Lisa Scaffidi faces questions over CCC findings in first City of Perth meeting since re-election

Updated November 04, 2015 08:41:29

Perth Lord Mayor Lisa Scaffidi has again acknowledged her errors after a corruption report found she had "failed in her duties", but said she will not stand aside while a review is conducted by the Department of Local Government.

Ms Scaffidi chaired her first City of Perth council meeting on Tuesday evening since being re-elected for a third term.

Her re-election followed a Corruption and Crime Commission (CCC) report in October that found Ms Scaffidi engaged in serious misconduct by failing to disclose gifts and hospitality packages.

In response to questions tabled to the council meeting, Ms Scaffidi emphasised she had the support of her council.

"I have been humbled by the support I have received from my fellow councillors," she said.

"I am confident as a united team we will ensure the people of Perth have full confidence in the decisions that we will continue to make for the City of Perth."

The CCC's investigation focussed on a $US36,000 ($50,956) trip Ms Scaffidi took to the Beijing Olympics in 2008, courtesy of BHP Billiton.

It found she deliberately did not disclose the hospitality package, and had tried to blame council staff and systemic failings for not disclosing the gifts.

The CCC did not determine Ms Scaffidi had acted corruptly.

Ms Scaffidi apologised at the time, but maintained it was an honest mistake and denied trying to hide the travel package.

At Tuesday night's council meeting, Ms Scaffidi was asked what action the council intended to take regarding its own code of conduct.

She declined to give details, saying the matter was before the Department of Local Government.

"While [that is] before the Department of Local Government, I have made it very clear I will respect that process," she said.

When asked if the council had considered nominating another representative in her place while the review was conducted, Ms Scaffidi again referred to the Department of Local Government's process.

She confirmed the council supported all sections of the Local Government Act relating to the disclosure of gifts.

Topics: local-government, perth-6000

First posted November 04, 2015 00:37:21