Election Basics: Crash Course Government and Politics #36
This week Craig is going to give you a broad overview of elections in the United States. So as you may have noticed, there are kind of a lot of people in the U.S, and holding individual issues up to a public vote doesn't seem particularly plausible. So to deal with this complexity, we vote for people, not policies, that represent our best interests. But as you'll see, this process was not thorough
The Milky Way: Crash Course Astronomy #37
Today we’re talking about our galactic neighborhood: The Milky Way. It’s a disk galaxy, a collection of dust, gas, and hundreds of billions of stars, with the Sun located about halfway out from the center. The disk has grand spiral patterns in it, formed by the traffic jams of stars and nebulae, where stars are born. The central region is shaped like a bar, and is mostly old, red stars. There’s al
Political Ideology: Crash Course Government and Politics #35
So today Craig is going to look at political ideology in America. We're going to focus on liberals and conservatives and talk about the influencers of both of these viewpoints. Now, it's important to remember that political ideologies don't always perfectly correspond with political parties, and this correspondence becomes less and less likely over time. So, sure we can say that Democrats tend to
Nebulae: Crash Course Astronomy #36
Astronomers study a lot of gorgeous things, but nebulae might be the most breathtakingly beautiful of them all. Nebulae are clouds of gas and dust in space. They can glow on their own or reflect light from nearby stars. When they glow it’s usually predominantly red from hydrogen and green from oxygen, and when they reflect and scatter light it’s from massive hot stars, so they look blue. Stars are
The 2008 Financial Crisis: Crash Course Economics #12
Today on Crash Course Economics, Adriene and Jacob talk about the 2008 financial crisis and the US Goverment's response to the troubles. So, all this starts with home mortgages, and the use of mortgages as an investment instrument. For years, it seemed like the US housing market would go up and up. Like a bubble or something. It turns out it was a bubble. But not the good kind. And the government
Urinary System, part 1: Crash Course A&P; #38
Even though you probably don't choose to spend a lot of time thinking about it, your pee is kind of a big deal. Today we're talking about the anatomy of your urinary system, and how your kidneys filter metabolic waste and balance salt and water concentrations in the blood. We'll cover how nephrons use glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption, and tubular secretion to reabsorb water and nutrient
Urinary System, part 2: Crash Course A&P; #39
As we promised last week, we're not quite done talking about your pee yet. Today Hank explains how the urinary system regulates the production of urine, by maintaining a study glomerular flow rate. He'll also cover the anatomy of storing and excreting urine -- from the ureters to the urethra -- and the nervous system’s role in controlling the act of urination.
Table of Contents
Urinary System Reg
Money and Finance: Crash Course Economics #11
So, we've been putting off a kind of basic question here. What is money? What is currency? How are the two different. Well, not to give away too much, but money has a few basic functions. It acts as a store of value, a medium of exchange, and as a unit of account. Money isn't just bills and coins. It can be anything that meets these three criteria. In US prisons, apparently, pouches of Mackerel ar
Black Holes: Crash Course Astronomy #33
We’ve covered a lot of incredible stuff, but this week we’re talking about the weirdest objects in space: BLACK HOLES. Stellar mass black holes form when a very massive star dies, and its core collapses. The core has to be more than about 2.8 times the Sun’s mass to form a black hole. Black holes come in different sizes, but for all of them, the escape velocity is greater than the speed of light,
Star Clusters: Crash Course Astronomy #35
Last week we covered multiple star systems, but what if we added thousands or even millions of stars to the mix? A star cluster. There are different kinds of clusters, though. Open clusters contain hundreds or thousands of stars held together by gravity. They’re young, and evaporate over time, their stars let loose to roam space freely. Globular clusters, on the other hand, are larger, have hundre
The Vikings! - Crash Course World History 224
In which John Green teaches you about Vikings! That's right, one of our most requested subjects, the Vikings, right here on Crash Course. So what's the deal with Vikings? Well, the stuff you've heard about them may not be true. The Vikings weren't just pagan raiders striking terror into the hearts of defenseless European Christendom. They were some of the greatest travelers of their time, and they
Democracy, Authoritarian Capitalism, and China: Crash Course World History 230
In which John Green teaches you about the end of World History, and the end of the world as we know it, kind of. For the last hundred years or so, it seemed that one important ingredient for running an economically successful country was a western-style democratic government. All evidence pointed to the idea that capitalist representative democracies made for the best economic outcomes. It turns o
Binary and Multiple Stars: Crash Course Astronomy #34
Double stars are stars that appear to be near each other in the sky, but if they’re gravitationally bound together we call them binary stars. Many stars are actually part of binary or multiple systems. If they are close enough together they can actually touch other, merging into one peanut-shaped star. In some close binaries matter can flow from one star to the other, changing the way it ages. If
Conflict in Israel and Palestine: Crash Course World History 223
In which John Green teaches you about conflict in Israel and Palestine. This conflict is often cast as a long-term beef going back thousands of years, and rooted in a clash between religions. Well, that's not quite true. What is true is that the conflict is immensely complicated, and just about everyone in the world has an opinion about it. John is going to try to get the facts across in under 13
World War II, A War for Resources: Crash Course World History #220
In which John Green teaches you about World War II, and some of the causes behind the war. In a lot of ways, WWII was about resources, and especially about food. The expansionist aggression of both Germany and Japan were in a lot of ways about resources. There were other reasons, to be sure, but the idea that the Axis needed more food can't be ignored.
Citation 1: Lizzie Collingham. The Taste of
Inflation and Bubbles and Tulips: Crash Course Economics #7
In which Adriene and Jacob teach you about how and why prices rise. Sometimes prices rise as a result of inflation, which is a pretty normal thing for economies to do. We'll talk about how across the board prices rise over time, and how economists track inflation. Bubbles are a pretty normal thing for humans to do. One item, like tulips or beanie babies or houses or tech startups experience a rapi
Neutron Stars: Crash Course Astronomy #32
In the aftermath of a 8 – 20 solar mass star’s demise we find a weird little object known as a neutron star. Neutrons stars are incredibly dense, spin rapidly, and have very strong magnetic fields. Some of them we see as pulsars, flashing in brightness as they spin. Neutrons stars with the strongest magnetic fields are called magnetars, and are capable of colossal bursts of energy that can be dete
Rethinking Civilization - Crash Course World History 201
In which John Green returns to teaching World History! This week, we'll be talking about the idea of civilization, some of the traditional hallmarks of so-ca...
Ghosts, Murder, and More Murder - Hamlet Part I: Crash Course Literature 203
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is ni...
Intro to Economics: Crash Course Econ #1
In which Jacob Clifford and Adriene Hill launch a brand new Crash Course on Economics! So, what is economics? Good question. It's not necessarily about money, or stock markets, or trade. It's about people and choices. What, you may ask, does that mean. We'll show you. Let's get started!
Crash Course is now on Patreon! You can support us directly by signing up at http://www.patreon.com/crashcourse
Stoichiometry: Chemistry for Massive Creatures - Crash Course Chemistry #6
Chemists need stoichiometry to make the scale of chemistry more understandable - Hank is here to explain why, and to teach us how to use it. Table of Content...
Distances: Crash Course Astronomy #25
How do astronomers make sense out of the vastness of space? How do they study things so far away? Today Phil talks about distances, going back to early astronomy. Ancient Greeks were able to find the size of the Earth, and from that the distance to and the sizes of the Moon and Sun. Once the Earth/Sun distance was found, parallax was used to find the distance to nearby stars, and that was bootstra
The Oort Cloud: Crash Course Astronomy #25
Now that we’re done with the planets, asteroid belt, and comets, we’re heading to the outskirts of the solar system. Out past Neptune are vast reservoirs of icy bodies that can become comets if they get poked into the inner solar system. The Kuiper Belt is a donut shape aligned with the plane of the solar system; the scattered disk is more eccentric and is the source of short period comets; and th
Election Basics: Crash Course Government and Politics #36
This week Craig is going to give you a broad overview of elections in the United States. So as you may have noticed, there are kind of a lot of people in the U....
This week Craig is going to give you a broad overview of elections in the United States. So as you may have noticed, there are kind of a lot of people in the U.S, and holding individual issues up to a public vote doesn't seem particularly plausible. So to deal with this complexity, we vote for people, not policies, that represent our best interests. But as you'll see, this process was not thoroughly addressed in the Constitution, so there have been a number of amendments and laws at the state level implemented to create the election system we all know and (maybe) love today.
Produced in collaboration with PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios
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wn.com/Election Basics Crash Course Government And Politics 36
This week Craig is going to give you a broad overview of elections in the United States. So as you may have noticed, there are kind of a lot of people in the U.S, and holding individual issues up to a public vote doesn't seem particularly plausible. So to deal with this complexity, we vote for people, not policies, that represent our best interests. But as you'll see, this process was not thoroughly addressed in the Constitution, so there have been a number of amendments and laws at the state level implemented to create the election system we all know and (maybe) love today.
Produced in collaboration with PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios
Support is provided by Voqal: http://www.voqal.org
All attributed images are licensed under Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0
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CC Kids: http://www.youtube.com/crashcoursekids
- published: 23 Oct 2015
- views: 21801
The Milky Way: Crash Course Astronomy #37
Today we’re talking about our galactic neighborhood: The Milky Way. It’s a disk galaxy, a collection of dust, gas, and hundreds of billions of stars, with the S...
Today we’re talking about our galactic neighborhood: The Milky Way. It’s a disk galaxy, a collection of dust, gas, and hundreds of billions of stars, with the Sun located about halfway out from the center. The disk has grand spiral patterns in it, formed by the traffic jams of stars and nebulae, where stars are born. The central region is shaped like a bar, and is mostly old, red stars. There’s also a halo surrounding us of old stars.
Crash Course Astronomy Poster: http://store.dftba.com/products/crashcourse-astronomy-poster
Table of Contents
Milky Way Is A Disc 2:54
Grand Spiral Patterns 4:21
The Central Region Is Bar Shaped 7:48
Outer Halo Of Old Stars 9:09
PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios
Follow Phil on Twitter: https://twitter.com/badastronomer
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Milky Way, Artist’s Drawing http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/spitzer/multimedia/20080603a.html [credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech]
Joshua Tree http://deepskycolors.com/astro/2013/04/2013-04_JoshuaTree_MW.jpg [credit: Rogelio Bernal Andreo]
Milky Way Center Region Mosaic http://sguisard.astrosurf.com/Pagim/GC.html [credit: ESO]
New Hubble image of star cluster Messier 15 http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/heic1321a/ [credit: NASA, ESA]
Artist’s impression of the Milky Way http://www.spacetelescope.org/videos/hubblecast70b/ [credit: ESA/Hubble and M. Kornmesser]
M83 (Hubble Only and Hubble-Subaru-ESO Composite) http://www.robgendlerastropics.com/M83-New-HST.html [credit: Robert Gendler, 8.2 Meter Subaru Telescope (NAOJ), European Southern Observatories, Hubble Legacy Archive]
Hubble's Largest Galaxy Portrait Offers a New High-Definition View http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/archive/releases/2006/10/image/a/ [credit: NASA, ESA, K. Kuntz (JHU), F. Bresolin (University of Hawaii), J. Trauger (Jet Propulsion Lab), J. Mould (NOAO), Y.-H. Chu (University of Illinois, Urbana), and STScI]
NGC 3344 http://skycenter.arizona.edu/gallery/Galaxies/NGC3344 [credit: Adam Block/Mount Lemmon SkyCenter/University of Arizona]
Annotated Milky Way http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/images/wise/20150603/spitzer20150603.jpg [credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech]
Black hole with corona, X-ray source (artist's concept) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_hole#/media/File:Black_Holes_-_Monsters_in_Space.jpg [credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech]
A Galaxy and its Halo http://www.esa.int/spaceinimages/Images/2008/06/A_galaxy_and_its_halo [credit: ESA (image by C. Carreau)]
How to Become a Star http://www.eso.org/public/images/eso0102a/ [credit: ESO]
wn.com/The Milky Way Crash Course Astronomy 37
Today we’re talking about our galactic neighborhood: The Milky Way. It’s a disk galaxy, a collection of dust, gas, and hundreds of billions of stars, with the Sun located about halfway out from the center. The disk has grand spiral patterns in it, formed by the traffic jams of stars and nebulae, where stars are born. The central region is shaped like a bar, and is mostly old, red stars. There’s also a halo surrounding us of old stars.
Crash Course Astronomy Poster: http://store.dftba.com/products/crashcourse-astronomy-poster
Table of Contents
Milky Way Is A Disc 2:54
Grand Spiral Patterns 4:21
The Central Region Is Bar Shaped 7:48
Outer Halo Of Old Stars 9:09
PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios
Follow Phil on Twitter: https://twitter.com/badastronomer
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Milky Way, Artist’s Drawing http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/spitzer/multimedia/20080603a.html [credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech]
Joshua Tree http://deepskycolors.com/astro/2013/04/2013-04_JoshuaTree_MW.jpg [credit: Rogelio Bernal Andreo]
Milky Way Center Region Mosaic http://sguisard.astrosurf.com/Pagim/GC.html [credit: ESO]
New Hubble image of star cluster Messier 15 http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/heic1321a/ [credit: NASA, ESA]
Artist’s impression of the Milky Way http://www.spacetelescope.org/videos/hubblecast70b/ [credit: ESA/Hubble and M. Kornmesser]
M83 (Hubble Only and Hubble-Subaru-ESO Composite) http://www.robgendlerastropics.com/M83-New-HST.html [credit: Robert Gendler, 8.2 Meter Subaru Telescope (NAOJ), European Southern Observatories, Hubble Legacy Archive]
Hubble's Largest Galaxy Portrait Offers a New High-Definition View http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/archive/releases/2006/10/image/a/ [credit: NASA, ESA, K. Kuntz (JHU), F. Bresolin (University of Hawaii), J. Trauger (Jet Propulsion Lab), J. Mould (NOAO), Y.-H. Chu (University of Illinois, Urbana), and STScI]
NGC 3344 http://skycenter.arizona.edu/gallery/Galaxies/NGC3344 [credit: Adam Block/Mount Lemmon SkyCenter/University of Arizona]
Annotated Milky Way http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/images/wise/20150603/spitzer20150603.jpg [credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech]
Black hole with corona, X-ray source (artist's concept) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_hole#/media/File:Black_Holes_-_Monsters_in_Space.jpg [credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech]
A Galaxy and its Halo http://www.esa.int/spaceinimages/Images/2008/06/A_galaxy_and_its_halo [credit: ESA (image by C. Carreau)]
How to Become a Star http://www.eso.org/public/images/eso0102a/ [credit: ESO]
- published: 22 Oct 2015
- views: 6920
Political Ideology: Crash Course Government and Politics #35
So today Craig is going to look at political ideology in America. We're going to focus on liberals and conservatives and talk about the influencers of both of t...
So today Craig is going to look at political ideology in America. We're going to focus on liberals and conservatives and talk about the influencers of both of these viewpoints. Now, it's important to remember that political ideologies don't always perfectly correspond with political parties, and this correspondence becomes less and less likely over time. So, sure we can say that Democrats tend to be liberal and Republicans tend to be conservative, but we're not going to be talking about political parties in this episode. It's also important to note, that there are going to be a lot of generalizations here, as most peoples' ideologies fall on a spectrum, but we're going to try our best *crosses fingers* to summarize the most commonly held viewpoints for each of these positions as they are used pretty frequently in discussions of American politics.
Produced in collaboration with PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios
Support is provided by Voqal: http://www.voqal.org
All attributed images are licensed under Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0
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wn.com/Political Ideology Crash Course Government And Politics 35
So today Craig is going to look at political ideology in America. We're going to focus on liberals and conservatives and talk about the influencers of both of these viewpoints. Now, it's important to remember that political ideologies don't always perfectly correspond with political parties, and this correspondence becomes less and less likely over time. So, sure we can say that Democrats tend to be liberal and Republicans tend to be conservative, but we're not going to be talking about political parties in this episode. It's also important to note, that there are going to be a lot of generalizations here, as most peoples' ideologies fall on a spectrum, but we're going to try our best *crosses fingers* to summarize the most commonly held viewpoints for each of these positions as they are used pretty frequently in discussions of American politics.
Produced in collaboration with PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios
Support is provided by Voqal: http://www.voqal.org
All attributed images are licensed under Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0
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- published: 17 Oct 2015
- views: 7912
Nebulae: Crash Course Astronomy #36
Astronomers study a lot of gorgeous things, but nebulae might be the most breathtakingly beautiful of them all. Nebulae are clouds of gas and dust in space. The...
Astronomers study a lot of gorgeous things, but nebulae might be the most breathtakingly beautiful of them all. Nebulae are clouds of gas and dust in space. They can glow on their own or reflect light from nearby stars. When they glow it’s usually predominantly red from hydrogen and green from oxygen, and when they reflect and scatter light it’s from massive hot stars, so they look blue. Stars are born in some nebulae, and create new ones as they die. Some nebulae are small and dense, others can be dozens or hundreds of light years across.
Crash Course Astronomy Poster: http://store.dftba.com/products/crashcourse-astronomy-poster
Table of Contents
Nebulae Are Clouds of Gas And/Or Dust 0:42
They Can Emit Light Or Reflect It 1:20
Elements Change Their Glow 3:31
Nebulae Can Create Stars 5:28
PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios
Follow Phil on Twitter: https://twitter.com/badastronomer
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Saturn https://www.flickr.com/photos/badastronomy/10328043663/sizes/o/in/photostream/ [credit: Photo by NASA / JPL / Space Science Institute / Gordan Ugarkovic]
Carina Nebula http://www.spacetelescope.org/news/heic0707/ [credit: NASA, ESA, N. Smith (University of California, Berkeley), and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)]
Crab Nebula http://sci.esa.int/herschel/53338-herschel-and-hubble-composite-image-of-the-crab-nebula/ [credit: ESA/Herschel/PACS/MESS Key Programme Supernova Remnant Team; NASA, ESA and Allison Loll/Jeff Hester (Arizona State University)]
Carina Jets http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/heic1007a/ [credit: NASA, ESA, M. Livio and the Hubble 20th Anniversary Team (STScI)]
The Twin Jet Nebula http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/heic1518a/ [credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA]
Tycho's Supernova Remnant http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2011/tycho/ [credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/Rutgers/K.Eriksen et al.; Optical: DSS]
Ring Nebula's True Shape http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/archive/releases/2013/13/image/a/ [credit: NASA, ESA, C.R. O'Dell (Vanderbilt University), and D. Thompson (Large Binocular Telescope Observatory)]
3D animation of the Orion nebula http://www.spacetelescope.org/videos/astro_bo/ [credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser]
Stardust http://stardust.jpl.nasa.gov/images/science/idp-m.jpg [credit: NASA]
From the Pleiades to the Hyades http://www.deepskycolors.com/archive/2011/11/06/from-the-Pleiades-to-the-Hyades.html [credit: Rogelio Bernal Andreo]
How to Become a Star http://www.eso.org/public/images/eso0102a/ [credit: ESO]
The Orion Nebula http://www.eso.org/public/images/eso1103a/ [credit: ESO/Igor Chekalin]
Trapezium Cluster in the Orion Nebula http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/opo0019b/ [credit: K.L. Luhman (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, Mass.); and G. Schneider, E. Young, G. Rieke, A. Cotera, H. Chen, M. Rieke, R. Thompson (Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz.) and NASA/ESA]
PIA08656 http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/spaceimages/images/largesize/PIA08656_hires.jpg [credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/IRAS/H. McCallon]
Edge-On Protoplanetary Disc in the Orion Nebula http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/opo9545h/ [credit: Mark McCaughrean (Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy), C. Robert O'Dell (Rice University), and NASA/ESA]
Hubble's sharpest image of the Orion Nebula with proplyd highlights https://www.spacetelescope.org/images/heic0917ab/ [credit: NASA, ESA, M. Robberto (Space Telescope Science Institute/ESA), the Hubble Space Telescope Orion Treasury Project Team and L. Ricci (ESO)]
Young Stellar Disks in Infrared http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/opo9905b/ [credit: D. Padgett (IPAC/Caltech), W. Brandner (IPAC), K. Stapelfeldt (JPL) and NASA/ESA]
The Eagle Nebula, M16 https://www.noao.edu/image_gallery/html/im0725.html [credit: T.A.Rector (NRAO/AUI/NSF and NOAO/AURA/NSF) and B.A.Wolpa (NOAO/AURA/NSF)]
Pillars of Creation http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/archive/releases/2015/01/image/e/warn/ [credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)]
Planetary Nebula HFG1 https://www.noao.edu/image_gallery/html/im1110.html [credit: T.A. Rector (University of Alaska Anchorage) and H. Schweiker (WIYN and NOAO/AURA/NSF)]
Zooming in on the Horsehead Nebula http://www.spacetelescope.org/videos/heic1307c/ [credit: NASA, ESA, and G. Bacon (STScI); ESO]
Orion, from Head to Toes http://www.deepskycolors.com/archive/2010/10/22/orion-from-Head-to-Toes.html [credit: Rogelio Andreo Bernal]
Sifting through Dust near Orion’s Belt (mouseover comparison) http://www.eso.org/public/images/comparisons/eso1219a/ [credit: ESO/APEX (MPIfR/ESO/OSO)/T. Stanke et al./Igor Chekalin/Digitized Sky Survey 2]
wn.com/Nebulae Crash Course Astronomy 36
Astronomers study a lot of gorgeous things, but nebulae might be the most breathtakingly beautiful of them all. Nebulae are clouds of gas and dust in space. They can glow on their own or reflect light from nearby stars. When they glow it’s usually predominantly red from hydrogen and green from oxygen, and when they reflect and scatter light it’s from massive hot stars, so they look blue. Stars are born in some nebulae, and create new ones as they die. Some nebulae are small and dense, others can be dozens or hundreds of light years across.
