ Led ให้เข้ากับงาน และให้ได้ภาพที่สวยกกว่าเดิม...
การใช้ไฟ Led ให้เข้ากับงาน และให้ได้ภาพที่สวยกกว่าเดิม
wn.com/Digilife Led
การใช้ไฟ Led ให้เข้ากับงาน และให้ได้ภาพที่สวยกกว่าเดิม
- published: 17 Oct 2015
- views: 5
Samsung LS24E65UPLEN S24E650PL 24 LED Full HD Monitor Black
wn.com/Samsung Ls24E65Uplen S24E650Pl 24 Led Full Hd Monitor Black
- published: 17 Oct 2015
- views: 0
AXIZ Lightサイトhttp://www.izsound.jp/Laser/info.html
AXIZ Lightサイトhttp://www.izsound.jp/Laser/info.html
- published: 17 Oct 2015
- views: 0
AOC E1649FWU 16 USBPowered Portable LED Monitor Glossy Black
wn.com/Aoc E1649Fwu 16 Usbpowered Portable Led Monitor Glossy Black
- published: 17 Oct 2015
- views: 0
Led zeppelin celebration day(show legendado)
direitos autorais warner WMG
Cara membuat sendiri lampu penerangan LED
Membuat lampu penerangan led sendiri di rumah dengan hanya menggunakan beberapa komponen elektronik sperti capasitor,resistor, dan dioda. Cara merakitnya juga mudah. Power supplay menggunakan jaringan PLN 220VAC. Lampu led tang saya gunakan jenis SMD 5730 atau 5630 . Led ini sangat hemat energi dan mempunyai efisien tinggi. Tutorial membuat lampu led hemat energi ini bisa anda kreasikan menjadi le
Led Zeppelin Greatest Hits 2015 Full Album - Best Song Of Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin Greatest Hits 2015 Full Album - Best Song Of Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin Greatest Hits 2015 Full Album - Best Song Of Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin Greatest Hits 2015 Full Album - Best Song Of Led Zeppelin
Track List :
1. Stairway To Heaven - Led Zeppelin
2. Dazed And Confused - Led Zeppelin
3. Whole Lotta Love - Led Zeppelin
4. Immigrant Song - Led Zeppelin
5. Kashmir - Led Zeppelin
6. Goo
Armando tiras led RGB y acrilicos para vumetro
Hola amigos, en este video no muestro el circuito del controlador, si quieren mas adelante hago uno para la seccion "Electronica basica y practica". Solo mue...
Como Iluminar uma piscina com LED contruída sem pontos de iluminação e sem ter que quebrar.
Como iluminar uma piscina que já está construída e sem pontos de passagem de energia com LED. O diferencial deste vídeo é fazer isso sem ter que quebrar ou furar a piscina. Solução simples utilizando fita de LED, fonte de 12V e canaleta de alumínio utilizada em BOX de banheiro.
TV de LED sombra na imagem sobreposta: Como consertar este defeito!
Reparo do display com LED queimado que produzia uma sombra sobreposta a imagem na parte superior da tela.
Gunpla TV Exclusive – PG Unicorn Gundam LED Installation - Hlj.com
View the full blog post: http://www.hobbylink.tv/gunpla-tv-exclusive-pg-unicorn-gundam-led-installation
It's the video you've been waiting for -- Syd takes you through the installation of the PG Unicorns LED kit and shows it off in time for the holidays!
Kits featured in this video:
1/60 PG Unicorn Gundam
Order from HobbyLink Japan: http://bit.ly/1GJM6EN
LED Unit for PG Unicorn Gundam
Order fr
Electronica Facil: Led Intermitente Con 555 Proyectos Faciles De Electronica
Vídeo Aula de Configuração do Painel de Led (Letreiro) Vermelho
Vídeo Aula completa, aprendendo a instalação do Software e Configuração de Texto. Painel Super Led 1 Metro Vermelho.
Hola amigos, me pueden contactar fácilmente en mi telcel 614-1629504 mensajes escritos, llamadas o whatsapp.
