The cassock derives historically from the tunic that in ancient Rome was worn underneath the toga and the chiton that was worn beneath the himation in ancient Greece.
The word "cassock" comes from Middle French "casaque", meaning a long coat. In turn, the old French word may come ultimately from Turkish "quzzak" (nomad, adventurer - the source of the word "Cossack"), an allusion to their typical riding coat, or from Persian کژاغند "kazhāgand" (padded garment) - کژ "kazh" (raw silk) + آغند "āgand" (stuffed).
In Ireland and in several other English-speaking countries, it is also known by the French-derived word soutane.
Khouria Krista West demonstrates the proper way to fold a cassock.
Windhand - Cassock
Windhand - Cassock
Windhand - Cassock
Band: Windhand
Song: Cassock
Album: Some [2013]
Genre: Stoner Metal, Stoner Rock, Stoner Doom, Doom Metal, Psychedelic
Altar Training for Priests: CASSOCKS and HEADWARE
Altar Training for Priests: CASSOCKS and HEADWARE
Altar Training for Priests: CASSOCKS and HEADWARE
All about cassocks (robes) and things priests put on their heads from time to time in traditional Old Catholic Churches. Presenter: Bishop Thomas Hooker.
¡Viva la Sotana! (vídeo completo)
¡Viva la Sotana! (vídeo completo)
¡Viva la Sotana! (vídeo completo)
¡Viva la sotana! Es un documental que quiere poner de actualidad la prenda por excelencia del sacerdote católico. Lo es por su gran sentido espiritual, por su forma, por su color y porque han sido generaciones de sacerdotes quienes la han llevado.
La sotana le recuerda al sacerdote que lo es para Jesucristo y de Él para los demás. La sotana ayuda al fiel a encontrar a Cristo en el sacerdote y no al amigo, pues el fiel busca la santidad del sacerdote antes que su simpatía.
La sotana es tan actual ahora como ayer y como mañana, y lo es porque no depende de la moda, como así depende la camisa con alzacuellos y el pantalón. La moda pasa y la so
The Meaning & Significance of the Tonsure & Cassock
The Meaning & Significance of the Tonsure & Cassock
The Meaning & Significance of the Tonsure & Cassock
A little history & idea of what is so special of being tonsured & wearing the cassock. For more please go to
COMBAT! s.3 ep.17: "The Cassock" (1965)
COMBAT! s.3 ep.17: "The Cassock" (1965)
COMBAT! s.3 ep.17: "The Cassock" (1965)
COMBAT! s 3 ep 17 The Cassock 1965
COMBAT! s 3 ep 17 The Cassock 1965
COMBAT! s 3 ep 17 The Cassock 1965
Combat mission, combat mission afghanistan, combat mission barbarossa to berlin, combat mission anthology, combat mission afrika korps, combat mission 2, com... COMBAT! s 3 ep 27 Cry in the...
Combat mission, combat mission afghanistan, combat mission barbarossa to berlin, combat mission anthology, combat mission afrika korps, combat mission 2, com...
Episode directed by Vic Morrow ( Combat mission, combat mission afghanistan, combat mission barbarossa to berlin, combat mission anthology, combat mission afrika korps, combat...
Episode directed by Vic Morrow (
Combat Combat! Combat! Season 1 Combat! Season 2 Combat! Season 3 C
Cardinal O'Malley will not abandon Capuchin cassock
Cardinal O'Malley will not abandon Capuchin cassock
Cardinal O'Malley will not abandon Capuchin cassock Nearly an hour after the end of the third general congregations, Boston Cardinal Sean O'Malley said he would likely wear his Capuch...
A MALE Roman Style Cassock with brocade cuffs and a FEMALE Roman Style Cassock with Cincture (Rule of thumb: never wear one without the other when the cassoc...
What Cassock should a Bishop wear?
What Cassock should a Bishop wear?
What Cassock should a Bishop wear?
Bishop David Chaney takes a few minutes after Mass to ask Bishop Keith Ackerman a questions regarding the proper vestments a Bishop would wear and when.
Welcome to Autumn Screams Doom Fest (10/27/2012) - The Sidebar Tavern Baltimore, MD!
Windhand from Richmond, VA.
Please let me know if I identified this song wrong...for some reason I had difficulties with this one.
