Joseph Stalin 05 -- Stalin, Lenin and Lenin's Death
Joseph Stalin -- Stalin, Lenin and Lenin's Death In February and March of 1921 the Red Arm...
published: 04 Mar 2013
Stalin-Doku Teil 3 - Das Verhältnis Lenins zu Stalin und Trotzki 2/2
Quellen/Literatur: Lenin's „Testament http://www.lenintestament.de.vu/ W. B. Bland: 'Lenin...
published: 18 May 2010
author: MLAktion
'I Lenin Takoi Molodoi' (Lenin Is Young Again).wmv
published: 18 Jul 2011
Brief an den Parteitag (Testament) - W. I. Lenin 1922-23
Den Brief an den Parteitag, bekannt unter der Bezeichnung "Testament", diktierte W. I. Len...
published: 06 Aug 2011
author: konterbande1
Trotzki - Aufstieg und Fall eines Revolutionärs Doku Deutsch
auf meinem kanal findest du noch mehr Dokumenationen zu allen verschieden Themen... und bi...
published: 16 Apr 2013
Sobre la falsificación de documentos soviéticos en la era Yeltsin
El diputado de la Duma rusa V.Ilyujin denuncia la falsificación de documentos soviéticos p...
published: 21 Sep 2010
author: joszeka
Animal Farm Part 2 of 8
Animal Farm which is a story by George Orwell and is a thoughtful account of what big gove...
published: 02 Dec 2009
author: NimblePig
Catch 22 - Bad Party (1927)
So I submit you've failed us twice. Once is for your brothers. One is for your brothers an...
published: 14 Nov 2010
Dan and Dan 16/8/6 - Terrorist Threat
In the light of the recent terrorist threat, Dan and Dan talk about it all and in so doing...
published: 16 Aug 2006
Putin goes rustic
On his day off in Siberia, Prime Minister Putin indulged himself a swim in a river and enj...
published: 05 Aug 2009
author: RussiaToday
Das Buch dreht sich wieder
Pluraler Marxismus, Dietmar Dath Alexander Kluge interviewt Dietmar Dath zum Marxismus der...
published: 26 Feb 2010
author: Bo Brien
Интернационал - Хор Красной Армии - The Internationale - Red Army Choir!
Интернационал - Хор Красной Армии The Internationale (Anthem of the Soviet Union 1922 - 19...
published: 16 Jun 2010
Савецкі Гулаг 1930-1960 Soviet Gulag
Кліп прысвечаны беларусам якія сталі ахвярамі сталінскага "ГУЛАГа". Аўтарскую песню выконв...
published: 18 Aug 2009
author: Zyve Belarus
V I Lenin on Anti-Semitism
Vladimir I. Lenin on anti-semitism and his view of capitalist jews....
published: 09 Jan 2009
Youtube results:
Für den Frieden
Ernst Busch singt....
published: 20 Apr 2008
Alex Callinicos - The politics of Leninism
Alex Callinicos - The politics of Leninism Hosted by Socialist Worker Student Society LOND...
published: 10 Mar 2013
author: swpTvUk
Merkel auf den Spuren Lenins: Primat der Politik
1. (00:00) Auszug aus "Noch einmal über die Gewerkschaften" (Lenin, Werke Bd. 32, S. 73) 2...
published: 06 Aug 2011
author: konterbande1
The Assassination of Trotsky (1972 Film) - Trotsky's testament
published: 02 Aug 2011
author: ZeroRuben