Recuerden que son equipo de reemplazo, sustitutos del halógeno de fabrica y hasta este 2015 el xenón de buena o super calidad sigue
Best Indoor Garden for Beginners: Aerogarden 7 LED Review
John from http://www.growingyourgreens.com/ shares with you the easiest way to grow an indoor garden if you dont have green thumbs... The Aerogarden 7 LED model allows even beginners with no gardening experience the opportunity to garden successfully.
In this episode, John's girlfriend will set up her first garden ever.. The Aerogarden 7 LED so she can start growing food. John will share the pl
Un cliente trajo un monitor led tv Noblex 24lg839ft que venia de otros talleres esta es la crónica del diagnostico. Un abrazo a todos!!
Toyota 4Runner LED Install - 2014 5th Gen DIY
How to install LED lights on a 5th Gen Toyota 4Runner.
Micromax 40B5000FHD / 40BSD60FHD Full HD LED TV detailed review in Hindi by Sharmaji
Micromax 40B5000FHD Launched in India in May 2015 at the price 24990 (Flipkart) in Black color on flipkart.com. I bought this under exchange offer and used 10% HDFC Credit Card discount, final price for this LED TV to me is Rupees 19838/-.
We have done Real Unboxing and first impressions review already in this video - https://youtu.be/GxrxSH7aSkU
To buy this LED TV you can use this links of flip
LED ZEPPELIN: Greatest Hits Full Album || Best Of Led Zeppelin H\D
LED ZEPPELIN: Greatest Hits Full Album || Best Of Led Zeppelin H\D
Track List:
01. whole lotta love
02. stairway to heaven
03. kashmir
04. black dog
05. ramble on
06. immigrant song
07. when the levee breaks
08. going to california
09. misty mountain hop
10. good time bad times
11. communication breakdown
12. rock and roll
13. dazed and confused
14. gallows pole
15. over the hills and far away
Cabeceira de cama em MDF com iluminação de Led
Para comprar os Kits de materiais de nossos projetos:
Mais informações em
Curta nossa página
Participe da nossa Comunidade
Neste programa mostramos a execução de uma cabeceira de cama em MDF, sendo um painel com padrão amadeirado e pratelei
Como instalar fita de LED
Como instalar fita de LED em uma estante de forma invisível, com essa instalação, criamos um belo efeito de luz em uma estante decorativa tanto no perímetro ...
Iluminação led caseira para aquários marinhos, dicas e truques!
Entre, curta e compartilhe nossa pagina no facebook; www.facebook.com/aquarismofacilmoisesgama Video demostrando projeto de luminária caseira para aquários m...
Iluminación acuario, Pantalla de LED casera para acuario de 54W con LED de 3W 18 unidades 8000K
Tutorial como montar una pantalla de LED para acuario barato y donde conseguir los materiales necesarios.
Este pantalla tiene 3600 - 3800 lúmenes reales
Led Zepagain - Best of Chinook Winds Casino (Extended Version) - My First Shows with Led Zepagain
This is as much for posterity and nostalgia as it is about promoting the band. I played my first shows with Led Zepagain on the 28th and 29th of August, 2015. While I was a nervous wreck for the first show (and made some silly playing mistakes by overthinking things...never try to overthink things), the second show was a lot easier to enjoy and dig into. There were a lot of really fun jams in the
Cara membuat sendiri lampu penerangan LED
Membuat lampu penerangan led sendiri di rumah dengan hanya menggunakan beberapa komponen elektronik sperti capasitor,resistor, dan dioda. Cara merakitnya juga m...
