Make GTEC your destination for connecting technology, ideas and Canadians

GTEC 2015 Conference and Exhibition
GTEC 2015 Distinction Awards
GTEC 2015 Webinars

For government and business, count on GTEC to help you keep up with the changing landscape of technology and service delivery in Canada. With our nationally recognized awards program and annual conference, plus our new learning products, GTEC is your destination of choice for innovation and excellence in public sector IT.


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GTEC 2015 - Make Valuable Trusted Connections

Make valuable, trusted connections

Make GTEC your destination for connecting Canada’s leaders in public sector IT with businesses and other bold thinkers about technology. Our partnerships are time-tested for value, reliability and relevance in solving business problems.

Celebrate excellence in IT

Meet Canada’s best IT innovators across all levels of government. GTEC’s prestigious Distinction Awards program promotes, recognizes and celebrates our nation’s very best in government technology and service delivery innovation.

GTEC 2015 - Celebrate Excellence in IT

GTEC 2015 - Captialize on a Unique Forum

Capitalize on a unique forum

GTEC is a unique, all-in-one meeting place where problem solvers and influencers gather and learn about how they can do more together with technology. Far more than just an annual event, GTEC delivers valuable year-round thought leadership via our Summit Series and Webinars.

Showcase bold ideas

There’s no better place to get connected with Canada’s leading influencers and boldest ideas on technology and public sector enterprise—all under one roof in Canada’s capital. GTEC’s Annual Event showcases the best solutions in government IT and business in Canada, bar none.

GTEC 2015 Showcase Bold Ideas

GTEC 2015 - Smart Services Help You Succeed

Smart services to help you succeed

GTEC offers a unique mix of products designed to help you grow your understanding of Canadian IT and how best-of-breed technology can solve your most pressing business challenges. Learning more about the business of public sector information management and information technology in Canada starts here.

Connect where creativity thrives

Technology today is about knowing how to connect people, products and ideas in new, innovative ways. GTEC is at the hub of where Canada’s top influencers in government and business technology share what they know and learn from each other.

GTEC 2015 - Connect Where Ceativity Thrives
GTEC 2015