The Drum Columnists

  1. Is this political karma?

    Three quarters of people believe that the cost of living is getting worse, a perception which the Coalition previously encouraged. That's not going to help the Government now that it's considering a GST rise.

  2. Fear tactics

    The idea that DSP numbers or spending are growing out of whack with the population or the economy is fallacious. We need to stop stigmatising people who often lack the political clout to fight back.

  3. Just get on with it

    Instead of talking nebulously about the future of the GST, the Turnbull Government should focus on releasing the Tax White Paper and giving us concrete proposals and evidence-based arguments.

  4. The early election trap

    Malcolm Turnbull faces a host of challenges over the next year. But while getting the election out of the way first might seem tempting, that would be a mistake.

Recent Contributors

  1. Still on the cards

    Depending on how the US Federal Reserve acts in December, the Reserve Bank could yet be forced to cut Australia's rates for the sake of the currency and the economy, even if it's reluctant to do so.

  2. Year of reckoning

    It has taken 155 years and an obstinate trainer who wasn't going to ditch his rider simply because she was the wrong sex, but a female jockey has won the Melbourne Cup.

  3. AC/DC: The show goes on

    Some bands look and sound lame once they start rotating through members. But for others, it's less about the personalities and more about the songs themselves.

  4. Goodbye knights, hello possums

    There aren't many upsides to the knights and dames debacle, but our collective response shows just how deeply republican sentiment runs in Australia. We can harness that in support of constitutional change.

Business Analysis

  1. Still on the cards

    The Reserve Bank could yet be forced to cut Australia's rates for the sake of the currency and the economy, writes Sheryle Bagwell.

  2. GST reform

    Scepticism should rule when examining possible changes to the GST. The associated compensation package could mean the reform as a whole isn't worth doing, writes Michael Potter.

  3. This doesn't cut it

    If the Turnbull Government is serious about bolstering women's retirement incomes, it should reinstate the Low Income Superannuation Contribution, writes Marie Coleman.

  4. The battle for default funds

    For the banks who have long coveted the giant pool of money in default superannuation funds, a recent speech from APRA was manna from heaven, writes Stephen Long.

You Said It

Your Photos

The cruise ship, Pacific Dawn, sails up the Yarra River as dawn breaks.

The cruise ship, Pacific Dawn, sails up the Yarra River in Melbourne after becoming the largest ship to pass under the Westgate Bridge, November 3, 2015. The ship had arrived from Sydney on a Melbourne Cup cruise.