Hilary Benn’s speech on Syria could transform Labour

Edit The Guardian 04 Dec 2015
Yet Benn’s final sentences skilfully invoked other traditions too – not least the plain, unvarnished English dissenting culture from which he himself springs. He finished with a particularly well judged bit of everyman’s English, a reprimand to speech writers everywhere, summoning the anti-fascist history of the Labour party and urging MPs....

The 100 best novels: No 100 – True History of the Kelly Gang by Peter Carey (2000)

Edit The Guardian 16 Aug 2015
Peter Carey rounds off our list of literary milestones with a Booker prize-winning tour-de-force examining the life and times of Australia’s infamous antihero, Ned Kelly ... This series began with the English dissenter, John Bunyan, in Bedford prison, imagining the progress to redemption of a humble pilgrim ... Sebald wrote in his native German, but his translated texts add up to a profound masterpiece of contemporary English. Ave atque vale....