- published: 02 Jun 2015
- views: 19647785
Carma Technology Corporation is a real-time transportation technology company headquartered in Cork, Ireland. Its flagship product, Carma Carpooling, matches users with nearby commuters and enables them to share the cost of driving. Carma also has offices in San Francisco, California and Austin, Texas.
Formerly known as Avego, the company was founded in 2007 by Sean O'Sullivan as a research and development division of the company Mapflow. In April 2009, Avego became a separate entity associated with University College Cork. Its real-time carpooling service first served the University community in the form of an iPhone application, with seats priced by mileage.
In January 2011, Avego and the Washington State Department of Transportation launched a pilot real-time ridesharing program, called "go520," serving the Washington State Route 520 corridor outside Seattle. Financial subsidies of $30 monthly were available to both drivers and riders for the duration of the pilot.
In October 2011, Avego began a real-time ridesharing pilot in the Arlington Potomac Yard area.
Instant Karma Fails Compilation || FailArmy
El Carma
Carma imediato
Carma instantaneo
"Como atua o carma." Rosacruz Áurea Palestra 26_09_2016
O carma e as relações amorosas
Márcia Fernandes falando sobre "Carma"
Axel Thesleff - Bad Karma
Lei do Carma: Punição ou aprendizado ?
Actors: Lloyd Kaufman (actor), Mars Homeworld (composer), Roberto Lombardi (actor), Larry Rosen (director), Lemmy (actor), Hollie Stevens (actress), Gilbert Gottfried (actor), Ron Jeremy (actor), Larry Rosen (actor), Roberto Lombardi (actor), Bradley Creanzo (actor), Bradley Creanzo (actor), Dick Chibbles (actor), Mister Lobo (actor), Genoveva Rossi (actress),
Genres: Fantasy,Actors: Ezzat Abou Aouf (actor), Nabil Ali Maher (composer), Mai Ezzidine (actress), Tamer Hosny (writer), Tamer Hosny (actor), Ahmed El Badry (director), Marwa Adbelmenem (actress), Mirhan (actress),
Genres: Comedy,Sometimes people get what they deserve. It is especially enjoyable when they try to punk someone and end up getting punk'd themselves. Here are our favorite instant karma and instant justice videos. Let us know your thoughts down below and Salute! Check out our second channel FailArmy U: http://bit.ly/SubscribeFU Click to SUBSCRIBE for more awesome Fails! ► http://bit.ly/failarmy Submit a Video ► http://bit.ly/SubmitToFailArmy Click to get Fail Army Gear! ► http://bit.ly/FailArmyStore Like us on Facebook! ► http://bit.ly/FailArmyFacebook Follow us on Twitter! ► http://bit.ly/FailArmyTwitter Instagram►http://bit.ly/FailArmyInstagram Tumblr► http://bit.ly/FailArmyTumblr Pinterest► http://bit.ly/FailArmyPinterest FailArmy is the worldwide leader in funny fail videos and compilations. FailAr...
http://2bucksentertainment.com If you find a funny video, send it in at my site. You'll be credited & could win a sexy gaming keyboard! Referrer: http://www.youtube.com/user/OfficeHanchoBoxing Original Videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXPNqEQQwcI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjnAS0PwSQw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82LHLIjuMzg Original Uploaders: http://www.youtube.com/user/Portreem Blowing Stuff Up: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZwkGiukUQM Carma My Facebook: http://Facebook.com/Sing2Bucks My Twitter: https://twitter.com/Sing2Bucks
Palestra realizada no dia 26 de setembro de 2016 pela Escola da Rosacruz Áurea. "A complexidade da atuação do carma nos leva a entendê-lo como castigo, como prisão. Contudo, não se trata de uma justiça vingadora, mas de retidão, bondade e verdade que emanam do amor divino." Mais informações: www.rosacruzaurea.org.br ou www.facebook.com/RosacruzAureaBrasil Livros e revistas para download gratuito: www.pentagrama.org.br
Pessoas amadas, Esta vídeo aula é dedicada à relação entre carma e amor. Popularmente o carma é mais conhecido como o pagamento de dívidas que contraímos com pessoas através de ações danosas em relação a elas. No entanto prefiro me ater à ideia de aprendizado ao invés de carma. Sinto, de coração, que de qualquer forma estamos sempre aprendendo o amor. Entramos em desarmonia quando agimos de forma contrária ao sentido da existência universal que é UNIÃO, COMUNHÃO, FUSÃO ENERGÉTICA, FUSÃO AMOROSA. Percebamos ou não, nós estamos constantemente aumentando a nossa capacidade amorosa. Quer seja no exercício do mais intenso ódio, quer seja no exercício do mais pleno amor. Quem odeia está aprendendo, por exaustão do ódio, a amar. Quem ama está no exercício do sentido pleno da existência e,...
O que é Carma? Carma é a lei pela qual recebemos de volta do Universo, o que fazemos de bom ou ruim. Devemos ter paz interior e bondade constante, para melhorarmos nosso Carma.
