Invest now in our future

Help the middle-class

Open, honest government

Access to information

We will make government information more accessible. Government data and information should be open ...

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Open data

We will embrace open data. We will accelerate and expand open data initiatives, and will make govern...

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Open Parliament

We will disclose Parliamentary expenses and make Parliament open by default. The Liberal Party was t...

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Government advertising

We will ban partisan government ads. The federal government should use advertising to promote govern...

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Fair elections

We will protect the integrity of our elections and encourage more Canadians to vote. Fair elections...

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Political financing

We will close political financing loopholes. When fixed election date legislation was introduced, it...

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Leaders’ debates

We will establish an independent commission to organize leaders’ debates. Elections are a time for...

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Electoral reform

We will make every vote count. We are committed to ensuring that 2015 will be the last federal elect...

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Young Canadians

We will engage with first-time voters and encourage more Canadians to vote. Every young person shoul...

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Senate reform

We will bring real change to the Senate. The status quo is not an option: the Senate needs to change...

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Question Period

We will reform Question Period so that all members, including the Prime Minister, are held to great...

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Free votes

We will make free votes in the House of Commons standard practice. We will give Canadians a stronger...

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Prorogation and omnibus bills

We will not resort to legislative tricks to avoid scrutiny. Stephen Harper has used prorogation to a...

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Personal information

We will make it easier for Canadians to access their own personal information. Canadians have a righ...

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Government watchdogs

We will not interfere with the work of government watchdogs. Our Officers of Parliament do important...

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Supreme Court appointments

We will make the Supreme Court appointment process more transparent. Under Stephen Harper, the all-p...

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Parliamentary Budget Officer

We will make the Parliamentary Budget Officer truly independent. The decisions that government makes...

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Financial oversight

We will provide better oversight of taxpayer dollars. Canadians understand the importance of saving,...

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National security oversight

We will deliver stronger national security oversight. At present, Parliament does not have oversight...

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Parliamentary committees

We will strengthen Parliamentary committees so that they can better scrutinize legislation. Better g...

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Canada Revenue Agency

We will make the Canada Revenue Agency fairer, more helpful, and easier to use. The Canada Revenue ...

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Canada Post

We will save home mail delivery. By ending door-to-door mail delivery, Stephen Harper is asking Cana...

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Diversity in government

We will build a government as diverse as Canada. Our country is stronger, and our government more ef...

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Young people

We will involve young people in government. At its highest levels, our government needs to do a bett...

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Gender impacts

We will consider the gender impacts of the decisions we make. Public policies affect women and men i...

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Online services

We will deliver easy online access to government services. Accessing government services online shou...

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Quality of service

We will establish new performance standards for federal services. Busy Canadians deserve better serv...

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Your voice

We will involve Canadians in policy-making. Technology makes it easier for citizens and government t...

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Science and scientists

We will value science and treat scientists with respect. We will appoint a Chief Science Officer who...

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The long-form census

We will restore the long-form census. Without accurate and reliable data, Canada’s communities can...

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Statistics Canada

We will make Statistics Canada fully independent. Data collected by Statistics Canada helps the priv...

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Making decisions

We will make decisions using the best data available and will invest only in programs proven to offe...

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Easier voting, stronger punishments for law breakers

We will make it easier for Canadians to vote, and harder for election lawbreakers to evade punishmen...

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Helping families

We will give families more money to help with the high cost of raising their kids. We will cancel t...

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Ending unfair tax breaks

We will cancel income splitting and other tax breaks and benefits for the wealthy. We will not end ...

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Middle class tax cut

We will give middle class Canadians a tax break, by making taxes more fair. When middle class Canadi...

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Opportunities for young Canadians

We will invest to create more jobs and better opportunities for young Canadians. After ten years un...

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Affordable housing

We will make it easier for Canadians to find an affordable place to call home. Today, one in four Ca...

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Post-secondary education

We will make post-secondary education more affordable. For too many Canadians, rising costs have mad...

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A new Health Accord

We will make home care more available, prescription drugs more affordable, and mental health care m...

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Fighting poverty

We will also lift more Canadians – including children and seniors – out of poverty. Poverty and...

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Investing now

We will invest now in the projects our country needs and the people who can build them. Interest ra...

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Public transit

We will invest in public transit to shorten commute times, cut air pollution, strengthen our communi...

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Stronger communities

We will strengthen our communities by investing in the things that make them good places to live. In...

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Greener communities

We will invest in sustainable infrastructure that makes our communities safer and more resilient. Re...

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Job and skills training

We will help Canadians get the training they need to find and keep good jobs. In a changing economy,...

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New Building Canada Fund

We will make the New Building Canada Fund more focused and more transparent. The New Building Canada...

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Keeping our commitment to communities

We will make sure that no money intended for investment in communities is allowed to lapse. Too ofte...

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Canada Infrastructure Bank

We will establish the Canadian Infrastructure Bank to provide low-cost financing for new infrastruct...

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Jobs and innovation

We will kick-start investment in innovation to grow our economy and create good, middle class jobs. ...

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We will help Canada’s agriculture sector be more innovative, safer, and stronger. Canada’s farme...

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Labour unions

We will restore fair and balanced labour laws that acknowledge the important role of unions in Canad...