Recorded with Canon VIXIA HF R300 in AVCHD MXP(24Mbps) format.
Posted with permission from band.
Fourth Song. (77&78)
La Sotana Trailer - the cassock
La Sotana Trailer - the cassock
La Sotana Trailer - the cassock
Hoy en día son pocas las ocasiones en que podemos admirar a un sacerdote vistiendo su sotana. El uso de la sotana, una tradición que se remonta a tiempos antiquísimos, ha sido olvidado y a veces hasta despreciado en la Iglesia posconciliar. Pero esto no quiere decir que la sotana perdió su utilidad sino que la indisciplina y el relajamiento de las costumbres entre el clero en general es una triste realidad.
La sotana fue instituida por la Iglesia a fines del siglo V con el propósito de darle a sus sacerdotes un modo de vestir serio, simple y austero.
17 Black Cassocks
17 Black Cassocks
17 Black Cassocks
Br. Kevin Cao on wearing his Legionary cassock for the first time.
Khouria Krista West demonstrates the proper way to fold a cassock.
Windhand - Cassock
Windhand - Cassock
Windhand - Cassock
Band: Windhand
Song: Cassock
Album: Some [2013]
Genre: Stoner Metal, Stoner Rock, Stoner Doom, Doom Metal, Psychedelic
Altar Training for Priests: CASSOCKS and HEADWARE
Altar Training for Priests: CASSOCKS and HEADWARE
Altar Training for Priests: CASSOCKS and HEADWARE
All about cassocks (robes) and things priests put on their heads from time to time in traditional Old Catholic Churches. Presenter: Bishop Thomas Hooker.
¡Viva la Sotana! (vídeo completo)
¡Viva la Sotana! (vídeo completo)
¡Viva la Sotana! (vídeo completo)
¡Viva la sotana! Es un documental que quiere poner de actualidad la prenda por excelencia del sacerdote católico. Lo es por su gran sentido espiritual, por su forma, por su color y porque han sido generaciones de sacerdotes quienes la han llevado.
La sotana le recuerda al sacerdote que lo es para Jesucristo y de Él para los demás. La sotana ayuda al fiel a encontrar a Cristo en el sacerdote y no al amigo, pues el fiel busca la santidad del sacerdote antes que su simpatía.
La sotana es tan actual ahora como ayer y como mañana, y lo es porque no depende de la moda, como así depende la camisa con alzacuellos y el pantalón. La moda pasa y la so
The Meaning & Significance of the Tonsure & Cassock
The Meaning & Significance of the Tonsure & Cassock
The Meaning & Significance of the Tonsure & Cassock
A little history & idea of what is so special of being tonsured & wearing the cassock. For more please go to
COMBAT! s.3 ep.17: "The Cassock" (1965)
COMBAT! s.3 ep.17: "The Cassock" (1965)
COMBAT! s.3 ep.17: "The Cassock" (1965)
COMBAT! s 3 ep 17 The Cassock 1965
COMBAT! s 3 ep 17 The Cassock 1965
COMBAT! s 3 ep 17 The Cassock 1965
Combat mission, combat mission afghanistan, combat mission barbarossa to berlin, combat mission anthology, combat mission afrika korps, combat mission 2, com... COMBAT! s 3 ep 27 Cry in the...
Combat mission, combat mission afghanistan, combat mission barbarossa to berlin, combat mission anthology, combat mission afrika korps, combat mission 2, com...
Episode directed by Vic Morrow ( Combat mission, combat mission afghanistan, combat mission barbarossa to berlin, combat mission anthology, combat mission afrika korps, combat...
Episode directed by Vic Morrow (
Combat Combat! Combat! Season 1 Combat! Season 2 Combat! Season 3 C
Cardinal O'Malley will not abandon Capuchin cassock
Cardinal O'Malley will not abandon Capuchin cassock
Cardinal O'Malley will not abandon Capuchin cassock Nearly an hour after the end of the third general congregations, Boston Cardinal Sean O'Malley said he would likely wear his Capuch...
A MALE Roman Style Cassock with brocade cuffs and a FEMALE Roman Style Cassock with Cincture (Rule of thumb: never wear one without the other when the cassoc...
What Cassock should a Bishop wear?
What Cassock should a Bishop wear?
What Cassock should a Bishop wear?
