美國在南海明挑中國機〈蕭遙遊〉2015-10-29 d
美國在南海明挑中國機〈蕭遙遊〉2015-10-29 d
謎米香港 www.memehk.com
中國勁抽稅/ 習近平面口勁黑〈蕭遙遊〉2015-10-29 b
中國勁抽稅/ 習近平面口勁黑〈蕭遙遊〉2015-10-29 b
謎米香港 www.memehk.com
时事大家谈:美军巡航常态化 中国怎么办?
2015-10-29 时事大家谈:美军巡航行动常态化 中国怎么办?
中文网报道: http://goo.gl/SxHwDH
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XysOkKtfsOs
【青山繁晴】南沙人工島 習近平「古来から中国の領土」にオバマ怒り爆発!!基地建設中止しない場合、米軍は攻撃せざるを得ない!インサイトコラム 2015年10月28日(水)
【青山繁晴】南沙人工島 習近平「古来から中国の領土」にオバマ怒り爆発!!基地建設中止しない場合、米軍は攻撃せざるを得ない!インサイトコラム 2015年10月28日(水)
【三橋貴明】中国メンツ丸潰れ!米国は中国人工島を絶対に認めない!おはよう寺ちゃん活動中 2015年10月28日(水)
1.米国 中国の領有権認めず
2.軽減税率まず財源4000億円 与党確認
4.総理 補正予算の一億総活躍TPPで検討
时事大家谈: 透视中国网络上的“膜蛤文化”
文字报道: http://bit.ly/1Gxc5Fq
美国之音中文网视频 - http://www.voachinese.com/media/video/io-201501028-china-culture-internet/3026343.html
【上念司】安倍総理 只今中国嫌いで親日の国々と『中国包囲網』を構築中!!おはよう寺ちゃん活動中 2015年10月26日(月)
1.トルコ大使館前で乱闘 9人ケガ
2.法人住民税の1兆円を再配分 都市から地方へ
3.就活6月先行解禁へ ルール再変更 経団連が方針
5.安倍総理モンゴル中央アジアを歴訪 その狙いとは?
おはよう寺ちゃん活動中 放送分より
2015 10/03 男籃亞錦賽 總決賽 中國vs菲律賓 FIBA Asia - China v Philippines
FIBA Asia - China v Philippines
2015 10/03 男籃亞錦賽 總決賽 中國vs菲律賓
FOX 2 轉播
美驅逐艦大搖大擺巡弋南海 中國怒嗆"血液開始燃燒沸騰"!朱學恆 20151027-1 關鍵時刻
57金錢爆-先鋒基金買A股 中國市場接軌國際-楊世光-2015-1028-3
股市分析師 葉俊敏
中国好声音 第4季 16-10-2015期 完整版 FULL HD
中国好声音 第4季 16-10-2015期 完整版 FULL HD
9.3中國大閱兵 中國抗戰勝利暨世界反法西斯勝利70週年閱兵 China parade 習近平夫婦9時與外賓登天安門觀禮
【欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】Subscribe SMG TV: http://goo.gl/Zh6NFn
SMG KanKan News is a web based news and media channel under Shanghai Media Group. It is a professional news website, which provid
中国历史地图 Historical Atlas of China
TED 中英字幕: 中國和美國註定要發生衝突嗎 ?
陸克文: 中國和美國註定要發生衝突嗎 ?
【KSM】中国の”第2パナマ運河”が『凄まじく悲惨な惨状』を曝け出した模様。現地住民が辛辣なダメ出し発言を連発 (ニカラグア運河)
中国の”第2パナマ運河”が『凄まじく悲惨な惨状』を曝け出した模様。現地住民が辛辣なダメ出し発言を連発 2015年09月29日18:30
「大風呂敷」広げる中国 ニカラグア運河建設、実現性に深まる疑問符 (1/4ページ)
2015.9.28 07:09
【KSM】SEALDsのメンバーに絶対に最後まで見てもらいたい動画 特に7:00から
【中国崩壊 最新2015年10月】中国VSアメリカついに開戦!?米海軍が南沙に侵入開始!
・【KSM】日本人の8割が「ビジネスで韓国は必要ない」と回答 予想通り「葬韓時代」始まる【KSMWORLD KSMELECTRONICS】
[中英字幕] 單車男質問支持習近平的中國人士 City cyclist takes on pro China demonstrators (Chinese & English subtitle)
閱讀:【專訪】KO「習粉」單車型男:集會者疑收錢撐習 籲港人勿放棄爭民主
Free Tibet: https://goo.gl/dzDI3a
恵 隆之介(ジャーナリスト)
【KSM】SEALDsのメンバーに絶対に最後まで見てもらいたい動画 特に7:00から
梁博 中国好声音之路 全程解密加长版 立体声 超清
土豆神街訪:第67期 外國人眼中的中國人
美國在南海明挑中國機〈蕭遙遊〉2015-10-29 d
美國在南海明挑中國機〈蕭遙遊〉2015-10-29 d
謎米香港 www.memehk.com
美國在南海明挑中國機〈蕭遙遊〉2015-10-29 d
謎米香港 www.memehk.com
wn.com/美國在南海明挑中國機〈蕭遙遊〉2015 10 29 D
美國在南海明挑中國機〈蕭遙遊〉2015-10-29 d
謎米香港 www.memehk.com
- published: 29 Oct 2015
- views: 6333
中國勁抽稅/ 習近平面口勁黑〈蕭遙遊〉2015-10-29 b
中國勁抽稅/ 習近平面口勁黑〈蕭遙遊〉2015-10-29 b
謎米香港 www.memehk.com
中國勁抽稅/ 習近平面口勁黑〈蕭遙遊〉2015-10-29 b
謎米香港 www.memehk.com
wn.com/中國勁抽稅 習近平面口勁黑〈蕭遙遊〉2015 10 29 B
中國勁抽稅/ 習近平面口勁黑〈蕭遙遊〉2015-10-29 b
謎米香港 www.memehk.com
- published: 29 Oct 2015
- views: 7828
时事大家谈:美军巡航常态化 中国怎么办?
2015-10-29 时事大家谈:美军巡航行动常态化 中国怎么办?
中文网报道: http://goo.gl/SxHwDH
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XysOkKtfsOs
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/voachina/20151029voaio1
2015-10-29 时事大家谈:拒售产品给艾未未 乐高自我审查?
中文网报道: http://goo.gl/onLvSD
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ytXHhbP5DA
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/voachina/20151029voaio2
VOA卫视(2015年10月29日 第一小时节目) (主持:许波)
VOA卫视(2015年10月29日 第二小时节目 时事大家谈 完整版) (主持:莉雅)
wn.com/时事大家谈:美军巡航常态化 中国怎么办?
2015-10-29 时事大家谈:美军巡航行动常态化 中国怎么办?
中文网报道: http://goo.gl/SxHwDH
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XysOkKtfsOs
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/voachina/20151029voaio1
2015-10-29 时事大家谈:拒售产品给艾未未 乐高自我审查?
中文网报道: http://goo.gl/onLvSD
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ytXHhbP5DA
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/voachina/20151029voaio2
VOA卫视(2015年10月29日 第一小时节目) (主持:许波)
VOA卫视(2015年10月29日 第二小时节目 时事大家谈 完整版) (主持:莉雅)
- published: 29 Oct 2015
- views: 1946
【青山繁晴】南沙人工島 習近平「古来から中国の領土」にオバマ怒り爆発!!基地建設中止しない場合、米軍は攻撃せざるを得ない!インサイトコラム 2015年10月28日(水)
【青山繁晴】南沙人工島 習近平「古来から中国の領土」にオバマ怒り爆発!!基地建設中止しない場合、米軍は攻撃せざるを得ない!インサイトコラム 2015年10月28日(水)
【青山繁晴】南沙人工島 習近平「古来から中国の領土」にオバマ怒り爆発!!基地建設中止しない場合、米軍は攻撃せざるを得ない!インサイトコラム 2015年10月28日(水)
wn.com/【青山繁晴】南沙人工島 習近平「古来から中国の領土」にオバマ怒り爆発!!基地建設中止しない場合、米軍は攻撃せざるを得ない!インサイトコラム 2015年10月28日(水)
【青山繁晴】南沙人工島 習近平「古来から中国の領土」にオバマ怒り爆発!!基地建設中止しない場合、米軍は攻撃せざるを得ない!インサイトコラム 2015年10月28日(水)
- published: 27 Oct 2015
- views: 21669
【三橋貴明】中国メンツ丸潰れ!米国は中国人工島を絶対に認めない!おはよう寺ちゃん活動中 2015年10月28日(水)
1.米国 中国の領有権認めず
2.軽減税率まず財源4000億円 与党確認
1.米国 中国の領有権認めず
2.軽減税率まず財源4000億円 与党確認
4.総理 補正予算の一億総活躍TPPで検討
おはよう寺ちゃん活動中 放送分より
wn.com/【三橋貴明】中国メンツ丸潰れ!米国は中国人工島を絶対に認めない!おはよう寺ちゃん活動中 2015年10月28日(水)
1.米国 中国の領有権認めず
2.軽減税率まず財源4000億円 与党確認
4.総理 補正予算の一億総活躍TPPで検討
おはよう寺ちゃん活動中 放送分より
- published: 27 Oct 2015
- views: 14559
wn.com/【国際】虚業と実業、日本と中国の世界戦略の違い 桜H27 10 28
- published: 28 Oct 2015
- views: 6246
时事大家谈: 透视中国网络上的“膜蛤文化”
文字报道: http://bit.ly/1Gxc5Fq
美国之音中文网视频 - http://ww...
文字报道: http://bit.ly/1Gxc5Fq
美国之音中文网视频 - http://www.voachinese.com/media/video/io-201501028-china-culture-internet/3026343.html
wn.com/时事大家谈 透视中国网络上的“膜蛤文化”
文字报道: http://bit.ly/1Gxc5Fq
美国之音中文网视频 - http://www.voachinese.com/media/video/io-201501028-china-culture-internet/3026343.html
- published: 28 Oct 2015
- views: 4373
【上念司】安倍総理 只今中国嫌いで親日の国々と『中国包囲網』を構築中!!おはよう寺ちゃん活動中 2015年10月26日(月)
1.トルコ大使館前で乱闘 9人ケガ
2.法人住民税の1兆円を再配分 都市から地方へ
3.就活6月先行解禁へ ルール再変更 経団連が方針
1.トルコ大使館前で乱闘 9人ケガ
2.法人住民税の1兆円を再配分 都市から地方へ
3.就活6月先行解禁へ ルール再変更 経団連が方針
5.安倍総理モンゴル中央アジアを歴訪 その狙いとは?
