- published: 03 Feb 2010
- views: 864
Zalophus is a genus of the family Otariidae (sea lions and fur seals) of order Carnivora. It includes these species, of which one became recently extinct:
Californian sea lion
Californian sea lion
Japanese sea lion
Japanese sea lion
Galápagos sea lion
Galápagos sea lion
California Sea Lion (Zalophus Californianus) * Family: Otariidae, * Subfamily: Otariinae, * Genus: Zalophus * Species: Z. californianus, * Type: Mammal, * Diet: Carnivore, * Average life span in the wild: Less than 30 years, * Size: 5.5 to 7.25 ft (1.7 to 2.2 m), * Weight: 610 to 860 lbs (275 to 390 kg), * Group name: Colony or Rookery. ** Did you know? California sea lions may hunt continuously for up to 30 hours, with each dive lasting three to five minutes. *** The sea lion's ancient ancestors, like those of whales and dolphins, lived on land. The modern animal is well adapted to an aquatic environment. More info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_Sea_Lion or http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/california-sea-lio...
The endangered Galapagos sea lions are seen here playing and swimming around the shores and shallows of San Cristobal Island. © Ryan M. Bolton www.artofconservation.ca/RMBolton
Animal do mês de Setembro 2016
For more amazing photographs, videos and factfiles view this species on ARKive: http://www.arkive.org/galapagos-sea-lion/zalophus-wollebaeki/ Galapagos sea lions moving around rocky shore habitat. For more fascinating images and videos of the world's endangered species, visit http://www.arkive.org and subscribe to our YouTube channel.
For more amazing photographs, videos and factfiles view this species on ARKive: http://www.arkive.org/galapagos-sea-lion/zalophus-wollebaeki/ Galapagos sea lion hunting for food. For more fascinating images and videos of the world's endangered species, visit http://www.arkive.org and subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Els lleons marins, també anomenats otaris, es distingeixen de les foques per presentar un petit pavelló auditiu extern i per la capacitat de doblegar les extremitats posteriors per sota del cos per desplaçar-se per terra. L'espècie que es pot contemplar al Zoològic de Barcelona pot arribar a mesurar fins 2,5 metres de llargària i a pesar uns 300 kg en el cas dels mascles. Les femelles no passen dels 2 metres de llarg i dels 100 kg de pes. Aquesta espècie està distribuïda per tres zones de l'oceà Pacífic: a les costes de Califòrnia i Mèxic, a les illes Galàpagos i a les illes del mar de Japó, on es troba la població més reduïda. S'alimenta bàsicament de peixos, pops i calamars. Una vegada a l'any neix a la costa una única cria, després d'una gestació d'uns 360 dies, i pocs dies després ...
Sealions live in social groups from which immature males (and old ones) are excluded. Few males gain the status of "beachmaster". The rest gather in groups like this one at Cabo Pulmo. For more information see: areefreborn3d.com, marvivo3d.com
Suckling California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) in the zoo of Wuppertal, Germany. Video credit: Frank Vincentz License: CC BY-SA 3.0 : http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wuppertal_-_Zoo_-_Zalophus_californianus_03_(1).ogv?uselang=en-gb Details of the licenses can be found on this channel's "About" page. Link to this video’s license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en In this video, no changes or modifications have been made to the original material.
Musique Jeux interdits Skipper : Gary Jackson
California sea lion (Zalophus californianus), morski lev, Ljubljana zoo 31.08.2011 Kalifornischer Seelöwe Zoo Laibach
Don't try to say that I threaten your freedom
We've done without for 20 years, so think if we really need 'em
We're all just slaves for the troop commanders
We're all slaves
We can blow up things better than in any country except this one.
Waiting for it too then you realize it ain't too much fun.
We're in a country, Democracy, supposed to be the best on the globe.
Living ? for the high class clones
We're all just slaves for the troop commanders
We're all slaves
We're all just slaves for the troop commanders