Bishop David Chaney takes a few minutes after Mass to ask Bishop Keith Ackerman a questions regarding the proper vestments a Bishop would wear and when.
Welcome to Autumn Screams Doom Fest (10/27/2012) - The Sidebar Tavern Baltimore, MD!
Windhand from Richmond, VA.
Please let me know if I identified this song wrong...for some reason I had difficulties with this one.
Recorded with Canon VIXIA HF R300 in AVCHD MXP(24Mbps) format.
Posted with permission from band.
Fourth Song. (77&78)
La Sotana Trailer - the cassock
La Sotana Trailer - the cassock
La Sotana Trailer - the cassock
Hoy en día son pocas las ocasiones en que podemos admirar a un sacerdote vistiendo su sotana. El uso de la sotana, una tradición que se remonta a tiempos antiquísimos, ha sido olvidado y a veces hasta despreciado en la Iglesia posconciliar. Pero esto no quiere decir que la sotana perdió su utilidad sino que la indisciplina y el relajamiento de las costumbres entre el clero en general es una triste realidad.
La sotana fue instituida por la Iglesia a fines del siglo V con el propósito de darle a sus sacerdotes un modo de vestir serio, simple y austero.
17 Black Cassocks
17 Black Cassocks
17 Black Cassocks
Br. Kevin Cao on wearing his Legionary cassock for the first time. Vessels of Glory is delighted to present several styles of custom clergy cassocks. The cassoc...
A stunning Single Breasted Two Toned Woman's Cassock with Brocade! Make sure to check out the back of the cassock to inspire YOUR style! A favorite! Credit: ...
roman cassock from PSG VESTMENTS
roman cassock from PSG VESTMENTS
roman cassock from PSG VESTMENTS
A great innovation for those clergy who need just a bit of assistance vesting..
Gaberdine enhances the dignity of the simple cassock.
Clean lines...
Cassock Alb
Cassock Alb
Cassock Alb - Albs are one of the oldest articles of clothing for liturgical vestments and the most frequently worn at Mass for bo...
Cassock for Next Pope Is Already Made
Cassock for Next Pope Is Already Made
Cassock for Next Pope Is Already Made
Not far from Vatican City, there's a street in downtown Rome where the shops sell everything a priest - or even a pope - might need to minister to his flock....
Blood-stained cassock from John Paul II's attempted assassination exhibited in Krakow
Blood-stained cassock from John Paul II's attempted assassination exhibited in Krakow
Blood-stained cassock from John Paul II's attempted assassination exhibited in Krakow Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, the personal secr.
This robe has all the bells and whistles! A Woman's Two Toned Double Breasted Cassock with gold trim and gold buttons. Don't settle for the ordinary. Men and...
A Double Breasted Woman's Roman Style Cassock. Yes! You can embellish your robe (this one has gold trim and gold buttons) but always be careful NOT to overdo...
Video features Stock Cassock, Reversible Tunic & Choir Robe. Note: Unlike a custom made robe, a stock robe, which is readily available, will not fit to your ...
All about cassocks (robes) and things priests put on their heads from time to time in traditional Old Catholic Churches. Presenter: Bishop Thomas Hooker.
All about cassocks (robes) and things priests put on their heads from time to time in traditional Old Catholic Churches. Presenter: Bishop Thomas Hooker.
¡Viva la sotana! Es un documental que quiere poner de actualidad la prenda por excelencia del sacerdote católico. Lo es por su gran sentido espiritual, por su forma, por su color y porque han sido generaciones de sacerdotes quienes la han llevado.
La sotana le recuerda al sacerdote que lo es para Jesucristo y de Él para los demás. La sotana ayuda al fiel a encontrar a Cristo en el sacerdote y no al amigo, pues el fiel busca la santidad del sacerdote antes que su simpatía.
La sotana es tan actual ahora como ayer y como mañana, y lo es porque no depende de la moda, como así depende la camisa con alzacuellos y el pantalón. La moda pasa y la sotana queda inalterable, como inalterable es el sacerdocio de Cristo visible en la sotana.
La sotana no puede ocultarse como se oculta la camisa y el alzacuello, por esta razón el sacerdocio es siempre visible para el mundo. La sotana es testigo constante de la presencia de la Iglesia en la sociedad.