おはよう寺ちゃん活動中 放送分より
wn.com/【上念司】安倍総理 只今中国嫌いで親日の国々と『中国包囲網』を構築中!!おはよう寺ちゃん活動中 2015年10月26日(月)
1.トルコ大使館前で乱闘 9人ケガ
2.法人住民税の1兆円を再配分 都市から地方へ
3.就活6月先行解禁へ ルール再変更 経団連が方針
5.安倍総理モンゴル中央アジアを歴訪 その狙いとは?
おはよう寺ちゃん活動中 放送分より
- published: 25 Oct 2015
- views: 3373
2015 10/03 男籃亞錦賽 總決賽 中國vs菲律賓 FIBA Asia - China v Philippines
FIBA Asia - China v Philippines
2015 10/03 男籃亞錦賽 總決賽 中國vs菲律賓
FOX 2 轉播...
FIBA Asia - China v Philippines
2015 10/03 男籃亞錦賽 總決賽 中國vs菲律賓
FOX 2 轉播
wn.com/2015 10 03 男籃亞錦賽 總決賽 中國Vs菲律賓 Fiba Asia China V Philippines
FIBA Asia - China v Philippines
2015 10/03 男籃亞錦賽 總決賽 中國vs菲律賓
FOX 2 轉播
- published: 04 Oct 2015
- views: 19609
美驅逐艦大搖大擺巡弋南海 中國怒嗆"血液開始燃燒沸騰"!朱學恆 20151027-1 關鍵時刻
wn.com/美驅逐艦大搖大擺巡弋南海 中國怒嗆 血液開始燃燒沸騰 !朱學恆 20151027 1 關鍵時刻
- published: 27 Oct 2015
- views: 27582
57金錢爆-先鋒基金買A股 中國市場接軌國際-楊世光-2015-1028-3
股市分析師 葉俊敏
資深媒體人 丁萬鳴
財經部落客 蔡森
wn.com/57金錢爆 先鋒基金買A股 中國市場接軌國際 楊世光 2015 1028 3
股市分析師 葉俊敏
資深媒體人 丁萬鳴
財經部落客 蔡森
- published: 29 Oct 2015
- views: 3971
中国好声音 第4季 16-10-2015期 完整版 FULL HD
中国好声音 第4季 16-10-2015期 完整版 FULL HD...
中国好声音 第4季 16-10-2015期 完整版 FULL HD
wn.com/中国好声音 第4季 16 10 2015期 完整版 Full Hd
中国好声音 第4季 16-10-2015期 完整版 FULL HD
- published: 16 Oct 2015
- views: 635
9.3中國大閱兵 中國抗戰勝利暨世界反法西斯勝利70週年閱兵 China parade 習近平夫婦9時與外賓登天安門觀禮
【欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】Subscribe SMG TV: http://goo.gl/Zh6NFn
【欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】Subscribe SMG TV: http://goo.gl/Zh6NFn
SMG KanKan News is a web based news and media channel under Shanghai Media Group. It is a professional news website, which provides the latest news videos 24/7.KanKan News will provide news clips in all different kinds of area. Please subscribe us to get in touch with more news and amusement.
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★《梦想改造家》 Dream of Decoration 超清完整版:https://goo.gl/vg9bmF
★《我去上学啦》Go to School 超清完整版:https://goo.gl/Is3nog
★《妈妈咪呀》Super Diva S3 超清完整版:https://goo.gl/HRhj2a
★《金星秀》The Jinxing Show 超清完整版:https://goo.gl/b1Hnbu
★《今晚80后脱口秀》Tonight 80’s Talk Show 超清完整版:http://goo.gl/wA7dAX
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wn.com/9.3中國大閱兵 中國抗戰勝利暨世界反法西斯勝利70週年閱兵 China Parade 習近平夫婦9時與外賓登天安門觀禮
【欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】Subscribe SMG TV: http://goo.gl/Zh6NFn
SMG KanKan News is a web based news and media channel under Shanghai Media Group. It is a professional news website, which provides the latest news videos 24/7.KanKan News will provide news clips in all different kinds of area. Please subscribe us to get in touch with more news and amusement.
★《极限挑战》Go Fighting 超清完整版:https://goo.gl/2tdFgF
★《梦想改造家》 Dream of Decoration 超清完整版:https://goo.gl/vg9bmF
★《我去上学啦》Go to School 超清完整版:https://goo.gl/Is3nog
★《妈妈咪呀》Super Diva S3 超清完整版:https://goo.gl/HRhj2a
★《金星秀》The Jinxing Show 超清完整版:https://goo.gl/b1Hnbu
★《今晚80后脱口秀》Tonight 80’s Talk Show 超清完整版:http://goo.gl/wA7dAX
★《欢乐喜剧人》The Comedians 超清完整版:https://goo.gl/ISzWDV
欢迎订阅频道观看更多精彩节目及热点新闻Subscribe SMG TV: http://goo.gl/Zh6NFn
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- published: 03 Sep 2015
- views: 91094
①【音楽提供フリー】音楽素材 H/MIX GALLERY
【管理者】 秋山裕和
②フリーBGM・音楽素材MusMus http://musmus.main.jp/
③効果音ラボ http://soundeffect-lab.info/
④BGM提供:FreeSound 3KTrack(http://3ktrack.com)
・GATAG|フリー画像・写真素材集 4.0
・lllust AC http://www.ac-illust.com/
①【音楽提供フリー】音楽素材 H/MIX GALLERY
【管理者】 秋山裕和
②フリーBGM・音楽素材MusMus http://musmus.main.jp/
③効果音ラボ http://soundeffect-lab.info/
④BGM提供:FreeSound 3KTrack(http://3ktrack.com)
・GATAG|フリー画像・写真素材集 4.0
・lllust AC http://www.ac-illust.com/
- published: 27 Oct 2015
- views: 2757
wn.com/アメリカ海軍が中国に宣戦布告?イージス駆逐艦Ddg 82ラッセンを南シナ海の人口島12海里内へ派遣決定!P 8ポセイドン哨戒機が援護で水面下には原水も?
- published: 27 Oct 2015
- views: 4251
TED 中英字幕: 中國和美國註定要發生衝突嗎 ?
陸克文: 中國和美國註定要發生衝突嗎 ?
陸克文: 中國和美國註定要發生衝突嗎 ?
wn.com/Ted 中英字幕 中國和美國註定要發生衝突嗎
陸克文: 中國和美國註定要發生衝突嗎 ?
- published: 21 May 2015
- views: 503
【KSM】中国の”第2パナマ運河”が『凄まじく悲惨な惨状』を曝け出した模様。現地住民が辛辣なダメ出し発言を連発 (ニカラグア運河)
中国の”第2パナマ運河”が『凄まじく悲惨な惨状』を曝け出した模様。現地住民が辛辣なダメ出し発言を連発 2015年09月29日18:30
中国の”第2パナマ運河”が『凄まじく悲惨な惨状』を曝け出した模様。現地住民が辛辣なダメ出し発言を連発 2015年09月29日18:30
「大風呂敷」広げる中国 ニカラグア運河建設、実現性に深まる疑問符 (1/4ページ)
2015.9.28 07:09
【KSM】SEALDsのメンバーに絶対に最後まで見てもらいたい動画 特に7:00から
【KSM】世界中が認識 PRCは平気で大嘘をつく恥知らずな国 ケント・ギルバート氏
【KSM】在米ベトナム人団体、ベトナム戦争時の韓国軍による性的暴力訴え 朴クネ大統領に公式謝罪要求
【KSM】これがミンスだ!② 民主党 ダイブ小西 vs ダンディー安倍
【KSM】これがミンスだ!① 民主党 蓮舫+菅直人
【KSM】沖縄県議会 翁長雄志知事 VS 自民、翁長政俊氏 翁長知事の国連人権理事会での発言について 2015・10・5
GATAG|フリー画像・写真素材集 2.0
wn.com/【Ksm】中国の”第2パナマ運河”が『凄まじく悲惨な惨状』を曝け出した模様。現地住民が辛辣なダメ出し発言を連発 (ニカラグア運河)
中国の”第2パナマ運河”が『凄まじく悲惨な惨状』を曝け出した模様。現地住民が辛辣なダメ出し発言を連発 2015年09月29日18:30
「大風呂敷」広げる中国 ニカラグア運河建設、実現性に深まる疑問符 (1/4ページ)
2015.9.28 07:09
【KSM】SEALDsのメンバーに絶対に最後まで見てもらいたい動画 特に7:00から
【KSM】世界中が認識 PRCは平気で大嘘をつく恥知らずな国 ケント・ギルバート氏
【KSM】在米ベトナム人団体、ベトナム戦争時の韓国軍による性的暴力訴え 朴クネ大統領に公式謝罪要求
【KSM】これがミンスだ!② 民主党 ダイブ小西 vs ダンディー安倍
【KSM】これがミンスだ!① 民主党 蓮舫+菅直人
【KSM】沖縄県議会 翁長雄志知事 VS 自民、翁長政俊氏 翁長知事の国連人権理事会での発言について 2015・10・5
GATAG|フリー画像・写真素材集 2.0
- published: 29 Oct 2015
- views: 1700
【中国崩壊 最新2015年10月】中国VSアメリカついに開戦!?米海軍が南沙に侵入開始!
・【KSM】日本人の8割が「ビジネスで韓国は必要ない」と回答 予想通り「葬韓時代」始まる【KSMWORLD KSMELECTRONICS】
wn.com/【中国崩壊 最新2015年10月】中国Vsアメリカついに開戦 米海軍が南沙に侵入開始!