Crash Course Astronomy Poster: http://store.dftba.com/products/crashcourse-astronomy-poster
Table of Contents
Nebulae Are Clouds of Gas And/Or Dust 0:42
They Can Emit Light Or Reflect It 1:20
Elements Change Their Glow 3:31
Nebulae Can Create Stars 5:28
PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios
Follow Phil on Twitter: https://twitter.com/badastronomer
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Saturn https://www.flickr.com/photos/badastronomy/10328043663/sizes/o/in/photostream/ [credit: Photo by NASA / JPL / Space Science Institute / Gordan Ugarkovic]
Carina Nebula http://www.spacetelescope.org/news/heic0707/ [credit: NASA, ESA, N. Smith (University of California, Berkeley), and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)]
Crab Nebula http://sci.esa.int/herschel/53338-herschel-and-hubble-composite-image-of-the-crab-nebula/ [credit: ESA/Herschel/PACS/MESS Key Programme Supernova Remnant Team; NASA, ESA and Allison Loll/Jeff Hester (Arizona State University)]
Carina Jets http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/heic1007a/ [credit: NASA, ESA, M. Livio and the Hubble 20th Anniversary Team (STScI)]
The Twin Jet Nebula http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/heic1518a/ [credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA]
Tycho's Supernova Remnant http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2011/tycho/ [credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/Rutgers/K.Eriksen et al.; Optical: DSS]
Ring Nebula's True Shape http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/archive/releases/2013/13/image/a/ [credit: NASA, ESA, C.R. O'Dell (Vanderbilt University), and D. Thompson (Large Binocular Telescope Observatory)]
3D animation of the Orion nebula http://www.spacetelescope.org/videos/astro_bo/ [credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser]
Stardust http://stardust.jpl.nasa.gov/images/science/idp-m.jpg [credit: NASA]
From the Pleiades to the Hyades http://www.deepskycolors.com/archive/2011/11/06/from-the-Pleiades-to-the-Hyades.html [credit: Rogelio Bernal Andreo]
How to Become a Star http://www.eso.org/public/images/eso0102a/ [credit: ESO]
The Orion Nebula http://www.eso.org/public/images/eso1103a/ [credit: ESO/Igor Chekalin]
Trapezium Cluster in the Orion Nebula http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/opo0019b/ [credit: K.L. Luhman (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, Mass.); and G. Schneider, E. Young, G. Rieke, A. Cotera, H. Chen, M. Rieke, R. Thompson (Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz.) and NASA/ESA]
PIA08656 http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/spaceimages/images/largesize/PIA08656_hires.jpg [credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/IRAS/H. McCallon]
Edge-On Protoplanetary Disc in the Orion Nebula http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/opo9545h/ [credit: Mark McCaughrean (Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy), C. Robert O'Dell (Rice University), and NASA/ESA]
Hubble's sharpest image of the Orion Nebula with proplyd highlights https://www.spacetelescope.org/images/heic0917ab/ [credit: NASA, ESA, M. Robberto (Space Telescope Science Institute/ESA), the Hubble Space Telescope Orion Treasury Project Team and L. Ricci (ESO)]
Young Stellar Disks in Infrared http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/opo9905b/ [credit: D. Padgett (IPAC/Caltech), W. Brandner (IPAC), K. Stapelfeldt (JPL) and NASA/ESA]
The Eagle Nebula, M16 https://www.noao.edu/image_gallery/html/im0725.html [credit: T.A.Rector (NRAO/AUI/NSF and NOAO/AURA/NSF) and B.A.Wolpa (NOAO/AURA/NSF)]
Pillars of Creation http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/archive/releases/2015/01/image/e/warn/ [credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)]
Planetary Nebula HFG1 https://www.noao.edu/image_gallery/html/im1110.html [credit: T.A. Rector (University of Alaska Anchorage) and H. Schweiker (WIYN and NOAO/AURA/NSF)]
Zooming in on the Horsehead Nebula http://www.spacetelescope.org/videos/heic1307c/ [credit: NASA, ESA, and G. Bacon (STScI); ESO]
Orion, from Head to Toes http://www.deepskycolors.com/archive/2010/10/22/orion-from-Head-to-Toes.html [credit: Rogelio Andreo Bernal]
Sifting through Dust near Orion’s Belt (mouseover comparison) http://www.eso.org/public/images/comparisons/eso1219a/ [credit: ESO/APEX (MPIfR/ESO/OSO)/T. Stanke et al./Igor Chekalin/Digitized Sky Survey 2]
- published: 15 Oct 2015
- views: 15084
The 2008 Financial Crisis: Crash Course Economics #12
Today on Crash Course Economics, Adriene and Jacob talk about the 2008 financial crisis and the US Goverment's response to the troubles. So, all this starts wit...
Today on Crash Course Economics, Adriene and Jacob talk about the 2008 financial crisis and the US Goverment's response to the troubles. So, all this starts with home mortgages, and the use of mortgages as an investment instrument. For years, it seemed like the US housing market would go up and up. Like a bubble or something. It turns out it was a bubble. But not the good kind. And the government response was...interesting. Anyway, why are you reading this? Watch the video!
More Financial Crisis Resources:
Financial Crisis Inquiry Report: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/GPO-FCIC/pdf/GPO-FCIC.pdf
TAL: Giant Pool of Money: http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/355/the-giant-pool-of-money
Timeline of the crisis: https://www.stlouisfed.org/financial-crisis/full-timeline
Crash Course is on Patreon! You can support us directly by signing up at http://www.patreon.com/crashcourse
Thanks to the following Patrons for their generous monthly contributions that help keep Crash Course free for everyone forever:
Fatima Iqbal, Penelope Flagg, Eugenia Karlson, Alex S, Jirat, Tim Curwick, Christy Huddleston, Eric Kitchen, Moritz Schmidt, Today I Found Out, Avi Yashchin, Chris Peters, Eric Knight, Jacob Ash, Simun Niclasen, Jan Schmid, Elliot Beter, Sandra Aft, SR Foxley, Ian Dundore, Daniel Baulig, Jason A Saslow, Robert Kunz, Jessica Wode, Steve Marshall, Anna-Ester Volozh, Christian, Caleb Weeks, Jeffrey Thompson, James Craver, and Markus Persson
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wn.com/The 2008 Financial Crisis Crash Course Economics 12
Today on Crash Course Economics, Adriene and Jacob talk about the 2008 financial crisis and the US Goverment's response to the troubles. So, all this starts with home mortgages, and the use of mortgages as an investment instrument. For years, it seemed like the US housing market would go up and up. Like a bubble or something. It turns out it was a bubble. But not the good kind. And the government response was...interesting. Anyway, why are you reading this? Watch the video!
More Financial Crisis Resources:
Financial Crisis Inquiry Report: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/GPO-FCIC/pdf/GPO-FCIC.pdf
TAL: Giant Pool of Money: http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/355/the-giant-pool-of-money
Timeline of the crisis: https://www.stlouisfed.org/financial-crisis/full-timeline
Crash Course is on Patreon! You can support us directly by signing up at http://www.patreon.com/crashcourse
Thanks to the following Patrons for their generous monthly contributions that help keep Crash Course free for everyone forever:
Fatima Iqbal, Penelope Flagg, Eugenia Karlson, Alex S, Jirat, Tim Curwick, Christy Huddleston, Eric Kitchen, Moritz Schmidt, Today I Found Out, Avi Yashchin, Chris Peters, Eric Knight, Jacob Ash, Simun Niclasen, Jan Schmid, Elliot Beter, Sandra Aft, SR Foxley, Ian Dundore, Daniel Baulig, Jason A Saslow, Robert Kunz, Jessica Wode, Steve Marshall, Anna-Ester Volozh, Christian, Caleb Weeks, Jeffrey Thompson, James Craver, and Markus Persson
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- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 5200
Urinary System, part 1: Crash Course A&P; #38
Even though you probably don't choose to spend a lot of time thinking about it, your pee is kind of a big deal. Today we're talking about the anatomy of your ur...
Even though you probably don't choose to spend a lot of time thinking about it, your pee is kind of a big deal. Today we're talking about the anatomy of your urinary system, and how your kidneys filter metabolic waste and balance salt and water concentrations in the blood. We'll cover how nephrons use glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption, and tubular secretion to reabsorb water and nutrients back into the blood, and make urine with the leftovers.
Anatomy of Hank poster: http://store.dftba.com/products/crashcourse-anatomy-and-physiology-poster
Table of Contents
Kidneys Filter Metabolic Waste & Balance Salt & Water Concentrations in the Blood 1:25
Nephrons 4:13
Glomerular Filtration 4:37
Tublar Reabsorption 5:14
Tubular Secretion 8:17
Urine 8:40
Crash Course is on Patreon! You can support us directly by signing up at http://www.patreon.com/crashcourse
Thanks to the following Patrons for their generous monthly contributions that help keep Crash Course free for everyone forever:
Fatima Iqbal, Penelope Flagg, Eugenia Karlson, Alex S, Jirat, Tim Curwick, Christy Huddleston, Eric Kitchen, Moritz Schmidt, Today I Found Out, Avi Yashchin, Chris Peters, Eric Knight, Jacob Ash, Simun Niclasen, Jan Schmid, Elliot Beter, Sandra Aft, SR Foxley, Ian Dundore, Daniel Baulig, Jason A Saslow, Robert Kunz, Jessica Wode, Steve Marshall, Anna-Ester Volozh, Christian, Caleb Weeks, Jeffrey Thompson, James Craver, and Markus Persson
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wn.com/Urinary System, Part 1 Crash Course A P 38
Even though you probably don't choose to spend a lot of time thinking about it, your pee is kind of a big deal. Today we're talking about the anatomy of your urinary system, and how your kidneys filter metabolic waste and balance salt and water concentrations in the blood. We'll cover how nephrons use glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption, and tubular secretion to reabsorb water and nutrients back into the blood, and make urine with the leftovers.
Anatomy of Hank poster: http://store.dftba.com/products/crashcourse-anatomy-and-physiology-poster
Table of Contents
Kidneys Filter Metabolic Waste & Balance Salt & Water Concentrations in the Blood 1:25
Nephrons 4:13
Glomerular Filtration 4:37
Tublar Reabsorption 5:14
Tubular Secretion 8:17
Urine 8:40
Crash Course is on Patreon! You can support us directly by signing up at http://www.patreon.com/crashcourse
Thanks to the following Patrons for their generous monthly contributions that help keep Crash Course free for everyone forever:
Fatima Iqbal, Penelope Flagg, Eugenia Karlson, Alex S, Jirat, Tim Curwick, Christy Huddleston, Eric Kitchen, Moritz Schmidt, Today I Found Out, Avi Yashchin, Chris Peters, Eric Knight, Jacob Ash, Simun Niclasen, Jan Schmid, Elliot Beter, Sandra Aft, SR Foxley, Ian Dundore, Daniel Baulig, Jason A Saslow, Robert Kunz, Jessica Wode, Steve Marshall, Anna-Ester Volozh, Christian, Caleb Weeks, Jeffrey Thompson, James Craver, and Markus Persson
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- published: 12 Oct 2015
- views: 14
Urinary System, part 2: Crash Course A&P; #39
As we promised last week, we're not quite done talking about your pee yet. Today Hank explains how the urinary system regulates the production of urine, by main...
As we promised last week, we're not quite done talking about your pee yet. Today Hank explains how the urinary system regulates the production of urine, by maintaining a study glomerular flow rate. He'll also cover the anatomy of storing and excreting urine -- from the ureters to the urethra -- and the nervous system’s role in controlling the act of urination.
Table of Contents
Urinary System Regulates the Production of Urine 2:20
Mantains a Steady Glomerular Flow Rate 2:40
The Anatomy of Storing and Excreting Urine 5:02
Ureters to the Urethra 6:28
The Nervous System's Role in Controlling Urination 7:47
Anatomy & Physiology posters: http://store.dftba.com/products/crashcourse-anatomy-and-physiology-poster
Crash Course is on Patreon! You can support us directly by signing up at http://www.patreon.com/crashcourse
Thanks to the following Patrons for their generous monthly contributions that help keep Crash Course free for everyone forever:
Fatima Iqbal, Penelope Flagg, Eugenia Karlson, Alex S, Jirat, Tim Curwick, Christy Huddleston, Eric Kitchen, Moritz Schmidt, Today I Found Out, Avi Yashchin, Chris Peters, Eric Knight, Jacob Ash, Simun Niclasen, Jan Schmid, Elliot Beter, Sandra Aft, SR Foxley, Ian Dundore, Daniel Baulig, Jason A Saslow, Robert Kunz, Jessica Wode, Steve Marshall, Anna-Ester Volozh, Christian, Caleb Weeks, Jeffrey Thompson, James Craver, and Markus Persson
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wn.com/Urinary System, Part 2 Crash Course A P 39
As we promised last week, we're not quite done talking about your pee yet. Today Hank explains how the urinary system regulates the production of urine, by maintaining a study glomerular flow rate. He'll also cover the anatomy of storing and excreting urine -- from the ureters to the urethra -- and the nervous system’s role in controlling the act of urination.
Table of Contents
Urinary System Regulates the Production of Urine 2:20
Mantains a Steady Glomerular Flow Rate 2:40
The Anatomy of Storing and Excreting Urine 5:02
Ureters to the Urethra 6:28
The Nervous System's Role in Controlling Urination 7:47
Anatomy & Physiology posters: http://store.dftba.com/products/crashcourse-anatomy-and-physiology-poster
Crash Course is on Patreon! You can support us directly by signing up at http://www.patreon.com/crashcourse
Thanks to the following Patrons for their generous monthly contributions that help keep Crash Course free for everyone forever:
Fatima Iqbal, Penelope Flagg, Eugenia Karlson, Alex S, Jirat, Tim Curwick, Christy Huddleston, Eric Kitchen, Moritz Schmidt, Today I Found Out, Avi Yashchin, Chris Peters, Eric Knight, Jacob Ash, Simun Niclasen, Jan Schmid, Elliot Beter, Sandra Aft, SR Foxley, Ian Dundore, Daniel Baulig, Jason A Saslow, Robert Kunz, Jessica Wode, Steve Marshall, Anna-Ester Volozh, Christian, Caleb Weeks, Jeffrey Thompson, James Craver, and Markus Persson
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CC Kids: http://www.youtube.com/crashcoursekids
- published: 19 Oct 2015
- views: 3675
Money and Finance: Crash Course Economics #11
So, we've been putting off a kind of basic question here. What is money? What is currency? How are the two different. Well, not to give away too much, but money...
So, we've been putting off a kind of basic question here. What is money? What is currency? How are the two different. Well, not to give away too much, but money has a few basic functions. It acts as a store of value, a medium of exchange, and as a unit of account. Money isn't just bills and coins. It can be anything that meets these three criteria. In US prisons, apparently, pouches of Mackerel are currency. Yes, mackerel the fish. Paper and coins work as money because they're backed by the government, which is an advantage over mackerel. So, once you've got money, you need finance. We'll talk about borrowing, lending, interest, and stocks and bonds. Also, this episode features a giant zucchini, which Adriene grew in her garden. So that's cool.
Special thanks to Dave Hunt for permission to use his PiPhone video. this guy really did make an artisanal smartphone! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eaiNsFhtI8
Crash Course is on Patreon! You can support us directly by signing up at http://www.patreon.com/crashcourse
Thanks to the following Patrons for their generous monthly contributions that help keep Crash Course free for everyone forever:
Fatima Iqbal, Penelope Flagg, Eugenia Karlson, Alex S, Jirat, Tim Curwick, Christy Huddleston, Eric Kitchen, Moritz Schmidt, Today I Found Out, Avi Yashchin, Chris Peters, Eric Knight, Jacob Ash, Simun Niclasen, Jan Schmid, Elliot Beter, Sandra Aft, SR Foxley, Ian Dundore, Daniel Baulig, Jason A Saslow, Robert Kunz, Jessica Wode, Steve Marshall, Anna-Ester Volozh, Christian, Caleb Weeks, Jeffrey Thompson, James Craver, and Markus Persson
Want to find Crash Course elsewhere on the internet?
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CC Kids: http://www.youtube.com/crashcoursekids
wn.com/Money And Finance Crash Course Economics 11
So, we've been putting off a kind of basic question here. What is money? What is currency? How are the two different. Well, not to give away too much, but money has a few basic functions. It acts as a store of value, a medium of exchange, and as a unit of account. Money isn't just bills and coins. It can be anything that meets these three criteria. In US prisons, apparently, pouches of Mackerel are currency. Yes, mackerel the fish. Paper and coins work as money because they're backed by the government, which is an advantage over mackerel. So, once you've got money, you need finance. We'll talk about borrowing, lending, interest, and stocks and bonds. Also, this episode features a giant zucchini, which Adriene grew in her garden. So that's cool.
Special thanks to Dave Hunt for permission to use his PiPhone video. this guy really did make an artisanal smartphone! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eaiNsFhtI8
Crash Course is on Patreon! You can support us directly by signing up at http://www.patreon.com/crashcourse
Thanks to the following Patrons for their generous monthly contributions that help keep Crash Course free for everyone forever:
Fatima Iqbal, Penelope Flagg, Eugenia Karlson, Alex S, Jirat, Tim Curwick, Christy Huddleston, Eric Kitchen, Moritz Schmidt, Today I Found Out, Avi Yashchin, Chris Peters, Eric Knight, Jacob Ash, Simun Niclasen, Jan Schmid, Elliot Beter, Sandra Aft, SR Foxley, Ian Dundore, Daniel Baulig, Jason A Saslow, Robert Kunz, Jessica Wode, Steve Marshall, Anna-Ester Volozh, Christian, Caleb Weeks, Jeffrey Thompson, James Craver, and Markus Persson
Want to find Crash Course elsewhere on the internet?
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CC Kids: http://www.youtube.com/crashcoursekids
- published: 14 Oct 2015
- views: 14705
Black Holes: Crash Course Astronomy #33
We’ve covered a lot of incredible stuff, but this week we’re talking about the weirdest objects in space: BLACK HOLES. Stellar mass black holes form when a very...
We’ve covered a lot of incredible stuff, but this week we’re talking about the weirdest objects in space: BLACK HOLES. Stellar mass black holes form when a very massive star dies, and its core collapses. The core has to be more than about 2.8 times the Sun’s mass to form a black hole. Black holes come in different sizes, but for all of them, the escape velocity is greater than the speed of light, so nothing can escape, not matter or light. They don’t wander the Universe gobbling everything down around them; their gravity is only really intense very close to them. Tides near a stellar mass black hole will spaghettify you, and time slows down when you get near a black hole — not that this helps much if you’re falling in.
Crash Course Astronomy Poster: http://store.dftba.com/products/crashcourse-astronomy-poster
Table of Contents
How Stellar Mass Black Holes Are Formed 1:03
The Core 1:43
Nothing Can Escape Once It’s Inside 2:29
Gravity Intensifies The Closer You Get 3:33
Spaghettification 6:01
Time Will Slow Down Near A Black Hole 8:01
PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios
Follow Phil on Twitter: https://twitter.com/badastronomer
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White Dwarf Pulses Like a Pulsar http://www.nasa.gov/centers/goddard/news/topstory/2007/whitedwarf_pulsar.html [credit: NASA, Casey Reed]
Swift Reveals New Phenomenon in a Neutron Star http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/swift/bursts/new-phenom.html#.Vc4isflVhBd [credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center]
Black Holes - Monsters in Space https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Black_Holes_-_Monsters_in_Space.jpg [credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech, Wikimedia Commons]
What if the Sun became a black hole? (artist's impression) http://www.spacetelescope.org/videos/hubblecast43g/ [credit: ESA/Hubble (M. Kornmesser)]
Black Hole Animation http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2003/0203long/animations.html [credit: NASA/SAO/CXC/D.Berry]
Star Destroyer http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/details.cgi?aid=11065 [credit: Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) and NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center]
Black hole deforms space http://www.spacetelescope.org/videos/hst15_blackhole_grid/ [credit: ESA/Hubble (M. Kornmesser & L. L. Christensen)]
Black hole close-up (artist's impression) http://www.spacetelescope.org/videos/heic0211c/ [credit: European Space Agency, NASA and Felix Mirabel (the French Atomic Energy Commission & the Institute for Astronomy and Space Physics/Conicet of Argentina)]
wn.com/Black Holes Crash Course Astronomy 33
We’ve covered a lot of incredible stuff, but this week we’re talking about the weirdest objects in space: BLACK HOLES. Stellar mass black holes form when a very massive star dies, and its core collapses. The core has to be more than about 2.8 times the Sun’s mass to form a black hole. Black holes come in different sizes, but for all of them, the escape velocity is greater than the speed of light, so nothing can escape, not matter or light. They don’t wander the Universe gobbling everything down around them; their gravity is only really intense very close to them. Tides near a stellar mass black hole will spaghettify you, and time slows down when you get near a black hole — not that this helps much if you’re falling in.
Crash Course Astronomy Poster: http://store.dftba.com/products/crashcourse-astronomy-poster
Table of Contents
How Stellar Mass Black Holes Are Formed 1:03
The Core 1:43
Nothing Can Escape Once It’s Inside 2:29
Gravity Intensifies The Closer You Get 3:33
Spaghettification 6:01
Time Will Slow Down Near A Black Hole 8:01
PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios
Follow Phil on Twitter: https://twitter.com/badastronomer
Want to find Crash Course elsewhere on the internet?
