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Coming Up - Monday, 2 November

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Monday, 26 October 2015

Country Life, CSG and Cannabis

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Monday, 2 November 2015

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"I would like to respond with the topic of epilepsy and cannabis. I am 42 years and was diagnosed with epilepsy since I was 6 months old. I take medications everyday still and yet I still suffer from Grand Mal ..." 26/10/2015 11:00:43 PM
"What and where is the Southern Queensland University, ABC get your facts right" 26/10/2015 10:57:38 PM
"Toowoomba is the trial site for the NDIS! Can you please inform the public on where our young children with significant disabilities are going to receive very needed intervention services if the clinical services sector in disability services is not ..." 26/10/2015 10:56:43 PM
"Why cant we live in a low emission society? Why aren't politicians contemplating this and Investing in these technology to use profit and fund R&D" 26/10/2015 10:51:22 PM
"We have magnificent people that pay for a better water resource for 3rd world children, what are we doing for our own?" 26/10/2015 10:38:05 PM
"why would u have 7 mcdonalds in a rich farming area ??? eat fresh or is it alll too expensive now since we export it all ??" 26/10/2015 10:34:23 PM
"I can not understand or believe that Australia has come to the point that Industry is more important than lives, I am so sad. I am not religious, but God forgive anyone who has anything to do with this." 26/10/2015 10:31:01 PM
"Fiona Nash is so over the top it is a joke. The Nationals are apart from Warren Truss, a complete Joke." 26/10/2015 10:24:57 PM
"How do you propose to create work for locals , and refugees, who has priority. ?" 26/10/2015 10:19:55 PM
"Question for the Vice Chancellor of USQ, Jan Thomas A quick search on the Web of Science data base for: USQ and for UQ - since their foundation, showed that USQ publishes 8 articles per year (409 articles /50 years), ..." 26/10/2015 10:17:57 PM
"The magna carta stated that any person should be free to travel the world without restriction.....its a basic human right" 26/10/2015 10:15:47 PM
"The politicians present are proving again that they are NOT representatives of the people of Australia. Shame on you and your lack of sympathy to the George Bender family. Freehold land is Freehold land what part do you not understand? ..." 26/10/2015 10:07:52 PM
"The CSG Profits will be gone, the Coal Seam gas will be burnt, and the water will remain poisoned. Then and only then will ordinary Australians be able to start tracking down the people causing childrens' noses to bleed and ..." 26/10/2015 10:04:27 PM
"Is it just me or is an election just a popularity contest? (The saddest part being that we elect who we hate rather than who we like more)" 26/10/2015 9:43:03 PM
"To Fiona Nash, you claim that the nationals (deliberate on capital "N") care about regional towns. IF that is the case, then WHY did your state counterparts support the destruction of the Newcastle Rail Line? The first audience member is ..." 26/10/2015 9:42:33 PM
"Economists have said that the secret FTA's have no benefit for Australia that the Libs and Labs have voted to approve. Can the Politicians in the panel unreservedly state that they have read the full text of the FTA and ..." 26/10/2015 9:37:33 PM
"Over recent years USQ and Council have taken action towards supporting people leading healthy lifestyles. Minister Nash, what commitment will the federal government make to preventative action to help people in leading healthy lifestyles in regional areas like Toowoomba?" 26/10/2015 9:09:26 PM
"Fiona Nash. I live on the far south coast of NSW with a lack of specialist medical practitioners. eg, for an appointment with an eye specialist the wait is four months; for ENT it's five months. And not much better ..." 26/10/2015 9:02:19 PM
"Why does the Government and the Opposition allow and facilitate Mining & CSG companies to invade and desecrate Australian's freehold land and allow their persecution and bullying by expensive legal manoeuvres that very few land owners have the financial resources ..." 26/10/2015 8:56:55 PM
"Mr Antonio, With all the wonderful flower gardens around Toowoomba could we not utilise them for community vegetable garden projects for schools and metal health support programs and donate foods to those people that need it here in our city?" 26/10/2015 8:48:34 PM
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