Membuat lampu penerangan led sendiri di rumah dengan hanya menggunakan beberapa komponen elektronik sperti capasitor,resistor, dan dioda. Cara merakitnya juga mudah. Power supplay menggunakan jaringan PLN 220VAC. Lampu led tang saya gunakan jenis SMD 5730 atau 5630 . Led ini sangat hemat energi dan mempunyai efisien tinggi. Tutorial membuat lampu led hemat energi ini bisa anda kreasikan menjadi led bohlam atau led bulb.
jenis driver atau power supplay yang di buat menggunakan power supplay transformerless atau power supplay tanpa trafo/transformator
wn.com/Cara Membuat Sendiri Lampu Penerangan Led
Membuat lampu penerangan led sendiri di rumah dengan hanya menggunakan beberapa komponen elektronik sperti capasitor,resistor, dan dioda. Cara merakitnya juga mudah. Power supplay menggunakan jaringan PLN 220VAC. Lampu led tang saya gunakan jenis SMD 5730 atau 5630 . Led ini sangat hemat energi dan mempunyai efisien tinggi. Tutorial membuat lampu led hemat energi ini bisa anda kreasikan menjadi led bohlam atau led bulb.
jenis driver atau power supplay yang di buat menggunakan power supplay transformerless atau power supplay tanpa trafo/transformator
- published: 10 Jan 2015
- views: 1
Led Zeppelin Greatest Hits 2015 Full Album - Best Song Of Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin Greatest Hits 2015 Full Album - Best Song Of Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin Greatest Hits 2015 Full Album - Best Song Of Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin Great...
Led Zeppelin Greatest Hits 2015 Full Album - Best Song Of Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin Greatest Hits 2015 Full Album - Best Song Of Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin Greatest Hits 2015 Full Album - Best Song Of Led Zeppelin
Track List :
1. Stairway To Heaven - Led Zeppelin
2. Dazed And Confused - Led Zeppelin
3. Whole Lotta Love - Led Zeppelin
4. Immigrant Song - Led Zeppelin
5. Kashmir - Led Zeppelin
6. Good Times Bad Times - Led Zeppelin
7. Since I've Been Loving You - Led Zeppelin
8. Rock And Roll - Led Zeppelin
9. Babe I'm Gonna Leave You - Led Zeppelin
10. Gallows Pole - Led Zeppelin
11. Misty Mountain Hop - Led Zeppelin
12. How Many More Times - Led Zeppelin
13. Four Sticks - Led Zeppelin
14. D'yer Mak'er - Led Zeppelin
15. Ramble On - Led Zeppelin
16. Hey Hey What Can I Do? - Led Zeppelin
17. Black Dog - Led Zeppelin
18. The Song Remains The Same - Led Zeppelin
19. Communication Breakdown - Led Zeppelin
20. Celebration Day - Led Zeppelin
wn.com/Led Zeppelin Greatest Hits 2015 Full Album Best Song Of Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin Greatest Hits 2015 Full Album - Best Song Of Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin Greatest Hits 2015 Full Album - Best Song Of Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin Greatest Hits 2015 Full Album - Best Song Of Led Zeppelin
Track List :
1. Stairway To Heaven - Led Zeppelin
2. Dazed And Confused - Led Zeppelin
3. Whole Lotta Love - Led Zeppelin
4. Immigrant Song - Led Zeppelin
5. Kashmir - Led Zeppelin
6. Good Times Bad Times - Led Zeppelin
7. Since I've Been Loving You - Led Zeppelin
8. Rock And Roll - Led Zeppelin
9. Babe I'm Gonna Leave You - Led Zeppelin
10. Gallows Pole - Led Zeppelin
11. Misty Mountain Hop - Led Zeppelin
12. How Many More Times - Led Zeppelin
13. Four Sticks - Led Zeppelin
14. D'yer Mak'er - Led Zeppelin
15. Ramble On - Led Zeppelin
16. Hey Hey What Can I Do? - Led Zeppelin
17. Black Dog - Led Zeppelin
18. The Song Remains The Same - Led Zeppelin
19. Communication Breakdown - Led Zeppelin
20. Celebration Day - Led Zeppelin
- published: 09 Aug 2015
- views: 2
Armando tiras led RGB y acrilicos para vumetro
Hola amigos, en este video no muestro el circuito del controlador, si quieren mas adelante hago uno para la seccion "Electronica basica y practica". Solo mue......
Hola amigos, en este video no muestro el circuito del controlador, si quieren mas adelante hago uno para la seccion "Electronica basica y practica". Solo mue...
wn.com/Armando Tiras Led Rgb Y Acrilicos Para Vumetro
Hola amigos, en este video no muestro el circuito del controlador, si quieren mas adelante hago uno para la seccion "Electronica basica y practica". Solo mue...