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White Dwarf Pulses Like a Pulsar http://www.nasa.gov/centers/goddard/news/topstory/2007/whitedwarf_pulsar.html [credit: NASA, Casey Reed]
Swift Reveals New Phenomenon in a Neutron Star http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/swift/bursts/new-phenom.html#.Vc4isflVhBd [credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center]
Black Holes - Monsters in Space https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Black_Holes_-_Monsters_in_Space.jpg [credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech, Wikimedia Commons]
What if the Sun became a black hole? (artist's impression) http://www.spacetelescope.org/videos/hubblecast43g/ [credit: ESA/Hubble (M. Kornmesser)]
Black Hole Animation http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2003/0203long/animations.html [credit: NASA/SAO/CXC/D.Berry]
Star Destroyer http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/details.cgi?aid=11065 [credit: Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) and NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center]
Black hole deforms space http://www.spacetelescope.org/videos/hst15_blackhole_grid/ [credit: ESA/Hubble (M. Kornmesser & L. L. Christensen)]
Black hole close-up (artist's impression) http://www.spacetelescope.org/videos/heic0211c/ [credit: European Space Agency, NASA and Felix Mirabel (the French Atomic Energy Commission & the Institute for Astronomy and Space Physics/Conicet of Argentina)]
- published: 25 Sep 2015
- views: 13950
Star Clusters: Crash Course Astronomy #35
Last week we covered multiple star systems, but what if we added thousands or even millions of stars to the mix? A star cluster. There are different kinds of cl...
Last week we covered multiple star systems, but what if we added thousands or even millions of stars to the mix? A star cluster. There are different kinds of clusters, though. Open clusters contain hundreds or thousands of stars held together by gravity. They’re young, and evaporate over time, their stars let loose to roam space freely. Globular clusters, on the other hand, are larger, have hundreds of thousands of stars, and are more spherical. They’re very old, a significant fraction of the age of the Universe itself, and that means their stars have less heavy elements in them, are redder, and probably don’t have planets (though we’re not really sure).
Crash Course Astronomy Poster: http://store.dftba.com/products/crashcourse-astronomy-poster
Table of Contents
Open clusters contain hundreds or thousands of young stars 00:29
Over time, open clusters evaporate 3:23
Globular clusters contain hundreds of thousands of old stars in spherical formation 5:50
Globular clusters have less heavy elements, thus probably do not have planets 6:43
PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios
Follow Phil on Twitter: https://twitter.com/badastronomer
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Magellanic gemstone in the southern sky [NGC 290] http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/heic0603c/ [credit: European Space Agency & NASA]
Extreme star cluster bursts into life in new Hubble image http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/heic0715a/ [credit: NASA, ESA and the Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration]
View of a Sun-like star within an open cluster (artist’s impression) http://www.spacetelescope.org/videos/heic1321d/ [credit: NASA, ESA, and M. Kornmesser]
Motion of stars in Omega Centauri http://www.spacetelescope.org/videos/heic1017a/ [credit: NASA, ESA, J. Anderson and R. van der Marel (STScI)]
47 Tucanae: Probing Extreme Matter Through Observations of Neutron Stars http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2013/47tuc/ [credit: NASA/CXC/Michigan State/A.Steiner et al]
Hubble Refines Distance to Pleiades Star Cluster http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/archive/releases/2004/20/image/a/ [credit: NASA, ESA and AURA/Caltech]
M45 Pleiades https://www.noao.edu/image_gallery/html/im1116.html [credit: T.A. Rector (University of Alaska Anchorage), Richard Cool (University of Arizona) and WIYN]
From the Pleiades to the Hyades http://www.deepskycolors.com/archive/2011/11/06/from-the-Pleiades-to-the-Hyades.html [credit: Rogelio Bernal Andreo]
Messier 035 Atlas Image https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Messier_035_2MASS.jpg [credit: Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), a joint project of the University of Massachusetts and the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center/California Institute of Technology, funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the National Science Foundation]
Globular cluster 47 Tucanae http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/heic1510a/ [credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration]
The oldest cluster in its cloud http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/potw1428a/ [credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA]
An unexpected population of young-looking stars http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/potw1244a/ [credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA]
View of a globular cluster (artist’s impression) http://www.spacetelescope.org/videos/heic1321c/ [credit: NASA, ESA, and M. Kornmesser]
All that glitters http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/potw1449a/ [credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA]
wn.com/Star Clusters Crash Course Astronomy 35
Last week we covered multiple star systems, but what if we added thousands or even millions of stars to the mix? A star cluster. There are different kinds of clusters, though. Open clusters contain hundreds or thousands of stars held together by gravity. They’re young, and evaporate over time, their stars let loose to roam space freely. Globular clusters, on the other hand, are larger, have hundreds of thousands of stars, and are more spherical. They’re very old, a significant fraction of the age of the Universe itself, and that means their stars have less heavy elements in them, are redder, and probably don’t have planets (though we’re not really sure).
Crash Course Astronomy Poster: http://store.dftba.com/products/crashcourse-astronomy-poster
Table of Contents
Open clusters contain hundreds or thousands of young stars 00:29
Over time, open clusters evaporate 3:23
Globular clusters contain hundreds of thousands of old stars in spherical formation 5:50
Globular clusters have less heavy elements, thus probably do not have planets 6:43
PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios
Follow Phil on Twitter: https://twitter.com/badastronomer
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Magellanic gemstone in the southern sky [NGC 290] http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/heic0603c/ [credit: European Space Agency & NASA]
Extreme star cluster bursts into life in new Hubble image http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/heic0715a/ [credit: NASA, ESA and the Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration]
View of a Sun-like star within an open cluster (artist’s impression) http://www.spacetelescope.org/videos/heic1321d/ [credit: NASA, ESA, and M. Kornmesser]
Motion of stars in Omega Centauri http://www.spacetelescope.org/videos/heic1017a/ [credit: NASA, ESA, J. Anderson and R. van der Marel (STScI)]
47 Tucanae: Probing Extreme Matter Through Observations of Neutron Stars http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2013/47tuc/ [credit: NASA/CXC/Michigan State/A.Steiner et al]
Hubble Refines Distance to Pleiades Star Cluster http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/archive/releases/2004/20/image/a/ [credit: NASA, ESA and AURA/Caltech]
M45 Pleiades https://www.noao.edu/image_gallery/html/im1116.html [credit: T.A. Rector (University of Alaska Anchorage), Richard Cool (University of Arizona) and WIYN]
From the Pleiades to the Hyades http://www.deepskycolors.com/archive/2011/11/06/from-the-Pleiades-to-the-Hyades.html [credit: Rogelio Bernal Andreo]
Messier 035 Atlas Image https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Messier_035_2MASS.jpg [credit: Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), a joint project of the University of Massachusetts and the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center/California Institute of Technology, funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the National Science Foundation]
Globular cluster 47 Tucanae http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/heic1510a/ [credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration]
The oldest cluster in its cloud http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/potw1428a/ [credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA]
An unexpected population of young-looking stars http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/potw1244a/ [credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA]
View of a globular cluster (artist’s impression) http://www.spacetelescope.org/videos/heic1321c/ [credit: NASA, ESA, and M. Kornmesser]
All that glitters http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/potw1449a/ [credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA]
- published: 09 Oct 2015
- views: 16445
The Vikings! - Crash Course World History 224
In which John Green teaches you about Vikings! That's right, one of our most requested subjects, the Vikings, right here on Crash Course. So what's the deal wit...
In which John Green teaches you about Vikings! That's right, one of our most requested subjects, the Vikings, right here on Crash Course. So what's the deal with Vikings? Well, the stuff you've heard about them may not be true. The Vikings weren't just pagan raiders striking terror into the hearts of defenseless European Christendom. They were some of the greatest travelers of their time, and they weren't always traveling to steal. In a lot of cases, they were traveling to trade. John will teach you about Viking trade goods, Norse Mythology, and yes, there will be blood, guts, and dragons. OK?
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is nice, but if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing this content.
wn.com/The Vikings Crash Course World History 224
In which John Green teaches you about Vikings! That's right, one of our most requested subjects, the Vikings, right here on Crash Course. So what's the deal with Vikings? Well, the stuff you've heard about them may not be true. The Vikings weren't just pagan raiders striking terror into the hearts of defenseless European Christendom. They were some of the greatest travelers of their time, and they weren't always traveling to steal. In a lot of cases, they were traveling to trade. John will teach you about Viking trade goods, Norse Mythology, and yes, there will be blood, guts, and dragons. OK?
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is nice, but if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing this content.
- published: 04 Feb 2015
- views: 56723
Democracy, Authoritarian Capitalism, and China: Crash Course World History 230
In which John Green teaches you about the end of World History, and the end of the world as we know it, kind of. For the last hundred years or so, it seemed tha...
In which John Green teaches you about the end of World History, and the end of the world as we know it, kind of. For the last hundred years or so, it seemed that one important ingredient for running an economically successful country was a western-style democratic government. All evidence pointed to the idea that capitalist representative democracies made for the best economic outcomes. It turns out that isn't the only way to succeed. In the last 40 years or so, authoritarian capitalism as it's practiced in places like China and Singapore has been working really, really well. John is going to look at these systems and talk about why they work, and he's even going to make a few predictions about the future. Also, thanks for watching this series. It has been amazingly fun to create, and we appreciate all of you.
Crash Course is now on Patreon! You can support us directly (and, for the next month, have your contributions matched by Patreon!) by signing up at http://www.patreon.com/crashcourse
TO: Noura M. AlMohaimeed
FROM: Bodour K. AlGhamdi
Happy Birthday to my easily excitable friend and companion, Noura.
TO: Hank & John Green
FROM: Owain Blackwood
MESSAGE: Thanks a billion for helping me get into medical school!
Thank you so much to all of our awesome supporters for their contributions to help make Crash Course possible and freely available for everyone forever:
Sam Caldwell
Sam Caldwell, again
Leanne Gover
Moti Lieberman
Julie Anne Mathieu
Jessica Baker
Teodora Miclaus
Christopher Keelty
Anthony "Fishbot Engineer" M.
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CC Kids: http://www.youtube.com/crashcoursekids
wn.com/Democracy, Authoritarian Capitalism, And China Crash Course World History 230
In which John Green teaches you about the end of World History, and the end of the world as we know it, kind of. For the last hundred years or so, it seemed that one important ingredient for running an economically successful country was a western-style democratic government. All evidence pointed to the idea that capitalist representative democracies made for the best economic outcomes. It turns out that isn't the only way to succeed. In the last 40 years or so, authoritarian capitalism as it's practiced in places like China and Singapore has been working really, really well. John is going to look at these systems and talk about why they work, and he's even going to make a few predictions about the future. Also, thanks for watching this series. It has been amazingly fun to create, and we appreciate all of you.
Crash Course is now on Patreon! You can support us directly (and, for the next month, have your contributions matched by Patreon!) by signing up at http://www.patreon.com/crashcourse
TO: Noura M. AlMohaimeed
FROM: Bodour K. AlGhamdi
Happy Birthday to my easily excitable friend and companion, Noura.
TO: Hank & John Green
FROM: Owain Blackwood
MESSAGE: Thanks a billion for helping me get into medical school!
Thank you so much to all of our awesome supporters for their contributions to help make Crash Course possible and freely available for everyone forever:
Sam Caldwell
Sam Caldwell, again
Leanne Gover
Moti Lieberman
Julie Anne Mathieu
Jessica Baker
Teodora Miclaus
Christopher Keelty
Anthony "Fishbot Engineer" M.
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CC Kids: http://www.youtube.com/crashcoursekids
- published: 04 Apr 2015
- views: 11191
Binary and Multiple Stars: Crash Course Astronomy #34
Double stars are stars that appear to be near each other in the sky, but if they’re gravitationally bound together we call them binary stars. Many stars are act...
Double stars are stars that appear to be near each other in the sky, but if they’re gravitationally bound together we call them binary stars. Many stars are actually part of binary or multiple systems. If they are close enough together they can actually touch other, merging into one peanut-shaped star. In some close binaries matter can flow from one star to the other, changing the way it ages. If one star is a white dwarf, this can cause periodic explosions, and possibly even lead to blowing up the entire star.
Crash Course Astronomy Poster: http://store.dftba.com/products/crashcourse-astronomy-poster
Table of Contents
What are binary stars? 0:51
Merging peanut-shaped stars 6:52
Close binaries begin to flow into one another, sometimes blowing up the star 8:29
PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios
Follow Phil on Twitter: https://twitter.com/badastronomer
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Big Dipper http://www.deepskycolors.com/archive/2011/05/14/The-Big-Dipper.html [credit: Rogelio Bernal Andreo]
Sirius https://www.spacetelescope.org/images/heic0516a/ [credit: NASA, ESA, H. Bond (STScI), and M. Barstow (University of Leicester)]
Sirius A and B http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2000/0065/index.html [credit: NASA/SAO/CXC]
Clashing Winds (video) http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/details.cgi?aid=11680 [credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center]
The Radial Velocity Method (artist’s impression) http://www.eso.org/public/images/eso0722e/ [credit: ESO]
Mizar+Alcor https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Thomas_Bresson_-_Mizar%2Balcor_(by).jpg [credit: Wikimedia Commons, Thomas Bresson]
Polaris http://imgsrc.hubblesite.org/hu/db/images/hs-2006-02-e-print.jpg [credit: NASA, ESA, and G. Bacon]
Does the Sun Have Long Lost Siblings? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaWg2ACMspk [credit: SciShow Space]
Clashing Winds (image) http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/details.cgi?aid=11680 [credit: NASA/C. Reed X-ray images courtesy of NASA/GSFC/S. Immler]
Artist’s impression of the pulsar PSR J0348+0432 and its white dwarf companion http://www.eso.org/public/images/eso1319c/ [credit: ESO/L. Calçada]
Artist’s impression of eclipsing binary http://www.eso.org/public/videos/eso1311b/ [credit: ESO/L. Calçada]
Artist’s impression of the yellow hypergiant star HR 5171 http://www.eso.org/public/images/eso1409b/ [credit: ESO]
Nova http://www.nasa.gov/centers/goddard/news/topstory/2008/keck_ophiuchi_prt.htm [credit: NASA, Casey Reed]
Artist's impression of RS Ophiuchi http://www.jodrellbank.manchester.ac.uk/news/2006/rsoph-radio/ [credit: David A. Hardy/http://www.astroart.org & PPARC]
An artist's impression of Sirius A and B http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/heic0516b/ [credit: NASA, ESA and G. Bacon (STScI)]
Artist's impression of vampire star http://www.spacetelescope.org/videos/astro_bn/ [credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser]
Type Ia supernova http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/details.cgi?aid=10532 [credit: Walt Feimer, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center]
wn.com/Binary And Multiple Stars Crash Course Astronomy 34
Double stars are stars that appear to be near each other in the sky, but if they’re gravitationally bound together we call them binary stars. Many stars are actually part of binary or multiple systems. If they are close enough together they can actually touch other, merging into one peanut-shaped star. In some close binaries matter can flow from one star to the other, changing the way it ages. If one star is a white dwarf, this can cause periodic explosions, and possibly even lead to blowing up the entire star.
Crash Course Astronomy Poster: http://store.dftba.com/products/crashcourse-astronomy-poster
Table of Contents
What are binary stars? 0:51
Merging peanut-shaped stars 6:52
Close binaries begin to flow into one another, sometimes blowing up the star 8:29
PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios
Follow Phil on Twitter: https://twitter.com/badastronomer
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Big Dipper http://www.deepskycolors.com/archive/2011/05/14/The-Big-Dipper.html [credit: Rogelio Bernal Andreo]
Sirius https://www.spacetelescope.org/images/heic0516a/ [credit: NASA, ESA, H. Bond (STScI), and M. Barstow (University of Leicester)]
Sirius A and B http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2000/0065/index.html [credit: NASA/SAO/CXC]
Clashing Winds (video) http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/details.cgi?aid=11680 [credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center]
The Radial Velocity Method (artist’s impression) http://www.eso.org/public/images/eso0722e/ [credit: ESO]
Mizar+Alcor https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Thomas_Bresson_-_Mizar%2Balcor_(by).jpg [credit: Wikimedia Commons, Thomas Bresson]
Polaris http://imgsrc.hubblesite.org/hu/db/images/hs-2006-02-e-print.jpg [credit: NASA, ESA, and G. Bacon]
Does the Sun Have Long Lost Siblings? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaWg2ACMspk [credit: SciShow Space]
Clashing Winds (image) http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/details.cgi?aid=11680 [credit: NASA/C. Reed X-ray images courtesy of NASA/GSFC/S. Immler]
Artist’s impression of the pulsar PSR J0348+0432 and its white dwarf companion http://www.eso.org/public/images/eso1319c/ [credit: ESO/L. Calçada]
Artist’s impression of eclipsing binary http://www.eso.org/public/videos/eso1311b/ [credit: ESO/L. Calçada]
Artist’s impression of the yellow hypergiant star HR 5171 http://www.eso.org/public/images/eso1409b/ [credit: ESO]
Nova http://www.nasa.gov/centers/goddard/news/topstory/2008/keck_ophiuchi_prt.htm [credit: NASA, Casey Reed]
Artist's impression of RS Ophiuchi http://www.jodrellbank.manchester.ac.uk/news/2006/rsoph-radio/ [credit: David A. Hardy/http://www.astroart.org & PPARC]
An artist's impression of Sirius A and B http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/heic0516b/ [credit: NASA, ESA and G. Bacon (STScI)]
Artist's impression of vampire star http://www.spacetelescope.org/videos/astro_bn/ [credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser]
Type Ia supernova http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/details.cgi?aid=10532 [credit: Walt Feimer, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center]
- published: 01 Oct 2015
- views: 49894
Conflict in Israel and Palestine: Crash Course World History 223
In which John Green teaches you about conflict in Israel and Palestine. This conflict is often cast as a long-term beef going back thousands of years, and roote...
In which John Green teaches you about conflict in Israel and Palestine. This conflict is often cast as a long-term beef going back thousands of years, and rooted in a clash between religions. Well, that's not quite true. What is true is that the conflict is immensely complicated, and just about everyone in the world has an opinion about it. John is going to try to get the facts across in under 13 minutes.
Thought Café's series on the subject: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGAL9TcH76MBKR5hywFZ4CA
You can directly support Crash Course at https://www.patreon.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is nice, but if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing this content.
Citation 1: Arthur James Balfour, Balfour Declaration (letter to Baron Rothschild, leader of British Jewish community). 1917.
wn.com/Conflict In Israel And Palestine Crash Course World History 223
In which John Green teaches you about conflict in Israel and Palestine. This conflict is often cast as a long-term beef going back thousands of years, and rooted in a clash between religions. Well, that's not quite true. What is true is that the conflict is immensely complicated, and just about everyone in the world has an opinion about it. John is going to try to get the facts across in under 13 minutes.
Thought Café's series on the subject: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGAL9TcH76MBKR5hywFZ4CA
You can directly support Crash Course at https://www.patreon.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is nice, but if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing this content.
Citation 1: Arthur James Balfour, Balfour Declaration (letter to Baron Rothschild, leader of British Jewish community). 1917.
- published: 28 Jan 2015
- views: 1552688
World War II, A War for Resources: Crash Course World History #220
In which John Green teaches you about World War II, and some of the causes behind the war. In a lot of ways, WWII was about resources, and especially about food...
In which John Green teaches you about World War II, and some of the causes behind the war. In a lot of ways, WWII was about resources, and especially about food. The expansionist aggression of both Germany and Japan were in a lot of ways about resources. There were other reasons, to be sure, but the idea that the Axis needed more food can't be ignored.
Citation 1: Lizzie Collingham. The Taste of War: World War II and the Battle for Food. Penguin. New York. 2011. p 30
Citation 2: Collingham. p 102
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is nice, but if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing this content.
wn.com/World War Ii, A War For Resources Crash Course World History 220
In which John Green teaches you about World War II, and some of the causes behind the war. In a lot of ways, WWII was about resources, and especially about food. The expansionist aggression of both Germany and Japan were in a lot of ways about resources. There were other reasons, to be sure, but the idea that the Axis needed more food can't be ignored.
Citation 1: Lizzie Collingham. The Taste of War: World War II and the Battle for Food. Penguin. New York. 2011. p 30
Citation 2: Collingham. p 102
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is nice, but if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing this content.
- published: 14 Dec 2014
- views: 548954
Inflation and Bubbles and Tulips: Crash Course Economics #7
In which Adriene and Jacob teach you about how and why prices rise. Sometimes prices rise as a result of inflation, which is a pretty normal thing for economies...
In which Adriene and Jacob teach you about how and why prices rise. Sometimes prices rise as a result of inflation, which is a pretty normal thing for economies to do. We'll talk about how across the board prices rise over time, and how economists track inflation. Bubbles are a pretty normal thing for humans to do. One item, like tulips or beanie babies or houses or tech startups experience a rapid rise in prices. This is often accompanied by speculation, a bunch of outrageous profits, and then a nasty crash when the bubble bursts. People get excited about rising prices, and next thing you know, people are trading their life savings for a tulip bulb.
Crash Course is on Patreon! You can support us directly by signing up at http://www.patreon.com/crashcourse
Thanks to the following Patrons for their generous monthly contributions that help keep Crash Course free for everyone forever:
Mark , Elliot Beter, Moritz Schmidt, Jeffrey Thompson, Ian Dundore, Jacob Ash, Jessica Wode, Today I Found Out, Christy Huddleston, James Craver, Chris Peters, SR Foxley, Steve Marshall, Simun Niclasen, Eric Kitchen, Robert Kunz, Avi Yashchin, Jason A Saslow, Jan Schmid, Daniel Baulig, Christian , Anna-Ester Volozh
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CC Kids: http://www.youtube.com/crashcoursekids
wn.com/Inflation And Bubbles And Tulips Crash Course Economics 7
In which Adriene and Jacob teach you about how and why prices rise. Sometimes prices rise as a result of inflation, which is a pretty normal thing for economies to do. We'll talk about how across the board prices rise over time, and how economists track inflation. Bubbles are a pretty normal thing for humans to do. One item, like tulips or beanie babies or houses or tech startups experience a rapid rise in prices. This is often accompanied by speculation, a bunch of outrageous profits, and then a nasty crash when the bubble bursts. People get excited about rising prices, and next thing you know, people are trading their life savings for a tulip bulb.
