
The Control Revolution

The market can by far be a more insidious form of social control than the blunt hand of the state for the market can control minds rather than mere bodies.

Take, say, universities.

The university plays an important role in the public sphere for the ideas and discussions that occur within its walls can be used to either challenge or reinforce the very conceptual framework, often the product of academia, that we use to interpret and discuss social and political affairs.

In a free society university life must necessarily be autonomous and self managed.

British perfidy in Greece: a story worth remembering - Ed Vulliamy and Helena Smith

Unarmed protesters killed by police and British troops, Athens 1944

An account of the time in 1944 when the British Army, at war with Germany switched their allegiance, opening fire upon – and arming Greek collaborators with the Nazis to fire upon – a civilian crowd in Syntagma Square.

Pratt and Smith: the last UK men hanged for sodomy - Frank Ryan

Contemporary illustration of their hanging

A short account of the 1835 execution of two London working men, James Pratt and John Smith, the last to be put to death for homosexuality.

Truth, Sojourner, c1797-1883 - Mary G. Butler

Sojourner Truth circa 1870

A short biography of former slave, abolitionist, passionate advocate for the dispossessed and perhaps the most famous African-American woman in the 19th-century United States.

Why reclaim the night?

Reclaim the night march, Brighton 2013

An introduction to and short history of the Reclaim the Night demonstrations against sexual violence against women. (Trigger warning: contains mention of violence and sexual violence against women)

The Everett massacre, 1916 - Walt Crowley

Some of the wobbly prisoners from the Everett massacre at the county jail, 1917

A short history of the Everett massacre of five members of the revolutionary Industrial Workers of the World union who had gone to support striking workers.

One Big Union and horizontal worker cooperatives in Texas: a story

Picketers outside Ecology Action

A brief history of a labour dispute at a non-profit that resulted in the establishment of a co-operative that then spent years experimenting with horizontal leadership and self management.

Illustrations - Clifford Harper

Spanish Civil War scene

Radical illustrations from UK anarchist artist, Clifford Harper.

Internacionální proletáři: pela verdadeira solidariedade de classe com os proletários "refugiados" e "imigrantes"!

Nós, o proletariado mundial na Europa, devemos lutar contra a violência do Estado para com os nossos irmãos e irmãs de classe que aqui chegam, temos que denunciar todas as tentativas ideológicas de dividi-los em "refugiados" e "migrantes econômicos", e todas as tentativas de trancafiá-los em campos de concentração ou de deportá-los. Temos de contestar a falsa solidariedade da direita, esquerda ou da extrema esquerda do capital, que os veem apenas como uma ferramenta para uma futura divisão ideológica imposta à nossa classe. Temos que auto-organizar a luta de classes juntos com eles e com o proletariado no resto do mundo.