・【KSM】日本人の8割が「ビジネスで韓国は必要ない」と回答 予想通り「葬韓時代」始まる【KSMWORLD KSMELECTRONICS】
- published: 27 Oct 2015
- views: 4251
[中英字幕] 單車男質問支持習近平的中國人士 City cyclist takes on pro China demonstrators (Chinese & English subtitle)
閱讀:【專訪】KO「習粉」單車型男:集會者疑收錢撐習 籲港人勿放棄爭民主
閱讀:【專訪】KO「習粉」單車型男:集會者疑收錢撐習 籲港人勿放棄爭民主
Free Tibet: https://goo.gl/dzDI3a
wn.com/中英字幕 單車男質問支持習近平的中國人士 City Cyclist Takes On Pro China Demonstrators (Chinese English Subtitle)
閱讀:【專訪】KO「習粉」單車型男:集會者疑收錢撐習 籲港人勿放棄爭民主
Free Tibet: https://goo.gl/dzDI3a
- published: 23 Oct 2015
- views: 1837
恵 隆之介(ジャーナリスト)
恵 隆之介(ジャーナリスト)
【KSM】SEALDsのメンバーに絶対に最後まで見てもらいたい動画 特に7:00から
【KSM】世界中が認識 PRCは平気で大嘘をつく恥知らずな国 ケント・ギルバート氏
【KSM】在米ベトナム人団体、ベトナム戦争時の韓国軍による性的暴力訴え 朴クネ大統領に公式謝罪要求
【KSM】これがミンスだ!② 民主党 ダイブ小西 vs ダンディー安倍
【KSM】これがミンスだ!① 民主党 蓮舫+菅直人
【KSM】沖縄県議会 翁長雄志知事 VS 自民、翁長政俊氏 翁長知事の国連人権理事会での発言について 2015・10・5
GATAG|フリー画像・写真素材集 2.0
恵 隆之介(ジャーナリスト)
【KSM】SEALDsのメンバーに絶対に最後まで見てもらいたい動画 特に7:00から
【KSM】世界中が認識 PRCは平気で大嘘をつく恥知らずな国 ケント・ギルバート氏
【KSM】在米ベトナム人団体、ベトナム戦争時の韓国軍による性的暴力訴え 朴クネ大統領に公式謝罪要求
【KSM】これがミンスだ!② 民主党 ダイブ小西 vs ダンディー安倍
【KSM】これがミンスだ!① 民主党 蓮舫+菅直人
【KSM】沖縄県議会 翁長雄志知事 VS 自民、翁長政俊氏 翁長知事の国連人権理事会での発言について 2015・10・5
GATAG|フリー画像・写真素材集 2.0
- published: 29 Oct 2015
- views: 1306
土豆神街訪:第67期 外國人眼中的中國人
wn.com/土豆神街訪:第67期 外國人眼中的中國人
- published: 01 Aug 2015
- views: 6567
China Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination China.
China’s Imperial City is located in the centre of its ancient Middle Kingdom, a gigantic and inscrutable empire beyond the Great Wall. The Imperial City is entered through the Gates of Heavenly Peace.After seven years of construction, Ming Emperor Zhu Di moved into his newly-established palace complex in which over eight thousand people lived in almost a thous
Beijing Travel Guide
A travel guide for visiting Beijing China. Highlights include: Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City Imperial Palace, Beijing Temple of Heaven, Quanjude Peking Duck, Donghuamen Night Market, and the Great Wall of China near Beijing.
You might enjoy some of these other videos:
Singapore Travel Guide: http://youtu.be/OpB1O8_ViVg
Taipei Travel Guide: http://youtu.be/3JGFy8WRfY4
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Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | China Vacation Travel Guide
Chinese travel guide Beijing, Tianjin, Yangshou, Guilin, Sanya travel channel full episodes
travel channel documentary 2015
travel channel food paradise
travel channel haunted houses
travel channel shows
travel channel ghost adventures full episodes
travel channel christmas
travel channel thailand
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travel c
Things to do in China Travel Guide: Guangxi Province (Guilin, Yangshuo, Li River, Rice Terraces)
Things to do in China Travel Guide: Guangxi Province (Guilin, Yangshuo, Li River, Rice Terraces) playlist:
1) A tour of Yangshuo night life including visiting a night market and eating Chinese street food (阳朔夜市和街头食品) China
2) Red Yao Hill Tribe Long Hair Performance at Lonji Longsheng Rice Terrace in Guilin, China (瑤族 - 瑶族) (龙胜梯田 - 龍勝梯田)
3) Li River Bamboo Boat Cruise down the Li River from Guil
Money in China China Travel Tips
This is a video from Long White Cloud Kung Fu's recent trip to China. The clips are organized into playlists to help you find the bits you want to watch. As well as things like our visits to significant historic and cultural sites, there are also a bunch of clips of really practical things like how to get around, what we ate, travel tips and so on. So check out the playlists below.
Hong Kong Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Hong Kong, a former British territory, is one of the most densely populated places in China and in the world. You’ll find quiet neighborhoods full of temples and a dazzling skyline loaded with shopping and dining opportunities.
Your Hong Kong tour must include visits to the many religious sites scattered around the city, where i
Travel Guide - Beijing China
http://www.WatchMojo.com presents... China is the largest country in East Asia with Beijing as its capital city. In this video clip learn all about China.
Subscribe to our new dedicated WatchMojo Travel channel, http://www.youtube.com/user/WatchMojoTravel
Shanghai - China Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation
Shanghai - China Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation
World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube
Shanghai - China Travel Guide http://goo.gl/Cl0qNG
Shanghai is the future all other Chinese cities aspire to reach. Forget creaking temples and dusty old palaces (there are plenty of them elsewhere); Shanghai is where people come to see modern China at its glimmering best.
This fast-paced city of
Hong Kong, China Travel Guide -- "Go or No?" Review
Hong Kong Travel Guide! Learn where to explore, eat, stay & shop in Hong Kong with travel experts Rachel Rudwall and Andrea Feczko.
Watch more @How2Travelers videos!
Leading global financial hub, one of the world's most densely populated cities, and spot where East meets West, Hong Kong has a lot going on. But is it worth a trip?
Qingdao Beach (China) Vacation Travel Video Guide
✱ 533 Hotels in Qingdao - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/0od3DF
Travel video about destination Qingdao Beach in China.
When the Chinese want to get married, they come to Tsingtao : there’s nothing cooler than a wedding on the beach or in the bay. Even if it resembles a production line. Tsingtao was originally popular with the Germans, who introduced the city to beer at the beginning of th
Hong Kong (China) Vacation Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
✱ 506 Hotels in Hong Kong - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/9l2RvC
’Hongkong is the Manhattan dream rising from the South-Chinese Sea’- wrote a delighted traveler upon seeing the skyscrapers of the city. The banks, shopping centers and offices of Hong Kong enriched modern architecture with iconic buildings. From the top of the Victoria’s Peak, one can take a look at the main representative
China - Travel tips for China
What to bring and think about when you go to China. Tips, tricks and
advice from real China backpackers. Check it out.
Learn more: All about China
Learn more: Adventures in China
Travel Tips & Advice to China Asia Video 2, Packing, Airlines & Preparedness
Check out my other helpful travel tips and subscribe at: http://shanshanwei.com/
Don't forget to thumbs up this video!
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Visit Xian in China - China travel guide
World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube
China Travel Guide http://bit.ly/12jcBNf
Shepherd Entertainment takes you on a tour of Xian, which was the first capital and the 10 biggest cities of China.
Xian was the first capital of China. The heart of the enormous empire once throbbed here. Rows of
imperial dynasties ruled from here over 11 centuries. This was the starting point of the
Huanglong Scenic Area, Sichuan (China) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Huanglong Scenic Area in Sichuan, China - part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The Huanglong (hoo-ang-long) Scenic Area, in China, is a place of such incredible beauty that it is almost otherworldly.
Flowing through the floor of this valley is one of the tributaries of a river.
Limestone pools, many of which are lipped with golden color,
Scams - China Travel Tips
This is a video from Long White Cloud Kung Fu's recent trip to China. The clips are organized into playlists to help you find the bits you want to watch. As well as things like our visits to significant historic and cultural sites, there are also a bunch of clips of really practical things like how to get around, what we ate, travel tips and so on. So check out the playlists below.
Harbin Ice and Snow Festival, Harbin (China) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Harbin Ice and Snow Festival in Harbin, China -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The wealth of snow and ice produced in northeastern China provides the perfect setting for a magical sight; the Harbin Ice and Snow Festival.
This festival, which began in 1963, was stayed for a number of years by the Chinese Cultural Revolution, but was re
Times Square, Hong Kong - China Travel Guide
Crowds, shopping, lights, excitement - experience Times square in Hong Kong.
Getting There/Directions:
Subway - MTR (local train) to Causeway Bay station.
Other Information:
Attractions in Times Square: Upscale shopping and restaurants
Time Square, full of lights, packed with people an quint-essential big city experience. I am not talking about that Time Square.
Macau Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Macau in China.
After 466 years, Portugal handed back the city of Macau to China. It is small and museum-like, a fine example of colonial Portugal on the South China Sea.
The Fortaleza Do Monte is a typical Portuguese fortified complex strategically located on a hill above the old cathedral in the heart of the city. Its many old canons and mighty fortress walls are
China Travel Guide
Watch as we journey by train to the Anhui Province and experience rural China. And then take a stroll with me as we meander through the Tang Gu neighborhood of Tianjin and experience an evening with the locals.
Stay tuned in you want to get the latest on traveling in QingDao, China's beer city.
Things to do in Hong Kong China | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Hong Kong Travel Video including some of the top things to do in Hong Kong along with the best attractions in Hong Kong, China.
Hong Kong is one of the most dynamic cities in all of Asia. From a travel perspective it offers numerous diverse options worth exploring.
Whether one is exploring Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, Victoria Harbor or the New Territories, there are plenty of attractions to cove
Shanghai China Travel Guide - www.TravelGuide.TV
Shanghai China Travel Guide - Find the best travel information on in Shanghai China with this travel and tourism guide video. We recommend all the best places to visit during your trip to Shanghai China.
We have 9 other videos on Shanghai China with information on Attractions, Sightseeing Tours, Museums, Nightlife, Hotels, Shopping, Restaurants etc
Top 10 Attractions, Beijing (China) - Travel Guide
Hey, it is your host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top ten attractions of Beijing.
#10: Hutongs - Old town Beijing atmosphere. Streets and houses as they originated in the Yuan dynasty. A great place to view historical Beijing culture.
#9: Beijing Zoo - One of the oldest zoos in China, amongst the largest collections in the country. Many exotic creatures call it home.
#8: National
China Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination China.
China’s Imperial City is located in the centre of its ancient Middle Kingdom, a gigantic and inscrutable empire beyond the...
Travel video about destination China.
China’s Imperial City is located in the centre of its ancient Middle Kingdom, a gigantic and inscrutable empire beyond the Great Wall. The Imperial City is entered through the Gates of Heavenly Peace.After seven years of construction, Ming Emperor Zhu Di moved into his newly-established palace complex in which over eight thousand people lived in almost a thousand rooms. The palace served as both a residential and governmental seat to the emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. A stone’s throw away from the old Summer Palace is the Garden of Harmonious Unity that was the favourite garden of the Emperor’s household who retreated to its cool lakeside shores during the humid months of summer. Close to Badaling the Great Wall Of China extends majestically across misty mountains. It is the largest Man-made structure in the world and was erected to protect the country from invasion from the North. The gigantic wall represented the division of two very different cultures. On one side the Central Asian Nomads and on the other the highly developed civilisation of the emerging Chinese Empire. Shanghai is a Gigantic City and a meeting point of both east and west. The shoreline is without a doubt the city’s main focal point and is a combination of past, present and future and contains the historic monuments and eye catching buildings of a great city. Famous explorer Marco Polo referred to Suzhou as the ‘Venice of the East’, a city that is particularly famous for its gardens. Many of its extremely elegant buildings are remnants of a glorious past. Yunnan´s most famous site is the unique Stone Forest Of Shi Lin, a forest of rock that extends for 27,000 hectares. Hong Kong is a city of the superlative with glimmering skyscrapers that seem to take root in the sky and one elegant building after another with shining glass and hi-tech facades. China is a world within a world!
wn.com/China Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination China.
