Anthem Title: “Республикæ Хуссар Ирыстоны Паддзахадон Гимн” (
Ossetic (
Cyrillic script))
“Respublikæ Xussar Irystony Paddzaxadon Gimn” (Ossetic (
Latin alphabet))
The National Anthem of
South Ossetia” (
English translation)
Description: The
Ossetians are a people group that live primarily in southern
Russian and northern
Georgia, in the Caucusus mountains. In late
1991 the
Georgian region of South Ossetia declared independence, which has been recognized by
Russia and a few other nations since 2008. The anthem remains in use solely by the separatist regime, as a region of Georgia, South Ossetia lacks a unique anthem.
Adopted on May 5,
1995 by the separatist government, a few years after the original declaration of independence, the music is by
Felix Alborov, a member of the
Soviet composers during the time that South Ossetia was a part of the
USSR, and the lyrics by poet and playwright Totraz Kokaev, a member of the
Writers’ Union of Russia.
Special thanks to:
Ben Cahoon for some of this information.
Lyricist: Тотраз Кокаев (Totraz Kokæv)
Composer: Феликс Алборов (Felix Alborov)
In Use Since: May 5, 1995
Ossetic lyrics (Cyrillic script)
1. Уарзон Ирыстон! Дæ номы кадæн
Лæууæм цырагъау мах уырдыг,
Ды дæ нæ уарзты æнусон авдæн,
Ды – нæ цин æмæ хъыг!
Фæхæрæм мах дæ зæххæй ард,
Дæ ном дын исæм бæрзонд,
Удуæлдай дын кæнæм лæггад,
Дæуæн у нæ цард нывонд!
Уæ, Стыр Хуыцау! Дæ хорзæх, Дæ арфæ –
Иры Уæзæгæн Ды цардамонд ратт!
2. Уæззау уыд дæ ивгъуыд, Иры бæстæ,
Зылди дæ фæдыл сау фыдох,
Фæлæ-иу уæддæр дæ фарны рæстæй
Кодтой дæ зынтæ рох.
Царды рухсмæ æдзух цыдтæ,
Фыдбонты нæ саст дæ ныфс,
Сæрбæрзонд алкæддæр уыдтæ,
Æргомæй размæ цæуыс!
Уæ, Уастырджи! Дæ хорзæх, Дæ арфæ –
Иры дзыллæйæн фæндагамонд ратт!
3. Фыдæлты æрдхæрæн, Иры Уæзæг!
Зæрдæйы тæгтæй дæ нывæзт,
Ацы дунейы нын масты уæзæй
Ма у дих æмæ уæрст,
Дугæй дугмæ нæрæд дæ ном,
Бæрзонддæр кæнæд дæ кад,
Дæ ныфсæй мах цæрæм æнгом,
Дæ фæрцы рухс у нæ цард!
Уæ, Бæсты Фарн! Дæ хорзæх, Дæ арфæ –
Нæ уарзон Ирæн Ды иу амонд ратт!
Ном æмæ йын кад!
Ossetic lyrics (Latin alphabet)
1. Uarzon
Iryston! Dæ nomy kadæn
Læuuæm cyrahau max uyrdyg,
Dy dæ næ uarzty ænuson avdæn,
Dy — næ cin æmæ qug!
Fæxæræm max dæ zæxxæj ard,
Dæ nom dyn isæm bærzond,
Uduældaj dyn kænæm læggad,
Dæuæn u næ card nyvond!
Styr Xuycau! Dæ xorzæx, Dæ arfæ —
Iry Uæzægæn Dy cardamond ratt!
2. Uæzzau uyd dæ ivhuyd, Iry bæstæ,
Zyldi dæ fædyl sau fydox,
Fælæ-iu uæddær dæ farny ræstæj
Kodtoj dæ zyntæ rox.
Cardy ruxsmæ ædzux cydtæ,
Fydbonty næ sast dæ nyfs,
Særbærzond alkæddær uydtæ,
Ærgomæj razmæ cæuys!
Uæ, Uastyrdži! Dæ xorzæx, Dæ arfæ —
Iry dzyllæjæn fændagamond ratt!
3. Fydælty ærdxæræn, Iry Uæzæg!
Zærdæjy tægtæj dæ nyvæzt,
Acy dunejy nyn masty uæzæj
Ma u dix æmæ uærst,
Dugæj dugmæ næræd dæ nom,
Bærzonddær kænæd dæ kad,
Dæ nyfsæj max cæræm ængom,
Dæ færcy ruxs u næ card!
Uæ, Bæsty Farn! Dæ xorzæx, Dæ arfæ —
Næ uarzon Iræn Dy iu amond ratt!
Nom æmæ jyn kad!
English translation
Beloved Ossetia! To the glory of thy name
We stood there, directly, like a candle
You are our beloved, ancient, fatherland
You – our joy and sorrow!
By thy land,
Your name is set high,
We sincerely serve you,
We dedicate our lives!
Oh, great God! Your grace, your blessings
Give happiness to Ossetia
Heavy was your past, the Ossetian land –
Blackness and evil followed you.
But still thy true
Forgotten your difficulties.
By the light of life you have always walked,
The hard times have not refracted your hope,
Always with your head held high
You are to proceed!
St. George! Your grace, your blessings
Give happiness to
Ossetian people
3. Our ancestors swore, this is our home Ossetians!
Linked to your heartstrings.
In this world of pain,
Do not be divided or distributed,
From generation to generation, let the thunder be your name,
Increasing your glory
Thy hope, we live together,
Thanks to you, our bright life!
Oh, great Farna! Your grace, your blessings
Give happiness to our beloved Ossetia!
Honour and glory!
- published: 02 Aug 2015
- views: 90