La sotana imprime carácter en el seminarista y en el sacerdote, afirma su personalidad, robustece la fe, le une a los mártires y confesores de la fe, y le une especialmente a la Cruz de Nuestro Señor al verse sometido a las injurias del mundo que rechaza la Luz. La sotana es escuela de hombres.
Dios quiera que este documental ayude y estimule a seminaristas y sacerdotes a llevar la sotana y a los fieles les haga comprender la importancia de este hábito eclesiástico tanto para el sacerdote como para ellos.
¡Viva la sotana! Es un documental que quiere poner de actualidad la prenda por excelencia del sacerdote católico. Lo es por su gran sentido espiritual, por su forma, por su color y porque han sido generaciones de sacerdotes quienes la han llevado.
La sotana le recuerda al sacerdote que lo es para Jesucristo y de Él para los demás. La sotana ayuda al fiel a encontrar a Cristo en el sacerdote y no al amigo, pues el fiel busca la santidad del sacerdote antes que su simpatía.
La sotana es tan actual ahora como ayer y como mañana, y lo es porque no depende de la moda, como así depende la camisa con alzacuellos y el pantalón. La moda pasa y la sotana queda inalterable, como inalterable es el sacerdocio de Cristo visible en la sotana.
La sotana no puede ocultarse como se oculta la camisa y el alzacuello, por esta razón el sacerdocio es siempre visible para el mundo. La sotana es testigo constante de la presencia de la Iglesia en la sociedad.
La sotana imprime carácter en el seminarista y en el sacerdote, afirma su personalidad, robustece la fe, le une a los mártires y confesores de la fe, y le une especialmente a la Cruz de Nuestro Señor al verse sometido a las injurias del mundo que rechaza la Luz. La sotana es escuela de hombres.
Dios quiera que este documental ayude y estimule a seminaristas y sacerdotes a llevar la sotana y a los fieles les haga comprender la importancia de este hábito eclesiástico tanto para el sacerdote como para ellos.
published:16 Dec 2014
The Meaning & Significance of the Tonsure & Cassock Nearly an hour after the end of the third general congregations, Boston Cardinal Sean O'Malley said he would likely wear his Capuch... Nearly an hour after the end of the third general congregations, Boston Cardinal Sean O'Malley said he would likely wear his Capuch...
A MALE Roman Style Cassock with brocade cuffs and a FEMALE Roman Style Cassock with Cincture (Rule of thumb: never wear one without the other when the cassoc...
A MALE Roman Style Cassock with brocade cuffs and a FEMALE Roman Style Cassock with Cincture (Rule of thumb: never wear one without the other when the cassoc...
Bishop David Chaney takes a few minutes after Mass to ask Bishop Keith Ackerman a questions regarding the proper vestments a Bishop would wear and when.
Bishop David Chaney takes a few minutes after Mass to ask Bishop Keith Ackerman a questions regarding the proper vestments a Bishop would wear and when.
Welcome to Autumn Screams Doom Fest (10/27/2012) - The Sidebar Tavern Baltimore, MD!
Windhand from Richmond, VA.
Please let me know if I identified this song wrong...for some reason I had difficulties with this one.
Recorded with Canon VIXIA HF R300 in AVCHD MXP(24Mbps) format.
Posted with permission from band.
Fourth Song. (77&78)
Welcome to Autumn Screams Doom Fest (10/27/2012) - The Sidebar Tavern Baltimore, MD!
Windhand from Richmond, VA.
Please let me know if I identified this song wrong...for some reason I had difficulties with this one.
Recorded with Canon VIXIA HF R300 in AVCHD MXP(24Mbps) format.
Posted with permission from band.
Fourth Song. (77&78)
Hoy en día son pocas las ocasiones en que podemos admirar a un sacerdote vistiendo su sotana. El uso de la sotana, una tradición que se remonta a tiempos antiquísimos, ha sido olvidado y a veces hasta despreciado en la Iglesia posconciliar. Pero esto no quiere decir que la sotana perdió su utilidad sino que la indisciplina y el relajamiento de las costumbres entre el clero en general es una triste realidad.
La sotana fue instituida por la Iglesia a fines del siglo V con el propósito de darle a sus sacerdotes un modo de vestir serio, simple y austero.
