Ecosocialist Resources

The Ecosocialist Resources column is published at irregular intervals. It features links to new articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to Climate & Capitalism’s mission and goals.

Inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement, or that we agree with everything (or even anything!) the item says.

If you read or write an article that might be appropriate for this column, please post your suggestion in the Climate and Capitalism Facebook group.

  • Ecosocialist resources, October 2015 Method in Ecological Marxism; Naomi Klein interview; Shell in the Arctic; Oil-Sands Glut; Human impact on forests; Finance and the biosphere; Honeybees ---READ-->>
  • Ecosocialist resources, Sept. 2015 – Part 2 Crisis in global oceans; No one ready for next Katrina; Debunking the climate hiatus; Industrial working class matters; Exxon knew the truth; Keep fuel in ground to save Antarctic ice ---READ-->>
  • Ecosocialist resources, September 2015 Film – The cross of the moment; People’s conference on climate change; Dissent in Bolivia; Fossil fuel vs Antarctic ice; COP 21 a summit of lies; Climate change and Hurricane Katrina ---READ-->>
  • Ecosocialist resources, August 2015 Call for energy justice … 2015 is hotter than you think … Islamic climate change declaration … Against Deep Green Resistance … Anthropocene book review … Exporting crude oil … Racism and ‘speciesism’ … Climate change in Canadian election ---READ-->>
  • Ecosocialist resources, July 2015 Ecosocialist Resources, published monthly (more or less) in Climate & Capitalism, links to articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to our mission ---READ-->>
  • Ecosocialist resources, May 2015 Ecosocialist Resources, published monthly in Climate & Capitalism, links to articles, reports, talks and videos that are relevant to our mission. ---READ-->>
  • Ecosocialist resources, 76 Why is the North Atlantic cooling? … Fool’s Gold in Greece … Naomi Klein’s This Changes Everything … Climate movement across movements … Break the food chain to build our humanity … Ecological debt and environmental justice … The Anthropocene is just inhuman ---READ-->>
  • Ecosocialist resources, 75 Syriza program shows another energy is possible … Gates and USAID: Grabbing Africa’s seeds … After Cyclone Pam: Climate action is urgent … Desertec’s renewable energy grab ---READ-->>
  • Ecosocialist resources, 74 Monbiot on why the UN climate talks have wasted 23 years … Pablo Solon on the climate negotiating text … Bakken Oil and market anarchy … A new era of rapid temperature change ---READ-->>
  • Ecosocialist resources, 73 CO2 levels for February eclipsed prehistoric highs … How agroecology can feed Africa … State of Power 2015 … Paris climate talks and the failure of states ---READ-->>
  • Ecosocialist resources, 71 Refinery workers strike and class struggle environmentalism … Fossil fuel divestment … Kenyan government aims to dispossess Maasai … Small farmers versus big agriculture ---READ-->>
  • Ecosocialist resources, 70 A global land grab primer …High incomes and climate change … Inequality and social conflict … 9 million tons of plastic enter our oceans this year … Geoengineering Monitor … Urban housing is an ecosocialist issue ---READ-->>
  • Ecosocialist resources, 69 Largest anti-fracking demo in U.S. history … Environmental justice, tar sands, and indigenous rights … Corporate land grabs in Pakistan … How international investment rules undermine agrarian justice … Climate scientists are right about how hot the planet is going to get ---READ-->>
  • Ecosocialist resources, 68 Cuba: The ‘solarisation’ of Granma province … Global population control policies fuel India’s sterilization atrocities … Wealth: Having it all and wanting more … Pablo Solon on building a post-capitalist global movement. ---READ-->>
  • Ecosocialist resources, 67 Can Borneo’s tribes survive the biggest environmental crime? … Big Oil’s carbon counterattack … Lima’s roadmap for global burning … Post-quake Haiti: Left in the rubble … Conserving, restoring and enhancing Africa’s soils ---READ-->>
  • Ecosocialist resources, 66 Greening Malthus … The Cuban Revolution and its economic reforms; … 2 degree target means 80% of coal is unburnable … People pushed out of Ethiopia’s fertile farmland … The death of international development ---READ-->>
  • Ecosocialist resources, 65 Vandana Shiva replies to New Yorker magazine; Securing forests, securing rights; GMO contamination; Cost of climate change adaptation rises; Ecological civilization debate in China ---READ-->>
  • Ecosocialist resources, 64 Work and ecological justice; Nuclear in Bolivia; Indigenous voices on Peruvian deforestation; Renewables are not enough; Carbon trading or regulation? ---READ-->>
  • Ecosocialist resources, 63 Quebec vs tar sands; Systemic roots of ebola; Class interests in economics; SPGB vs ecosocialism; Naomi Klein and extractivism; Trends in Third world debt ---READ-->>
  • Ecosocialist resources, 62 Why capitalism must grow; The cost of climate change; Banks invest $80 billion into coal; Major aquifers in trouble; Global wealth inequality gets much worse ---READ-->>