Michelle Payne becomes the first female jockey to win the Melbourne Cup

Michelle Payne becomes the first female jockey to win the Melbourne Cup

Posted November 03, 2015 20:17:00

After 155 years, Michelle Payne becomes the first female jockey to win the Melbourne Cup. And she's got an incredible story.

Source: 7.30 | Duration: 7min 19sec

Topics: horse-racing, melbourne-3000


LEIGH SALES, PRESENTER: This year's Melbourne Cup win is probably the feel-good story of the year.

Michelle Payne is the first female jockey to win the cup in its history and her brother Stevie Payne, who has Down syndrome, is the horse's strapper.

They're the youngest two children in a family of 10. Their dad raised them on his own after their mum died in a car accident when Michelle was just six months old.

The jockey has battled numerous injuries, including a broken back, during her career. And her winning ride today, Prince of Penzance, was at odds of 100 to one.

Michelle and Stevie Payne joined me from Flemington a short time ago.

Michelle and Stevie, thank you very much for coming in. And Michelle, congratulations. I think a lot of women in Australia would have done a little air-punch today when you crossed that line first.

MICHELLE PAYNE, MELBOURNE CUP-WINNING JOCKEY: Hey-ho, so thank you for having us.

LEIGH SALES: Tell me: what was your strategy going into the race?

MICHELLE PAYNE: My main strategy was to keep Prince of Penzance really calm, because he can get a little bit fiery and I thought our best chance of winning the race was to just get him to relax and switch off and hope that he would jump well and that I could just, you know, cruise along.

Unfortunately he come out (chuckles) really slow: he was a bit too relaxed in the barriers and he half-walked out of the barriers, which made me have to give him a bit of a squeeze and a bit of a click-up - and that was what I didn't want to do but I had to, to hold my position that I wanted to be in.

And I waited for as long as I could and (chuckles) couldn't believe when he sprinted. I never yelled so loud in my life at anything. And just, when he went over the line, I was just... It was unbelievable. My body went a bit numb and a bit limp and I just, just couldn't believe that we had won the Melbourne Cup.

And yep, it's just a dream come true.

LEIGH SALES: Had you allowed yourself to think at all in the lead-up to the race: "Hey, I might, I've got a shot here at winning the Melbourne Cup"?

MICHELLE PAYNE: I had, through bits and pieces. I just tried to treat it as another race and keep calm and relax and all of that. And when Stevie drew barrier one on Saturday night, I was like, "Wow, this is just incredible," especially how it all panned out. He won a barrier one and Richo had just got that out. I thought, "That's pretty incredible in itself."

And then I woke up this morning: I was as calm as anything. I couldn't believe how good I felt. I was relaxed. I rode 53 and usually that's a bit of a test. And I've never felt so good and I was like, "This is incredible." And I still thought, "Nah, you're kidding yourself a little bit."

But that's what racing's about. That's why it's so great: because you can dream. And I've dreamed about this all my life and it's just a true testament: that you work hard, you can be lucky.

LEIGH SALES: Stevie, congratulations on being the strapper of the winning horse. How nervous were you going into the race today?

STEVIE PAYNE, STRAPPER: I was very nervous before we got in the mounting yard.

LEIGH SALES: And what sort of work did you have to do today to get Prince of Penzance ready and to help your sister?

STEVIE PAYNE: I was running (inaudible) and wasn't that great in the mounting yard. You've got... When we come back from the track, I was absolutely waving at everyone in the crowd.

LEIGH SALES: And what did you think when you saw them come powering down that straight?

STEVIE PAYNE: I was just, "Can't believe it." It was so good.

LEIGH SALES: Did you have a bet today?

STEVIE PAYNE: Yeah: $10 each way on it.

LEIGH SALES: Oh, well done.

Michelle, tell me a bit about your family. It's a big family and so many of you are into racing. How did that come about?

MICHELLE PAYNE: My Dad was a jumps jockey and then a horse trainer. And we used to ride the horses when we were young. My older sisters - I'm the youngest of ten - and we all grew up with horses.