Hoy en día son pocas las ocasiones en que podemos admirar a un sacerdote vistiendo su sotana. El uso de la sotana, una tradición que se remonta a tiempos antiquísimos, ha sido olvidado y a veces hasta despreciado en la Iglesia posconciliar. Pero esto no quiere decir que la sotana perdió su utilidad sino que la indisciplina y el relajamiento de las costumbres entre el clero en general es una triste realidad.
La sotana fue instituida por la Iglesia a fines del siglo V con el propósito de darle a sus sacerdotes un modo de vestir serio, simple y austero. Vessels of Glory is delighted to present several styles of custom clergy cassocks. The cassoc... Vessels of Glory is delighted to present several styles of custom clergy cassocks. The cassoc...
A stunning Single Breasted Two Toned Woman's Cassock with Brocade! Make sure to check out the back of the cassock to inspire YOUR style! A favorite! Credit: ...
A stunning Single Breasted Two Toned Woman's Cassock with Brocade! Make sure to check out the back of the cassock to inspire YOUR style! A favorite! Credit: ...
A great innovation for those clergy who need just a bit of assistance vesting..
Gaberdine enhances the dignity of the simple cassock.
Clean lines...
A great innovation for those clergy who need just a bit of assistance vesting..
Gaberdine enhances the dignity of the simple cassock.
Clean lines... - Albs are one of the oldest articles of clothing for liturgical vestments and the most frequently worn at Mass for bo... - Albs are one of the oldest articles of clothing for liturgical vestments and the most frequently worn at Mass for bo...
Not far from Vatican City, there's a street in downtown Rome where the shops sell everything a priest - or even a pope - might need to minister to his flock....
Not far from Vatican City, there's a street in downtown Rome where the shops sell everything a priest - or even a pope - might need to minister to his flock....
This robe has all the bells and whistles! A Woman's Two Toned Double Breasted Cassock with gold trim and gold buttons. Don't settle for the ordinary. Men and...
This robe has all the bells and whistles! A Woman's Two Toned Double Breasted Cassock with gold trim and gold buttons. Don't settle for the ordinary. Men and...
A Double Breasted Woman's Roman Style Cassock. Yes! You can embellish your robe (this one has gold trim and gold buttons) but always be careful NOT to overdo...
A Double Breasted Woman's Roman Style Cassock. Yes! You can embellish your robe (this one has gold trim and gold buttons) but always be careful NOT to overdo...
Video features Stock Cassock, Reversible Tunic & Choir Robe. Note: Unlike a custom made robe, a stock robe, which is readily available, will not fit to your ...
Video features Stock Cassock, Reversible Tunic & Choir Robe. Note: Unlike a custom made robe, a stock robe, which is readily available, will not fit to your ...
All about cassocks (robes) and things priests put on their heads from time to time in traditional Old Catholic Churches. Presenter: Bishop Thomas Hooker.
¡Viva la Sotana! (vídeo completo)
¡Viva la sotana! Es un documental que quiere poner de actualidad la prenda por excelencia ...
published:16 Dec 2014
¡Viva la Sotana! (vídeo completo)
¡Viva la Sotana! (vídeo completo)
published:16 Dec 2014
¡Viva la sotana! Es un documental que quiere poner de actualidad la prenda por excelencia del sacerdote católico. Lo es por su gran sentido espiritual, por su forma, por su color y porque han sido generaciones de sacerdotes quienes la han llevado.
La sotana le recuerda al sacerdote que lo es para Jesucristo y de Él para los demás. La sotana ayuda al fiel a encontrar a Cristo en el sacerdote y no al amigo, pues el fiel busca la santidad del sacerdote antes que su simpatía.
La sotana es tan actual ahora como ayer y como mañana, y lo es porque no depende de la moda, como así depende la camisa con alzacuellos y el pantalón. La moda pasa y la sotana queda inalterable, como inalterable es el sacerdocio de Cristo visible en la sotana.
La sotana no puede ocultarse como se oculta la camisa y el alzacuello, por esta razón el sacerdocio es siempre visible para el mundo. La sotana es testigo constante de la presencia de la Iglesia en la sociedad.
La sotana imprime carácter en el seminarista y en el sacerdote, afirma su personalidad, robustece la fe, le une a los mártires y confesores de la fe, y le une especialmente a la Cruz de Nuestro Señor al verse sometido a las injurias del mundo que rechaza la Luz. La sotana es escuela de hombres.
