The Uberisation of activism

Tech companies' customers may think they are being served. But they are often the ones providing the service, acting as free lobbyists for commercial interests.

A phoenix rising from the Day of the Tripods?

Communication advisers FTI Consulting have done a fair stint in limbo recently. They let Third Person founders Ross Thornton and Jim Kelly walk away, only for the pair to hang out a new shingle with former Tripod colleague Lauren Thompson.


Internet industry middle men clip the ticket

The star-making system of the future, it turns out, needs the star-making system of the past – or at least a swarm of agents and managers has decided it does.

Spreading the word

Speaking of CrapCo, who would the dark sorcerer of corporate PR helping Mackenzie and his troops with selling their demerger message? None other than Tim Duncan of Melbourne PR firm Hintons.

An Australian fossil story

The Australian’s business editor, Geoff Elliott, a former Washington correspondent for the once-respected newspaper, is going off to do PR for the fossils running long-forgotten Cosway. It’s a perfect fit really, given the last time Cosway ran a big transaction coincided with the last time Elliott broke a big business story and with the last time Alanis Morissette was on the charts.

Which jobs are becoming women-only?

If you are a man at a senior level in these three fields hang onto your job like grim death. You may not get another one, because they are f...