Como Iluminar uma piscina com LED contruída sem pontos de iluminação e sem ter que quebrar.
Como iluminar uma piscina que já está construída e sem pontos de passagem de energia com LED. O diferencial deste vídeo é fazer isso sem ter que quebrar ou fura...
Como iluminar uma piscina que já está construída e sem pontos de passagem de energia com LED. O diferencial deste vídeo é fazer isso sem ter que quebrar ou furar a piscina. Solução simples utilizando fita de LED, fonte de 12V e canaleta de alumínio utilizada em BOX de banheiro.
wn.com/Como Iluminar Uma Piscina Com Led Contruída Sem Pontos De Iluminação E Sem Ter Que Quebrar.
Como iluminar uma piscina que já está construída e sem pontos de passagem de energia com LED. O diferencial deste vídeo é fazer isso sem ter que quebrar ou furar a piscina. Solução simples utilizando fita de LED, fonte de 12V e canaleta de alumínio utilizada em BOX de banheiro.
- published: 20 May 2015
- views: 63
TV de LED sombra na imagem sobreposta: Como consertar este defeito!
Reparo do display com LED queimado que produzia uma sombra sobreposta a imagem na parte superior da tela....
Reparo do display com LED queimado que produzia uma sombra sobreposta a imagem na parte superior da tela.
wn.com/Tv De Led Sombra Na Imagem Sobreposta Como Consertar Este Defeito
Reparo do display com LED queimado que produzia uma sombra sobreposta a imagem na parte superior da tela.
- published: 27 Feb 2015
- views: 26
Gunpla TV Exclusive – PG Unicorn Gundam LED Installation - Hlj.com
View the full blog post: http://www.hobbylink.tv/gunpla-tv-exclusive-pg-unicorn-gundam-led-installation
It's the video you've been waiting for -- Syd takes you...
View the full blog post: http://www.hobbylink.tv/gunpla-tv-exclusive-pg-unicorn-gundam-led-installation
It's the video you've been waiting for -- Syd takes you through the installation of the PG Unicorns LED kit and shows it off in time for the holidays!
Kits featured in this video:
1/60 PG Unicorn Gundam
Order from HobbyLink Japan: http://bit.ly/1GJM6EN
LED Unit for PG Unicorn Gundam
Order from HobbyLink Japan: http://bit.ly/1zpLOkQ
Like us: http://www.facebook.com/hobbylinktv
View more on our blog: http://www.hobbylink.tv
wn.com/Gunpla Tv Exclusive – Pg Unicorn Gundam Led Installation Hlj.Com
View the full blog post: http://www.hobbylink.tv/gunpla-tv-exclusive-pg-unicorn-gundam-led-installation
It's the video you've been waiting for -- Syd takes you through the installation of the PG Unicorns LED kit and shows it off in time for the holidays!
Kits featured in this video:
1/60 PG Unicorn Gundam
Order from HobbyLink Japan: http://bit.ly/1GJM6EN
LED Unit for PG Unicorn Gundam
Order from HobbyLink Japan: http://bit.ly/1zpLOkQ
Like us: http://www.facebook.com/hobbylinktv
View more on our blog: http://www.hobbylink.tv
- published: 16 Dec 2014
- views: 4953
Electronica Facil: Led Intermitente Con 555 Proyectos Faciles De Electronica
wn.com/Electronica Facil Led Intermitente Con 555 Proyectos Faciles De Electronica
Vídeo Aula de Configuração do Painel de Led (Letreiro) Vermelho
Vídeo Aula completa, aprendendo a instalação do Software e Configuração de Texto. Painel Super Led 1 Metro Vermelho....
Vídeo Aula completa, aprendendo a instalação do Software e Configuração de Texto. Painel Super Led 1 Metro Vermelho.
wn.com/Vídeo Aula De Configuração Do Painel De Led (Letreiro) Vermelho
Vídeo Aula completa, aprendendo a instalação do Software e Configuração de Texto. Painel Super Led 1 Metro Vermelho.
