Category: Syndicalism

Reply to ISO on Syndicalism

By Tom Wetzel

The International Socialist Organization’s webzine recently published a critique of revolutionary syndicalism in the form of a review of Radical Unionism by Ralph Darlington. The review, by Tom Goulet, makes a number of mistaken claims.…

What is Class Oppression? Who is the Working Class?

By Tom Wetzel

Occupy Wall Street highlighted class inequality in the USA through its talk about the concentration of income and wealth in the hands of “the 1 percent.” This does put a bullseye on the ruling class in our …

The state of the union is …unequal

By Mike Harris

OK, so  the “little person” has been fighting against wage theft, low wages, and harsh working and living conditions for years. Sometimes alone and lonely, sometimes collectively and in a self-managed way. For the past year or so,

Starbucks union strike in Chile


Update (Nov 13, 2013): this post has now been updated to include the formal announcement of the end of the strike.

Editorial Note:

In September of this year US based member of the IWW were able to meet and connect …