♫ Download Link ♫ ➥http://bit.ly/1RlgPO4 Click "Show More" to see very important links & details! ♫ Support Trap Nation ♫ ♦http://twitter.com/alltrapnation ♦http://facebook.com/alltrapnation ♦http://soundcloud.com/alltrapnation ♦http://plug.dj/trapnation/ ♦http://alltrapnation.com/ ♫ Support The Producer ♫ ●https://soundcloud.com/axelthesleff ●http://facebook.com/axelthesleff ●http://twitter.com/AxelThesleff ●http://axelthesleff.tumblr.com/ If you want to remove a song that you own on my channel please e-mail me ASAP, I will respond within 24 hours or less. There is never a need to strike a video down when you can get it removed within the same day and keep the channel and yourself happy!
Prelude No. 7 de Chris Zabriskie está licenciada sob uma licença Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...) Origem: http://chriszabriskie.com/preludes/ Artista: http://chriszabriskie.com/ Arly Cravo : O Carma e as relações amorosas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sVKZIOAU7w O slogan do canal é " de coração para coração " porque, meu intuito aqui, não é estimular seu intelecto e sim seu coração. Se eu conseguir ser um canal para transmitir a você um pouco de amor e alegria, já sinto que cumpri a missão. Espero que esse local seja um templo onde você possa sair melhor do que entrou: com o coração tocado por boas energias. Somos UM! Gisela Vallin VISITE MEU BLOG : www.giselavallin.com Sugestão de livros: http://goo.gl/f8aYlc Fanpage:https://www....
['Speed Racer' sample:]
We wanna inspect your car, Speed?
Huh, but sir, the rules say any kind of car can race in the race
So why do you have to inspect the car?
There's a good reason, Sparky
Oh, Inspector Detector
How are you Inspector?
Haha, glad to see you
Fifty million dollars in gold bars that were being kept
In the national bank, were stolen last week
Yes, we read about it, sir
It's possible that someone might try to smuggle
Those bars, out of the country, sometime during the race
We won't be able to search the cars, once the race starts
So we better do it now
We can't afford to let the robbers get away with a fortune like that
[Cno Evil:]
This is the PRELUDE before the STORM hits
Witness the dimmings of the lit, from the ECLIPSE
Darkness, with no fright, the King yelled "attack it's war"
Soldiers rushed in more spots, than a JAGUAR
I could of sworn I saw a SILVER GHOST, must of been my mind
Playing tricks with my eyes, I'm forced to rewind
Or it'll diminish me, I have to fight from here to INFINITI
My sword, it lives in me
They were quick to attack with the battering RAM
My men drowned from the flood that escaped out the dam
My LANDS "R" OVER, but my RANGE is far
Skilled archer, since the age of 12, causing scars
That one was a HUMMER, silent and unnoticed
Hit ACCORDingly, with ACURAcy and deep FOCUS
Hiding in the trench, a SPIDER crawled up my leg
Blood dripped off the roof's RIDGELINE, onto my head
I DODGE death, since nobody's murkin' me
They call me, quicksilver MERCURY
I'm the lord of the ring, just like SATURN
I ROLLED like a PHANTOM, since ROYCE showed me the pattern
I'm exotic like a MUSTANG, from the North American Lands
Descendent of an Arabian horse, brought here by Spanish EXPLORERS
You want war, I got war, plus 200 soldiers with their backs torned
Extended, adventerous, intellectual, spiritual QUEST
Just like the ODYSSEY, we protect with vests
We're the best, that's why we don't end up casualties
There's no need for sincerity and your flattery
I'm a CIVIC to my place of birth which I return to tonight
The INSIGHT is that we fight with all our might
So we prepare for battle, that we take under
But still our hearts stay ice cold like TUNDRA
[Chorus x2: Li-Mouse]
It's a world of chaos, living in lies
Poisonous exhaust fumes, fill the sky
Only way to survive, is to keep above half
Choose quick routes, and avoid dangerous paths
The MUSTANGS could'ntkeep up with the TEMPO
That lead to the THUNDERBIRDS to remain stable in the METRO
After many years, they lost thier FOCUS
Which made celebrities with BERETTAS claim to be the LOCUS
VICTORIA was CROWNED queen of the area
COOPER saw and busted out with laughs hysteria
He sent an EXPLORER to set his own version
But the NAVIGATOR failed to guide him through the EXCURSION
CARAVANS of angry VIPERS rebelled on their own ACCORD
They took LIBERTY to say the queen dies by the sword
The world was dark so the NEONS were up for hire
BEETLES had to run from the AVALANCHES
They took west EL CAMINOS to escape death chances
The queen didn't care in fact TRIBUTE she demanded
COUGARS liven in SUBURBAN towns were repremanded
For the years of toture from the CHEROKEES
They had feathers and deep ACCENTS, eating from berry trees
A war broke loose on PARK AVENUE it was big again
MAGNUSM ECHOED, the CROSSFIRE hit many citizens
Not one ELEMENT, was able to stop her
Even HYBRIDS who had an INSIGHT couldn't shock her
Just as when everyone was going to set up the white flag
A sound was heard, the queen went mad
An AVIATOR LEGEND with a LEGACY that's been far
The queen tried to shoot him down with the laser
He was to quick and hot, people called him a BLAZER
Lighting strikes and winds like a TYPHOON
Victoria finally realized she would die soon