- published: 06 Jun 2015
- views: 17
Hola amigos, me pueden contactar fácilmente en mi telcel 614-1629504 mensajes escritos, llamadas o whatsapp.
Hola amigos, me pueden contactar fácilmente en mi telcel 614-1629504 mensajes escritos, llamadas o whatsapp.
Recuerden que son equipo de reemplazo, sustitutos del halógeno de fabrica y hasta este 2015 el xenón de buena o super calidad sigue siendo la mejor opción para excelente iluminación en carretera.
Espero y les guste.
Saludos Amigos
wn.com/El Mejor Kit De Led Vs Hid Xenon De Mr. Xenon Nov 2014
Hola amigos, me pueden contactar fácilmente en mi telcel 614-1629504 mensajes escritos, llamadas o whatsapp.
Recuerden que son equipo de reemplazo, sustitutos del halógeno de fabrica y hasta este 2015 el xenón de buena o super calidad sigue siendo la mejor opción para excelente iluminación en carretera.
Espero y les guste.
Saludos Amigos
- published: 16 Apr 2015
- views: 1182
Best Indoor Garden for Beginners: Aerogarden 7 LED Review
John from http://www.growingyourgreens.com/ shares with you the easiest way to grow an indoor garden if you dont have green thumbs... The Aerogarden 7 LED mode...
John from http://www.growingyourgreens.com/ shares with you the easiest way to grow an indoor garden if you dont have green thumbs... The Aerogarden 7 LED model allows even beginners with no gardening experience the opportunity to garden successfully.
In this episode, John's girlfriend will set up her first garden ever.. The Aerogarden 7 LED so she can start growing food. John will share the play-by-play about the unboxxing and set up of the Aerogarden as well as share his opinions on this hydroponic growing system.
You will discover how easy it is to start your own garden in the Aerogarden as well as all the steps required to set it up yourself. You will learn some of the features you will want to look for when purchasing an Aerogarden should you decide to purchase one and much, much more.
Purchase the Aerogarden 7 LED at:
Join their email list to be emailed a $50 off coupon for the Aerogarden 7 LED.
wn.com/Best Indoor Garden For Beginners Aerogarden 7 Led Review
John from http://www.growingyourgreens.com/ shares with you the easiest way to grow an indoor garden if you dont have green thumbs... The Aerogarden 7 LED model allows even beginners with no gardening experience the opportunity to garden successfully.
In this episode, John's girlfriend will set up her first garden ever.. The Aerogarden 7 LED so she can start growing food. John will share the play-by-play about the unboxxing and set up of the Aerogarden as well as share his opinions on this hydroponic growing system.
You will discover how easy it is to start your own garden in the Aerogarden as well as all the steps required to set it up yourself. You will learn some of the features you will want to look for when purchasing an Aerogarden should you decide to purchase one and much, much more.
Purchase the Aerogarden 7 LED at:
Join their email list to be emailed a $50 off coupon for the Aerogarden 7 LED.
- published: 24 Dec 2014
- views: 2069
Un cliente trajo un monitor led tv Noblex 24lg839ft que venia de otros talleres esta es la crónica del diagnostico. Un abrazo a todos!!...
Un cliente trajo un monitor led tv Noblex 24lg839ft que venia de otros talleres esta es la crónica del diagnostico. Un abrazo a todos!!
wn.com/Television Led Noblex 24Lg839Ft No Enciende
Un cliente trajo un monitor led tv Noblex 24lg839ft que venia de otros talleres esta es la crónica del diagnostico. Un abrazo a todos!!
- published: 04 Oct 2014
- views: 52
Toyota 4Runner LED Install - 2014 5th Gen DIY
How to install LED lights on a 5th Gen Toyota 4Runner....
How to install LED lights on a 5th Gen Toyota 4Runner.
wn.com/Toyota 4Runner Led Install 2014 5Th Gen Diy
How to install LED lights on a 5th Gen Toyota 4Runner.