China’s Imperial City is located in the centre of its ancient Middle Kingdom, a gigantic and inscrutable empire beyond the Great Wall. The Imperial City is entered through the Gates of Heavenly Peace.After seven years of construction, Ming Emperor Zhu Di moved into his newly-established palace complex in which over eight thousand people lived in almost a thousand rooms. The palace served as both a residential and governmental seat to the emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. A stone’s throw away from the old Summer Palace is the Garden of Harmonious Unity that was the favourite garden of the Emperor’s household who retreated to its cool lakeside shores during the humid months of summer. Close to Badaling the Great Wall Of China extends majestically across misty mountains. It is the largest Man-made structure in the world and was erected to protect the country from invasion from the North. The gigantic wall represented the division of two very different cultures. On one side the Central Asian Nomads and on the other the highly developed civilisation of the emerging Chinese Empire. Shanghai is a Gigantic City and a meeting point of both east and west. The shoreline is without a doubt the city’s main focal point and is a combination of past, present and future and contains the historic monuments and eye catching buildings of a great city. Famous explorer Marco Polo referred to Suzhou as the ‘Venice of the East’, a city that is particularly famous for its gardens. Many of its extremely elegant buildings are remnants of a glorious past. Yunnan´s most famous site is the unique Stone Forest Of Shi Lin, a forest of rock that extends for 27,000 hectares. Hong Kong is a city of the superlative with glimmering skyscrapers that seem to take root in the sky and one elegant building after another with shining glass and hi-tech facades. China is a world within a world!
- published: 14 Aug 2013
- views: 72783
Beijing Travel Guide
A travel guide for visiting Beijing China. Highlights include: Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City Imperial Palace, Beijing Temple of Heaven, Quanjude Peking Duck,...
A travel guide for visiting Beijing China. Highlights include: Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City Imperial Palace, Beijing Temple of Heaven, Quanjude Peking Duck, Donghuamen Night Market, and the Great Wall of China near Beijing.
You might enjoy some of these other videos:
Singapore Travel Guide: http://youtu.be/OpB1O8_ViVg
Taipei Travel Guide: http://youtu.be/3JGFy8WRfY4
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Twitter: ChrisRaney
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wn.com/Beijing Travel Guide
A travel guide for visiting Beijing China. Highlights include: Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City Imperial Palace, Beijing Temple of Heaven, Quanjude Peking Duck, Donghuamen Night Market, and the Great Wall of China near Beijing.
You might enjoy some of these other videos:
Singapore Travel Guide: http://youtu.be/OpB1O8_ViVg
Taipei Travel Guide: http://youtu.be/3JGFy8WRfY4
Follow me on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YellowProductionsTravel
Twitter: ChrisRaney
Google+: https://google.com/+yellowwproductions
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- published: 22 Feb 2015
- views: 22141
Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | China Vacation Travel Guide
Chinese travel guide Beijing, Tianjin, Yangshou, Guilin, Sanya travel channel full episodes
travel channel documentary 2015
travel channel food paradise
travel ...
Chinese travel guide Beijing, Tianjin, Yangshou, Guilin, Sanya travel channel full episodes
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wn.com/Travel Channel Documentary 2015 | China Vacation Travel Guide
Chinese travel guide Beijing, Tianjin, Yangshou, Guilin, Sanya travel channel full episodes
travel channel documentary 2015
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- published: 09 May 2015
- views: 5959
Things to do in China Travel Guide: Guangxi Province (Guilin, Yangshuo, Li River, Rice Terraces)
Things to do in China Travel Guide: Guangxi Province (Guilin, Yangshuo, Li River, Rice Terraces) playlist:
1) A tour of Yangshuo night life including visiting ...
Things to do in China Travel Guide: Guangxi Province (Guilin, Yangshuo, Li River, Rice Terraces) playlist:
1) A tour of Yangshuo night life including visiting a night market and eating Chinese street food (阳朔夜市和街头食品) China
2) Red Yao Hill Tribe Long Hair Performance at Lonji Longsheng Rice Terrace in Guilin, China (瑤族 - 瑶族) (龙胜梯田 - 龍勝梯田)
3) Li River Bamboo Boat Cruise down the Li River from Guilin to Yangshuo, China (Lijiang: 从桂林到阳朔漓江竹游船)
4) Hiking up Longsheng Rice Terraces (Longji Dragon's Backbone) in Guilin, China (龙胜梯田 - 龙脊梯田)
5) Bicycle ride around scenic rural and countryside areas just outside of Yangshuo, China (骑自行车在阳朔乡间)
6) A tour around Guilin, China at night including night markets, street food, pagodas and lakes 晚上桂林
7) Taking the train in China from Hong Kong to Guangzho en route to Guilin travel video
So tonight is our very last night in Yangshuo, a charming little town in Southwestern China, so we're going to show you around the main strip.
So our first stop is going to be the street food market. I haven't eaten in maybe two hours, so it's time to get a snack.
If I had to choose between Guilin and Yangshuo the two most popular cities in this region it's definitely Yangshuo. It's a more historic town. It's a lot more pedestrian friendly and there are great
As we were wandering around the night market tonight we had lots of people come up to us and ask to take photos beside us. At least probably four or five times and we finally filmed the last one. It was really cool. We were like celebrities in China. Yeah, almost famous.
So, this market had some pretty cool souvenirs. We saw fake Chinese passports if you want to take one of those home. They also had combs carved out of ox bone. They had these stamps where you can get your Chinese name carved on them and then you can just sign documents that way which is pretty cool.
Today we are visiting a local hill tribe that just lives a few hours outside of Guilin and we've come here because this community is known for the women's long hair. They grow it out and it's almost a meter and a half long and we're actually going to be watching a performance where they spin their hair and wrap it up and show us how they wear it.
Today we're in between Guilin and Yangshuo and we're doing a special river cruise down the Li River.
So this tour is going to be an hour and a half long and we're going to get to enjoy some pretty stunning landscapes, so I'm pretty excited about it.
When I came here two years ago it was hazy and foggy. Now it's a gorgeous glorious day.
Here we are at the Longji Rice Fields which are located just outside of Guilin. We've had such good luck. Check out the weather and the views behind.
So we are hiking up to one of the viewing platforms. This is going to be tough because it's like forty degrees outside and we're been told it'll take 30 minutes to one hour depending on our pace. So I'm trying to stay hydrated. Audrey is going to have to workout
We've rented a couple of bikes and we've decided to spend our last morning exploring around the countryside areas of Yangshuo. They were pretty cheap. Just under two dollars for each bike.
So we finally made it to Guilin.
So this is the Guilin main square. It gets really busy here at night. Lots of shops, restaurants, eateries. You can do it all here.
Chinese singing.
So we are now at the lake and the main attraction are the these two pagodas that light up at night.
Background music playing.
Oh, that mapo tofu looks so good. Really generous sized portion.
Well, it's hard to believe but our time in Hong Kong has already expired. Today we're taking a train ride. Where are we going? We're crossing over into China.
We are in Guangzho. Apparently there are two train stations. We arrived at the one that is on the East End of the City and we had to get across town to the other and it was difficult but we need to keep going.
So right now we are in Guangzho station waiting for our train to Guilin. And we happen to be waiting in the VIP room.
There is no tea in this tea room.
We're going to Guilin.
Uh, we're looking for number ten.
So we're in the dining cart now getting ready to have dinner. Let's see what is on the menu if we can even read it. We barely got a seat here.
Decision time. So we did manage to find an English menu which makes things a lot easier.
Fish one. Tofu with pork. One. Okay. Rice. One Rice? Okay. Beer. One. Okay. Ah, green tea - one. okay.
So this is the friend fish with a sweet and sour sauce.
Good morning. We are almost in Guilin. Our train has been delayed about an hour and a half.
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network and Kevin Mcleod under a creative commons attribution 2.0 license.
Presented by http://nomadicsamuel.com & http://thatbackpacker.com
wn.com/Things To Do In China Travel Guide Guangxi Province (Guilin, Yangshuo, Li River, Rice Terraces)
Things to do in China Travel Guide: Guangxi Province (Guilin, Yangshuo, Li River, Rice Terraces) playlist:
1) A tour of Yangshuo night life including visiting a night market and eating Chinese street food (阳朔夜市和街头食品) China
2) Red Yao Hill Tribe Long Hair Performance at Lonji Longsheng Rice Terrace in Guilin, China (瑤族 - 瑶族) (龙胜梯田 - 龍勝梯田)
3) Li River Bamboo Boat Cruise down the Li River from Guilin to Yangshuo, China (Lijiang: 从桂林到阳朔漓江竹游船)
4) Hiking up Longsheng Rice Terraces (Longji Dragon's Backbone) in Guilin, China (龙胜梯田 - 龙脊梯田)
5) Bicycle ride around scenic rural and countryside areas just outside of Yangshuo, China (骑自行车在阳朔乡间)
6) A tour around Guilin, China at night including night markets, street food, pagodas and lakes 晚上桂林
7) Taking the train in China from Hong Kong to Guangzho en route to Guilin travel video
So tonight is our very last night in Yangshuo, a charming little town in Southwestern China, so we're going to show you around the main strip.
So our first stop is going to be the street food market. I haven't eaten in maybe two hours, so it's time to get a snack.
If I had to choose between Guilin and Yangshuo the two most popular cities in this region it's definitely Yangshuo. It's a more historic town. It's a lot more pedestrian friendly and there are great
As we were wandering around the night market tonight we had lots of people come up to us and ask to take photos beside us. At least probably four or five times and we finally filmed the last one. It was really cool. We were like celebrities in China. Yeah, almost famous.
So, this market had some pretty cool souvenirs. We saw fake Chinese passports if you want to take one of those home. They also had combs carved out of ox bone. They had these stamps where you can get your Chinese name carved on them and then you can just sign documents that way which is pretty cool.
Today we are visiting a local hill tribe that just lives a few hours outside of Guilin and we've come here because this community is known for the women's long hair. They grow it out and it's almost a meter and a half long and we're actually going to be watching a performance where they spin their hair and wrap it up and show us how they wear it.