Crash Course is on Patreon! You can support us directly by signing up at http://www.patreon.com/crashcourse
Thanks to the following Patrons for their generous monthly contributions that help keep Crash Course free for everyone forever:
Mark , Elliot Beter, Moritz Schmidt, Jeffrey Thompson, Ian Dundore, Jacob Ash, Jessica Wode, Today I Found Out, Christy Huddleston, James Craver, Chris Peters, SR Foxley, Steve Marshall, Simun Niclasen, Eric Kitchen, Robert Kunz, Avi Yashchin, Jason A Saslow, Jan Schmid, Daniel Baulig, Christian , Anna-Ester Volozh
Want to find Crash Course elsewhere on the internet?
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CC Kids: http://www.youtube.com/crashcoursekids
- published: 13 Sep 2015
- views: 6459
Neutron Stars: Crash Course Astronomy #32
In the aftermath of a 8 – 20 solar mass star’s demise we find a weird little object known as a neutron star. Neutrons stars are incredibly dense, spin rapidly, ...
In the aftermath of a 8 – 20 solar mass star’s demise we find a weird little object known as a neutron star. Neutrons stars are incredibly dense, spin rapidly, and have very strong magnetic fields. Some of them we see as pulsars, flashing in brightness as they spin. Neutrons stars with the strongest magnetic fields are called magnetars, and are capable of colossal bursts of energy that can be detected over vast distances.
Crash Course Astronomy Poster: http://store.dftba.com/products/crashcourse-astronomy-poster
Table of Contents
A Star Can Collapse to Form a Neutron Star 0:59
Neutron Star Characteristics 2:24
Pulsars 5:56
Magnetars 8:15
PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios
Follow Phil on Twitter: https://twitter.com/badastronomer
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Star Burst https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/details.cgi?aid=11447 [credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center]
X-ray Images of G292.0+1.8 http://chandra.harvard.edu/resources/animations/snr.html/?page=8 [credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/Penn State/S.Park et al.; Optical: Pal.Obs. DSS]
Neutron star cross section https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Neutron_star_cross_section.jpg [credit: NASA]
Fermi Spots 'Superflares' in the Crab Nebula https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDhdwgK218E [credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center]
What is a pulsar? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjLk_72V9Bw [credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center]
Jocelyn Bell http://blog.sciencemuseum.org.uk/insight/2013/03/20/1960-discovery-of-pulsars/ [credit: National Media Museum / Science & Society Picture Library]
Beacons of X-ray Light https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6p2OGc6a_TQ [credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech]
Chandra Time-Lapse Movie http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2002/0052/animations.html [credit: NASA/CXC/ASU/J.Hester et al.]
NASA's Fermi Satellite Finds Hints of Starquakes in Magnetar 'Storm' http://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/nasas-fermi-satellite-finds-hints-of-starquakes-in-magnetar-storm [credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/S. Wiessinger]
NASA's Swift Reveals New Phenomenon in a Neutron Star http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/swift/bursts/new-phenom.html#.Vcp-6flVhBe [credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center]
Cosmic Explosion Second Only to the Sun in Brightness https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/details.cgi?aid=20077 [credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Conceptual Image Lab]
wn.com/Neutron Stars Crash Course Astronomy 32
In the aftermath of a 8 – 20 solar mass star’s demise we find a weird little object known as a neutron star. Neutrons stars are incredibly dense, spin rapidly, and have very strong magnetic fields. Some of them we see as pulsars, flashing in brightness as they spin. Neutrons stars with the strongest magnetic fields are called magnetars, and are capable of colossal bursts of energy that can be detected over vast distances.
Crash Course Astronomy Poster: http://store.dftba.com/products/crashcourse-astronomy-poster
Table of Contents
A Star Can Collapse to Form a Neutron Star 0:59
Neutron Star Characteristics 2:24
Pulsars 5:56
Magnetars 8:15
PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios
Follow Phil on Twitter: https://twitter.com/badastronomer
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Star Burst https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/details.cgi?aid=11447 [credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center]
X-ray Images of G292.0+1.8 http://chandra.harvard.edu/resources/animations/snr.html/?page=8 [credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/Penn State/S.Park et al.; Optical: Pal.Obs. DSS]
Neutron star cross section https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Neutron_star_cross_section.jpg [credit: NASA]
Fermi Spots 'Superflares' in the Crab Nebula https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDhdwgK218E [credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center]
What is a pulsar? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjLk_72V9Bw [credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center]
Jocelyn Bell http://blog.sciencemuseum.org.uk/insight/2013/03/20/1960-discovery-of-pulsars/ [credit: National Media Museum / Science & Society Picture Library]
Beacons of X-ray Light https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6p2OGc6a_TQ [credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech]
Chandra Time-Lapse Movie http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2002/0052/animations.html [credit: NASA/CXC/ASU/J.Hester et al.]
NASA's Fermi Satellite Finds Hints of Starquakes in Magnetar 'Storm' http://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/nasas-fermi-satellite-finds-hints-of-starquakes-in-magnetar-storm [credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/S. Wiessinger]
NASA's Swift Reveals New Phenomenon in a Neutron Star http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/swift/bursts/new-phenom.html#.Vcp-6flVhBe [credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center]
Cosmic Explosion Second Only to the Sun in Brightness https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/details.cgi?aid=20077 [credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Conceptual Image Lab]
- published: 17 Sep 2015
- views: 158079
Rethinking Civilization - Crash Course World History 201
In which John Green returns to teaching World History! This week, we'll be talking about the idea of civilization, some of the traditional hallmarks of so-ca......
In which John Green returns to teaching World History! This week, we'll be talking about the idea of civilization, some of the traditional hallmarks of so-ca...
wn.com/Rethinking Civilization Crash Course World History 201
In which John Green returns to teaching World History! This week, we'll be talking about the idea of civilization, some of the traditional hallmarks of so-ca...
- published: 11 Jul 2014
- views: 1488780
author: CrashCourse
Ghosts, Murder, and More Murder - Hamlet Part I: Crash Course Literature 203
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is ni......
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is ni...
wn.com/Ghosts, Murder, And More Murder Hamlet Part I Crash Course Literature 203
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is ni...
- published: 14 Mar 2014
- views: 487090
author: CrashCourse
Intro to Economics: Crash Course Econ #1
In which Jacob Clifford and Adriene Hill launch a brand new Crash Course on Economics! So, what is economics? Good question. It's not necessarily about money, o...
In which Jacob Clifford and Adriene Hill launch a brand new Crash Course on Economics! So, what is economics? Good question. It's not necessarily about money, or stock markets, or trade. It's about people and choices. What, you may ask, does that mean. We'll show you. Let's get started!
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TO: My Students
FROM: Mrs. Culp
Culpzilla's students are amazing! You guys rock!
TO: Everyone
FROM: Pankaj
DFTBA and keep being the exception like the Mongols.
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wn.com/Intro To Economics Crash Course Econ 1
In which Jacob Clifford and Adriene Hill launch a brand new Crash Course on Economics! So, what is economics? Good question. It's not necessarily about money, or stock markets, or trade. It's about people and choices. What, you may ask, does that mean. We'll show you. Let's get started!
Crash Course is now on Patreon! You can support us directly by signing up at http://www.patreon.com/crashcourse
Thanks to the following Patrons for their generous monthly contributions that help keep Crash Course free for everyone forever:
Mark Brouwer, Jan Schmid, Anna-Ester Volozh, Robert Kunz, Jason A Saslow, Christian Ludvigsen, Chris Peters, Brad Wardell, Beatrice Jin, Roger C. Rocha, Eric Knight, Jessica Simmons, Jeffrey Thompson, Elliot Beter, Today I Found Out, James Craver, Ian Dundore, Jessica Wode, SR Foxley, Sandra Aft, Jacob Ash, Steve Marshall
TO: My Students
FROM: Mrs. Culp
Culpzilla's students are amazing! You guys rock!
TO: Everyone
FROM: Pankaj
DFTBA and keep being the exception like the Mongols.
Thank you so much to all of our awesome supporters for their contributions to help make Crash Course possible and freely available for everyone forever:
Summer Naugle, Minnow, Ilkka Hemmilä, Kaitlyn Celeste, Lee Toran,
Sarty, Damian Shaw, Nathaniel "The Skipper" Cruz Chavez, Maura Doyle, Chris, Sander Mutsaers
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- published: 08 Jul 2015
- views: 301
Stoichiometry: Chemistry for Massive Creatures - Crash Course Chemistry #6
Chemists need stoichiometry to make the scale of chemistry more understandable - Hank is here to explain why, and to teach us how to use it. Table of Content......
Chemists need stoichiometry to make the scale of chemistry more understandable - Hank is here to explain why, and to teach us how to use it. Table of Content...
wn.com/Stoichiometry Chemistry For Massive Creatures Crash Course Chemistry 6
Chemists need stoichiometry to make the scale of chemistry more understandable - Hank is here to explain why, and to teach us how to use it. Table of Content...
- published: 19 Mar 2013
- views: 428311
author: CrashCourse
Distances: Crash Course Astronomy #25
How do astronomers make sense out of the vastness of space? How do they study things so far away? Today Phil talks about distances, going back to early astronom...
How do astronomers make sense out of the vastness of space? How do they study things so far away? Today Phil talks about distances, going back to early astronomy. Ancient Greeks were able to find the size of the Earth, and from that the distance to and the sizes of the Moon and Sun. Once the Earth/Sun distance was found, parallax was used to find the distance to nearby stars, and that was bootstrapped using brightness to determine the distances to much farther stars.
Table of Contents
Ancient Greeks Finding the Size of the Earth 1:07
Earth/Sun Distance Began Our Use of Parallax 5:39
Brightness Relation to Distance 9:07
PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios
Follow Phil on Twitter: https://twitter.com/badastronomer
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Lunar Ecplise http://www.slate.com/content/dam/slate/blogs/bad_astronomy/2014/04/15/lunareclipse_partial_apr142014_spica.jpg.CROP.original-original.jpg [credit: Phil Plait]
Venus & Mercury [credit: Phil Plait]
Venus Transit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34mXua1n_FQ [credit: NASA]
Black Drop Venus Transit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_drop_effect#mediaviewer/File:BlackDrop-Venus-Transit.jpg [credit: Wikimedia Commons, H. Raab, Johannes-Kepler-Observatory]
New Horizons Approaching Pluto and Charon https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Horizons#/media/File:15-011a-NewHorizons-PlutoFlyby-ArtistConcept-14July2015-20150115.jpg [credit: NASA/JHU APL/SwRI/Steve Gribben]
Radio Telescopes Diagram http://scitechdaily.com/images/Radio-Telescopes-Settle-Controversy-Over-Distance-to-Pleiades.jpg [credit: Alexandra Angelich, NRAO/AUI/NSF]
61 Cygni https://archive.stsci.edu/cgi-bin/dss_search?v=poss1_red&r;=21+06+54.60&d;=%2B38+44+44.9&e;=J2000&h;=30&w;=30&f;=gif&c;=none&fov;=NONE&v3;= [credit: Caltech / National Geographic Society / STScI]
Proxima Centauri https://www.spacetelescope.org/images/potw1343a/ [credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA]
Dying Star http://www.nasa.gov/images/content/64884main_image_feature_211_jwfull.jpg [credit: NASA, ESA, HEIC, and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)]
Exploding Star http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/imagegallery/image_feature_1604.html [credit: NASA, ESA, J. Hester, A. Loll (ASU)]
Animation of a Variable Star http://www.spacetelescope.org/videos/heic1323j/ [credit: NASA, ESA, M. Kornmesser]
Hubble's High-Definition Panoramic View of the Andromeda Galaxy http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/archive/releases/2015/02/image/a/ [credit: NASA, ESA, J. Dalcanton, B.F. Williams, and L.C. Johnson (University of Washington), the PHAT team, and R. Gendler]
wn.com/Distances Crash Course Astronomy 25
How do astronomers make sense out of the vastness of space? How do they study things so far away? Today Phil talks about distances, going back to early astronomy. Ancient Greeks were able to find the size of the Earth, and from that the distance to and the sizes of the Moon and Sun. Once the Earth/Sun distance was found, parallax was used to find the distance to nearby stars, and that was bootstrapped using brightness to determine the distances to much farther stars.
Table of Contents
Ancient Greeks Finding the Size of the Earth 1:07
Earth/Sun Distance Began Our Use of Parallax 5:39
Brightness Relation to Distance 9:07
PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios
Follow Phil on Twitter: https://twitter.com/badastronomer
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Lunar Ecplise http://www.slate.com/content/dam/slate/blogs/bad_astronomy/2014/04/15/lunareclipse_partial_apr142014_spica.jpg.CROP.original-original.jpg [credit: Phil Plait]
Venus & Mercury [credit: Phil Plait]
Venus Transit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34mXua1n_FQ [credit: NASA]
Black Drop Venus Transit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_drop_effect#mediaviewer/File:BlackDrop-Venus-Transit.jpg [credit: Wikimedia Commons, H. Raab, Johannes-Kepler-Observatory]
New Horizons Approaching Pluto and Charon https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Horizons#/media/File:15-011a-NewHorizons-PlutoFlyby-ArtistConcept-14July2015-20150115.jpg [credit: NASA/JHU APL/SwRI/Steve Gribben]
Radio Telescopes Diagram http://scitechdaily.com/images/Radio-Telescopes-Settle-Controversy-Over-Distance-to-Pleiades.jpg [credit: Alexandra Angelich, NRAO/AUI/NSF]
61 Cygni https://archive.stsci.edu/cgi-bin/dss_search?v=poss1_red&r;=21+06+54.60&d;=%2B38+44+44.9&e;=J2000&h;=30&w;=30&f;=gif&c;=none&fov;=NONE&v3;= [credit: Caltech / National Geographic Society / STScI]
Proxima Centauri https://www.spacetelescope.org/images/potw1343a/ [credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA]
Dying Star http://www.nasa.gov/images/content/64884main_image_feature_211_jwfull.jpg [credit: NASA, ESA, HEIC, and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)]
Exploding Star http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/imagegallery/image_feature_1604.html [credit: NASA, ESA, J. Hester, A. Loll (ASU)]
Animation of a Variable Star http://www.spacetelescope.org/videos/heic1323j/ [credit: NASA, ESA, M. Kornmesser]
Hubble's High-Definition Panoramic View of the Andromeda Galaxy http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/archive/releases/2015/02/image/a/ [credit: NASA, ESA, J. Dalcanton, B.F. Williams, and L.C. Johnson (University of Washington), the PHAT team, and R. Gendler]
- published: 17 Jul 2015
- views: 28652
The Oort Cloud: Crash Course Astronomy #25
Now that we’re done with the planets, asteroid belt, and comets, we’re heading to the outskirts of the solar system. Out past Neptune are vast reservoirs of icy...
Now that we’re done with the planets, asteroid belt, and comets, we’re heading to the outskirts of the solar system. Out past Neptune are vast reservoirs of icy bodies that can become comets if they get poked into the inner solar system. The Kuiper Belt is a donut shape aligned with the plane of the solar system; the scattered disk is more eccentric and is the source of short period comets; and the Oort Cloud which surrounds the solar system out to great distances is the source of long-period comets. These bodies all probably formed closer into the Sun, and got flung out to the solar system’s suburbs by gravitational interactions with the outer planets.
Table of Contents
Icy Bodies That Can Become Comets 0:27
The Kuiper Belt is a Donut Shape Aligned With the Plane of the Solar System 2:57
The Scattered Disk is More Eccentric and the Source of Short Period Comets 4:26
Oort Cloud Surrounds Our Solar System and is the Source of Long-Period Comets 4:04
These Bodies Probably Formed Near the Sun and Dispersed Through Gravitational Interactions 5:41
PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios
Follow Phil on Twitter: https://twitter.com/badastronomer
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HD Long Exposure Star Timelapse https://vimeo.com/34172172 [credit: Jeffrey Beach, Beachfront B-Roll]
Fine Structure in the Comet’s Jets http://blogs.esa.int/rosetta/2015/01/16/fine-structure-in-the-comets-jets/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protoplanetary_disk#mediaviewer/File:Artist%E2%80%99s_Impression_of_a_Baby_Star_Still_Surrounded_by_a_Protoplanetary_Disc.jpg [credit: ESA/Rosetta/MPS for OSIRIS Team MPS/UPD/LAM/IAA/SSO/INTA/UPM/DASP/IDA]
Artist's impression of a protoplanetary disk. [credit: ESO/L. Calçada - ESO]
Creating Gas Giants http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/details.cgi?aid=11541 [credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center]
What is a Sungrazing Comet? http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/details.cgi?aid=11307 [credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center]
Pluto/Neptune Orbit http://www2.jpl.nasa.gov/files/images/browse/plutoneptune.gif [credit: NASA]
1992 QB1 http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/multimedia/gallery/1992_QB14.jpg [credit: ESO]
Eris http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap060918.html [credit: W. M. Keck Observatory]
Moons of Pluto http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerberos_(moon)#/media/File:Moons_of_Pluto.png [credit: NASA, ESA, and M. Showalter (SETI institute)]
New Horizons Approach http://pluto.jhuapl.edu/common/content/animations/New-Horizons-Voyage-to-Pluto/ApproachingPluto1280.mp4 [credit: JHUAPL]
Moon http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/vis/a000000/a003800/a003894/phase04_full.jpg [credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio]
Pluto http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/multimedia/display.cfm?Category=Planets&IM;_ID=20073 [credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute]
Sedna’s Orbit http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sedna-PIA05569-crop.jpg [credit: NASA]
Artist’s Conception of Kuiper Belt http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:14-281-KuiperBeltObject-ArtistsConcept-20141015.jpg [credit: NASA, Wikimedia Commons]
Kuiper Belt World (video) http://planetquest.jpl.nasa.gov/video/41 [credit: NASA Kepler Mission/Dana Berry]
Pluto Discovery Plates http://azmemory.azlibrary.gov/cdm/singleitem/collection/loaselect/id/25/rec/1 [credit: Clyde Tombaugh, Lowell Observatory]
wn.com/The Oort Cloud Crash Course Astronomy 25
Now that we’re done with the planets, asteroid belt, and comets, we’re heading to the outskirts of the solar system. Out past Neptune are vast reservoirs of icy bodies that can become comets if they get poked into the inner solar system. The Kuiper Belt is a donut shape aligned with the plane of the solar system; the scattered disk is more eccentric and is the source of short period comets; and the Oort Cloud which surrounds the solar system out to great distances is the source of long-period comets. These bodies all probably formed closer into the Sun, and got flung out to the solar system’s suburbs by gravitational interactions with the outer planets.
Table of Contents
Icy Bodies That Can Become Comets 0:27
The Kuiper Belt is a Donut Shape Aligned With the Plane of the Solar System 2:57
The Scattered Disk is More Eccentric and the Source of Short Period Comets 4:26
Oort Cloud Surrounds Our Solar System and is the Source of Long-Period Comets 4:04
These Bodies Probably Formed Near the Sun and Dispersed Through Gravitational Interactions 5:41
PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios
Follow Phil on Twitter: https://twitter.com/badastronomer
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HD Long Exposure Star Timelapse https://vimeo.com/34172172 [credit: Jeffrey Beach, Beachfront B-Roll]
Fine Structure in the Comet’s Jets http://blogs.esa.int/rosetta/2015/01/16/fine-structure-in-the-comets-jets/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protoplanetary_disk#mediaviewer/File:Artist%E2%80%99s_Impression_of_a_Baby_Star_Still_Surrounded_by_a_Protoplanetary_Disc.jpg [credit: ESA/Rosetta/MPS for OSIRIS Team MPS/UPD/LAM/IAA/SSO/INTA/UPM/DASP/IDA]
Artist's impression of a protoplanetary disk. [credit: ESO/L. Calçada - ESO]
Creating Gas Giants http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/details.cgi?aid=11541 [credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center]
What is a Sungrazing Comet? http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/details.cgi?aid=11307 [credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center]
Pluto/Neptune Orbit http://www2.jpl.nasa.gov/files/images/browse/plutoneptune.gif [credit: NASA]
1992 QB1 http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/multimedia/gallery/1992_QB14.jpg [credit: ESO]
Eris http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap060918.html [credit: W. M. Keck Observatory]
Moons of Pluto http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerberos_(moon)#/media/File:Moons_of_Pluto.png [credit: NASA, ESA, and M. Showalter (SETI institute)]
New Horizons Approach http://pluto.jhuapl.edu/common/content/animations/New-Horizons-Voyage-to-Pluto/ApproachingPluto1280.mp4 [credit: JHUAPL]
Moon http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/vis/a000000/a003800/a003894/phase04_full.jpg [credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio]
Pluto http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/multimedia/display.cfm?Category=Planets&IM;_ID=20073 [credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute]
Sedna’s Orbit http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sedna-PIA05569-crop.jpg [credit: NASA]
Artist’s Conception of Kuiper Belt http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:14-281-KuiperBeltObject-ArtistsConcept-20141015.jpg [credit: NASA, Wikimedia Commons]
Kuiper Belt World (video) http://planetquest.jpl.nasa.gov/video/41 [credit: NASA Kepler Mission/Dana Berry]
Pluto Discovery Plates http://azmemory.azlibrary.gov/cdm/singleitem/collection/loaselect/id/25/rec/1 [credit: Clyde Tombaugh, Lowell Observatory]
- published: 26 Jun 2015
- views: 301
The Agricultural Revolution: Crash Course World History #1
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit http://dft.ba/-CCWHDVD to buy a set for your home or classroom.
