Dave McCracken - Suction dredge mining
Dave McCracken - Suction dredge mining
Dave McCracken - Suction dredge mining
Dave McCracken, founder of the New 49ers Prospecting Association, talks about suction dredging and the economy that has built up around it in Northern California. He explains how the anti-mining activists failed to stop suction dredging through the court system, because they had no evidence of harm, so they got a bill passed in the legislature to ban it.
Dave McCracken - "The Power of the Gospel"
Dave McCracken - "The Power of the Gospel"
Dave McCracken - "The Power of the Gospel"
Saturday Morning Session
2015 Anniversary Revival, What is the Gospel?, Dave McCracken
2015 Anniversary Revival, What is the Gospel?, Dave McCracken
2015 Anniversary Revival, What is the Gospel?, Dave McCracken
Evangelist Dave McCracken preaches. This is the second message in his series on faith, preached from February 1-4, 2015 for the 56th Anniversary of the Calvary Baptist Church of American Canyon, CA
Dave McCracken – "There is a Call for Every Man"
Dave McCracken – "There is a Call for Every Man"
Dave McCracken – "There is a Call for Every Man"
Gravity Mining Demonstrated by Dave McCracken
Gravity Mining Demonstrated by Dave McCracken
Gravity Mining Demonstrated by Dave McCracken
Gravity Mining - http://goldgold.com - Gold Prospecting
You can find the schedule for upcoming group projects here:
Visit our channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/new49ersvideo
Subscribe to our channel: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=new49ersvideo
How to Find Gold - Learn gold prospecting techniques online with almost 3 hours of video instruction by Dave McCracken - http://goldgold.com/prospecting-videos-special-page/learn-gold.html
About The New 49'ers - The New 49'ers Gold Prospecting Association is the premier gold prospecting club in the USA. Located in Happy Camp California
Finding Gold-Dave McCracken explains proper gold sampling
Finding Gold-Dave McCracken explains proper gold sampling
Finding Gold-Dave McCracken explains proper gold sampling
Learn gold prospecting techniques online with almost 3 hours of video instruction by Dave McCracken - http://www.goldgold.com/extreme-prospector-prospecting-...
Dave McCracken Explains the Le Trap Sluice
Dave McCracken Explains the Le Trap Sluice
Dave McCracken Explains the Le Trap Sluice
http://Mashdetectors.com - filmed Dave McCracken discussing using the Le Trap clean up sluice at the first gold prospecting group outing of the 2015 mining season in Happy Camp, California. The Le Trap sluice was used after the high banker sluice boxes were cleaned out of their gold bearing gravels then classified and run through the Le Trap. Basically its take about 5 gallons of material and cuts it down to about a quart of material of high grade cons with all the gold in it. I also use the Le Trap on my 6" dredge on the river during dredge season. See more of the New 49ers gold prospecting club here: http://goldgold.com
Dave McCracken – "Are You in the Zone to Hear the Call?"
Dave McCracken – "Are You in the Zone to Hear the Call?"
Dave McCracken – "Are You in the Zone to Hear the Call?"
Dave McCracken Explains Classification of Gold Concentrates
Dave McCracken Explains Classification of Gold Concentrates
Dave McCracken Explains Classification of Gold Concentrates
At the end of the 2 day group outing and gold dig at the New 49ers gold prospecting club's home base in Happy Camp California, Dave McCracken demonstrates his classification methods and equipment used near the end of the journey to get to just gold. All this hard work from over 100 people's efforts to get the gold out from the dirt. The Club's gold mining outing took place June 6-7th, 2015. See more at http://goldgold.com
2015 Anniversary Revival, It Is Not In Vain, Dave McCracken
2015 Anniversary Revival, It Is Not In Vain, Dave McCracken
2015 Anniversary Revival, It Is Not In Vain, Dave McCracken
Evangelist Dave McCracken preaches. This is the fifth message in his series on faith, preached from February 1-4, 2015 for the 56th Anniversary of the Calvary Baptist Church of American Canyon, CA
Dave McCracken underwater dredging footage
Dave McCracken underwater dredging footage
Dave McCracken underwater dredging footage
Gold Dredging - http://goldgold.com - This is underwater video of gold dredging with Dave Mack. Working the bedrock and finding gold. Underwater gold mining ...