Micromax 40B5000FHD / 40BSD60FHD Full HD LED TV detailed review in Hindi by Sharmaji
Micromax 40B5000FHD Launched in India in May 2015 at the price 24990 (Flipkart) in Black color on flipkart.com. I bought this under exchange offer and used 10% ...
Micromax 40B5000FHD Launched in India in May 2015 at the price 24990 (Flipkart) in Black color on flipkart.com. I bought this under exchange offer and used 10% HDFC Credit Card discount, final price for this LED TV to me is Rupees 19838/-.
We have done Real Unboxing and first impressions review already in this video - https://youtu.be/GxrxSH7aSkU
To buy this LED TV you can use this links of flipkart depending on your PIN Code.
Please share your thoughts and comments about this review, do like this video and share if further.
Subscribe to my channel for getting regular updates.
Like my Facebook page for getting Technology related review updates, leaks and much more.
wn.com/Micromax 40B5000Fhd 40Bsd60Fhd Full Hd Led Tv Detailed Review In Hindi By Sharmaji
Micromax 40B5000FHD Launched in India in May 2015 at the price 24990 (Flipkart) in Black color on flipkart.com. I bought this under exchange offer and used 10% HDFC Credit Card discount, final price for this LED TV to me is Rupees 19838/-.
We have done Real Unboxing and first impressions review already in this video - https://youtu.be/GxrxSH7aSkU
To buy this LED TV you can use this links of flipkart depending on your PIN Code.
Please share your thoughts and comments about this review, do like this video and share if further.
Subscribe to my channel for getting regular updates.
Like my Facebook page for getting Technology related review updates, leaks and much more.
- published: 21 Jun 2015
- views: 133
LED ZEPPELIN: Greatest Hits Full Album || Best Of Led Zeppelin H\D
LED ZEPPELIN: Greatest Hits Full Album || Best Of Led Zeppelin H\D
Track List:
01. whole lotta love
02. stairway to heaven
03. kashmir
04. black dog
05. ramble ...
LED ZEPPELIN: Greatest Hits Full Album || Best Of Led Zeppelin H\D
Track List:
01. whole lotta love
02. stairway to heaven
03. kashmir
04. black dog
05. ramble on
06. immigrant song
07. when the levee breaks
08. going to california
09. misty mountain hop
10. good time bad times
11. communication breakdown
12. rock and roll
13. dazed and confused
14. gallows pole
15. over the hills and far away
16. what is and what should never be
17. d'yer mak'er
18. dancing days
19. heartbreaker
20. the battle of evermore
wn.com/Led Zeppelin Greatest Hits Full Album || Best Of Led Zeppelin H\D
LED ZEPPELIN: Greatest Hits Full Album || Best Of Led Zeppelin H\D
Track List:
01. whole lotta love
02. stairway to heaven
03. kashmir
04. black dog
05. ramble on
06. immigrant song
07. when the levee breaks
08. going to california
09. misty mountain hop
10. good time bad times
11. communication breakdown
12. rock and roll
13. dazed and confused
14. gallows pole
15. over the hills and far away
16. what is and what should never be
17. d'yer mak'er
18. dancing days
19. heartbreaker
20. the battle of evermore
- published: 11 Oct 2015
- views: 17190
Cabeceira de cama em MDF com iluminação de Led
Para comprar os Kits de materiais de nossos projetos:
Mais informações em
Para comprar os Kits de materiais de nossos projetos:
Mais informações em
Curta nossa página
Participe da nossa Comunidade
Neste programa mostramos a execução de uma cabeceira de cama em MDF, sendo um painel com padrão amadeirado e prateleiras com um padrão de trama. A cabeceira ocupou praticamente toda a parede do dormitório e recebeu iluminação com fita de led na parte superior.
wn.com/Cabeceira De Cama Em Mdf Com Iluminação De Led
Para comprar os Kits de materiais de nossos projetos:
Mais informações em
Curta nossa página
Participe da nossa Comunidade
Neste programa mostramos a execução de uma cabeceira de cama em MDF, sendo um painel com padrão amadeirado e prateleiras com um padrão de trama. A cabeceira ocupou praticamente toda a parede do dormitório e recebeu iluminação com fita de led na parte superior.
