Bitcoin is used as a vehicle for moving money around the world quickly and anonymously via the web without the need for third-party verification.

Bitcoin falls over $US100 on reports of Ponzi scheme

Bitcoin fell around $US100 in 24 hours to trade at just under $US400 on Thursday, with watchers of the web-based "cryptocurrency" citing reports of a ponzi scheme as undermining bitcoin's appeal as a credible investment.

Adele's choice will reflect the music industry's larger debate over how fully to embrace the streaming format.

Will Adele stream her new album?

Her choice will reflect the industry’s debate over how fully to embrace the format. By streaming new songs immediately, they risk sacrificing lucrative sales on CDs and downloads.

"We unequivocally reject the allegations that Exxon Mobil has suppressed climate-change research."

Exxon Mobil under scrutiny on climate change

The sweeping inquiry, by the New York attorney general, focuses on whether the oil company lied to the public and investors about the risks of climate change.

Lifting the veil: the TPP is no longer secret after the release of the full text.

Pacific trading partners release TPP details

The long-awaited text of a landmark US-backed Pacific trade deal was released on Thursday, revealing the details of a pact aimed at freeing up commerce in 40 per cent of the world's economy but criticised for its opacity.

The resources roller coaster PNG-style

If you think Australia is struggling with the other side of a resources boom, spare a thought for Papua New Guinea coping with the downside ...