Dave McCracken Discusses a Clean up Sluice for Gold Concentrates
Dave McCracken Discusses a Clean up Sluice for Gold Concentrates
Dave McCracken Discusses a Clean up Sluice for Gold Concentrates
http://Mashdetectors.com participates with the New 49ers' prospecting club near the end of the first group outing where we clean the gold recovered from the dig using high bankers for capturing the gold material, Dave Mack discusses his clean-up methods and equipment used...This particular part of the process is after the Le Trap sluice was used on location at the dig site. The gold mining outing tookplace on June 6-7th, 2015. See more at http://goldgold.com
Dave McCracken Explains the Area to be Mined of its Gold During a Group Outing
Dave McCracken Explains the Area to be Mined of its Gold During a Group Outing
Dave McCracken Explains the Area to be Mined of its Gold During a Group Outing
Dave Mack of the New 49ers Prospecting Association at http://goldgold.com explains the area we were mining to get to its gold deposits during the first group outing class of 2015. We got almost an oz of gold in this deposit and there is still more gold at this location for more gold prospecting outings for 2015.
Dave McCracken - Taking a Top Cut - High-banking
Dave McCracken - Taking a Top Cut - High-banking
Dave McCracken - Taking a Top Cut - High-banking
How to Find Gold - Learn gold prospecting techniques online with almost 3 hours of video instruction by Dave McCracken - http://goldgold.com/prospecting-vide...
Dave McCracken explaining about a new high-banking area
Dave McCracken explaining about a new high-banking area
Dave McCracken explaining about a new high-banking area
Highbanking with Dave Mack and the New 49'ers. http://goldgold.com Dave discusses a new area to be worked during group mining projects. Visit our channel: ht...
Prospecting for Gold with Dave McCracken -- Gold Prospecting
Prospecting for Gold with Dave McCracken -- Gold Prospecting
Prospecting for Gold with Dave McCracken -- Gold Prospecting
Prospecting for Gold with Dave McCracken http://youtu.be/nqVVe0ONgFs.
Bro Dave McCracken 4 19 2012 002
Bro Dave McCracken 4 19 2012 002
Bro Dave McCracken 4 19 2012 002
Dave McCracken taking the Crew on a Test Run up the River!
Dave McCracken taking the Crew on a Test Run up the River!
Dave McCracken taking the Crew on a Test Run up the River!
Jet Boat Test Run towing Raft - http://www.goldgold.com/
Dave McCracken and John Rose take Derek Eimer and Craig Colt on a test run in the raft up river getting ready for the upcoming group outing in June
Sign up for our Newsletter - http://www.goldgold.com/762.html
You can find the schedule for upcoming group projects here:
Visit our channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/new49ersvideo
Subscribe to our channel:
How to Find Gold - Learn gold prospecting techniques online with almost 3 hours of video
instruction by Dave McCracken – http://g
Finding Gold - Dave McCracken explains hard-pack stream bed layers
Finding Gold - Dave McCracken explains hard-pack stream bed layers
Finding Gold - Dave McCracken explains hard-pack stream bed layers
Learn gold prospecting techniques online with almost 3 hours of video instruction by Dave McCracken - http://www.goldgold.com/extreme-prospector-prospecting-...
2015 Anniversary Revival, I Don't Believe It!, Dave McCracken
2015 Anniversary Revival, I Don't Believe It!, Dave McCracken
2015 Anniversary Revival, I Don't Believe It!, Dave McCracken
Evangelist Dave McCracken preaches. This is the sixth and final message in his series on faith, preached from February 1-4, 2015 for the 56th Anniversary of the Calvary Baptist Church of American Canyon, CA
Finding Gold - Dave McCracken talks about gold sampling
Finding Gold - Dave McCracken talks about gold sampling
Finding Gold - Dave McCracken talks about gold sampling
How to find gold - http://goldgold.com Dave Mack talks about sampling for gold. Sampling is the key to finding gold in any gold dredging operation. Visit our...
Dave McCracken - "The Centerpiece of Christianity"
Dave McCracken - "The Centerpiece of Christianity"
Dave McCracken - "The Centerpiece of Christianity"
Friday Evening Session
Finding Gold - Sampling hard-pack with Dave McCracken
Finding Gold - Sampling hard-pack with Dave McCracken
Finding Gold - Sampling hard-pack with Dave McCracken
Learn gold prospecting online with almost 3 hours of video instruction by Dave McCracken - http://www.goldgold.com/extreme-prospector-prospecting-videos The ...