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is nice, but if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing this content.
In which
Indus Valley Civilization: Crash Course World History #2
In which John Green teaches you about the Indus Valley Civilization, one of the largest of the ancient civilizations. John teaches you the who, how, when, wh...
Mesopotamia: Crash Course World History #3
In which John presents Mesopotamia, and the early civilizations that arose around the Fertile Crescent. Topics covered include the birth of territorial kingd...
Ancient Egypt: Crash Course World History #4
In which John covers the long, long history of ancient Egypt, including the Old, Middle and New Kingdoms, and even a couple of intermediate periods. Learn about mummies, pharaohs, pyramids and the Nile with John Green.
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD!
Hieroglyphs, Egyptian gods, and more: http://dft.ba/-egyptA
Mummies!: http://
The Persians & Greeks: Crash Course World History #5
In which John compares and contrasts Greek civilization and the Persian Empire. Of course we're glad that Greek civilization spawned modern western civilization, right? Maybe not. From Socrates and Plato to Darius and Xerxes, John explains two of the great powers of the ancient world, all WITHOUT the use of footage from 300.
The Histories of Herodotus: http://dft.ba/-herodotus
Buddha and Ashoka: Crash Course World History #6
In which John relates a condensed history of India, post-Indus Valley Civilization. John explores Hinduism and the origins of Buddhism. He also gets into the...
2,000 Years of Chinese History! The Mandate of Heaven and Confucius: World History #7
2000 Years of Chinese History! The Mandate of Heaven and Confucius: Crash Course World History #7 In which John introduces you to quite a lot of Chinese his...
Alexander the Great and the Situation ... the Great? Crash Course World History #8
In which you are introduced to the life and accomplishments of Alexander the Great, his empire, his horse Bucephalus, the empires that came after him, and th...
The Silk Road and Ancient Trade: Crash Course World History #9
The Silk Road and Ancient Trade: In which John Green teaches you about the so-called Silk Road, a network of trade routes where goods such as ivory, silver, ...
The Roman Empire. Or Republic. Or...Which Was It?: Crash Course World History #10
In which John Green explores exactly when Rome went from being the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire. Here's a hint: it had something to do with Julius Caes...
Christianity from Judaism to Constantine: Crash Course World History #11
In which John Green teaches you the history of Christianity, from the beginnings of Judaism and the development of monotheism, right up to Paul and how Christianity stormed the Roman Empire in just a few hundred years. Along the way, John will cover Abram/Abraham, the Covenant, the Roman Occupation of Judea, and the birth, life, death and legacy of Jesus of Nazareth. No flame wars! Let's keep the
Fall of The Roman Empire...in the 15th Century: Crash Course World History #12
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit http://dft.ba/-CCWHDVD to buy a set for your home or classroom.
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is nice, but if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing this content.
In which
Islam, the Quran, and the Five Pillars All Without a Flamewar: Crash Course World History #13
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit http://dft.ba/-CCWHDVD to buy a set for your home or classroom. You can directly support Crash Cour...
The Dark Ages...How Dark Were They, Really?: Crash Course World History #14
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit http://dft.ba/-CCWHDVD to buy a set for your home or classroom. You can directly support Crash Cour...
The Crusades - Pilgrimage or Holy War?: Crash Course World History #15
In which John Green teaches you about the Crusades embarked upon by European Christians in the 12th and 13th centuries. Our traditional perception of the Crusades as European Colonization thinly veiled in religion isn't quite right. John covers the First through the Fourth Crusades, telling you which were successful, which were well-intentioned yet ultimately destructive, and which were just plain
Mansa Musa and Islam in Africa: Crash Course World History #16
In which John Green teaches you about Sub-Saharan Africa! So, what exactly was going on there? It turns out, it was a lot of trade, converting to Islam, visits from Ibn Battuta, trade, beautiful women, trade, some impressive architecture, and several empires. John not only cover the the West African Malian Empire, which is the one Mansa Musa ruled, but he discusses the Ghana Empire, and even gets
Wait For It...The Mongols!: Crash Course World History #17
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit http://dft.ba/-CCWHDVD to buy a set for your home or classroom.
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is nice, but if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing this content.
Mongols T
Int'l Commerce, Snorkeling Camels, and The Indian Ocean Trade: Crash Course World History #18
In which John Green teaches you the history of the Indian Ocean Trade. John weaves a tale of swashbuckling adventure, replete with trade in books, ivory, and...
Venice and the Ottoman Empire: Crash Course World History #19
In which John Green discusses the strange and mutually beneficial relationship between a republic, the citystate of Venice, and an Empire, the Ottomans--and ...
Russia, the Kievan Rus, and the Mongols: Crash Course World History #20
In which John Green teaches you how Russia evolved from a loose amalgamation of medieval principalities known as the Kievan Rus into the thriving democracy w...
Columbus, de Gama, and Zheng He! 15th Century Mariners. Crash Course: World History #21
In which John Green teaches you about the beginning of the so-called Age of Discovery. You've probably heard of Christopher Columbus, who "discovered" America in 1492, but what about Vasco da Gama? How about Zheng He? Columbus gets a bad rap from many modern historians, but it turns out he was pretty important as far as the history of the world goes. That said, he wasn't the only pioneer plying th
The Renaissance: Was it a Thing? - Crash Course World History #22
In which John Green teaches you about the European Renaissance. European learning changed the world in the 15th and 16th century, but was it a cultural revol...
The Columbian Exchange: Crash Course World History #23
In which John Green teaches you about the changes wrought by contact between the Old World and the New. John does this by exploring the totally awesome history book "The Columbian Exchange" by Alfred Cosby, Jr. After Columbus "discovered" the Americas, European conquerors, traders, and settlers brought all manner of changes to the formerly isolated continents. Disease and invasive plant and animal
The Agricultural Revolution: Crash Course World History #1
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit http://dft.ba/-CCWHDVD to buy a set for your home or classroom.
You can directly support Crash Course...
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit http://dft.ba/-CCWHDVD to buy a set for your home or classroom.
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is nice, but if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing this content.
In which John Green investigates the dawn of human civilization. John looks into how people gave up hunting and gathering to become agriculturalists, and how that change has influenced the world we live in today. Also, there are some jokes about cheeseburgers.
Additional reading:
NIsa by Marjorie Shostak: http://dft.ba/-nisa
First Farmers by Peter Bellwood: http://dft.ba/-1stfarmers
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wn.com/The Agricultural Revolution Crash Course World History 1
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit http://dft.ba/-CCWHDVD to buy a set for your home or classroom.
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is nice, but if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing this content.
In which John Green investigates the dawn of human civilization. John looks into how people gave up hunting and gathering to become agriculturalists, and how that change has influenced the world we live in today. Also, there are some jokes about cheeseburgers.
Additional reading:
NIsa by Marjorie Shostak: http://dft.ba/-nisa
First Farmers by Peter Bellwood: http://dft.ba/-1stfarmers
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- published: 26 Jan 2012
- views: 3370635
Indus Valley Civilization: Crash Course World History #2
In which John Green teaches you about the Indus Valley Civilization, one of the largest of the ancient civilizations. John teaches you the who, how, when, wh......
In which John Green teaches you about the Indus Valley Civilization, one of the largest of the ancient civilizations. John teaches you the who, how, when, wh...
wn.com/Indus Valley Civilization Crash Course World History 2
In which John Green teaches you about the Indus Valley Civilization, one of the largest of the ancient civilizations. John teaches you the who, how, when, wh...
- published: 02 Feb 2012
- views: 1465069
author: CrashCourse
Mesopotamia: Crash Course World History #3
In which John presents Mesopotamia, and the early civilizations that arose around the Fertile Crescent. Topics covered include the birth of territorial kingd......
In which John presents Mesopotamia, and the early civilizations that arose around the Fertile Crescent. Topics covered include the birth of territorial kingd...
wn.com/Mesopotamia Crash Course World History 3
In which John presents Mesopotamia, and the early civilizations that arose around the Fertile Crescent. Topics covered include the birth of territorial kingd...
- published: 09 Feb 2012
- views: 1465186
author: CrashCourse
Ancient Egypt: Crash Course World History #4
In which John covers the long, long history of ancient Egypt, including the Old, Middle and New Kingdoms, and even a couple of intermediate periods. Learn about...
In which John covers the long, long history of ancient Egypt, including the Old, Middle and New Kingdoms, and even a couple of intermediate periods. Learn about mummies, pharaohs, pyramids and the Nile with John Green.
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD!
Hieroglyphs, Egyptian gods, and more: http://dft.ba/-egyptA
Mummies!: http://dft.ba/-mummies
Pyramids!: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyramid
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wn.com/Ancient Egypt Crash Course World History 4
In which John covers the long, long history of ancient Egypt, including the Old, Middle and New Kingdoms, and even a couple of intermediate periods. Learn about mummies, pharaohs, pyramids and the Nile with John Green.
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD!
Hieroglyphs, Egyptian gods, and more: http://dft.ba/-egyptA
Mummies!: http://dft.ba/-mummies
Pyramids!: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyramid
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- published: 16 Feb 2012
- views: 1767926
The Persians & Greeks: Crash Course World History #5
In which John compares and contrasts Greek civilization and the Persian Empire. Of course we're glad that Greek civilization spawned modern western civilization...
In which John compares and contrasts Greek civilization and the Persian Empire. Of course we're glad that Greek civilization spawned modern western civilization, right? Maybe not. From Socrates and Plato to Darius and Xerxes, John explains two of the great powers of the ancient world, all WITHOUT the use of footage from 300.
The Histories of Herodotus: http://dft.ba/-herodotus
Plato: http://dft.ba/-plato
Plays of Aristophanes: http://dft.ba/-aristophanes
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! http://www.dftba.com/product/1688
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wn.com/The Persians Greeks Crash Course World History 5
In which John compares and contrasts Greek civilization and the Persian Empire. Of course we're glad that Greek civilization spawned modern western civilization, right? Maybe not. From Socrates and Plato to Darius and Xerxes, John explains two of the great powers of the ancient world, all WITHOUT the use of footage from 300.
The Histories of Herodotus: http://dft.ba/-herodotus
Plato: http://dft.ba/-plato
Plays of Aristophanes: http://dft.ba/-aristophanes
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! http://www.dftba.com/product/1688
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- published: 23 Feb 2012
- views: 1998566
Buddha and Ashoka: Crash Course World History #6
In which John relates a condensed history of India, post-Indus Valley Civilization. John explores Hinduism and the origins of Buddhism. He also gets into the......
In which John relates a condensed history of India, post-Indus Valley Civilization. John explores Hinduism and the origins of Buddhism. He also gets into the...
wn.com/Buddha And Ashoka Crash Course World History 6
In which John relates a condensed history of India, post-Indus Valley Civilization. John explores Hinduism and the origins of Buddhism. He also gets into the...
- published: 01 Mar 2012
- views: 1269923
author: CrashCourse
2,000 Years of Chinese History! The Mandate of Heaven and Confucius: World History #7
2000 Years of Chinese History! The Mandate of Heaven and Confucius: Crash Course World History #7 In which John introduces you to quite a lot of Chinese his......
2000 Years of Chinese History! The Mandate of Heaven and Confucius: Crash Course World History #7 In which John introduces you to quite a lot of Chinese his...
wn.com/2,000 Years Of Chinese History The Mandate Of Heaven And Confucius World History 7
2000 Years of Chinese History! The Mandate of Heaven and Confucius: Crash Course World History #7 In which John introduces you to quite a lot of Chinese his...
- published: 09 Mar 2012
- views: 1527679
author: CrashCourse
Alexander the Great and the Situation ... the Great? Crash Course World History #8
In which you are introduced to the life and accomplishments of Alexander the Great, his empire, his horse Bucephalus, the empires that came after him, and th......
In which you are introduced to the life and accomplishments of Alexander the Great, his empire, his horse Bucephalus, the empires that came after him, and th...
wn.com/Alexander The Great And The Situation ... The Great Crash Course World History 8
In which you are introduced to the life and accomplishments of Alexander the Great, his empire, his horse Bucephalus, the empires that came after him, and th...
- published: 15 Mar 2012
- views: 1158707
author: CrashCourse
The Silk Road and Ancient Trade: Crash Course World History #9
The Silk Road and Ancient Trade: In which John Green teaches you about the so-called Silk Road, a network of trade routes where goods such as ivory, silver, ......
The Silk Road and Ancient Trade: In which John Green teaches you about the so-called Silk Road, a network of trade routes where goods such as ivory, silver, ...
wn.com/The Silk Road And Ancient Trade Crash Course World History 9
The Silk Road and Ancient Trade: In which John Green teaches you about the so-called Silk Road, a network of trade routes where goods such as ivory, silver, ...
- published: 22 Mar 2012
- views: 934396
author: CrashCourse
The Roman Empire. Or Republic. Or...Which Was It?: Crash Course World History #10
In which John Green explores exactly when Rome went from being the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire. Here's a hint: it had something to do with Julius Caes......
In which John Green explores exactly when Rome went from being the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire. Here's a hint: it had something to do with Julius Caes...
wn.com/The Roman Empire. Or Republic. Or...Which Was It Crash Course World History 10
In which John Green explores exactly when Rome went from being the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire. Here's a hint: it had something to do with Julius Caes...
- published: 29 Mar 2012
- views: 1293775
author: CrashCourse
Christianity from Judaism to Constantine: Crash Course World History #11
In which John Green teaches you the history of Christianity, from the beginnings of Judaism and the development of monotheism, right up to Paul and how Christia...
In which John Green teaches you the history of Christianity, from the beginnings of Judaism and the development of monotheism, right up to Paul and how Christianity stormed the Roman Empire in just a few hundred years. Along the way, John will cover Abram/Abraham, the Covenant, the Roman Occupation of Judea, and the birth, life, death and legacy of Jesus of Nazareth. No flame wars! Let's keep the commentary civil.
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! http://www.dftba.com/product/1688
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wn.com/Christianity From Judaism To Constantine Crash Course World History 11
In which John Green teaches you the history of Christianity, from the beginnings of Judaism and the development of monotheism, right up to Paul and how Christianity stormed the Roman Empire in just a few hundred years. Along the way, John will cover Abram/Abraham, the Covenant, the Roman Occupation of Judea, and the birth, life, death and legacy of Jesus of Nazareth. No flame wars! Let's keep the commentary civil.
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! http://www.dftba.com/product/1688
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- published: 05 Apr 2012
- views: 1866055
Fall of The Roman Empire...in the 15th Century: Crash Course World History #12
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit http://dft.ba/-CCWHDVD to buy a set for your home or classroom.
You can directly support Crash Course...
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit http://dft.ba/-CCWHDVD to buy a set for your home or classroom.
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is nice, but if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing this content.
In which John Green teaches you about the fall of the Roman Empire, which happened considerably later than you may have been told. While the Western Roman Empire fell to barbarians in 476 CE, the Byzantines in Constantinople continued the Eastern Empire nicely, calling themselves Romans for a further 1000 years. Find out what Justinian and the rest of the Byzantine emperors were up to over there, and how the Roman Empire dragged out its famous Decline well into medieval times. In addition to all this, you'll learn about ancient sports riots and hipster barbarians, too.
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wn.com/Fall Of The Roman Empire...In The 15Th Century Crash Course World History 12
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit http://dft.ba/-CCWHDVD to buy a set for your home or classroom.
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is nice, but if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing this content.
In which John Green teaches you about the fall of the Roman Empire, which happened considerably later than you may have been told. While the Western Roman Empire fell to barbarians in 476 CE, the Byzantines in Constantinople continued the Eastern Empire nicely, calling themselves Romans for a further 1000 years. Find out what Justinian and the rest of the Byzantine emperors were up to over there, and how the Roman Empire dragged out its famous Decline well into medieval times. In addition to all this, you'll learn about ancient sports riots and hipster barbarians, too.
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- published: 13 Apr 2012
- views: 2221144
Islam, the Quran, and the Five Pillars All Without a Flamewar: Crash Course World History #13
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit http://dft.ba/-CCWHDVD to buy a set for your home or classroom. You can directly support Crash Cour......
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit http://dft.ba/-CCWHDVD to buy a set for your home or classroom. You can directly support Crash Cour...
wn.com/Islam, The Quran, And The Five Pillars All Without A Flamewar Crash Course World History 13
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit http://dft.ba/-CCWHDVD to buy a set for your home or classroom. You can directly support Crash Cour...
- published: 19 Apr 2012
- views: 1762770
author: CrashCourse
The Dark Ages...How Dark Were They, Really?: Crash Course World History #14
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit http://dft.ba/-CCWHDVD to buy a set for your home or classroom. You can directly support Crash Cour......
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit http://dft.ba/-CCWHDVD to buy a set for your home or classroom. You can directly support Crash Cour...
wn.com/The Dark Ages...How Dark Were They, Really Crash Course World History 14
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit http://dft.ba/-CCWHDVD to buy a set for your home or classroom. You can directly support Crash Cour...
- published: 26 Apr 2012
- views: 1518330
author: CrashCourse
The Crusades - Pilgrimage or Holy War?: Crash Course World History #15
In which John Green teaches you about the Crusades embarked upon by European Christians in the 12th and 13th centuries. Our traditional perception of the Crusad...
In which John Green teaches you about the Crusades embarked upon by European Christians in the 12th and 13th centuries. Our traditional perception of the Crusades as European Colonization thinly veiled in religion isn't quite right. John covers the First through the Fourth Crusades, telling you which were successful, which were well-intentioned yet ultimately destructive, and which were just plain crazy. Before you ask, no, he doesn't cover the Children's Crusade, in which children were provoked to gather for a Crusade, and then promptly sold into slavery by the organizers of said Crusade. While this story is charming, it turns out to be complete and utter hooey.
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! http://www.dftba.com/product/1688
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wn.com/The Crusades Pilgrimage Or Holy War Crash Course World History 15
In which John Green teaches you about the Crusades embarked upon by European Christians in the 12th and 13th centuries. Our traditional perception of the Crusades as European Colonization thinly veiled in religion isn't quite right. John covers the First through the Fourth Crusades, telling you which were successful, which were well-intentioned yet ultimately destructive, and which were just plain crazy. Before you ask, no, he doesn't cover the Children's Crusade, in which children were provoked to gather for a Crusade, and then promptly sold into slavery by the organizers of said Crusade. While this story is charming, it turns out to be complete and utter hooey.
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! http://www.dftba.com/product/1688
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- published: 03 May 2012
- views: 1592260
Mansa Musa and Islam in Africa: Crash Course World History #16
In which John Green teaches you about Sub-Saharan Africa! So, what exactly was going on there? It turns out, it was a lot of trade, converting to Islam, visits ...
In which John Green teaches you about Sub-Saharan Africa! So, what exactly was going on there? It turns out, it was a lot of trade, converting to Islam, visits from Ibn Battuta, trade, beautiful women, trade, some impressive architecture, and several empires. John not only cover the the West African Malian Empire, which is the one Mansa Musa ruled, but he discusses the Ghana Empire, and even gets over to East Africa as well to discuss the trade-based city-states of Mogadishu, Mombasa, and Zanzibar. In addition to all this, John considers emigrating to Canada.
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! http://www.dftba.com/product/1688
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wn.com/Mansa Musa And Islam In Africa Crash Course World History 16
In which John Green teaches you about Sub-Saharan Africa! So, what exactly was going on there? It turns out, it was a lot of trade, converting to Islam, visits from Ibn Battuta, trade, beautiful women, trade, some impressive architecture, and several empires. John not only cover the the West African Malian Empire, which is the one Mansa Musa ruled, but he discusses the Ghana Empire, and even gets over to East Africa as well to discuss the trade-based city-states of Mogadishu, Mombasa, and Zanzibar. In addition to all this, John considers emigrating to Canada.
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! http://www.dftba.com/product/1688
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- published: 10 May 2012
- views: 1046866
Wait For It...The Mongols!: Crash Course World History #17
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit http://dft.ba/-CCWHDVD to buy a set for your home or classroom.
You can directly support Crash Course...
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit http://dft.ba/-CCWHDVD to buy a set for your home or classroom.
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is nice, but if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing this content.
Mongols T-Shirt: http://dftba.com/product/10g/CrashCourse-Mongols-Shirt
In which John Green teaches you, at long last, about the most exceptional bunch of empire-building nomads in the history of the world, the Mongols! How did the Mongols go from being a relatively small band of herders who occasionally engaged in some light hunting-gathering to being one of the most formidable fighting forces in the world? It turns out Genghis Khan was a pretty big part of it, but you probably already knew that. The more interesting questions might be, what kind of rulers were they, and what effect did their empire have on the world we know today? Find out, as John FINALLY teaches you about the Mongols.
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wn.com/Wait For It...The Mongols Crash Course World History 17
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! Visit http://dft.ba/-CCWHDVD to buy a set for your home or classroom.
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is nice, but if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing this content.
Mongols T-Shirt: http://dftba.com/product/10g/CrashCourse-Mongols-Shirt
In which John Green teaches you, at long last, about the most exceptional bunch of empire-building nomads in the history of the world, the Mongols! How did the Mongols go from being a relatively small band of herders who occasionally engaged in some light hunting-gathering to being one of the most formidable fighting forces in the world? It turns out Genghis Khan was a pretty big part of it, but you probably already knew that. The more interesting questions might be, what kind of rulers were they, and what effect did their empire have on the world we know today? Find out, as John FINALLY teaches you about the Mongols.
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- published: 18 May 2012
- views: 2150687
Int'l Commerce, Snorkeling Camels, and The Indian Ocean Trade: Crash Course World History #18
In which John Green teaches you the history of the Indian Ocean Trade. John weaves a tale of swashbuckling adventure, replete with trade in books, ivory, and......
