- published: 15 Sep 2016
- views: 14057
A vernissage (varnishing, from French) is a term used for a preview of an art exhibition, which may be private, before the formal opening. If the vernissage is not open to the public, but only for invited guests, it is often called a private view.
At official exhibitions in the nineteenth century, such as the Royal Academy summer exhibition, artists would give a finishing touch to their works by varnishing them. The custom of patrons and the élite of visiting the academies during the varnishing day prior to the formal opening of the exhibition gave rise to the tradition of celebrating the completion of an art work or a series of art works with friends and sponsors. In the twentieth century it became an opportunity to market the works on view to buyers and critics.
There is a comparable ceremonial ending of art exhibitions, called a finissage. Larger art exhibitions also may have an event at half time of the exhibition called a midissage. These latter terms are rare in English; they are more commonly used in German but not in French.
Art Cologne is an art fair held annually in Cologne, Germany and was established in 1967 as Kölner Kunstmarkt. It is regarded as the world's oldest art fair of its kind. The fair runs for six days and brings together galleries from more than 20 countries at the Cologne Exhibition Center. It is open to the public and attracts about 60,000 visitors.
The Art Cologne was the first art fair organized by and for commercial galleries to exhibit and sell Modern and Contemporary art. This kind of art fair distinguished itself from earlier art fairs such as the 57th Street Art Fair in Chicago or the Ann Arbor Art Fairs in Michigan, in which artists themselves marketed their works directly to the public from stands set-up in the streets. The Art Cologne and other international art fairs that followed offer private galleries conditions similar to their own back home: booths in buildings enabling them to present art works of high value.
The Kölner Kunstmarkt was founded by galerists Hein Stünke and Rudolph Zwirner in 1967 in an attempt to reinvigorate the weak market for contemporary art. With Bonn as the new capital city of Germany, the Rhineland – an industrial powerhouse at the centre of Europe driving the West German economy and acting as a hub for the entire western European economy – took over as the centre of the West German art world. The first Kölner Kunstmarkt took place in the Gürzenich festival hall in the medieval part of the city; the following year Kunsthalle Köln was added as an additional location. The fair helped to establish Cologne as a new center of contemporary art. A West German dealer and a West German artist set new records at the 1969 edition of Kölner Kunstmarkt: René Block sold a work by Joseph Beuys – known later as Das Rudel – at DM 110,000, making Beuys the first West German artist to beat the one-hundred-thousand-mark mark.
Валерий Леонтьев feat. Лайма Вайкуле - Вернисаж (1986г.) | Новогодний огонек
Korrekte Aussprache: Vernissage
Vernissage de l'exposition de peinture Chorégraphie
VernissagE - Z kończącym się dniem (singiel).
Vernissage "kunst im stall" Kramsach
VernissagE - Bajka (demo)
Art Cologne 2013 Vernissage
VernissagE - W sobie (official video)
Подписывайтесь на канал - https://goo.gl/eAz5iq Официальный канал Валерия Леонтьева http://bit.ly/2cFU1PD Валерий Леонтьев - артист-легенда, начинавший свой творческий путь еще в советские времена, активно продолжая выступать по сей день, покоряя сердца миллионов поклонников! Официальный сайт: http://www.leontiev.ru/ Официальный канал: http://bit.ly/2cFU1PD Apple Music: https://itun.es/ru/hs-eB Фан клуб "Дельтаплан": http://deltaplan.vl-club.ru/ Группа ВК: https://vk.com/vleontiev Валерий Леонтьев feat. Лайма Вайкуле - Вернисаж Р.Паулс, И.Резник © Gamma Music | http://www.gamma-music.com
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Exposition sur le thème de La Danse avec le peintre Sophie Simonet , le photographe Tom Klefstad, et le peintre Lavrenty Bruni Sous l'égide de l'association 4 couleurs et de sa directrice Delphine Garnier
Utwór "Z Kończącym Się Dniem" pochodzący z singla o tym samym tytule (2013). Nagrań dokonano w studiu Moc-Art. www.vernissage.art.pl Kontakt z zespołem: tel. 604 893 087, 608 486 834 E-mail: tomek@vernissage.art.pl www.myspace.com/rockvernissage
Der Kunstverein Treffpunkt KREATIV bzw. Arte Unterland lud zur Vernissage der Kunstausstellung "kunst im stall" nach Kramsach zum Krapfen-Bauern ein. Die Ausstellung geht vom 17. Mai - 15. Juni 2014. Die sehr ansprechende und außerordentlich gut besuchte Vernissage wurde von Söllandler Hoagaschtmusig und dem Opernsänger Chevalier Frederic Fontainebleau begleitet. (Im Bild die ausstellenden Künstlerinnen, LA Barbara Schwaighofer und Obfrau Gratt Katharina." - Armin vom Silberwald. http://www.treffpunktkreativ.com - http://www.schwaz-tv.at
Ecco tutti i nuovi Vernissage Natural Gloss di Neve Cosmetics swatchati sulle mie labbra! Quale vi piace di più? :D ★Video precedente: https://youtu.be/kfr---Vzcuc ★ Iscriviti al CANALE! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=CherylPandemonium ★ Seguimi su FACEBOOK! http://www.facebook.com/CherylsPandemonium ★ Seguimi su TWITTER! https://twitter.com/CherylLoveMetal ★ Seguimi su INSTAGRAM! cherylpandemonium ★ Seguimi su SNAPCHAT! cheryl-official ★ Iscriviti al mio canale Telegram: https://telegram.me/cherylpandemonium ★ Vuoi scrivermi o inviarmi qualcosa? Fallo qui: Showreel Via Stresa 6 20125 Milano c.a. Cheryl Pandemonium / Carlotta BUSINESS INQUIRIES: cheryl.pandemonium@show-reel.it Prodotti menzionati: Les Poseuses Oriental Poppies Water Lilies Catalan Landscape ...
Underground Skate from Brazil / Skate Is Not Sport VERNISSAGE é uma compilação de rolês de skate em Juiz de Fora / MG Vídeo com partes de André Viana, João Pedro Castanheira, Pablo Pessanha, João Victor Fouraux, Thiago Bartels, Ian Dias, Josimar Freire e amigos. Edição: João Pedro Castanheira Produzido por: Pablo Pessanha Filmagens: Pablo Pessanha, João Pedro Castanheira e Josimar Freire
In this video we attend the opening reception of Art Cologne, the world's oldest and longest running fair for 20th and 21st century fine art. Art Cologne is the world's oldest and longest running fair for 20th and 21st century fine art. Founded in 1967 the fair for modern and contemporary art was once the undisputed number one. After some difficult years, the fair is on the rise again. The strategy of former gallerist Daniel Hug pays off, more and more renowned galleries participate in the fair again. But the fair not only succeeded in bringing back the big name art dealers, but also strengthend its relevance for presenting and supporting emerging art with the integration of the NADA fair. Art Cologne is also deeply rooted in the art scene in the Rhineland, with its artists, collectors, an...