Dios quiera que este documental ayude y estimule a seminaristas y sacerdotes a llevar la sotana y a los fieles les haga comprender la importancia de este hábito eclesiástico tanto para el sacerdote como para ellos.
The Meaning & Significance of the Tonsure & Cassock
A little history & idea of what is so special of being tonsured & wearing the cassock. For... Nearly an hour after the end of the third general congregations, Boston Cardinal Sean O'Malley said he would likely wear his Capuch...
A MALE Roman Style Cassock with brocade cuffs and a FEMALE Roman Style Cassock with Cinctu...
A MALE Roman Style Cassock with brocade cuffs and a FEMALE Roman Style Cassock with Cincture (Rule of thumb: never wear one without the other when the cassoc...
What Cassock should a Bishop wear?
Bishop David Chaney takes a few minutes after Mass to ask Bishop Keith Ackerman a question...
Bishop David Chaney takes a few minutes after Mass to ask Bishop Keith Ackerman a questions regarding the proper vestments a Bishop would wear and when.
Welcome to Autumn Screams Doom Fest (10/27/2012) - The Sidebar Tavern Baltimore, MD!
Windhand from Richmond, VA.
Please let me know if I identified this song wrong...for some reason I had difficulties with this one.
Recorded with Canon VIXIA HF R300 in AVCHD MXP(24Mbps) format.
Posted with permission from band.
Fourth Song. (77&78)
La Sotana Trailer - the cassock
Hoy en día son pocas las ocasiones en que podemos admirar a un sacerdote vistiendo su sota...
published:13 Nov 2014
La Sotana Trailer - the cassock
La Sotana Trailer - the cassock
published:13 Nov 2014
Hoy en día son pocas las ocasiones en que podemos admirar a un sacerdote vistiendo su sotana. El uso de la sotana, una tradición que se remonta a tiempos antiquísimos, ha sido olvidado y a veces hasta despreciado en la Iglesia posconciliar. Pero esto no quiere decir que la sotana perdió su utilidad sino que la indisciplina y el relajamiento de las costumbres entre el clero en general es una triste realidad.
La sotana fue instituida por la Iglesia a fines del siglo V con el propósito de darle a sus sacerdotes un modo de vestir serio, simple y austero.
17 Black Cassocks
Br. Kevin Cao on wearing his Legionary cassock for the first time....
published:18 Sep 2014
17 Black Cassocks
17 Black Cassocks
published:18 Sep 2014
Br. Kevin Cao on wearing his Legionary cassock for the first time.
MIAMI GARDENS — The wife of Miami Dolphins cornerback Brent Grimes was arrested Sunday in the stadium parking lot shortly before the team’s loss to the Buffalo Bills, and she hurt her right knee and arm in a confrontation with police ... She remained combative even after being handcuffed, police said ... ....
Despite its reputation as a forebodingly dusty, desolate and lifeless place, Mars seems to be a little bit wet even today. Scientists reported Monday definitive signs of liquid water on the surface of present-day Mars, a finding that will fuel speculation that life, if it ever arose there, could persist to now. “This, I think, gives a focus of where we should look more closely,” said Alfred S ... Many mysteries remain ... ....
Astronomers are gearing up to spot a rare phenomenon, as a lunar eclipse coincides with a so-called "supermoon". A supermoon occurs when the Moon is as close as it can be to Earth, meaning that it appears larger in the sky. The eclipse - expected to make the Moon appear red in colour - will be visible in North America, South America, West Africa and western Europe... But Dr Massey added ... Please only send pictures you have taken yourself ... ....
Philadelphia (CNN)He introduced himself as a brother, a son of immigrants, a neighbor from beyond our southern border ... He wanted to meet us, finally, to look into our eyes and share our struggles ... For six days it seemed the earth tilted toward the man wearing the simple white cassock and the Mona Lisa smile ... U.S. Sen ... JUST WATCHED ... Replay. More Videos ... We all have dirty feet, stains on our souls, said the man in the clean white cassock ... ....
Among the memorable images from PopeFrancis' visit to the United States are the pontiff addressing Congress, celebrating Mass at Madison Square Garden and standing before Independence Hall. Then there's the black Fiat hatchback. The 1.4-liter model 500L starts at $19,345 and gets 33 miles per gallon on the highway ... --> ... He wore frayed cassocks and asked people to pray for him — and for nonbelievers to at least think good thoughts....