In which John Green teaches you the history of the Indian Ocean Trade. John weaves a tale of swashbuckling adventure, replete with trade in books, ivory, and...
wn.com/Int'l Commerce, Snorkeling Camels, And The Indian Ocean Trade Crash Course World History 18
In which John Green teaches you the history of the Indian Ocean Trade. John weaves a tale of swashbuckling adventure, replete with trade in books, ivory, and...
- published: 24 May 2012
- views: 667543
author: CrashCourse
Venice and the Ottoman Empire: Crash Course World History #19
In which John Green discusses the strange and mutually beneficial relationship between a republic, the citystate of Venice, and an Empire, the Ottomans--and ......
In which John Green discusses the strange and mutually beneficial relationship between a republic, the citystate of Venice, and an Empire, the Ottomans--and ...
wn.com/Venice And The Ottoman Empire Crash Course World History 19
In which John Green discusses the strange and mutually beneficial relationship between a republic, the citystate of Venice, and an Empire, the Ottomans--and ...
- published: 31 May 2012
- views: 827483
author: CrashCourse
Russia, the Kievan Rus, and the Mongols: Crash Course World History #20
In which John Green teaches you how Russia evolved from a loose amalgamation of medieval principalities known as the Kievan Rus into the thriving democracy w......
In which John Green teaches you how Russia evolved from a loose amalgamation of medieval principalities known as the Kievan Rus into the thriving democracy w...
wn.com/Russia, The Kievan Rus, And The Mongols Crash Course World History 20
In which John Green teaches you how Russia evolved from a loose amalgamation of medieval principalities known as the Kievan Rus into the thriving democracy w...
- published: 07 Jun 2012
- views: 1030387
author: CrashCourse
Columbus, de Gama, and Zheng He! 15th Century Mariners. Crash Course: World History #21
In which John Green teaches you about the beginning of the so-called Age of Discovery. You've probably heard of Christopher Columbus, who "discovered" America i...
In which John Green teaches you about the beginning of the so-called Age of Discovery. You've probably heard of Christopher Columbus, who "discovered" America in 1492, but what about Vasco da Gama? How about Zheng He? Columbus gets a bad rap from many modern historians, but it turns out he was pretty important as far as the history of the world goes. That said, he wasn't the only pioneer plying the seas in the 1400s. In Portugal, Vasco da Gama was busy integrating Europe into the Indian Ocean Trade by sailing around Africa. Chinese admiral Zheng He was also traveling far and wide in the largest wooden ships ever built. Columbus, whether portrayed as hero or villain, is usually credited as the great sailor of the 15th century, but he definitely wasn't the only contender. What better way to settle this question than with a knock-down, drag-out, no holds barred, old-fashioned battle royal? We were going to make it a cage match, but welding is EXPENSIVE.
The Age of Reconnaissance by JH Parry - An explanation of the technologies that made these voyages possible, and a nice detailed record of many of the important voyages. http://dft.ba/-discovery
When China Ruled the Sea by Louise Levathes: A history of the Ming dynasty's ventures into maritime exploration. http://dft.ba/-zhenghedragon
Unknown Seas by Ronald Watkins: A highly readable account of Vasco da Gama's introduction of europe into the Indian Ocean trade. http://dft.ba/-vasco
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! http://www.dftba.com/product/1688
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wn.com/Columbus, De Gama, And Zheng He 15Th Century Mariners. Crash Course World History 21
In which John Green teaches you about the beginning of the so-called Age of Discovery. You've probably heard of Christopher Columbus, who "discovered" America in 1492, but what about Vasco da Gama? How about Zheng He? Columbus gets a bad rap from many modern historians, but it turns out he was pretty important as far as the history of the world goes. That said, he wasn't the only pioneer plying the seas in the 1400s. In Portugal, Vasco da Gama was busy integrating Europe into the Indian Ocean Trade by sailing around Africa. Chinese admiral Zheng He was also traveling far and wide in the largest wooden ships ever built. Columbus, whether portrayed as hero or villain, is usually credited as the great sailor of the 15th century, but he definitely wasn't the only contender. What better way to settle this question than with a knock-down, drag-out, no holds barred, old-fashioned battle royal? We were going to make it a cage match, but welding is EXPENSIVE.
The Age of Reconnaissance by JH Parry - An explanation of the technologies that made these voyages possible, and a nice detailed record of many of the important voyages. http://dft.ba/-discovery
When China Ruled the Sea by Louise Levathes: A history of the Ming dynasty's ventures into maritime exploration. http://dft.ba/-zhenghedragon
Unknown Seas by Ronald Watkins: A highly readable account of Vasco da Gama's introduction of europe into the Indian Ocean trade. http://dft.ba/-vasco
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! http://www.dftba.com/product/1688
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- published: 15 Jun 2012
- views: 940334
The Renaissance: Was it a Thing? - Crash Course World History #22
In which John Green teaches you about the European Renaissance. European learning changed the world in the 15th and 16th century, but was it a cultural revol......
In which John Green teaches you about the European Renaissance. European learning changed the world in the 15th and 16th century, but was it a cultural revol...
wn.com/The Renaissance Was It A Thing Crash Course World History 22
In which John Green teaches you about the European Renaissance. European learning changed the world in the 15th and 16th century, but was it a cultural revol...
- published: 21 Jun 2012
- views: 1032053
author: CrashCourse
The Columbian Exchange: Crash Course World History #23
In which John Green teaches you about the changes wrought by contact between the Old World and the New. John does this by exploring the totally awesome history ...
In which John Green teaches you about the changes wrought by contact between the Old World and the New. John does this by exploring the totally awesome history book "The Columbian Exchange" by Alfred Cosby, Jr. After Columbus "discovered" the Americas, European conquerors, traders, and settlers brought all manner of changes to the formerly isolated continents. Disease and invasive plant and animal species remade the New World, usually in negative ways. While native people, plants, and animals were being displaced in the Americas, the rest of the world was benefitting from American imports, especially foods like maize, tomatoes, potatoes, pineapple, blueberries, sweet potatoes, and manioc. Was the Columbian Exchange a net positive? It's debatable. So debate.
The Columbian Exchange, by Alfred Cosby, Jr: http://dft.ba/-columbian
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! http://www.dftba.com/product/1688
Follow us!
Like us! http://www.facebook.com/youtubecrashcourse
Follow us again! http://thecrashcourse.tumblr.com Support CrashCourse on Subbable: http://subbable.com/crashcourse
wn.com/The Columbian Exchange Crash Course World History 23
In which John Green teaches you about the changes wrought by contact between the Old World and the New. John does this by exploring the totally awesome history book "The Columbian Exchange" by Alfred Cosby, Jr. After Columbus "discovered" the Americas, European conquerors, traders, and settlers brought all manner of changes to the formerly isolated continents. Disease and invasive plant and animal species remade the New World, usually in negative ways. While native people, plants, and animals were being displaced in the Americas, the rest of the world was benefitting from American imports, especially foods like maize, tomatoes, potatoes, pineapple, blueberries, sweet potatoes, and manioc. Was the Columbian Exchange a net positive? It's debatable. So debate.
The Columbian Exchange, by Alfred Cosby, Jr: http://dft.ba/-columbian
Crash Course World History is now available on DVD! http://www.dftba.com/product/1688
Follow us!
Like us! http://www.facebook.com/youtubecrashcourse
Follow us again! http://thecrashcourse.tumblr.com Support CrashCourse on Subbable: http://subbable.com/crashcourse
- published: 28 Jun 2012
- views: 994531
Creation Science Crash Course - Lecture 2 of 9 - Two World Views Part 2 - Teachings on Genesis
The Creation Science Crash Course (CSCC) is a comprehensive class on creation science apologetic material. This class is given from a literal, historical, and grammatical viewpoint of the Bible. This viewpoint leads to a literal and historical view of the first 11 chapters in Genesis. This class teaches 6 day literal creation and a worldwide flood.
This class stemmed from the enormous volume o
Creation Science Crash Course - Lecture 3 of 9 - Genesis and the Flood
The Creation Science Crash Course (CSCC) is a comprehensive class on creation science apologetic material. This class is given from a literal, historical, and grammatical viewpoint of the Bible. This viewpoint leads to a literal and historical view of the first 11 chapters in Genesis. This class teaches 6 day literal creation and a worldwide flood.
This class stemmed from the enormous volume o
Creation Science Crash Course - Lecture 4 of 9 - Flood and Geology
The Creation Science Crash Course (CSCC) is a comprehensive class on creation science apologetic material. This class is given from a literal, historical, and grammatical viewpoint of the Bible. This viewpoint leads to a literal and historical view of the first 11 chapters in Genesis. This class teaches 6 day literal creation and a worldwide flood.
This class stemmed from the enormous volume o
Creation Science Crash Course - Lecture 5 of 9 - Geologic Evidence for a Young Earth
This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material such as, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidence in support of 6 day literal creation most Christians don't know where to start. This class provides Christians with a basic understanding of many of the main evidences. We have included what we feel are the most important creation scien
Creation Science Crash Course - Lecture 6 of 9 - Biological Evidence for the Creator Part 1
This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material such as, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidence in support of 6 day literal creation most Christians don't know where to start. This class provides Christians with a basic understanding of many of the main evidences. We have included what we feel are the most important creation scien
Creation Science Crash Course - Lecture 7 of 9 - Biological Evidence for the Creator Part 2
This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material such as, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidence in support of 6 day literal creation most Christians don't know where to start. This class provides Christians with a basic understanding of many of the main evidences. We have included what we feel are the most important creation scien
Creation Science Crash Course - Lecture 8 of 9 - Dinosaurs and Ancient Man
This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material such as, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidence in support of 6 day literal creation most Christians don't know where to start. This class provides Christians with a basic understanding of many of the main evidences. We have included what we feel are the most important creation scien
Creation Science Crash Course - Lecture 9 of 9 - Astronomy
This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material such as, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidence in support of 6 day literal creation most Christians don't know where to start. This class provides Christians with a basic understanding of many of the main evidences. We have included what we feel are the most important creation scien
L4D2 - Old School (Mutation) - Crash Course 60FPS
Doritos Crash Course: USA Levels 1-5!
MY T NIXION's Chanel ~~~~ Link Soon
Petro Bros's Channel ~~~~~ Link Soon
Crash Course 2014 - Cap18 "Numeri confusi" ITA
Crash Course 2014 - traduzione italiana
Autore: Chris Martenson
Traduzione: Davide Cristanelli
link: http://www.peakprosperity.com/crashco...
Il Crash Course cerca fornire un una conoscenza di base dell'economia per poter comprendere meglio i cambiamenti epocali che sono in corso.
Economia, Energia e Ecosistema sono le tre "E": questi tre ambiti sono legati assieme da leggi fisiche, naturali e so
Doritos crash course episode 2 (Might be blurry)
Thanks for 22 subs!!!
Crash Course - C9
Crash Course 2014 - Cap17 "Bolle speculative" ITA
Crash Course 2014 - traduzione italiana
Autore: Chris Martenson
Traduzione: Davide Cristanelli
link: http://www.peakprosperity.com/crashco...
Il Crash Course cerca fornire un una conoscenza di base dell'economia per poter comprendere meglio i cambiamenti epocali che sono in corso.
Economia, Energia e Ecosistema sono le tre "E": questi tre ambiti sono legati assieme da leggi fisiche, naturali e so
Crash Course de Chris Martenson FR Chapitre 2, les Trois E
Crash Course 2014 - Cap16 "Risparmio" ITA
Crash Course 2014 - traduzione italiana
Autore: Chris Martenson
Traduzione: Davide Cristanelli
link: http://www.peakprosperity.com/crashco...
Il Crash Course cerca fornire un una conoscenza di base dell'economia per poter comprendere meglio i cambiamenti epocali che sono in corso.
Economia, Energia e Ecosistema sono le tre "E": questi tre ambiti sono legati assieme da leggi fisiche, naturali e so
Amelia Muay Thai Intro Crash Course KOH Muay Thai Part 1
Amelia's first exposure to Muay Thai! Thanks to KOH Muay Thai Brandon Head Instructor Robbie Briere for taking the time!
Amelia Muay Thai Intro Crash Course KOH Muay Thai Part 2
Amelia's first exposure to Muay Thai! Thanks to KOH Muay Thai Brandon Head Instructor Robbie Briere for taking the time!
Amelia Muay Thai Intro Crash Course KOH Muay Thai Part 3
Amelia's first exposure to Muay Thai! Thanks to KOH Muay Thai Brandon Head Instructor Robbie Briere for taking the time!
Amelia Muay Thai Intro Crash Course KOH Muay Thai Part 4
Amelia's first exposure to Muay Thai! Thanks to KOH Muay Thai Brandon Head Instructor Robbie Briere for taking the time!
Amelia Muay Thai Intro Crash Course KOH Muay Thai Part 5
Amelia's first exposure to Muay Thai! Thanks to KOH Muay Thai Brandon Head Instructor Robbie Briere for taking the time!
Crash Course 2014 - Cap15 "Demografia" ITA
Crash Course 2014 - traduzione italiana
Autore: Chris Martenson
Traduzione: Davide Cristanelli
link: http://www.peakprosperity.com/crashco...
Il Crash Course cerca fornire un una conoscenza di base dell'economia per poter comprendere meglio i cambiamenti epocali che sono in corso.
Economia, Energia e Ecosistema sono le tre "E": questi tre ambiti sono legati assieme da leggi fisiche, naturali e so
Creation Science Crash Course - Lecture 2 of 9 - Two World Views Part 2 - Teachings on Genesis
The Creation Science Crash Course (CSCC) is a comprehensive class on creation science apologetic material. This class is given from a literal, historical, and ...
The Creation Science Crash Course (CSCC) is a comprehensive class on creation science apologetic material. This class is given from a literal, historical, and grammatical viewpoint of the Bible. This viewpoint leads to a literal and historical view of the first 11 chapters in Genesis. This class teaches 6 day literal creation and a worldwide flood.
This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material including, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidence in support of 6 day literal creation most Christians don't know where to start. This class provides Christians with a basic understanding of many of the main evidences. We have included what we feel are the most important creation science evidences.
The goals of this class are as follows...
1. Develop a consistent Christian world view
2. Gain confidence in the bible as scientifically and historically defensible
3. Equip Christians with information to defend scripture.
The information for this class came from dozens of books, as well as articles from Institute for Creation Research, Answers in Genesis, and Creation Ministries International.
The creation presentation was created by Ray Young and Rich Keller, we ended up giving the presentation about 10 times together as a 6 part series. I modified the class to fit in nine 35 to 40 minute time period, which is appropriate for Sunday school and bible studies.
wn.com/Creation Science Crash Course Lecture 2 Of 9 Two World Views Part 2 Teachings On Genesis
The Creation Science Crash Course (CSCC) is a comprehensive class on creation science apologetic material. This class is given from a literal, historical, and grammatical viewpoint of the Bible. This viewpoint leads to a literal and historical view of the first 11 chapters in Genesis. This class teaches 6 day literal creation and a worldwide flood.
This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material including, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidence in support of 6 day literal creation most Christians don't know where to start. This class provides Christians with a basic understanding of many of the main evidences. We have included what we feel are the most important creation science evidences.
The goals of this class are as follows...
1. Develop a consistent Christian world view
2. Gain confidence in the bible as scientifically and historically defensible
3. Equip Christians with information to defend scripture.
The information for this class came from dozens of books, as well as articles from Institute for Creation Research, Answers in Genesis, and Creation Ministries International.
The creation presentation was created by Ray Young and Rich Keller, we ended up giving the presentation about 10 times together as a 6 part series. I modified the class to fit in nine 35 to 40 minute time period, which is appropriate for Sunday school and bible studies.
- published: 26 Oct 2015
- views: 2
Creation Science Crash Course - Lecture 3 of 9 - Genesis and the Flood
The Creation Science Crash Course (CSCC) is a comprehensive class on creation science apologetic material. This class is given from a literal, historical, and ...
The Creation Science Crash Course (CSCC) is a comprehensive class on creation science apologetic material. This class is given from a literal, historical, and grammatical viewpoint of the Bible. This viewpoint leads to a literal and historical view of the first 11 chapters in Genesis. This class teaches 6 day literal creation and a worldwide flood.
This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material including, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidence in support of 6 day literal creation most Christians don't know where to start. This class provides Christians with a basic understanding of many of the main evidences. We have included what we feel are the most important creation science evidences.
The goals of this class are as follows...
1. Develop a consistent Christian world view
2. Gain confidence in the bible as scientifically and historically defensible
3. Equip Christians with information to defend scripture.
The information for this class came from dozens of books, as well as articles from Institute for Creation Research, Answers in Genesis, and Creation Ministries International.
The creation presentation was created by Ray Young and Rich Keller, we ended up giving the presentation about 10 times together as a 6 part series. I modified the class to fit in nine 35 to 40 minute time period, which is appropriate for Sunday school and bible studies.
wn.com/Creation Science Crash Course Lecture 3 Of 9 Genesis And The Flood
The Creation Science Crash Course (CSCC) is a comprehensive class on creation science apologetic material. This class is given from a literal, historical, and grammatical viewpoint of the Bible. This viewpoint leads to a literal and historical view of the first 11 chapters in Genesis. This class teaches 6 day literal creation and a worldwide flood.
This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material including, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidence in support of 6 day literal creation most Christians don't know where to start. This class provides Christians with a basic understanding of many of the main evidences. We have included what we feel are the most important creation science evidences.
The goals of this class are as follows...
1. Develop a consistent Christian world view
2. Gain confidence in the bible as scientifically and historically defensible
3. Equip Christians with information to defend scripture.
The information for this class came from dozens of books, as well as articles from Institute for Creation Research, Answers in Genesis, and Creation Ministries International.
The creation presentation was created by Ray Young and Rich Keller, we ended up giving the presentation about 10 times together as a 6 part series. I modified the class to fit in nine 35 to 40 minute time period, which is appropriate for Sunday school and bible studies.
- published: 26 Oct 2015
- views: 0
Creation Science Crash Course - Lecture 4 of 9 - Flood and Geology
The Creation Science Crash Course (CSCC) is a comprehensive class on creation science apologetic material. This class is given from a literal, historical, and ...
The Creation Science Crash Course (CSCC) is a comprehensive class on creation science apologetic material. This class is given from a literal, historical, and grammatical viewpoint of the Bible. This viewpoint leads to a literal and historical view of the first 11 chapters in Genesis. This class teaches 6 day literal creation and a worldwide flood.
This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material including, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidence in support of 6 day literal creation most Christians don't know where to start. This class provides Christians with a basic understanding of many of the main evidences. We have included what we feel are the most important creation science evidences.
The goals of this class are as follows...
1. Develop a consistent Christian world view
2. Gain confidence in the bible as scientifically and historically defensible
3. Equip Christians with information to defend scripture.
The information for this class came from dozens of books, as well as articles from Institute for Creation Research, Answers in Genesis, and Creation Ministries International.
The creation presentation was created by Ray Young and Rich Keller, we ended up giving the presentation about 10 times together as a 6 part series. I modified the class to fit in nine 35 to 40 minute time period, which is appropriate for Sunday school and bible studies.
wn.com/Creation Science Crash Course Lecture 4 Of 9 Flood And Geology
The Creation Science Crash Course (CSCC) is a comprehensive class on creation science apologetic material. This class is given from a literal, historical, and grammatical viewpoint of the Bible. This viewpoint leads to a literal and historical view of the first 11 chapters in Genesis. This class teaches 6 day literal creation and a worldwide flood.
This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material including, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidence in support of 6 day literal creation most Christians don't know where to start. This class provides Christians with a basic understanding of many of the main evidences. We have included what we feel are the most important creation science evidences.
The goals of this class are as follows...
1. Develop a consistent Christian world view
2. Gain confidence in the bible as scientifically and historically defensible
3. Equip Christians with information to defend scripture.
The information for this class came from dozens of books, as well as articles from Institute for Creation Research, Answers in Genesis, and Creation Ministries International.
The creation presentation was created by Ray Young and Rich Keller, we ended up giving the presentation about 10 times together as a 6 part series. I modified the class to fit in nine 35 to 40 minute time period, which is appropriate for Sunday school and bible studies.
- published: 26 Oct 2015
- views: 0
Creation Science Crash Course - Lecture 5 of 9 - Geologic Evidence for a Young Earth
This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material such as, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidenc...
This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material such as, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidence in support of 6 day literal creation most Christians don't know where to start. This class provides Christians with a basic understanding of many of the main evidences. We have included what we feel are the most important creation science evidences.
The goals of this class are as follows...
1. Develop a consistent Christian world view
2. Gain confidence in the bible as scientifically and historically defensible
3. Equip Christians with information to defend scripture.
The information for this class came from dozens of books, as well as articles from Institute for Creation Research, Answers in Genesis, and Creation Ministries International.
The creation presentation was created by Ray Young and Rich Keller, we ended up giving the presentation about 10 times together as a 6 part series. I modified the class to fit in nine 35 to 40 minute time period, which is appropriate for Sunday school and bible studies.
wn.com/Creation Science Crash Course Lecture 5 Of 9 Geologic Evidence For A Young Earth
This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material such as, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidence in support of 6 day literal creation most Christians don't know where to start. This class provides Christians with a basic understanding of many of the main evidences. We have included what we feel are the most important creation science evidences.
The goals of this class are as follows...
1. Develop a consistent Christian world view
2. Gain confidence in the bible as scientifically and historically defensible
3. Equip Christians with information to defend scripture.
The information for this class came from dozens of books, as well as articles from Institute for Creation Research, Answers in Genesis, and Creation Ministries International.
The creation presentation was created by Ray Young and Rich Keller, we ended up giving the presentation about 10 times together as a 6 part series. I modified the class to fit in nine 35 to 40 minute time period, which is appropriate for Sunday school and bible studies.