Today we're in between Guilin and Yangshuo and we're doing a special river cruise down the Li River.
So this tour is going to be an hour and a half long and we're going to get to enjoy some pretty stunning landscapes, so I'm pretty excited about it.
When I came here two years ago it was hazy and foggy. Now it's a gorgeous glorious day.
Here we are at the Longji Rice Fields which are located just outside of Guilin. We've had such good luck. Check out the weather and the views behind.
So we are hiking up to one of the viewing platforms. This is going to be tough because it's like forty degrees outside and we're been told it'll take 30 minutes to one hour depending on our pace. So I'm trying to stay hydrated. Audrey is going to have to workout
We've rented a couple of bikes and we've decided to spend our last morning exploring around the countryside areas of Yangshuo. They were pretty cheap. Just under two dollars for each bike.
So we finally made it to Guilin.
So this is the Guilin main square. It gets really busy here at night. Lots of shops, restaurants, eateries. You can do it all here.
Chinese singing.
So we are now at the lake and the main attraction are the these two pagodas that light up at night.
Background music playing.
Oh, that mapo tofu looks so good. Really generous sized portion.
Well, it's hard to believe but our time in Hong Kong has already expired. Today we're taking a train ride. Where are we going? We're crossing over into China.
We are in Guangzho. Apparently there are two train stations. We arrived at the one that is on the East End of the City and we had to get across town to the other and it was difficult but we need to keep going.
So right now we are in Guangzho station waiting for our train to Guilin. And we happen to be waiting in the VIP room.
There is no tea in this tea room.
We're going to Guilin.
Uh, we're looking for number ten.
So we're in the dining cart now getting ready to have dinner. Let's see what is on the menu if we can even read it. We barely got a seat here.
Decision time. So we did manage to find an English menu which makes things a lot easier.
Fish one. Tofu with pork. One. Okay. Rice. One Rice? Okay. Beer. One. Okay. Ah, green tea - one. okay.
So this is the friend fish with a sweet and sour sauce.
Good morning. We are almost in Guilin. Our train has been delayed about an hour and a half.
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network and Kevin Mcleod under a creative commons attribution 2.0 license.
Presented by http://nomadicsamuel.com & http://thatbackpacker.com
- published: 12 Jan 2015
- views: 12482
Money in China China Travel Tips
This is a video from Long White Cloud Kung Fu's recent trip to China. The clips are organized into playlists to help you find the bits you want to watch. As w...
This is a video from Long White Cloud Kung Fu's recent trip to China. The clips are organized into playlists to help you find the bits you want to watch. As well as things like our visits to significant historic and cultural sites, there are also a bunch of clips of really practical things like how to get around, what we ate, travel tips and so on. So check out the playlists below.
wn.com/Money In China China Travel Tips
This is a video from Long White Cloud Kung Fu's recent trip to China. The clips are organized into playlists to help you find the bits you want to watch. As well as things like our visits to significant historic and cultural sites, there are also a bunch of clips of really practical things like how to get around, what we ate, travel tips and so on. So check out the playlists below.
- published: 03 Sep 2013
- views: 2834
Hong Kong Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Hong Kong, a former British territory, is one of the most densely populated places in China...
Hong Kong, a former British territory, is one of the most densely populated places in China and in the world. You’ll find quiet neighborhoods full of temples and a dazzling skyline loaded with shopping and dining opportunities.
Your Hong Kong tour must include visits to the many religious sites scattered around the city, where incense wafts from shrines and monasteries take over entire hillsides. You’ll have a marvelous time shopping in tax-free Hong Kong, where you’ll be able to find clothing, jewelry, furniture, and everything else under the sun.
Don’t forget about Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade, which overlooks the stunning Victoria Harbor. From there, your Hong Kong sightseeing may detour to Central, the city’s main business district, which looks like something out of a sci-fi film. The observation deck atop the International Commerce Centre will show you fantastic views of the city.
Hong Kong isn’t all cityscape, of course; there are many gardens, parks, and other green spaces for you to explore. You’ll also find beaches, national parks, and quiet islands for you to indulge in natural beauty and serenity. This city truly has everything.
Visit our Hong Kong travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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wn.com/Hong Kong Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Hong Kong, a former British territory, is one of the most densely populated places in China and in the world. You’ll find quiet neighborhoods full of temples and a dazzling skyline loaded with shopping and dining opportunities.
Your Hong Kong tour must include visits to the many religious sites scattered around the city, where incense wafts from shrines and monasteries take over entire hillsides. You’ll have a marvelous time shopping in tax-free Hong Kong, where you’ll be able to find clothing, jewelry, furniture, and everything else under the sun.
Don’t forget about Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade, which overlooks the stunning Victoria Harbor. From there, your Hong Kong sightseeing may detour to Central, the city’s main business district, which looks like something out of a sci-fi film. The observation deck atop the International Commerce Centre will show you fantastic views of the city.
Hong Kong isn’t all cityscape, of course; there are many gardens, parks, and other green spaces for you to explore. You’ll also find beaches, national parks, and quiet islands for you to indulge in natural beauty and serenity. This city truly has everything.
Visit our Hong Kong travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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- published: 26 Feb 2014
- views: 564361
Travel Guide - Beijing China
http://www.WatchMojo.com presents... China is the largest country in East Asia with Beijing as its capital city. In this video clip learn all about China.
http://www.WatchMojo.com presents... China is the largest country in East Asia with Beijing as its capital city. In this video clip learn all about China.
Subscribe to our new dedicated WatchMojo Travel channel, http://www.youtube.com/user/WatchMojoTravel
wn.com/Travel Guide Beijing China
http://www.WatchMojo.com presents... China is the largest country in East Asia with Beijing as its capital city. In this video clip learn all about China.
Subscribe to our new dedicated WatchMojo Travel channel, http://www.youtube.com/user/WatchMojoTravel
- published: 08 Aug 2008
- views: 191109
Shanghai - China Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation
Shanghai - China Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation
World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube
Shanghai - China Travel Guide http://goo.gl/Cl0qNG
Shanghai - China Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation
World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube
Shanghai - China Travel Guide http://goo.gl/Cl0qNG
Shanghai is the future all other Chinese cities aspire to reach. Forget creaking temples and dusty old palaces (there are plenty of them elsewhere); Shanghai is where people come to see modern China at its glimmering best.
This fast-paced city of towering skyscrapers is, in fact, not without its own significant history. Its glory days of the 1930s helped build Shanghai's reputation as a City of Sin. But to pause for too long at the city's past would be missing the point: Shanghai is all about the future face of the world's future super power, and coming here is to witness what makes the business end of China tick.
Perhaps best visited at the end of your trip to China, Shanghai offers history-tired tourists the chance to dine at glitzy restaurants, wine at funky cocktail bars and shop inside dazzling malls before resting up in the country's most impressive hotels.
Shanghai Museums, Shanghai Transport, Shanghai Tours, Shanghai Introduction, Shanghai Attractions, Shanghai Hotels, Shanghai Restaurants, Shanghai Shopping, Shanghai Nightlife, world travel video, Shanghai video, Shanghai, Shanghai Travel guide, Shanghai Tourism, Shanghai Vacation, China, China travel guide, China tourism, China vacation === Shanghai - China Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation, Travel Tips, Attractions
wn.com/Shanghai China Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation
Shanghai - China Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation
World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube
Shanghai - China Travel Guide http://goo.gl/Cl0qNG
Shanghai is the future all other Chinese cities aspire to reach. Forget creaking temples and dusty old palaces (there are plenty of them elsewhere); Shanghai is where people come to see modern China at its glimmering best.
This fast-paced city of towering skyscrapers is, in fact, not without its own significant history. Its glory days of the 1930s helped build Shanghai's reputation as a City of Sin. But to pause for too long at the city's past would be missing the point: Shanghai is all about the future face of the world's future super power, and coming here is to witness what makes the business end of China tick.
Perhaps best visited at the end of your trip to China, Shanghai offers history-tired tourists the chance to dine at glitzy restaurants, wine at funky cocktail bars and shop inside dazzling malls before resting up in the country's most impressive hotels.
Shanghai Museums, Shanghai Transport, Shanghai Tours, Shanghai Introduction, Shanghai Attractions, Shanghai Hotels, Shanghai Restaurants, Shanghai Shopping, Shanghai Nightlife, world travel video, Shanghai video, Shanghai, Shanghai Travel guide, Shanghai Tourism, Shanghai Vacation, China, China travel guide, China tourism, China vacation === Shanghai - China Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation, Travel Tips, Attractions
- published: 27 Nov 2013
- views: 7365
Hong Kong, China Travel Guide -- "Go or No?" Review
Hong Kong Travel Guide! Learn where to explore, eat, stay & shop in Hong Kong with travel experts Rachel Rudwall and Andrea Feczko.
Watch more @How2Travelers v...
Hong Kong Travel Guide! Learn where to explore, eat, stay & shop in Hong Kong with travel experts Rachel Rudwall and Andrea Feczko.
Watch more @How2Travelers videos!
Leading global financial hub, one of the world's most densely populated cities, and spot where East meets West, Hong Kong has a lot going on. But is it worth a trip?
- SIGHTS: Kowloon Night Market, Temple Street Night Market, The Peak, River Cruise & Harbor Light Show, Lantau Island, Outdoor Escalator System, Temples, Landscape
- CITY VIEWS: The Peak
- FOOD: Markets, Dim Sum, Peninsula Hotel High Tea, Jumbo Kingdom Floating Restaurant, Bao Pork Buns, Noodle Bowls, Fresh Coconut Milk
- HOTELS: Harbour Plaza, Harbourview Hotel
- SHOPPING: Markets, Malls - Festival Walk, APM, Times Square, Causeway Bay
- NIGHTLIFE: Lan Kwai Fong, Dragon-I Club
- BONUS TRIP! Lantau Island - site of HK Disneyland, World's Largest Seated Metal Buddha, traditional Chinese villages
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wn.com/Hong Kong, China Travel Guide Go Or No Review
Hong Kong Travel Guide! Learn where to explore, eat, stay & shop in Hong Kong with travel experts Rachel Rudwall and Andrea Feczko.
Watch more @How2Travelers videos!
Leading global financial hub, one of the world's most densely populated cities, and spot where East meets West, Hong Kong has a lot going on. But is it worth a trip?