And he never really pushed us into it. He just: we had to work to earn our keep, but he didn't, I don't think, really want us to be jockeys. But if we wanted to, he gave us his full support.

And from when I was five years old I used to drive him mad. I used to go to bed and hold onto his hand and say to him, "Don't forget to wake me up in the morning." And if I'd wake up and he wasn't there, I was so mad at him, I'd go running over to the stables crying, "Dad, you forgot to wake me up!", because I wanted to ride the horse. And I used to be a bit annoying.

But he was so good. He was so supportive about, like, my whole career. When you're down, he brings you up. And that's what it's all about.

LEIGH SALES: And he's been an amazing dad, because your mum very tragically died in a car accident when you were six months old and so he had to raise all of you kids on his own. And if anyone had to get up early in the morning to do something 'cause his daughter was badgering him, he had to do it himself?

MICHELLE PAYNE: Exactly. He was... the older I am now, appreciate that he was just absolutely amazing. He used to worry a lot and we had to buy a dairy farm when I was about seven, I think, and we had to work really hard on the farm, which we didn't really like at the time.

But I appreciate it now because he really taught us to have a good work ethic and I think that's really helped in my career. Because we did have to work from a young age and appreciate everything that we got. And he is just an amazing person. What he did bringing us up: we stuck together and yeah, just had to get out there and do the job.

And yeah, I'm just so grateful for my upbringing because I wouldn't be here without that.

LEIGH SALES: And have you had a chance to chat to your dad since the race this afternoon?

MICHELLE PAYNE: No. I tried to ring him but I don't think... he didn't answer. (Chuckles) He's probably out mowing the lawns or something. So I haven't a chance yet.

LEIGH SALES: And Stevie, what about you? What are you going to be doing to celebrate tonight?

STEVIE PAYNE: Probably go back to Darren's stables, have a few drinks.

(Michelle laughs)

LEIGH SALES (laughs): Michelle, you've ridden this horse for his whole career. What sort of emotional attachment do you have to him?

MICHELLE PAYNE: It's pretty incredible. Like, I don't think I've ever ridden a horse ever so much. Like, I've ridden him nearly every start, bar one - and that was because I was suspended. And I've ridden him in every gallop leading up to this, because I didn't want to let anyone else on him, just in case they didn't do the right work or something.

I'm pretty pedantic about the gallops because I think that can mean everything. So I've ridden him all the way along and got such... I've got such respect for him because he is so tough. And I just thought, "If ever a horse is going to win the Melbourne Cup, it's going to be him," because I know that inner strength that he has.

And what he has done in some of the races, even when he hasn't won, he's over-raced so badly and I would've finished off like he does. It's just like, I'm like, "This horse is incredible." And I think being the jockey I could feel that more than everybody could see.

And I said to Darren Weir about two weeks ago: I said, "He's the best horse I've ever ridden and I think he can win the Cup." (Chuckles) And he sort of laughed. He said, "Oh, I'll be happy with a top 10 finish." And then... yeah, well, we did it. (Laughs)

LEIGH SALES: How do you feel about the significance of being the first female jockey to win the Melbourne Cup in its history?

MICHELLE PAYNE: I don't really think of it. I don't really see the significance that much. But I... I hope it helps female jockeys. And I'm a little bit sad for the likes of Claire Lindop, who's had two rides in the Melbourne Cup and she rode them beautifully - beat each run - and they had the ride to win the race if they were good enough and they weren't.

So I feel sorry for all the girls out there that haven't had the opportunity; that I'm the first one, because I think everyone deserves it. But I just really hope that it helps open up more opportunities and we get more of a go.

LEIGH SALES: Well, you were the one who did it today and you do deserve it too. And so congratulations, Michelle and to you too, Stevie. Well done.

STEVIE PAYNE: Thank you.

MICHELLE PAYNE: Thank you very much.

STEVIE PAYNE: Thank you very much.