- published: 26 Oct 2015
- views: 1
Creation Science Crash Course - Lecture 6 of 9 - Biological Evidence for the Creator Part 1
This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material such as, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidenc...
This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material such as, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidence in support of 6 day literal creation most Christians don't know where to start. This class provides Christians with a basic understanding of many of the main evidences. We have included what we feel are the most important creation science evidences.
The goals of this class are as follows...
1. Develop a consistent Christian world view
2. Gain confidence in the bible as scientifically and historically defensible
3. Equip Christians with information to defend scripture.
The information for this class came from dozens of books, as well as articles from Institute for Creation Research, Answers in Genesis, and Creation Ministries International.
The creation presentation was created by Ray Young and Rich Keller, we ended up giving the presentation about 10 times together as a 6 part series. I modified the class to fit in nine 35 to 40 minute time period, which is appropriate for Sunday school and bible studies.
wn.com/Creation Science Crash Course Lecture 6 Of 9 Biological Evidence For The Creator Part 1
This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material such as, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidence in support of 6 day literal creation most Christians don't know where to start. This class provides Christians with a basic understanding of many of the main evidences. We have included what we feel are the most important creation science evidences.
The goals of this class are as follows...
1. Develop a consistent Christian world view
2. Gain confidence in the bible as scientifically and historically defensible
3. Equip Christians with information to defend scripture.
The information for this class came from dozens of books, as well as articles from Institute for Creation Research, Answers in Genesis, and Creation Ministries International.
The creation presentation was created by Ray Young and Rich Keller, we ended up giving the presentation about 10 times together as a 6 part series. I modified the class to fit in nine 35 to 40 minute time period, which is appropriate for Sunday school and bible studies.
- published: 26 Oct 2015
- views: 0
Creation Science Crash Course - Lecture 7 of 9 - Biological Evidence for the Creator Part 2
This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material such as, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidenc...
This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material such as, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidence in support of 6 day literal creation most Christians don't know where to start. This class provides Christians with a basic understanding of many of the main evidences. We have included what we feel are the most important creation science evidences.
The goals of this class are as follows...
1. Develop a consistent Christian world view
2. Gain confidence in the bible as scientifically and historically defensible
3. Equip Christians with information to defend scripture.
The information for this class came from dozens of books, as well as articles from Institute for Creation Research, Answers in Genesis, and Creation Ministries International.
The creation presentation was created by Ray Young and Rich Keller, we ended up giving the presentation about 10 times together as a 6 part series. I modified the class to fit in nine 35 to 40 minute time period, which is appropriate for Sunday school and bible studies.
wn.com/Creation Science Crash Course Lecture 7 Of 9 Biological Evidence For The Creator Part 2
This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material such as, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidence in support of 6 day literal creation most Christians don't know where to start. This class provides Christians with a basic understanding of many of the main evidences. We have included what we feel are the most important creation science evidences.
The goals of this class are as follows...
1. Develop a consistent Christian world view
2. Gain confidence in the bible as scientifically and historically defensible
3. Equip Christians with information to defend scripture.
The information for this class came from dozens of books, as well as articles from Institute for Creation Research, Answers in Genesis, and Creation Ministries International.
The creation presentation was created by Ray Young and Rich Keller, we ended up giving the presentation about 10 times together as a 6 part series. I modified the class to fit in nine 35 to 40 minute time period, which is appropriate for Sunday school and bible studies.
- published: 26 Oct 2015
- views: 1
Creation Science Crash Course - Lecture 8 of 9 - Dinosaurs and Ancient Man
This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material such as, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidenc...
This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material such as, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidence in support of 6 day literal creation most Christians don't know where to start. This class provides Christians with a basic understanding of many of the main evidences. We have included what we feel are the most important creation science evidences.
The goals of this class are as follows...
1. Develop a consistent Christian world view
2. Gain confidence in the bible as scientifically and historically defensible
3. Equip Christians with information to defend scripture.
The information for this class came from dozens of books, as well as articles from Institute for Creation Research, Answers in Genesis, and Creation Ministries International.
The creation presentation was created by Ray Young and Rich Keller, we ended up giving the presentation about 10 times together as a 6 part series. I modified the class to fit in nine 35 to 40 minute time period, which is appropriate for Sunday school and bible studies.
wn.com/Creation Science Crash Course Lecture 8 Of 9 Dinosaurs And Ancient Man
This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material such as, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidence in support of 6 day literal creation most Christians don't know where to start. This class provides Christians with a basic understanding of many of the main evidences. We have included what we feel are the most important creation science evidences.
The goals of this class are as follows...
1. Develop a consistent Christian world view
2. Gain confidence in the bible as scientifically and historically defensible
3. Equip Christians with information to defend scripture.
The information for this class came from dozens of books, as well as articles from Institute for Creation Research, Answers in Genesis, and Creation Ministries International.
The creation presentation was created by Ray Young and Rich Keller, we ended up giving the presentation about 10 times together as a 6 part series. I modified the class to fit in nine 35 to 40 minute time period, which is appropriate for Sunday school and bible studies.
- published: 26 Oct 2015
- views: 0
Creation Science Crash Course - Lecture 9 of 9 - Astronomy
This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material such as, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidenc...
This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material such as, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidence in support of 6 day literal creation most Christians don't know where to start. This class provides Christians with a basic understanding of many of the main evidences. We have included what we feel are the most important creation science evidences.
The goals of this class are as follows...
1. Develop a consistent Christian world view
2. Gain confidence in the bible as scientifically and historically defensible
3. Equip Christians with information to defend scripture.
The information for this class came from dozens of books, as well as articles from Institute for Creation Research, Answers in Genesis, and Creation Ministries International.
The creation presentation was created by Ray Young and Rich Keller, we ended up giving the presentation about 10 times together as a 6 part series. I modified the class to fit in nine 35 to 40 minute time period, which is appropriate for Sunday school and bible studies.
wn.com/Creation Science Crash Course Lecture 9 Of 9 Astronomy
This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material such as, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidence in support of 6 day literal creation most Christians don't know where to start. This class provides Christians with a basic understanding of many of the main evidences. We have included what we feel are the most important creation science evidences.
The goals of this class are as follows...
1. Develop a consistent Christian world view
2. Gain confidence in the bible as scientifically and historically defensible
3. Equip Christians with information to defend scripture.
The information for this class came from dozens of books, as well as articles from Institute for Creation Research, Answers in Genesis, and Creation Ministries International.
The creation presentation was created by Ray Young and Rich Keller, we ended up giving the presentation about 10 times together as a 6 part series. I modified the class to fit in nine 35 to 40 minute time period, which is appropriate for Sunday school and bible studies.
- published: 26 Oct 2015
- views: 0
L4D2 - Old School (Mutation) - Crash Course 60FPS
wn.com/L4D2 Old School (Mutation) Crash Course 60Fps
- published: 26 Oct 2015
- views: 16
Doritos Crash Course: USA Levels 1-5!
MY T NIXION's Chanel ~~~~ Link Soon
Petro Bros's Channel ~~~~~ Link Soon...
MY T NIXION's Chanel ~~~~ Link Soon
Petro Bros's Channel ~~~~~ Link Soon
wn.com/Doritos Crash Course USA Levels 1 5
MY T NIXION's Chanel ~~~~ Link Soon
Petro Bros's Channel ~~~~~ Link Soon
- published: 25 Oct 2015
- views: 1
Crash Course 2014 - Cap18 "Numeri confusi" ITA
Crash Course 2014 - traduzione italiana
Autore: Chris Martenson
Traduzione: Davide Cristanelli
link: http://www.peakprosperity.com/crashco...
Il Crash Course c...
Crash Course 2014 - traduzione italiana
Autore: Chris Martenson
Traduzione: Davide Cristanelli
link: http://www.peakprosperity.com/crashco...
Il Crash Course cerca fornire un una conoscenza di base dell'economia per poter comprendere meglio i cambiamenti epocali che sono in corso.
Economia, Energia e Ecosistema sono le tre "E": questi tre ambiti sono legati assieme da leggi fisiche, naturali e sociali, e solo affrontandoli in modo congiunto si può comprendere il contesto in cui si muove la vita dei nostri giorni.
La comprensione di ciò che sta accadendo infine è fondamentale per poter effettuare delle scelte consapevoli, sia a livello globale che a livello personale.
Il Crash Course è stato ideato da Chris Martenson, cittadino statunitense laureato in Scienze Americane alla Duke University di Durham, North Carolina, ed ha riscosso un notevole successo nella sua versione originale in inglese.
Altre traduzioni (libri, video, documenti) sono disponibili su http://www.indipendenzaenergetica.it
wn.com/Crash Course 2014 Cap18 Numeri Confusi Ita
Crash Course 2014 - traduzione italiana
Autore: Chris Martenson
Traduzione: Davide Cristanelli
link: http://www.peakprosperity.com/crashco...
Il Crash Course cerca fornire un una conoscenza di base dell'economia per poter comprendere meglio i cambiamenti epocali che sono in corso.
Economia, Energia e Ecosistema sono le tre "E": questi tre ambiti sono legati assieme da leggi fisiche, naturali e sociali, e solo affrontandoli in modo congiunto si può comprendere il contesto in cui si muove la vita dei nostri giorni.
La comprensione di ciò che sta accadendo infine è fondamentale per poter effettuare delle scelte consapevoli, sia a livello globale che a livello personale.
Il Crash Course è stato ideato da Chris Martenson, cittadino statunitense laureato in Scienze Americane alla Duke University di Durham, North Carolina, ed ha riscosso un notevole successo nella sua versione originale in inglese.
Altre traduzioni (libri, video, documenti) sono disponibili su http://www.indipendenzaenergetica.it
- published: 25 Oct 2015
- views: 0
Crash Course 2014 - Cap17 "Bolle speculative" ITA
Crash Course 2014 - traduzione italiana
Autore: Chris Martenson
Traduzione: Davide Cristanelli
link: http://www.peakprosperity.com/crashco...
Il Crash Course c...
Crash Course 2014 - traduzione italiana
Autore: Chris Martenson
Traduzione: Davide Cristanelli
link: http://www.peakprosperity.com/crashco...
Il Crash Course cerca fornire un una conoscenza di base dell'economia per poter comprendere meglio i cambiamenti epocali che sono in corso.
Economia, Energia e Ecosistema sono le tre "E": questi tre ambiti sono legati assieme da leggi fisiche, naturali e sociali, e solo affrontandoli in modo congiunto si può comprendere il contesto in cui si muove la vita dei nostri giorni.
La comprensione di ciò che sta accadendo infine è fondamentale per poter effettuare delle scelte consapevoli, sia a livello globale che a livello personale.
Il Crash Course è stato ideato da Chris Martenson, cittadino statunitense laureato in Scienze Americane alla Duke University di Durham, North Carolina, ed ha riscosso un notevole successo nella sua versione originale in inglese.
Altre traduzioni (libri, video, documenti) sono disponibili su http://www.indipendenzaenergetica.it
wn.com/Crash Course 2014 Cap17 Bolle Speculative Ita
Crash Course 2014 - traduzione italiana
Autore: Chris Martenson
Traduzione: Davide Cristanelli
link: http://www.peakprosperity.com/crashco...
Il Crash Course cerca fornire un una conoscenza di base dell'economia per poter comprendere meglio i cambiamenti epocali che sono in corso.
Economia, Energia e Ecosistema sono le tre "E": questi tre ambiti sono legati assieme da leggi fisiche, naturali e sociali, e solo affrontandoli in modo congiunto si può comprendere il contesto in cui si muove la vita dei nostri giorni.
La comprensione di ciò che sta accadendo infine è fondamentale per poter effettuare delle scelte consapevoli, sia a livello globale che a livello personale.
Il Crash Course è stato ideato da Chris Martenson, cittadino statunitense laureato in Scienze Americane alla Duke University di Durham, North Carolina, ed ha riscosso un notevole successo nella sua versione originale in inglese.
Altre traduzioni (libri, video, documenti) sono disponibili su http://www.indipendenzaenergetica.it
- published: 25 Oct 2015
- views: 0
Crash Course 2014 - Cap16 "Risparmio" ITA
Crash Course 2014 - traduzione italiana
Autore: Chris Martenson
Traduzione: Davide Cristanelli
link: http://www.peakprosperity.com/crashco...
Il Crash Course c...
Crash Course 2014 - traduzione italiana
Autore: Chris Martenson
Traduzione: Davide Cristanelli
link: http://www.peakprosperity.com/crashco...
Il Crash Course cerca fornire un una conoscenza di base dell'economia per poter comprendere meglio i cambiamenti epocali che sono in corso.
Economia, Energia e Ecosistema sono le tre "E": questi tre ambiti sono legati assieme da leggi fisiche, naturali e sociali, e solo affrontandoli in modo congiunto si può comprendere il contesto in cui si muove la vita dei nostri giorni.
La comprensione di ciò che sta accadendo infine è fondamentale per poter effettuare delle scelte consapevoli, sia a livello globale che a livello personale.
Il Crash Course è stato ideato da Chris Martenson, cittadino statunitense laureato in Scienze Americane alla Duke University di Durham, North Carolina, ed ha riscosso un notevole successo nella sua versione originale in inglese.
Altre traduzioni (libri, video, documenti) sono disponibili su http://www.indipendenzaenergetica.it
wn.com/Crash Course 2014 Cap16 Risparmio Ita
Crash Course 2014 - traduzione italiana
Autore: Chris Martenson
Traduzione: Davide Cristanelli
link: http://www.peakprosperity.com/crashco...
Il Crash Course cerca fornire un una conoscenza di base dell'economia per poter comprendere meglio i cambiamenti epocali che sono in corso.
Economia, Energia e Ecosistema sono le tre "E": questi tre ambiti sono legati assieme da leggi fisiche, naturali e sociali, e solo affrontandoli in modo congiunto si può comprendere il contesto in cui si muove la vita dei nostri giorni.
La comprensione di ciò che sta accadendo infine è fondamentale per poter effettuare delle scelte consapevoli, sia a livello globale che a livello personale.
Il Crash Course è stato ideato da Chris Martenson, cittadino statunitense laureato in Scienze Americane alla Duke University di Durham, North Carolina, ed ha riscosso un notevole successo nella sua versione originale in inglese.
Altre traduzioni (libri, video, documenti) sono disponibili su http://www.indipendenzaenergetica.it
- published: 25 Oct 2015
- views: 0
Amelia Muay Thai Intro Crash Course KOH Muay Thai Part 1
Amelia's first exposure to Muay Thai! Thanks to KOH Muay Thai Brandon Head Instructor Robbie Briere for taking the time!...
Amelia's first exposure to Muay Thai! Thanks to KOH Muay Thai Brandon Head Instructor Robbie Briere for taking the time!
wn.com/Amelia Muay Thai Intro Crash Course Koh Muay Thai Part 1
Amelia's first exposure to Muay Thai! Thanks to KOH Muay Thai Brandon Head Instructor Robbie Briere for taking the time!
- published: 25 Oct 2015
- views: 0
Amelia Muay Thai Intro Crash Course KOH Muay Thai Part 2
Amelia's first exposure to Muay Thai! Thanks to KOH Muay Thai Brandon Head Instructor Robbie Briere for taking the time!...
Amelia's first exposure to Muay Thai! Thanks to KOH Muay Thai Brandon Head Instructor Robbie Briere for taking the time!
wn.com/Amelia Muay Thai Intro Crash Course Koh Muay Thai Part 2
Amelia's first exposure to Muay Thai! Thanks to KOH Muay Thai Brandon Head Instructor Robbie Briere for taking the time!
- published: 25 Oct 2015
- views: 1
Amelia Muay Thai Intro Crash Course KOH Muay Thai Part 3
Amelia's first exposure to Muay Thai! Thanks to KOH Muay Thai Brandon Head Instructor Robbie Briere for taking the time!...
Amelia's first exposure to Muay Thai! Thanks to KOH Muay Thai Brandon Head Instructor Robbie Briere for taking the time!
wn.com/Amelia Muay Thai Intro Crash Course Koh Muay Thai Part 3
Amelia's first exposure to Muay Thai! Thanks to KOH Muay Thai Brandon Head Instructor Robbie Briere for taking the time!
- published: 25 Oct 2015
- views: 2
Amelia Muay Thai Intro Crash Course KOH Muay Thai Part 4
Amelia's first exposure to Muay Thai! Thanks to KOH Muay Thai Brandon Head Instructor Robbie Briere for taking the time!...
Amelia's first exposure to Muay Thai! Thanks to KOH Muay Thai Brandon Head Instructor Robbie Briere for taking the time!
wn.com/Amelia Muay Thai Intro Crash Course Koh Muay Thai Part 4
Amelia's first exposure to Muay Thai! Thanks to KOH Muay Thai Brandon Head Instructor Robbie Briere for taking the time!
- published: 25 Oct 2015
- views: 2
Amelia Muay Thai Intro Crash Course KOH Muay Thai Part 5
Amelia's first exposure to Muay Thai! Thanks to KOH Muay Thai Brandon Head Instructor Robbie Briere for taking the time!...
Amelia's first exposure to Muay Thai! Thanks to KOH Muay Thai Brandon Head Instructor Robbie Briere for taking the time!
wn.com/Amelia Muay Thai Intro Crash Course Koh Muay Thai Part 5
Amelia's first exposure to Muay Thai! Thanks to KOH Muay Thai Brandon Head Instructor Robbie Briere for taking the time!
- published: 25 Oct 2015
- views: 5
Crash Course 2014 - Cap15 "Demografia" ITA
Crash Course 2014 - traduzione italiana
Autore: Chris Martenson
Traduzione: Davide Cristanelli
link: http://www.peakprosperity.com/crashco...
Il Crash Course c...
Crash Course 2014 - traduzione italiana
Autore: Chris Martenson
Traduzione: Davide Cristanelli
link: http://www.peakprosperity.com/crashco...
Il Crash Course cerca fornire un una conoscenza di base dell'economia per poter comprendere meglio i cambiamenti epocali che sono in corso.
Economia, Energia e Ecosistema sono le tre "E": questi tre ambiti sono legati assieme da leggi fisiche, naturali e sociali, e solo affrontandoli in modo congiunto si può comprendere il contesto in cui si muove la vita dei nostri giorni.
La comprensione di ciò che sta accadendo infine è fondamentale per poter effettuare delle scelte consapevoli, sia a livello globale che a livello personale.
Il Crash Course è stato ideato da Chris Martenson, cittadino statunitense laureato in Scienze Americane alla Duke University di Durham, North Carolina, ed ha riscosso un notevole successo nella sua versione originale in inglese.
Altre traduzioni (libri, video, documenti) sono disponibili su http://www.indipendenzaenergetica.it
wn.com/Crash Course 2014 Cap15 Demografia Ita
Crash Course 2014 - traduzione italiana
Autore: Chris Martenson
Traduzione: Davide Cristanelli
link: http://www.peakprosperity.com/crashco...
Il Crash Course cerca fornire un una conoscenza di base dell'economia per poter comprendere meglio i cambiamenti epocali che sono in corso.
Economia, Energia e Ecosistema sono le tre "E": questi tre ambiti sono legati assieme da leggi fisiche, naturali e sociali, e solo affrontandoli in modo congiunto si può comprendere il contesto in cui si muove la vita dei nostri giorni.
La comprensione di ciò che sta accadendo infine è fondamentale per poter effettuare delle scelte consapevoli, sia a livello globale che a livello personale.
Il Crash Course è stato ideato da Chris Martenson, cittadino statunitense laureato in Scienze Americane alla Duke University di Durham, North Carolina, ed ha riscosso un notevole successo nella sua versione originale in inglese.
Altre traduzioni (libri, video, documenti) sono disponibili su http://www.indipendenzaenergetica.it
- published: 25 Oct 2015
- views: 0
2015 Chaos in the Valley ..::.. Crash Course Live
2015 vChaos in the Valley
Shenandoah County Fairgrounds (Woodstock, VA)
Promoted by JPG Towing/Jason & Penny Shipe
As a benefit for the Tom's Brook Volunteer Fire Department
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Your life, delivered 2
Accelerated Crash Course (ACC) 2014
The above video is a condensation of the 4.5-hour long full Crash Course video series. The data and analysis underlying the material represent over a decade ...
Crash Course Live ..::.. More Chaos in the Valley
Crash Course Live ..::.. More Chaos in the Valley
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Your life, delivered 24/7/365 on every device
The Finger Lakes Region's first and only Internet Broadcasting Network w
Doritos Crash Course con el Wero, Alfalta, Bean3r y Tum Tum!!
Que tal razita que disfruten el stream!! Canal del Wero: http://www.youtube.com/lacajacafe Canal de Alfata: http://www.youtube.com/alfalta90apps Canal de Bean3r: http://www.youtube.com/lalocharo...
Search Engine Optimization crash course
Artem talks about basics of search engine optimization (SEO) in Oulu University. In this short talk students learn about basics of SEO and importance of content.
Artem describes process of optimizing content for SEO. Beginners who know little of search engine optimization will benefit most from this video.
Tools mentioned during the talk:
- Google AdWords keyword planner: https://adwords.google
Crash Course on InDesign CS6
UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs
French for beginners, France, Free French lesson, French lesson, Learn French, French words, Pronounce French, French course, French video lesson, French for intermediate, French for advanced, French verbs, French grammar, Сазнајте Француски, Französisch lernen, 学习法语,學習法語,프랑스어 배우기, Aprender el francés, למד צרפתית , Apprendre le français, Μάθετε γαλλικά, जानें फ्रांसीसी, Belajar bahasa Perancis, Fr
DEBUNKED: The Crusades - Pilgrimage or Holy War?: Crash Course World History #15
In this video, I take apart John Green's Crash Course history of the Crusades. Is John Green's take on the Crusades accurate? Find out in this video...
