
Awards & International Recognition

Monday, 30 April 2012 10:06
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  • Summer 1984: The nomination of LSM for the Robert F. Kennedy Prize is supported by the Middle East Co-ordination Group of Amnesty International USA and also by the head of the Arab American University Graduates Association.
  • Summer 1986: Al-Haq receives the Fayez A. Sayegh Memorial Award for “its sustained effort in developing and upholding the principles of the rule of law” and for “carrying out vitally needed legal research and providing legal services” to the Palestinian community in the Occupied Territories.
  • 1986: One of Al-Haq's directors, Raja Shehadeh, is nominated to receive the first William J. Brennan Jr. Human Rights Award.
  • 1986: Al-Haq's directors, Raja Shehadeh and Jonathon Kuttab are jointly honoured with one of seven of the Second Rothko Chapel Awards for Commitment to Truth and Freedom. Jonathon Kuttab was selected to receive the Elmer Berger Award because of his strong commitment to human rights and in recognition of the legal services he has provided, in particular with respect to his legal analysis of land confiscation by the Israeli authorities and of the denial of human rights in the West Bank.
  • October 1986: Al-Haq receives a Certificate of Merit from the Human Rights Campaign for Palestine in the United States of America to demonstrate their appreciation for the legal services it provides to Palestinians in the West Bank
  • 1990: The Carter -Menil Human Rights Foundation Prize is awarded to Al-Haq and to B'Tselem for their work on Human Rights The French Government awards a medal to Al-Haq for its work
  • 1990: Shawan Jabarin, Director of Al-Haq receives the Reabock Award for defending human rights
  • 2009: Al-Haq in recognition of its high level of commitment and integrity with respect to its work in defending human rights in the Israeli- Palestinian conflict, along with B'Tselem are awarded the Geuzenpenning in 2009
  • 2010: Al-Haq Granted the 2010 Welfare Association’s “NGO Achievement Award”: Al-Haq is pleased to announce that it has been conferred the 2010 “NGO Achievement Award,” bestowed annually by the Welfare Association to the most distinguished Palestinian organisation. The award commends Palestinian civil society organisations that have excelled in service delivery and capacity building in various developmental fields all while symbolising the values of their people. The award ceremony was held on the evening of 21 May 2011 in Amman (Jordan) during the 3-day-long meeting of the Board Trustees and General Assembly of the Welfare Association. The award was delivered by Mr. Nabil Qaddumi, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, on behalf of the Welfare Association, and Mr. Munir Kleibo, acting as the representative of the independent jury responsible for granting the award.
  • 2011: Al-Haq's received the Danish PL Foundation Human Rights Award at a ceremony in Copenhagen, in recognition of the organisation’s dedication to the protection of human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). The annual award, which honours organisations and individuals who lead the fight for the respect for human rights and dignity, and has been jointly bestowed on Al-Haq and B’Tselem. The presentation was made by Danish Supreme Court Justice, Poul Soegaard.

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