
Three Steps to Plan for Strategic Default
http://www.ForeclosureIndustryNews.com Christine talks about strategic default and how to ...
published: 21 Feb 2010
author: Christine Springer
Three Steps to Plan for Strategic Default
Three Steps to Plan for Strategic Default
http://www.ForeclosureIndustryNews.com Christine talks about strategic default and how to prepare for it. Check out my Do It Yourself Loan Audit Products at ...- published: 21 Feb 2010
- views: 22009
- author: Christine Springer

Strategic Default: Is It Fraud? What Will Happen In Foreclosure?
http://mortgagemediationgroup.com What is Strategic Default? In part 2 I tell you why Stra...
published: 07 Jul 2011
author: Kevin Hardin
Strategic Default: Is It Fraud? What Will Happen In Foreclosure?
Strategic Default: Is It Fraud? What Will Happen In Foreclosure?
http://mortgagemediationgroup.com What is Strategic Default? In part 2 I tell you why Strategic Default IS NOT FRAUD and what will happen during Foreclosure....- published: 07 Jul 2011
- views: 1586
- author: Kevin Hardin

Strategic Default: Should You Walk Away From Your Mortgage?
As Americans wait for the real estate market to recover, many homeowners who can afford th...
published: 19 May 2010
author: MiCasaMiDinero
Strategic Default: Should You Walk Away From Your Mortgage?
Strategic Default: Should You Walk Away From Your Mortgage?
As Americans wait for the real estate market to recover, many homeowners who can afford their current mortgage are considering walking away from their mortga...- published: 19 May 2010
- views: 12128
- author: MiCasaMiDinero

Would you consider 'strategic default?'
Last year, 3 in 10 mortgage defaults were by homeowners who could afford the payment. That...
published: 09 Jan 2012
author: abc15com
Would you consider 'strategic default?'
Would you consider 'strategic default?'
Last year, 3 in 10 mortgage defaults were by homeowners who could afford the payment. That's up from the year before.- published: 09 Jan 2012
- views: 885
- author: abc15com

Strategic Default/Foreclosure : My personal story
In these hard economic times, this topic needs to be shared with others in case it can hel...
published: 07 Jan 2012
author: blssed2bme1234
Strategic Default/Foreclosure : My personal story
Strategic Default/Foreclosure : My personal story
In these hard economic times, this topic needs to be shared with others in case it can help someone else. Here is my personal story about my home's foreclosure.- published: 07 Jan 2012
- views: 671
- author: blssed2bme1234

Strategic Default | (1 of 10) | Introduction to The Strategic Mortgage Default System
http://www.strategicloandefault.com - Are you ready to walk away from your underwater mort...
published: 31 May 2010
author: Paul Stevenson
Strategic Default | (1 of 10) | Introduction to The Strategic Mortgage Default System
Strategic Default | (1 of 10) | Introduction to The Strategic Mortgage Default System
http://www.strategicloandefault.com - Are you ready to walk away from your underwater mortgage? Strategic default expert Paul Stevenson, creator of the Strat...- published: 31 May 2010
- views: 3788
- author: Paul Stevenson

Distressed homeowners try "strategic default"
Strategic Default Florida Foreclosure Defense Mark Stopa - www.stayinmyhome.com....
published: 23 Nov 2010
author: stoplawfirm
Distressed homeowners try "strategic default"
Distressed homeowners try "strategic default"
Strategic Default Florida Foreclosure Defense Mark Stopa - www.stayinmyhome.com.- published: 23 Nov 2010
- views: 706
- author: stoplawfirm

Strategic Default Help- Jumbo loan refinance. Save your credit and home!
Want to refinance that Jumbo loan, http://MFGCapitalFunding.com but there is no help other...
published: 13 Jan 2012
author: BuyDestinRealEstate
Strategic Default Help- Jumbo loan refinance. Save your credit and home!
Strategic Default Help- Jumbo loan refinance. Save your credit and home!
Want to refinance that Jumbo loan, http://MFGCapitalFunding.com but there is no help other than Strategic Default? We have a solution to regain equity in you...- published: 13 Jan 2012
- views: 26108
- author: BuyDestinRealEstate

How to Plan a Strategic Default in Florida by Roy Oppenheim
http://www.oppenheimlaw.com/ Florida Foreclosure defense attorney and legal blogger, Roy O...
published: 15 Jun 2011
author: Roy Oppenheim
How to Plan a Strategic Default in Florida by Roy Oppenheim
How to Plan a Strategic Default in Florida by Roy Oppenheim
http://www.oppenheimlaw.com/ Florida Foreclosure defense attorney and legal blogger, Roy Oppenheim, talks about how to do a Strategic Default. A Strategic De...- published: 15 Jun 2011
- views: 2443
- author: Roy Oppenheim

Strategic Default - Missing Mortgage Payments
Have you ever heard of the term "Strategic Default". Stategic default is a term that is us...
published: 30 Dec 2011
author: ShortSaleShift
Strategic Default - Missing Mortgage Payments
Strategic Default - Missing Mortgage Payments
Have you ever heard of the term "Strategic Default". Stategic default is a term that is used when someone starts Missing Mortgage Payments even though they c...- published: 30 Dec 2011
- views: 240
- author: ShortSaleShift