The video I am responding to is here:
Donate to support Crusades history:
GTA 5 CRASH COURSE! GTA 5 Mods Showcase: Episode 36
GTA 5 Funny Moments playing GTA 5, GTA 5 Mods, GTA 5 Stunts, GTA 5 Videos & more! Enjoyed GTA 5 PC Mods?
► Help Me Reach 500,000 Subscribers! Click to Subscribe! ► http://bit.ly/SubtoOlli43
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Second Channel: http://youtube.com/mrollihull
Twitch TV: http://twitch.tv/olli43
Richard Hammond’s Crash Course -1×1- Abrams Tank [Full Episode]
Richard Hammond’s Crash Course -1×1- Abrams Tank
Richard Hammond’s Crash Course -1×1- Abrams Tank
Richard Hammond’s Crash Course -1×1- Abrams Tank
Richard Hammond’s Crash Course -1×1- Abrams Tank [Full Episode]
Richard Hammond’s Crash Course -1×1- Abrams Tank [Full Episode]
Richard Hammond’s Crash Course -1×1- Abrams Tank [Full Episode]
Watch Series
Watch Richard Hammond’s Crash Course -1
Lamaze Crash Course
Initially, i recorded this video just to use for our personal use only, but i decided to upload to Youtube since there's a lot of good information to share w...
JEWISH HISTORY: A One-Hour Crash Course - Rabbi Michael Skobac – Jews for Judaism
JEWS FOR JUDAISM is an international organization dedicated to countering the multi-million dollar efforts of Christian missionary groups that target Jews, the impact of cults and eastern religions, and the growing rate of intermarriage that is devastating the Jewish community. JEWS FOR JUDAISM achieves its goal through FREE educational programs, materials and counseling services that connect Jew
Sam Williams and Chaos in the Valley ..::.. Crash Course #103
This week, we dive into the topic of Blizzard Bash: raffles, Fantasy League prizes, and the action packed card! Sam Williams joins us, and we also touch on the chaotic fallout of the "RR10" hoax, where so much of the derby community was consumed with helping a young boy who essentially never existed.
Sign up for Blizzard Bash Fantasy League here: http://www.smashedempiremedia.com/2015blizzardbash
Linux System Administration Crash Course
Ionic Crash Course
A crash course on getting started building mobile apps with the Ionic Framework.
Crash Course by Chris Martenson - 38 minute condensed version
Join Dr. Chris Martenson as he explains the three E's of the economy, energy, and the environment and how they are interrelated in this condensed version of ...
Substance Painter Crash Course
Hope you guys enjoy the video!
Here are some awesome resources for learning more about PBR and Substance Painter!
Substance Painter Tutorials:
PBR Theory:
PBR Practice:
PBR Texture Conversion:
Traffic Cops - S06E07 - Crash Course
Please follow www.Twitter.com/VideoBurp for information about this channel and to keep up to date on the channels future.
If you wish to make requests, let me know on Twitter or my G+ page.
ITIL Crash Course for IT Pros: Building to Operate
Planning a Service Management project and barely know how to spell ITIL? Come to the ITIL Crash Course for IT professionals so you can engage in re-discoveri...
Stanford Design Thinking Virtual Crash Course
(Video-Delire) Doritos Crash Course
DrupalCon Los Angeles 2015: Drupal 8: The Crash Course
One of the most widely-used and mature Content Management Systems on the planet, Drupal runs more than one in fifty websites in the world. However, it has always been something of an odd duck, with an architecture and design very different than anything else in PHP.
Enter Drupal 8: Almost a complete rewrite under the hood, Drupal 8 is a modern, PHP 5.4-boasting, REST-capable, object-oriented pow
Code Lyoko- Episode 72- Crash Course
2015 Chaos in the Valley ..::.. Crash Course Live
2015 vChaos in the Valley
Shenandoah County Fairgrounds (Woodstock, VA)
Promoted by JPG Towing/Jason & Penny Shipe
As a benefit for the Tom's Brook Volunteer Fi...
2015 vChaos in the Valley
Shenandoah County Fairgrounds (Woodstock, VA)
Promoted by JPG Towing/Jason & Penny Shipe
As a benefit for the Tom's Brook Volunteer Fire Department
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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wn.com/2015 Chaos In The Valley .. .. Crash Course Live
2015 vChaos in the Valley
Shenandoah County Fairgrounds (Woodstock, VA)
Promoted by JPG Towing/Jason & Penny Shipe
As a benefit for the Tom's Brook Volunteer Fire Department
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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The Finger Lakes Region's first and only Internet Broadcasting Network with over 10 hours of live content weekly.
Connect with us @fingerlakes1 on Twitter
- published: 15 Oct 2015
- views: 1
Accelerated Crash Course (ACC) 2014
The above video is a condensation of the 4.5-hour long full Crash Course video series. The data and analysis underlying the material represent over a decade ......
The above video is a condensation of the 4.5-hour long full Crash Course video series. The data and analysis underlying the material represent over a decade ...
wn.com/Accelerated Crash Course (Acc) 2014
The above video is a condensation of the 4.5-hour long full Crash Course video series. The data and analysis underlying the material represent over a decade ...
Crash Course Live ..::.. More Chaos in the Valley
Crash Course Live ..::.. More Chaos in the Valley
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
SUBSCRIBE to our channel for more great local content like this!
Enjoying thi...
Crash Course Live ..::.. More Chaos in the Valley
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
SUBSCRIBE to our channel for more great local content like this!
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Thank you for watching FL1 TV
Your life, delivered 24/7/365 on every device
The Finger Lakes Region's first and only Internet Broadcasting Network with over 10 hours of live content weekly.
Connect with us @fingerlakes1 on Twitter
wn.com/Crash Course Live .. .. More Chaos In The Valley
Crash Course Live ..::.. More Chaos in the Valley
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Thank you for watching FL1 TV
Your life, delivered 24/7/365 on every device
The Finger Lakes Region's first and only Internet Broadcasting Network with over 10 hours of live content weekly.
Connect with us @fingerlakes1 on Twitter
- published: 25 Oct 2015
- views: 558
Doritos Crash Course con el Wero, Alfalta, Bean3r y Tum Tum!!
Que tal razita que disfruten el stream!! Canal del Wero: http://www.youtube.com/lacajacafe Canal de Alfata: http://www.youtube.com/alfalta90apps Canal de Bean3r...
Que tal razita que disfruten el stream!! Canal del Wero: http://www.youtube.com/lacajacafe Canal de Alfata: http://www.youtube.com/alfalta90apps Canal de Bean3r: http://www.youtube.com/lalocharo...
wn.com/Doritos Crash Course Con El Wero, Alfalta, Bean3R Y Tum Tum
Que tal razita que disfruten el stream!! Canal del Wero: http://www.youtube.com/lacajacafe Canal de Alfata: http://www.youtube.com/alfalta90apps Canal de Bean3r: http://www.youtube.com/lalocharo...
Search Engine Optimization crash course
Artem talks about basics of search engine optimization (SEO) in Oulu University. In this short talk students learn about basics of SEO and importance of content...
Artem talks about basics of search engine optimization (SEO) in Oulu University. In this short talk students learn about basics of SEO and importance of content.
Artem describes process of optimizing content for SEO. Beginners who know little of search engine optimization will benefit most from this video.
Tools mentioned during the talk:
- Google AdWords keyword planner: https://adwords.google.com/KeywordPlanner
- Open Site Explorer: https://moz.com/researchtools/ose/
- Google Analytics: http://www.google.com/analytics/
- Google Webmaster tools: https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/
For quality search engine optimization services check out our website at http://www.lumolink.com
wn.com/Search Engine Optimization Crash Course
Artem talks about basics of search engine optimization (SEO) in Oulu University. In this short talk students learn about basics of SEO and importance of content.
Artem describes process of optimizing content for SEO. Beginners who know little of search engine optimization will benefit most from this video.
Tools mentioned during the talk:
- Google AdWords keyword planner: https://adwords.google.com/KeywordPlanner
- Open Site Explorer: https://moz.com/researchtools/ose/
- Google Analytics: http://www.google.com/analytics/
- Google Webmaster tools: https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/
For quality search engine optimization services check out our website at http://www.lumolink.com
- published: 09 Nov 2014
- views: 18
Crash Course on InDesign CS6
UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs...
UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs
wn.com/Crash Course On Indesign Cs6
UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs
- published: 10 Nov 2014
- views: 35
French for beginners, France, Free French lesson, French lesson, Learn French, French words, Pronounce French, French course, French video lesson, French for in...
French for beginners, France, Free French lesson, French lesson, Learn French, French words, Pronounce French, French course, French video lesson, French for intermediate, French for advanced, French verbs, French grammar, Сазнајте Француски, Französisch lernen, 学习法语,學習法語,프랑스어 배우기, Aprender el francés, למד צרפתית , Apprendre le français, Μάθετε γαλλικά, जानें फ्रांसीसी, Belajar bahasa Perancis, Fransızca öğren, تعلم اللغة الفرنسية, Aprenda Francês, فرانسیسی سیکھیں, تعلم الفرنسية, یادگیری زبان فرانسه, Fransızca öğrenin,
wn.com/French Crash Course Day 1
French for beginners, France, Free French lesson, French lesson, Learn French, French words, Pronounce French, French course, French video lesson, French for intermediate, French for advanced, French verbs, French grammar, Сазнајте Француски, Französisch lernen, 学习法语,學習法語,프랑스어 배우기, Aprender el francés, למד צרפתית , Apprendre le français, Μάθετε γαλλικά, जानें फ्रांसीसी, Belajar bahasa Perancis, Fransızca öğren, تعلم اللغة الفرنسية, Aprenda Francês, فرانسیسی سیکھیں, تعلم الفرنسية, یادگیری زبان فرانسه, Fransızca öğrenin,
- published: 30 Jun 2015
- views: 552
DEBUNKED: The Crusades - Pilgrimage or Holy War?: Crash Course World History #15
In this video, I take apart John Green's Crash Course history of the Crusades. Is John Green's take on the Crusades accurate...
In this video, I take apart John Green's Crash Course history of the Crusades. Is John Green's take on the Crusades accurate? Find out in this video...
The video I am responding to is here:
Donate to support Crusades history:
wn.com/Debunked The Crusades Pilgrimage Or Holy War Crash Course World History 15
In this video, I take apart John Green's Crash Course history of the Crusades. Is John Green's take on the Crusades accurate? Find out in this video...
The video I am responding to is here:
Donate to support Crusades history:
- published: 10 Dec 2014
- views: 376
GTA 5 CRASH COURSE! GTA 5 Mods Showcase: Episode 36
GTA 5 Funny Moments playing GTA 5, GTA 5 Mods, GTA 5 Stunts, GTA 5 Videos & more! Enjoyed GTA 5 PC Mods?
► Help Me Reach 500,000 Subscribers! Click to Subscrib...
GTA 5 Funny Moments playing GTA 5, GTA 5 Mods, GTA 5 Stunts, GTA 5 Videos & more! Enjoyed GTA 5 PC Mods?
► Help Me Reach 500,000 Subscribers! Click to Subscribe! ► http://bit.ly/SubtoOlli43
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ollihull
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Olli43-Machinima-Director/307216559302170
Second Channel: http://youtube.com/mrollihull
Twitch TV: http://twitch.tv/olli43
wn.com/Gta 5 Crash Course Gta 5 Mods Showcase Episode 36
GTA 5 Funny Moments playing GTA 5, GTA 5 Mods, GTA 5 Stunts, GTA 5 Videos & more! Enjoyed GTA 5 PC Mods?
► Help Me Reach 500,000 Subscribers! Click to Subscribe! ► http://bit.ly/SubtoOlli43
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ollihull
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Olli43-Machinima-Director/307216559302170
Second Channel: http://youtube.com/mrollihull
Twitch TV: http://twitch.tv/olli43
- published: 27 Jul 2015
- views: 6702
Richard Hammond’s Crash Course -1×1- Abrams Tank [Full Episode]
Richard Hammond’s Crash Course -1×1- Abrams Tank
Richard Hammond’s Crash Course -1×1- Abrams Tank
Richard Hammond’s Crash Course -1×1- Abrams Tank
Richard Ha...
Richard Hammond’s Crash Course -1×1- Abrams Tank
Richard Hammond’s Crash Course -1×1- Abrams Tank
Richard Hammond’s Crash Course -1×1- Abrams Tank
Richard Hammond’s Crash Course -1×1- Abrams Tank [Full Episode]
Richard Hammond’s Crash Course -1×1- Abrams Tank [Full Episode]
Richard Hammond’s Crash Course -1×1- Abrams Tank [Full Episode]
Watch Series
Watch Richard Hammond’s Crash Course -1×1- Abrams Tank Online
Watch Richard Hammond’s Crash Course -1×1- Abrams Tank [Full Episode]
Richard Hammond’s Crash Course -1×1- Abrams Tank
wn.com/Richard Hammond’S Crash Course 1×1 Abrams Tank Full Episode
Richard Hammond’s Crash Course -1×1- Abrams Tank
Richard Hammond’s Crash Course -1×1- Abrams Tank
Richard Hammond’s Crash Course -1×1- Abrams Tank
Richard Hammond’s Crash Course -1×1- Abrams Tank [Full Episode]
Richard Hammond’s Crash Course -1×1- Abrams Tank [Full Episode]
Richard Hammond’s Crash Course -1×1- Abrams Tank [Full Episode]
Watch Series
Watch Richard Hammond’s Crash Course -1×1- Abrams Tank Online
Watch Richard Hammond’s Crash Course -1×1- Abrams Tank [Full Episode]
Richard Hammond’s Crash Course -1×1- Abrams Tank
- published: 16 Jun 2015
- views: 38
Lamaze Crash Course
Initially, i recorded this video just to use for our personal use only, but i decided to upload to Youtube since there's a lot of good information to share w......
Initially, i recorded this video just to use for our personal use only, but i decided to upload to Youtube since there's a lot of good information to share w...
wn.com/Lamaze Crash Course
Initially, i recorded this video just to use for our personal use only, but i decided to upload to Youtube since there's a lot of good information to share w...
- published: 17 Nov 2012
- views: 115009
author: Simon Says
JEWISH HISTORY: A One-Hour Crash Course - Rabbi Michael Skobac – Jews for Judaism
JEWS FOR JUDAISM is an international organization dedicated to countering the multi-million dollar efforts of Christian missionary groups that target Jews, the ...
JEWS FOR JUDAISM is an international organization dedicated to countering the multi-million dollar efforts of Christian missionary groups that target Jews, the impact of cults and eastern religions, and the growing rate of intermarriage that is devastating the Jewish community. JEWS FOR JUDAISM achieves its goal through FREE educational programs, materials and counseling services that connect Jewish people to the spiritual depth, beauty and wisdom of Judaism and keeps Jews Jewish. Please contact us if we can help you. www.jewsforjudaism.ca
wn.com/Jewish History A One Hour Crash Course Rabbi Michael Skobac – Jews For Judaism
JEWS FOR JUDAISM is an international organization dedicated to countering the multi-million dollar efforts of Christian missionary groups that target Jews, the impact of cults and eastern religions, and the growing rate of intermarriage that is devastating the Jewish community. JEWS FOR JUDAISM achieves its goal through FREE educational programs, materials and counseling services that connect Jewish people to the spiritual depth, beauty and wisdom of Judaism and keeps Jews Jewish. Please contact us if we can help you. www.jewsforjudaism.ca
- published: 06 Sep 2015
- views: 235
Sam Williams and Chaos in the Valley ..::.. Crash Course #103
This week, we dive into the topic of Blizzard Bash: raffles, Fantasy League prizes, and the action packed card! Sam Williams joins us, and we also touch on the ...
This week, we dive into the topic of Blizzard Bash: raffles, Fantasy League prizes, and the action packed card! Sam Williams joins us, and we also touch on the chaotic fallout of the "RR10" hoax, where so much of the derby community was consumed with helping a young boy who essentially never existed.
Sign up for Blizzard Bash Fantasy League here: http://www.smashedempiremedia.com/2015blizzardbashfantasyleague.html
Then, we turn our attention to the weekend's Chaos in the Valley event - which will be streamed on Fingerlakes1.tv from the Shenandoah County Fairgrounds in Woodstock, VA.
Also: New Year Eve ticketing updates! RC Car action in New York! And more!
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The Finger Lakes Region's first and only Internet Broadcasting Network with over 10 hours of live content weekly.
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wn.com/Sam Williams And Chaos In The Valley .. .. Crash Course 103
This week, we dive into the topic of Blizzard Bash: raffles, Fantasy League prizes, and the action packed card! Sam Williams joins us, and we also touch on the chaotic fallout of the "RR10" hoax, where so much of the derby community was consumed with helping a young boy who essentially never existed.
Sign up for Blizzard Bash Fantasy League here: http://www.smashedempiremedia.com/2015blizzardbashfantasyleague.html
Then, we turn our attention to the weekend's Chaos in the Valley event - which will be streamed on Fingerlakes1.tv from the Shenandoah County Fairgrounds in Woodstock, VA.
Also: New Year Eve ticketing updates! RC Car action in New York! And more!
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SUBSCRIBE to our channel for more great local content like this!
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Thank you for watching FL1 TV
Your life, delivered 24/7/365 on every device
The Finger Lakes Region's first and only Internet Broadcasting Network with over 10 hours of live content weekly.
Connect with us @fingerlakes1 on Twitter
- published: 20 Oct 2015
- views: 482
Ionic Crash Course
A crash course on getting started building mobile apps with the Ionic Framework....
A crash course on getting started building mobile apps with the Ionic Framework.
wn.com/Ionic Crash Course
A crash course on getting started building mobile apps with the Ionic Framework.
- published: 28 Mar 2014
- views: 38904
author: Ionic
Crash Course by Chris Martenson - 38 minute condensed version
Join Dr. Chris Martenson as he explains the three E's of the economy, energy, and the environment and how they are interrelated in this condensed version of ......
Join Dr. Chris Martenson as he explains the three E's of the economy, energy, and the environment and how they are interrelated in this condensed version of ...
wn.com/Crash Course By Chris Martenson 38 Minute Condensed Version
Join Dr. Chris Martenson as he explains the three E's of the economy, energy, and the environment and how they are interrelated in this condensed version of ...
Substance Painter Crash Course
Hope you guys enjoy the video!
Here are some awesome resources for learning more about PBR and Substance Painter!
Substance Painter Tutorials:
Hope you guys enjoy the video!
Here are some awesome resources for learning more about PBR and Substance Painter!
Substance Painter Tutorials:
PBR Theory:
PBR Practice:
PBR Texture Conversion:
My Artstation:
My Twitter:
wn.com/Substance Painter Crash Course
Hope you guys enjoy the video!
Here are some awesome resources for learning more about PBR and Substance Painter!
Substance Painter Tutorials:
PBR Theory:
PBR Practice:
PBR Texture Conversion:
My Artstation:
My Twitter:
- published: 21 Jun 2015
- views: 1651
Traffic Cops - S06E07 - Crash Course
Please follow www.Twitter.com/VideoBurp for information about this channel and to keep up to date on the channels future.
If you wish to make requests, let me ...
Please follow www.Twitter.com/VideoBurp for information about this channel and to keep up to date on the channels future.
If you wish to make requests, let me know on Twitter or my G+ page.
wn.com/Traffic Cops S06E07 Crash Course
Please follow www.Twitter.com/VideoBurp for information about this channel and to keep up to date on the channels future.
If you wish to make requests, let me know on Twitter or my G+ page.
- published: 12 May 2014
- views: 786
ITIL Crash Course for IT Pros: Building to Operate
Planning a Service Management project and barely know how to spell ITIL? Come to the ITIL Crash Course for IT professionals so you can engage in re-discoveri......
Planning a Service Management project and barely know how to spell ITIL? Come to the ITIL Crash Course for IT professionals so you can engage in re-discoveri...
wn.com/Itil Crash Course For It Pros Building To Operate
Planning a Service Management project and barely know how to spell ITIL? Come to the ITIL Crash Course for IT professionals so you can engage in re-discoveri...
DrupalCon Los Angeles 2015: Drupal 8: The Crash Course
One of the most widely-used and mature Content Management Systems on the planet, Drupal runs more than one in fifty websites in the world. However, it has alwa...
One of the most widely-used and mature Content Management Systems on the planet, Drupal runs more than one in fifty websites in the world. However, it has always been something of an odd duck, with an architecture and design very different than anything else in PHP.
Enter Drupal 8: Almost a complete rewrite under the hood, Drupal 8 is a modern, PHP 5.4-boasting, REST-capable, object-oriented powerhouse. Now leveraging 3rd party components from no less than 9 different projects, Drupal 8 aims to be the premiere Content Management Platform for PHP.
But how do you use all this new-fangled stuff? This session will provide a walkthrough of Drupal's key systems and APIs, intended to give developers a taste of what building with Drupal 8 will be like.
Prior familiarity with Drupal 7 is helpful but will not be assumed.
wn.com/Drupalcon Los Angeles 2015 Drupal 8 The Crash Course
One of the most widely-used and mature Content Management Systems on the planet, Drupal runs more than one in fifty websites in the world. However, it has always been something of an odd duck, with an architecture and design very different than anything else in PHP.
Enter Drupal 8: Almost a complete rewrite under the hood, Drupal 8 is a modern, PHP 5.4-boasting, REST-capable, object-oriented powerhouse. Now leveraging 3rd party components from no less than 9 different projects, Drupal 8 aims to be the premiere Content Management Platform for PHP.
But how do you use all this new-fangled stuff? This session will provide a walkthrough of Drupal's key systems and APIs, intended to give developers a taste of what building with Drupal 8 will be like.
Prior familiarity with Drupal 7 is helpful but will not be assumed.
- published: 12 May 2015
- views: 642