- published: 05 Sep 2015
- views: 6273
Como instalar fita de LED
Como instalar fita de LED em uma estante de forma invisível, com essa instalação, criamos um belo efeito de luz em uma estante decorativa tanto no perímetro ......
Como instalar fita de LED em uma estante de forma invisível, com essa instalação, criamos um belo efeito de luz em uma estante decorativa tanto no perímetro ...
wn.com/Como Instalar Fita De Led
Como instalar fita de LED em uma estante de forma invisível, com essa instalação, criamos um belo efeito de luz em uma estante decorativa tanto no perímetro ...
Iluminação led caseira para aquários marinhos, dicas e truques!
Entre, curta e compartilhe nossa pagina no facebook; www.facebook.com/aquarismofacilmoisesgama Video demostrando projeto de luminária caseira para aquários m......
Entre, curta e compartilhe nossa pagina no facebook; www.facebook.com/aquarismofacilmoisesgama Video demostrando projeto de luminária caseira para aquários m...
wn.com/Iluminação Led Caseira Para Aquários Marinhos, Dicas E Truques
Entre, curta e compartilhe nossa pagina no facebook; www.facebook.com/aquarismofacilmoisesgama Video demostrando projeto de luminária caseira para aquários m...
Iluminación acuario, Pantalla de LED casera para acuario de 54W con LED de 3W 18 unidades 8000K
Tutorial como montar una pantalla de LED para acuario barato y donde conseguir los materiales necesarios.
Este pantalla tiene 3600 - 3800 lúmenes reale...
Tutorial como montar una pantalla de LED para acuario barato y donde conseguir los materiales necesarios.
Este pantalla tiene 3600 - 3800 lúmenes reales
wn.com/Iluminación Acuario, Pantalla De Led Casera Para Acuario De 54W Con Led De 3W 18 Unidades 8000K
Tutorial como montar una pantalla de LED para acuario barato y donde conseguir los materiales necesarios.
Este pantalla tiene 3600 - 3800 lúmenes reales
- published: 22 Sep 2014
- views: 59
Led Zepagain - Best of Chinook Winds Casino (Extended Version) - My First Shows with Led Zepagain
This is as much for posterity and nostalgia as it is about promoting the band. I played my first shows with Led Zepagain on the 28th and 29th of August, 2015. W...
This is as much for posterity and nostalgia as it is about promoting the band. I played my first shows with Led Zepagain on the 28th and 29th of August, 2015. While I was a nervous wreck for the first show (and made some silly playing mistakes by overthinking things...never try to overthink things), the second show was a lot easier to enjoy and dig into. There were a lot of really fun jams in the vein of Earl's Court and The Song Remains The Same. I'm going to keep giving this everything I have and hope that it keeps getting better and better!
Rock and Roll
Celebration Day
Sick Again
In My Time Of Dying
The Song Remains The Same
The Rain Song
No Quarter
Going To California
Bron Yr Aur Stomp
Moby Dick
Dazed and Confused
Stairway To Heaven
Whole Lotta Love
Black Dog
Communication Breakdown
wn.com/Led Zepagain Best Of Chinook Winds Casino (Extended Version) My First Shows With Led Zepagain
This is as much for posterity and nostalgia as it is about promoting the band. I played my first shows with Led Zepagain on the 28th and 29th of August, 2015. While I was a nervous wreck for the first show (and made some silly playing mistakes by overthinking things...never try to overthink things), the second show was a lot easier to enjoy and dig into. There were a lot of really fun jams in the vein of Earl's Court and The Song Remains The Same. I'm going to keep giving this everything I have and hope that it keeps getting better and better!
Rock and Roll
Celebration Day
Sick Again
In My Time Of Dying
The Song Remains The Same
The Rain Song
No Quarter
Going To California
Bron Yr Aur Stomp
Moby Dick
Dazed and Confused
Stairway To Heaven
Whole Lotta Love
Black Dog
Communication Breakdown
- published: 01 Sep 2015
- views: 165