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Labour-sponsored funds

We will reinstate the tax credit for contributions made to labour-sponsored funds, to help support e...

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More flexibility for parents

We will make parental benefits more flexible. Every family’s needs are different. Canadian parents...

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Supporting caregivers

We will make the compassionate care benefit easier to access, more flexible, and more inclusive. Mil...

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Flexible working conditions

We will make it easier for federally regulated workers to request more flexible working conditions. ...

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Employment Insurance

We will fix Employment Insurance to better serve Canadians now, and help boost Canada’s economic g...

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Child care

We will develop a child care framework that meets the needs of Canadian families, wherever they live...

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Healthier kids

We will do our part to help Canadian children live healthier lives, with less exposure to known heal...

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Canada’s North

We will invest in Canada’s North, to help northern Canadians with the high cost of living, and hel...

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Helping educators

We will introduce a new tax benefit to help teachers and early childhood educators with the cost of ...

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Retirement security

We will provide Canadians with a more secure retirement. After a lifetime of hard work, Canadians ha...

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Reuniting families

We will make it easier for immigrants to build successful lives in Canada, and contribute to the ec...

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International students and temporary residents

We will give international students and temporary residents credit for time already spent in Canada....

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We will make it more affordable for Canadian workers to send money overseas. We will work with provi...

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Hiring caregivers

We will make it easier and more affordable to hire caregivers. Canadian families looking for caregiv...

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Syrian refugees

We will welcome more refugees from Syria to Canada, and offer more help to those providing aid in t...

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We will restore Canada’s reputation and help more people in need through a program that is safe, s...

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Help for the world’s poor

We will refocus our development assistance on helping the poorest and most vulnerable. Over the past...

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The United States and Mexico

We will renew and repair our relationships with our North American partners. For the past decade, St...

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Getting Canadian goods to market

We will expand export opportunities that benefit Canada. Trade is vital for our economy. It opens ma...

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Canada’s leadership in the world

We will restore Canadian leadership in the world. Canada has a proud tradition of international lead...

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Promoting international peace and security

We will renew Canada’s commitment to peacekeeping operations. Under Stephen Harper, Canada has dra...

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Investing in our military

We will maintain current National Defence spending levels, including current planned increases. Unde...

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We will not buy the F-35 stealth fighter-bomber. We will immediately launch an open and transparent ...

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Royal Canadian Navy

We will make investing in the Royal Canadian Navy a top priority. By purchasing more affordable alte...

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Strategic priorities

We will immediately begin an open and transparent review process of existing defence capabilities, w...

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Report on Transformation

We will implement the recommendations made in the Canadian Forces’ Report on Transformation. The C...

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Central and Eastern Europe

We will remain fully committed to Canada’s existing military contributions in Central and Eastern ...

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Combat mission in Iraq

We will end Canada’s combat mission in Iraq. We will refocus Canada’s military contribution in t...

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A new nation-to-nation process

We will renew the relationship between Canada and Indigenous Peoples. It is time for Canada to have ...

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A new fiscal relationship

We will expand investment in First Nations communities and work toward forging a new fiscal relation...

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First Nations education

We will work with First Nations to make sure that every First Nations child receives a quality educa...

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Métis nation

We will work with the Métis Nation to improve the quality of life for Métis individuals and commun...

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Missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls

We will immediately launch a national public inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women and ...

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Truth and Reconciliation

We will enact the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. To support the work of...

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Veterans’ pensions

We will give veterans more compensation, more choice, and more support in planning their financial ...

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Education and training for veterans

We will honour the service of our veterans and provide new career opportunities through a new Vetera...

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Better service for veterans

We will make it easier for veterans to access services, including mental health services. We will d...

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More support for veterans’ families

We will do more to support the families of Canada’s veterans. Veterans have given years of their l...

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Preventing domestic violence and sexual assault

We will give more support to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and sexual harassment,...

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Bill C-51

We will repeal the problematic elements of Bill C-51, and introduce new legislation that better bala...

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We will take action to get handguns and assault weapons off our streets. Over the last decade, Steph...

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We will legalize, regulate, and restrict access to marijuana. Canada’s current system of marijuana...

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We will reverse Stephen Harper’s cuts and make new investments to support our national broadcaste...

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Cultural and creative industries

We will invest in our cultural and creative industries to create jobs and grow the middle class, and...

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Official languages

We will encourage and promote the use of Canada’s official languages. Canada’s diversity is its ...

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Community heroes

We will offer greater financial security to the families of disabled or deceased public safety offi...

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Search and rescue

We will restore funding for Canada’s four heavy urban search and rescue teams. Being able to resp...

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Trans* rights

We will make sure that trans* rights are recognized as human rights and fully protected. We will int...

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Ending MSM Blood Donation Ban

We will bring an end to the discriminatory ban that prevents men who have had sex with men from dona...

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Climate change

We will provide national leadership and join with the provinces and territories to take action on c...

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Clean jobs

We will make it easier and more financially rewarding for Canadian businesses to invest in creating ...

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Environmental assessments

We will make environmental assessments credible again. Resource-based projects can create jobs and s...

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We will protect our freshwater and oceans. Canada is uniquely blessed with an abundance of freshwate...

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National Parks

We will preserve and promote Canada’s National Parks. Canada’s National Parks belong to all Cana...

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