- SIGHTS: Kowloon Night Market, Temple Street Night Market, The Peak, River Cruise & Harbor Light Show, Lantau Island, Outdoor Escalator System, Temples, Landscape
- CITY VIEWS: The Peak
- FOOD: Markets, Dim Sum, Peninsula Hotel High Tea, Jumbo Kingdom Floating Restaurant, Bao Pork Buns, Noodle Bowls, Fresh Coconut Milk
- HOTELS: Harbour Plaza, Harbourview Hotel
- SHOPPING: Markets, Malls - Festival Walk, APM, Times Square, Causeway Bay
- NIGHTLIFE: Lan Kwai Fong, Dragon-I Club
- BONUS TRIP! Lantau Island - site of HK Disneyland, World's Largest Seated Metal Buddha, traditional Chinese villages
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- published: 24 Mar 2014
- views: 21462
Qingdao Beach (China) Vacation Travel Video Guide
✱ 533 Hotels in Qingdao - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/0od3DF
Travel video about destination Qingdao Beach in China.
When the Chinese want to get mar...
✱ 533 Hotels in Qingdao - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/0od3DF
Travel video about destination Qingdao Beach in China.
When the Chinese want to get married, they come to Tsingtao : there’s nothing cooler than a wedding on the beach or in the bay. Even if it resembles a production line. Tsingtao was originally popular with the Germans, who introduced the city to beer at the beginning of the last century. The beaches here have only recently become accessible to every social class. On the sands, one encounters a surprising cross-section, those in their work clothes and business suits, and others who daringly sport a swimming costume, (although bikinis are rare). Many hesitate to take the plunge, because a lot of young Chinese quite simply can’t swim ! Rubber rings are therefore indispensable, and are carried, or worn around the waist, on the buses going to the beach. Some people are abandoning them, though, as they learn to swim : in 2008 Tsingtao will host the Olympic Games’ water sports events…
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Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
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wn.com/Qingdao Beach (China) Vacation Travel Video Guide
✱ 533 Hotels in Qingdao - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/0od3DF
Travel video about destination Qingdao Beach in China.
When the Chinese want to get married, they come to Tsingtao : there’s nothing cooler than a wedding on the beach or in the bay. Even if it resembles a production line. Tsingtao was originally popular with the Germans, who introduced the city to beer at the beginning of the last century. The beaches here have only recently become accessible to every social class. On the sands, one encounters a surprising cross-section, those in their work clothes and business suits, and others who daringly sport a swimming costume, (although bikinis are rare). Many hesitate to take the plunge, because a lot of young Chinese quite simply can’t swim ! Rubber rings are therefore indispensable, and are carried, or worn around the waist, on the buses going to the beach. Some people are abandoning them, though, as they learn to swim : in 2008 Tsingtao will host the Olympic Games’ water sports events…
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Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
It is yours to discover!
- published: 23 Dec 2014
- views: 24779
Hong Kong (China) Vacation Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
✱ 506 Hotels in Hong Kong - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/9l2RvC
’Hongkong is the Manhattan dream rising from the South-Chinese Sea’- wrote a delighte...
✱ 506 Hotels in Hong Kong - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/9l2RvC
’Hongkong is the Manhattan dream rising from the South-Chinese Sea’- wrote a delighted traveler upon seeing the skyscrapers of the city. The banks, shopping centers and offices of Hong Kong enriched modern architecture with iconic buildings. From the top of the Victoria’s Peak, one can take a look at the main representative of Asian business and trading, which is continuously developing even under Chinese rule. There are multi-storied buses and trams carrying the passengers in the busy inner city. The visitors are attracted by the night market, the Jade Market, the harbor with the living boats, the Star Ferry with its famous ships, the floating restaurants and the junks...
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Thanks for all your support, rating the video and leaving a comment is always appreciated!
Please: respect each other in the comments.
Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
It is yours to discover!
wn.com/Hong Kong (China) Vacation Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
✱ 506 Hotels in Hong Kong - Lowest Price Guarantee ► http://goo.gl/9l2RvC
’Hongkong is the Manhattan dream rising from the South-Chinese Sea’- wrote a delighted traveler upon seeing the skyscrapers of the city. The banks, shopping centers and offices of Hong Kong enriched modern architecture with iconic buildings. From the top of the Victoria’s Peak, one can take a look at the main representative of Asian business and trading, which is continuously developing even under Chinese rule. There are multi-storied buses and trams carrying the passengers in the busy inner city. The visitors are attracted by the night market, the Jade Market, the harbor with the living boats, the Star Ferry with its famous ships, the floating restaurants and the junks...
Watch more travel videos ► http://goo.gl/HYQdhg
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Thanks for all your support, rating the video and leaving a comment is always appreciated!
Please: respect each other in the comments.
Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
It is yours to discover!
- published: 06 Apr 2015
- views: 29356
China - Travel tips for China
What to bring and think about when you go to China. Tips, tricks and
advice from real China backpackers. Check it out.
Learn more: All about China
What to bring and think about when you go to China. Tips, tricks and
advice from real China backpackers. Check it out.
Learn more: All about China
Learn more: Adventures in China
wn.com/China Travel Tips For China
What to bring and think about when you go to China. Tips, tricks and
advice from real China backpackers. Check it out.
Learn more: All about China
Learn more: Adventures in China
- published: 07 Oct 2014
- views: 1387
Travel Tips & Advice to China Asia Video 2, Packing, Airlines & Preparedness
Check out my other helpful travel tips and subscribe at: http://shanshanwei.com/
Don't forget to thumbs up this video!
Airlines & Preparedness, beijing, ...
Check out my other helpful travel tips and subscribe at: http://shanshanwei.com/
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wn.com/Travel Tips Advice To China Asia Video 2, Packing, Airlines Preparedness
Check out my other helpful travel tips and subscribe at: http://shanshanwei.com/
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china travel
- published: 03 Jan 2014
- views: 2536
Visit Xian in China - China travel guide
World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube
China Travel Guide http://bit.ly/12jcBNf
Shepherd Entertainment takes you on a tour of Xian, which was th...
World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube
China Travel Guide http://bit.ly/12jcBNf
Shepherd Entertainment takes you on a tour of Xian, which was the first capital and the 10 biggest cities of China.
Xian was the first capital of China. The heart of the enormous empire once throbbed here. Rows of
imperial dynasties ruled from here over 11 centuries. This was the starting point of the famous Silk
Road and the city with its 1 million residents was considered a huge metropolis at that time. Although
the city lost its rank and influence after the revolution of Huang Chao in 875, it still belongs to the 10
biggest cities of China.
The Asian countries have always been famous for their handicrafts and China is no exception to this.
The making, coloring and processing of silk looks back on such ancient traditions as paper cutting, paper
folding or the making of --. Chinese calligraphy and wooden engravings are also famous together with
porcelain painting. In Xian, almost all fields of handicrafts are practiced, however the most well known
are the carvings made of semiprecious stones. From light green jade and deep green nephrite, mostly
little sculptures and ornaments are carved. The decorations and patterns of which imitate ancient
statues. There are many dragon representations but of course Buddha sculptures are also made in large
China joined the monument and landscape protection program of the UNESCO in 1985. From 1987 until
these days, more than 10000 buildings have been declared monuments, 63 settlements have received
cityscape protection and 27 treasures have been recorded in the world heritage list. The long list
includes the imperial palace of Beijing, the summer palace, the temple of heaven, the Ming tombs, the
sections of the Great Wall around the capital and of course the terracotta army. This spectacle can be
found 1.5km east of the burial hill of Qin Shi Huang Di. The tomb of the strict ruler unifying China is 221
BC has not been excavated yet although there have been excavations in this 8 square kilometer area for
A farmer named Yang Gi Fa drilled a well from which water always escaped so he went down to the well
to check the reason. Do there, he found himself face to face with a frightful figure. However this figure
was not a monster or a ghost or even a skeleton or mummy but a clay statue which looked very real. In
communist China in 1974, people had to be very careful about what they should report to the
authorities and what not. After long pondering the farmer reported his finding to the museum of Xian
and he got 30 yuan as a reward. Archeologists found one of the most significant artifacts of the world
here, under the agricultural land.
In several cultures, for instance in Egypt or South America, it was a custom to bury the dead lord
together with all his people so that they could serve him even in the afterlife. From this custom, came
the -- in Egypt which is a little sculpture who works in place of his lord in the afterlife. Probably it was a
similar reason why this huge clay army followed their master to the grave. During the first excavations,
some three enormous chambers were found deep into the ground. The biggest of them is more than
14000 square meters. Inside this, the 6000 armed men stood ordered in military formation. The man
sized figures bore real weapons and accessories. Their makers didn't choose the easy way. They didn't
just pour clay into forms. They formed them individually by hand which is evident by the fact that the
face of all the figures have individual features. Maybe they really represented the actual people of the
army of that time.
Tags: Visit Xian in China,China travel attractions,china travel guide,China travel information,china travel tips,shepherd entertainment,shepherdfilm,world travel,Xian in China
wn.com/Visit Xian In China China Travel Guide
World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube
China Travel Guide http://bit.ly/12jcBNf
Shepherd Entertainment takes you on a tour of Xian, which was the first capital and the 10 biggest cities of China.
Xian was the first capital of China. The heart of the enormous empire once throbbed here. Rows of
imperial dynasties ruled from here over 11 centuries. This was the starting point of the famous Silk
Road and the city with its 1 million residents was considered a huge metropolis at that time. Although
the city lost its rank and influence after the revolution of Huang Chao in 875, it still belongs to the 10
biggest cities of China.
The Asian countries have always been famous for their handicrafts and China is no exception to this.
The making, coloring and processing of silk looks back on such ancient traditions as paper cutting, paper
folding or the making of --. Chinese calligraphy and wooden engravings are also famous together with
porcelain painting. In Xian, almost all fields of handicrafts are practiced, however the most well known
are the carvings made of semiprecious stones. From light green jade and deep green nephrite, mostly
little sculptures and ornaments are carved. The decorations and patterns of which imitate ancient
statues. There are many dragon representations but of course Buddha sculptures are also made in large
China joined the monument and landscape protection program of the UNESCO in 1985. From 1987 until
these days, more than 10000 buildings have been declared monuments, 63 settlements have received
cityscape protection and 27 treasures have been recorded in the world heritage list. The long list
includes the imperial palace of Beijing, the summer palace, the temple of heaven, the Ming tombs, the
sections of the Great Wall around the capital and of course the terracotta army. This spectacle can be
found 1.5km east of the burial hill of Qin Shi Huang Di. The tomb of the strict ruler unifying China is 221
BC has not been excavated yet although there have been excavations in this 8 square kilometer area for
A farmer named Yang Gi Fa drilled a well from which water always escaped so he went down to the well
to check the reason. Do there, he found himself face to face with a frightful figure. However this figure
was not a monster or a ghost or even a skeleton or mummy but a clay statue which looked very real. In
communist China in 1974, people had to be very careful about what they should report to the
authorities and what not. After long pondering the farmer reported his finding to the museum of Xian
and he got 30 yuan as a reward. Archeologists found one of the most significant artifacts of the world
here, under the agricultural land.
