Liberty Fund, Inc., is a nonprofit foundation headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA which promulgates the libertarian views of its founder through publishing, conferences, and educational resources. The operating mandate of the Liberty Fund was set forth in an unpublished memo written by its founder, Pierre F. Goodrich "to encourage the study of the ideal of a society of free and responsible individuals.”
Liberty Fund was founded by Goodrich in 1960. In 1997 it received an $80 million donation from Goodrich's wife, Enid, increasing its assets to over $300 million.
The Foundation has funded the publication of almost 400 titles in the fields of history, politics, philosophy, law, education, and economics. These include the Glasgow Edition of the Works and Correspondence of Adam Smith (7 vols.), the Sraffa edition of the Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo (11 vols.), Liberty Fund’s Natural Law and Enlightenment Series (31 of a projected 44 vols.), and the Historical-Critical Edition of Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America (4 vols.).
Liberty Fund, Inc., is a nonprofit foundation headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA which promulgates the libertarian views of its founder through publishing, conferences, and educational resources. The operating mandate of the Liberty Fund was set forth in an unpublished memo written by its founder, Pierre F. Goodrich "to encourage the study of the ideal of a society of free and responsible individuals.”
Liberty Fund was founded by Goodrich in 1960. In 1997 it received an $80 million donation from Goodrich's wife, Enid, increasing its assets to over $300 million.
The Foundation has funded the publication of almost 400 titles in the fields of history, politics, philosophy, law, education, and economics. These include the Glasgow Edition of the Works and Correspondence of Adam Smith (7 vols.), the Sraffa edition of the Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo (11 vols.), Liberty Fund’s Natural Law and Enlightenment Series (31 of a projected 44 vols.), and the Historical-Critical Edition of Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America (4 vols.). | 13 Sep 2018 | 14 Sep 2018 | 14 Sep 2018
The Independent | 13 Sep 2018 | 13 Sep 2018 | 13 Sep 2018 | 13 Sep 2018