Strategic Default Is Not Immoral - Mortgage Mediation Group
http://www.MortgageMediationGroup.com 888-909-1030 If you or someone you know is facing a ...
published: 17 Jan 2013
author: Kevin Hardin
Strategic Default Is Not Immoral - Mortgage Mediation Group
Strategic Default Is Not Immoral - Mortgage Mediation Group
http://www.MortgageMediationGroup.com 888-909-1030 If you or someone you know is facing a point where they can no longer afford their home or it no longer ma...- published: 17 Jan 2013
- views: 93
- author: Kevin Hardin

Strategic Default: Right or Wrong?
Paul video chats with banker Bill Valenti from his Florida office. It will probably come a...
published: 05 Jan 2011
author: PBSNewsHour
Strategic Default: Right or Wrong?
Strategic Default: Right or Wrong?
Paul video chats with banker Bill Valenti from his Florida office. It will probably come as no surprise that Valenti feels strongly about his borrowers honor...- published: 05 Jan 2011
- views: 505
- author: PBSNewsHour

Pay or Walk Away? Roy Oppenheim on Strategic Default with FOX News
http://oppenheimlaw.com Oppenheim Law's featured short sale and strategic default intervie...
published: 30 Apr 2010
author: Roy Oppenheim
Pay or Walk Away? Roy Oppenheim on Strategic Default with FOX News
Pay or Walk Away? Roy Oppenheim on Strategic Default with FOX News
http://oppenheimlaw.com Oppenheim Law's featured short sale and strategic default interview with South Florida's WSNV FOX Channel 7. Roy Oppenheim is a Flori...- published: 30 Apr 2010
- views: 11069
- author: Roy Oppenheim

Should I pay my under water mortgage? Should I Strategic Default? Reduce Principal? Short Sale?
http://lasvegasrealestate-stevehawks.com/ 702.458.3999. Ask the expert. The number 1 Las V...
published: 17 Aug 2012
author: Steve Hawks
Should I pay my under water mortgage? Should I Strategic Default? Reduce Principal? Short Sale?
Should I pay my under water mortgage? Should I Strategic Default? Reduce Principal? Short Sale?
http://lasvegasrealestate-stevehawks.com/ 702.458.3999. Ask the expert. The number 1 Las Vegas Real Estate question. Should I make my house payment? Should I...- published: 17 Aug 2012
- views: 20495
- author: Steve Hawks
Youtube results:

Real Estate Workshop on Strategic Default
Roy Oppenheim presents a real estate workshop once a month on foreclosure, Strategic Defau...
published: 06 Aug 2009
author: Roy Oppenheim
Real Estate Workshop on Strategic Default
Real Estate Workshop on Strategic Default
Roy Oppenheim presents a real estate workshop once a month on foreclosure, Strategic Default, loan modifications, and Florida real estate. For more informati...- published: 06 Aug 2009
- views: 920
- author: Roy Oppenheim

Jumbo loan Strategic Default delays but will not Stop Foreclosure as bank Short Pays.|831-998-7830|
http://tinyurl.com/the-option Jumbo loan Strategic Default delays but will not Stop Forecl...
published: 06 May 2013
author: Joe ThomasCo
Jumbo loan Strategic Default delays but will not Stop Foreclosure as bank Short Pays.|831-998-7830|
Jumbo loan Strategic Default delays but will not Stop Foreclosure as bank Short Pays.|831-998-7830|
http://tinyurl.com/the-option Jumbo loan Strategic Default delays but will not Stop Foreclosure as "Short Pays" to the bank will. How To keep from having to ...- published: 06 May 2013
- views: 29
- author: Joe ThomasCo

Investor with underwater mortgage profits with strategic default make $56,000! 20k from bank
http://lasvegasrealestate-stevehawks.com/ 702.458.3999. Las Vegas real estate investors wi...
published: 07 Oct 2012
author: Steve Hawks
Investor with underwater mortgage profits with strategic default make $56,000! 20k from bank
Investor with underwater mortgage profits with strategic default make $56,000! 20k from bank
http://lasvegasrealestate-stevehawks.com/ 702.458.3999. Las Vegas real estate investors with under water mortgage in Las Vegas Real estate are making huge pr...- published: 07 Oct 2012
- views: 13703
- author: Steve Hawks

Strategic Default | (8 of 10) | Tax Implications of Strategic Default
http://www.strategicloandefault.com - Are you underwater on your mortgage? Perhaps FAR und...
published: 09 Jul 2010
Strategic Default | (8 of 10) | Tax Implications of Strategic Default
Strategic Default | (8 of 10) | Tax Implications of Strategic Default
http://www.strategicloandefault.com - Are you underwater on your mortgage? Perhaps FAR underwater? Are you contemplating the growing trend of strategic default? Strategic default expert Paul Stevenson, creator of the Strategic Mortgage Default System, http://www.strategicloandefault.com , brings you this FREE multi-part series on the fundamentals of strategic default. In this eighth installment, Paul reminds you that even if your strategic default comes off without a hitch, you may still have to answer to the tax man. Yes, forgiven debt (your goal in walking away) counts as income, so if the bank lets you off the hook on a large deficiency, you may face a hefty tax bill. Fortunately, as Paul explains, there are many exceptions to this that can work in your favor and make the "income" non-taxable. You must understand your expected tax situation before embarking on strategic default. Be sure to watch the entire video series, in which Paul Stevenson teaches you everything you need to know BEFORE you stop paying your mortgage.- published: 09 Jul 2010
- views: 1480