In several cultures, for instance in Egypt or South America, it was a custom to bury the dead lord
together with all his people so that they could serve him even in the afterlife. From this custom, came
the -- in Egypt which is a little sculpture who works in place of his lord in the afterlife. Probably it was a
similar reason why this huge clay army followed their master to the grave. During the first excavations,
some three enormous chambers were found deep into the ground. The biggest of them is more than
14000 square meters. Inside this, the 6000 armed men stood ordered in military formation. The man
sized figures bore real weapons and accessories. Their makers didn't choose the easy way. They didn't
just pour clay into forms. They formed them individually by hand which is evident by the fact that the
face of all the figures have individual features. Maybe they really represented the actual people of the
army of that time.
Tags: Visit Xian in China,China travel attractions,china travel guide,China travel information,china travel tips,shepherd entertainment,shepherdfilm,world travel,Xian in China
- published: 02 Jul 2013
- views: 1945
Huanglong Scenic Area, Sichuan (China) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Huanglong Scenic Area in Sichuan, China - part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The Huanglong (hoo-ang-lo...
Take a tour of Huanglong Scenic Area in Sichuan, China - part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The Huanglong (hoo-ang-long) Scenic Area, in China, is a place of such incredible beauty that it is almost otherworldly.
Flowing through the floor of this valley is one of the tributaries of a river.
Limestone pools, many of which are lipped with golden color, have slowly formed within the waters of this river.
On a bright day, the shimmering pools look like scales on a dragon whose body is the river.
The valley's name -- Huanlong - means Yellow Dragon.
As the bright waters flow, many exotic and fascinating types of animals can be seen moving about the park here.
wn.com/Huanglong Scenic Area, Sichuan (China) Travel Guide
Take a tour of Huanglong Scenic Area in Sichuan, China - part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The Huanglong (hoo-ang-long) Scenic Area, in China, is a place of such incredible beauty that it is almost otherworldly.
Flowing through the floor of this valley is one of the tributaries of a river.
Limestone pools, many of which are lipped with golden color, have slowly formed within the waters of this river.
On a bright day, the shimmering pools look like scales on a dragon whose body is the river.
The valley's name -- Huanlong - means Yellow Dragon.
As the bright waters flow, many exotic and fascinating types of animals can be seen moving about the park here.
- published: 06 May 2011
- views: 36372
Scams - China Travel Tips
This is a video from Long White Cloud Kung Fu's recent trip to China. The clips are organized into playlists to help you find the bits you want to watch. As w...
This is a video from Long White Cloud Kung Fu's recent trip to China. The clips are organized into playlists to help you find the bits you want to watch. As well as things like our visits to significant historic and cultural sites, there are also a bunch of clips of really practical things like how to get around, what we ate, travel tips and so on. So check out the playlists below.
wn.com/Scams China Travel Tips
This is a video from Long White Cloud Kung Fu's recent trip to China. The clips are organized into playlists to help you find the bits you want to watch. As well as things like our visits to significant historic and cultural sites, there are also a bunch of clips of really practical things like how to get around, what we ate, travel tips and so on. So check out the playlists below.
- published: 03 Sep 2013
- views: 11280
Harbin Ice and Snow Festival, Harbin (China) - Travel Guide
Take a tour of Harbin Ice and Snow Festival in Harbin, China -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The wealth of snow...
Take a tour of Harbin Ice and Snow Festival in Harbin, China -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The wealth of snow and ice produced in northeastern China provides the perfect setting for a magical sight; the Harbin Ice and Snow Festival.
This festival, which began in 1963, was stayed for a number of years by the Chinese Cultural Revolution, but was resumed again in 1985.
Each year the festival is themed and usually takes inspiration from Chinese fairy tales or noteworthy monuments around the world.
The festival displays an abundance of different nationalities and cultures both in the sculptures themselves, and the teams who craft them.
These elaborate and intricately carved sculptures can take a team of experienced sculptors the full month of the festival to complete.
Make the most of a cold day or brave a winters night when these massive creations come alive with vivacious lights, at the Harbin Ice and Snow Festival.
wn.com/Harbin Ice And Snow Festival, Harbin (China) Travel Guide
Take a tour of Harbin Ice and Snow Festival in Harbin, China -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The wealth of snow and ice produced in northeastern China provides the perfect setting for a magical sight; the Harbin Ice and Snow Festival.
This festival, which began in 1963, was stayed for a number of years by the Chinese Cultural Revolution, but was resumed again in 1985.
Each year the festival is themed and usually takes inspiration from Chinese fairy tales or noteworthy monuments around the world.
The festival displays an abundance of different nationalities and cultures both in the sculptures themselves, and the teams who craft them.
These elaborate and intricately carved sculptures can take a team of experienced sculptors the full month of the festival to complete.
Make the most of a cold day or brave a winters night when these massive creations come alive with vivacious lights, at the Harbin Ice and Snow Festival.
- published: 10 Jan 2011
- views: 16856
Times Square, Hong Kong - China Travel Guide
Crowds, shopping, lights, excitement - experience Times square in Hong Kong.
Getting There/Directions:
Subway - MTR (local tra...
Crowds, shopping, lights, excitement - experience Times square in Hong Kong.
Getting There/Directions:
Subway - MTR (local train) to Causeway Bay station.
Other Information:
Attractions in Times Square: Upscale shopping and restaurants
Time Square, full of lights, packed with people an quint-essential big city experience. I am not talking about that Time Square. I am talking about this one. Hong Kong's Time Square. Hong Kong's Time Square may not have the abundance of neon lights of New York's Time Square, however it does rival the one in New York in terms of crowds and activity.
Located in the Cosway Bay area, this is the center of Hong Kong's commercial activity, especially in the evenings. You notice the magnitude of this place as soon as you walk in. This huge building here has major upscale brand outlets, restaurants and offices. On the lower levels the place caters to shopaholics. But only those who are big spenders.
They did not forget the food part here. There are plenty of restaurants on the upper floor. Time Square is more than just this mall. Some might say the real action is outside on the streets. This is where you experience everyday Hong Kong life. This place is absolutely buzzing with energy. There are about a million people here going about their daily activities. This is Rosanna Wilcox, showing you Hong Kong.
wn.com/Times Square, Hong Kong China Travel Guide
Crowds, shopping, lights, excitement - experience Times square in Hong Kong.
Getting There/Directions:
Subway - MTR (local train) to Causeway Bay station.
Other Information:
Attractions in Times Square: Upscale shopping and restaurants
Time Square, full of lights, packed with people an quint-essential big city experience. I am not talking about that Time Square. I am talking about this one. Hong Kong's Time Square. Hong Kong's Time Square may not have the abundance of neon lights of New York's Time Square, however it does rival the one in New York in terms of crowds and activity.
Located in the Cosway Bay area, this is the center of Hong Kong's commercial activity, especially in the evenings. You notice the magnitude of this place as soon as you walk in. This huge building here has major upscale brand outlets, restaurants and offices. On the lower levels the place caters to shopaholics. But only those who are big spenders.
They did not forget the food part here. There are plenty of restaurants on the upper floor. Time Square is more than just this mall. Some might say the real action is outside on the streets. This is where you experience everyday Hong Kong life. This place is absolutely buzzing with energy. There are about a million people here going about their daily activities. This is Rosanna Wilcox, showing you Hong Kong.
- published: 11 May 2010
- views: 6027
Macau Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Macau in China.
After 466 years, Portugal handed back the city of Macau to China. It is small and museum-like, a fine example of ...
Travel video about destination Macau in China.
After 466 years, Portugal handed back the city of Macau to China. It is small and museum-like, a fine example of colonial Portugal on the South China Sea.
The Fortaleza Do Monte is a typical Portuguese fortified complex strategically located on a hill above the old cathedral in the heart of the city. Its many old canons and mighty fortress walls are reminders of those times when invasion was a constant threat.
The old centre of the city is the triangular Largo Do Senado, Senate Square. Its wonderful colonial buildings with their light-colored facades were built at the end of the 19th century and completely renovated in the final decade of the 20th.
Macau's largest Buddhist temple, Templo de Kun Iam Tong, dates back 400 years to the Ming Dynasty when its original foundations were built. Beyond its main gate, just off a busy street in the north of the city, is a peaceful oasis of silence and contemplation, a mystic place in which stone lions, golden Buddhas and all who visit are surrounded by serene, aromatic wisps of smoke.
The beautiful Jardim de Lou Lim Ioc Park is situated in the northern less touristy business district of the city. It was designed in the 19th century by a wealthy Chinese trader, Lou Kau. This marvelous oasis is an idyllic setting with a lotus pond, rocks, grottos and waterfalls.
Excursions are available on restored motorized junks that leave from the City's harbor several times a day.
Taipa is the larger of the two islands that belong to Macau. The tangled and narrow alleys in the centre of Vila da Taipa abound with rural character and Portuguese street signs are painted on azulejos. The island's shops and light-colored houses would be equally at home in Portugal.
Although the Macau of today has much contemporary flair, it continues to enjoy a rich colonial inheritance that is well worth seeing.
wn.com/Macau Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Macau in China.
After 466 years, Portugal handed back the city of Macau to China. It is small and museum-like, a fine example of colonial Portugal on the South China Sea.
The Fortaleza Do Monte is a typical Portuguese fortified complex strategically located on a hill above the old cathedral in the heart of the city. Its many old canons and mighty fortress walls are reminders of those times when invasion was a constant threat.
The old centre of the city is the triangular Largo Do Senado, Senate Square. Its wonderful colonial buildings with their light-colored facades were built at the end of the 19th century and completely renovated in the final decade of the 20th.
Macau's largest Buddhist temple, Templo de Kun Iam Tong, dates back 400 years to the Ming Dynasty when its original foundations were built. Beyond its main gate, just off a busy street in the north of the city, is a peaceful oasis of silence and contemplation, a mystic place in which stone lions, golden Buddhas and all who visit are surrounded by serene, aromatic wisps of smoke.
The beautiful Jardim de Lou Lim Ioc Park is situated in the northern less touristy business district of the city. It was designed in the 19th century by a wealthy Chinese trader, Lou Kau. This marvelous oasis is an idyllic setting with a lotus pond, rocks, grottos and waterfalls.
Excursions are available on restored motorized junks that leave from the City's harbor several times a day.