Nancy Scheper-Hughes is chair of the Doctoral Program in Medical Anthropology at Cal-Berkeley ...First of all, he is an incredibly happy man, a man at peace with himself and with the world. He seems comfortable in his skin. But most of all, he is fearless ... Whatever happens, it will be all right. He needs company and conviviality ... But I have arrived first and I am all alone in a sea of men in black and white cassocks, or brown robes ... ....
Few people got as close to PopeFrancis on Sunday as AlexanderKrumm. The recent AllentownCentral Catholic grad sang for His Holiness, then joined the rest of the priests at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary for breakfast with the pope ... "This is just so special," said Krumm's mother ... The new seminarians were supposed to receive their cassocks in October but the ceremony was moved up to last week in advance of the pope's visit ... ....
It came down to this. a cavalcade of police cars, a chorus of cheers, and then – a man in white, waving to the crowds. PopeFrancis passed through Philadelphia on Saturday night. He came through like a strong wind, impossible to ignore. For tens of thousands of faithful who had waited all day, his brief appearance was worth the hours spent on hard curbs. Bob AndresSep ... Among the throng ... It provided a bright contrast to his black cassock ... m ... ....
It’s surprisingly spacious in the back, with generous leg room and a drinks holder in the central armrest to keep the papal coffee from spilling over the white cassock. The holy father’s favourite liturgical music – or even his own newly released single – can play through the car’s six speakers via Bluetooth ... This is the Fiat 500L, the small car with new cachet since PopeFrancis made it his vehicle of choice on his US trip ... Related ... ....
PopeFrancis and PresidentXi Jinping were both in Washington and New York this week for engagements at the White House and the United Nations. They didn't meet ... Francis' detractors may call him a "communist in a cassock" while Xi's party is Communist in name only, but this alliance of purpose that pairs the prayers of the pope with the formidable state capacity of China could actually move the big needle ... Congress and the U.N ... EDITORS ... ....
Italian vehicle has risen in popularity since he stepped into one after landing on US soil – a striking counterpoint to the SUVs of most American notables. @harrietsherwood. It’s surprisingly spacious in the back, with generous leg room and a drinks holder in the central armrest to keep the papal coffee from spilling over the white cassock...Related. A Fiat is worth a thousand words as PopeFrancis opts for humble ride ... And it’s Italian.”....
It's been a bit of a dream week for the 'warmist' brigade! ... He emphasised "that we have a sacred obligation to protect our planet" ... And evolution, in her view, was pants as well. Perhaps inspired by the man in the snazzy white cassock, the leaders of the US and China issued a joint statement on climate change that has been headlined on the announcement of a national cap and trade scheme for China to start in 2017 ... Problems remain ... ....
Getting married then going to Rome is a fairly safe bet, and becoming a nun will move you up the list. But there are other options ... — CSPAN (@cspan) September 24, 2015 ... Obviously the pope is a big deal for Catholics, but this pope seems to strike a more secular nerve as well, with thousands lining the streets for a view of his Holiness, all white cassock, fetching zucchetto (cap) and benign twinkly smile ... Go to Rome ... Twitter ... Become a nun....
CharlotteBishopPeter Jugis plans to carry the message of being a missionary back to North Carolina and encourage his pastors and their parishioners to do more work to help the poor, immigrants and families ... Dressed in a white cassock and riding around in a small black Fiat car, PopeFrancis drew enthusiastic crowds everywhere he went. At the White House, Washington Monument and U.S ... Eckert, who waited outside the U.S ... @francoordonez. ....
Fashion critics have long argued shoes can make an outfit. . In the case of PopeFrancis, one could take it a step further and say shoes also make the man. Since being elected, this pope has broken from tradition by adopting a simple style of dress. Arguably, most notable are his black shoes. . ... Clothing ... ... The cassock, an ankle-length garment also known as a soutane ... visit ... ....
(Source. University of Rhode Island) URI history professor describes similarities between PopeFrancis and St. Francis of Assisi. MediaContact. Elizabeth Rau, 401-874-2116. KINGSTON, R.I. -- Sept. 24, 2015 â€" He wears a plain white priest’s cassock instead of papal robes, lives in a small apartment outside the Vatican and takes the bus. Oh, and he wears clunky orthopedic shoes instead of the traditional papal red slippers ... St ... “St....