Taipa is the larger of the two islands that belong to Macau. The tangled and narrow alleys in the centre of Vila da Taipa abound with rural character and Portuguese street signs are painted on azulejos. The island's shops and light-colored houses would be equally at home in Portugal.
Although the Macau of today has much contemporary flair, it continues to enjoy a rich colonial inheritance that is well worth seeing.
- published: 12 Aug 2013
- views: 39789
China Travel Guide
Watch as we journey by train to the Anhui Province and experience rural China. And then take a stroll with me as we meander through the Tang Gu neighborhood of...
Watch as we journey by train to the Anhui Province and experience rural China. And then take a stroll with me as we meander through the Tang Gu neighborhood of Tianjin and experience an evening with the locals.
Stay tuned in you want to get the latest on traveling in QingDao, China's beer city.
wn.com/China Travel Guide
Watch as we journey by train to the Anhui Province and experience rural China. And then take a stroll with me as we meander through the Tang Gu neighborhood of Tianjin and experience an evening with the locals.
Stay tuned in you want to get the latest on traveling in QingDao, China's beer city.
- published: 01 Jan 2013
- views: 884
Things to do in Hong Kong China | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Hong Kong Travel Video including some of the top things to do in Hong Kong along with the best attractions in Hong Kong, China.
Hong Kong is one of the most dy...
Hong Kong Travel Video including some of the top things to do in Hong Kong along with the best attractions in Hong Kong, China.
Hong Kong is one of the most dynamic cities in all of Asia. From a travel perspective it offers numerous diverse options worth exploring.
Whether one is exploring Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, Victoria Harbor or the New Territories, there are plenty of attractions to cover.
The following is a list of the top things to do in Hong Kong:
1) Avenue of Stars at Night in Kowloon (星光大道)
Wandering around Avenue of Stars at night is the perfect way to experience Hong Kong in the evening. Overlooking Victoria Harbour, this area has been modeled after the Hollywood Walk of Fame championing all of the celebrities involved in the Hong Kong entertainment industry. None is more famous than the Bruce Lee statue. This is also the perfect place to watch A Symphony of Lights laser show which happens daily at 8 pm.
2) Afternoon High Tea at the Peninsula
Sitting down for afternoon tea at the Peninsula is one of the more posh activities in Hong Kong. Expect to wait in line (we waited over 2 hours) for a table. You can get complete sets which include assorted finger food along with a drink. This is definitely not a budget activity.
3) Views of Hong Kong from Victoria Peak and Tram Ride (太平山)
Taking a tram ride up to Victoria Peak to experience the best vantage point of Hong Kong, Kowloon and Victoria Harbor is one of the top attractions in the city. Many come at night; however, we recommend coming in the afternoon on a weekday when you can enjoy having more personal space.
4) Star Ferry boat ride (天星小輪)
There are many different modes of transportation in Hong Kong; however, none are quite as authentic of an experience as taking Star Ferry from Hong Kong Island to Kowloon or vice versa. It's one of the cheapest ways to get around.
5) Junk Boat Ride
Taking a Junk boat ride around Victoria harbor offers some of the best views of the city. It's especially popular at night to take in A Symphony of Lights performance.
6) Hong Kong Park and Tea Appreciation Ceremony (香港公園)
To get away from all of the hustle and bustle check out Hong Kong Park for a tranquil escape. If you have time participate in a Chinese tea appreciation ceremony.
7) Sampan Boat Tour in Aberdeen (舢舨)
Taking a ride on a traditional Sampan boat allows you to experience what life is like for Chinese fishermen.
8) Eating Dim Sum (點心 - 点心)
One should not leave Hong Kong without first trying dim sum. These small sized bites are treats that are accompanied by a pot of Chinese tea.
9) Taking a night bus tour of Hong Kong Island and Kowloon
Taking a night bus tour allows you to visit distinct areas in both Hong Kong Island and Kowloon such as Mong Kok and Causeway Bay.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com , http://smilingfacestravelphotos.com , http://thatbackpacker.com & http://backpacking-travel-blog.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
This video features various songs from Kevin Macleod available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Commercial license.
wn.com/Things To Do In Hong Kong China | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Hong Kong Travel Video including some of the top things to do in Hong Kong along with the best attractions in Hong Kong, China.
Hong Kong is one of the most dynamic cities in all of Asia. From a travel perspective it offers numerous diverse options worth exploring.
Whether one is exploring Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, Victoria Harbor or the New Territories, there are plenty of attractions to cover.
The following is a list of the top things to do in Hong Kong:
1) Avenue of Stars at Night in Kowloon (星光大道)
Wandering around Avenue of Stars at night is the perfect way to experience Hong Kong in the evening. Overlooking Victoria Harbour, this area has been modeled after the Hollywood Walk of Fame championing all of the celebrities involved in the Hong Kong entertainment industry. None is more famous than the Bruce Lee statue. This is also the perfect place to watch A Symphony of Lights laser show which happens daily at 8 pm.
2) Afternoon High Tea at the Peninsula
Sitting down for afternoon tea at the Peninsula is one of the more posh activities in Hong Kong. Expect to wait in line (we waited over 2 hours) for a table. You can get complete sets which include assorted finger food along with a drink. This is definitely not a budget activity.
3) Views of Hong Kong from Victoria Peak and Tram Ride (太平山)
Taking a tram ride up to Victoria Peak to experience the best vantage point of Hong Kong, Kowloon and Victoria Harbor is one of the top attractions in the city. Many come at night; however, we recommend coming in the afternoon on a weekday when you can enjoy having more personal space.
4) Star Ferry boat ride (天星小輪)
There are many different modes of transportation in Hong Kong; however, none are quite as authentic of an experience as taking Star Ferry from Hong Kong Island to Kowloon or vice versa. It's one of the cheapest ways to get around.
5) Junk Boat Ride
Taking a Junk boat ride around Victoria harbor offers some of the best views of the city. It's especially popular at night to take in A Symphony of Lights performance.
6) Hong Kong Park and Tea Appreciation Ceremony (香港公園)
To get away from all of the hustle and bustle check out Hong Kong Park for a tranquil escape. If you have time participate in a Chinese tea appreciation ceremony.
7) Sampan Boat Tour in Aberdeen (舢舨)
Taking a ride on a traditional Sampan boat allows you to experience what life is like for Chinese fishermen.
8) Eating Dim Sum (點心 - 点心)
One should not leave Hong Kong without first trying dim sum. These small sized bites are treats that are accompanied by a pot of Chinese tea.
9) Taking a night bus tour of Hong Kong Island and Kowloon
Taking a night bus tour allows you to visit distinct areas in both Hong Kong Island and Kowloon such as Mong Kok and Causeway Bay.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com , http://smilingfacestravelphotos.com , http://thatbackpacker.com & http://backpacking-travel-blog.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
This video features various songs from Kevin Macleod available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Commercial license.
- published: 04 Oct 2013
- views: 31724
Shanghai China Travel Guide - www.TravelGuide.TV
Shanghai China Travel Guide - Find the best travel information on in Shanghai China with this travel and tourism guide vi...
Shanghai China Travel Guide - Find the best travel information on in Shanghai China with this travel and tourism guide video. We recommend all the best places to visit during your trip to Shanghai China.
We have 9 other videos on Shanghai China with information on Attractions, Sightseeing Tours, Museums, Nightlife, Hotels, Shopping, Restaurants etc
If you would like to add this or all our travel videos to your website please go here - http://www.travelguide.tv/syndication
We have over 500 FREE Travel Videos that you can use for free on your website.
wn.com/Shanghai China Travel Guide Www.Travelguide.Tv
Shanghai China Travel Guide - Find the best travel information on in Shanghai China with this travel and tourism guide video. We recommend all the best places to visit during your trip to Shanghai China.
We have 9 other videos on Shanghai China with information on Attractions, Sightseeing Tours, Museums, Nightlife, Hotels, Shopping, Restaurants etc
If you would like to add this or all our travel videos to your website please go here - http://www.travelguide.tv/syndication
We have over 500 FREE Travel Videos that you can use for free on your website.
- published: 10 Jul 2009
- views: 27707
Top 10 Attractions, Beijing (China) - Travel Guide
Hey, it is your host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top ten attractions of Beijing.
#10: Hutongs - Old town Beijing atmosphere. Streets and houses as t...
Hey, it is your host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top ten attractions of Beijing.
#10: Hutongs - Old town Beijing atmosphere. Streets and houses as they originated in the Yuan dynasty. A great place to view historical Beijing culture.
#9: Beijing Zoo - One of the oldest zoos in China, amongst the largest collections in the country. Many exotic creatures call it home.
#8: National Aquatics Center - This attractive complex was built for the 2008 summer Olympics.
#7: Ming Tombs - Houses tombs of Ming emperors, a must see for its integrated architecture.
#6: Chinese opera - It is a grand spectacle. There are numerous branches of Chinese opera, some with roots back to the 3rd century BC.
#5: Beijing Olympic Stadium - Known as the "Bird's Nest". It was constructed for the 2008 Summer Olympics.
#4: Beihai Park - An imperial garden built in the 10th century.
#3: Summer Palace - A UNESCO World Heritage site and a masterpiece of Chinese landscape garden design.
#2: Tiananmen Square - A large plaza near the center of Beijing, it has great cultural significance as the site of key events in Chinese history.
#1: Forbidden City - One of China's most popular attractions, it has housed emperors for over 400 years, exemplifies traditional Chinese palatial architecture.
wn.com/Top 10 Attractions, Beijing (China) Travel Guide
Hey, it is your host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top ten attractions of Beijing.
#10: Hutongs - Old town Beijing atmosphere. Streets and houses as they originated in the Yuan dynasty. A great place to view historical Beijing culture.
#9: Beijing Zoo - One of the oldest zoos in China, amongst the largest collections in the country. Many exotic creatures call it home.
#8: National Aquatics Center - This attractive complex was built for the 2008 summer Olympics.
#7: Ming Tombs - Houses tombs of Ming emperors, a must see for its integrated architecture.
#6: Chinese opera - It is a grand spectacle. There are numerous branches of Chinese opera, some with roots back to the 3rd century BC.
#5: Beijing Olympic Stadium - Known as the "Bird's Nest". It was constructed for the 2008 Summer Olympics.
#4: Beihai Park - An imperial garden built in the 10th century.
#3: Summer Palace - A UNESCO World Heritage site and a masterpiece of Chinese landscape garden design.
#2: Tiananmen Square - A large plaza near the center of Beijing, it has great cultural significance as the site of key events in Chinese history.
#1: Forbidden City - One of China's most popular attractions, it has housed emperors for over 400 years, exemplifies traditional Chinese palatial architecture.
- published: 22 Jun 2010
- views: 40870